PAGE SIX THL MCHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. APRIL 28. 1955 It J. W. MALCOLM TELLS ALL: Phychiatrist's Child Makes Good By MICHAEL BRAUN Janet 'Winn Malcolm '55 doesn't like pizza. She is not planning to enter law school in the fall regardless of the draft defernnt. . Mrs. Malcolm does not bother with "copies" when collecting art. Several originals hang in her apartment including one drawn on her kitchen wall by Stu Ross '55. She is prepared to preserve the wall should posterity place its aesthetic O.K. on Ross. Mrs. Malcolm draws too. "Once In my youth," she recalls, "I drew part of a children's book. I had to stop though, because all I can draw is people with violins. Even the animals played violins." During the past year she has been the editor of Gargoyle. Her keen sense of parody has caught the attention of the campus. Many people consider the Gargoyle "New Yorker" parody the finest issue of a college humor magazine ever published. Mrs. Malcolm has also reviewed movies for The Daily under the name J. W. Malcolm, and has achieved some fame as a contrib- utor to the letter's column. Confusion between the identities of J. W. Malcolm and Don Mal- colm was cleared up by Jan's let- ter in reference to her husband's rather controversial review of "Carmen Jones." Speaking up for Bizet, she said "The review of that movie, how- ever, written as ,it were by my' roommate Donald Malcolm, struck me as not only uncharitable, but in surprisingly, poor for him,; taste." Signed J. W. Malcolm,, housewife. Born some twenty years ago in, Prague, Czechoslovakia, she came to this country when she was five years old. "One of my biggest thrills," she remembers, "was get- ting my handwriting in Life." "It happened," she explained,{ "when the Life cameraman came to photograph the Czech school I, attended in New York. I had just' finished writing something on the board-'The cat of my aunt is hav- ing kittens.' as I remember. The discriminating photographer used' my handwriting for his magazine, but not me," she said. He used my Camp Positions Waterfront Director Program and Dramatics Specialist Coed Camp - Michigan CAMP NAHELU 19647 Roslyn, Detroit 21 Professor Urges Meat Radiation Gamma radiation, it was sug- gested yesterday by University professor Lloyd E. Brownell, could be of aid in the packaging of fresh meat. Prof. Brownell, supervisor of the University's Fission Products Lab- oratory, presented the idea to the 1955 conference on nuclear engi- neering held at the University of California as part of his new plan for the wholesaling of fresh meat. Prepare Cuts Early This proposed new method con- sists of preparing standard cuts of meat at the packing house rather than at the retail meat market, Prof. Brownell explained. The packaged meat would then be pasteurized at the packing house by means of a relatively small dose of gamma radiation prior to shipping to the retailer, he continued. The radiation chamber would be designed to irradiate packaged meat in cartons on mass scale. The new plan was designed in answer to consumer preference for purchasing weighed and pre- packaged cuts of meat. Now one disadvantage of pre- packaging fresh meat, according to Prof. Brownell, is the need for prompt sale of the cut-up meat to prevent loss by spoilage. The pro- posed plan would eliminate this problem. Consumers' Advantages Advantages to the consumer in the plan include the fact that pas- teurized meat has a longer refrig- erator shelf-life than untreated' fresh meat, Prof. Brownell said. This would save the housewife much shopping time. Also, pasteurization of pork would eliminate any danger of trichinosis. Before the suggested plan can be put into effect, however, the wholesomeness of irradiated food must be established. Sources of radiation must be made available, too. Animal - feeding experiments conducted here for the past two years have given Prof. Brownell no reason to think irradiated foods are not wholesome. Besides being the motor capital* of the world, Detroit is also the salt center of the United States. Located in the city .as well, are some of the country's largest drug and rubber manufacturing plants. WHY EUROPE? Aspen Music Festival Offers Study,_Vacation -Daily-Fred Day COMES SPRING, COMES THE SUN-AND UNIVERSITY COEDS TAKE TO THE OUTDOORS IN SEARCH OF THAT HEALTHY BRONZED LOOK. Sunbathing Flourishes As Temperature Soars By DAVID KAPLAN Why go all the way to Europe when you can attend one of the most unique music festivals here in the United States? The annual Music Festival in Aspen, Colo. is the answer. You can attend school for nine weeks, get college credit for your work, and have a vacation at the same time. Located at an altitude of 7,900 feet in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, Aspen has more than scenery and climate to offer to the student. Study Under Notables Young music hopefuls get a chance to study under the guid- ance of some of the greatest names in the music field such as Tipton, Primrose, Kell and Harrell. Besides study, students have such recreational activities as pic- nics, horse-back riding, swimming, fishing, hiking and mountain- climbing. Ability, Experience Needed Entrance requirements for As- pen's curriculum are based on proven ability and previous train- ing. Tuition for the course, in- cluding private tuition, all gen- eral classes, concerts, lectures and full room and aboard is $500. This summer, Aspen is introduc- ing for the first time a music workshop for those who want to perform for pleasure, rather than for profit. There is, also a new course for teachers 'offering new methods and uses of materials and repertories in piano, voice and the string fields. Anyone interested in the Aspen Music Festival may contact Ras- poni Associates, 667 Madison Ave- nue, New York, 21, N. Y. Baseball Show On WWJ-TV The importance of the pitcher on a college baseball team will be discussed on the "TV Hour" se- ries "Know Your Sports" at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 1 over WWJ-TV. Varsity coach Ray Fisher and H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler, Director of Athletics, will discuss strategy and call upon varsity players to dem- onstrate good batting and pitching form. During the second half of the "TV Hour," Prof Thomas J. Lar- - kin, of the College of Architecture and Design, will play host to ten fourth graders on "Art and the Child." BUFFET LUNCH for $1.00 GOLDEN APPLES TOWER HOTEL Phone 2-4531 -Daily-Dick Gaskill JANET MALCOLM ... The Harpsichordist is a Czech sister's picture. Mrs. Malcolm's sister was just elected Miss Rad- cliffe. Cats and Czechs Gargoyle Art Editor Laurence Scott '55 comments "Mrs. Mal- colm is Czech and therefore very dear to me." Stroking her Siamese cats Clovis and Schroeder, she curtly replied "Mr. Scott is not at all Czech." On the culinary side she also has a favorite: Brains and scramb- led eggs, with coffee ice cream for dessert. Her father isa psychia- trist. His pen name is Alcantara y cajal. Musically, she likes the Baroque composers and Dvorak. "He's a Czech," she explains. "Eddie Fish- er sends me," she adds. English Dishonors Mrs. Malcolm describes herself as an "English dishonors major." Her professors disagree. Austin Warren of the English department commented "Mrs. Malcolm has made of Gargoyle a witty and bril- liant magazine, not the old fash- ioned college comic, which match- ed the old fashioned college lit- erary magazine, but something- so far as I know-unique." He adds that "Both as a writer and as an editor, Mrs. Malcolm has a clear, firm hard tone; she is a true harpsichordist." Her literary taste is varied. However, she declined to name "my favorite author." She does think though, that Louisa May Al- cott is "underrated," Franz Kafka over." James Joyce is another fav- orite because "Finnegan's Wake" in the Czech translation is "Fin- negan's Budik" which means "Finnegan's Alarm Clock." Mrs. Malcolm thinks that this is "in- teresting if not telling." Great Czech Novel She remembers that when she was a child she wanted to be some- thing mundane like the President of the United States or a witch- "just like other little girls. Now all I want to do is write the great Czech novel." After graduation the Malcolms plan to go to New York where she hopes to write for Wierd Terror Comics. She plans to attend cock- tail parties wearing a shroud. Mal- colm will wear tweeds. If some- body should churlishly ask why, they will explain that Janet works on horror stories and Don writes for Classic Comics. Editress, savant and wit, Mrs. Malcolm summed up the Univer- sity. "Czech, but not very," she said. Real springtime in Ann Arbor puts the fashion trends a jump ahead of the year-long Bermuda short controversy. As the mercury soars above the point where knee-length legwear is comfortable, coeds turn to bath- ing suits and pursuit of the peren- nially favored spring afternoon ac- tivity-sunbathing. Their female yanity hurt by the bronzed skins of coeds who've been to Florida, more pallid women here have adopted the sport with a vengeance. Tired of Being Pale 'Tm tired of being white and sickly-looking," was the complaint of Mary Sue Curry, '57. "If I'm not at least partly brown by vacation' it won't be the fault of my sun- tan-oil." Miss Curry is one of several coeds who make sunbathing a rou- tine post-lunch activity. "Even if you've got a one o'clock," accord- ing to Margaret Brandt, '57Ph., "you can still get some vitamin D --and some color." These two coeds and their sun- bathing colleagues are adorning the campus from Alice Lloyd and Stockwell Halls to Martha Cook, where interested lawyers approve enthusiastically. Lawyer Endorses Charles Hall, '56L, said, "I en- dorse the sunbathing wholeheart- edly, it really improves the atmos- phere." Pedestrians strolling along State Street at noon and early afternoon also notice the effects of the warm spring weather. Coeds from Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry are making full use of sun-porches to improve their tans while studying. Engine Honorary Names Pledges Eta Kappa Nu, the University's electrical engineering honorary, announced its new pledges at an Initiation Banquet held yesterday. The new pledges are Clark Ben- son, Kenneth Brown, Wilbur Brown, Jack Burchfield, Jules Cummins, Peter Lucyshyn, Rich- ard Maslowski, John Meyer, John Powell, Sein Win and Eugene Zait- zeff. LOOK! Ladies eat for half price any meal on our menu including SMORGASBORD The HOME of GOOD FOOD 928 S. STATE NO 8-9717 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 6) t Mid-Week Vespers in the sanctuary1 of the Presbyterian Church sponsored by the Westminster Student Fellow-t ship, 5:10-5:35 p.m., Thurs., April 28. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Thurs., April 28, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. The Clugstone Inheritance, a new play by James Harvey '53, will be pre-1 sented by the Department of SpeechE through the co-opertaion of the De-l partment of English Thurs-Sat., Aprilf 28-30, at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. All seats are reserved at $1.20 - 90c - 60c with a special rate of 50c for students tonight. Tickets on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office, open 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. WCBN East Quad staff meeting Thurs.,1 April 28, 7:15 p.m. in Hinsdale study1 hall. Nominations of officers. Attend- ance required. The 49th Annual French Play. Le Cercle Francais will present "L'Avare," a comedy in five acts by Moliere, Wed., May 4, at 8:00 p.m. sharp, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Bah'a'i Student Group will hold its weekly discussion meeting tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the League. Open to the public. Orthodox Students Guild meeting Thurs., April 28 at 7:30 p.m. downstairs at Lane Hall. Slides of the Liturgy will be shown and plans for a picnic will be discussed. Refreshments. Russian coffee hour will meet from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in cafeteria of Michigan Union. Coming Events Episcopal Student Foundation, Can- Brush up on terbury Coffee Clatch from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Fri., April 29, at Canterbury House, followed by Evensong in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Canterbury Campus Series: Father Ap- pleton Packard, O.H.C., will discuss "Monasticism and Western Culture," 7:30 p.m., Fri., April 29, at Canterbury House. Hillel: Isrgiel Independence Week April 23-30. Fri., Apr. 29, 7:15 p.m. services conducted Israeli style. Sermon by Honorable Simcha Pratt, Council Gen- eral of Israel in Chicago. Oneg Shab- bat (Israeli style) will follow. Spon- sored by Student Zionist organization. Coffee (Tea and Punch) 'Hour. Lane Hall Library, Fri., Apr. 29, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Unitarian Group is Guild host. Newman Club annual Spring Dance Sat., April 30, from 8:30-12:00. p.m. at the Father Richard Center. The Blue Notes will provide orchestra music for the dance. Admission: $1 per couple. I ColeAtubs&c O vKqoci I your dancing W111 you accept$ 100 9 a half-hour lesson It's fun to be popular and easy, too, when you learn the Arthur Murray Way. There's only one key step to learn -his famous "Magic Step To Popularity". And right now learning is especially in- expensive as a half hour trial lesson is being A the filter cigarette that really tastes like a cigarette! I I I