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May 08, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-08

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Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Crowding in Dorms Better
Than Enrollment Restrictions
AN UNJUSTIFIABLE attitude has been taken the metropolitan atmosphere of the Univer-
by campus coeds in regard to crowding in sity. At present, students have an opportunity
the dormitories. With the completion of room to meet people of varied backgrounds and learn
selections for next year, shouts of protest have from them. This opportunity would be much
replaced the former cheery voices which prev- more limited.
iously rang through dorm hallways. Since any immediate reduction of enrollment
It is true that living conditions for next year seems unlikely and inadvisable, the best our
will not be as perfect as students would like crowded coeds can do is accept the inevitable.
them to be. They will not even be as good as After the heated anger cools down, perhaps
they are now. Certainly it is inconvenient for, they will be able to see the problem and sym-
two girls to live in a room designed for one, or pathize with the University-even at the ex-
three in a room intended for two. Another rea- pense of giving up their feelings of persecu-,
son for growing animosity is the fact that tion.
rooms will contain one less the number of --Ethel Kovitz
desks and closets than inhabitants of the room.
All these inconveniences are exaggerated by For Mo , 'Thou 9ht'
a $60 increase in room rates.o
When a student asks "Why must the Uni- Sill Important
versity accept more women students than it P
can accommodate comfortably?" he is answer-
ed by another question: "Where will those re- NO DOUBT IT was a college student that
fused live?" thought up the axiomotic "It isn't the gift,
it's the thought."
AS A PARTIALLY state-supported school And he probably conceived it especially for
the University policy of offering an edu- Mother's Day.
cation to as many state residents as possible is Mom usually gets a pretty card, with a small
a logical one. Cutting down on in-state en- note "Need five dollars" attached, or if a small
rollment would necessitate a greatly expanded gift is enclosed, the note reads "Need ten dol-
program of extension facilities, lars."
With more extension schools, those refused But Mom is the one person in the world who
from Ann Arbor would still be able to attend understands that the thought is most import-
the University. However, adequate increase in ant. And she's the one person that reads over
extension facilities would probably take as long the sentimental poem inside the card--and
and cost as much as adequate increase in dor- appreciates that, too.
mitory facilities. So we hope that everyone has sent at least
a card, and if you haven't, you might send this
THUS, TO PREVENT crowding, the number phrase along which is a common, but still pret-
of out-of-state students and exchange stu- ty good way to state the "thought."
dents admitted would have to be drastically "Happy Mother's Day, Mom."
cut. The result would be the disappearance of -Murry Frymer

"I Kind Of Dread This Route"



Mitchell, Warfield Thrill Audiences

LTHOUGH THE Western allies, including
Western Germany, are committed to nego-
tiation with Moscow, it is, I believe, true to
say that they have not yet worked out an
agreed German policy. Working it out is no
longer a matter of reaching agreement in Lon-
don, Paris and Washington on what the three
will and will not agree to when they meet Mr,
The shape of the problem has now changed
radically. Henceforth, and increasingly, the
question is how the Western allies are going
to protect their vital European interests as the
Germans and the Soviet Union assume the ini-
tiative in the negotiation of an eventual peace
This is the developing situation, and in pre-
paring for the coming conference with the
Russians we have to bear it in mind. If the
Westerners do not convince the Germans that
they are able to engage in serious negotiations
pointing toward German unification, the next
phase will be some kind of direct negotiation
between Bonn and Moscow.
Indeed, it is not at all improbable that this
is the objective of Soviet diplomacy, and that
Mr. Molotov will not be at all unhappy if the
forthcoming four power negotiations fail.
For if the conference can be made to fail on
issues where the strategic interests of the West
appear to be in conflict with the German na-
tional interest in reunification, the ground will
have been prepared for something resembling
the Austrian Chancellor's visit to Moscow.
IT IS IN THIS sense primarily, I would sup-
pose, that the Austrian example is signifi-
cant for Germany. Apart from that, it is jump-
ing to an unwarranted conclusion, which to be
sure the Soviet press has encouraged, that the
Austrian pattern can be applied to Germany.
It cannot be.
The differences between the German and the
Austrian problem are radical. On several im-
portant counts the Austrian formula does not
fit the German problem at all.
The Daily Staff
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig....,,.................Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..............................City Editor
Jon Sobeloff...... ...................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.............. .Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad, . .. ............ ...Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.....................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston....... .......sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.................Associate Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer..........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz.....................women's Editor
Janet Smith................Associate Women's Editor
JohnHirtz l ....................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollk ....... ._ R ipr Rsn~

There has never been but one Austrian gov-
ernment, and that government is legally elect-
ed and its legitimacy is unchallenged by any
Austrian. Although there are zones of occupa-
tion, Austria has never in the German manner
been partitioned into two states with two an-
tagonistically different social systems.
These conditions which are present in Aus-
tria are the elemental conditions of indepen-
dence-to have one legitimate government
within legitimate frontiers. The essence of the
German problem is that these elemental con-
ditions do not exist, and have still to be brought
into being.
The critical questions which have to be ans-
wered either by four power agreement, or by
some other form of negotiation, are how one
legitimate government can be created in place
of the two present German governments, and
what are to be the internationally recognized
frontiers within which Germany is to be re-
IT IS HARD to see how at the present time
these questions can be settled by four pow-
er agreement. For even if the Soviets were will-
ing to accept our condition of free elections,
and if we were willing to accept their condition
of a Germany which is neutral as respect its
military alliances, we could still not afford to
withdraw the Western forces from Germany
as long as there is no settlement of the eastern
frontier, which promises to be durable.
It may be awkward to talk about these things
now. But they are crucial and had better be
brought into the light of day. The Western al-
lies cannot withdraw their armies from Ger-
many if that means that they are leaving a sov-
ereign and united German government to nego-
tiate with the Soviet Union about a revision
of the Potsdam frontier.
For that could lead only too naturally and
readily to the nightmare of nightmares-that
is to say to another German-Russian alliance
based once again on a redivision of Polish ter-
NOW IT IS most probable that eventually
the Soviet Union hopes to strike such a
bargain with a united Germany. But it would
be astonishing if they were prepared now to
make any such big concessions involving the
territory occupied by the Poles.
They would be risking very much when for
them so much was still uncertain and incal-
culable. They would be giving up their military
grip on Eastern Germany, and they would be
jeopardizing their solidarity with Poland by
affronting Polish national sentiment.
Yet they would not know what kind of Ger-
man government would in fact emerge from the
boiling cauldron of an election. So it is hard to
see how they can negotiate a final settlement
of the eastern frontier until a united German
government exists,
IN THE LIGHT of all this it would be wise, I

Aflternoon Concert
IN A HIGHLY diversified pro-
gram yesterday afternoon at
Hill Auiditorium; it was Mozart
that provided the best music. With
soloist Jeanne Mitchell giving a
superb rendition of Mozart's Con-
certo No. 5, it was easy to see why
the young violinist is among the
very best.
Eugene Ormandy again con-
ducted the Philadelphia Orches-
tra, and the concert began with
the spritely "Donna Diana Over-
ture" by Reznicek. Another Moz-
art piece, the "Sinfonia Concer-
tante in E-flat major for Oboe,
Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn and Or-
chestra," showed again the super-
iority of the Philadelphia's string
sections. The four soloists were
outstanding in the fragile-like
Adagio movement and they blend-
ed well with the Orchestra.
* * *
SINGING A group of Viennese
Folk and Art Songs was the Festi-
val Youth Chorus with Marguerite
Hood conducting. The simple folk
melodies were pleasing to listen to
though the voices sometimes did
not rise above the orchestra; a few
microphones would have helped.
The Schubert Symphony No. 8
while a technically good presenta-
tion lacked a degree of warmth
that the two-movements of the
work need. But the richness of the
second movement, with its varied
themes was beautifully played by
the Orchestra.
* * *
HOWEVER, IT was the conclud-
ing work performed by Miss Mit-
chell that highlighted the after-

noon concert. None of the nuances
or subtleties of the difficult con-
certo seemed to escape. Her play-
ing was forceful yet quietly effect-
ive in the softer passages. The au-
dience responded with well-deserv-
ed applause, and even members of
the Orchestra joined in.
The musical afternoon was a
very good one.
-Harry Strauss
* * *
Evening Concert
AT FIRST GLANCE last night's
concert, featuring baritone
William Warfield in a thrilling
return engagement with the Phil-
adelphia Orchestra, seemed to
have extra appeal for an audience
desiring contemporary music.
The program included the
names Milhaud, Coplan, Dello Joio
and Bartok, but unfortunately
four major works by these com-
posers was not in the stars. Aaron
Copland was represented by his
arrangement of "Five Old Amer-
ican Songs," Darius Milhaud by
his transcription of Couperin's
Overture and Allegro from "La
Sultane,"both of which are not
strictly their own.
Nonetheless the concert was a
musical treat from beginning to
end, and was performed in the
best artistic fashion.
* * *
fine voice, singing at first
music of quite profound nature de-
manding the utmost of interpre-
tive powers, and then going on
to lighter fare, ending up with
"Old Man River."

His singing of Handel's "Thy
Glorious Deeds Inspired My Ton-
gue" from "Samson," and two
selections from Brahm's "Vier ern-
ste Gesange" and Verdi's Credo
from "Othello," were all exquisite
examples of the art of singing.
However Hill Auditorium's acous-
tics marred their performance
somewhat by its favoring of the
Norman Dello Joio's "Epigraph"
is a fine piece of craftsmanship, of
just right length, and evocative
musical line.
* * *
BEGINNING with melodic frag-
ments, it gradually encom-
passes a lyric melodic sweep, cre-
scendos, and then subsides into
the opening nostalgic mood. As a
view of contemporary American
music it was quite conservative,
but I think that this reflects the
main stream of the younger crea-
tive thought in this country.
The tour-de-force of the even-
ing was Mr. Ormandy's perform-
ance of Bartok's masterpiece, the
Concerto for Orchestra. A difficult
work, it is naturally quite within
the, means of the Philadelphia
Orchestra, and Mr. Ormandy was
able to provide it with all the in-
terpretive vigor he desired.
Few works show off the orches-
tra as this work does both in name
and content, and yet there was
never a moment of virtuosity for
its own sake.
Its passages of intensity, calm,
lyricism, drive, are all excellent
examples of the great Hungarian
composer's personality.
-Donald Harris

(Continued from Page 2)
Adult French Bilinguals," Mon., May 9,
7611 Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
T. M. Newcomb.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Chris-
tian Johnson, Physiology; thesis: "The
Influence of the Sympathetic-Adren-
omedullary System on the Response to
Oxygen at High Pressure," Mon., May
9, 4017 East Medical Building, at 9:30
a.m. Chairman, J. W. Bean.
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,
May 10 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308 Chem-
istry. Dr. Ksimir Faans will speak on
Electron Configurations and Electric
Forces in Boron Compounds"
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Collier Teevan, Psychology; thesis:
"Standards of Behavior as a Function
of Social Class, Integration Setting and
Child-Rejtring Practices," Tues., May
10, 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, E. B. McNeil.
Doctoral Examination for Steven Ger-
ritjan Vandenberg, Psychology; thesis:
"A Comparative Study of the Stability
of a Factor Structure," Tues., May 10,
7611 Haven Hall, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman,
C. H. Coombs.
Doctoral Examination for George
Wells Greey, Education; thesis: "A
Study of the Flexibility in Five Selected
Joints of Adult Males Ages 18 to 71,"
Trues., May 1, Room 3N, Michigan U-
ion, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A. Hun-
Doctoral Examination for David
Francis Gruchy, Zoology; thesis: "The
Breeding System rind Distribution of
'etrahymena pyriformis,"'Tues., May
10, 2809 Natural Science Bldg., at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, A. M. Elliott.
May Festival Concerts will take place
in Hill Auditorium, as follows:
SUN., MAY 8, 2:30 p.m. University
Choral Union; Lois Marshall, Soprano;
Leslie Chabay, tenor; Morley Meredith,
baritone; Grant Johannesen, Pianist.
Program: Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana"
and Prokofleff Concerto No. 3 in C
SUN., MAY 8, 8:30 p.m. Rise Stevens,
Mezzo-soprano; Philadelphia Orchestra;
Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Program:
Arias from operas by Gluck, Tchaikow-
sky. Saint-Saens and Bizet; Bloch Con-
certo Grosso No. 2 for String Orchestra;
and Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 4 in
F minor.
Tickets, and further information, may
be procured at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, Burton Memo-
rial Tower, through Wed., May 4.
Beginning Thurs. a.m., May 5, tickets
will be available at the box office in
Hill Auditorium during the day; and
after 7:00 p.m.
Student Recital. Janet LaFrambose,
pianist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m.,
Mon., May 9, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Program: Bach, Beethoven, Paray,
Schumann; open to the public. Miss
La Framboise studies with Joseph
School of Music Honors Program, 4:15
p.m. Tues., May 10, Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall, sponsored by Chi Chapter of
Pi Kappa Lambda. Initiation of P
Kappa Lambda candidates at 3:15,
School of Music honors and presenta-
tion of awards at 4:15. Address by Mar-
vin J. Eisenberg, assistant professor of
Fine Arts, on "The 'Seventh Age' of
the Artist." All School of Music stu-
dents and faculty urged to attend.
Student Recital. Phyllis McFarland,
soprano, 8:30 p.m. Tues., May 10, Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall; compositions by
Handel, Scarlatti, Haydn, Marx, Brahms,
Ravel, Craig, Rachmaninoff, and Mous-
sorgsky. Pupil of Chase Baromeo. Open
to the public.
The Folk and Applied Arts of Hun-
gary, Poland, China, Rumania, Bulgria,
and Yugoslavia (a collection including
examples of national costumes, ceram-
ics, embroideries, books, dolls, toys,
wood-carvings, scholarly periodicals,
tapestries, and photographs) will be
presented in a comprehensive exhibition
beginning May 7, from 8:00-10:00 p.m.
at The Rackham Building's West Gal-
lery. Sponsorship: The Gargoyle Com-
mittee for Cultural Exchange. Open to
public. Refreshments from Poland.
Exhibition, Museum of Art, Almn
Memorial Hall. Student Exhibition -
College of Architecture and Design
Through May 26. Hours: 9:00 a.m-5:00
p.m. weekdays, 2:00-5:00 Sundays. The
public is invited.
Events Today
Senior Society will meet in the League
at 4:30 p.m. Sun., May 8. Important.

Bible seminars sponsored by the
Westminster Student Fellowship in
Room 217 of the Presbyterian Student
Center, Sun., May 8, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.
Graduate Outing Flub will meet Sun.,
May 8, 2:00 p.m. at the Rackham Build-
ing. Wear old clothes and come to the
northwest entrance.
Graduate students are invited to join

with the Fireside Forum group of the
First Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m.
Sun., May 8 to hear John R. Laird, at-
torney, discuss the services an attor-
ney can render to young adults. Social
period and refreshments,
Newman Club. Panel Discussion So-
ciety will hold a debate Sn., May 8,
at 8:00 p.m. at the Father Richard
Center on "Should Red China be ad-
mitted to the United Nations?" Panel-
ists are: Newberry-Barbour versus Ob-
servatory Hill,
Hillel. Supper Club 6:00 p.m
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfast following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 am. services Sun.,
May 8. "Faith of the Church" lecture,
4:30 p.m., Sun.. May 8, at Canterbury
House. Canterbury Supper, 6:00 p.m.,
Sun., May 8, at Canterbury House, fel-
lowed by excerpts from liturgical music
and evolved dance forms. Evensong,
8:00 p.m., Sun., May 8, followed by cof-
fee hour,
Picnic supper sponsored by Westmin-
ster Student Fellowship in the church-
yard of the Presbyterian Church, 5:30
p.m., Sun., My 8, cost 50c. Discussion
on the booklet "Faith, Sex and Love"
will be the program for the Guild meet-
ing at 6:45 p.m. in the Student Center.
Lutheran Student Association. Sun.,
May 8, 6:00 p.m. Annual Senior Ban-
quet honoring seniors and graduate
students who will not be back next
fall. Prof. Ralph Hmmett, Prof. Paul
Kauper and three students will be on
the program. Center of Hill St. and
Forest Ave.
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., May 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the church
to discuss: "Is There Any Value inthe
Church Today?" Transportation from
LIne Hall at 7:15 p.m. Refreshments.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sun.,
May 8, 7:00 p.m., Congregational
Church, Sgt. George Simmons of Ann
Arbor Police Youth Bureau will speak
on: "Juvenile Delinquency ... Our Re-
Mihig'n Christian Fellowship: The
Rev. Leonard verduin, Campus Chapel,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, will speak on
"Prayer" at 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Re-
Sailing Club, At the meeting Thurs.,
May 12, slides will be shown and plans
for the Ohio State Regatta will be made
Rides to the Lake Sun, will leave Lydia
Mendelssohn at 8:30 a.m.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun, May 8, 9:30
a.m. Seminar, the study of The Book of
Acts; 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Supper; 6:45
p.m. Worship Service and program, Dis-
cussion-Campus Dating,
Coming Events
Free films to be shown Mon., May 9,
12:15 p.m. in 2054 Natural Science Bldg.
Open to all students and faculty. Spon-
sored by the Dept. of Conservation.
Three films on atomic energy: "Atoms
at Work," "Atom and Biological Sci-
ence," and "Atomic Research Area and
Undergraduate Math Cub. Mon., May
9, 8:00 p.m., Union, Room 3-G. Speaker:
Prof. Harry C. Carver, "Generalized Fin-
ite Calculus."
Women's Research Club, annual din-
ner meeting Mon., May 9, at 7:00 p.m. at
the Michigan Union. Dr. Ida Hakemeyer
of Germany will give an illustratedtalk
on: "Three Early Internationalists of
Gottingen University Town."
Lane Hall Folk Dancers will meet
Mon., May 9, 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the rec-
reation room. Instruction for every
dance, and beginners are welcome.
Lecture by Senor Jose Manuel Blecu
Mon., May 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of Rackham. Topic-
"El amor en la poesia espanol contem-
poranea." Sponsored by Sigma Delta
P1 and the Sociedad Hispanica.
Russkii Kruzhok will meet Mon., May
9, at 8:00 p.m. in Auditorium "C," A-
gell Hall, The Russin Dance Group will
perform Russian Folk Dances, Refresh.
ments and Games. Open to public. I
La Petite Causette will meet Mon,
May 9 from 3:30-5:00 p~m. in the left
room of the Union cafeteria.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Initia-
tion Dinner. Wed., May 11, 6:30 p.m,
MichiganUnion Ballroom, Prof. George
H. Forsyth, Jr., will speak on "Archeo-
logical Explorations in Turkey." Make
reservations with secretary (J. M. Jim.
enez) before Tuesday noon. Telephones:
Office NO 3-0215, Res. NO 3-5508.

Drama Season. The Southwest Cornes,
starring Eva LeGallienne. May 9-14.
8:30 p.m.; 2:30 p.m. matinee Thurs,
May 12 and Sat., May 14. Lydia Mendel.
ssohn Theater.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues.
May 10, at 8:00 p.m. In the West Con-
ference Room, Rackh m Building. Prof.
G. Y. Rainich will speak on "Founda-
tions of Geometry."
Workcamp in Ypsilanti this week-end,
the 13th-15th. Cost-$2.00. Make reser.
vations at Lane Hall.



Of Bombs and Thimbles
To the Editor:
ON EDWARD R. Murrow's
broadcast at 7:45 p.m. EST on
Monday, May 2, Mr. Murrow said
sorrowfully that Prime Minister
Malenkov of the Soviet Union had
been deposed as prime minister
owing to hishfavoring of light in-
dustry over heavy war industry.
I must say that I agree fully
with Mr. Murrow, and I certainly
regret the rise of Prime Minister
Bulganin and party chief Nikita
S. Krushchev. Former Prime Min-
ister Malenkov did favor consumer
goods work over war work. Mr.
Malenkov thought less of bombs
and tanks and more of thimbles
and razor blades, which articies
are now in large demand and small
supply according to the Moscow
newspaper Pravda.
I would parallel Mr. Krushchev
and Prime Minister Bulganin with
Senator Knowland and General
MacArthur in this country. They
are the extremists; they are the
men. with war nerves. Sometime

to power. I certainly hope this is
true, because I am much in favor
of Malenkov's consumer goods pol-
icy. I believe that Mr. Malenkov,
like President Tito of Yugoslavia
and Mao Tse-Tung of China have
great potential as wise if expe-
dient planners.,
I think that it was men like
Krushchev who played upon Stalin
to turn against the West when
there would otherwise have been
peace and friendship between the
West and the East. We can only
hope that extreme, impatient peo-
ple will not establish their views1
as part of the general philosophy
f either the United States or the
Soviet Union.
-C. D. Hanover III, '57
What Is 'Intelligent'? .
To the Editor:
IN A LETTER to the Daily (May
5) Mr. Clinton Hanover gives
us his explanation of why "intel-
ligent people join the L.Y.L." I
suggest that Mr. Hanover consult
his dictionary to obtain a DroDer

ions based on knowledge-on such
important issues as the L.Y.L. and
I am sick of hearing words like
"left-winger," "reactionary," and
"Communist" thrown around. The
trouble lies in the sorry fact that
many of the people who use these
terms are completely at a loss
when tit comes to defining what
they mean.
Freshmen entering the Univer-
sity of Michigan are required to
fulfill certain distribution require-
ments before they are allowed to
graduate. Do these requirements
include an explanation of demo-
cracy, communism, fascism, na-
tionalism, internationalism, etc?
Let us change our distribution
requirements. Let us require, for
example, that every student in the
Lit. school take Pol. Sci. 85 (a
course outlining the theory and
practice of governments under
communism, fascism, and demo-
cracy) or Econ. 121 (a course
which explains in detail the Marx-
ian theory of labor).
Perhans I am asking too much


By Marder

Am M -maw

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