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May 20, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-20

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FRMA Y, MAY 20, 1955




Sherman Tells of Spying Adventures

A TOUCH of the unbelievable
and the highly romantic creeps
into the story of Howard Sher-
man's odyssey.
Sherman, now a philosophy
teaching fellow at the University,
found himself sleuthing about the
Pyrenees at the tender age of 19
as a civilian counter-intelligence
agent. He explains all of this
swashbuckling activity in an un-
assuming, relaxed manner.
The year was 1944 and the war
-was in full swing. Sherman had
been exempted from the draft be-
cause of a 4-F qualification.
Friends persuaded him to leave
Northwestern University and vol-
unteer the American Field Service.
He left for Europe in June.
SHERMAN drove an ambulance
in the front lines for six
months. He served in Italy with
the British Army and in Southern
France with the First French
While in France, Sherman was
sent to Biarritz to look for some
lost ambulances and given the
papers of a full French captain. He
never found the vehicles, but the
move changed his entire life.
"I was only 19 at the time," he
said, "and I didn't really under-
stand what I was doing. But I be-
gan to stumble on all kinds of odd
happenings. I noticed that along
the French-Spanish border there
were often groups of people speak-
ing French or Spanish with Ger-_
man accents.
TOLD my friend, the Marquis
Maximiliano Strozzi, descend-
ent of the famous Renaissance
family, about my findings. Mar-
quis Strozzi was living in France
near the Spanish border and was
able to give me leads.
"For example," he casually toss-
ed off, "I uncovered a shipment
of Russian-made machine guns
awaiting transport into France.
"When I reported back to Paris,"
he said, "I got an opportunity to
speak with Col. Harold J. Sheen
who was very impressed with the
"He asked me if I could get more
of the same kind of information
and I said I could. I was immed-
lately dropped from the ambulance
service and became a civilian coun-
ter-intelligence agent allied with
SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters
Allied Expeditionary Forces)."
HERE were German pockets lo-
cated near Bordeaux and St.
Alazaire that were being supplied
by the Franco government. The
plan was to give munitions to un-
derground pro-Nazi forces in
France in case the American ad-
Vance fell through.
Explaining how these pockets
were supplied, Sherman shrugged

-Daily-John Hirtzel
.. . "I recognized all the Gestapo agents . ,.

and smiled. "There were three'
places in Spain-Pasajes, Bilbao'
and Fuenterraria, all on the At-
lantic coast, from which supplies
would be shipped to sea. The
American army was anxious to
have use of the port of Bordeaux
and wanted to launch an attack
-but not until all supplies had
been cut off.
"Until the end of the war, I
gathered information about Ger-
man espionage activities at the
French-Spanish border and the
illicit shipment of supplies across

tory courses. I didn't like examina-
tions either and only took a few."
uate work.
"I met Croce in Sorrento and we
visited in his villa at Sorrento. But
Santayana was in Rome and I
thought I'd go to France and work
my way back later in the war. But
then the spying started and I
didn't have time.."
Sherman also met Writer Ger-
trude Stein through a friend. "She
had been a pupil of William James
and we spent much time discuss-
ing James. She told me he had
been the greatest influence on
her life,"
ITH TIE WAR over, Sherman
stopped spying and rambled
about France for a while, living in
St. Jean de Luz and later in Paris
as an American civilian. He was
offered positions in the foreign of-
fices of "Newsweek" and the "Chi-
cago Tribune," but he declined.
"On my last night in St. Jean de
Luz, I wept to a party. There I rec-
ognized all of the Gestapo agents
who had come back from volun-.
tary exile in Spain.
"But," he said with finality, "I
was powerless because SHAEF had
been dissolved and I had no juris-
diction to arrest them or report
Typical of Sherman, after he
had finished telling his story, he
suddenly sat up and looked about
quizically. "I really don't know
know how much of this is secret,"
without seeming the least con-
cerned. "I guess the authorities
won't read it anyway."
NONETHELESS, Sherman was
not one to come back and set-
tle down into a stereotyped role.
He went back to Nortliwestern to

continue his college education, but
it was an education which can
best be described as erratic.
As he explains it: "I used to get
bored in classes and sometimes I
didn't show up after the first few
lectures. I took my graduate
courses because I couldn't stand
introductory courses. I didn't like
examinations either and only took
a few"
While still classified as an un-
dergraduate sophomore, he re-
ceived a teaching fellowship and
used to hold classes on the beach
where he worked as a lifeguard. He
continued to take courses in phil-
osophy, anthropology, political sci-
ence, English and mathematics.
But evei this graduate work got
tiring and he would often just
leave for extended wanderings.
Once he went to Quebec. Anoth-
er time he hurriedly left for the
Florida Keys and slept on the
beach in a sleeping bag. Then he
went to Taos, New Mexico. He be-
came restless so he went to Ajijic,
Mexico, and wrote short stories
for six months.
It was then that he acquired his
famous "Mexican Shoes." The
shoes, by which he is readily rec-
ognized on campus, most resemble
two gunny sacks. "Mexican work-
ers in the state of Jalisco only buy
one pair in a lifetime and they
last forever," Sherman explained.
SHERMAN moved to New Mexico
again, this time to Albuquerque,
where he taught ice skating at a
ski lodge. He had been a state
speed champion in his native state
of Nebraska. From 1947 to 1951 he
stayed on and off in New Mexico.
During this period he did work
among the Navajos for the Indian
Service and became a forest inves-
tigator for the United States For-
est Service. In the summer of 1951
he went back to Northwestern.
At this point, he decided to get
his BA and reluctantly took all of
the required freshman courses in
fields in which he had done grad-
uate work.
THE YEAR 1952 finally brought,
Sherman his B.A., ten years
after he began college.
He went back to New Mexico,
however, and received his master's
a year later from the University
of New Mexico. He worked for the
state Department of Welfare and
taught school. Later, he went to
Carbondale and became a com-
munity consultant at Southern Il-
linois University.
In the summer of 1954, he re-
turned to Mexico - Durango -- to
conduct a combination research
and action program in the agri-
cultural village of La Ferreria.
That fall he accepted a fellowship
at the University.

Oldest News
Begun 1840
(Continued from Page 1)
to the hands of any one interest,
group or faction." It is now a non-
profit cooperative organization
somewhat along the lines of the
Associated Press.
Next to Reuters, the most im-
portant foreign news agencies are
the Agence France Presse of
France and Tass, the official So-
viet agency. Unlike Reuters, which
operates freely, these agencies are
under the strict control of their
respective governments.
Have U. S. Correspondents,
Both AFP and Tass maintain
correspondents in the United
Time magazine reported in its
November 4, 1951 issue that, "No
one is quite sure how much of
Tass' activity in the United States
comes under the head of legitimate
news gathering. and how much
slops over into the areas of propa-
ganda and espionage."
The late JamesForrestal, the
nation's first Secretary of Defense,
felt so strongly that Tass was a
funnel pouring priceless military
information into Moscow that he
went to elaborate lengths to keep
its reporters away from his Pent-
agon press conferences.
Affect Small Papers
News agencies have changed
many newspapers into cosmopoli-
tan chroniclers of national and,
international happenings. They
have helped cut the costs of news-
gathering, and thus cut the cost
of a newspaper to Mr. Average
News agencies have grown from
a European monopoly to free, un-
biased, international associations
which now disseminate news of
every kind to countries all over
the world.
Aller To Speak
On Star Clusters
Prof. Lawrence H. Aller of the
astronomy department will speak
on "Star Clusters" at the depart-
ment's visitors' night at 8 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 2003 Angell Hall.
After the talk. visitors will ob-
serve Saturn and the Hercules
Cluster with binoculars and the
telescope at the observatory on
the fifth floor of Angell Hall. If it
is cloudy, people may inspect the
telescope and exhibits.

IBourneu Began in Play
When 'Queens' Still Idea'

Phillip Bourneuf was a part of
the current Drama Season produc-
tion, "Gentlemen, The Queens,"
when it was still an idea.
Bourneuf was working with Hel-
en Hayes at the time initial plans
for the production were made.
Since then he has watched the
play take form and become a re-
Because he portrays three dif-
ferent parts, Bourneuf is a strong
supporter to Miss Hayes in the
play. The distinguished -looking
actor appears as MacBeth the nar-
rator in "Victoria Regina" and
also has a role in Shaw's "Cath-
About one of his parts in the
play Bourneuf commented, "I am
supposed to be funny, but vulgar.
But the women in the audience
think I'm shocking."
Bourneuf began his acting ca-
reer while still in high school with
a series of brief walk-ons, and
then went on to higher theatri-
cal achievements,
Dramatic School Helps
The experienced actor contend-
ed that for stage experience, "there
is nothing like live theater." How-
ever, he believes that if an aspiring
actor can manage it, a dramatic
school in the shadow of the the-
ater will be equally rewarding,
'Since it is his first visit to Ann
Arbor, Bourneuf took time out for
an extensive tour. Energetic and
unassuming, the actor was par-
ticularly impressed by the size of
the men's quads.
Bourneuf was also astounded by
the variability of Ann Arbor's pe-

culiar climate. Line Ann Arbor
residents he found it difficult to
understand how the weather could
range from rain, to near freezing,!
to unbearable heat in such a short
Shouldn't Imitate Brando
Commenting on one of the coed's'
favorite topics, Marlon Brando,
Bourneuf said, "Inately, he is a{
fine actor, but too many people
are trying to imitate his personal
characteristics with hopes that.
in this way, they also will be rec-
"They fail to realize," he ex-
plained, "that Brando's manner-
isms are mostly superficial."
"Actors who attempt to gain
recognition by aping them should
realize that this will not transform
an artist into a craftsman," Bour-
neuf concluded.
Baity Awarded
ROTC $200
John C. Baity has been awarded
the national Scabbard and Blade
second place scholarship award, it
was announced yesterday by Col.
William H. Parkhill, commander
of the University's Air Force
ROTC detachment.
The award, a check for $200, was
won by Baity "in recognition of
his achievements in Air Science,
his academic record and his dem-
onstrated qualities of leadership
in all activities."
Baity, former Interfraternity
Council president, is a member of
F Company, Fourth Regiment of
Scabbard and Blade, military hon-
orary society.
Cadet Awards
To Be Given
In conjunction with Armed
Forces Day tomorrow 350 Army
ROTC cadets will participate in
this year's final cadet award cere-
Awards for outstanding scholas-
tic and military achievements will
be presented at 9 a.m. at Palmer
Chicago Tribune gold and sil-
ver medals for outstanding scho-
lastic achievement will be present-
ed by Brig. General Briard P.

Students in the College of En-
gineering awarded scholarships for
the coming year were announced
Awards were made on the basis
of scholarship, citizenship, leader-
ship and need,
Those receiving awards were
Robert L. Armstrong, '57E; Thom-
as Bailey, '57E Frederick Baum-
gartner, '56E; Lawrence Bell;
Richard Born, '57E; Edward
Brown, 156E; Kenneth Brown,
'56E; Wilbur Brown, '56E; Keith
Coats, '56E; Kenton Colling, '57E;
Thomas Croucher, '57E; Sam Dal-
las, and Arthur Davidson, '56E.
Others were Maurice Dean, '57E;
Robert DeGrazie, '56E; Robert De-
Losh, '57E; Donald DeVries; Wil-
liam DeYoung, 156E; William
Drake, 158E; Robert Dye; Wayne
Dye, '57E; PaulbEngelder, '56E;
Harry Evans, '57E; John Fay, '56E;
Colin Fisher, '56E; David Fleisher,
'56E; James A. Ford, '56E, and
William Ginter, Grad.
Wm. W. Graessley, 155E was
honored with Francis Guza, '57E;
David W. Harris, '57E; Norman
Hawk, '56E; Richard Hicks, '56E;
John Hodgman, '56E; Raymond
Jacobson, '56E; George Bennett
Jones, '56E; Raymond Knight,
'57E; Gerhard Konrad, '57E;
Dwight Kraai, '56E; Harvey Krage,
'56E; Charles Kroll; James Kruth-
ers, '56E; Wayne Kuhn, '56E and
Charles Kuivinen, '57E,
Others awarded were Clayton
LaPointe, Grad.; Alan MacKellar,
'58E; Charles Mallock, '57E; David *
Markstone, 158E; Nio Masnari,
'57E; William Mason, '56E; Wil-
liam McNamara, '58E Paul Mel-
gaard, '57E; Maurice Miller, '56E;
Dale Mohr, '56E; Robert Morden,
'57E; George Naylor and Richard
Roemer, '57E.
Also honored were Robert
Schoenhals, '56E; Richard
Schwing, '56E; John Small; Gene
Everett Smith, '58E; Glen C.
Smith, '58E; Robert George Smith,
'57E; Lee Soloman, '57E; John
Steiner, '57E; David Orr Stewart,
,56E and Harold Stier, '56E.
Frank Szalwinski, '57E conclud-
ed the list with Carl Tresselt, '58E;
Richard Tyler, '56E; Donald Up-
ham, '57E; John Verhoeven, '56E;
Robert Wesel, '56E; James West-
rope, '56E; Donald Wille '57E and
David Zerbel, '55E.


(Continued from Page 4)
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., May 20. The An-
nu,1 Senior Banquet will be held to-
night at 6:30 p.m. in the Social Hall.
Hillel. Fri. evening services. 7:15 p.m.
Coming Events
Hillel. Sat. morning services. 9:00 a.m.
Hallun Tennyson, English Quaker,
will speak at SRA Saturday Lunch -I
"Portrait of a Saint" (Bhare of India)
12:15 p.m., Lane Ball. Call for reserva-.



. . . Naples, 1944
the border. To do this I often had
to go into Spain at night with the
Basque smugglers.
"I HAD the simulated rank of
captain and official papers in
case I was captured. It didn't mat-
ter anyway because I would be
shot instantly if I was caught."
However, while in the ambulance
corps, he did manage to see Eu-
rope. Back at Northwestern, he had
lectures. I took graduate courses
because I couldn't stand introduc-


Bible Seminars sponsored by the
Westminster Student Fellowship, Sun.,
May 22, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m., Room 217,
Presbyterian Student Center.



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WHAT'S THIS? For solution see paragraph below.

Barbara Rotondo
U. of Bridgeport


college smokers' preference for
Luckies in the Droodle at right,
captioned: Lucky Strike column
in a college cigarette-vending ma-
chine. On campuses all over Amer-
ica, college students automatically
get Luckies. Why? Simply because
Luckies taste better. They taste
better, first of all, because Lucky
Strike means fine'tobacco. Then
that tobacco is toasted to taste bet-
ter. "It'sToasted"-the famous
Lucky Strike process-tones up
Luckies' good-tasting tobacco
to make it taste even better ...

Punch-line to the year shottest power story-

Chevrolet Turbo-Fire V8!

Donald Mills
U. of Alabama
Zane Thompson
U. of Maine

cleaner, fresher, smoother. Next
time it's light-up time, why don't
you pull for Luckies?
DROODLES, Copyright 19653by Roger Price

This is the engine that's writing a
whole new chapter in the book of
automobile performance records. This
is the engine that has stock car timers
doing a "double take" at their stop-
watches wherever experts gather to
compare the abilities of the 1955 cars.
For example, in the recentNASCAR *
stock car competition at Daytona
Beach, Florida, Chevrolet literally ran
away from every other car in its class
-and a raft of others besides. In the
one-mile straightaway run for low-
priced cars, the first two places-and
six of the first ten-went to Chev-

rolets. And in acceleration runs from a
standing start against all comers,
the Motoramic Chevrolet beat all other
low-priced cars-and every high-priced
car except one!
What's behind this blazing perform-
ance? A compact honey of a V8 that
only the world's leading producer of
valve-in-head engines can build. Chev-
rolet's new "Turbo-Fire V8".
It puts a new kind of fun in your
driving life. You're in charge of 162
high-spirited horsepower-or if you're
looking for even more excitement, the new
"Super Turbo-Fire V8" (optional at

extra cost) puts 180 h.p. under your toe!
Pick the one you'd rather have fun
with, then come in and get behind the
wheel. You'll see why the Motoramic
Chevrolet is showing its heels to every-
one else on the road!
*Notional Assocation for Stock Car Auto Racing;



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