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Semi-Formal Dances
To Highlight Weekend
Mixed Choir
To Present
Exhibit Features Foreign Talents
"One Enchanted Evening" un-1
der the stars is in store for couples
attending East Quad's annual
spring dance to be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday.
The semi-formal affair will be
held outdoors in the Quad's North
Court garden. A portable basket-
ball court is being shipped from
Wayne University for the occa-
Tables surrounding the floor and
a tiered fountain in the center will
complete the decorative scheme.
Indirect lighting will add to the
Acceptable Attire
Formals or cocktail dresses will
be acceptable attire for coeds.
Men will able to wear their best
suits. Tuxedos are not required.
For students who would rather
dance indoors, music and decora-
tions will transform the dining
hall into a ballroom. Collonades
and pink silhouettes of dancing
couples will adorn the walls. In
U' Students
Artistic Skills
Using paint, cardboard, steel
wool, wrought iron and other novel
media, University art students
make use of their unique creative
Freshmen art students begin
their training by modeling- such
objects as movable cardboard toys.
Often representing nursery story
characters, cartoons and imagina-
tive figures, these toys are placed
on a white paper background.
These colorful objects are made
movable by connecting the various
parts to the background with pa-
per bolts.
Papier-Mache Figures
Papier-mache figures comprise
another interesting art project.
Chicken wire, shaped and molded
into different forms, serves as the
skeleton. The character takes on a
more realistic appearance when a
newspaper and paste combination
is placed around this skeleton.
Ruffles, laces, pieces of cloth and
colored paper create an illusion of
clothes and ornamentation for the
figure. Steel wool or straw may be
used for the hair, while facial
characteristics are painted on.
In the final process, the figure is
painted with tempra and shel-
lacked, if desired.
A Advertising Art
Three-dimensional art for ad-
vertising is also included in the
various art projects. Photographs
covered with zypotone are placed
on balsa wood, forming a wide va-
riety of attractive 3-D art. Art stu-
dents have used this type of art
in their classes to advertise travel.
By creating these various objects
students may learn how to use dif-
ferent kinds of media correctly and
case of rain, alternate plans for
dancing indoors have been made.
Entertainment for the evening
will be provided by John Bonino,
the Ann Arbor Alley Cats and Paul
Open To All
Admission is not restricted to
residents of East Quad. Invitations
are extended to anyone interest-
ed in attending the dance.
Residents of East Quad who are
respondible for planning the event,
are co-chairmen Ann Stuart and
Herbert Pollack and decorations
co-chairmen, Jean Richards and
Jim Odenwilder. Ticket sales are
being managed by Ruth Johnson
and Jerry Dundas.
Jack Caldwell is in charge of
refreshments and Bobbie Perlman,
John Suhr, Joel Gotleib and Bob
Gardner are taking care of public-
In charge of the floor layout is
Bruce Brunson and Barry Salt-
man is clean-up chairman.
Tickets for the dance may be
obtained from the social chairmen
in all Quad dinner lines this week
of East Quad. They will be on sale
and may also be obtained at the
# * *
An "Off Shore" semi-formal
dance is on the agenda of Stock-
well and Gomberg residents from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday.
The underwater theme will be
carried out in the decorations of
the South Quadrangle dining
room. Three miles of string and
straws have been put together to
construct an unusual fish net
which covers the ceiling.,
A mermaid will preside in state-
ly glory over the dancing couples.
Decorations also include an il-
luminated treasure chest and fish
mobiles hanging from the ceiling.
Driftwood, sand and sea ferns
complete the underwater setting.
Entertaining from a bandstand
Driftwood, sand, and sea ferns
Earle Pearson and his band will
provide the downbeat for the eve-
-Daily-Stan Ching
GIFT FROM THAILAND ... Mrs. Harlan Hatcher shows Mark
Sabin of the Union and Polly Van Schoick of the League, a
gift from the Premier of Thailand who visited the Hatchers this
week. He will be a guest at- the Open House, last of the semester,
to be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today.
Hillel Elects New Officers
For Executive Committee
Elections were held last Sunday
for the Hillel Executive committee
for the 1955-56 school year.
Chosen were Ivan Bender, pres-
ident; Burt Fainman, administra-
tive vice-president; Barry Stulberg,
executive vice - president; Alice
Greenberg, treasurer and Sissy Di-
amonstein, executive secretary.
Bender, known as "Bunky" to
his friends, is a junior in the liter-
ary college majoring in political
science. He has been connected
with Hillel since he came to the
University and has held many po-
sitions, just completing a year as
treasurer. He is a member of Sig-
ma Alpha Mu fraternity.
The administrative vice-presi-
dent, Fainman, hails from Chica-
go as does Bender. Next year he
Annual Tag DayCollections
To Increase CampFunds
will be a junior, in his first year in
the School of Business Adminis-
tration. He has been Hillel public-
ity chairman for the past year
and is a member of Phi Sigma
Delta fraternity.
The other vice-president, Stul-
berg, hails from Detroit and is also
a member of Phi Sigma Delta. In
addition to taking part in the Hil-
lel Representative Assembly, Stul-
berg was also co-chairman of the
United Jewish Appeal on campus.
Miss Greenberg, next year's
treasurer, is another Chicagoan
and will be a sophomore in th Lit-,
erary School next year. Besides
serving as chairman of the Inter-
faith committee and chairman of
the religious committee, she was
also a member-at-large on the
Student R eli gious Association
As executive Secretary, Miss Di-
amonstein is culminating three
years of work at Hillel. This coed,
who lives in Newport News, Vir-
ginia, has been Supper Club chair-
man,schairman of Friday night
Bridge Tourney
Bridge enthusiasts will have a
chance to match their wits
against the cards at the Union-
sponsored bridge tournament,
to be held from 7 to 10:30 p.m.
today in Rm. KLMN of the
Mrs. Walter McLean of the
League will direct the tourna-
ment. A trophy will be present-f
ed to the winner. Free refresh-
ments will be served to all par-
Annual Music Festival
To Feature Selections
By Michigan Singers
The Michigan Singers will pre-
sent highlights of their concert
tour repertoire at 3:30 p.m. Sat-
urday in Hill Auditorium.
At that time the 50 voice mixed
choir will participate in the Class
B annual high school Music Fes-
tival sponsored by the Michigan
Schools Vocal Association.
Included in the Singers' per-
formance will be Schubert's "Gott
in der Natur" for women's voices,
Brahms' "Liebeslieder Waltzes"
and Victoria's "Judas, Mercator
In addition to the Michigan
Singers'appearance, 1,000 high
school vocalists from all over the
state will perform.
Director to Hold Rehearsal
In a rehearsal to be held from
10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday,
Maynard Klein, director of the
Michigan Singers, will co-ordinate
the high school singers for the
presentation of 10 choral num-
bers in the afternoon perform-
Concert goers in cities of Penn-
sylvania and New York City's
Carnegie Hall had an opportunity
to hear the Michigan Singers' se-
lections during the group's re-
cent tour.
Other spring concerts have been
given this year by the Singers in
Grand Rapids and Archbold, Ohio.
Accompanists for the Michigan
Singers are Nelita True and Lin-
da Reck. William Doppman will
accompany t h e high school
Organized in 1948, the Singers
compose a highly selective concert
choir of 35 men and the same
number of women. Their object
is to furnish choral music pro-
grams of the highest caliber.
The personnel of the group is
made up, in general, of advance
voice majors and graduate stu-
dents from the School of Music.
Prof. Klein, director of the
group remarked, "The presence of
the Michigan Singers on campusI
affords gifted students the oppor-
tunity to participate in a group
worthy of their abilities and com-
petence as musicians."
The Michigan Singers have pre-
sented programs including such
difficult and seldom heard works
as "Mass in G" by Poulenc and
"St. Matthew Passion" and "Mag-
nificat" by Bach.
$6,000 Collection
To Be Displayed
Throughout Week
Glassware, leather goods, jew-
elry and artwork from various
countries are among the articles in
the International Exhibit on dis-
play through 8 p.m. Saturday at
the International Center.
Valued at $6,000, the collection is
being exhibited in conjunction
with International Week.
One of the highlights of the dis-
play is a collection of Finnish
glassware. One piece in this sec-
tion valued at $2,000 was judked
"the most interesting glass work"
in a New York exhibit in 1954.
The German display features the
figure of a Madonna dating from
the 15th century. This group also
includes an 18th century wine jug,
an 18th century pewter plate and
various German toys.
Paper fans inscribed with love
poems, Geisha girl figurines and a
writing set are some of the items
featured in the Japanese display.
Centered around several wooden
figures dressed in native costumes,
the Philippine Islands exhibit also
contains examples of native han-
dicraft, such as abaca fiber, dried
grass and coconut leaf placemats.
Miniature shrines will appropri-
ately highlight the display of Lith-
uania, often called the "country of
shrines." Amber jewelry, leather
work and embroidered belts are
also featured in this section.
According to Vytas Dukas,
chairman of the exhibit, 15 coun-
tries are represented in the show.
The various articles displayed were
loaned by students, members of
the faculty and international stu-
dents' clubs.
Dukas added that this was one
of the most extensive international
exhibits ever presented in this
Coeds' Education Honorary
o CInitiation Ceremonies
-Daily-Dick Gaskill
INTERNATIONAL HANDICRAFT-Vytas Dukas, chairman of the
International Exhibit, arranges one of the figures in the Japanese
display. This collection of articles from various countries will be
on display Saturday at the International Center.
(4 I
During ceremonies conducted
yesterday evening in the Rack-
ham Building, 28 women were
initiated into the University chap-
ter of Pi Lambda Theta, honor
society for women in education.
Mrs. Sheta Ling, president of
the local chapter, presided
Mrs. Ellsworth Owen and Kath-
erine Frasier of the Detroit alum-
nae chapter, Katherine Trem-
bath and Margaret Grunwald of
the Wayne University chapter and
Vera Baymiller and Dorothy Fish-
er of the Toledo alumnae chapters
participated in a discussion pro-
viding a preview of a national
Engaged in education work of
all types from nursery school
through college positions, the
newly initiated members of the
chapter include Beverly Arment,
Aroline Arms, Maxine 0. Burn-
ham, Mrs. Hilda Caltrider, Mar-
ion Cranmore, Joyce E. Gaffert,
Lauriann Gant and Dorothy Gier.
The list continues with Mrs.
Nancy Jones Hall, Katherine
Hampares, Arlene Hope, Mrs.
Lenice Kipp, Kathryn Johnson, N.
Elaine Jones, Hazel Jungquist and
Madge Lilja.
Also among the new initiates
are Mrs. Edna Ballard Mack, Ann
Marinelli, Dorothy Myers, Miriam
Parker, Katherine Photos, Sandra
Puls, Louise Ritsema, Marjorie
Scaife, Mrs. Lois Perry Sebastian,
Mrs. Claudia Moore Smith, Janet
A. Smith and Mrs. Freddie An-
derson Stratmon.
University students will take
charge of 40 posts about the cam-
pus Friday and Saturday for the
annual Tag Day fund raising cam-
paign for the University Fresh Air
Buckets will be manned from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, by members of
housing units on campus and by
students from Assembly, Panhel-
lenic, Inter-House Council and In-
ter-Fraternity Council.
These students will receive as-
signments and instructions by mail
later this week.
Th camp serves a dual purpose:
it helps emotionally disturbed chil-
dren from all over Michigan and
serves as a workshop in human be-
havior for seniors and graduate
students interested in education,
sociology, psychology and related
Children are brought to the
camp by s o c i a l institutions
throughout the state. These spon-
soring institutions pay half of the
costs of the child's camping ex-
Funds collected during the Tag
Days are used to buy food, medical
services, craft and camping equip-
ment, transportation and athletic
equipment for the children.
Polished Cotton
Junior Cocktail Prints
Blossoming under the sun,
glowing under the moonlight
.. . our breezy,
bouffant cottons.
Left: Sequin-sparkled long-
torso dress with a
AV c, ~xY 0~~;n
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Events Around Campus
MICHIFISH SHOW TICKETS- day through Friday of next week
Tickets for the Michifish synchro- in the Union student oices.
nized swimming and comedy div- * * *
ing show, "The Big Plunge," will HILLEL PETITIONNG-Dead-
be on sale this week in the. Wom- line for Hillel Administrative
en's Pool, the Union or Barbour Council petitions has been changed
Gymnasium. Tickets may also be
purchased from Michifish mem- to 5 p.m. today.' The following
bers. Shows will be presented at 8 chairmanships are open: social,
p.m. tomorrow and Friday and at religious, culture, publicity, food,
3:30 p.m. Saturday in the Wom- c 1u , athletic, 'Hillelzapoppin',
en's Pool. United Jewish Appeal drive, Hillel
S* * News editor and administrative
ORIENTATION LEADERS - secretary. Petitions may be picked
Men interested in being fall orien- up from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to
tation leaders may sign up for 5 p.m. at the Hillel secretary's of-
interviews from 3 to 5 p.m. Mon- fice at 1429 Hill Street.
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