I. PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1955 .. . ,.. .. " .... i.e ...+}. +... .. e Clean * New 9 Modern 4f~bo. lt tel 8170 Jackson Rd. Ph. HA 6-8134 3-A Approval DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of th University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- DIA. NO 2-2513 rcur'. MICHIGRN NOW bility. Publication in it is construe- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1955 Vol. LXV, No. 159 Notices Students who are definitely planning to transfer to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Educa- tion, School of Music, School of Nurs- ing, or the College of Pharmacy in September from another campus unit should come to the Office of Admis- sions, 1524 Administration Building be- fore June 10 to make application for transfer. Selective Service Examination: Stu- dents taking the Selective Service Col- lege Qualification Test Thurs., May 19 ire requisted to report to Room 140, Business Administration, at 8:30 a.m. Senior Commencement Announce- ments and Booklets have been delayed. Distribution is now scheduled for May 19 and 20. Beginning Tues., May 17, the follow- ing School Representatives will be at the Bureau of Appointments for inter- views: Tues., May 17- Battle Creek, Michigan (Lakeview Consolidated School District)-Teacher Needs: H.S. Mathematics; Jr. High So- cial Studies; Jr. High Industrial Arts and Crafts H.S. Latin-English; Music- Elementary grades, vocal and strings; Early and Later Elementary. Fri., May 20- Monroe, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early Elementary English-Latin; Com- cercial - Typing, Bookkeeping; Short- hand; Girls Physical Education-Ele- mentary; Head Track Coach, Asst. Foot- ball Coach, Social Studies; Social Stud- ies-English--Jr. High. For appointments or additional infor- mation contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. The following representatives will not be at the Bureau of Appointments for interviews but have the following va- cancies: Brethren, Michigan (Norman-Dickson Rural Agricultural School) - Teacher Needs: Commercial. Chesaning, Michigan (Chesaning Un- ion School)-Teacher Needs: Commer- cial; Home Econonics; English-Physical Education (Woman); Spanish-Latin-Li- brary U.S. History-World History-Driv- er Training. Grand Rapids, Michigan (County of Kent)-Teacher Needs: Speech Correc- tionist. Jackson, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Chemistry - General Science; Commer- cial. Tekonsha, Michigan (Tekonsha Com- U- munity Schools)-Teacher Needs: Band- English or Band-History (man); Head Coach of Football-Basketball-Baseball- English or History. Porterville, California (Porterville State Hospital)-Teacher Needs: Domes- tic Science; Speech Correction; Deaf and Hard of Hearing; Arts-Crafts; Teacher of Cerebral Palsied Children. South San Francisco, California (South San Francisco Unified School District)-Teacher Needs: Elementary- Fifth and Sixth Grades; Industrial Arts; H.S. Mathematics; Girls' Physical Edu- cation; Commerce-Social Studies. Rocky Ford, Colorado--Teacher Needs: Spanish; English-Journalism; English- Public Speaking - Dramatics (High School); Jr. High Home Economics; English-Social Studies; First Grade; Second Grade, Lewes, Delaware (Lewes Special School District)-Teacher Needs: Third Grade; Fourth Grade; Fifth Grade; Mathemat- ics-Science (primarily Jr. High). Calumet City, Cook County, Illinois (Hoover School District No. 157)-Teach- er Needs: Early and Later Elementary; Music. Fox Lake, Illinois (Grant Community High School)-Teacher Needs: English- Speech. Geneva, Illinois (Community Unit School District No. 304)-Teacher Needs: Third Grade; Fourth Grade; Seventh Grade (man) self contained room; Eighth Grade (man) Science-Mathemat- ics-Coach; Educable Mentally Handi- capped (woman); Art and Supervisor (woman) grades 1-8; Vocal Music-Su- pervisor (woman) grades 1-8, Lake Forest, Illinois (Lake Forest Day School)-Teacher Needs: Music; Social Studies (Man) Grades 7-9. Must be able to handle one other subject at one grade level. Ability to coach athletics desir- able; Shop (man) Woodworking, crafts, mechanics grades 4-9. Ability to coach athletics desirable. Only one of the two above positions must be able to coach. Mendota Illinois - Teacher Needs: Basketball coach-Biology - History or Basketball coach-Mathematics, or Typ- ing-Bookkeeping. Newhall, California - Teacher Needs: Mathematics (Grades 7-12) - Driver training desirable; Girl's Physical Edu- cation-Swimming and water safety; Girl's Physical Education-Sports-espG- cially tennis; English-Reading-Penman- ship-Spelling-History (Grades 7 and 8th); Home Economics. New Lenox, Illinois (Lincoln-Way Community High School, Dist. No. 210) -Teacher Needs: Art; Core Program (U.S. History & Am. Literature); Gen- eral Science; Wrestling Coach (Varsity coach) & Asst. Football Coach; Auto Driving; Latin; Remedial Reading; Typ- ing-Bookkeeping. Venice, Illinois-Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary; Seventh Grade; Eighth Grade; Grade and H.S. Vocal Music (Grades 1-12); Girl's Physical Ed- ucation (woman) Grades 1-12; Band (man) % time; 7th Grade I%. time Math- ematics-Science. Wheaton, Illinois -- Teacher Needs: 12th Grade Civics-Sociology-Guidance; English-Social Studies. Bagley, Iowa-Teacher Needs: Mathe- Matics-Science-Study Hall (house will be furnished to a married man who can qualify for this position); Music-Band and Vocal; Home Economics; Will defi- nitely consider a man and wife combi- nation on any of the above. Lewiston, Maine -- Teacher Needs: Physical Chemist; Library circulation Assistant; Library cataloguer. Upper MArlboro, Maryland - Teacher Needs: Industrial Arts (Jr. High); Vo- cational Sheet Metal Work. (Several va- cancies for Industrial Arts). Chester, Montana - Teacher Needs: Grade Two - H.S. Physical Education (Fr. & Soph. two classes per week); H.S. English-Library Supervision-Dramatics. Grand Island, Nebraska (School Dis- trict of Grand Island)-Teacher Needs: Speech therpist (Elementary-Jr. High). For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 389. The Bureau of Appointments, Summer Placement Division, will hold its weekly meeting Thurs., May 19 from 1:00-4:45 p.m. in Room 3G of the Michigan Union. At this time all available Summer job opportunities will be presented. SUMMER PLACEMENT PERSONNEL REQUESTS Camp Winston, Sackett Lake, New York requests applications from male candidates for the following positions: General Counselors; Waterfront Dir. & assistant; Riflery Counselors; Tennis In- structors, and men with good athletic backgrounds. They prefer men who are at least 20 and who have had some camp experience. They state that salaries and living accommodations are good and counselor-director relationship excellent. Contact Jeff Petrak, 20 Marissa Drive, Scardsale, N.Y. Green Valley Day Camp, Chicago, Ill. requests applications from both men & women candidates for part-time and full-time Counselor positions. Camp Counselor ratio is about 3 to 1 with the average group size of 6 campers in the 4-12 range. Contact Green Valley Day Camp, 9046 Oglesby Ave., Chicago 17, Ill. Owasippe Boy Scout Camps, White- hall, Mich. requests applications from candidates for the following positions: Two PHYSICIANS to serve Boy Scout Camps near Muskegon from approx. June 25 to Aug. 31. Salary is $500.00, plus board & room for them and fami- lies. (Former physicians have enjoyed this service. For additional information concerning these two openings, contact Dr. Forsythe, Dir. of Health Service, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2310). Openings for two first cooks (one would be a relief cook or a combination); two second cooks. Salary, $400.00 for second cooks and up to $540 for experienced first cooks. Sea- son is from approx. July 3-Aug. 28. Board & room is included and a mar- ried couple with or without children can be accommodated. (Contact Mr. R. W. Thompson, Chicago Council Boy Scouts, 9 West Washington St., Chi- cago 2, Ill. (State 2-3990). Camp Norcom, Dexter, Mich. requests applications from both men & women candidates for General Counselor po- sitions. For further information con- tact Mr. Ray E. Harms, Dir., 1575 Ford Court, Grosse Pointe Woods, 36, Mich. Republic Steel Corp., Cleveland, Ohio requests applications from students who are seeking summer work in the Cleve- land area. They need summer employees to various job openings. Those desiring information should contact Employ- ment Office, Republic Steel Corp., Cleve. Dist., 3100 East 45th Street, Cleve- land, Ohio. Logansport State Hospital, Ind. re- quests applications from male & fe- male candidates for positions available in their summer student program at their hospital. The salary is $175 per month minus $25 if full maintenance at the hospital is requested. In order to qualify the students should have com- pleted at least 2 years of college with a major in an area similar to one of there depts. Positions open in the fol- lowing fields: Music Therapy-2; Social Service-2; Psychology-2; Dietary-1; Rec- reation-6; Laboratory-5; Pharmacy-2; Medical Student Assistant-6. Contact Mr. Ralph B. Cary, Personnel Officer, Logansport State Hospital, Loganspot, Ind. Summer Camps, The Crusade Mag. lists 54 camps located throughout the U.S. that are requesting applications from male & female candidates for all types of positions. (Specific positions open are mentioned at each camp.) See booklet at Summer Placement Meeting on May 19 in Room 3G of the Mich. Un- ion from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. SIMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWING REQUESTS Gibson Company, Mich. will interview candidates for Field Representatives for sales of home freezers in Jackson, Lan- sing, Kalamazoo, Muskegon, Ionia, and Battle Creek. Mr. Anderson will inter- view in Room 3G of the Mich. Union from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Summer Placement Meeting. Russell Kelly Office Service, Det., Mich. will interview women who are interested in summer employment in Detroit area offices. Mr. Adderly will interview on May 19 in Room 3G of the Mich. Union from 1:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Camp Tawamana, Charlevoix, Mich. would like to interview women candi- dates for the following positions; Sail- ing Counselor (must be at least 19); and a Registered Nurse or a Senior Stu- dent Nurse. Contact Mr. Gunnerson, 9980 West Outer Drive, Det. 23, Mich. or call during evening at KEnwood 2-1343 to make an appointment to be inter- viewed. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following companies will be at the Engrg. School: Wed., May 18 U.S. Civil Service Commission -men and women in Commerce, BusAd, and (Continued on Page 4) DIAL NO 2-3136 ENDS TONIGHT LOST AND FOUND LOST-Wyler wrist watch Thursday morning in University parking lot (Forest Ave.) Will finder please turn in to Dean's office, Rm. 259, West Engin. )118A LOST-"M" Blanket. Vicinity South "U" and Washtenaw. Reward. Phone JIM, NO 2-5454. )120A LOST-One flute and piccolo in black case. Substantial reward. Call North- ville 66. )119A FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox 39c, shorts, 69c military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )26B SWEATERS to formals, size 9 to 11. Call NO 3-8153. )301B NROTC Lieutenants uniforms, winter and summer issues. Complete-good condition. For bargain call NO 2-7294. 275B TISED FURNITURE-Excellnt condition includes hide-a-bed, chair, rug, lamps, and bookcase, etc. Call NO 2-3724. )281N FOR SALE-2 tickets for Helen Hayes Friday. Call NO 3-0742 after 6 P.M. )283B MAILING and FREE gift wrapping on any purchase of $1 or more. It pays to shop at VAN DYKE'S GIFTS East Liberty between 4th and 5th Aves. )282B MODERN Wrought Iron Chairs (2), tables (2), lamps (3), accessories. Very cheap. Call NO 3-5095. )273B FOR RENT CAMPUS - APARTMENTS FOR MEN. Furnished. Private baths. Available June to Sept. or longer. $105 for 3. $140 for 4 men. Phone NO 3-8454 aft- er 1 P.M. )31C DELUXE TWO-ROOM apartment, com- pletely furnished, new and clean, electric stove, semi-private bath, building in the rear, private entrance, $67.50 per month. Phone NO 2-9020. )35C FOR RENT OR FOR SALE FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-Lovely house, southeast section. Two bed- rooms and bath on each floor. Beau- tiful yard. Mile from campus on bus line. Possession August 15. Call NO 2-5152 between 9-11 A.M. and 5-7 P.M. )4 ROOMS FOR RENT BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH. Campus Tour- ist Homes. 518 E. William. Student rooms also available. NO 3-8454. )66D ROOMING HOUSE-Furnished. Univer- sity approved. Available at the end of the term. Phone NO 2-0567 be- tween 10 and 9. )73D MALE STUDENTS Going to summer school? Working in AA this summer? Need a good place to live? Call NO 8-7683 or come to 1412 Cambridge Road. )84D MEN STUDENTS-Room for rent sum- mer and fall. Shower. 1315 Cambridge Road. 87D FURNISHED 2-ROOMS on campus June 10-Sept. 10. Summer session. Phone NO 2-9272 after 7 P.M. )91D APPLICATIONS .for residents in Hillel Dormitory summer and fall sessions may be secured from the Hillel sec- retary from 9-12 and 1-5. Deadline is Wednesday, May 18. )92D Dedicated to the discerning ear Quality Strings Expert Repairs and Adjustments FINE BOW RE-HAI RING #&jkag le ' j STRING SHOP 211 South State Phone NO 3-3874 tmEEEFEIItD~r' ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMERS and/or boarders for summer session at a fraternity house on cam- pus. Reasonable rates. Contact Carl Stern at NO 3-4187. )88D APARTMENT for rent for summer ses- sion. 5 room apartment for 3 or 4 occupants, on campus location. Phone S. Hill, NO 3-4187. )89D SUMMER APARTMENT on campus. For married couple. Furnished. $60 per month. Phone NO 3-3026 evenings. )93D 2-ROOM APARTMENT on campus June 10-Sept. 10 or summer session. Phone 2-9272 after 5 P.M. )91D ROOMS FOR RENT-2 men students- 1 room apartment for summer. Half block from campus. Cooking privi- ledges, 417 E. Liberty. )83D ROOM AND BOARD SUMMER SESSION roomers and/or boarders wanted. Rent $35 for eight weeks, board $112.80 with refunds for uneaten meals. Call Jim Burnett, NO 2-9431. )22E ROOM AND/OR BOARD. Fraternity house opening for the summer, good food, ideal location. Call NO 2-3236 for details. )E FRATERNITY HOUSE-Open for sum- mer students. Suites and rooms. Meals served in the house. Very reasonable rates. Located one block from Mich- igan Union. Call NO 2-3297 and ask for Jack Price. )23E PERSONAL FINAL OPPORTUNITY for graduates to obtain special low student rates on Time, Life, Newsweek, Saturday Even- ing Post, etc. Call Student Periodical Agency, NO 2-3061. )88F HELP WANTED SPARE TIME money-maker. Summer work or year around. Sell airplane- type spark plugs to car, truck, tractor, outboard, power mower owners. Fast- est firing, hottest plug on the mar- ket. Proven performance. Repeat sales assured. No stock to carry. No in- vestment required. Samples furnish- ed. Big commission. Write Luthy Aeronautical Sales, 302 Cooper St., Jackson, Michigan. Give phone num- ber for appointment. )66H STUDENTS Earn $75-$150 weekly during summer participating in national sales pro- gram. Free training. Car essential. No canvassing. Not books, cosmetics, or magazines. Career opportunities avail- able. Mr. Larman. NO 3-8506. )68H BUSINESS SERVICES R. A. MADDY-VIOLIN MAKER. Fine instruments. Accessories. Repairs. 310 S. State, upstairs. Phone NO 2-5962. )10y RADIO- PHONO - TV Service and Sales Free Pick-Up and Delivery Fast Service - Reasonable Rates Telefunken HI-Fl AM-FM Radio ANN ARBOR RADIO AND TV 1217 S. University Phone NO 8-7942 11%2 Blocks East of East Eng. )261B TYPING - Thesis, Term Papers, etc. Reasonable Rates, Prompt Service, 830 South Main, NO 8-7590. )1J USED CARS 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Excellent transportation. $75. Fitzgerald-Jor- dan, Inc., 607 Detroit Street, NO 8-8141. )28N 1951 BUICK CONVERTIBLE. Dynaflow. Power seats and windows, whitewall tires. Radio and heater. Phone NO 2-0224. )38N 1953 PONTIAC HARD-TOP. Two-tone green. Heater. Hydramatic, low mile- age. New tires. Real Sharp. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing- ton, NO 2-4588. )55N 1953 WILLYS, two-door. Heater. Hydra- matic. 12,000 actual miles. Real sharp. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )53N 1953 CHEVROLET Station Wagon. Ra- dio and heater. 20,000 miles. Two-tone green. Real nice. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )54N 1947 STUDEBAKER 2 door, maroon finish, good condition $150. Call NO 3-2804 after 5 P.M. )N ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS, CUSTOM-SEWING MARY-BELLE SEWING SHOP 324 E. Liberty - NO 8-7795 )4P TRAVEL WANTED-A party to drive car to Berkeley, Calif. Approximately July 1 and return to Ann Arbor approx- imately Sept. 15. Call NO 2-4048. )38 WANT RIDERS or drivers to Alaska or waypoints. Leaving June 1 or 2. 1955 car. Call John, NO 3-5341. )5S, ;.Y _ .:w 4 '4 ,' 'i VA Share the loves, the lives, the thrills of the men who guard our sky frontierst JAMES JUNE STEWART *ALLYSDN Air Command. Colorby TICHNICOLOR co.,tarring FRANK ALEX BAR1R BRUCE JLQyU(JfJ- SULKiAN' BE=N~T Produced by SAMUEL J. BRISKIN . Directed by ANTHONY MANN - Screenplay by VALENTINE DAVIIA and BEIRNE LAY, Jr. - Story by Beirne Lay, Jr. A Paramount Picture STARTING FRIDAY v_ A I }N A Fghting Mas who defied personal disas- In TWO Wldt - here was love . .. but ter and refuses to be put "On The Beach." always in the bacground lurbed the g4 peril of The Eternal Seal HERBERTJ.YATES ['e'- THE, ETE starring SIEIJI HAYDEN-ALEXIS SMITH-"DEANi GCOM, #_ Did you miss this last Summer? Davis' Contempt Charge Passed July 24, 1954 - H. Chandler Davis, instructor in the mathe- matics department, Was cited yes- terday for contempt of Congress. His citation was based .. . M-G-M's BIGGEST SPECTACLE! fTHE C1E PE WITH STEREOPHONI CSOUND{ Lana Edmund Louis CALHERN Audrey Datn" lames Mitchell Neville Brand " Walter Iiampen Taina [lg - ranci LSuivan Sseph Wiseman - SanraDesche Extra (T L - HURRY! Subscribe to the 1955 'Ensian -, .4 4, ONLY TWO WEEKS REMAIN Come to the Student Publications Bldg. Monday through Friday P4 ^^ 1 r- ^^ 1 A '4 THIS SUMMER KEEP UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ON CAMPUS NEWS BY READING