INTERNATIONAL WEEK v. See Page 4 Y L 1Mwi xx 4hp rV Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY,WARM VOL. LXV, No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1955 TWELVE PAGES I T- -10 n -1 Big Four Approve Treaty i Reeumptio House Seen Likely OK's Military Austrian 1@ Of Independence Establishes > Neutrality In Cold War VIENNA, Austria ()-The Big Four agreed yesterday on final terms for an Austrian treaty of independence. This country's foreign minister, mindful of an impending top-level East-West meeting, called it "a turning point in world history." U. S. Secretary of State John F. Dulles, British Foreign Secre- tary Harold Macmillan, French Foreign Minister Antoine Pinay and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov will sign the treaty here Sunday which! makes Austria neutral in the cold war. Ratification Means Independence Ratification will mean independ- ence for the first time in 17 years' for this nation of seven million with an area roughly equivalent to Maine or South Carolina. Ninety days after ratification, 70,000 occupation troops of the four powers who have been in Aus- tria for a decade will be with- drawn. Ratification is expected to be completed by Dec. 31. For a while yesterday it looked as though a deadlock over a clause dealing with economic concessions of Russia to Austria might block or delay the treaty signing. Full Unanimity Reached But a communique from the Big r Four ambassadors after a meet- ing declared "full unanimity has been reached on all articles of the draft treaty." It added that by the end of this week the Big Four foreign min- isters will meet here with repre- sentatives of Austria "for the ex- amination and signature of the Austrian state treaty." The ambassadors of the West- ern Powers bumped into the dead- lock three days ago when the Rus- sians balked against revising Arti- cle 35 of the treaty to include re- cent concessions to the Austrians made in talks in Moscow last month. Oil Fields Returned These involved return of the great Zisterdorf oil fields and the Danube Shipping Co. to Austria. The ambassadors finally decided to make the concessions an annex to the treaty, climaxing with suc- cess nine days of negotiations. ?-Foreign Minister Leopold Figl told the Austrian people that Sun- day's signing will not only be a significant date in the "history of Austria, but it will also be a turning point in world history." The ambassadors did not take up yesterday the question of guaranteeing Austrian neutrality, and this may be discussed by the foreign ministers in their week- end meeting here. Mighty Sphinx Grabs Slaves Once again the Pharaoh has commanded his legions to cross the great desert and invade the land of the barbarians to pick slaves for the Pharaoh's court. Once again the East has learned to fear the Pharaoh's might. Into the temple, where gathers the Court, came neophyte slaves to the Great Court of Sphinx. Here they learned of many things. Here they learned to dedicate themselves to Michigan, and to the Pharaoh ... A So came .. . Bill Adams, Mike Barber, Terry Barr, Mike Buchanan, Dick Dun- nigan, Bill Johnson, John John- son, Herb Karzen, Ron Kramer, f i,.lr T anne 'Urnrl Txnnc 'Rnarrv Prof. Wit Calls Treaty Red Strategy By PETE ECKSTEIN An Austrian peace treaty was Russia's "trump card" in her ef- forts to dissuade Germany from rearming, Prof. Daniel Wit of the political science department said yesterday. "Russia held off until the very end" in agreeing to the Austrian treaty, Prof. Wit said. "She is trying to use Austria as an exam- ,.,1, t. f~n m~ v" Plan T oRelease Vaccine Quickly WASHINGTON fAP) - pks men for the United States Pub- lic Health Service indicated yes- terday that-if all goes well-the signal may be given today for lim- ited resumption of inoculations with the Salk polio vaccine. They said they expected to hear within hours from a scientific team re-testing vaccine made by Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit. If the report from Detroit is fa- vorable and if Public Health offi-} Ials here concur, they added, there is likely to be quick action to re- lease batches of the Parke-Davis product previously approved and now in the hands of doctors. Urged Innoeulation Suspension At the beginning of the week the Public Health Service urged states to suspend their inocula- tion programs until federal offic- ials had rechecked the safeguards being used by drug firms produc- ing the serum. These doublechecks began at ilr Communists Gain Control' Of Haiphong HAIPHONG (A)-Thousands of Communist Vietminh troops swept into the northwest section of this big seaport yesterday and im- mediately imposed an iron rule of fear. Occupation of Haiphong will be completed today, ending French colonialism in North Indochina. But the Vietminh 'did not wait for the final day to strike terror in northwest Haiphong. Roundup Vietnamese The occupying army of Moscow-f trained Ho Chi Minh ordered a1 Appropriations Bill President's Military' Cut 4 Plan Upheld' New Reductions To Begin July 1 WASHINGTON (A.)-The House yesterday passed a $31,488,206,000 military appropriation bill after upholding President Dwight D. Ei- senhower's plans to reduce armed service strength. The roll call vote was 382-0. As the measur went to the Sen- ate 4t provided for a cut of 107,- 300 in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps during the 12 months start- ing July 1. The Air Force would be increas- ed by 5,000, from 970,000 to 975,- 000, during the same period, leav- ing the over-all reduction at 102,- _oeyLetnve .1 PRESIDENT HATCHER BUYS TAG 'U' Tag Da Starts Here; Goal $5,000f Buckets will be manned by a to- tal of 1400 students today and to- morrow in the 35th Annual Tag Day drive. Staged this year by Junior IFC, Junior Panhel, IHC, Assembly, the Union and League, the fund-rais- ing drive helps send underprivi- leged boys to the University Fresh Air Camp. The goal has, been set at $5,000 this year, and there will be 42 stations scattered about the cam- pus 'and city. 'U' Provides Administrative Costs The University provides all ad- ministrative costs of the camp. Tag Day funds are used only to buy food, medical service, craft and camping equipment, camper transportation and athletic equip- ment for the boys. .The camp, located on Patterson Lake 24 miles northwest of Ann Arbor, will hold two sessions this summer. ple to Germany"" Parke-Davis wednesday and will roundup of all Vietnamese who He speculated that Russia II be extended to the other pharma- had collaborated with the French "out to engage in direct negotia- ceutical houses. and Vietnamese forces during the s tions with the German govern- Sentiment grew in Congress yes- long war. ment" on a German peace treaty terday to give the President and unification of the country., edyt ie h rsdn The threat of arrest and imp r- AOET MDW ateAn n n n he y broad discretionary powers to con- onment cast a black shadow over ABOVE THE MIDWAY at the An Applied Pressure on Germany trol the distribution and price of the lives of Haiphong's 236,000 Commerce's 12th Annual Building, Both the Austrian treaty and the Salk polio vaccine. citizens. Show at the Fair Grounds. The an planned Communist military al- Wanted Controls For in this wartime port of'drew 25,000 people, will run throug] liance are "part of pressure being Many members of Congress for ntais ofrU.S. ar auctions, and raffles, as well as ride applied on Germany to prevent re-wntoca nmeteon- entry for mountains of U.S. war aaiene want to clamp on immediate con- supplies sent to the French, there armament.sofVitnmee h "I don't think their efforts will trols to ke re were thousands of Vietnamese who INVESTIGATIONS: succeed as long as Adenauer is ply will go to children who need had helped in dozens of ways. Chancellor," h added, but it will it most and at a fair price. lc rda i t l The administration is reluctant .Black Friday be several years before the Ger- to impose controls unless they are It was black Friday for the A Jnfceica mans have an army in the field. bsutynessy.French expeditionary forces. The The new treaty will affect the More than five million school force did all it could to win a war legal standing of Russian troops in children have been inoculated with that often lacked sympathy in Tth some satellite countries, he point- the Salk vaccine since it was pro- Paris high councils and among ed out. The Red Army's presence nounced a safe immunizing agentIFrench interests which had tapped is now justified on the grounds last month. the territory's wealth for nearly Three confessions Wednesday virt that it provides a supply contact According to the latest figures 90 years. cidents of violence plaguing the city with forces in Austria. of the Public Health Service, 64 The thousands of elite Vietminh .The trio, two 18-year-old high s Withdrawal of .foreign troops of the children have come down troops their bayonets gleaming, old admitted injuring a University coE from Austria under the new treaty with polio since being vaccinated. marched into Haiphong at dawn They denied, however, that they did "presages some withdrawal of Rus- The development of these cases today. The three youths told city detect sian troops in the satellites," the apparently was a major factor in Swiftly they will take military ---voff dprofessor Rsmmentd. "IL demon- 'the decision to go back and check control of the city-their last big flee strates Russian confidence in be- over manufacturing methods em- prize in the nearly eight years of of ing able to dominate satellite ar- ployed by the six companies li- bitter guerrilla war that ended ine mies. censed to turn out the serum. stunning defeat for the French a Shift Integration F o cessyear ago at Dien Bien Phu. kn "Further integration of forces is Leave for Do Son Peninsula chi particularly necessary as Russian Two Students French troops will leave in In Viet Nam esc troops are removed," Prof. Wit tuk o osnpnnuai l said, "and the need partly explains r j trucks for Do Son peninsula in fclai ~aid, "ndd hheeBdaprt ynjpuredsthe South. There they will leave an the new "Red NATO." It and the Bad e for Saigon in South Viet Nam- SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)-A tio re shvery well for the Rus- 'and France. government spokesman said yes- 1 nsFrom the recent Soviet moves, Inar CrashiThe Communist Vietminh oc- terday Premier Ngo Dinh Diem is Ch Prof. Wit concludes that "their cupation of Haiphong puts the red asking France to shift French sal .primary European objective still TOLEDO, (P)-Charles R. Wal- flag with the yellow star in the troops north to the CommunistcA remains the winning or the neu- green III, '57Ph., of the national center over a vast territory from border area of' withdraw them ver tralization of the new Germany." drug store chain family from Win- the south border of Red China to from South Viet Nam. on netka, Ill., and Robert H. Burns, the 17th Parallel. This covers half In their present stations, the '57, of Dearborn, Mich., were in of the Indochinese state of Viet spokesman declared, the troops aPollcVaccine poor condition yesterday, aides in Nam. handicap Diem's efforts to estab-! Mercy Hospital reported. Ho's Vietminh won these rich lish a sound administration. '58 SCanceled Both are students at the Uni- lands by diplomacy at the Geneva The French expeditionary corps, we versity and were injured early yes- conference last July as the price between 70,000 and cha h t o numbering bten7,0 n terday when their auto, driven by for peace. Now the Vietminh look 80,000 now is based chiefly in the hig Washtenaw County Health De- Walgreen, skidded and struck a to elections in South Viet Nam Saigon area, at Tourane in cen- partment has canceled polio vac- utility pole in downtown Toledo. next spring. tral Viet Nam, and at Cap St: thr cine shots due to be given today. Police said Walgreen told them Vietminh Confident Jacques, on the coast southeast of der United States government ap- he and Burns came here for a date 16 proval of the vaccine has not yet with two Toledo girls and were re- They are confident the Vietna- the capital. knwe come through. Children scheduled turning to Ann Arbor when the mese there will prefer Ho Chi Thespokesmansa brother, roving Am- port May 20-27, the department Walgreen, cited by police on by the United States and Western bassador Ngo Dinh Luyen, to ask 9 says. charges of driving without due re- powers. Thus they hope to control Paris to move the corps to the clu Close to 6,000 children have al- gard for safety and without an op- all Viet Nam, largest of the Indo- 17th Parallel or take it out of the'l ready been given first shots. They erator's license, suffered a leg Chinese states. country. will report as scheduled May 20-27 fracture and head,' ankle and arm Ho Chi Minh now controls a The 17th Parallel roughly marks ed for second shots. Children sched- injuries. Burns received internal total population of nearly 13 mil- the line dividing South Viet Nam at uled for their first shots today will I injuries, leg and hip fractures and lion Vietnamese out of Viet Nam's and Communist-ruled North Viet wh get them at the later date. severe face cuts. total of around 25 million. Nam. ers his -Daily-Sam Ching .n Arbor Junior Chamber of Merchant and Automotive nual event, which last year h Sunday featuring displays, s on the midway. I Behavior Problems The boys who attend present a wide range of behavior problems. Some are having difficulty in school, some in the home, and oth- ers in the community at large. The Fresh Air Camp was estab- lished by the University as a sum- mer workshop for seniors and graduate students in education, so- ciology, psychology and other re- lated fields. Reuther ,Tialk Praises GA W CINCINNATI MP)-The guaran- teed annual wage is a step toward the creation of a "larger economic pie to benefit everyone," Walter Reuther, President of the CIO and The United Auto Workers, said yesterday. Reuther addressed the First Bi- ennial Economic Conference of the CIO International Union of Electrical Workers, which like Reuther's UAW is seeking guaran- tees of an annual income. If full employment is possible during a war, Reuther argued, it should be possible during peace- time so that all Americans can share in the "good things of life.' The key to the problem, he maintained, is not in production but in distribution. Government officials should re- alize, he said, they can "balance the budget of Uncle Sam by bal- ancing the family budgets of peo- ple, who are not being paid enough." He said many industries are not operating at capacity because of a lack of purchasing power. The stability given by the guar- anteed wage in the automobile in- Cases End Con afessions ually closed cases involving in- for three weeks. chool students, and a 16-year- ed, Lou Ann Fiber, '56, May 7. it on purpose. ives they were throwing rocks! a hill into the arboretum and d when they heard the screams the coed. Tooth Knocked Out Miss Fiber, who had a tooth ocked out in the incident, and pped two others, said she and ort Frank Taylor, '56BAd., imed the youths used slingshots d apparently aimed them inten- nally. Pending further investigation no arges have been filed, police d. Also about to be closed is the se involving assault on two Uni- rsity students in the arboretum April 28. Students Injured The students, William Kweek, Ph. and Richard Hartman, '56, re injured after words were ex- anged with several Ann Arbor gh school students. Named in the assault complaint, ree Ann Arbor High School stu- nts, two 17-year-olds and one -year-old, confessed earlier this ek of taking part in the beat- The 16 year old who wielded the b, will be handled by the juve- e court. Case Not Closed The only serious case not clos- is the incident Saturday night S. Main and Madison Streets, were a man injured two attack- after they dragged him from car. Both appeared -to be hurt, but yet police pave no trace as to eir whereabouts. Investigations ill continue. Police are confident that in most spects, the arboretum situation s calmed and cleared. Patrols ll operate closely in the area, wever. 300. Money Left Over With money left over from pre- vious appropriations, the new bill would give the Defense Depart- ment $43,081,000,000 for the com- ing fiscal year. Amendments designed to pre- vent the manpower cuts were shoutedhdown in a rapid series of voice votes. Eisenhower's military program calls for a total armed force of 2,859,000 by June 30, 1956, com- pared with 2,961,300 this June 30. Army Takes Cut The Army would take the brunt of this cut-87,000 men. The unsuccessful fight to block the Army-Navy-Marine Corps cuts was led by Rep. D. J. Flood (D- Pa.) who said he was not saber rattling but believed in the Theo dore Roosevelt dictum: "Let's tread softly and carry a big stick." Rep. Flood said the administra- tion's main argument for cutting the armed forces was to get a bal- anced budget, and he added: "That's a sham, you know the budget won't be balanced.' Democratic Supporters He picked up some Democratic supporters, including Rep. G. W. Andrews of Alabama and Rep. M. Price of Illinois, but he was out- ,numbered by members of both parties. Rep. C. Cannon (D-Mo.), chair- man of the Appropriations Com- mittee, told the House the next war would be decided in three or four days-"at most a week,"- and he said the Army and Navy would not have time to get into full action. "What could we do with three or four more divisions?" he asked. "We wouldn't possibly use them." Program Emphasizes Air Power Rep. Cannon said the admini- stration program emphasizes air power, with swift and massive re- taliation against an aggressor, as well as a strong reserve force. Rep. John R. Taber of New York, top Republican on the Appropri- ations Committee, said the bill followed President Eisenhower's " recommendations and urged the House not to "run out on the ~ greatest military leader in the world." The amendments offered by Reps. Flood and Andrews would have kept the Army at its project- ed June 30, 1955, level of 1,114,- s 000, the Navy at 672,000 and the Marines at 215,000. t President's Plan The President's plan calls for an Army of 1,027,000, a Navy of 664,- 000 and a Marine Corps of 193,000 at the end of the new fiscal year. The Air Force would be increased during the year from 970,000 to Flood also lost his fight to main- tain an active fleet of 1,066 ships instead of the 1,001 programmed by the President. In all, the defeated amendments would have added $413,793,500 to the bill. The Air Force budget provides 7 for an active aircraft fleet of 20,- 692 during 1956, compared with 19,872 this year, and for procure- ment of 2,333 craft next year. f P t i , A F U INFLATIONARY TREND : I as th, Prices Increase on Haircuts; Expensive Proposition wil I rQ By LEW HA Inflation has crept into anot res MBURGER ha sti her aspect of American life. ho A haircut is fast becoming an expensive proposition. In Ann # Arbor prices on short, or "Princeton" cuts, have risen to $1.75, andI several local barbers expressed the opinion that regular haircut pricesC -oou c will jump again .next fall. Detroit barbers took the initiative in this economic follow-the- otes T B leader cycle, raising the prices of regular haircuts to $1.75, $2 Sat-V urdays, Establish $enefis. Another House The Detroit move was an attempt to establish some sort of retirement and paid vacation benefits, one Ann Arbor barber Inter-Cooperative Council board commented. of directors voted unanimously The exorbant Saturday prices are evidently an expression of yesterday to open negotiations foi a desire for a five day working week, said the local friseur. . the purchase of a new co-op. "Of course Ann Arbor barbers would favor such benefits," he The board is considering buying said, "but barbers here can't get together on anything like that., one of several houses located near ,..-'