PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1955 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN --= ' ~" Z , The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of th- University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be publishee oftener than twice. SUNDAY, -MAY 22, 1955 VOL. LXV, No. 164 Notices The University Senate will meet Mon., May 23, at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Lec- aure Hall. Students who have applied for work or volunteered for work in any capacity at Waterman Gymnasium during reg- istration, June 17-18, are asked to see their Faculty Counselors now in order to have such Summer Session elec- tions approved as the School or College will allow-before final examinations. Veterans in training under Public Laws 346 and, 550 who expect to receive a degree, change training institution, or change course of study on or after June 11, 1955, must make application for ap- proval of such change. Applications for approval are available in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, until May 27. Any veteran who will attend the summer session, and who is interested in establishing a veterans' organization please 3-2270. call Robert McDivitt at NO- Seniors. Commencement Announce- ments can be picked up by those who have ordered them at the Administra- tion Building Mon., May 23 through Wed., May 25, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Additional Announcements may be purchased at this time also. AUTOMOBILE REGULATIONS The following schedule will govern the lifting of the Automobile Regulations for students in the various schools and colleges of the University: June 8, 5:00 p.m. Architecture and Design Business Administration Education Engineering Literature, Science and the Arts Music Natural Resources Nursing Pharmacy Public Health Graduate Studies School of Dentistry Freshmen-June 2, at 5:00 p.m. Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and Dental Hygiene Students-June 3, at 3:00 p.m. Law School June 3-11:30 a.m. Medical School Freshmen-June 1, at 12:00 m. Sophomores-June 2, at 5:00 p.m. Juniors - June 3, at 5:00 p.m. Seniors-May 28th at 12:00 m. School of Social Work June 1 at 12:00 m. Counselors for Summer Session Pro- gram at the Fresh Air Camp. Men and I women, seniors and graduate students. Eight hours credit in education, soci- ology, psychology and social work, plus instructional fees, room and board pro- vided. Counselor positions still open. Also, position open as camp nurse. For descriptive bulletin and information call NO 3-1511, Ext. 2158. Beginning Tues., May 24 the following School Representatives will be at the Bureau of Appointments for inter- views: Tues., May 24 Marlette, Michigan (Marlette Commu- nity School)-Teacher Needs: Chemis- try-Physics-Biology; Social Studies (mi- nor English); Commercial (shorthand, office practice and Typing). Vassar, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary; Elementary Music (vocal); Art, Elementary and H.S.; Speech; Social Studies-History- Govt.; Athletic Director (Hd. Coach Ft- ball and Track). Wed., May 25 Howell, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Dramatics-Speech; Girls-Physical Edu- cation-Science; Mathematics; Band-In- strumental Music; Home Economics; English; Social Studies. Thurs., May 26 Mount Clemens, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary. For appointments or additional in- formation contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., .NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWING REQUESTS Pleasant View Hotel, Clark Lake, Mich. (12 miles from Jackson) will interview women candidates on May 23 in Room 3B of the Mich. Union from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. They have opening for five waitresses (work would be in dining room, soda fountain, grill work in cof- fee shop). Salary, plus room, board & tips. There is also an opening for a salad & pastry women. Her salary would be $30 per week, plus room & board. General Telephone Co., Muskegon, Mich. will interview women- candidates for summer employment on May 24 from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. in Room 3N of the Mich. Union. They need five or ten girls for telephone operators with pay starting at $35 per week, plus differen- tial. They are interested in girls without previous experience as well as those who have had experience. Company will help to locate living quarters for any candidates who are not Muskegon res- idents. There is a possibility of future summer employment and future ad- vancement within the company for the right parties. Call the Bureau of App'ts., NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614 to make an app't. to be interviewed. PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: Mon., May 23 & Tues., May 24 Libby-Owen-Ford Glass Fibers, Tole- do, Ohio-men for Management Train- ing Program leading to positions in Sales, Production Mgt., Accounting, etc. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Coming Lectures Aeronautical Engineering L e c t u r e. "Measurements of Forces and Moments on Oscillating Airfoils at Low Speeds and Comaparison with Theory In- cluding Viscosity Effects," Dr. A. I. van de Vooren, National Luchvaartlaborator- ium, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Mon., May 23, at 2:15 p.m., in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. A cademic Notices Doctoral Examination for Philip Strong Humphrey, Zoology; thesis: "The Relationships of the Sea-Ducks (Tribe Mergini), Mon., May 23, 2089 Natural Science Building, at 9:00 a.m. Chair- man, Josselyn Van Tyne. Doctoral Examination for Francis Sophus Kilmer MacMillan, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "The Biosynthesis of Glucuronides of DL-Tropic and DL- Hexahydrotropic Acids, in the Whole Animal and. in Tissue Preparations," Mon., May 23, 311 West Medical Build- ing, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, J. P. Chan- dler. Doctoral Examination for John Wil- liam Jewett, Mathematics; thesis: "Dif- ferentiable Approximations to Light In- terior Transformations," Mon., May 23, (Continued on Page 4) MICHIGAN DAILY Phone NO 2-3241 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1.95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.31 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Box 39c, shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )26B SWEATERS to formals, size 9 to 11. Call NO 3-8153. )301B MAILING and FREE gift wrapping on any purchase of $1 or more. It pays to shop at VAN DYKE'S GIFTS East Liberty between 4th and 5th Aves. )282B B AND L MICROSCOPE, 4 Leitz Objec- tives; 2 eye pieces, ungraduated mech- anical stage. Phone NO 2-8777, 12 noon to 9 P.M. )287B HOUSE TRAILER. 1951 Continental, 34 feet, two bedroom, fully equipped for modern living. Lot 66 Coachville Gardens. Phone NO 5-4491. )288B FOR SALE _ ........................... ... . Ending Today ORPHEUM 1:30 65c .4H-CH00! Ragweed Formula "ABSORBING ... SUPERB... INTRIGUING"2.; "Smooth, well written, neatly acted" -Cu. ->"A literate, interesting, well knit drama" -Journal AN INSPECTOR CALLS- J. B. PRIESTLEY'S famous intriguing stwjv starring ALASTAIR SIM Coming John Ford's Award Winning Friday "THE INFORMER" Sunday at 8 only with Nicole Stephane and Edouard Dermithe ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50c PACKAGE DEAL-Comhplete living room furniture and dining room set for only $160. Call NO 3-5174. )289B '46 FORD. Good condition. Cheap. Piano -Grinnell, Jr. New, August '54. Easy terms. Call NO 3-2037. )293B 25 FT. VAGABOND HOUSE TRAILER. Good condition. $735. Call NO 5-2902 or stop Lot 21, .Coachville Gardens. )292B MEN'S SCHWINN BIKE-Reasonable. Call NO 2-0459. )291B ONE ELECTRO-VOICE High-Fidelity 12" Speaker (Model SP-12B) Lists at $30, will sell for $20.00. Call NO 3-3007. )290B FOR RENT. CAMPUS - APARTMENTS FOR MEN. Furnished. Private baths. Available June to Sept. or longer. $105 for 3. $140 for 4 men. Phone NO 3-8454 aft- er 1 P.M. )31C DELUXE TWO-ROOM apartment, com- pletely furnished, new and clean, electric stove, semi-private bath, building in the rear, private entrance, $67.50 per month. Phone NO 2-9020. )35C ADULTS-Spacious, cool 5 room furn- ished apartment to sub-let from June 10 to Sept. 15. Terrace, large private grounds. 10 minute drive from cam- pus. NO 2-0961 after 6. )37C CAMPUS-suites and rooms for men, summer and fall. Refrigerator. 1019 Church. Call 8-6876. 39C FURNISHED APT. 6 rooms near cam- pus for 3 or 4 people will sublet for the summer. Call 3-4145 Ext. D52. )102D FOR RENT - Summer apartment on campus. Three men. Four rooms, call Larry Harris. NO 3-3307 or NO 3- 8213. 101D APT. FOR 3 MEN-June through Sep- tember. On campus. Call Mike NO 2- 3241 between 8 P.M. and 10 P.M. GOING TO NEW YORK CITY this sum- mer? Have fine apt'. bedroom (2 or 3 people) kitchen, bath, living room, 4 closets $110 per month. Available after June 1 until Sept. Write Lunn, 1234 Gimbel Bldg. Phila. 7, Penn. ) 99D APARTMENTS FOR RENT - Summer students apartment near campus. 3 or 4 people. Available June to Sep- tember. Call NO 2-5029. )98D O.K. GANG, this it is. The Florida va- cation you have been looking for at rates especially considered for you. $15 a week per person, but not less than 2 to a studio apt. Four in a cottage or one bedroom apt. Just a step to the beach, shopping district, restaurants. Only five minutes to golf, fishing and tennis located in fabulous Pompano Beach, ten min- utes from Fort Lauderdale, one hour to Miami or Palm Beach. They'll be hanging from the rafters. Make res- ervations now. Write Sea Cove Apart- ments, 213 S. Ocean Boulevard, Pom- pano Beach, Florida. )36C CLEAN 3-ROOM FURNISHED APT. on campus for rent June 15 until Sept. 1 or 15. Prefer quiet marrfed couple. No children or pets. Call NO 2-7395, )105D TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APART- MENT for summer. Ten minutes from campus. Children permitted. Richard Teevan, NO 3-2915. )41C ROOMS FOR RENT BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH. Campus Tour- ist Homes. 518 E. William. Student rooms also available. NO 3-8454. )66D FOR RENT FURNISHED 2-ROOMS on campus June 10-Sept. 10. Summer session. Phone NO 2-9272 after 7 P.M. )91D TWO DOUBLE ROOMS for four boys. Summer only. Everything furnished, including linen, telephone, refrig- erator, sunporch, small study room. $8.50 each. 820 E. University, NO 8-7391. )96D 3 MEN to share 4-room apt. June 1- Sept. 1. Large kitchen, private bath and shower. 2 blocks from campus. NO 3-8455 or NO 3-1511, Ext. 2921, )95D MEN desirable single and double, sum- mer rates. Close to law quad. Phone NO 2-0631. )104D ROOMERS wanted for summer session in fraternity house. All house facili- ties available. Call Jim Ziegler 3-4295. 103D ROOMS for the summer. Fraternity house one block from Law Quad. Call 8-8612 or 2-7817. Ask for house manager. 38C ROOMS in fraternity house available June 15-Sept. 15. $5 per week, $40 for summer. Call NO 3-5806. )97D MEN STUDENTS-Rooms for rent, sum- mer and fall. Shower. 1315 Cambridge Road. )106D ROOMS FOR SUMMER. Cooking privi- leges. One-half block from campus. 417 E. Liberty. )107D FOR MALE STUDENTS. Doubles and singles for summer and fall. One block from Law School. 808 Oak- land. )108D ROOM AND BOARD SUMMER SESSION roomersand/or boarders wanted. Rent $35 for eight weeks, board $112.80 with refunds for uneaten meals. Call Jim Burnett, NO 2-9431. )22E ROOM AND/OR BOARD. Fraternity house opening for the summer, good food, ideal location. Call NO 2-3236 for details. )E MEN, interested in international liv- ing? Openings for summer at Nel- son house. Professional cook. Room and board $75. Call NO 3-8506 between 5 and 7 p.m. )25E HELP WANTED STUDENTS Earn $75-$150 weekly during summer participating in national sales pro- gram,.Free training. Car essential. No canvassing. Not books, cosmetics, or magazines. Career opportunities avail- able. Mr. Larman. NO 3-8506. )68H $400.00 GUARANTEED-You may earn $1,000. Opening in Michigan for col-. lege men and women to assist local manager of CHILDCRAFT. A Marsh- all Field owned company. Ask for Mr. Gibson, Room 3B, Michigan Union, between 1:00 P.M. and 4:45 P.M. on Wednesday, May 25. )75H HELP WANTED PART TIME laboratory technician. Uni- versal Die Casting and Manufactur- ing Corporation, 232 Monroe St.. Sa- line, Mich., Saline 280. )72H WANTED-Piano teacher, B.M. or M.M. In private well established school, in Detroit vicinity. Please write for in- terview Box 40. )3H BUSINESS SERVICES HI-FI Components- and Service Audiophile, net prices TELEFUN KEN Hi-Fi, AM-FM shortwave radios Service on all makes of radios and phonographs Ann Arbor Radio & TV 1217 S. University Phone NO 8-7942 1 blocks east of East Eng. )14 R. A. MADDY-VIOLIN MAKER. Fine instruments. Accessories. Repairs. 310 S. State, upstairs. Phone NO 2-5962. 0l01 GOING HOME? Call your authorized baggage and transfer agent. Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Co. NO 3-4244 - NO 8-9382. )15J RE-WEAVING Burns, Tears, Moth Holes rewoven. Let us2save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels Arcade. )2J WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT WANTED to sub-let 9 weeks summer session. 1 or 2 bed- rooms. Call collect Fairfield, Conn., Carta, Clearwater 9-5559. )12L TRANSPORTATION WANTED-A party to drive car to Berkeley, California. Approximately July 1 and return to Ann Arbor ap- proximately Sept. 15. Call NO 2-4048. )580 USED CARS 1953 PONTIAC HARD-TOP. Two-tone green. Heater. Hydramatic, low mile- age. New tires. Real Sharp. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing- ton, NO 2-4588. )55N 1953 WILLYS, two-door. Neater. Hydra-* matic.,12,000 actual mif2s. Real sharp. The' big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )53N 1953 CHEVROLET Station Wagon. Ra- dio and heater. 20,000 miles. Two-tone green. Real nice. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588, )54N 1947 STUDEBAKER 2 door, maroon finish, good condition $150. Call NO 3-2804 after 5 P.M. ) 1939 DODGE Sedan, Radio and heater. $75. Fitzgerald-Jordan, Inc., 607 De- troit St., NO 8-8141. )66N EMERGENCY makes sale necessary im- mediately. Beautiful 1949 Chevrolet only 33,000 miles. See Breck, 547 S. Ashley. )67N '48 AUSTIN. Sliding roof. $125, mech- anics care, dependable transportation. NO 8-7672. )68N TRAVEL WANT RIDERS or drivers to Alaska or waypoints. Leaving June 1 or 2. 1955 car. Call John, NO 3-5341. )5 AROUND THE WORLD on schooner Nautilus. Participants wanted for en- joyable 18 months cruise. You will travel around 60,000 miles. For those who love sailing and traveling this will be the experience of a lifetime. For further information write Box 45. )2 t : I' I terrace room every Sunday nite Ir I Prof. Hewson has supervised an Engineering Research Institute project set up to gather basic in- formation about the circulation of pollens and other contaminants in the atmosphere. He has developed an equation for use in locating ragweed as far as 40 miles away. Antihistamine d r u g s a n d "shots" offer relief to hay fever victims. Prof. Hewson pointed out, however, not enough has been done in the way of developing and as- sessing measures for keeping pol- len such as ragweed out of city air. Prof. Hewson's equation, based on meteorological conditions and pollen measurements in a down- wind line, can identify major and minor sources for spraying by eradication crews.. "Need for control measures is urgent," Prof. Hewson added, "for the incidence of hay fever is stead-I ily increasing from year to year." I COLLEGE STUDENTS HILL AUDITORIUM I EARN $1,000 THIS SUMMER M ,TICKETS at Hill Auditorium Box Office TODAY up to 1:30 P.M. 1 11 Large national firm will hire and train several extra sharp young men for interesting summer of public contact work. You must be neat appearing and enjoy meeting peo- ple. Some traveling in Resort Area of Michigan. Car furnished. Sal- ary and commission will net you over $100 a week plus expenses. Wonderful public experience for the future. Write or wire immediately BOX NO. 50 - % THIS PAPER )74H /00, -dml 'AP li P- I I TOWER HOTEL NO 2-4531 DIAL 2-3136 For Program Information STAuTEi Eves. & Sun. Mats 65c 90c I MALE STUDENTS Going to summer school?1 in AA this summer? Need place to live? Call NO 8-7683o to 1412 Cambridge Road. Working a good or come )84D 1 . 20th Century-Fox presents .I ,_ CINEMASCOP co-starrifg JTERMOORE "ELMA RIVER I Color by DE LuxE t# In the wonder of STEREOPHONIC SOUND I Doors open at 1 p.m. Shows Continuous from 1 p.m. Also WALT DISNEY'S "CHIP 'N DALE" LIVE IT IN ZINKA MILANOV, Soparno . . BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CHARLES MUNCH, Conductor THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA GEORGE SZELL, Conductor NATHAN MILSTEIN, Violinist ROBERT SHAW CHORALE ROBERT SHAW, Conductor i " " . " " " i " " " " " " " . . . Tuesday, October 11 . . . Monday, October 24 . . . Sunday, November 6 . - . Monday, November 14 . . . Tuesday, November 22 1 ai -1 Share the loves, the lives, the thrills of the men who guard our sky frontiers! JAMES JUNE STEWART-ALLYSON VIENNA CHOIR BOYS (2:30 P.M.) . . . . . . . Sunday, January 15 TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . . . . . . Wednesday, February 22 SIR ERNEST MacMILLAN, Conductor ARTUR RUBINSTEIN, Pianist . . . . . . . . - Thursday, March 1 VIRTUOSI DI ROMA . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, March 13 WALTER GIESEKING,'Pianist . . . .. . . Monday, March 19 SEASON TICKETS: Remaining unclaimed seats in Block A, $17.00; Block B, $14.00; Block C, $12.00; Block D, $10.00 FRIDAY WALT DISNEY'S "ROB ROY" 1 I OBERNKIRCHEN CHILDREN'S CHOIR . . . 4 . Monday, October 17 EDITH MOLLER, Conductor LONDON PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA . .. . . . Wednesday, November 9 HERBERT VON KARAJAN, Conductor BOSTON POPS TOUR ORCHESTRA . . . . . . . . . Sunday, January 8 ARTHUR FIEDLER, Conductor MYRA HESS, Pianist . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, February 15 TERESA STICH-RANDALL, Soprano . . . . . . . . Friday, March 9 SEASON TICKETS: Block A, $8.50; Block B, $7.00; Block C, $6; Block D, $5.00 eo-starng 49 III ws - T nn A n TAT.rtiWWr 'N AdW" 1 n III 1 << < T I)II ' TiW.MrnT CTTf T T