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April 29, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-29

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FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1955

PAGEun|iiliummil 311lim| THE MICHIGAN| DAILY| w l||||||||||| | |-

Charm Bracelet Tells Bromfield Story

The bracelet she wears tells a
lot about Jean Bromfield.
Rarely off her wrist, the ex-
aggerated charm bracelet holds re-
plicas of the organizations which
have kept Jean's calendar full dur-
ing four colorful Ann Arbor years.
Dangling from it is a. key for
Panhellenic Association, whose
president she was until February.
It holds the insignia of Scroll sen-
ior honorary, given Miss Brom-
field, '55, in recognition of her
work on Panhel, Joint Judiciary
Council, Student Activities Build-
ing Committee and work within
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
Wedding Set for August
It's filled out with honorary
keys of Miss Bromfield's fiance,
a prospective lawyer, who warned
her not to comment on him dur-
ing her interview. He apparently
asked too much: Jean's thoughts
ar currently filled with plans for
their August wedding.
Jean, who shares the home base
of Oak Park, Ill., with Ernest
Hemingway, voiced doubt that
she'd provide very interesting pro-
file material. "I'm always read-
ing these profiles on self-made
people who've sprung up from
Greewich Village sitting around
in candle-lit atmospheres," she
said, "but I'm just an average
Midwesterner - Republican be-
cause my family is.1
"I tried hard to think of one,"
she added, "but I guess I don't ev-
en have a hobby!"
Friends Disagree
Her friends' accounts of Jean's
career don't jibe with her own.
"Own reason she's such 'a genu-
inely likeable person," according
to one, "is her warmth and sin-
cerity. Sounds trite, but in this
case it's true."
Until their wedding, she and
her fiance spend weekends rather
quietly-walking ("I've become ad-
dicted to long walks," she smiles,
"since my bike, in the repair, shop,
costs too much to take") and
It's the academic side of the
University that led Jean to -re-
sign "although it broke my heart"
from her Panhel position. "But I
realized that I had to graduate
too, and that at the rate I was
going I might not have."
Of Panhel she speaks at length.
Among chief accomplishments of
her year in office she cites the
Emergency Fund, set up last fall
for grants to affiliate women in
sudden financial need. Thi step,
she thinks, has helped to break
the "stereotype that if you can
afford a sorority you cn afford
"People don't realize," she add-
ed, "how many affiliates put them-
selves through school almost en-
Machine for Dirty Work
She looks on the improved rush-
ing system as another important
Panhel move. With the annual
renting of an IBM machine dur-
ing rush season to do the "dirty
work," Panhel officers may now
devote necessary long hours to the
personal and individual side of
rushing-"by far," Miss Bromfield
insists, "the most important part."
Rushing, she foresees, is in for
a complete reevaluation, in the
light of vastly-increasing numbers
of rushees. The campus' two new-
est sororities can be expected to
aid this situation, she thinks, as
will the new Panhel policy of hold-
ing rush registration during the
Looking forward to the time
she'll be able to browse freely
through a library, the English ma-
jor claims her field is "fabulous, if
you want to try to squeeze in all
the courses you want to take in
four years."
Anything With People
A former Daily staff member,
she recalls freshman-year plans to

concentrate in journalism, with
career plans for personnel or ad-

The Men's Glee Club under the
direction of Prof. Phillip A. Duey
of the music school will present a
wide range of musical favorites on
WPAG-TV at 7:30 p.m. today.
* * *
Petitions for positions on the
Cinema Guild Board are available,
SGC member Tom Sawyer, '58, an-
nounced yesterday.
Petitioning for Manager of the
Student Book Exchange, and for3
openings on the University Hous-
ing Study Committee and the
Driving Study Committee are also
Petitions may be picked up in
the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Bldg., and must be
turned in by 5 p.m., May 2.
Edgar Dale, audio-visual expert
from Ohio State University and
author of "How to Read a News-
paper," will speak at 10 a.m. to-
day in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dale's lecture is part of the 28th
annual convention of the Michigan
Interscholastic Press Association.
Petitioning for the Literary Col-
lege Conference Steering Commit-
tee has been extended to Tuesday.
Petitions will be accepted from
any student in the literary col-
lege. They may be obtained from
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays in
Rm. 1220 Angell Hall.
Petitions for male Orientation
leaders must be turned in soon, ac-
cording to Herbert Karzan, '57,
chairman of the Union Campus
Affairs Committee.
Men may sign up for interviews
in the Student Office of the Union
from 3 to 5 p.m. weekdays.
Michigan Report
The important role of masks in
the life of primitive man will be
told on "Michigan Report" at 5:15
p.m..tomorrow over WWJ-TV.

Comments on South American Income



--Daily-Fred Day
... pistachio nuts, lost pens and Panhel

vertising-anything, so long as it
has to do with people."
Revised plans have resigned
Jean to any job she can get in the
vicinity of whatever Army camp
she moves to in October, when her
fiance will be drafted.
Idiosyncracies? The tall and
slim senior admits she has a few.
"I lose fountain pens like mad,"
she smiles, "one right after anoth-
er. And I love pistachio nuts."
Slicker Lost
She's disgruntled, too, that "in
this, of all semesters" she's lost
her slicker, and must fight April
drizzles with a variety of "strange
Another unique claim: "You've
got to mention that I've gone
through four years here without
playing bridge"-a feat which
amazes her sorority sisters.

Although she now has "almost
too much spare time"-and even
finds hours to take golf in fulfill-
ment of a forgotten physical edu-
cation requirement - she doesn't
regret a minute of her countless
activity hours.
"Activities," she insists, "putI
you, personally, on top. You learn'
organizing and planning and you
get to know really great people all
over the University."
Apathy? "I've come face to face
with it a few times," Jean recalls.
"and when I have it's amazed me.
But there's not much of it in the
part of the campus I've encounter-
To the University the outgoing
Panhel head feels she owes a great
debt-"one I'll probably never be
able to repay."


Income of the average South
American should double in the
next 50 years, says Prof. J. Phillip
Wernette of the School of Business
Prof. Wernette recently com-
pleted a six-week tour of South
America for the State Department.
Visiting six capital cities, he de-
livered 15 public addresses, all but
one in Spanish.
Prof. Wernette spoke on ' two
general topics, "Future Prosperity
of Latin America" and "Free En-
terprise Versus Communism."
Views Changes
"The trip provided me with a
chance to compare the Latin
America of today with that of 25
years ago," Prof. Wernette said. He
spent 1929 in Bogata, Columbia,
and 1931 in Lima, Peru.
"Now I know what Rip Van
Winkel felt like," he laughed. "I
see evidence of much industrial
growth and increase of wealth.
. "There are elements of turbu-
lence, however. Brazil and Chile
are in the throes of inflation. The
cost of living in Chile went up 70
per cent last year," he said. "There
was quite a stir there when statis-
tics revealed that Chile led the
world in inflation last year."
Second State Department Tour
Prof. Wernette's South Ameri-
can swing was the second State
Department sponsored tour made
by a University faculty member
in recent months. Not very long
ago, Dean Ralph Sawyer, Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies,
went to Germany. There he lec-
tured on uses of atomic energy.
Prof. Wernette logged a total of
13,000 air miles on the trip. Ac-
companied by his wife, he visited
Bogata; Lima; Santiago; Chile;
Buenos Aires, Argentina; Monte-
video, Uraguay; Rio De Janiero,
Brazil and Cali, Columbia.
Speaking before business groups,
university students and Rotary
Clubs, Prof. Wernette delivered all
but one speech in Spanish. In
Buenos Aires he was requested to
speak in English.
Spoke in Spanish
"The tough thing about speak-
ing in Spanish was the question
and answer periods after the ad-
dress," he gruffs. "Believe me, it
was tough."
The mustachioed lecturer's talk
on free enterprise vs. communism
was well backed by a year spent
in Russia in the early 1930's.
"I- was surprised that I didn't
have any trouble with Communist
hecklers," Prof. Wernette said. "I
fully expected to be heckled. No
one showed up with even a tinge
of pink."
Prof. Wernette was in Montevi-
deo on April 12, the day the Salk
vaccine story broke.
Polio Epidemic
"There was a terrific polio epi-
demic going on in Montevideo
then. When the Salk news broke,
the papers carried nothing else. I
saw an opportunity for a good will
gesture, and cabled President Ei-
senhower about the sitation,"
Prof. Wernette related.
"Uraguay is the only country
having a major polio epidemic at
the present time. Quick shipment
of the vaccine to Montevideo
would have been a gesture of good
will appreciated throughout the
Met University Alumni
Prof. Wernette was struck with
the great number of University
alumni in South America. Before
leavin g he. was given a' list of'
alumni and was able to see a great
many of them while there.
"At a cocktail party in Santia-
go," he related, "I met the head of
the Chilean telephone company, a
1923 Michigan engineering gradu-
ate. He asked us if we would like
to .call anywhere.
"The next morning the phone
rang in Ann Arbor, and we talked
to our astonished but happy son."
Such are the benefits of an alum-
ni program, P r o f. Wernette

Lake Huron freighters anchored
two miles offshore from Alabaster,
Michigan take on Gypsum cargoes
by a continuance overwater buck-
et conveyor system extending all
the way from shore.

PROF. J. PHILIP WERNETTE, right, and Mrs. Wernette shown
during a recent six-week tour of South America with James H.
Webb, Jr., United States Cultural Attache, Montevideo, Uruguay.

(Continued from :'age 3)

Psychology 40 Exam b s been
poned until Fri., May 6.


AA Theatre
Set To Show
Films Today
Ann Arbor Civic Theater will
hold a Film Festival with showings
at 8 p.m. today and 10,a.m., 2 p.m.
and 8 p.m. tomorrow.
Featuring informative and artis-
tic films released by Coronet, En-
cyclopedia Brittanica and Cornell
University, the films will cover a
variety of subject matter.
Admission to the series of four
showings will be by registration
Series registration for one per-
son will be one dollar and for
families, two dollars. The films
have been selected for all age
groups, with Saturday morning's
program aimed primarily, at a ju-
venile audience.
Registration forms may be ob-
tained at either of the Kessel
Shops, the Public Library and
from members of the Ann Arbor
Woman's Club or the Civic The-
Including dredged lakes and riv-
ers, the New York State Barge
Canal system Is 800 miles long.

Examination in German History, His-
tory 138, will be given in Room 1025
Angell Hall instead of Room 25 Angell
Hall, Fri., April 29.
Lincoln University Concert Choir, O.
Anderson Fuller, Conductor, will per-
form at 11:00 a.m., Fri., April 29, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, for a
School of Music student assembly.
Works by Williams, Paladilhe, Gretch-
aninoff, Kalinnikoff, Tchaikovsky, Har-
ris, Brahms, Boito, and a group of spir-
ituals and folk songs. Students from
other units of the University are in-
Student Recital. Priscilla Bickford, so-
prano, 8:30 p.m. Fri., April 29, Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall; in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the-Bach-
elor 'of Music degree. Works by Mozart,
Vivaldi, Rosa, Veracini, Reger, Mahler,
Marx, Strauss, Massenet, Graham Peel,
and Richard Hageman. Open to the
public. Miss Bickford studies voice with
Chase Baromeo.
Student Recital. Jon Petersen, pian-
ist, 8:30 p.m. Sat., April 30, Auditorium
,A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree; program: Frescobaldi,
achumenn, Debussy, and Finney, open
to the public. Mr. Petersen 1s a pupil
of Helen Titus.
Student Recital. Robert Ricks, French
horn, assisted by Carol Leybourn, pi-
ano, and Patricia Ricks, violin, 4:15
p.m. Sun., May 1, Auditorium A, Angell
Hall; compositions by Mozart, Beetho-
ven, Brahms, Open to the public. Mr.
Ricks is a pupil o; Clyde Carpenter..
Student Recital. Constance Jackson,
student of pigno with Joseph Brinkman,
8:30 p.m. Sun., May 1, Auditorium A,
Angell Hall; in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Bachelor of Music
degree. Works by Beethoven, Dello Jo-
to, and Schubert; open to the public.
Student Recital. Allen Norris, pianist,
compositions by Bach, Brahms, Beetho-
ven, at 8:30 p.m. Mon., May 2, in Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the Mas-
ter of Music degree. A pupil of John
Kollen; recital open to the public.
Events Today
The Clugstone Inheritance, a new
play by James Harvey '53, will be pre-
sented by the Department of Speech
through the co-opertaion of the De-
partment of English Thurs-Sat., April
28-30, at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. All seats are reserved at
$1.20 - 90c - 60c. Tickets on sale at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office,
open 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury ,.Coffee Clatch from 4:00-5:00
p.m., Fri., April 29. at Canterbury
House, followed by Evensong in the
Chapel of St.'Michael and All Angels.
Canterbury Campus Series: Father Ap-
pleton Packard, O.H.C., will discuss
"Monasticism and Western Culture,"
7:30 p.m., Fri., April 29, at Canterbury
Hillel: Isritel Independence Week April
23-30. Fri., Apr. 29, 7:15 p.m. services
conducted Israeli style. Sermon by
Honorable Simcha Pratt, Council Gen-
eral of Israel in Chicago. Oneg Shab-
bat (Israeli style) will follow. Spon-
sored by Student Zionist organization.
Coffee (Tea and Punch) Hour. Lane
Hall Library, Fri., 'Apr. 29. 4:30-6:00
p.m. Unitarian Group is Guild host,
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., April 29. Meet
in the lounge at 7:00 p.m. to hike to
the island for a picnic.
S.G.C. Human and International Wel-

fare Committee, 4:00 p.m. Anyone in-
terested may attend.
..All interested in representing their
Countries in displays during Interna-
tional week May 9-14, meet at the In-
ternational Center Fri., April 29, 7:30
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Hymn
Sing with special numbers, Lane Hall,
7:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Newman Club annual Spring Dance
Sat., April 30, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. at
the Father Richard Center. The Blue
Notes will provide orchestra music for
the dance. Admission: $1 per couple.
Hillel. Petitions for positions on the
Hillel Executive Committee and Hillel
Administrative Council may be obtain-
ed from the Hillel Secretary, 1429 Hill
Street between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 m.
and 1:00-5:00 p.m. any day Mon. through
Fri. or by contacting Hal Josehart at
NO 3-4129 any evening. Deadline for
Executive Committee positions is May
4. Deadline for Administrative Council
positions is May 10.
Hillel. Sat, morning services. 9:00 a.m.
Hillel. Sat., April 30, 8:30 p.m. Israeli
Cabaret Night. Israeli entertainment
and refreshments. Israeli and American
social dancing in cabaret atmosphere.
Admission $1.00 per couple. Proceeds to
go to Jewish National Fund. Call NO 3-
4129 for reservations.
Hillel. Sun., May 1. Hillel grad group
presents a wienie roast on the banks
of the Huron. Stag or drag. Senior wom-
en welcome. Meet5at Hillel at 7:15 p.m.
Cost: Members 65c, non-members 85c.
Call NO 3-4129 for reservations.
Hawaii Club Luau honoring seniors at
6:00 p.m. Sat., April 30 at Lane Hall.
Wear your (aloha shirts, nuu.muus,
etc.) Hawaiian outfit. Dancing.

T ...------------------------------------------------------------ _.__-1
A Campus-to-Career Case History
I. ti
i 1
I Y}"...LLB':...... ty
i i
F i
?ere Ed Chandler revi'ws Long Distance facilities between Atlanta and Lincoln
Georgia. He is working iirom a layout that shows all Long Distance lines in the state.
Mcs a
Ed Chandler had a good job all lined mendation any company could get.
up lng bfrhegadute ro So when I got out of the Army I
Georgia Institute of Technology as an
Industrial Englneer. But then he stopped in o takwith te ftpher
changed his mind .. ol. d WhnIswa ou ldf hi
evelopment program, was so
0 "My first year took me through every
"When I got out of college in '50, 1 was phase of handling and estimating costs
all set to go with a company I'd worked on telephone equipment from warehouse
for during a previous summer to istallation. I drew up plans for sev-
"But then I got called up by the Army. eral prots then went out in the tiel
During the next two years I heard a
lot of good things from my Georgia "Now I'm helping develop next year's
Tech classmates who'd gone to work multi-neillion-dollar construction pro-
for the telephone company. As far as gram for Georgia. I've found it an in-
I was concerned this was the best recoi- teresting and rewardig job.
In the engineering departnient of Southern Bell
Telephone & Telegraph Company in Atlanta, Ed '
Chandler is moving along in his career. Your Place-u
ment Officer can give you details about similar op
portunities with the other Bell telephone companies
like Southern Bell-also with Bell Telephone Lab- TELEPHONE
oratories, testern Electric and Sandia Corporation. SYSTEM
+ UserDailyoClcsiftiedsi+





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