EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State #4*irr :43 1 atty CLOUDY, SHOWERS VOL. LXV, No. 164 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1955 FOUR PAGES Netmen Trounce Harried lni,9-0 Finish Current Season Undefeated With Nineteenth Consecutive Win Special to The Daily CHAMPAIGN, Ill.-Michigan completed its first undefeated ten- nis season in five years here yesterday with a tremendous 9-0 shutout of Illinois. The dual meet triumph was the 13th in a row this season for the Wolverines and the 19th without defeat since May 11 of last year. Played Outstanding Matches All the Wolverine netters played outstanding matches in what Coach Bill Murphy termed "our finest meet of the season." Three men finished the season with perfect records. f .t e Ole! MEXICO CITY (')--A pa- tient who got tired of waiting for the dentist apparently de- cided to fix his own teeth. He walked out with 20 books of dental surgery. .Dr..Yurt Kuttler Schaiwaiger told police the patient asked. him for immediate aid. The doctor said he was too busy at the time, and asked the man to wait in the consulting room. Dr. Schaiwaiger said when he went to call the patient later, he had disappeared-along with the books, which he said were valued at 5,000 pesos ($400). Sen. Johnson Backs Salk en. eorge arns .S. Michigan's weekend victories Wolverines Lose to OSU In Twin Bill Special to The Daily There is no joy 'at Michigan for the Wolverines have lost out. Michigan's baseball team, which gave such healthy promise to fans at the beginning of the season and then faded to a hopeful third place tie with Michigan State, was finally crushed into a final fifth place yesterday at the hands t of Ohio State, now the Big Ten champions. Lose 13-4, 5-1 The champs from Columbus rolled over the Wolverines twice, 13-4 and 5-1, in the double-head- er yesterday which marked the end of the Big Ten baseball sea- son, along with the end of Michi- gan baseball title hopes. Wildness on the mound and er- rors in the field had much to do with the ill-fated double defeat. Michigan pitchers just couldn't seem to get the ball over the plate as a complete parade of pitchers -Bill Thurston, Don Poloskey, Mark Ferrelli, Jim Clark and Ralph Fagge-gave up a total of 10 bases on balls in the first game. Dick Peterjohn handed' out six free passes in thesecond. Thurs- ton and Peterjohn were credited with the losses. Poorest Game Along with this lack of control, Michigan played its poorest defen- sive ball of the season. Usually a team of very few errors, the Wol- verines completely reversed form and committed five blunders in the initial booming defeat. Then they were guilty of two more misplays while losing the second. Michigan got off to a good start in the opener, scoring two runs in the first inning. Moby Benedict led off with a double to left center and then Bill Fox walked. Both men advanced on a wild pitch, Benedict racing home on a long sacrifice fly off the bat of captain Danny Cline. Fox then stole third, and Ken Tippery singled him home. This slight lead was completely erased by the end of the second in- ning, however, as the poor Wolver- ing pitching fell apart to let eight runs cross the plate. Seven of these came on only three hits, five walks and a wild pitch. See 'M', Page 3 Rainmaker' To open Here "The Rainmaker" will be the third Drama Season offering. Starring Cameron Prud'homme, Joan Potter and Jamie Smith, the play will be given its first per- formance at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, and will continue through Satur- day. The comedy play, which opened earlier this year on -Broadway, deals with the attempts of a plain, intelligent girl to get a husband. The "Rainmaker" of the title is a smooth-talking, handsome confi- dence man. Radio Star Prud'homme is best remembered for his role of David Harum in the radio soap-opera series. His most recent work was in the musical comedy, "By the Beautiful Sea." Miss Potter originated the major feminine lead in "Rainmaker" when the play was done on tele- vision a year and a half ago. Since then, she has done work in theater and television. over defending champion, Indiana - and highly-rated Illinois have vaulted the Wolverines into th favorite role in the impending Big Ten title playoffs this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Although this was the fifth whitewash accomplished by Mich- igan during the year, none was so impressive as the perfection-ap- proaching performances of the Michigan netters yesterday. Tall Barry MacKay recovered from Friday's subpar play, which almost ruined his personal season- * al all-victorious streak, to trounce his Illini opponent in the first sin- s gles match. MacKay Beats Woods MacKay, who was extended to . three sets in a sloppy match with Hoosier Captain John Hironimus on Friday, had no trouble in dis- posing of Illinois' Conrad Woods, runner-up in Big Ten singles last year. The Wolverine won in straight sets, 6-4, 6-1. Woods was unable to cope with MacKay's blistering volleys which were scattered uncannily into the most unreachable parts of the court. After a slow start, MacKay was almost unstoppable by Woods. 'A slow start was the only short- Scoming of Al Mann, Michigan's fourth singles player, but that was enough to prevent the Wolverines from sweeping the six singles matches in straight sets. Mann, who has taken full ad- vantage of his demotion from last See NETTERS, Page 3 U', SC Judic Councils Plan Joint Meeting University's Joint Judiciary Council and its counterpart at Michigan State College will meet early next fall to discuss mutual disciplinary action for student raids on the two campuses. Decision to hold the special fall meeting was made here at Friday's MSC-University student leaders' conference. Joint Judic Chairman Fritz Glo- ver, '55E, termed the decision "a great step forward in establishing better relations between the two schools." "Itisiour hope," he said, "that a common ground can be found on which we can base all deci- sions." Among other plans to be con- sidered at the coming meeting will be a system of equal penalties. Administrations at both schools have given the judiciary bodies their full support in setting up a joint plan to cope with occurrences such as last fall's paint raids in East Lansing and Ann Arbor. 'Nationalists Against Big e 9 Four Pact TAIPEI, Formosa (R)-The Na- tionalist Premier said yesterday all Formosa remains determined to recover the mainland, will not ac-I cept a cease-fire, will not give up offshore islands and will not be bound by any Big Four agree- ments "affecting our interests." Premier O. K. Yui spoke to a press conference of 40 foreign and Chinese newsmen. Over on the mainland, V. K. Krishna Menon, foreign policy ad- viser to India's Prime Minister . Nehru, took a plane for New Delhi after winding up talks with Red China's top officials believed to have dealt with the Formosan sit- uation. Peiping radio quoted him as saying "we can look forward with hope." There were unconfirmed re- ports that Menon had proposed as the basis of American-Red China negotiations that Chiang Kai-shek waive all claims on the mainland and give up the offshore islands >of Quemoy and the Matsus. The United States has expressed willingness to talk with Red China about a cease-fire in Formosa Strait-a prop3osal which Red Pre- mier Chou En-lai also says is un- acceptable. Late yesterday, Red guns fired 10 shells at the Nationalist garri- son on Quemoy but caused no cas- ualties, the Nationalist Defense Ministry announced yesterday, At yesterday's news conference, Yui was asked if he expected an easing of international tension or a sellout of Nationalist China to result from the projected Big Four conference of the United States, Russia, Great Britain and France, Dr. Francis Wins Michigan Week Wolverine Award By The Associated Press DETROIT - Dr. Thomas Fran-, cis, Jr., chairman of the depart- ment of epidemiology, yesterday received a Wolverine Frontiers- man Award here, Dr. Francis, who drew up the report on the Salk polio vaccine,I was one of five outstanding men ' who were honored with the award for opening new horizons. Others honored were Ralph Bunche, director of the United Na- tions trusteeshipsdivision; Walk- er L. Cisler, President and Gen- eral Manager of the Detroit Edi- son Company; poet Edgar A. Guest, and Prentiss M. Brown, chairman of the Mackiiac Bridge Authority. Control Bill Would Grant Ike Standby Power WASHINGTON (A)-Sen. Lyn- don B. Johnson (D-Tex.) yester- day threw his weight behind a pro- posal by Sen. Lister Hill (D-Ala) to give President Dwight D. Eisen- hower standby authority to control the manufacture and distribution of Salk polio vaccine. Sen. Hill, head of the Senate La- bor Committee, predicted Congress will brush aside objections from the Eisenhower Administration and enact discretionary controls legislation. Wants Broad Powers Sen. Johnson, the. Senate Dem- ocratic leader, said he doesn't want to choose between several bills which the Labor Committee will consider tomorrow. But he said he personally favors giving Eisenhower "broad discretionary authority, and powers in that field." I think it would be desirable to vest in the President power to exert control over this program. He could decide whether he needs to do it," Johnson said. Reminded that Secretary Ovetaf Culp Hobby of the Health, Edu- cation and Welfare Department has opposed enactment of controls legislation now, Sen. Johnson said that doesn't alter his opinion that the President should have "any authority he may need." ,X "Need Controls" "I am not passing on the ques- tion of whether the President now has the inherent- power to act," he said. "But we should have such controls as are needed to assure equitable distribution of the vac- cine." Stevens Urges Army Reserve KANSAS CITY WF)-- Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens ad- vocated yesterday an adequate military reserve in preference to a large standing army.t "In order to insure security," he t told an Armed Forces Day lunch- eon, "we must choose one of two1 courses.1 "Either we bear indefinitely thet heavy burden of maintaining a huge regular military establish-k ment capable of winning any war' we might have to fight, or we ac- cept forthrightly the lesser sacri- fices entailed in supporting a vig- orous reserve of adequate size and capability." | SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A)-Premier Ngo Dinh Diem's govern- ment and its Nationalist supporters struck two new blows yesterday at absentee Chief of State Bao Dai. Both moves strengthened the drive for the playboy ex-Emperor's eventual ouster. Orders Arrest The government ordered the arrest and trial on treason charges of two top aides of Bao Dai and four other leaders of the civil war which erupted against Diem April 28. . . 1 i Diem Supporters Accuse IBao Dai A ides of Treason - #6 This action was followed byE British Union May Avert Huge Strikes LONDON (P)-Prime Ministerl fAnthony Eden's Cabinet got a promise of help from the power- ful Trade Union Congress yester- day in efforts to avert two elec- tion-week strikes that threaten to tie up the nation's railways and key ports. TUC. a giant federation of 8,000,000 workers, agreed to use its influence as peacemaker after railwaymen and dock workers wound up a week's dickering with declarations that they were stick- ing to strike plans. Begin Tomorrow The dock strike is set for to- morrow-threedays before the general elections Thursday. The National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Union has called about 7,000 workers off the Lon- don docks and an undisclosed number from the wharfs at Liver- pool, Hull and Manchester. Seventy thousand members of the Associated Society of Locomo- tive Engineers and Firemen ares due to go out on strike Saturday at the peak of the Whitsunday holiday traffic. The strike would knock out all normal railway travel. London }newspapers warned if the strikes came off Britain would be plunged "into the worst in- dustrial chaos since the 1926 gen- eral strike." Kept in Touch To deal with the situation, Eden took time off over the weekend from his election campaigning to Against Relaxing Guard a National Revolutionary Commit-