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February 12, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-12

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Does Eisenhower's Name
Mean Adequate Defense?

INTO ANY potentially intelligent discussion of
the nation's defense program someone in-
evitably injects,. as did Sen. George Bender of
Ohio on a recent television debate, that Presi-
dent Eisenhower is the greatest military man
of all time. Therefore, the argument runs, how
could our defense program, made at his "per-
sonal direction after long and thoughtful
study," be anything less than adequate?
It is impossible for laymen to know at just
what level our defense program will be ade-
quate; it is doubtful that military authorities
can provide more than an intelligent guess.
The American public can evaluate our defense
planning ,only by examining the factors that
went into or failed to go into that planning.
Under the "New Look" first the expansion
program of the Air Force was cut and now the
Administration proposes a smaller Army and
Navy. The cuts were instituted. in an attempt
to find a defense program to provide for the
"long pull," a perpetual crisis that may last, in
the President's estimation, for 50 years or more.
ASSUMING FOR the moment the validity of
Sen. Bender's modest evaluation (which
dwarfs into insignificance such apparent dab-
blers as Caesar, Alexander and Napoleon) and
therefore concluding that our present defense
is military sound, it does not necessarily fol-
low that our policy is also based upon sound
economic and political premises. In these fields
there is possibly some cause to doubt the Pre-
sident's pre-eminence.
The economic premises of our, policy are im-
plicit in the idea of the "long pull"-namely
that the American economy is not capable of
sustaining a high level of defense for any
length of time. Treasury Secretary Humphrey
and other members of the "hardlleaded busi-
nessmen's Administration" continue to wave
before the nation and the President the buga-
boo that the budget must be balanced (or
nearly balanced) despite the present peril to
our security.
Balanced budgets are fine, of course, but not
vital for a nation whose people save over $20
billion a year and which could fight World War
II with very limited economic detriment. The
nation's most recent recession was not during
the year of President Truman's record peace-
time budget of $74 billion, but rather followed
the $7 billion in budget cuts instituted by the
Eisenhower Administration.
The economic argument has unquestionably
been a large part of the decision to cut 'the
armed forces' budget. As the New York Times'
military analyst Hanson W. Baldwin says,
"George Humphrey probably had more to do
with service force levels than did the Joint
Chiefs of Staff."
THE POLITICAL premises of the "New Look"
are equally debatable. Secretary of De-
fense Charles Wilson summed them up when
he testified on the military budgets that there
are "no apparent indications" the Russians
plan to start a war "during the next few years"
Russian defense expenditures, no doubt re.

fleeting Khrushchev's increasing influence, are
up 12 percent. The new regime has already
denied Malenkov's assertion that all-out war
would destroy the Soviet Union as well as its
The Chinese Communists are massing forces
along the coast and loudly proclaiming their
intention to invade Formosa, despite the fact
that such action would mean war with the
United States. Secretary Wilson, another "hard-
headed businessman," brushes all these things
off as mere "ripples" in our overall defense
planning, just as- he brushed off the critical
situation in Indo-China and was predicting an
early French victory there shortly before the
fall of Dienbienphu.
PERHAPS THE Russians do not contemplate
war at this time. At least up unatil the time
of Bulganin's premiership, that was the con-
sensus of those most informed on the Krem-
lin's policies. However the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor and the Chinese intervention in
Korea were, likewise, improbabilities.
The lesson of those disasters, for which we
were unprepared, is that we must plan accord-
ing to our worst fears, not according to our
hopes or even our informed speculations. If the
odds were even ten-to-one against a global war
in the next year, we still might well ponder the
advisability of basing our program for na-
tional survival on assumptions which disregard
that one chance.
The psychological aspects of reduced arma-
ments cannot be ignored either. As Secretary
of State Dulles has said, "The best insurance
against war is to be ready, able and willing to
fight." For instance, it is an open question
whether Communist aggression in Indo-China
would have been so bold had our defense policy
indicated that America was '"ready, able and
willing" to fight. Despite the bluff of massive
(verbal) retaliation, American intentions will
continue to be judged by-the phrase still rings
fresh in our ears-"Deeds, not words." Perhaps
the increased Communist pugnacity is simply a
reaction, as was their "peace offensive," to al-
tered Western defenses.
ALSO ON THE psychological side, our allies
are not likely to be overly impressed with
the need for heavy armaments when the ex-
ample we set is one of complacent self-assur-
ance that war is not an immediate prospect.
The Germans especially will be harder than
ever to convince of the need to rearm, using
some of the industrial power now being devoted
to augmenting the economic strength of their
The Eisenhower defense policy was largely
formulated to meet a doubtful economic ne-
cessity, is based on a very shaky political as-
sumption, and is fraught with psychological
dangers. The military standing of the man who
shoulders the responsibility for that program
is hardly a reason for not bothering to subject
it to the closest scrutiny.
--Pete Eckstein
(Tomorrow's editorial will discuss the military
aspects of the Eisenhower defense program.)

Ike Calm
On Kremlin
C hanges
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower has expressed the
following general views on the Rus-
sian purge to some of his close
political observers.
On the whole, he does not feel
that the replacement of Malenkov
is a harbinger of war.
On the contrary, he feels that
the opposite may be true and that
the new setup in Russia may be
embarking on a stronger policy of
coexistence, without war.
This belief is based on two
1) Ike believes Malenkov was re-
lieved because he was committing
Russia to too much support of
the Chinese Communists, a posi-
tion untenable to the "peace" pro-
paganda of the Kremlin.
2) Ike also believes that the Rus-
sian leaders are too well satis-
fied with the territorial conquest
they have made in the last 10
years and probably figure they
have nothing to gain from being
tied too closely to the Formosan
action, or anything else that might
lead to a general war.
Ike feels that inasmuch as the
Soviets have enslaved 800,000,000
people in the last 10 years through
the cold war technique, they are
not apt to embark on a new policy
leading to a general war-all the
more so when you consider that
Communist plans look ahead to
centuries of absorbing other na-
THE POWER struggle inside the
Kremlin, as pieced together
by the Central Intelligence Agen-
cy, is a fantastic story of double-
cross. At one time, for example,
Premier Georgi Malenkov, now
ousted, came to the rescue of Com-
munist Party boss Nikita Khrush-
chev, who promptly turned on his
Here is the fabulous, untold
After the dreaded, mustachioed
Stalin died, the intrigue became so
thick inside the Kremlin that se-
cret police chief Lavrenti Beria
imported an American-made lock
for his home. As it later turned
out, the lock did him no good. But
for a while Beria used his feared
secret police to take a temporary
lead in the power struggle.
Malenkov, a smooth, cunning
politician, held his own by making
political alliances with the Red
Army's popular fighting generals.
Low man in the triumverate was
stern, bald Khrushchev, who kept
a shaky hold on the Communist
Party organization.
Beria shrewdly chose to pick off
the weakest member of the trium-
verate and turned his secret po-
lice loose on Khrushctv. They
began by going after Khrushchev's
trusted but lesser henchmen. It
was at this point that Malenkov
stepped in to save Khrushchev
who, otherwise, would have been
The wily Malenkov, realizing
that Beria would emerge all-pow-
erful if he purged Khrushchev,
made a secret pact with the har-
assed Communist Party boss. From
what the CIA has learned from
agents and defectors, Malenkov
and Khrushchev joined forces to
overthrow the hated Beria.
Backed up by Red Army troops
and tanks, Malenkov arrested Ber-
ia in the dead of night, accused

him of treason and eventually sent
him to his death. This is the very
fate, apparently, that Beria had
planned for Khrushchev.
THE TOUGH, ruthless Khrush-
chev wasted no time being
grateful, but set out to overthrow
the man who had saved his neck.
First, Khrushchev strengthened
his hold on the Communist Party
by shaking up the personnel. In
one province alone-the Russian
Socialist Federated Soviet Repub-
lic-he shifted two-thirds of the
regional Party secretaries. Similar,
if less drastic, personnel purges
were carried out in the other pro-
Meanwhile, Malenkov appointed
Ivan Alexandrovich Serov to head
up the shattered secret police. At
some point, however, Serov was
bought off by Khrushchev. Serov's
reward was to be elevated to Cabi-
net rank, which was arranged by
Khrushchev almost simultaneous
with Malenkov's resignation.
To offset Malenkov's influence
with the Red Army, Khrushchev
nade overtures to the political gen-
erals as opposed to the fighting
generals. As War Minister, Nikolai
Bulganin had always sided with
Malenkov while he had the inside
track with the army. When Bul-
ganin showed signs of shifting his
allegiance to Khrushchev, it was
the tip-off that the Communist
Party boss had overcome Malen-
Imo's influenc ewith the Armv.

"Exactly! There's A Plot To Make Us Look Foolish"

ris MtM

West Speculates
On Soviet Shakeup


Associated Press News Analyst
SOVIET propagandists, following
through on the prediction
made in the Malenkov resigna-
tion statement, are accusing the
West of sensationalizing and dis-
torting their recent governmental
It's doubtful if they themselves
take it very seriously.
Governments have given out
that they were surprised, and ex-
pressed inability to assess the new
aspects of Soviet affairs, throw-
ing the doors wide open to every
imaginable theory.
As a matter of fact, close ob-
servers of Soviet affairs were sur-
prised only in detail, not in gen-
eral. Signs of trouble in the Krem-
lin have been appearing for some
time. It was not a question of
whether something would happen,
but just what would happen. Nor
is there any reason to think things
are through happening. From the
beginning it was clear that Malen-
kov was sitting only on the steps
to the throne of Stalin, and gov-

ernment by committee has always
been an extremely unstable thing,
UNDER THE circumstances,
there is a very great deal which
wild speculation can do to help
the Kremlin nabobs. All they have
to do is to pick out, for public
consumption at home, those specu-
lations which Russians themselves
can see are foolish, and then ham-
mer away about the "lies" dis-
tributed by Mother Russia's ene-
mies. It offers a ready-made dis-
traction from whatever is really
going on.
One speculation which this col-
umn omitted the other day in dis-
cussing the new military look at
the Kremlin concerns Zhukov. It
was suggested that his appoint-
ment as defense minister was a
payoff by Khrushchev for support
in the latter's rise to power, rather
than as recognition of army in-
fluence. It also may be that Zhu-
kov, so roundly hated by the Ger-
mans for his leadership of the
plundering, raping hordes of 1945,
is being added to the Red propa-
ganda that rearmament of Ger-
many means a big new war.

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Sandburg 'Legend':
Poet Minority Leader
H E STOOD, an old man with a great head of white hair and a com-
plexion cured out by y ear-round weather, gently bowing to his
audience which seemed as if it would never stop applauding even
though he had not yet begun to speak..
Carl Sandburg acknowledged the introduction as a short well-
rounded one that had not made him feel more important but, rather,
less useless. His audience fell at ease immediately, taking their indi-
vidual cues from a poet who looked the part and who gave the im-
pression of complete mastery over those to whom he was to speak.




Lydrat Mendelssohn.. .
FRANCES GREER, soprano, with Eugene
Bossart at the piano.
IT WAS common knowledge last week that
Frances Greer was suffering from a cold
--the singer's eternal nightmare. As it hap-
pened, no one need have worried about the ef-
fect it might have on her singing, for the re-
cital last night was a remarkably good one.
There was hardly anything to suggest that
she might not have been in. top form. Her
voice is not so much a "pretty" one as one that
projects strongly and captures the listener's
attention. But she is also capable of shading
her voice a hundred different ways throughout
a wide dynamic range. Her singing is that of
a performer who is used to appearing on the
stage. This was evident, for she acted every
song as though it were a miniature drama. At
times she tended to sing in short phrases,
but this was generally justified by the texts.
Her diction was flawless, and reflected the
same concern with the words of the song.
Mr. Bossart's playing was what one would
expect from one who is not only an exper-
ienced professional accompanist, but an excel-
lent pianist as well (the two don't always coin-
cide!) Most of the songs on the program were
actually duos for voice and piano, and Mr.
Bossart handled his half of the duo with
imagination, taste, and technical skill. Prob-
ably his most striking performance of the
evening was of the delicate and atmospheric
piano part of Ravel's "La Flute enchantee."
The program was a heterogeneous one, tend-
ing to rather lightweight music. Limited space
forces me to deal with it rather briefly. The
first group consisted of Purcell's Music for a
While, Hist! Hist! by Arnold, and an aria from
Pergolesi's La Verva ,Padrona, in which Miss
Greer negotiated the quick changes of mood
very well indeed. The second group was of
four French songs: the previously mentioned
Ravel song (perhaps the musical high point
of the evening, the Purcell expected), and
songs by Poulenc. Hahn, and Gaubert.

At the Michigan...
liam Holden, Grace Kelley, Frederic March,
and Mickey Rooney.
PART OF Hollywood's past inability to pro-
duce outstanding war films is that studios
have tended to either present highly nation-
alistic and patriotic concepts of war or to pro-
vide detailed picturization of soldier stereo-
types who populate the battlefield. It is a credit
to Paramount that its latest release, The Brid-
ges at Toko-Ri, for the most part gets away
from these previous shortcomings.
Based on James Michener's novel, Toko-Ri
is an attempt to look at war from a personal
viewpoint, the viewpoint of Lt. Harry Brubaker
(William Holden), a young family man caught
up in the furry of the Korean War. Brubaker
is a flyer who loves his wife (Grace Kelley)
and family; to him it seems that he should al-
ways be with them, but bombing missions bring
forth the peril of ever-present death, the pos-
sibility of separation from everything he wants
and loves. What he finally adopts as a personal
philosophy is a kind of romantic fatalism: we
fight because we have to; no one wants war
but it exists and all one can do is fight. This
pessimism may not prove acceptable, but to a
large extent, it represents a departure from
the standard approach; and this is the chief
charm of the film.
BESIDES THE dubious nature of its philo-
sophic overtones, Toko-Ri also has several
other glaring faults. Mickey Rooney seems su-
perfluous as comedy relief, a cockey helicopter
flyer; sometimes the overt pessimism is shat-
tered by sentimentality and manifestations of
national pride; and often there is the apparent
difficulty of being at once serious and enter-
taining in the popular idiom.
But there is also a great deal that is very
good about Toko-Ri. The story is essentially
personal and the players give it a personal in-
terpretation: Holden is very believable and very
human as Brubaker; Grace Kelly, in a minor
role, suggests all the understanding ano love
of a lonely "army wife;" and Frederic March is

A studied casualness clung to
manners; a casualness born from
he was about to charm another
group, whether. they wanted to be
charmed or not; in short, a casual-
ness at once far more pervasive
and elusive than the most polish-
ed of platform etiquettes, and
against which there is no defense,
since one can not isolate the at-
tack-force: there is no time for
combat, only for surrender.
Sandburg clearly regards poetry
as his vocation, even though for
others it may be something they
do when they aren't busy making
a living teaching, editing, selling
insurance, or whatever.
He spoke Poetry, as he conceives
it, its due at the outset. There
clearly was his axe and he began
his grinding against the keening
minds of his listeners, as if to
prove that when sufficiently sharp
the axe might cut through to the
diamonds, if not cut the diamonds
themselves. An axe is foreign, per-
haps, to one's conception of po-
etry, but not to that of a sales-
man. An axe is, after all, a tool
any man can use.
"The poets ain't doing so good,"
he said, a gentle spoofing of the
honest situation. Cults with their
members, camp followers, devices:
for these Sandburg had critical re-
marks. "Cult members write only
for other members." True enough
-if said of poets in any age: Lamb
found Byron nasty, Shelley a dan-
gerous atheist, and whist the chief
pleasure of, Mrs. Brattle, and all
these attitudes delight readers
now; his approbation of Southey
SANDBURG is an atheist of sorts,
an iconoclast at least, and
bears resemblance to the atheists
who are the worn bon-vivants of
nearly every college in the land.
As the professorial atheists enjoy
the gentle persecution and notori-
ety garnered across the tea-table,
so Sandburg enjoys his position of
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwg .Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers......... .... .City Editor
Jon Sobeloft .......Editorial Director
Pat Roeofs ..Assocate City Editor
Becky Conrad........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston ...,.....Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ... Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
...............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shiimovitz ....(Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
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Bill Wise........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

Sandburg's person and invested his
years of such evenings, of knowing
minoiity leader among poets to-
He has made a cult of something
nebulous called "The People, Yes!"
The majority's representative is
the minority poet, by self-admis-
sion, a paradox neat enough to
give any reader pause-if only a
momentary one.
Writing the kind of poetry that
he does, cultivating the Lincoln-
History and consciously becoming
a part of the Lincoln-Myth, Sand-
burg is probably the only living
poet who, from the outset of his
literary career, could assume a
legendary position would accrue
to him.
ND THAT legend has accumu-
lated. Sandburg would be a
pathetic figure in his artistic lone-.
liness were it not that his own
convictions about his work and
the relation of the poet to his au-
dience are so sincerely expressed
by himself. What does he really
say, this man who protests symbol-
ism and yet has made himself a
One critic has used "redskins"
and "palefaces" to identify groups
of writers at odds. The palefaces-
Henry James, Hawthorne, Howells
--predominated in the nineteenth
century; the redskins - Wolfe,
Hemingway, Sandbury-have writ
large in this one.
This is to say that when the
United States actually was a
scrambling, brawling, "Chicago"
kind-of-place, our writers were
answering their own needs, and
those they sensed in their sur-
roundings, for all that James
meant when he called Chestnut
Street the only civilized street in
NOW THE "civilization" has ar-
rived and this century finds
the writers protesting the passing
of the he-manly chest; too much
civilization r u i ned Faulkner's
whites; his "elemental" Negroes,
however, "endure"; Hemingway
wrote a treatise on the disintegra-
tion of morality in "The Sun Also
Rises"; Sandburg regrets that ev-
eryone doesn't plow, milk goats, or
sling rivets.
None of which proves anything,
unless one hazards the generaliza-
tion that the mainstream of let-
ters - by volume and quality --
seems always to threaten the dikes
of status quo. Whatever is is not
right. But this doesn't help under-
stand anything. The safest-if the
meanest-thing one can say is
that writers have to protest to
make a market: prize goats don't
get bred, trips to Africa paid for,
or houses in Rye taken, unless
there is a royalty check in the fu-
The writer, then, is either in
the mainstream and wins the
prizes or out of it. Sandburg makes
nothing so clear as the fact that
he is pretending that he is out of
it, when the truth is otherwise.
Sandburg is not alone; he has
stout companions and all are good
paddlers, though they have yet to
agree on a common stroke. The
paddlers will churn torrents in ev-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility Publication in it isconstruc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 86
Art Print Loan Collection: The of-
fice, 510 Administration Building, will
be open Mon. through Fri. 10:00 a.m.-
12:OOm. & 1:00-5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m.-
12:OOm. Rented pictures may be picked
up at these dates, and others may be
Several Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar-
ships are being announced by the Alum-
nae Council of the Alumni Association
of the University of Michigan for the
academic year 1955-56. These awards are
in the amount of $200 each and are
open to both graduate and undergradu-
ate women. The awards are made on
the basis of scholarship, contribution to
University life and financial need
Application may be made through the
Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan
League Building. Applications must be
filed before April 1. Awards will be an-
nounced by April 30.
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
with a stipend of $750 is being offered
by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni
Association of the University of Michi-
gan for the academic year 1955-56. This
award is open to women who are grad-
uates of an accredited college or univer-
sity. It may be used by a University of
Michigan graduate for work at any col-
legeor university, but a graduate of any
other university will be required to use
the award for work on the Michigan
campus. Personality, achievement, and
leadership will be considered in grant-
ing the award.
Application for the fellowship may be
made through the Alumnae Council
Office, Michigan League, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. All applications must be fied
by April 1. Award will be announced by
April 30.
Students who turned 'in books to the
Student Book Exchange may pick up
checks and -nsold books from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. Mon. and Tes., Feb. 14 and
15, at the Alumni Memorial all, Books
not picked up by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday be-
come the property of the Exchange.
Applicatiols for LaVerne Noyes Schol-
arships for the spring semester must be
on file by 5:00 p.m. Tues., Feb. 15 at
the Scholarship Office, 113 Administra-
tion Building. This scholarship is open
to undergraduate students who are
blood descendants of American veter-
ans of World War I. Application forms
may be obtained at 113 Administration
Representatives from the following
will interview at the Engineering
Tues., Feb. 15-
Indiana State Highways, Indianapo-
lis, Ind.-All levels Civil E. for C.E.
Pure Oil Co., Chicago, fl.-All levels
Civil, Mech., Chem. E. for Research,
Development, Production, and Sales.
Wed., Feb. 16-
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind-
'Regular-B.S. in Ind., Mech., and
Chem. E., Summer-Juniors in the pre-
ceding fields for Management Train-
ing Program, Summer and Regular
Carter Oil Co., 'tesearch Dept., Tulsa,
Okla.-B.S. & M.S. in Mec. E., and
Advanced Degrees in Physics, Physical
Chem., and Chem. E. for Research Re-
lated to Petroleum Production.
Thurs., Feb. 17-
Piasecki Helicopter Corp., Morton,
Penn.-B.S. & M.S. In Aero., Cvi,
Elect., Mech., Ind. E., Physics, and Math.
for Design, Devel., and Testing.
Marathon-Group Meeting for Seniors
& Grad. Students in Chemistry, Mech.
E., Ind. E., and Chem. E. and 246 W.
Engrg., 7:30 p.m.
Fri, Feb. 1-
Leeds & Northrup Co., Phila., Penn.-
All levels in Elect., Mech., Ind., Chem.
E., and Physics for Research, Devel.,
Manufacturing, and Sales.

Internat'l Ladies Garment Workers'
Training Institute, N.Y., N.Y., is now
enrolling students for 1955-1956 sessions.
All students satisfactorily completing
the year's sessions are guaranteed posi-
tions with the union. This is open to
both men and women between 21 and
Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass.,
announces a summer course in Pub.
lishing Procedures-June 22 to Aug. 2-
open to both men and women interested
in book and magazine publishing,
Radcliffe College also announces the
Management Training Program-Sept.
23, 1955 to June 13, 1956-open to wom-
en with a degree from an accredited col-
lege, A number of fellowships covering
the cost of tuition are available.
For further informAtion on any of the
above, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Mark Ethridge, publisher, Louisville
Courier-Journal, will speak on "The
Press and Your Rights" Mon., Feb. 14,
at 3:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Open to the public.
Academic Notices
Meeting of the Education School
Council, Mon., Feb. 14, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Education School Lounge. All merm-
bers are urgently requested to attend,
Events Today
WCBN-EQ staff and organizational
meeting Sat., Feb. 12 at 10 a.ra. in tem-
porary studio in basement of East
Quad. Prospective members invited, old
members are required to attend.
First Baptist Church Sat., Feb. 12,
9:30 a.m. First annual Michigan Bap-
tist Student Movement Convocation.
Sixth Annual Institute on Advocacy,
presented by the Law School. "Prob-
lems of Trial Evidence." Rackham
Building. Sessions today at 9:00 and
10:30 a.m., and 2:00 p.m. Registration
Fee: $7.50.
SRA Saturday Lunch Discussion.
Aage Rosendal Nielsen, Director of the
Scandinavian Seminar for Cultural
Studies, will speak on "How Voluntary
Education Democratized a Nation."
Lane Hall. 12:15 p.m. Reservations.
Coming Events
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
Feb. 13. Episcopal Student Foundation.
Confirmation Instruction, 4:30 p.m.
Sun., Feb. 13, at Canterbury House.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Cnter-
bury Supper Hour at 5:45 p.m. Sun.,
Feb. 13, at Canterbury House. Episcopal
Student Foundation. Evensong at 8:00
p.m. Sun., Feb. 13, followed by Coffee
Hour at Canterbury House.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sun., Feb. 13, 2:00 p.m. at the Rackham
Building Entrance in the back at the
north west corner.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Meet.
ing of production crew Sun, at 7:30 p.m.
in Lane Hll.
Hillel: Courses in Jewish Studies have
resumed for the second semester. Ele.
mentary Hebrew. Mon., 4:15 p.m. Span-
ish Jewish History, Mon., 7:30 p.m.
American Jewish History, Tues., 7:30
p.m. Basic Judaism, Thurs., 7:00 p.m.
Elementary Yiddish, Sun., 10:00 a.m.
Hillel: Chorus Rehearsal Sun., 4:30
p.m. in main chapel. Applications for
new members are available.
Single graduate students are invited
to meet with the Fireside Forum group
of the First Methodist Church Sun.,
Feb. 13, 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Room.
Dr. Herman Jacobs, Director of Bnai
B'rith Hillel Foundation, will talk on
"The Teachings of Judaism."
Westminster S t u d e n t Fellowship
Guild Meeting at 6:45 p.m. Sun., Feb.
13 in the Student Center at the Pres-
byterian Church. Discussion will be on
"Reaching Out For Christ" and the
Rev. Wn. S. Baker, Minister for Cam-
pus Christian Life at the Presbyter-
ian Student Center, will be the resource
The Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Feb. 14, in the East Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building at 8:00 pm.
Miss Gertrude Dole of the Anthropology
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