Reciprocal Trade Act Does
Not Further Ike's Policy
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Lewis To Choose
Group Members
SGC Lists Five Names for Three
Student Posts oi Driving Committee
Three -student posts on the Driving Regulations Study Com-
mittee will be chosen by Vice-President for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis from five names proposed last night by the Student Gov-
ernment Council.
The fiveare: Eugene Hartwig, '55, Jim Dygert, '56BAd., Bill
Hanks, '58, Bill Diamond, '56E, and Lou Kwiker, '56BAd.
The group will study possible modifications of existing driv-
ing ban regulations. The committee will begin its work as soon as
" Mayor William Brown choses
i.. _ r J
Ferry Boats
Off Japanese
Coast Crash
big ferry boat carrying at least
' 932 passengers collided with an-
other ferry Tuesday in the In-
land Sea and sank with a loss of
128 Japanese lives.
Many of the victims were school
children returning from a gay out-
ing when the disaster struck the
Shiun Maru in the fog-shrouded
seas. Panic broke out as the strick-
en ferry sang within five minutes.
The Japan National Railways,
after a recheck, reported an esti-
mated 29 missing and 775 rescued.
Some of the rescued were injured.
"It was just a horrible dream,"
said Mrs. Bernadine Adams, 33
year old Junction City, Wis. wom-
an. -She and her husband Willis
were the only -non-Japanese
"It all happened so fast, It was
awful to see those people dying."
Mrs. Adams who was injured, and
her husband managed to make it
over the side of the sinking ferry
and were picked up after nearly a
half hour in the cold waters.
Many of the missing were grade
school girls who ignored the fran-
tic pleading of their teachers and
dashed back into their cabins to
,r retrieve belongings and gifts they
had purchased.
We heard our ferry blow its
s whistle," Mrs. Adams said. "Then
we heard another ship whistle.
Next thing we heard was the ships
ramming together. It wasn't much
of a jolt. Everybody started to
run and shout."
Phi Kappa Phi
Gives Awards
Phi Kappa Phi, national honor-
ary society, initiated 222 members
at its annual dinner last night in
the Union Baliroom.
Prof. Roy S. Swinton of the en-
gineering mechanics department,
National President of Phi Kappa
Phi, presented the annual Schol-
astic Awards. They went to Mrs.
Sandra L. G. Silver, '56, and Jere
H. Brophy, '55E. Each award is
valued at $1500.
Prof. George H. .Forsythe, Jr. of
the fine arts department then ad-
dressed the society on "Archaeo-
logical Explorations in Turkey."
During his talk, he'exhibited var-
ious slides which he took on his
recent trip to the Near East.
Phi Kappa Phi was founded in
1897 at the University of Maine,
and has since grown to include 70
chapters at colleges throughout the
United States, Hawaii, and the
Philippine Islands.
It has a total of 80,000 members,
and selects students from the up-
per 10 per cent of their class on a
purely scholastic basis. Graduate
and undergraduate students from
all schools and colleges are eli-
gible for membership.
Vulcan Calls
Mighty Vulcan, holding court
in his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat em-
bittered at man's misuse of his
beloved fire.
Then now comes to his faithful
followers, saying. "Mighty Vulcan,
hear these candidates for admis-
sion t our Sacred order." These,
? heinf fninans the nly forms of
three additional board members
from the city; this is expected
later in the week.
Other Board Members
Already named are Prof. John
Kohl of the civil engineering de-
partment and Prof. Roger Heyns
of the psychology department as
faculty board members. Adminis-
tration members are Vice-Presi-
dent Lewis and Karl Streiff, As-
sistant to the Dean of Men.
At last night's SGC meeting,
those selected for the Cinema
Guild Board were also named.
They are Sandy Hoffman, '56,
(chairman), Bill Adams, '57, Jer-
ry Traum, '56, and Janet Neary,
'58 for one year periods. Those for
the half-year terms are Roger
Dalton, '58E, Lois Union, '57, Car-
ol Dumond, '57, and Harlan Givel-
ber, '57 (treasurer).
The §tudent Book Exchange
Manager will be Ian MacDonald,
'56E, and Bill Haney, '58, will be
Petitioning Change Motion
Discussion of changing petition-
ing procedures for some commit-
tees drew debate. It was said that
"open" or continual petitioning
throughout the year would bring
more students into SGC.
However, it was argued, a defi-
nite petition time would permit
the closer examination of all pros-
pective members.
Tomn Bleha, '56, made a motion
that "all appointments requiring
SOC approval be submitted" to
SGC to "allow a sufficient time to
each and all" students so they may
"avail themselves of the apparatus
required for appointment. This
motion was passed.
Anti-Discrimination Board
SGC adopted last night the
Anti-Discrimination Board which
existed under Student Legislature.
The board will include seven stu-
dents, two campus and one down-
town businessmen, and a represen-
tative each from the Administra-
tion and the Ann Arbor Civic
Petitions for students positions
on this board open today and run
until May24.
A group headed by Bob Wein-
baum, '56, will meet with represen-
tatives from Michigan State on
May 20 to talk over methods of
alleviating the more violent as-
pects of the rivalry.
United States yesterday pro-
tested that an attack by Red
Chinese jet planes on eight U.S.
Air Force fighters off Korea
was "unwarranted and Illegal."
The State Department said
Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, Unit-
ed Nations commander in
Korea, was instructed to lodge
this strong protest with the
Military Armistice Commission
in Korea.
Eight U.S. Air Force Sabre-
jets shot down two and probab-
ly three of an estimated 12 to
16 Communist planes which
jumped them Tuesday oer in-
ternational waters, according to
the Air Force report.
ElA Starts
Steps have been taken to set up
the Fraternity Buying Association
as a permanent campus organi-
The FBA, designed to provide
co-operative food buying for fra-
ternities, last night held its final
organizational meeting at the
League to put m'achinery in mo-
tion. Treasurers and stewards of
30 fraternities attended.
Under present arrangements. the
FBA board of directors is com-
posed of five fraternity alumni,
six students and Inter-Fraternity
Purchasing Committee Chairman
Mike Barber, '57.
Will Sign Contracts
According to Barber, teams of
one student and one alumnus will
make the rounds of fraternities
next week to talk with fraternity
The stewards will be asked to
sign contracts with the FBA
whereby the association would
purchase goods and services for
the fraternity. Each fraternity
would pay $150 by December 1 to
provide the organization with.
working capital.
Then, every fraternity house
will keep on deposit with the or-
ganization a sum equal to their
largest monthly bill. This money
would be used to pay for upcoming
Discuss Constitution
Barber expressed extreme en-
thusiasm in the new organization
and expects some twenty to twen-
ty-five fraternities to join.
Also discussed at last night's
meeting were the FBA constitu-
tion and preparations for purchas-
ing next Fall. The constitution will
be ratified next Fall when the or-
ganization achieves legal status.
FBA plans to contact wholesale
houses and to receive its merchan-
dise at a discount. Later, the or-
ganization plans to include all
items purchased by fraternities.
'Red Arms
Plan Could
Wreek U.S.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Russia's
new disarmament program would
wreck the system of military bases
which the United States has been
developing since World War II in
the Far East and Europe to off-
set Communist military might.
The disarmament program is
receiving, however, careful exam-
ination from officials here and in
London and Paris. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes-
terday it would require study be-
fore he could comment.
U.S. Skeptical
Nevertheless it is evident that
on the first reading U.S. officials
are highly skeptical about the de-
gree of good faith behind the Mos-
cow plan.
They found it also full of fish-
hooks on which the Western na-
tions might get caught if they
swallowed the disarmament bait.
Undoubtedly. the disarmament!
program will be an item pushed
by Soviet Premier Bulganin at any
Big Four meeting with Pres. Ei-
senhower and other Western lead-
Proposals Analyzed a
Some of the proposals which C
looked like tricky gimmicks to an-
alysts here were these:t
1. Nations agreeing to the pro-
gram would undertake to "dis-
mantle" all their bases on the ter-I
FRANCE, GERMANY BURY HATCHET-West Germany Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (right),
and French Foreign Minister Antoine Pinay reach over French delegate Alexandre Parold to shake
hands in Palais de Chaillot in Paris, as Germany became the 15th member of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
NAT"O Seeks To End Cold War
PARIS W-The 15 nations of the
Atlantic Alliance called yesterday.
for a truce in the Far East and
a Big Four agreement on Euro-
pean problems to end the threat!
of World War III.
They solemnly warned that fur-
thur fighting in Asia will "clearly
endanger the peace of the world."
The dispute over Formosa obvious-
ly was uppermost in their minds,1
though that issue was not spelled
out in their final statement.
Describe Main Tasks
They told the United States,
Russia, Britain and France that
the reunification of Germany and1
a general disarmament agreementt
should be their main tasks at the
four-power "meeting at the sum-
mit" proposed by the Western
The call for an end to the hote
war in Asia and the cold war int
Europe was issued by the council
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or-1
Hail Additions=
The ministers, in their final
communique, hailed the addition
of West Germany's 50 million peo-z
Happy Boys
NOrmandy 3-1561 will ans-
wer after 10:30 p.m. for the
rest of the semester.
The number, known by heart
by thousands of loquacious
males serves the womens dor-
mitories on the hill. Starting
last night the switchboards re-
mained open until 11 p.m.
ritories of other countries by some
time in 1957. That would elimi-
nate U.S. bases in Allied countries
in the Far East and Europe.
2. The United States, Russia,
Britain and France would with-
draw all but small portions of
their troops from Germany, back
"to their national frontiers." That
would assure the removal of Unit-
ed States forces from Europe.
3. The Germans would be per-
mitted to establish "strictly lim-
ited contingents of local police
forces" under four-power con-
trol. That would seem to end the
prospect of West German rearma-
One Russian proposal which at-
tracted some real interest here was
that there should be a fixed ceil-
ing on the number of men in the
armed forces of the United States,
Russia, Red China, Britain and
France. This is something the
Western powers have talked about
in thepast when they were trying
to establish the principle of equal-
izing Russia's power with that of
the West.
1 J
ple to the Atlantic community and
the formation of the seven-nation
West European Union as steps,
which will promote peace.
Bulganin Speaks
In Warsaw, representatives of
eight Soviet bloc nations meeting
to form a Red military alliance
heard from Soviet Premier Niko-
lai Bulganin a declaration that the
NATO membership for the Bonn
Republic makes the Germans
"again a threat."
Bulganin said the Soviet Union,
nevertheless, is prepared to sup-
port any acceptable proposal that
might lead to German unification.
He said the Russians 'wantto end
the cold wvar.
Restriction on Atom
The Russian proposal for restric-
tions on atomic weatons "may be
important," said Canadian Foreign
Secretary Lester Pearson, here for
the NATO conference. But Gen.
Alfred Gruenther. Supreme Allied
Commander in Europe, said the
free world would be handicapped
by abolishing the atomic bomb
"because it is our only chance of
equalilng the present disparity in
conventional power," which favors'
the Reds.
I ,. ,.r . tir -rrrr r -r
icligan Week To Observe
Six Different Cultural Areas
Tells Press
Plans Still
Also Comments
On Salk Vaccine
WASHINGTON (W) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day the proposed at-the-summit
Big Four meeting could clear the
air somewhat and show whether
the Russians sincerely want to
ease tensions "around the world."
The President told a news con-
ference, however, the whole thing
still is in an exploratory and ex-
perimental stage. He cautioned'
against a "stubborn" refusal to ex-
pect any good from the idea, but
he added in tones that suggested
little enthusiasm:
"There is no expectation on my
part that in a few hours, a few
days. a few weeks this world is go-
ing to be turned around-by no
means. And I am not going, if I
do go, under any such thought."
This "if" note cropped up sev-
eral times as the President A-
.swered questions stemming from
Tuesday's call by the Western
Powers for a meeting of Eisen-
hower, British Prime Minister
Eden, French Premier Faure and
Soviet Premier Bulganin in an ef-
fort to remove "sources of con-
STheSoviets have not yet replied
to the Anglo-American-French
bid, which represented a change in
American policy. Previously the
President hacd opposed any gal
top level meeting-at least until
after the four foreign ministers
had laid the groundwork.
Must Do Utmost
Asked why he changed his mind,
the President spoke of "a growing
sentiment" throughout the world
-"a vague feeling some good
might come out of such a confer-
With great emphasis, he said
"this business of trying to reach a
clarification of issues, if such a
thing is possible, is so important
that you can't stand on any other
principle except to do your ut-
most-as you preserve your own
strength of position."
Eisenhower said he thought a
Big Four conference shouldn't take
more than about three days.
Views Salk Vaccine
The Conference idea and the.
Salk vaccineesituation dominated
Eisenhower's meeting with news-
As for the vaccine, Eisenhower
said medical authorities have been
under "great pressure" to get it in
use as soon as possible and that
"probably they tried to short-cut
a little bit" in testing it.
He had no criticism of 'federal
health authorities, however, and
in fact commended them for halt-
ing vaccinations pending a re-
check. He voiced firm faith the
vaccine ultimately will wipe out
polio in this country.
Hill St. House
Hit by.Fire
Ann Arbor's fire department got
a workout between 12:40 and 1
a.m. today as it quickly exting-
uished a small fire at 144 Hill.
Awakened from a sound night's
slumber, the firemen trundled to
the scene in two fire trucks to
find parts of the house filled with
"A lot of smoke" was the way.
one sleepy-eyed fire-eater put it.
Inside the house the main dam-
age appeared to be a scarred mat-
tress, which fire department Cap-
tain Paul Wenk said evidently was
the scene of the fire origin. He
said the fire may have been due
to someone smoking in bed.
While soggy debris was thrown
rfrom a second floor window, the
ruined mattress smoldered on the
front lawn.
Michigan's cultural life will be
spotlighted during the second an-
nual Michigan Week starting Sun-
The Week's Cultural Activities{
Board, headed by University Pres-
ident Harlan H. Hatcher, has out-
lined plans for observance of the
Week in six different areas: archi-
tecture, community theaters, fine
arts, literature, Michigan folklore
and music.
Suggestion sheets prepared by
the Board indicate ways in which
the cultural life of Michigan com-
munities may be expanded and
strengthened, as well as emphasiz-
ing the importance of supporting
already existing cultural institu-
tions and organizations.
Greater Michigan, Inc. is a
non-profit group composed of the
state's business and industrial
leaders "who hope to make the
state better understood and more
More than 450 citizens are serv-
ing on state-wide committees and
thousands have actively formed
county and community programs.
Lamb Relates Fight Against
FCC in Journalism Lecture
Edward Lamb, Toledo publisher and radio station owner, yester-
day called the Federal Communications Commission's case against him
a political "frame-up."
Speaking at a lecture sponsored by the journalism department,
Lamb related the history of his fight to get his broadcasting license
renewed. "I hope this case will expose the evils of professional wit-
nesses and liars," he said.
Michigan Week is designated asI
"an annual period of time during!
which citizens of Michigan turn+
their attention to and reflect upon'
the industrial, cultural and natur-!
al resources of their state."
"I'm Glad I. Live in Michigan"'
is the theme for this year's Week,1
sponsored by Greater Michigan,
Inc,. in cooperation with the Mich-
igan Department of Economic De-I
velopment and other state agen-;
1* f
Prof. Moos Says Politicians
Now Exercise Less Control
Recent, trends in American parties were analyzed by Prof. Mal-,
colh Moos of Johns Hopkins University in a lecture yesterday ons
"The Far Side of Politics."
Prof. Moos expressed concern about the "state of health of the
politician" and the "weakened leadership of political organization."
Public relations men, feeding the voter his "pre-digested po-
litical Pablum," have taken over much of the politicians role, the
visiting lecturer noted.
Try to De-Politicize
"What they really try to do is de-politicize a candidate." Ad-
vertising agencies sometimes insist on control of all campaign ex-
Lamb denied charges
claiming "the FCC knew
that he was associated with Communism
it was issuing a deliberate falsehood" in
issuing the charges to newspapers."
He pointed out that the charge'
has been dropped by the FCC in ZIONISM 'NOT LASTING':
favor of one that "I may have at
some time been associated with a "
Communist." tan En oy
Accused Appointee
Noting he had no trouble get-, - . -
ting a license renewal until Jan- By MICHAEL BRAUN The
uary, 1953, when the new admini- Syrian Ambassador to the Unit- ian d
stration took over inWashington,ed States Farid Zeineddine de- Securi
he accused President Dwight D. clared here yesterday that Israel's mark
Eisenhower's appointee to the FCC chances of survival are "not very "not
John C. Durfer of Wisconsin, of ghne " v rot
big"utogtlieaReo}good." from
r g "oubo gdcas liberal Demo- "The Zionist movement will not ence.
Lamb said he was advised when last forever," he continued, "and HeT
he petitioned for a renewal of his for Israel." inothe"
license that his "problems could be Zionism, a movement to colon- in th
settled by hiring a certain Repub- ize the world's Jews in Israel, is befor
lican law firm in Washington thrbntin'"anwifcl ere i
whose fee was fixed. s th" he ambassador saiddifficul-uerd t
Not to Be Blackmailed t sadorExasidnm
"We decided not to be black- Israeli Expansion
Says Israel Survival Chances Poor
penditures, Prof. Moos, who is
chairman of the Baltimore Repub-
lican central committee, observed.
"Firm control of the policy direc-
tion of a campaign is becoming in-
creasingly difficult."
e ambassador who is also Syr-
elegate to the United Nations+
rity Council prefaced his re-
s by stating that he spoke
with the clarity of books, but
the vivid memory of experi-
recalled early history to prove
naturalness" of an Arab state
ie Near East. "Many centuries
e Christ the Arab nations
vital; a vitality which contin-
hrough the beginning of Is-
nd is continuing today."
Community "Esteemed'
"Boss On Run"
"The boss," he saia, "has been
pass treaties concerning the Arabs an act of aggression. The Zionists4 on the run for a long time, though
without consulting them." expect people in other countries to he may be superceded by a more
Near to Soviet be more loyal to them than their sophisticated type like DeSapio,"
"Today," he'added, "it is a dif own country," he said, the leader of New York's Tam-
ferent story. Soviet industrial pro- "The Zionists are the main rea- many Hall.
ductior centers are adjacent to the son why we can't get cooperation Other trends the professor de-
Arab countries." r from the United States. They have scribed are "an increasing infil-
convinced the government that theI tration of party organizations by
"President Dwight D. Eisenhow nearming of the Arab nations middle class elements with a pub-
er has said that 'there is no area in would defeat the cause of Zion- lic service orientation," growing
the world more strategically im- sm.centralization of party organiza-
portant than the Middle East." "The Arab liberation movement tions, and an increasing number
hat "the Britis salsthemarkedd is gowing" he continued. Egyptof voters registering as independ-
fense of the Middle East is only i i n ad rbahv a ns
secondary to that of the islands preliminary meetings to further Barnstorming Campaign
e dy th fh ldsolidarity,, Prof. Moos said narties are find-
.. __