PAGE sift THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, Y 6, ,1955 PAGI 81% THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1955 -Daily-Sam Ching POGO POSES-The little fellow is placed carefully atop a cow's back, where it is hoped he will stay for at least a few days. Homemade Mobiles Swing free from Campus Ceilings New Co-op For Women May Open By MARGE PIERCY If 30 determined women have their way, there will be a new Inter-Cooperative Council house on campus next fall. Most of the women have let their dormitory or league house contracts lapse to apply for places in ICC housing. They were strand- ed when a large waiting list could not be absorbed by the existing women's houses, Lester and Stev- ens. Faced with the possibility of temporary housing accommoda- tions in the fall since they would be placed at the end of the list of incoming freshmen, the coeds or- ganized. Representatives of the displaced women attended the ICC Banquet April 28 to ask backing for the creation of a new coop. Overflow Due to Dorm Raise? Retiring ICC president Stefan Vail, Grad., asserted the overflow of applications may be connected with the $50 raise in dormitory costs and more crowded condi- tions. "It might have something to do with the booklet we put out this year emphasizing self-deter- mination and being dealt with as an adult." The quantity of applications and the enthusiasm of the girls sur- prised the ICC, Vail remarked. Looking for a House Meeting with present members of the ICC at Owen House last Sat- urday, the coeds discussed finding and financing a house. Through- out the week, a committee of the girls and interested coopers troup- ed through five houses up for sale. "The men look at the wiring, the roof, the fire escapes. We look at the size of the closets, "Laura Wal- lace, '57, secretary of the group, said. one of the problems facing the girls is finding a house big enough to hold them. Present women's coops each house 17 students. Their other worry is raising ap- proximately $8,000 for a down pay- ment. Loans to the ICC will be accepted from anyone interested, Vail said. "W e 'r e working desperately against time," Helen Laaksonen, '57, stressed. "We've got to have the money and the house before the semester ends. if By BOB JONES Who rubs shoulders with whom on student book shelves? In one South Quad room, Rus- sian novelist Ivan Turgenev and Swedish playwrite Henrik Ibsen stand on either side of science-fic- tionist Robert Heinlein. The grinning face of Mika Wal- tari's Adventurer rubs noses with a scowling Friederich Nietzsche. Wide Range in Taste Literary appetites of University students range from the omnivor- ous to the non-existent. Some read as many as four novels a week, while others read four a year.. "I read anything with an ap- pealing cover," said one fiery- eyed South Quadder. He swatted his khaki-clad knee with a paper- back novel. Something voluptuous writhed below its title. "You'd be surprised how much real literature hides behind pock- et-book covers," said the swatter's roommate. "Fakes my roomie out sometimes. He doesn't like liter- ature." The sweater grunted and turned another page. He was engrossed. In the next room, surrounded by a veritable wall of print, lived a true omnivore. Spillane and Aristophanes On his shelf stood Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway, Plato, James Joyce, Mickey Spillane, Herman Wouk, Rainer Maria Rilke, Zane Grey and Aristophanes. "I read this stuff by the ton," he said. A look of sadness came over his face. "It makes no im- pression. SometimesmIksee myself as a huge literary garbage dispos- al unit." "One thing I liked, though," he grinned. Turning, he plucked a worn copy of Joyce's Ulysses from the line-up. "It was so sort of homey," he said. Tarzan Club Taylor House in South Quad boasts what is perhaps the only Tarzan literary club on campus. Its three members claim to have read more Tarzan books "than virtually anyone., "Edgar Rice Burroughs is a hard writer to keep up with," the club's leading authority, a lean, hard- bitten engineering student said. "I've read at least 20 Tarzan books PLATO, IBSEN, SPILLANE: Students' Shelves Hold Varied Literature Campus Calendar University President Harlan H. ton, D.C. will speak on "The Rocky Hatcher will hold a news confer- Road to Truth" at 3 p.m. in Audi- ence at 10 a.m. today in the Re- torium B, Angell Hall on Tues- gent's Conference Room to discuss day, May 10, and Edward Lamb of plans for the cultural activities Toledo, owner of radio and tele- during Michigan Week, to be held vision stations, will discuss "Free- from May 15 through May 21. dom of the Air" at 3 p.m. Wed- President Hatcher is chairman nesday in Auditorium A, Angell of the Cultural Activities Board Hall. for Michigan Week. Also present will be Assistant to the President An analysis of "The Changing Erich A. Walter and several mem- Consumer" is planned at a one- bers of the Cultural Materials day advertising conference to be Committee. held here next Friday, May 13. * * * The program is designed to Students from six mid-western deepen the understanding of sig- colleges will converge on the Uni- nificant sociological changes af- versity tomorrow for a mathe- fecting Americans as consumers. matics conference. Social scientists and advertising After meeting at 8:30'a.m. in practitioners will develop the Rackham amphitheatre they will theme of the conference in a ser- convene to hear six student talks ies of speeches and panels. at Mason Hall. During the after- noon Prof. Raoul Bott and Prof. Joint Judie Council petitions Jack McLaughlin both of the are now available for five posi- mathematics department will de- tions. liver lectures in Rackham. The petitions may be obtained Orgaizedby Fank ebci, fat 1020 Administration Bldg. and Organized by Frank Sebcik, 'S7,Iare due there by 1 p.m. Friday, the conference will be attended by May 13 students from Michigan State, The five positions are for a Ohio State, Notre Dame, Wayne term of one year each. Students University, University of Toledo with no less than 60 credit hours and Michigan State Normal. are eligible. * .* * _______ University of Michigan students, e Robert Carneiro and Gertrude Dole, will tell about their seven month visit with the Kuikuru In-T Visit dians of Central Brazil on Michi- gan Report, at 5:15 tomorrow over WWJ-TV, Detroit. Final preparations are being * * * made for the arrival of Thailand's Songs, dances, costumes and prime minister, His Excellency other examples of Ukranian cul- Field Marshal P. Pibulsonggram, ture will be presented by the Uni- tomorrow. versity of Michigan Ukranian Club Part of the Prime Minister's on Understanding Our .World, at purpose is to observe peaceful work noon tomorrow over WOOD-TV of the Atomic Energy Commission. in Grand 'Rapids. He is due to arrive at the new The Ukranian Club, part of the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory on University's International Center, North Campus at 10 a.m. devotes its time to preserving the The Phoenix tour will be fol- culture of Ukranian ethnic groups lowed by a reception at the Clem- in the United States. ents Library open only to invited * * * guests. The prime minister will "The Rocky Road to Truth" and meet 33 University students from "Freedom of the Air" will be con- Thailand as well as Regents, ad- sidered next Tuesday and Wed- ministrative officers and deans. nesday, at two University of Mich- University President Harlan igan lectures sponsored by the Hatcher will be host at a luncheon journalism department. in the Union, after which Prime Sigrid Arne, special writer for Minister Pibulsonggram will leave the Associated Press in Washing- for Willow Run Airport. --- 'Save at Campus Bike - --Daily--Sam Ching VARIETY--A South Quad Resident pours over a novel before his variously lined book shelf. A representative literary omnivore, he reads anything from Spillane to Spinoza. As he puts it, I can take it or leave it alone. t By LOU SAUER Weird wire constructions, some of which would amaze the College of Architecture and Design, swing from the ceilings in residence halls. They're homemade mobiles. Somey of them depict Pogo sur- rounded by various and sundry in- habitants o f , t h e Okefenoke Swamp. Others, carefully cut from cereal boxes, are one-eyed pirates strung up on lamp-arms. A few, more conscientiously arranged by aesthetic-minded students, are ab- stract expressions of anything from love to "pure mood." Promote Activities In Mason Hall lobby there is al-' most always one of these crea- tions, designed to promote a cam- pus activity. They are usually col-j orful jobs, carefully lettered and strategically placed. They rival the best in dorm decorations. In one, coed's room, dismember- ed hands and eyes float slowly in the summer breeze, a mute testi- mony of devotion to Salvador Dili.I A Trifle Unsteady One woman, proud possessor of a Pogo-mobile, says she has the constant trouble of keeping the little characters sitting on the wire. "They have the habit of falling off at the slightest touch or gust of wind," she says sadly. These Pogo-mobiles are perhaps the most colorful of the decora- Cowden Describes Writing Instruction What is taught in a creative writing course? Prof. Roy W. Cowden, professor emeritus of English, answers this question in an article, "Teaching Creative Writing," in the current issue of the Atlantic. Prof. Cowden has taught at the University since 1909. For twenty years he was director of the Av- ery Hopwood Awards, annual pries for student productions in poetry, fiction, essay and the dra- ma. "I help the student to see in a given attempt what it is he wishes to write about and to help him to discover and reveal to his reader the writer lying concealed in him- self," Prof. Cowden said. "To help the student to discov- er himself and his own thought, to help him put down on paper and recognize his own private vi- sion of a meaning, is to me suf- ficient justification for the teacher of creative writing." tions, both in subject and interest. Pogo sits atop a cow who is bliss- fully jumping over the moon while Churchy La Femme and ' Albert Alligator look on in envy. Other inhabitants are precariously bal- anced at varied points in the scene. Eisy To Make According to most of the coeds, mobiles are fairly easy to make. A little string, wire, and bits of pa- per can be coerced into depicting almost anything imaginable. Of course, the operation takes a little imagination and a lot of time. The coed with the pesky Pogo added, "Sometimes it won't stay up. I have it scotch -taped to the ceiling, and every so often the tape gives. "It can be a traumatic shock to wake up in the morning and find that you've acquired a porcupine and a couple of bats as bedfel- lows." Engineering Debate Society To Convene The National Convention of Sig- ma Rho Tau, Engineering Speak- ing Society, will be held tomorrow at the Detroit Institute of Tech- nology tomorrow. The meeting will open at 11 a.m. with a luncheon, followed bylfour speaking contests, which include the topics, "Impromtu Speeches," "Project Talks," "Hall of Fame Speeches" an d "Raconteuring Speeches." Alpha Chapter of Sigma Rho Tau, located on the University campus, will be represented by eight men competing against three other chapters 'of the society. The winner of each of the four categories will be awarded a silver stump, a metal replica of a tree stump, the symbol of the society. The second prize will be a banded wooden gavel--symbol of oratori- cal proficiency. In addition, the convention will be highlighted by the presentation of "The Little Man," a statue awarded annually to the chapter having compiled the greatest num- ber of points in inter-chapter speeches and debates and in the convention contests. The awards will be presented at a banquet to be held tomorrow evening. Prof. R. D. Brackett, national advisor to Sigma Rho Tau, and a member of the Engineering Eng- lish Department has been respon- sible for the arrangements for the convention. and I understand there are at least that many more to be had." Why do they like Tarzan so much? 'Ape-Man Mirror' "We feel the ape-man is a sort of mirror held up to the eyes of society," the authority comment- ed. "He reflects the ideals of no- bility, courage, selflessness and justice on a world which practices not what it preaches." A tall, broad-skulled youth strode into the room. He had heard some talk of books and readingl habits, and had come in to deliver' his opinion. "I, for one," he spat, "have never read a novel which wasn't required for some course." He stared bel- ligerently. "That fellow will go places,' said one of the Tarzanites, ges- turing vulgarly at the now empty' rectangle of door. "Question is, can he kill a lion' with a knife?" The literary club' laughed, and the laughter changed subtly in sound to the victory cry of the bull-ape. It echoed hollowly in the corri- dor. Block ' Sub-committee chairmen for this year's Block 'M' activities have been announced. Those appointed were Ron Shorr, '58, operations; Mary Beth Godroy, '56SM, member- ship; Carolyn Fisher, '58A, de- sign; Fargaret Galdonyl, pub- licity; Fred Schatz, '57, facili- ties; and Jo Ann Karch, '57, public relations. No Use for Books "I have no use for books," snarled. "I'm a doer." Turning his heel, he stepped boldly out the room. he on of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN or the r I (Continued from Page 4) Wesleyan Guild. Fri., May 6. Meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. to go to the I.M. Building for recreation. Coming Events Undergraduate Mathematics Club, tentative program for the Midwest Col- lege Undergraduate Mathematics Con- ference of 1955, to be held Sat., May 7. 8:30 a.m. Registration in. the Rackham Building lobby. 9:00 aan-12:Om Stu- dent lecturesinMason Hall. 2:00 p.m. Asst. Prof. Raoul Bott will speak in Rackhdm Amphitheater. 3:30 p.m. Asst. Prof. Jack McLaughlin will speak in the Rackham Amphitheater. Workcamp to be held in Ypsilanti on week-end, May 13-15. More information at Ext. 2851. Bible seminars sponsored by the westminster Student Fellowship in Room 217 of the Presbyterian Student Center, Sun., Mgy 8, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. for that SPRING BLENDED Hair Style 1 8a 715 North University Fordham University SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Member of Assn. of American Law Schools Three-Year Day Course Four-Year, Evening Course Co-Educational Matriculants must be College grad- uates and present full transcript of College record Orientation lectures--incoming students Sept. 8 and 9 Classes Begin Sept. 12, 1955 For further information address REGISTRAR FORDHAM UNIV. SCHOOL OF LAW 302 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. .. .,7ro" JAS 'll LIGHTWEIGHT 3 SPEEDS HAND BRAKES $3998 and up' 11 $5 Down LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS I for Keg Beer, Ice DRIVE 114 E. William Cubes, Soft Drinks RITE IN NO 8-7919 Campus Bike & Hobby 514-16 E. William Call NO 2-0035 I I '1 For That When thee only air travel was by, balloon, LATE NIGHT iY Budweiser ;,'' '.':'i1V:Y. ..Y. A. .f.. A'.' "' \":' .ti? 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