NEW PANHEL RUSHING PLAN See Page 4 Jr Latest Deadline in the State :43 1 a i FAIR AND WARM VOL. LXV, No. 158 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1955 SIX PAGES MSC Overcomes 'M' Nine Twice State Blasts Way to 8-5, 4-3 Wins; Wolverine Big Ten Title Hopes Fade CCEPT CE GIVE! By RUSS By LYNN TOWLE Special to The Daily ? EAST LANSING - Michigan's Big Ten baseball title chances plummeted as it fell twice under Michigan State's power in a dou- bleheader here yesterday. The Wolverines lost 8-5 and 4-3 dropping them into fourth-place in the Big Ten standings behind Minnesota, Michigan State, and Ohio State. Minnesota retained first place by trouncing Indiana twice in its twin bill. 'M' Rallies Fail In each game Michigan started a rally, but each came too late in the game to help win. The rally in the nightcap was a thriller as the Maize and Blue, trailing 3-0 came from behind to tie the score Dulles Radio Speech Set For Tuesday WASHINGTON (A')-With Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower as his "announcer," Secretary of State John Foster Dulles will report to' the nation Tuesday night on ne- gotiations for a Big Four meeting and other historic events. Sec. Dulles will speak in the President's office in the presence of Ranking Cabinet colleagues and his words will be broadcast by TV and radio. He will be introduced by the President. The White House announced the broadcast yesterday in a manner to suggest that Pres. Eisenhower wants to give it a full blast of pub- licity to assure the largest possible audience,and also demonstrate his full support for his secretary of state. Sec. Dulles will report on all as- pects of his current mission to Eu- rope, including the seating of West r Germany as a member of the At- lantic Alliance in ceremonies at Paris, talks with British and French leaders on the Indochina crisis and the signing of an Aus- trian peace treaty in Vienna to- morrow. But major interest focused on the top-level Big Four talks to ease world tensions, to which Rus- sian Foreign Minister V. M. Molo- t tov agreed yesterday. All four national TV networks will carry the report at that time. The radio networks willirecord it for later broadcast: ABC begin- ning at 8 p.m. EDT, Mutual at 9:30 p.m., EDT, CBS and NBC at 10:30 p.m., EDT. Bucket Drive Collections Total $3,198 Bucket stations collected an ad- ditional $838.25 in Tag Day Funds yesterday. With the $2,360 received Friday, the total now stands at $3,198.25. There are also about 40 canisters scattered through the downtown area which will not be called in until a week from tomorrow. The drive this year compares favorably with last year's when buckets netted $2,268. Additional gifts brought last year's total to almost- $2,900. Edward J. Slezak, Director of the Fresh Air Camp, commented, "I would personally like to thank all workers and contributors who Make the Drive so successful, thus making it possible for unfortunate children having behavior problems to have a happy summer." Anyone who missed the oppor- tunity to contribute or who de- sires to make an additional gift should address the letter to: Fresh Air Camp Fund, Room 504D, Uni- versity Elementary School. Report Contract Offered by GM DETROIT (A)-The Detroit Free' Press said last night there are in- in the top half of the seventh in- ning. The Spartans quenched Michi- gan's hopes as they came to bat in their half of the inning. Two Spartans got on base via walks off pitcher Mary Wisniewski. Then with one down Bob Powell hit a double into left field scoring the game winning run. 4 Parade of Pitchers The first game featured a pa- rade ofspitchers as Coach Ray Fisher sent three hurlers to the mound after Bill Thurston lost his control in the sixth inning. All of them failed to stop the Michigan State sluggers. While Coach Fisher used nearly every available man, Michigan State Coach John Kobs played only his starting nine in each game. Gene Snider and Thurston were the big men for the Wolverines in the opener as each man drove in two runs. Snider hit a home run in the fourth inning with a man aboard. George Smith, the Big Ten bat- ting leader and Jim Sack each drove in three, runs. Pitcher Ed Hobaugh racked up seven strike- outs while winning the game for the Spartans. Thurston Ties Game Thurston, the losing pitcher in the first game, came back in the second game in a pinch-hitting role. He hit the game tying home run with two mates on board. Until the fifth inning, the sec- ond game was a pitchers' duel, but Dick Idzkowski had more control of the two pitchers. In his six in- ning pitching stint, Dick Peter- john of the Wolverines issued eight bases on balls. Four Michigan base hits scored the runs but Michigan State scored its runs on walks. Don Ead- dy opened the seventh inning with a clean single that no one could See MICHIGAN, Page 3 Michigan Wins Relay Honors Special to The Daily EVANSTON, II.-Record break- ing and near record breaking per- formances highlighted the second Annual Big Ten Relays held at Evanston, Ill. yesterday. The Wolverines took team scor- ing honors by capturing two relay events, one field event, and plac- ing in 11 of the 16 events on the program. Highlighting the meet was light- ning-fast Jim Golliday of North- western who tied the world rec- ord .of :09.3 for the 100 yard dash currently held by Mel Patten and Hector Hogan. This was one tenth second faster than Jesse Owens' Big Ten record set twenty years ago. Michigan's victory in the field event came in the broad jump. Tom Hendricks led the way with a tremendous leap of 24' 2 /" and JuhiorStielstra was right behind with a 24' jump. The total footage was a good foot better than sec- ond place OSU. Relay Squads Win The Wolverine relay squads also accounted for two first places in the one and two-mile relays. Laird Sloan, Pete Gray, Dick Flodin, and Grant Scruggs turned in a time of 3:15.9 for the mile event, only one tenth second off the meet rec- ord. The two mile squad composed of Dan Walter, Hobe Jones, John Moule, and Gray also gave a fine account of themselves by cover- ing the distance in 7:42. See TRACKSTERS, Page 3 TO Sig Reds Set Up East-NATO Command WARSAW, Poland ()-The So- viet Union and seven East Euro- pean Communist states set up a unified military command yes- terday to counter the North At- lantic Treaty Organization. Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev was made supreme commander, with headquarters in Moscow. The eight allies :signed a 20- year mutual security and friend- ship treaty and a protocol group- ing their military forces under a single command. Marshall Konev, the deputy Soviet defense min- ister, has been a Communist party member for 37 years. Treaty Signed By Premiers The treaty ceremonies took place in a white and marble hall of Poland's Parliament building. Premiers of the eight nations-the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslo- vakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Roman- ia, Albania and East Germany- signed the documents. Later, nearly 100,000 cheering residents of Warsaw jammed into Tzierdzinsky Square and heard top Communist leaders hail the new treaty as "a move for world peace." West Germany 'Dangerous' Premier Nikolai Bulganin of the Soviet Union declared the Paris accords rearming West Germany sponsored "a new and dangerous militarism." "We want peace," he cried, "but we will defend our countries by all means." The loudest cheers and ap- plause came when Premier Bul- ganin told the crowd -of Konev's appointment as supreme com- mander. He reminded the crowd that it was Konev who led the armies which liberated much of Poland from the Nazis.. No Real Change Western diplomats believe the Russians have been in over-all command of their satellites' arm- ed forces for some time and that today's Warsaw action does not change the existing situation. .But the pact gives the Russians a legal framework under which Soviet troops can remain in the satellite nations through individ- ual treaties between the Soviet Union and each country. Six Million Mlen The United States government estimates the armed strength of these European Communist na- tions at more than six million men in from 175 to 225 Russian divisions and 80 satellite divisions. NATO divisions under Gen. Al- fred M. Guenther number about 100, with West Germany to con- tribute later a 12-division army of 350,000 men. Bulganin led -the procession of premiers, foreign ministers and defense ministers into the hall for the ceremony winding up.-the four- day conference. BIG-4 P RLEY I i ITATIO P * * * * * * 4 I ustrwan, Sa te lite. Pics C, a, Big-4 Agree Upon Treaty In Vienna VIENNA. Austria ('P)-The Big Four foreign ministers yesterday approved the terms of Austria's freedom. Joined by Austrian Foreign Min- ister Leopold Figl for 80 minutes yesterday afternoon, the high dip- lomats of Russia. the United States, Britain and France approv- ed the text of the Austrian treaty of independence. With Foreign Minister Figl they will sign the document in Vienna's Belvedere Palace today. Ends 17 Year Occupation For the Austrians it means the end of more than 17 years of oc- cupation by the Nazis and later by -Daiy-Lynn Wallas the four Allies, The capital was gaily decorated Enchanted Evening," was held with flags for the happy event. asketball court, borrowed from The Russians had blocked the ain, surrounded by Tlowers and treaty for 10 years and then un- nino, The Ann Arbor Alley Cats, expectedly gave in. The 80-minute session where the 38-article text was approved be- _____________________ jgan with Foreign Minister Figl calling for the Big Four to elimi- National nate a phrase in the preamble that would have perpetuated a share of the blame on. Austri'a for starting .Roundup World War II. Secretary of State John Foster, By The Associated Press Dulles, British Foreign Secretary CHICAGO (A)-The long, bitter Harold Macmillan and French struggle f or Montgomery Ward & FrinMnse non ia j Co. wound up yesterday with John agreed to drop the war guilt stig- Barr, 47, as top man. ma at once. Soviet Foreign Mi- Rarr~ ~ t r latvl b~cr 'War d aa ne Sve orinMn STARLIGHT DANCING-East Quadrangle's Spring Formal, "One out-of-doors in the Quad's North Court last night. A portable ba Wayne University, provided the dance floor. An improvised fount a star-lit sky offered atmosphere. Music was supplied by John Bon and Paul McDonough. RESUME INOCULATIONS: Vaccine Report Due Tomorrow ii WASHINGTON (P-The White House announced yesterday it will release a voluminous report to- morrow on the Salk polio vaccine program. The mass inoculation of first- and second-grade school children began picking up momentum again, after a week-long suspen- sion for new safety checks, as gov- ernment scientific inspectors mov- ed into the second of five labora- tories making the serum. Enough vaccine for more than a million shots was released by the U.S. Public Health Service late Friday as a result of their inspec- tion of the first plant on the list, Parke, Davis & Co. of Detroit. The check and doublecheck team is now at the Eli Lilly & Cot labo- ratories in Indianapolis. Other plants to be visited, though not necessarily by the same team, are Pitman-Moore Co., Indianapolis; and Sharp & Dohme, Inc. and Wyeth, Inc., both of Philadelphia. The product of a sixth manufac- turer, Cutter Laboratories of Berk- eley, Calif., has been withdrawn for a special check. Health officers in several states which have received the newly cleared Parke, Davis & Co. vaccine announced plans for resuming the voluntary inoculations at once, or at least within a few days. Secretary of Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby, whose handling of the polio program has come under some sharp criticism on Capitol Hill, is scheduled to appear for question- bra ia4veiy oJsui e a'aister V. M. Molotov then followed ing tomorrow by the Senate Bank- executive when the fight began suit. ing Committee. last August-was named chair- Neutrality Question The New York World-Telegram man and president at the first drthu tion & Sun reported Mrs. Hobby was meeting of the new directors Molotov raised the question of planning to resign within a few I the four powers joining in a decla- months because of the illness of DETROIT (P) - Major dairies ration "recognizing and observing her husband, former Gov. William formally announced milk price in- Austrian neutrality along the Swiss P. Hobby of Texas. creases, starting today. model." Increases of one-half cent to 11 /21The three Western foreign min- cents a quart, heralded earlier in isters agreed in principle, but said Serum Lack the week, were announced amid they preferred to wait and see the renewed compaints from the Ro- draft of such a declaration and e meo area farmers group. the precise formation of Austria's Dhneutral policy. . NEW YORK A1-- The stock Molotov then said he would. cir- $Pmarket was caught in the grip of culate a draft, while Figl said he caution last week, and prices de- -would undertake to spell out the By The Associated Press clined, request his country intends to The second round of polio vac- For nearly three weeks, the stock make for a Big Four guarantee of cinations in Michigan apparently makket has been going down grad- Austrian neutrality. will be delayed by a lack of serum. ually, without urgency, without un- One of the treaty provisions Dr. F. S. Leeder, chief of disease due pressure. binds each of the occupying pow- control for the Michigan Health The normal investor or trader ers to withdraw military forces Department, said last night he had in Wall Street this week was faced within 90 days after ratification been unable to get assurances that with a complicated-array of prob- "and if at all possible before Dec. any additional vaccine would be lems 131, 1955." released to the state during the weekend. APUPINS Some counties had planned to start second shots tomorrow, a Dr. Leeder sad ithe delay will N not endanger the program. He said it actually might benefit the child- gaPtovwde ren, adding, that scientists now believe more than four weeks be- Ten original schedule calledfor. a second shot four weeks after (Editor's. Note: This is the first in a series of interpretative articles on major news agencies.) the first. Dr. Leeder said that at the mo- By MERLE MAYERSTELN ment everything is indefinite. He By combining the speed of telegraphy with wide coverage. accur- made 23 telephone calls to various acy and unbiased handling of the news, press associations have become points in Michigan yesterday, tell- an indispensable part of the newspaper industty. ing the mto postpone tomorrow's News agencies were first organized to gather and disseminate news plans and wait until additional to member or client newspapers and radio stations as economically asI vaccine is received by the State possible. Teletype machines are used to transmit news directly from Health Department. the central news gathering point to distant receiving points. They areI Meanwhile,. Wayne and Oak- land counties resumed inoculating similar to long distance typewriters. children yesterday, less than 24 A European Idea hours after the government gavej Beginning as a European idea, news agencies had their real de- approval to Salk vaccine made by velopment within the United States. The Associated Press, popularly Parke, Davis & Co. of Detroit. referred to as the AP, is the oldest and largest agency. Serving more than 4,000 newspapers and radio stations, the AP House To Reopen produces approximately 1.000.000 words a day-equivalent to 7 or 8 novels. However, no one newspaper or radio station receives all this Military Debates wordage. Running a close second is the United Press or UP, with Interna-1 i.r WA1NT3~tT'(7Nh fA" . Th House Iiir,,.al ~w *ivrpjTNS. nt. Seek. Final- East-West. Settlement Summier Date Not Definite Yet VIENNA, Austria (P)-Russia\ V. M. Molotov promised at a din- ner meeting with Western foreign ministers yesterday that the Soviet Union will join in a Big Four conference at the topmost level in an effort to reach an East-West settlement. The so-called meeting at the summit would bring together Pres- ident Dwight D. .Eisenhower, So- viet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, British Prime Minister Anthony Eden and French Premier Edward Faure some time in the summer. Follows Austrian Agreement The four foreign ministers thus capped an accord reached earlier in the day when they approved the text of a treaty restoring to Austria her freedom and inde- pendence after 17 years of occu- pation. Secretary Dulles was to have served notice he would oppose Geneva, Switzerland, a locale with a politically unpleasant conno- tation for some Americans because of the controversial Indochina cease-fire settlement reached there last year with Red China sitting in. Meeting Time Uncertain Discussion of the timing of the meeting ranged from late July through August. 'Word of Russia's acceptanceof the invitation to a Big Four par- ley was passed to President Eisen- hower by newsmen via Secret Ser- vice men at the President's farm at Gettysburg, Pa. Hopes Rising For Avoidance Of Hot War LONDON W--A week of his- tory-making diplomatic moves raised new hopes last night for a "live and let live" agreement be- tween Russia and the West. The impression was general that the Soviet Union, facing up to the realities of growing West- ern, strength; was ready for a breathing spell in the cold war, New Wave of Hope Western diplomats had their. fingers crossed, but in spite of this wariness the wave of hope that an H-bomb war can be avoided was unequalled since the cold war began. Even news that Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin- will go to Bel- grade late this mionth to see Pres- ident Tito was being interpreted in most quartaers as another step toward 'easing tension. As developments piled up dur- ing the week Prime Minister An- thony Eden declared: 'Some Confidence'--Eden "Although the difficulties are still real enough, we look forward with some confidence to a break in the international clouds." President Eisenhower said in Washington Wednesday he was willing to meet with Prime Min- ister Eden, Premier Bulganin and French Premier Faure but cau- tioned against believing the world can be turned around in a few days or weeks. Nevertheless, he said, he thinks it possible to put up a platform from which to work toward that end. Corruption Charge To Be Revealed WASHINGTON (W)--Chairman John McClellan (D-Ark) said yes- terday the Senate Investigations subcommittee is about to unfold OPENING TOMORROW: Helen Hayp A quintet of famous women will arrive on campus tomorrow. Comprised of five "leading la- dies" the group will appear be- fore Ann Arbor audiences on the stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. In a new production entitled "Gentlemen, the Queens," Helen Hayes, grand lady of the American stage will portray four of the most es T o Appear in 'Queens' greatest in the history of the thea- ter. Miss Hayes supporting court will include such talented members as Philip Bourneuf, Edith Meiser, Ray Boyle and Truman Smith all of whom have gained considerable recognition for their work in thea- ter, television and the movies. Four elaborate settings befitting U