g Wisconsin Campus Stirred By Newspaper-Legion Battle See Page 4 aT r , rit*x :4Ia itii 4 Latest Deadline in the State, VOL. LXV, No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1955 PARTLY CLOUDY, COOL SIX PAGES Ike Requests 30 Million. For Vaccine 28 Million Would Go to Children WASHINGTON OP) -.President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday asked Congress for 30 million dol- lars to carry forward the polio program, 28 million of it to in- sure that poor children get their shots of Salk vaccine. The other two million dollars would go to take precautions against black marketing of the vaccine and for the hiring of more health personnel to test the prod- uct "for safety and potency." Eisenhower acted after putting his approval on a report by Sec- retary of Welfare Oveta Culp Hob- by, asking for financial aid and for reliance on a voluntary sys- tem of distributing the vaccine. Questioned by Lehman After presenting her report to the President, Mrs. Hobby went before the Senate Labor and Pub- lic Welfare Committee, where she ran into some critical questioning from Sen. Herbert A. Lehman (D- NY). Sen. Lehman told her the Ad- ministration should have been ready with a distribution plan April 12, when the vaccine devel- oped by Dr. Jonas Salk was ap- proved. "I think you are a long way as yet, even now, from having adopt- ed something that will be really, effective," the New Yorker told her. Free Inoculations Mrs. Hobby replied that all vac- cine now available is going to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, for use in its program of free inoculations of first and second graders. She said the voluntary plan will take over when additional vaccine+ is one' hand, and insisted that "there is no other system that could be devised that could do the, job as fairly and effectively." Mrs. Hobby testified at a stand- ing-room-only hearing called by the committee to get her advice on -t the advisability of mandatory con- trols or federal standby powers over distribution of the vaccine. Too Few CC's{ Dr. Chester Keefer, Mrs. Hob- by's special aide on the vaccina- tion program, told the committee the over-all total of vaccine ship- ped from manufacturers as of now is 7,361,090 cubic centimeters. Mrs. Hobby said 180 million cc's are needed to inoculate all children 1 to 19 years old, and ex- pectant mothers. First priority goes to children 5 to 9 years old. Japanese En voy S e Japnee nvy :Chou Asks Peace Visits UniversityT Economic Development, Political Activity Discussed by Ambassador By MICHAEL BRAUN Traditional politeness plus vital interest in contemporary event are personified in Japan's new Ambassador to the United States, Sadao Iguchi. .. His visit to the University yesterday, though rushed, attested to the solidarity and hopefulness of Premier Hatoyama's new govern- ment. As an indication of the Japanese people's active interest in their government, he talked proudly of the recent election. More than 75 per cent of those eligible cast their ballot," he said, "with 60 per cent of the votes= going to Premier Hatoyama's Dem- ocratic Party. s 0 tails L. . Evasive - -Daily-Esther Goudsmit JAPANESE AMBASSADOR SADAO IGUCHI AND DIRECTOR OF THE JAPANESE STUDIES CENTER PROF. JOHN HALLT ONLY SOLUTION: Counil iscusses CclDorm Crowding By LOU SAUER Overcrowding in women's dorms and the "Hill" switchboard problem were topics of discussion at the Assembly Dormitory Coun- cil meeting yesterday. Mary Jo Park, '56, chairman of the Assembly Housing Committee during the room conversion, made her report. She said that one delegate from each woman's house was on the committee, and therefore all the women concerned were repre- sented. "We considered every possibility, and discussed the matter with Elsie Fuller, assistant dean of women. This was the only solution to the problem caused by the expected influx of freshmen," she said. Miss Park explained that rooms picked for conversion had been chosen carefully. She outlined the criteria for choosing a room, which included window space, lighting and the way doors opened. "A master list was made, describing the rooms as excellent, good or possible for conversion. This was gone over by Mrs. Fuller andj members of the committee. No rooms were converted without recom- mendation of the committee."j Room Raise Beneficial She mentioned the room raise, saying that it would be especially beneficial to women, since "The funds will almost certainly go to construction of a new women's dorm." Adding that quite a few rooms were converted last fall, Miss Park said that relatively few women took the chance to move to{ larger accommodations when they were available. These chances 0 were offered mostly between se- "As you know," he continued "the Premier has promised 'coop- eration with the free nations of the world.' We are still in a technica state of war though, and must be careful of any commitments. "We are increasing our trade with both Communist China and Formosa. The main problem now is to straighten out our economy not to become entangled in politi- cal imbroglios." Rearmament Must Wait The Ambassador thought that rearmament must wait until Ja- pan is economically stable. "One must remember that Japan is a poor country, and it is through re- building not rearmament that we will prosper," he said. Japan is beginning to have a firm economy. According to Iguchi she was 310 million dollars in the red last year. This year the coun- try is 340 million dollars in the black. They appreciate aid from the United States "as we would from any other country in the world." Must Get on Feet "The important thing for us" the Ambassador said "is to get on our feet again. A peace treaty would be very helpful to the moral of the Japanese people who still consider themselves an occupied country. The ambassador said the sign- ing of a peace treaty with the So- viet Union is partly dependent on Russia's return of the Sakhalin islands. "Whether they will give them back to us is the $64 ques- tion," he said. "Right now we wish to maintain an intermediate position in world affairs. We are just as disturbed by American troops in Japan as we are by the seizure of fishing boats by the Russians." Bandung 'Enlightening, e :l ,e SGuard Lost To Bao Dai Formally Transfers Lands to French DALAT, South Viet Nam (,P) - Chief of State Bao Dai lost his imperial guard yesterday and his . crown lands were transferred for- mally to control of the free Viet Nam government. Premier Ngo Dinh Diem travel- ed to Dalat from Saigon for the ceremonies merging t e guards- men with the national army and giving his administration title to the mountain territories formerly ruled solely by Bao Dai, the ex- Emperor of Annam. It was the first time since the be- ginning of the political-military crisis in mid-March that Diem ihad left the capital. Signs Order Sunday Diem signed an order incorporating the imperial guard into the army. This act eliminated the last important independent military force in South Viet Nam. 1 Private armies of the Hoa Hao and Cao Dai religious sects and the Binh Xuyen society have been re- duced and scattered since the Binh Xuyen launched its rebellion last month. Many units of the sect ar- mies now are in the national army. Relinquish Crown Lands The crown lands actually were relinquished by Bao Dai to a French administrator some time ago. They were signed over to the Vietnamese government a little more than a month ago, but Mon- day brought ceremonial observ- ance of the transfer and ended the last bit of French administration. * "~ ,Reaffirms * Stand-Made A At Bandung Earlier Ike Said U.S. Would Meet TOKYO (A1--Premier Chou En- Lai of Red China has renewed his offer to negotiate over the touchy Formosa issue but charged that the United States is taking an "evasive and equivocal stand," Pei- ping Radio said yesterday. s " The Communist leader said na- tions and peoples who are concern. ed about world peace are urging the negotiations. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said at a news conference April 27 that the United States would be glad to meet and talk with the Chinese Communists about a For- -Daily-John Htze mosa cease-fire. JUDGE JIRO MATSUDA CLEFT) AND HIS INTERPRETER, Repeats Proposal YUKIO KAVANOTO, RELAX AFTER DINNER Chou repeated the proposal- first made at the height of - the Asian - African conference 1a s t T Educat r XR1month at Bandung-in a report on the meeting to Red China's Na- tion Congress. The broadcast, heard in Tokyo, in Wsaid: "To ease tension in the Tai- Jiagovernment is' willing to sit down By PHYLLIS LIPSKY and enter into negotiations with The Japanese equivalent of the American Law School is a two the United States government." year legal apprenticeship at the Judicial Research and Training In- Won't Sit with Nationalists stitute. Chou said, however, that "at no Judge Jiro Matsuda. Director of the Institute, run by. the Japanese time" would Red China agree to Supreme Court, visited the University yesterday as part of a 90 day tour down with the Nationalist gov- ernment of Chafing Kai-shek. of American law schools. The Red China Premier also re- A graduate in law from Tokyo University in 1940, Judge Matsuda peated that any talks with the is a member of the Tokyo High Court. He has been on a leave of ab- United States on the Formosa is- sence from the court since he took over as the Institute Director sue would not affect Red China's three years ago. claim to the area. Undergraduate Law Study "The Chinese people are willing Japanese Law students, he explained, devote the last two and a to strive for the liberation of Tai- half years of their undergraduate career to legal theory, taking lib- wan by peaceful means as far as ' eral arts courses during the first possible," Chou said. .7 '.three semesters. Chou said that In private' talks W illow IRu +u This is only the beginning how- with leaders of many nations at ever. Each year more than 5000 the conference he "discussed the * * * fie students with undergraduate law question of easing tension in the degrees take the institute entrance Far'East, particularly in the Tai- exam, but only 250 of them can wan area." epass.He said he explained that "the Those who make the grade begin liberation of Taiwan by the Chi- Floyd G. Wakefield, airport su- a two year round of study and nese people is a question of Chi- pervisor for the University reports practical chores which includes na's domestic affairs. The United that airline activities at Willow work in the courts, public prosecu- States occupation of Taiwan has Run Airport have shown an in-tors' offices and attorneys' offices. resulted in tension in the Taiwan crease over 1954 during the first The Institute which has a largejarea and this constitutes an inter- three months of 1955. legal research branch was set up _nasube n na i, Payments Due Subscription payments for The Michigan Daily are due to- day. Failure to meet today's pay- ment deadline may result in withholding of credits. Newspaper Business Dying, Says Ashmore mesters when students left school. Miss Park added, "If the over- crowding in the dorms on the Hill necessitates stopping sit-down dinners, this will be done on a one-semester basis."{ Converting Temporary The converting, she said, is also temporary. Jeannette Grimn, '57, Assembly president, read a letter from L. A. Schaadt, business manager of the residence halls, explaining the new switchboard procedure. He referred to the complaints{ "that Only the dorms nn the Hill i I I I 1 it I The Ambassador has kept a keen eye on world politics. He thought Council OK's that the recent Bandung Confer- ence was "enlightening" although' 5Bg it accomplished "nothing con-:55"6 Bud e By CATHERINE RAMBEAU were getting service until 11:00. Harry Ashmore, executive editor of the Little Rock Gazette, re- If all residence halls switchboards ferred to the newspaper business as a "dying industry." were open until that time, nothing "At one time," he said, "most editors could wind up owning their would be accomplished. With the own paper. That day is past, and with it has gone the day of personal others closed, the incoming calls journalism." will be cleared up after 10:30," he Ashmore, speaking at invitation of the journalism department, said. blamed the industry's weakness on increased competition of radio and Pay Phones Easier television, low wage scales, and "timid" editors, who are afraid to ar- He continued to say that, con- gue with publishers on matters of policy. trary to popular feeling, men in Editors' Jobs Secure i "Editor's don't seem to realize that their jobs are fairly secure," residence halls will have an easier continued Ashmore. "Publishers hesitate to fire a good editor, and time reaching the women by us- competent newspapermen are always in demand." ing pay phones. crete." Looking towards the future, the Ambassador expressed a desire to obtain membership in the UN.+ "We realize that the Russian veto can prevent this," he said, "but we refuse to make concessions to ei- ther political camp to obtain mem-, bership." No Commitment§ He explained tims 'non envolve- ment policy by saying that "anyc commitments to either side would be short ranged and we in Japant try to look forward to the day when the world divided will be-I come the world united."s I v~ Ann Arbor's City Council, as ex- pected, approved the 1955-56 budg- et last night in the council cham- "Once a paper is economically weak," Ashmore said, "it is subject to pressure from advertisers. Since Na paper cannot ctt salaries, it has 1 to rely on decreasing personnel and Orld iews sacrificing news space for more P advertising" Round UHowever, Ashmore feels that newspapers are unique in that By The Associated Press G WASHINGTON - The House 'Armed Services Committee yester- day approved, almost in its entire- ty, the Air Force's $703,390,000 do- mestic construction program for the next fiscal year. CHICAGO - Publishers of the w Chicago Tribune and the New York News were appointed Monday at the annual meeting of directors of the Tribune Co. Chesser M. Campbell, president of the Tribune Co., was named publishsr of the Tribune. WASHINGTON - A federal court jury, after 20 minutes' de- liberation, yesterday found turn- about witnaesMarie wrotvig afi+t ( "they are, unlike radio and tele- vision, removed from the immedi- ate control of the advertisers." Less Controversy In 94%0 of our cities, there is only one newspaper, and many of these are syndicated. "This fact has led to less news controversy," Ash- more stated. "Newspapers are trying to beI reputable in an essentially dis- reputable business. They forget that controversy sells newspapers, and they are underestimating their own power." Author of "The Negro and the Schools," Ashmore answered ques- tions concerning the attitude of Southern newspapers on the Anti- Segregation Bill. A PEEK INTO YOUR CLOSET: 'U' Students er By JOAN BRYAN How many ties does the average college upperclassman have? Does the typical coed take her mother along when selecting a girdle? Answers to these questions have at last been supplied by the Stu- dent Market Institute in a recent survey of 1585 upperclassmen at 37 colleges and universities. The average Michigan man pays $62 for each of his 3.7 suits. He picks out a tie in the morning from a selection of 21, the study re- vealed. Those men on campus owning 2.4 sport jackets will, no doubt, be pleased to know they are exactly "average," Furthermore, they spend $1.80 for ties and as likely as not take their parents along when select- ing pajamas. Coeds looking to their closets, should find 14 blouses; 12 skirts and three formals to be typical. The figures show that each of the dozen dresses cost ap- proximately $20. For some reason, .3 coeds won't answer whether they own panties or not. bers at City Hall. Using information provided by after World. War II, Judge Matsu- the United States. Included in the $2,409,597 budget the Air Lines National Terminal da explained. is a wage hike for department i Service Company, the report shows Although patterned basically on1 ' heads and hourly employees. The that passenger traffic has increas- European law, many basic Anglo- w L 1s budget approved last night is $32,- ed 14 ' per cent with 560,704 pas- American legal concepts were in- 977 more than the preliminary I sengers handled during the three eluded in Japanese corporation figure submitted last month, months as against 489,907 in the law after World War II. Forthishitew ash The council also approved a res- 1954 period, reason Japanese corporation law olution to invoke a benefit pay- Air freight shipments showed a is a fertile field of study for legal ! ment for water supplies to living 41 per cent ilcrease in the same scholars, Judge Matsuda said. quarters. period. The 1955 total was 16,_- "The marriage of the two sys- The payments will be pro-rated 375,099 pounds for the three te hare s ful to dys, beginning with single - family! months of 1954 the figure was 11,- temns has been successful to date," beining w months po 1he declared. The type of difficul- Special to The Daily dwellings. 1607,478 pounds. ties encountered when Japan EAST LANSING - Michigan't ~ adopted western model inheritance high-flying tennis squad used it, - and property law have largely been whitewash brush for the second avoided, he said, "because cor- consecutive dual meet yesterday tc { poration and contract laws are trounce Michigan State, 9-0. cuniversal." The Wolverines, who easily shut Ore;'P aRM o re .Although his interest in litera- out Ohio State on their home ture and philosophy persists,! courts last Saturday, had little Judge Matsuda choose a legal ca- trouble on their visit to the Spar- because he believed that ans in extending their dual me "through the judgeship justice can rwstreak to 16. be maintained." He is particularly Kactinueds persBal e inter ested in methods of ironingKa out the injiesthat creep into feated string as he breezed past .ge crpra i a Dave Brogan. 6-2, 6-3. This makes it ten in a row for MacKay since socety Lis he entered the varsity ranks at English the beginning of this season. Judge Matsuda, who speaks Brogan No Match some English, usually talks in a Brogan was no match for the rapid Japanese, which is translat- flashy Wolverine, who is rated a ..ed by Yukio Kawanoto. A State de- good chance of capturing the Big partment interpreter, Kawanoto Ten singles championship~ in the has accompanied the Judge on his tournament at the efid of this tour which has included Harvard, month. MacKay's rocket-like shots Yale, Columbia and Duke Univer- continually caught Brogan out of sities as well as several other position for returning. s.;>.Brogan's brother, John, Spartan In his brief visit to the Univer- captain, fared no better against sity Law School the judge said he hard-serving Dick Potter 'in the had not had time enough to form third singles match. Potter blazed 01 I