Dulles in Wonderland See Page 4' Latest Deadline in the State i!IaiI6i FAIR, LITTLE CHANGE VOL. LXV, No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1955 SIX PAGES Farm Bill Gets House Approval Rturn to Truman Policy Not Expected to Pass Senate WASHINGTON W)-The House voted 206-201 yesterday for a re- turn to the Truman policy of supporting basic farm crops at 90 per cent of the parity price. But the action may turn out to be only a legislative gesture, since it is uncertain the Senate will consider a farm bill this year. Moreover, even if Congress decided to abandon the present system of flexible supports President Dwight D. Eisenhower would probably exercise his veto. Democratic leaders fought hard to put the House on record against the Administration's farm policy, which provides supports ranging /from 82% to 90 per cent of parity Council Asks Study of City Parking Plan In a special meeting last night the City Council referred Mayor William E. Brown's parking ex- pansion program to the Depart- ment of Public Works. The depaytment will study the plans and the property involved and report their findings to the City Council by Tuesday. The Mayor's plan includes: 1) Purchase of the property on the west side of 4th Avenue north of Williams Street. This lot would give ascapacity of approximately 164 cars. 2) Building two additional decks on the Maynard Street carport. This would give an additional ca- pacity of approximately 220 cars. 3) Purchase of the property on ' Division Street which is known as the "Cowie" property. This would give a capacity of approximately 60 cars. The Council will pass on the is- sue by the first meeting in June. "If the Board of Public Works and the Council act favorably upon the plan it can be put into opera- tion and the construction work could be finished before the first of December," Mayor Brown said. He added, "Our excess earnings from parking facilities in only par- tial production will run around $150,000 and there is a definite need for further facilities." A resolution restricting the use of city parksto carnivals and cir- t cuses was also on last night's agenda. After fifteen minutes discussion the council moved to table the resolution. "I can't recall a carnival or cir- cus in Ann Arbor in fifteen or twenty years," Mayor Brown de- d cared. However the council decided to allow the Junior Chamber of Com- merce and the Optimists Club to fulfill commitments with carnivals and circuses for May and June. The permission was granted pro- viding the insurance policies of the two local organizations give ade- quate protection to the city. Michigamua Calls Braves To Wigwam Listen to this tale of romance Tale of Indian warriors bold- In the early moon of green leaves Came they forth, the stoics val- iant; Forth they romped to paleface wigwam Wigwam one of friendly Great Chief, Came they forth to take their token Then to the mighty oak of Tap- pan Dashed the screaming, yelling redmen; To the tree of Indian legend Where the white men pale and trembling Stood around the mighty oak tree Warriors choice of paleface nation Choice of tribe to run the gaunt- *let, Down the warriors, painted de- mons Swooped and caught their prey like eagles Loud the war cry stirred the still- ness As they seized their hapless cap- tives Forth they bore them to their wigwam There to torture at their pleas- 11N peanuts. Tension Fills House An air of tension - and some confusion-filled the ouse during final balloting on the issue. Unofficial counts showed the bill had been beaten before the final result was announced. But then about seven members arose to shift their votes from the "No" column to either "Aye" or "Present." Sev- eral latecomers voted "Aye" to help provide the margin of victory. Before the vote was announced, more than a dozen Democratic supporters of the bill got up to ask how they had been recorded. Such tactics are sometimes used to delay a final count until more votes are rounded up. Martin Asks Recount Minority Leader Joseph R. Mar- tin (R-Mass) jumped up and call- ed for a recount in view of what he described as "the unusual confu- sion" surrounding the rollcall and "that so many members apparent- ly don't know how they voted." The count was then confirmed. It showed 185 Democrats and 21 Republicans in favor of a return to high, rigid price supports, and 172 Republicans and 29 Demo- crats against it. The bill also contains a section to raise the support floor under milk and dairy products to 80 per cent of parity. The present level is 75 per cent. Parity is a legal stand- ard for fixing farm prices in re- lation to the cost of things farmers have to buy. Anderson Doubts Senate OK Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (D- NM), former Secretary of Agri- culture and a member of the Sen- ate Agrielture Committee, said the committee "might vote to re- port the House bill but I doubt that the Senate would pass it." Senate supporters of the Eisen- hower-Benson farm program are confident Congress could not mus- ter the two-thirds vote required to override a presidential veto of any change in the system. Congress turned from rigid to flexible supports last year after a long fight over the change. The administration blames high price supports for building up the huge surplus of farm products. It argues farmers will be better off if their production is hitched tighter to the law of supply and demand. Stop on Union Political Activities LANSING (A')-The Senate yes- terday approved legislation to pre- vent enforced contributions to po- Sliticalcampaigns by labor union Imembers. The meaure, endorsed by the Re- publican party and openly aimed at the CI Political Action Com- mittee's support of Democratic candidates, was rammed through the Senate on a 19-10 vote. Payments Due Subscription payments for The Daily are due now. Failure to pay may result in withholding of credits. Vietnamese Finish Dai's Sovereignty Propose Giving Power to Diem SAIGON, South Viet Nam Ae)- A foot-stamping, shouting 4,000- man National Congress declared by acclamation yesterday the end of ex-Emperor Bao Dai's rule over South Viet Nam as Chief of State. At the same time another Con- gress, madecup of 700 localand provincial councilors and tribe chiefs, demanded that Bao Dai's powers be given now to American- supported Premier Ngo Dini Diem, leaving it to an elected National Assembly to depose Bao Da. Call For General Elections Both congresses called for gen- eral elections within four to six months to choose the National As- sembly and set up a workable gov- ernment. They urged Diem in the meantime to use his Nationalist troops to crush the Binh Xuyen rebels, his foes in South Viet Nam's week-old civil war. The Executive Committees of the two congresses split over whether to give Diem full power to organize the elections. The Na- tional Congress wanted the Pre- mier to form a provisional gov- ernment which would prepare for the voting. The second group fav- ored giving Diem himself full pow- er to make these preparations. Bao Dai To Make Choice When all details of their form- al resolutions have been finally settled, Diem will forward them to Bao Dai with a request that he choose among them.Bao Dal, once Emperor of the small Indochinese state of Annam, was appointed Chief of State of Viet Nam by the French in 1949. He has been liv- ing on the French Riviera more than a year. Brownell Hits Bricker Bill WASHINGTON M)-Atty. Gen. Brownell said yesterday the Brick- er amendment would place "radi- cal limitations on the traditional sovereign powers of the United States and on the President's au- thority to conduct the country's foreign affairs." He testifed before a Senate Ju- diciary Subcommittee in opposi- tion to the proposed. constitution- al amendment. He said "the suc- cess with which our country has dealt with both foreign and do- mestic problems under the Consti- tution for more than 160 years should not be disregarded." Among other witnesses who op- posed the amendment to curb the treaty-making power were Philip B. Perlman, former solicitor gen- eral under the Truman Adminis- tration, and Dean Edwin N. Gris- wold of Harvard University Law School. Report Given On Prisoners UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. A)- Secretary General Dag Ham- marskjold said yesterday he inten- sified during his recent trip to Europe his efforts to free 17 Amer- ican imprisoned in Red China as spies. "I hate guesswork," he told a news conference ,and declined to speculate whether his efforts would succeed. He declined also to explain how his moves had intensified. It is known, however, that he talked in London with British Foreign Sec- retary Harold Macmillan and vis-, ited Stockholm and Geneva, where Red China has represenatives. Quemoy Assaults After on West Germans -Dn Sovereigny, Chinese Reds Shell Air RUDOLF SERKIN (LEFT) AND E COMM Ormanudy I American By TAMMY MORRISON I "When the United States can produce youngsters who want to know about music, then I will be able to say that, at the Festival tastes as well as audiences have changed," Eugene Ormandy said yesterday. The noted conductor of the Phil- adelphia Orchestra sat in his room at the League exchanging views with his wife and pianist Rudolf Serkin on everything from puppy love to musical taste. Pleased about his 19 consecu- tive appearances at the May Fes- tival, he said, "If people liked you enough to have you back for 19 years, and if you had standing room awaiting you when 1ou take the podium, wouldn't you feel good?" Used to Grueling Schedule Ormandy is "used to" his gruel- ing six concerts in four days sched- ule and says, "the set-up here is unique and beautiful. This un- usualatmosphere can't be found in Europe. It's too much for some The second concert in the May Festival series will be pre- sented at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Featuring the Philadelphia Orchestra and University Chor- al Union, with Thor Johnson conducting the program will be Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis in D major" with soloists Lois Marshall, soprano; Nell Rankin, mezzo-soprano; Leslie Chabay, tenor; and Morley Meredith, baritone. Tickets are still available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower. people, but we love it. It's like homecoming," he added. < Discussing modern music, he said that "some people genuinely want to hear present day com- posers, while others listen because they can't avoid it." Different countries have defi- nitely different musical tastes, he said. "In the United States, for in- stance, people aren't receptive to contemporary composers. It's not because of lack of intelligence, it's just that people are conservative. "Italians don't like Schubert, and Rudi and I," he added, in- dicating Serkin, "used to kid about Verdi, when we were young, until we realized what a fine. composer he was." A Matter of Taste "It's all a matter of taste, like spinich. You have to grow up to it," he continued. "And of course, -Daily-Tom McLean UGENE ORMANDY EXCHANGE ENTS A denaer Says E ind of Occupation IJouded by East German Slavery Discusses BONN, Germany {A)--The West German Republic won sovereign- ty yesterday and immediately pledged it will "never rest" until it gains M u Sic freedom for the 18 million Germans in the Soviet Zone. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's government stressed that the ju- bilation of its 50 million citiens at the ending of the 10-year Western occupation is clouded by what he called the slavery of East Germany. it depends on what you are used American, British, and French renunciation of supreme authority to. You must see a painting many over the Bonn Republic at noon was the crowning achievement of the times before you know it well, and 79-year-old Chancellor's career. the same fact holds true for music But oppoChanlocareesC as well," he concluded. But opposition Socialist resentment was so bitter over Chancellor His neice Dolores, a harpist, Adenauer having tied up West Ger-_ studied here two years ago, then many in the NATO alliance that he a left to be married. "You know," he did not personally announce the 1dice Levies said, his eyes alight, "I think this grant of sovereignty in Parlia- d 'puppy love' very often will make ment.j a successful marriage." Warned that the Socialist depu- 6 Deciding what musical areas are ties would walk out if he appeared'9i to be covered in the Festival is Chancellor Adenauer forwarded a Ormandy's job, in cooperation brief statement that Bundestag with Charles A. Sink, presidenit President E u g e n Gerstenmaier Balanced Program Desired Only a dozen of the 151 Social- Joint Judiciary Council levied First they compare notes on ist deputies were in the chamber. $190 in individual fines and one soloists to be considered, 'with an Socialist Erich Ollenhauer claims group fine of $500 during the eye to box office drawing power that rearmament will destroy month of March, it was announced and technical ability. They ob- chances of negotiating with Mos- yesterday. tain repertoires from the artists cow for Germany's reunification. Cases involving 14 students and and build programs which will Chancellor Adenauer's govern- one group were heard by Joint make a balanced Festival, musi- ment proclaimed to Germans in Judic at meetings on March 16, cally speaking, the Communist-ruled East: 23 and 30. All disciplinary action His heavy schedule while here "You can always rely on us, in was approved by University Sub- leaves him little time for relaxa- common with the free world, nev- Committee on Discipline. tion or sightseeing. "I did make er to rest until human rights have The only group fine involved an effort to see your very fine hos- also been restored to you and you violation of University drinking pital, though. I'm a frustrated doc- live peacefully reunited with us in regulations and having women in tor," he confided. one state." the house after hours. Fine of $500 Speaking of the music school, he Throughout West Germany, peo- was accompanied by a warning. said "The University of Michigan pie saw slight immediate evidence Three Drinking Violations is lucky to have Dean Earl V. of their new sovereignty. The Al- Moore determining its musical lies had interfered little with the There were three violations of destiny. Yours is recognized as Bonn Government in recent years. state and city drinking laws. One one of the very best music The 450,000 foreign troops in student, charged by Ann Arbor schools." I West Germany did not march police with drinking as a minor Music Education in Europe Better away. They are staying as NATO and disorderly prowling, was fined. He drew a sharp line of demar- defense forces. American strength, $25 with $15 suspended i view of cation between American and Eur- remaining unchanged for the pres- c rt$ctisuspended, for drinkn opean musical education. "A ent, includes about 200,000 soldiers a aminor. young American person," he said, and 70,000 Air Force men. A $15 fine was levied against a! "should be able to whistle all four The final meeting of the Allied student charged by police with of Brahm's symphonies and all High Commission was held at 10 disorderly conduct and disturbing nine of Beethoven's. That's the a.m. yesterday Andre Francois- the peace while drunk. kind of musical education a Eur- Poncet of France, Dr. James B. One Driving Violation opean child gets." Conant of the United States, and: "Music," he concluded," is Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar of Joint Judic announced only one still a luxury in many quarters, Britain, repealed the laws they violation of University driving and it should be an emotional, in- had written, abolished the 5/- regulationl, levying a $20 fine tellectual necessity." year-old commission, and pro- against a second offender. He smiled. "It does something claimed the occupation ended at Two students were admonished to your soul." noon. by the Council for illegal admit- __________ tance to Health Service. One was SAa fined $10 for entering a room and 4-e- o+Iienr rnc 1w7ariwu fnr tpr- Matsu 150 Rounds Blast Little Quemoy Isle Matsu Prepared For Red Tactics TAIPEI, Formosa M)-The Chi- nese Communists yesterday loosed one of the heaviest shellings of the year in the Quemoys across For- mosa Strait close on the heels of their first aerial thrust in the. Matsu area. The Defense Ministry said that in 45 minutes Red artillery, on Amoy fired 150 rounds into Lit- tle Quemoy Island, four miles away. There were no further de- tails. Little Quemoy, 22 square miles and stoutly defended, guards the western flank of Quemoy, largest and strongest of the offshore is- lands. Nationalists Attacked Wednesday Nationalist planes only Wednes- day attacked five small Red gun- boats in Amoy harbor and claimed three damaged. They also fought off an attack by four MIG15 jet fighters 50 miles north of the Mat- sus. The appearance of the MIGs for the first time near Matsu and lit- tle more than 150 miles north of Formosa itself was not unexpected. The Communists have finished a big air base at Lukiao, 200 mile north of the Matsus. Tachens Tactics Expected Nationalist officials predict that the Reds will follow the same tac- tics in the Matsus as they did in the Tachens farther north. The Nationalists quit the Tachens aft- er the fall of nearby Yikiangshan Island. The Reds first made occasional flights over the Tachens, then bombed them heavily and invaded Yikiangshan. There is speculation that the Matsu group island of Ka- oteng will be ttle next "Yikiang- san." It is but four miles from the Red mainland. Matsu, main island' in the group, is 9 miles from the mainland. This time- the Nationalists say they will fight for the Matsus and Quemoy, with or without U.S. help. Police Arrest Four Students Honorary tapping proved to be too much for Charles Chopp, '57E, Triangle neophyte arrested at 3:34 a.m. yesterday for "malicious de- struction of property." Chopp and three other Triangle initiates, Russell McKennan, '57E, John Moor~e, '57E, and Roy Lave, 57E, were arrested at Packard and Morton Streets walking off with the Ann Arbor Bank's Packard Street branch sign. Chopp "had difficulty walking," police said. Police dismissed all but Chopp, who admitted tearing up the sign as a joke. He told police he had been on an initiation prank. A Stone School Road sign was also found, but its presence was unexplained. The sign was valued at $25, but was to be replaced in the near fu- ture by electric one. The bank manager indicated the bank would not ask any restitution. Sentence on Chopp will be pro- nounced at 10 a.m. today in mu- nicipal court. Mental Hospital r y. l Atom Blast Damages 'lest City, No Casualties Reported; SURVIVAL CITY, Nev. OP)-A savage atomic test explosion yes- terday severely damaged Dooms- day drive, less than half a mile from the nuclear blast. But while the 35-kiloton blast smashed buildings in Survival City, men and women in close-up trenches and soldiers in stout tanks came through unscathed. Civil Defense photographers, wearing radiation safe suits en- tered the dust-shrouded area hours DRAMA SEASON PRODUCTION: Potter, Smith Chosen for Leads in Rainmaker' Joan Potter and Jamie Smith have been cast for the leading roles in "The Rainmaker." The N. Richard Nash comedy will be the third play of the Drama Season which begins Monday with Eva Le Gallienne in "The South-' west Corner." wet on| Miss Potter originated the starring role of Lizzie in a television showing of the play a year ago. This was the premiere performance of r the comedy before it was expanded into a full-length drama., after the blast to take the first pictures of the wreckage. Brick Building Destroyed Photos showed a two-story brick house on Doomsday drive, 4,700 yards from ground zero, to be a mass of wreckage. This was the' Darling family home, occupied bs mannequins, whose fate is not yet known. Presumably those in rooms on the first and second stories were destroyed. However, two manne- quins in a wooden bomb shelter in the basement were not moved by the blast. Both-a father and son - were covered with dust. A one-story frame house on the same street also was destroyed. But a reinforced masonry block house next to it withstood the mighty shock and searing fire, However, a radio transmitter in the block house was knocked off the air. Gas Tank Survives A gas tank containing heating fuel and a transformer and elec- trvio subsatiornin the same area the other was warnedt or enter- taining an unchaperoned male student after visiting hours. Drinking, Driving For drinking in student resi- dences, driving after drinking, and driving without a permit, one stu- dent was fined $25, $15 of which Swas suspended due to previous court fine of $31.85. President of a house was fined $20, the ex-president $15, two stu- dents $10 and two students $5 for violation of regulations concerning presence of women in men's resi- dences. For loom-to-room soliciting in residence halls in connection with all-campus elections, one student was fined $10 and warned. Foreign Aid End Far A way-Didles WASHINGTON (A")P-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told Congress yesterday he sees no early end to America's mutual se- curity program of grants and loans to friendly nations. He made the statement in tes- tifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the Eisen- Ihower administration's 3 r-bil- lion-dollar foreign aid appropria- r Cuts (riticized LANSING, {)--Legislative cuts in the appropriation he asked for