SATURDAY. MAY 14. 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THEE kwy Tennis Team Whips Irish, 8-1; , 2 9 ts Intrasquad Contest To Climax ;S ootball Practice Today Grid Squad To Perform In Stadium By DAVE GREY The Michigan Stadium will be the scene for the annual final spring football scrimmage this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Admission will be free to watch the two evenly-divided White and Blue squads run through a regula- tion time game, which could go a long way in determining just how much and how good depth the Wolverines can field next fall. Question - mark positions o f tackle and fullback will be given a sharp viewing by Coach Bennie Oosterbaan. and his staff. The scramble for starting berth at left halfback will feature the versatile wrunning and passing attacks of veteran Terry Barr and new speed- ster Jim Pace. Halfback Ed Shannon and end Mike Rotunno, key figures as so- phomores on last year's team, have been experimenting at fullback and should see some action this afternoon at this relatively un- familiar slot. Regulars Missing Missing from ' the scrimmage will be a good percentage of next fall's regulars. Ron Kramer will be competing in the Big Ten Track Relays, while other probable start- ing end Tom Maentz has not been out for spring drills. Center Gene Snider and half- back Tony Branoff are playing Battles MSC Michigan's undefeated soccer r team will play host to the Mi- chigan State squad today at 2 p.m. on the soccer field. baseball, while valuable fullback- quarterback Lou Baldacci has been given the spring off. Two other prospects who should be more-than-in-the-picture in September are tracksters T o m Hendricks, at halfback, and first semester sophomore Dave Owen, one of the best linemen from the fall freshman squad. Guard Bob Marion, who is recovering from a knee operation, is among several other standouts missing from the 20-day warm-weather workout. Oosterbaan intends to give the ' entire squad a chance to play. Lists of names and jersey numbers will be given out at the game, which should feature the contin- ual shifting in and out of players on both sides. RAYFA $ 100 TRIA A short cut to good times and popularity! -Daily-Dick Gaskill MICHIGAN CATCHER Gene Snider takes a look at one of the offerings of Michigan State pitcher Walt Godfrey. The pitch was a ball, and Snider received a walk to first. Godfrey Scatters Five Hits As Diamotidmen Lose, 3=0 (Continued from Page 1) Michigan had three big scoring chances in the game, but failed to utilize any. In the third inning with one out, Moby Benedict walk- ed. After Bruce Fox had been re- tired, Dan Cline singled Benedict to third. Godfrey then bore down, and got Michigan's leading hitter, Don Eaddy, to ground out weakly to third. In the following inning, the Wolverines had Jim Vukovich on second and Gene Snider on first, via an. error and a single. This time Wisniewski failed to come through in the clutch as he pop- ped up to first. Fight Breaks Out Finally in the seventh inning, Michigan failed to capitalize on their last real chance to score, al- though they did provoke the only fight of the game. With Eaddy on first base with a base on balls, Ken . Tippery tried to sacrifice. Chuck Mathews'throw was in time to force Eaddy at second, but Eaddy slid hard into shortstop Matsock, and broke up the pos- sible double play. I Harsh words were exchanged be- tween the two, and as they began to push each other, both teams rushed onto the field. Umpires Ross Logsden and George Maskin quickly calmed the players, and the game continued without fur- ther incident. Howie Tommelein, after forcing Tippery at second, then proceeded to steal second, but died there as Vukovich flied deep to right. Godfrey was especially effec- tive, as he continually had the Wolverine batters hitting into the air. He gave up but five hits, strik- ing out four while walking five. After he issued his last pass, State coach John Kobs came rushing out of the dugout to protest the umpire's call, but to no avail. Wisniewski Stars Wisniewski pitched his usual fine game, giving up eight hits, while striking out 4. He did not walk a man. The unusual thing about his pitching was that he was most effective against State's best hitters. Al Luce, George Smith, Jim Sack, and Mathews, although each was batting over .385, got just one hit between them in 16 times at bat. It was the tail end of the Spartan batting order that did the damage. The two teams meet this after- noon in a doubleheader at East Lansing. Jim Thurston and Ed Hobaugh are scheduled to pitch the first game; however, the sec- ond game pitchers have not been announced. [Va jor League Standin gs AMERICAN LEAGUE M' Netmen Overwhelm Notre Dame MacKay Blasts Foe; Battle OSU Today By DIANE LA BAKAS Michigan's tennis team extend- ed its winning streak to 14 straight matches yesterday by overwhelm- ing a hapless Notre Dame squad, 8-1. The Irish, who lost, 5-4, to the strong Kalamazoo team Thurs- day, was expected to give the Wol- verines more trouble than they did, but could capture only one singles win. MacKay Wins Barry MacKay started the fire- works, blasting Walt Clarke, 6-1, 6-3. MacKay, displaying his usually fine form, dropped the first game but then retaliated with corner placements from both the back- hand and forehand sides to win the set. Despite occasional laxness and a poor serve, Clarke jumped off to a 3-1 lead in the second set. How- ever, from then on MacKay was in command, successfully making use of his powerful service and repertoire of strokes. The second singles match was far more interesting .as Marke Jaffe, hampered by a pulled leg muscle, bowed to Maurice Reidy, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3, in the Wolverines only loss. Jaffe Weakens Leading Reidy 3-1 in the second set after winning the first, Jaffe weakened with victory beckoning as he lost a crucial fifth game which seemed to last ten minutes and then went on to lose the set. The Wolvering sophomore ap- peared to regain some of his first set form as he emerged with scint- illating shots, taking punishment unflinchingly in the madcap ral- lies and jumped into a 2-0 third set lead. However, he weakened under Reidy's deft volleying touch which kept him constantly running un- der pressure, and from then on went quickly limping to defeat. Dick Potter broke his two-match losing streak, disposing of Harry Smith, a semi-lob specialist, in impressive style, 6-2, 6-2. Hustling Bob Paley continued his winning way whipping ^Bill Reale, 6-1, 6-2, while Pete Paulus downed Dean Richards 6-1, 6-4, and Captain Bob Nederlander beat Jim Rich, 6-1, 6-1, to cinch the aiatch. ,M' Sweeps Doubles The Wolverines made a clean sweep of the doubles as MacKay and Potter executed some magni- ficent shots in rallying to a 3-6, 7-5, 6-3, victory over Clarke and Reidy. Al Mann and Nederlander down- ed Richards and Rich 6-4, 6-3, in the second doubles after Notre Dame forfeited the third doubles match. Michigan will be seeking its third consecutive conference win when it meets Ohio State today at 10:30 on the varsity courts. MICHIGAN DAILY Phone NO 2-3241 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1.95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.31 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. SaturdayI LOST AND FOUND LOST-Charm Bracelet on Sunday, My 8. Contact 5319 Scott House, S.Q. )115A ENGLISH MACKINTOSH raincoats ex- changed at the League Tues. 9 A.M. If you have my raincoat-with cards -call NO 3-2518. )116A LOST-Man's Bulova watch and class ring on Oakland Monday, May 9. Call Jack, NO 2-9431. )117A LOST-Wyler wrist watch Thursday morning in University parking lot< (Forest Ave.) Will finder please turn in to Dean's office, Rm. 259, West Engin. )118A FOR SALE ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox 39c, shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )26B SWEATERS to formals, size 9 to 11. Call NO 3-8153. )301B 25' HOUSETRAILER. Completely furn- ished. Must sacrifice. NO 5-2902. )262B FREE TICKET to Scio Drive-In Theatre with any purchase of $1 or more. VAN DYKE'S GIFTS East Liberty between 4th and 5th Ave. ) 272B ELMAC RECEIVER, Bandmaster trans- mitter; mobile whip and coil. $150.00. Phone NO 2-5174 after 7 Pv. )276B NROTC Lieutenants uniforms, winter and summer issues. Complete-good condition. For bargain call NO 2-7294. 275B We're Making This Sensational Offer Again! Check These Prices! We make it easy for you to buy a New 1955 Plymouth 2-Dr. Club Sedan including heater, turn signals, License and Taxes. $159 DOWN And payments of $13.61 a week or we will take your old car in trade I AT BENZ MOTORS, INC. "Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer" 331 S. 4th Ave. NO 2-5523 )280B THE DREAM TEAM JDORIS DAY together! and oh so f _al FOR SALE ONE 12-inch Hi-Fi G. speaker, $16.00. 250 Hinsdale, E.Q. )279B DRAMA SEASON TICKETS-Want to trade 2 or 3 tickets of Drama season Sat. night May 21 for Wed., Thurs., or Fri. night May 18, 19, 20. Also have two tickets for sale Sat. night, May 28. Mrs. James Hendley, GA 8-3221 and GA 8-3381. 278B USED FURNITURE-Excellent condition includes hide-a-bed, chair, rug, lamps, and bookcase, etc. Call NO 2-3724. )281N FOR RENT CAMPUS - APARTMENT FOR MEN. Furnished. Private baths. Available June. $105 for 3. $140 for 4 men. Phone NO 3-8454 after 1 P.M. )310 WANTED-3 male students to share large modern apartment near cam- pus with one male student for sum- mer. Call NO 3-8455. )34C SUMMER APARTMENT, 2 bedroom. Newly furnished. Near campus. $120 a month, including utilities. NO 8-8163 )33C ROOMS FOR RENT BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH. Campus Tour- ist Homes. 518 E. William. Student rooms also available. NO 3-8454. )66D ROOMING HOUSE-Furnished. Univer- sity approved. Available at the end of the term. Phone NO 2-0567 be- tween 10 and 9. )73D ROOMS FOR RENT-Male students- summer and fall, half block from campus. Cooking privileges, 417 E. Liberty. )83D MALE STUDENTS Going to summer school? Working in AA this summer? Need a good place to live? Call NO 8-7683 or come to 1412 Cambridge Road. )84D FRATERNITY HOUSE plans to remain open for summer school. Will furn- ish room and/or board. For details call NO 3-3643. )86D For Weekend Guests The Town House Hotel Clean, comfortable warm rooms. Rea- sonable daily and weekly rates. Con- venient parking; open all night. 303 E. Ann St. NO 2-1876. 51D ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMERS and/or boarders for summer session at a fraternity house on cam- pus. Reasonable rates. Contact Carl Stern at NO 3-4187. )88D APARTMENT for rent for summer ses- sion. 5 room apartment for 3 or 4 occupants, on campus location. Phone S. Hill, NO 3-4187. )89D ROOM AND BOARD SUMMER SESSION roomers and/or boarders wanted. Rent $35 for eight weeks, board $112.80 with refunds for uneaten meals. Call Jim Burnett, NO 2-9431. )22E ROOM AND/OR BOARD. Fraternity house opening for the summer, good food, ideal location. Call NO 2-3236 for details. ) HELP WANTED SUMMER JOB, waiters, waitresses, cooks, chefs, caretakers, handy men, janitors.iBeautiful resort area, good pay. Write M. A. Huey, 906 Lake St., Roscommon, Mich. )65H SPARE TIME money-maker. Summer work or year around. Sell airplane- type spark plugs to car, truck, tractor, outboard, power mower owners. Fast- est firing, hottest plug on the mar- ket. Proven performance. Repeat sales assured. No stock to carry. No in- vestment required. Samples furnish- ed. Big commission. Write Luthy Aeronautical Sales, 302 Cooper St., Jackson, Michigan. Give phone num- ber for appointment. )66H STUDENTS Earn $75-$150 weekly during summer participating in national sales pro- gram. Free training. Car essential. No canvassing. Not books, cosmetics, or magazines. Career opportunities avail- able. Mr. Larman. NO 3-8506. )68H FULL OR PART-TIME male cab driver. Apply A.A. Yellow and Checker Cab Co. 113 S. Ashley, Phone NO 8-9382. )64H PART TIME WORK. Need 2 students 3 hours or more per day. Start at once. Make up to $4.50 per hour. Selling nationally known products. NO 2-6441 Saturday noon 9-12 or come in per- son, 310 Wolverine Bldg., ask for Mr. Lowry. 69H GIRL for summer for part-time house- work and babysitting in exchange for room and board in professor's home. Close to campus. Call NO 2-2009 for details. ) 70H BUSINESS SERVICES TYPIST - Specialty thesis with an Elite typewriter. 21 inch carriage. Ref- erences. Call Saline 665J. Can often pick up and deliver materials. WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Girls English bicycle in ex- cellent condition. Call NO 2-7864. )9K USED CARS 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Excellent transportation. $75. Fitzgerald-Jor- dan, Inc., 607 Detroit Street, NO 8-8141. )28N 1951 BUICK CONVERTIBLE. Dynaflow. Power seats and windows, whitewall tires. Radio and heater. Phone NO 2-0224. l)38N 1940 PLYMOUTH, excellent condition. 1955 plates, $75, NO 2-9733. )62N 1953 PONTIAC HARD-TOP. Two-tone green. Heater. Hydramatic, low mile- age. New tires. Real Sharp. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing- ton, NQ 2-4588. )55N 1953 WILLYS, two-door. Heater. Hydra- matic. 12,000 actual miles. Real sharp. The big lot across from downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )53N 1953 CHEVROLET Station Wagon. Ra- dio and heater. 20,000 miles. Two-tone green. Real nice. ,The big lot across from'downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )54N 1949 TWO DOOR CHEVROLET-Cleaq, only 30,000 miles, radio, heater, see Breck, 547 S. Ashley. )57N 1950 MERCURY Club Coupe, radio, heater, turn signals, windshield wash- er, new tires. Perfect mechanical con- dition. Phone NO 3-1682 after 6 P.M. )58N 1953 DODGE-2-door, radio and heater, $825. Original owner. 2423 Yost. Phone NO 2-9886. )59N ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS, CUSTOM-SEWING MARY-BELLE SEWING SHOP 324 E. Liberty - NO 8-7795 )4P TRAVEL WANTED-A party to drive car to Berkeley, Calif. Approximately July 1 and return to Ann Arbor approx- imately Sept. 15. Call NO 2-4048. )38 RECORD RELEASE Sixteen favorites by THE PSURFS '55 Gulantics Winners Completely Modern Log Housekeeping cottages on 4emaitiful Torch Lake. Special rates to honeymooners Phone Plymouth 1-225W )67D MEN STUDENTS-Room for rent sum- mer and fall. Shower. 1315 Cambridge Road. 87D SINGLE, DOUBLE, TRIPLE rooms in large pleasantly furnished house. Close to campus. Full kitchen privi- leges, spacious living room; dining room and study on 1st floor. $50 for 8 week session. Men only. Call NO 3-1511, ext. 2858 days, 3-8274 nights. 90D FURNISHED 2-ROOMS on campus June 10-Sept. 10. Summer session. Phone NO 2-9272 after 7 P.M. )91D BUSINESS SERVICES R. A. MADDY-VIOLIN MAKER. Fine instruments. Accessories. Repairs. 310 S. State, upstairs. Phone NO 2-5962. )10I RADIO - PHONO - TV Service and Sales Free Pick-Up and Delivery Fast Service - Reasonable Rates Telefunken HI-FI AM-FM Radio ANN ARBOR RADIO AND TV 1217 S. University Phone NO 8-7942 1% Blocks East of East Eng. )261B LIBERTY MUSIC STORES DICK'S RECORD ,SHOP J. McDermott, Law Club Use The Daily Classifieds W L Cleveland ........19 8 Chicago .........16 9 New York........15 10 Detroit ..........15 12 Washington .....11 15 Boston..........12 17 Kansas City....10 16 Baltimore......... 8 19 Pet. .704 .640 .600 .556 .427 .414 .385 .296 GB 2 3 4 8% 11 APPLICATIONS for residents in Hillel Dormitory summer and fall sessions may be secured from theaHillel sec- retary from 9-12 and 1-5. Deadline is Wednesday, May 18. )92D DIAL NO 2-3136 Ali NOW Ua Held Over Through __ Monday Dial 2-2513 Mats. 50c Eves. & Sun. 80c YESTERDAY'S SCORES New York 5, Detroit 2 Boston 4, Kansas City 3 Chicago at Baltimore-rain Cleveland at Washington-rain t TODAY'S GAMES Detroit at New York Kansas City at Boston Cleveland at Washington Chicago at Baltimore NATIONAL LEAGUE A rib-tickling prescription for gaiety .. . as four med students learn the facts of life from the doctors and the facts of love from the nurses! Unlucky Day MICH. STATE AB R H Mathews, lb........ 4 0 0 Smith, 2b . . . 4 0 1 Sack, if............4 0 0 Collard, rf ........ 4 1 2 Powell, cf ......... 4 2 3 Godfrey, p ......... 3 0 1 Matsock, ss ....3 0 1 Luce, c............4 0 0 Morrall, 3b......... 3 0 0 Totals...........33 3 8 MICHIGAN AB R H Benedict, ss........3 0 0 Fox,f ....,........3 0 1 Cline, rf. ..... 3 0 1 Eaddy, 3b . ......3 0 0 Tippery, 2b......... 4 0 0 Tommelein, If ..... 4 0 1 Vukovich, lb ...... 3 0 0 Snider, c .......... 3 0 1 Wisniewski, p ..... 4 0 0 Thurston*.......... 1 0 1 Totals ...........31 0 5 *singled for Vukovich in ninth W L Brooklyn ........23 4 New York ........14 11 Milwaukee .......14 13 Cphicago .........14 14 St. Louis........10 13 Pittsburgh ......11 15 Cincinnati ....... 9 16 Philadelphia ..... 8 17 Pet. .852 .560 .519 .500 .435 .423 .360 .320 GB 8 9 9f4 11 11'/2 13 14 The J. Arthur Rank Organization presents roTim Color by TECHNICOLOR A REPUBUC RELEASE 1!!9 VIYI I nes E 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x E 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 YESTERDAY'S SCORES Brooklyn 6, Milwaukee 2 New York 4, St. Louis 3 (10 innings) Pittsburgh at Chicago-cold Philadelphia at Cincinnati-rain TODAY'S GAMES Brooklyn at Cincinnati,,. Philadelphia at Milwaukee New York at Chicago. Pittsburgh at St. Louis 0 3. II Wouldn't you be glad to risk a dol- lar to find out how quickly and easily you can become a sought-after partner? It's really no risk at all at Arthur Murray's because he guaran- tees you success. So don't miss out on fun and good times that should be yours...come in now. ARTHUR MURRAY 1311 So. University NO 3-4143 Top Off Your Evenings at the MILK MAID DRIVE-INN RESTAURANT Open 11 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. 3730RWashtenaw Near Pittsfield Village ORDERS TO GO -NO 8-7146 WARNER BROS. present it in WARNERCOLO ALSO HEAT-CRAZED! HATE-FILLED LIKE JUNGLE BEASTS! HOWARD HUGHES .|arrng VIRGINIA MAYO, DALE ROBERTSON M-G-M's BIGGEST SPECTACLE #THE PRODIGAL IN COLOR AND C11EMASCOOE WITH STEREOPHONIC SOUNOI starrig Lan a Edmund Louis CALHERNwi, 01ley D slto - MIsdItch reville Bad-Walter anpiden a Elug' "rmE !I. Seilivafi Taih W~s-Rnni Saa de Extra "READY..SET-ZOOM" The Road Runner and the Coyote Ii SPICY AND FUNNY! New York Herald Tribune RICH IN COMEDY ... THOROUGHLY DIVERTING! New York Journal American DELIGHTFULLY HUMOROUS! New York Daily News I r Michigan State ...000 000 201-3 8 1 MICHIGAN .......000 000 000-0 5 2 4, I-M SCORES INDEPENDENT SOFTBALL Navy Air 15, English 12 Willow Run Research Center A Zoology Museum 1 Toads 11, Owen Co-op 3 Pill-pushers 8, Newman Club 5 Foresters 15, Nakamura Co-op 8 I Cinema quild Saturday at 7 and 9 Sunday at 8 only ALEC GUINESS in - - ag i 1i- SAFEGUARD' YOUR MONEY Carry your cash by means of TIRAVELERS CHEQUES * CONVENIENT 0 SAFE * PRACTICAL Inquire NOW at I Today andORPHEU 1:30 Sunday 65c THE INSTANT ... WHEN A MAN MUST CHOOSE... WHICH WOMAN? WHICH CODE? I III iii