PAGE F01 R THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1955 PAGE FOtJR THE MICHIGAN DAILY F RIAY.. MAY S-. . 1 9v55 V !F : . QIEJp Mirligatt ailJ Sixty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3241 What's a guy like that coming to college for, anyway? MAY FESTIVAL: Ormandy, Serkin Excel In Opening Concert EUGENE ORMANDY opened the 1955 May Festival by conducting his recent transcrpition of the Bach Prelude and Fugue in C minor, originally written for the organ. He has made a number of such trans- scriptions, believing that in this way, Bach can be brought to a great- er audience. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. MAY 6, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: LOUISE TYOR DULLES IN WONDERLAND: Secretary Perplexed By Poitical Croquet SECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulles is in the same rather uncomfortable posi- tion as a personable lady of our acquaintance named Alice. Mr. Dulles' difficulties are com- plicated by the fact that the characters in his drama have relatively unpronouncable names, but the situation is nevertheless amazingly similar. The Queen of Hearts was at the source of Alice's problems. The young girl wanders quite innocently onto the scene, and for reasons she long ago gave up trying to understand, sudden- lyfinds herself an active participant in a most unusual croquet game. The Queen demands that Alice play, and play she must. If Alice doesn't manage properly, she is even in serious danger of losing her head. MR. DULLES isn't really certain who is the cause of his perplexities. In South Viet Nam he is finding it difficult distinguishing between the power behind the premier named Ngo Dinh Diem and the strength behind the supposed top official Bao Dai. The situation is further complicated by Pre- mier Diem's bid for power via skirmishes in his capital, which isn't really his capital ac-. cording to Chief of State Bao Dai. Dai is at his lilla on the French Riviera, at present, but he likes to send out cables on the matter from his Cannes retreat. The Red Queen was highly sensitive. You had to play the game her way because she went around shouting "Off with her head!" if you didn't. The croquet balls were live hedge- hogs, the mallets live flamingoes, and the sol- diers had to double themselves up and stand on their hands and feet to make the arches. ALICE WAS HAVING a little difficulty by the time she had got her flamingo in po- sition, with its body tucked under her arm and its neck straightened out, the hedgehog had unrolled itself and was in the act of crawling away. The players all played at once without waiting for turns, quarreling all the while and fighting for the hedgehogs, while the Queen stamped about shouting "Off with his head." Mr. Dulles doesn't have to worry about a Red Queen, but he has French, Nationalist, Com- munist and American policies to reckon with, plus a powerful organization of bandits who control the brothels of Saigon and have been in the habit of controlling the city as well. The French government is technically in control of South Viet Nam. They were technically in con- trol of North Viet Nam too, but they gave that to the Communists last year as a way out of their own difficulties. Bao Dal was appointed by the French when North and South were one. When Dai's do- main dwindled down to South Viet Nam, Ngo Dinh Diem was installed premier under him, at the urging of the United States, to keep things going. Meanwhile, Dai went off to the Riviera, and left Diem to his own resources. RIGHT ABOUT this time the croquet game gets going in full swing. Premier Diem tries to establish his own government and sets up a "Revolutionary Committee." A high French official calls the committee a "comedy." French Premier Edgar Faure says that it ha become apparent that Diem is no longer equal to the task of governing. Enter the United States who, like Alice, isn't at all certain what it's doing there. But pour- ing quite a bit of money into the game, it can be said to have the right to an opinion. The general attitude on Capitol Hill is to back Diem to the hilt, while France emphatically shakes her head no. And latest reports indicate that' Premiere Diem is working steadily to establish himself as legal head of the government. Alice didn't try to make sense out of the game, she just went ahead and tried to keep he' head intact. After a while she went off and joined a lobster-quadrille. The Queen on the other hand had her own way of settling diffi- culties, which required keeping an executioner handy. As for Secretary Dulles, he has a retreat at Duck Island up in Lake Ontario if things get too bad. Maybe Bao Dai has the right idea-a villa at Cannes is better than a troublesome hedgehog any day. -Debra Durchslag No Evidence of Economic Favoritism N, SPITE OF ominous predictions, the Uni- versity will remain financially sound . for another year. Objectors who feared that the Michigan State College name change, effective on July 1, would reduce the amount of appro- priations granted to the University can sit back and relax. Last fall, the University requested a $23,903- 394 operating cost for 1955-56 from the State Legislature. In a bill introduced last Tuesday, the Senate proposed that the University be given an operationa expense account amount- ing to $23,000,000. It's not a perfect score, but the record shows it is nearly a two million dol- lar increase over last year's budget. The Senate has also suggested granting some 13 and a half million as construction cost to all the combined state educational institu- tions. How much of this sum would be appro- priated to the University or to its neighbor in East Lansing is still a matter of guesswork. As things stand now though, there is no evi- dence that the State Legislature intends to play economic favorites. -Mary Lee Dingier New Books at the Library Allen, Fred-Treadmill to Oblivion, Boston, Little, Brown, 1955. Bainbridge, John-Garbo, New York, Double- day, 1955. Barth, Alan-Government by Investigation; New York, Viking, 1955. Barton, Donald R.-Once in Aleppo; New York, Scribner, 1955. Beach, Edward L.-Run Silent, Run Deep; New York, Holt, 1955. Briggs, Margaret-Daughter of the Khans; New York, Norton, 1955. Brooks, Van Wyck-John Sloan, A Painter's Life; New York, Dutton, 1955. Byrnes, Thomas-All My Darlings; New York, Crowell, 1955. Caldwell, John C. - Still the Rice Grows Green; Chicago, Regnery, 1955. Chang, Eileen-The Rice-Sprout Song; New York, Scribner, 1955. Chapin, Victor-The Hill; New York, Rine- hart, 1955. Churchill, Peter-Duel of Wits; New York, Putnam, 1955. Coates, Austin-Invitation to an Eastern Feast; New York, Harper, 1955. In his orchestral realization, N choirs beautifully by bringing out the thematic voicings through the various instrumental colors. There was a great broadness of tone which never was taken out of bal- ance by too great a climax. A s- tained feeling mounted as the work progressed, creating an in- ner intensity. Even in the climax of the Fugue, the effectiveness came through a restrain rather than a bombasity. THE BEETHOVEN seemed con- ceived in the sense of contrast and rhythmic acuteness. Here too, Mr. Ormandy kept the orchestra within a dynamic plain, not let- ting loose its full powers until the final movement. This made for a feeling of ex- pectancy which united the inter- pretation. Though the Fifth Sym- phony is often programmed, it did not suffer last night from a trt- ness of expression. Rudolf Serkin has played with the Philadelphia Orchestra more than any other pianist, which un- doubtedly is one reason for the feeling of ensemble between the soloist and the, orchestra last night.- Artists- love to play under Mr. Ormandy because he works with them and not against them. This is of particular importance with the Brahms Concerto, for it is the union of both forces as developed by Brahms. -* * * U4r. . Ormandy used the instrumental DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLE TIN (Continued from Page 2) I -By Mike Marder DREW PEARSON: Red Espionage Worries FBI WASHINGTON-While the Mc- Carthyites have been preoccu- pied with Red sins of the past, today's Communists are dropping out of sight into a new under-, ground. These are the hard-core, Moscow-disciplined Commies who constitute the real threat to our internal security-not the stray, misguided individuals who drifted into Red fronts in the 1930's. The FBI has picked up alarm- ing reports about this new Red underground, which began taking shape after the Communist Party stopped issuing membership cards in 1948. To thwart the FBI, the Communist underground has des- troyed all records, set up superse- cret hiding places and taken ex- treme security measures. The security is so strict that Red underground members actually undergo facial surgery, assume other permanent disguises, find new occupations and cut themsel- ves off completely from old friends and acquaintances. They adopt brand new personalities, move in- to new communities and blend as inconspicuously as possible into the population. * * * LATELY, Communist couples have been moving into key indus- trial areas, such as Pittsburgh and Detroit, seeking work in defense plants, according to FBI sources. To avoid suspicion, these under- ground couples steer clear of any- thing that even remotely smacks of Communism. They pose usually as quiet, conservative couples, but they are known to the FBI as "sleepers"-ready to serve as active Red agents in time of national emergency. As another precaution, the Com- mies rotate through the under- ground, keeping it constantly mo- bile. The old Communist Party leaders, still functioning above- ground, are merely figureheads. The real leadership is now run- ning the underground. * * * IT WAS THE New York Herald Tribune, a Rock-of-Gibraltar Re- publican newspaper, that finally pressured Oveta Culp Hobby, Se- cretary of Health, Education and Welfare, into considering Federal controls on Salk vaccine. Previously, she has insisted on keeping Federal fingers out of the distribution problem, despite the fact that her department sees to it that other vaccines, used to immu- nize children against diptheria, smallpox, whooping cough, and tetanus, are made available to par- ents too poor to buy them. In other words,, Mrs. Hobby has been following one policy for ev- eryday vaccines and an opposite policy for the new Salk vaccine. Yet the demand for Salk shots has reached such hysterical pitch that Federal controls are far more ne- cessary for the polio vaccine. s * s MRS. HOBBY'S eyes were fin- ally jarred open by a front-page, Herald Tribune editorial, calling upon her to intervene so young children and pregnanit women would get their shots first as pro- posed by Senator Morse of Oregon three weeks ago. With this powerful GOP paper jolting the national clamor against the Administration's procrastina- tion, Mrs. Hobby relented a bit. She reversed herself and agreed to recomment Federal controls "if necessary." * * * DESPITE THE growing Soviet submarine menace, the Navy has placed first priority on big aircraft carriers instead of submarine kill- ers. Real fact is the big carriers are being designed to deliver the atomic bomb against an enemy, a mission that has been assigned to the Air Force while the Navy has complete responsibility for keeping the oceans safe for American ship- ping. The Admirals have assigned top priority to construction of another supercarrier, so huge it can't move from the Atlantic to the Pacific without sailing all the way around the tip of South America. Second priority will go to remodeling six attack carriers, complete with fan- cy new angled decks. Third on the priority list, the Navy will get around to building seven sub-killing destroyers. Con- struction of two new atomic sub- marines is fourth on the list. Guid- ed-missile subs and ships are also far down the list. (Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate) INTERPRETING THE NEWS: International Agreements Aid Peace Uses of atom MR SERKIN plays with a tre- mendously energetic, nervous drive. He is capable of great ten- derness, as shown during the third movement of the concerto. The pi- ano became a part of the orches- tra, though certainly not subserv- iant. The unity was brought to an exciting high point in the last movement, which made up for a rather rough beginning. The string section of the orches- tra was particularly notable throughout the concert. The cellos were wonderful in their dialog with the piano in the third moverment of the Brahms. --Margaret Wappler AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Ma & Pa'-- Need More Be Said? THE NAME of the picture is "Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki." Need more be said? For the purposes of clarifica- tion, however: if the sight of a shoddy man and a well-dressed dowager falling, fully clothed, in- to a swimming pool provokes gales of laughter from you, if you are apt to guffaw uproariously at lit- tle children pelting grown men with all manner of soft foodstuffs, if the vision of Marjorie Main in a sarong causes your senses to reel, if 'merely the names Ma and Pa Kettle on the screen set your eyes a-twinkling and your funny-bone a-twitter, then this is the picture for you. If not, you had better beware. ALL THESE things and more take place in the latest opus con- cerning that typical American couple, played by Percy Kilbride and Miss Main, as they raise hav- oc in a pineapple juice factory and generally wreck the Hawaiian Is- lands in a manner that would make Martin and Lewis green with envy. The plot, which is only a means to an end, centers on the fact that Pa Kettle is asked to take over a large fruit cannery in the islands by his cousin who must retire be- cause of his health. (His cousin suffers a heart-attack after swal- lowing a large stein of shaving cream. A-hah-hah-hah.) * * * THE CONFLICT comes when a rival group of businessmen tries to take control from Pa by way of hiring some nasty crooks to kid- nap the old soul. All of this provides a framework for various deeds of derring-do by Ma and some renegade islanders, also giving opportunities for comi- cal situations. Along with the fruit throwing and pool dunking, there are also little things that must come under the heading of "jokes" for want of something better. Example: Rich society woman says to Ma who is sitting under a sun-lamp, "I like Sir Frances Bacon. Do you like Bacon?" Academic Notices Freshman Engineers. Pick up Mentor Grades Fri. p.m., May 6, Sat. a.m., May 7, Mon., May 9, Tues., May 10. Astronomical Colloquium Fri., May 6, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. G. K. Batchelor will speak on the subject, "Turbulent Motion with Temperature Fluctuations." Doctoral Examination for John Ro- land Benish English Language and Lit- erature; thesis: "George Meredith and Samuel Alexander: An Intellectual Kin- ship of Poet and Philosopher," Fri., May 6, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. L. Da- vis. Doctoral Examination for Stefan Val- avanis vail, Economics; thesis: "An Econometric Model of Growth; U.S.A., 1869-1953," May 6, 105 Economics Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, D. B. Suits. Logic seminar will meet Fri., May 6 at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr. Buchi willspeak on "The Syntactio Definition of Definability." Electrical Engineering Colloquium. Fri., May 6, Fri., May 13. J. E. Rowe, Re- search Assoc., ERI, will speak on, "Large Signal Traveling-Wave Amplifi- er Analysis." Coffee 4:00 p.m. Room 2500 E.E. Talk 4:30 p.m. Room 2084. Topi on May 6 will be "Information for Am- plifier Design," and on May 13, Solu- tion of the Large-Signal Equations on MIDAC." Open to the public. Doctoral Examination for Murray John Copeland, Geology; thesis: "The Upper Carboniferous Arthropods from the Maritime Provinces of Canada," Fri., May 6, 4065 Natural Science Build- ing, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. V. Kes- ling. Biological chemistry Seminar. Dr. El don Sutton will speak on "Factors Af- fecting Excretion of Amino Acids;" Room 319 West Medical Building, Sat, May 7, at 10:00 a.m. Doctoral Examination for John An- thony Modrick, Psychology; thesis: "The Role of Instructions and Differential Reward in Human Learning with Par- tial Reinforcement," Sat., May 7, 7611 Haven Hall, at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, J. D. Birch. Doctoral Examination for Alan Moune Markman, English Language and Lit. erature, thesis: "Sir Gawain of Brit- ain: A Study of the Romance Elements in the British Gawain Literature," Set May 7, 2601 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, J. R. Reinharc. Concerts May Festival Concerts will take place in Hill Auditorium, as follows: FRI., MAY 6, 8:30 p.m. University Choral Union in Beethoven's "Miss Solemnis," with Lois Marshall, soprano; Nell Rankin, contralto; Leslie Chabay tenor; and Morley Meredith, baritone; Philadelphia Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conductor. SAT., MAY 7, 2:30 p.m. Jeanne Mitch- ell, violinist; Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, Conductor; Festival Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood, Con- ductor. Program: Overture "Donna Di- ana" (Reznicek; Mozart Sinfonia Con. certante; Viennese Folk and Art Songs; Schubert Unfinished Symphony; and the Mozart Concerto in A major. SAT., MAY 7, 8:30 p.m. William War- field, Baritone, Philadelphia Orchestra, and Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Pro- gram: Overture and Allegro from "La Sultne" (Couperin); Songs by Handel,. Brahms and Copland; Dello Joio's Epi. graph; and Concerto for Orchestra (Bartok). SUN., MAY 8, 2:30 p.m. University Choral Union; Lois Marshall, Soprano; Leslie Chabay, tenor;Morley Meredith, baritone; Grant Johannesen, Pianist. Program: Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" and Prokofieff Concerto No. 3 in O major. SUN., MAY 8, 8:30 p.m. Rise Stevens, Mezzo-soprano;Philadelphi Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Program: Arias from operas by Gluck, Tschaikow. sky, Saint-Saens and Bizet; Bloch Con- certo Grosso No. 2 for String Orchestra; and Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 4 in F minor. Tickets, and further information, may be procured at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society, Burton Memo. rial Tower, through Wed., May 4. Beginning Thurs a.m., May 5, tickets will be available at the box office In Hill Auditorium during the day; and after 7:00 p.m. Student Recital. Janet LaFramboise, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 9, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Program: Bach, Beethoven, Paray, Schumann; open to the public. Miss La Framboise studies with Joseph Brinkman. Events Today Punch and Tea Hour Fri., May 6 in the Lane Hidl Library, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Canterbury Group is Guild Host. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Coffee Clatch from 4:00-6:00 p.m., Fri., May 6, at Canterbury House. Canterbury Campus Series. Prof. Sheri- dan Baker, Department of English, will read and comment on classics of reli- r 1, r . 0. Murry Frymer - I NTH I S COR NER, Segregation at Mississippi By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE GROWING number of in- ternational agreements for de- velopment of peaceful uses for the atom suggests a snowballing mo- tion toward the atomic future. The United States has just signed an agreement to lease ura- nium to Turkey and provide the technical assistance needed for building and operating a reactor there. This agreement is merely the first of quite a number expected to go through soon, a number which probably will be greatly in- INTEGRATION in Southern colleges may be just around the corner, but it will still be a while before the white students are going to go along with it. The University of Mississippi students were recently polled as to their feelings on segrega- tion. Fifty-one percent voted on continued re- The Daily Staff The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at Ann Arbor, Mich., Post Office as second class matter. Published daily except Monday. Subscription rates during the school year: by carrier, $6.50; by mail $7.50. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig......................Managing Editor Dorothy Myers......................... ....City Editor Jon Sobeloff.................. . ...Editorial Director Pat+ fR.n1,-..P Ac...-..J.+n. 01+%, V.AtL.- striction of Negroes at the University. However only seven percent okayed immediate entrance. The other fell somewhere in between the two axis. More interesting than the vote itself were some of the opinions expressed along with them.0 In the pro-integration group, sentiment fell into what might be called "moralist, inevit- ablist, and democratic" feelings. "IT IS A coming event and we shall not pro- gress from running away from the issue" was a prevalent opinion. On the other side, the opinion was significant mainly because of its apologetic tone. There seems to be little "Whites shouldn't go to col- lege with Negroes" feeling expressed now. It's more often stated: "I don't think the Ne- groes WANT to go to school with the whites." Other pro-segregationists express their fears not so much toward mixed schools, but to what it might lead to. For example, many Mississip- pians said that the admission of Negroes would inevitably lead to inter-marriage. - A'0. ( C Y 3 ) I creased after this summer's con- ference of experts on the best ways1 of exploiting the Eisenhower-Unit-j ed Nations proposal. TWO SMALLER nations-Hol- land and Norway-already are co- operating in the operation of a reactor in Holland. They and ten other European nations also are cooperating, un- der the auspices of the United Na- tions, in construction of a reactor in Switzerland as a center for nu- clear research. This plant is well under way. Norway announced March 24 that she was working on an atom- ic-powered merchant ship which would demonstrate the possibilities in the ports of the world, and a month later President Eisenhower announced a similar project for the United States. THE UNITED STATES is also trying to develop portable plants which could be leased or loaned to power-hungry spots, plants which might even supply the power for building other permanent plants, or for other industrial construc- tion in underdeveloped areas. All of this points to something like a "crash" program to tie the free world's health and economy to the atom years before it has been anticipated. * * * TEN YEARS ago nuclear fission f . r -J