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May 05, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-05-05

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Vagueness Hurts Value
Of Ike's News Conference
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State






SGC Votesr
To Protest
Dulles, Brownell
To Get Letters
Student Government Council
last night voted to send a letter
protesting the refusal to allow the
11 Soviet student editors into the
United States.
Bob Leacock, '57, moved that the
letter be sent to, among others,
Secretary of State John F. Dulles,
Attorney General Herbert J.
Brownell, the New York 'Times'
and schools on the Russian edi-
tors' itinerary.
Stating that the "Student Gov-


Reciprocal Trade
Passed by 115.O


May Festival Begins


The first of six concerts in they
62nd annual May Festival will be
presented today in Hill Auditori-
At 8:30 p.m., Eugene Ormandy
will conduct the Philadelphia Or-
chestra which will play at all con-
certs, Rudolf Serkin, pianist, will
be the soloist. Only standing room
is available for this concert.

Moore SeeKs
City Council
Slum Study
Ann Arbor's City Council

Ormandy, making his nine-
teenth appearance at the Festival,
will conduct Beethoven's "Sym-1
phony No. 5 in C minor.",
Bohemia-born Serkin, who first
appeared at the Festival in 1939,
will play Brahms' "Concerto No.
2 in B-flat major."
Beethoven Mass
Friday at 8:30 p.m., Thor John-
son will conduct Beethoven's "Mis-
sa Solemnis in D major" with the,
University Choral Union and so-
loists Lois Marshall, soprano, Nell
Rankin, mezo-soprano, L e s 1 i e
Chabay, tenor and Morley Mere-
dith, baritone.
Ormandy will return to the po-
dium Saturday at 2:30 p.m. to
conduct selections by Reznicek,
Mozart, and Schubert with the
"Iff"1 '*

ernment Council of the Universi-
ty of Michigan .. . requests that
0 hyou use the power given to you in
~i~aythe Immigration and Nationality
Act of June 27, 1952, to, jointly
with Attorney General Brownell,
Festival Youth Chorus and soloist waive the visa requirements for the
FeiYthllChviorunst. oieleven Soviet student editors," the
Jeanne Mitchell, vioHlst. letter continues citing that advan-
Selections by Handel. Brahms tages from this contact would out-
and Bartok will highlight the con-taesghroybthistat wudst.
cert Saturday at 8:30 p.m., when Egenybrethtist.
William Warfield, baritone, is so-
loist. The Council also voted to ex-
Choral Work and Concerto tend petitioningtfor the manage-
Johnson will conduct selections ment of Student Book Exchange,
by Orff and Prokofiev Sunday at Cinema Guild, and Driving Ban
2:30 p.m., with Miss Marshall, Committee to 5 p.m. Monday.
Chabay, Meredith as soloist and Acting on the advice from Vice-
Grant Johannesan, pianist. President for Student Affairs
The final concert, Sunday at James A. Lewis, the group extend-
8:30 p.m., will feature Ormandy ed the petitioning for the Univer-
conducting selections by Bloch, sity Housing Study Committee un-
Gluck, chaikovsky Saint-Saens til 5 p.m. May 16.
and Bizet, with Rise Stevens, mez- Lewis said that he recommend-
zo-soprano, soloist. h ed extension because membership
Tickets are still available at the on the study committee especially
offices of the University Musical should be made up of qualified and
Society in Burton Tower and in experienced students and more
Hill Auditorium before concerts, such students should be encour-
aged to petition.
SGC voted to take control of the
Free University of Berlin Ex-
,,change Program that the Inter-

Senate Group r
V' Grant Bill
A grant of $3,728,000 for Unt-
versity construction has been
recommended in the capital out-
lay bill introduced recently by the;
State Senate Appropriations Com-
While Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
11ams had asked the legislature
for $36,000,000, the bill for all
state institutional construction
provides only $13,617,058.
Recommendation for the Uni-'
versity includes provisions for
completion of the automotive en-
gineering building, planning of the
engineering laboratories, start of
the undergraduate library, plan-
ning for the first unit of the med-
ical science building and purchase
and planned conversion of the
Ann Arbor High School into a so-
cial science and language build-
Called 'Forward-Looking'
University President Harlan
Hatcher termed the proposed
grant "very forward-looking."
"While there are several plans
which the bill will postpone," he
said, "considerable inroad on some
of the more pressing items has
been made."
President Hatcher said that the
University was "hoping for ap-
propriations on a new medical and:
new dental building. In view of she
the circumstances, however, I
think the recommendations ared
forward-looking." de a
Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel ob- hor

Ike Enabled
To Establish
Tariff Cuts
niendnents Fail;
House Passage Seen
last night overwhelmingly passed
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
foreign trade bill, empowering
him to cut American tariffs to
spur world commerce.
Approval came on a 75-13 rol
4 Icall vote.
It was a big victory for the
President on what he has called
a key measure in the effort to bol-
ster the free world against com-
munism. The Senate beat back
several attempts to alter the leg-
islation from the floor.
Goes to House Conference
The bill now goes to conference
with the House but the President
is assured of success on these ma-
jor provisions since they have been
ill approved by both branches:
1. An extension of the 21-year-
old Reciprocal Trade Agreements
La t unh0,1 58 he present,
Lact expires June 12 this year.
2. New power to cut tariffs 15
per cent in three successive 5 per
cent steps ovei the extension peri-
od. He may use these to win trade
concessions from other nations.
'This gives the President new
as tariff-cutting powers for the first
time in 10 years.
ctshe The Senate rejected a nunber
the of amendments both to add new
restrictions to the bill and to lib-
es- eralize it.
rrv Amendments Fall
Sen. Mathew M. Neely (D-WVa)
pleaded in vain for an amendment
4 which would have limited oil im-
ports to 10 per cent of domestic
consumption. Imports reached a
level of 13.6 per cent last year.

--Daily-Dick Gask
INEZ PILK ... "Come to the Fair"


hear the beginning of what could
result in a long range rehabilita-
tion plan for "blighted districts."
Council president Prof. A. D.
Moore of the electrical engineering
department called the program to
redevelop certain districts "wholly
tentative," but addedhe may ask
the planning commission to make
a study of the areas in question at
the next council meeting, May 16.
Housing Official Tours
Prof. Moore commented follow-
ing discussions with Housing and
Home Finance Agency representa-
tive James W. Follin on Tuesday.
Follin, a 1913 University gradu-
ate, toured the city with Prof.
Moore, Mayor William E. Brown,
Jr., City Planning Director Ray C.
Eastman, and Planning Commis-
sion Chairman, John E. Swisher.
"What we have done," the
Council president said, "is to look
at the blighted area. We think well
of the plan, but the rest is far
ahead and requires much plan-
Prof. Moore indicated that a
plan must be made of the area and
proposals for rehabilitation for-
warded before the government will
approve any aid.
Major location under consider-
ation is the area bounded by Main,
Ann, Depot, and Detroit Sts.
"Mild" in Comparison
The "blight" in the area is "mild
compared to the bad areas of big
cities," Prof. Moore said, "But
blighted areas tend to get pro-
gressively worse, not better."
He said the Planning Commis-
sion may be asked to study the
area and report back to the coun-
cil. Steps then could be taken to
} obtain federal aid.
Funds Available
Follin told the four officials that
funds are available through his
department to finance planning
costs in redevelopment. The Hous-
ing official added the government
would provide two-thirds of the
t costs if and when the city's final
plan for rehabilitation was drawn
The plan would have to be car-
ried out on an area basis, with the
town being divided into several
Triangles Tap
From 'neath the heels of dusty
r Within the vitals of the Arch,
The great bronze seal called
loyal man
In the dead of night to march.
So came the men of Triangles.
Once more beneath the pointed
New faces toiled with fear;
The seal of Triangles again
shone bright,
Cleansed with blood and fear.
So came: Bob Armstrong, Neal

R'usset Award Given
To Nuclear Researcher
Donald Glaser, assistant professor of physics, was announced win=
ner of the 1954-55 Henry Russel Award yesterday by University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher.
The annual honor is presented to the instructor or assistant pro-
fessor whose work as a teacher or researcher is outstanding and holds
great promise for the future. Prof. Glaser is on leave from Brookhav-
en National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island.
This year's Award was conferred prior to the 30th Henry Russel
-lecture delivered by Dean George

Granger Brown of the College of
In presenting the citation dur-
ing the Rackham amphitheater
convocation, President H a t c h e r
said, that "Dr. Glaser has devel-
oped a new tool for nuclear re-
search ,the b u b b l e chamber,
which is revolutioniing the investi-
gation of high-speed particles."
In his lecture on "Future
Sources on Power," Dean Brown
outlined the increasing possibilities
of nuclear and solar power.
Anticipated increases in popu-
lation and rapid consumption of
the present important energy
sources, said. Dean Brown, will
bring about a gradual change in
the world's pattern of energy con-
Greater use will be made of elec-
triciky from central atomic plants,
such as in the heating and air
conditioning of homes and the
powering of cars, he said.
"The trackless trolley may again
return to the highways, and pri-
vate cars might take their power
from an overhead line supplied
from a central power station," he
Switching to the subject of solar.

Fraternity Council had taken over
in the interim between Student
Legislature and SGC.
Leacock also suggested that the
Council study the exchange pro-
gram to make it as flexible as
possible and as representative of
the social, cultural and intellec-
tual life of the University.
world New
By The Associated Press I
Talk Stalemate,. .. I
DETROIT-Parke, Davis & Co.,
one of the two major producers of
Salk polit vaccine, said today its
attempts to reach a contract
agreement with the CIO Chemical
Workers have reached a stalemate.
The company asked the federal
government to appoint a fact-
finding commission to recommend
a basis of settlement.
The union's contract with the1
company expired Sunday. It has
been extended on a day-to-day
basis while federal and state medi-
ators attempted to bring the two
sides into agreement.
* * *
Sovereignty . .
BONN, Germany - West Ger.
many joins the ranks of independ-'
ent nations today and a big econ-
omy ax swings down on United
States forces that have occupied
this country for 10 years with Brit-
ish and French troops.
The big change comes automat-
ically as soon as British and
French high commissioners de-


served that "while certain things
will always be essential, we can- terd
not obtain them all in one year. has3
The new bill is reasonably satis- ute!
r rY it i r ia i I"


1V Wll C k Q1~i1 { ili~ti ' he Neely amendment was re-
said, "all those lovely costumes. Temperature soared to 87 de- jected on a standing vote.
You know that Larry and the dear grees yesterday, equalling the hot- It was an important hurdle for
Gargoyle, Committee for Cultural test May 4 ever recorded. supporters of the administration
Exchange have been working on Willow Run Weather Bureau program, since adoption of Sen.
posit their documents ratifying this for monthg, simply months." said only on May 4, 1949, did the Neely's proposal might have open-
treaties restoring sovereignty and Scott clarified Miss Pilk's re- thermometei- reach yesterday's ed the gates for a flood of other
permitting Allied troops to remain marks. "We plan to show native commodity relief amendments
only as defense farces. The Unitedmark.comdtreifa nmns.
only asdefense forces.r T h Uni costumes from Hungary, Rumania Some professors moved classes The bill survived another cru-
States and Germany already have and Bulgaria," he said. "Miss Pilk outdoors but for most students the ' cial floor test earlier when a sub-
taken this step * has generously agreed to model academic day was a tedious one, stitute plan by Sen. George W.
some of the ensembles on open- Late in the afternoon, a cool Malone (R-Nev) was shouted down
Jet Attac k ing night and at intermittent breeze brought slight relief to on a voice vote.
times during the week." sweltering Ann Arborites but hu- Waving his arms for emphasis,
TAIPEI, Formosa Earthenware in Exhibit midity remained high throughout Sen. Neely told the Senate fuel
nist jet fighters yesterday chal- Miss Pilk put down her glass the day, oil imports were -responsible for
lenged Nationalist planes for the and pointed to a. set of earthen- It was a close fight but studying wide-spread unemployment in the
first time in the Matsu area, un- ware on the cradenza. "They're for last minute exams and im- coal mines. He contended his
derscoring reports of an ominous Hungarian and we think that pending finals lost ground rapidly amendment would heal "this un-
Red air buildup on Formosas ap- they'll look simply marvelous as sunbathers emerged en masse, employment cancer."
proaches. alongside the mirrors and cigar-
The Chinese air force said four ette boxes that. the committee is
MIGs attacked fogr propeller displaying." -_TEAE___HAVE__T:
planes which were on patrol off Scott remarked that the ob-
the coast 50 miles north of the ctt remaCEr Pthadhu-
Matsu Islands and about 150 gects were all from Poland, Hun-
miles north of Formosa. gary, Bulgaria, Rumania and .oln ,o s i~ e t
s Yugoslavia. "We are giving the
A communique reported the four exhibit purely for cultural under-;
Nationalist planes - presumably standing," he said. "There are no Favor Change in H ours
single-seat fighters-returned un- political implications."
damaged. Scott remarked that there woulde
, ~be a small exhibit of Chinese1 Results of a recent questionnaire
fhP Rpnfp fnd icn~ri Snnta

.ppearance of 'Intez Pill,
Innounced for Exhibit
"I'm so thrilled about this darling exhibit," said Inez Pilk
toyed daintily with her Beluga caviar canape.
Miss Pilk, in town for the showing of Eastern European obje
art at the Rackham galleries starting Saturday, is staying at
ae of L. H. Scott, '55, co-ordinator of the exhibit.
"I've been simply breathless since I arrived at Willow Run y
ay," the chic bendle manufacturing consultant declared. "La
kept me on the go every min-} _---
s Scott passed the sherry Miss Students Roas
extended an invitation to
nply everyone" to attend the
ibit. In Hea
t will hpbu diving thin1&h

... award winner

To Get Free Polio
Vaccine, Ike Says


WASHINGTON P) -President power, Dean Brown said -thatit is
Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed in the same state of development
yesterday, if necessary, to buy all today as was nuclear power 15
commercial output of the Salk po- years ago.
lio vaccine. Though it might be expensive, #
He told his news conference: the application of solar energy
"There will never be a child in might be technically practical
the United States denied this within 20 years, he noted.
emergency protection for want of
ability to pay. Of that we are ab- SOLOISTS AND S
solutely certain. ...
"It is going to be distributed
equitably to every state in the
union."C ora
Pres. Eisenhower made those
two flat pledges in person. A lit-
tle later at the White House, Press Artur Rubenstein, Zinka Mila-
Secretary James C. Hagerty issued nov and Walter Gieseking will be
a statement saying, in part: among the artists featured in the'
1955-56 Choral Union concerts.
"If a situation ever develops in The 77th annual series will open'
this country where children areOther77hawithsMisswilanoen
deprived of the vaccine because ofe October 11, with Miss Milano.
- ,.. . ;The Boston Symphony Orchestra,

Group Leaders
Men interested in being or-
ientation leaders next fall may
sign up for an interview from
3 to 5 p.m. daily in the Stu-
dent Office of the League.

I ao Dai Ouster? .. .
SAIGON, South Viet Namn -
Seven hundred municipal and pro-
vincial officials from all parts of
South Viet Nam met yesterday to
decide whether Chief of State Bao
Dai should be stripped of his pow-
ers or deposed.
By car, truck, plane and horse-
drawn cart they poured into Sai-
gon for a "States General" As-=
sembly, the nearest thing to a pop-
ular National Congres Viet Nam
has ever had.

memorablia in addition to the
European art. Sandalwood, paint-
ings on silk and illuminated man-
uscripts will be shown.
"We will have background music'
by folk artists of the region" com-
mented Scott. Miss Pilk will ans-
wer questions while she is in at-
"Rememberb" said Scott, "the
exhibit is 8 to 10 p.m. May 8
through May 16. We expect every-
one to attend."r
"Do come," said Miss Pilk.

distributed to University women
show that an overwhelming ma-
jority of 'the coeds would like to
see women's dorms closing hours'
The results, disclosed yesterday
at a Women's Senate meeting, reg-I
ister 1,368 yes's to 130 no's on the
question "Do you find any fault '
in the present closing hour sys-
tem, and would you like to see any
change made"?
Changes Up for Discussion
Changes now are coming up to

une ena ue or iscussio . i i.a ue
is -the only body on campus that
would be able to pass effectively
any recommendations for change.
Ginny Cooke, '56, chairman of
Women's Judiciary Council, said
that there is a possibility of revis-
ing the hours next.fall, possibly on
trial basis.
In her report to Senate, she said
the plan which would probably be
adopted is one in which a speci-
fied number of late permissions a
semester would be alloted to wom-
en. The late pegs would be taken
at the individual woman's own
discretion. These would in way
conflict with University alloted
late pers (concerts and plays.)
Future Debates
Senate is scheduled to discuss
the plan at meetings next week
and the following week, and to
vote definitely at the latter meet-

Jnion Lists Concert Stars for 1955-56

appearance of pianist Gieseking 4
March 19.
The tenth annual Extra Concert
Series will begin October 17 with
the Obernkirchen Children's;
Choir, followed November 9 by the!

"Chookasian, contralto, Howard
Jarratt, tenor aiid Donald Gramm,
bass Lester McCoy will conduct


bmPrior to the closing hours dis-
h cussion, a motion for orienta-
The 16th annual Chamber tion of foreign women students
MuicFe stival will take- nla e h.Fe- ; u-a . -nnaa a, w rnimc'lT y alna+



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