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April 28, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-28

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Newspapers Have Responsibility
For Accuracy, Truth

Latest Report From Behind The Iron Collar

Associate City Editor
DURING THIS National Newspaper Week,
members of the fourth estate are reminded
of the two main problems of the press: free-
dom from coercion of the truth, and respon-'
sibility to print the truth accurately.
The two areas are inseparable. A newspaper
has a responsibility to readers to print every
item that is of interest to any segment of its
reading audience. Included in this responsibil-
ity is the need for a newspaper not to protect
any powerful interest because it says or does
something that may be detrimental to another
group in society.
This responsibility becomes especially impor-
tant in' a campus community because every
group on campus has the right to know what
every other group on campus is doing - the
campus community has a right to ask why cer-
tain pursuits by campus groups are being fol-
ORGANIZATIONS have a duty to the rest of
the campus to cooperate with its university
newspaper in divulging facts about its acti-
vities-the truth may not be coerced whether
honest or dishonest.
Equally important in the "print the truth"
category is the newspaper's choice of what
non-local stories should be included in the
newspaper. Obviously no newspaper can carry
every news story written.
A choice must be made. The popular choice
has been to give generous coverage to murders,
thefts, and sometimes absurd statements made
by a person with an established reputation in,
the world of diplomacy. All of this has fre-
quently been at the expense of needed detailed
coverage of important diplomatic meetings,
Senate committee meetings, national church
group meetings or academic meetings!.
The publisher's choice in this matter should
be directed by a need to print important truth

and not by the readers' questionable need to
learn the ugly details of the most recent mur-
IN EFFECT, the newspaper must direct the
reading tastes of its public-this seems ulti-
mately to fit into the categorf of "responsibil-
A newspaper should not be afraid to print
editorially unpopular ideas if they are well
thought out. The press is a vulnerable creature
when conformity campaigns gain support. If a
reporter or editorial writer knows that prices in
a certain area are higher than they need to be,
he should be free to print what he knows
(stressing accuracy of facts) and to make sup-
portable conclusions.
The fact that advertisers may cease support-
ing financially the newspaper should, ideally,
not cause a publisher to hesitate from publish-
ing truth-even though critical of someo
The press needs to remain free from coerc
of truth by advertisers as well as organizati
al interest groups, or we will have to f
about the "freedom of the press" slo
proudly announce to the world.
THE PRESS, in return for its fre
duty to its reading public. T.
accuracy, accuracy in facts, accur
ures, accuracy in typography, accura
judgment, accuracy and logic in
Readers can help newspapers to serv
portant function of printing news
by cooperating in giving all facts,
holding some, by contacting their lo
to inform them of facts, and by pi
through letters columns their different i
tations of facts.
Responsibilities of truth and accurac
difficult ones for any newspaper to mee
an age of conformity. Freedom of the press c
not survive unless newspapers fight to perfo
both despite pressures from all directions.

/,ld. a
; ,

° " x HOOVERCo ,

Superior Camera Art
Beauty of 'Ugetsu'
TUGETSU" is a very unusual motion picture mixing fantasy and
reality, based on a Japanese legend of the late 16th Century. The
plot is secondary to the theme and the camera is superior to both.
Seldom are scenes as well presented. Only a few moments are in
bright daylight; for the most part, different shades of grey enhance
the feeling of non-existence. But it is sheer beauty. A boat scene has
the vessel gliding over peaceful water and through thin haze; pastoral
scenes centering on house or tree seem as part of tapestry.
The picture, as such, seems almost supplementary. Taking place
when Japan was being torn asunder by warring lords, it follows two


P l'

country brothers who leave their
wives to go to the city. One wants
respect, the other wealth. The
former tries by fighting as a sa-
murai, the latter by profiteering
with his pottery.
THE soldier's wife is raped by
some soldiers of the invading
army and becomes a geisha girl
where she. is found by her soon
wartime successful husband. Still
in love, they are reconciled and
return to their home.
The "warrior" is reality. The
portrayed by the pot-
married to a rich
o discover she is a
unishment for such
comes via the death
ough she appears to
when he returns


*y, false love, are all
eing opposed by
by spiritual law as
perstition. The two
o peace until they
homes where peace
rned since the in-
ne also.
e is found in many
d it does not make
tand out scriptwise.
e of dramatics with
and general ravag-
picture remains,
scenes tied together
n individual.
is skillful in that
end into the scene,
e actor stands out.
;eautiful background
musical instrument
adding even more
r to the movie.
as a whole is not
is the photography.
-Harry Strauss
ons open
interested in re-
cartooning for The
contact the Editor-
r in his Student
s Bldg. office today
and 5 p.m.

French Film
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a reprint
of a review that appeared in The Daily
Last September when "Crime and
Punishment" previously was shown
by the Cinema Guild.)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky's famous
novel, 'Crime and Punishment,' is
one of the best foreign films avail-
able to American audiences. It
features Pierre Blancher as the
pathetic student-murderer and
Harry Bauer as the magistrate of
police. Both these men give out-
standing performances. In fact,
the entire cast is unusually com-
On the whole the picture is very
well worked out dramatically.
There are a few places, however,
where the scene changes so rapid-
ly that the viewer may be slightly
confused, but these lapses are not
The setting of Dostoyevsky's no-
vel is czarist Russia. The use of
scenery and the excellent photo-
graphy conveys nicely the atmos-
phere of cold poverty in which the
people eke out a useless existence.
.This production is an excellent
example of what can be done with
simple, almost crude scenery and
a direct approach to a really fine
plot. There are no blaring trum-
pets and no magnificent spectacles
here, but rather an honest,
straightforward, and good motion
This is not the kind of movie
at which one is likely to relax very
much. The necessity of keeping up
with the English subtitles as well
as the profoundness of Dostoyev-
sky's philosophy makes it more a
picture for stimulation than for

ON SUNDAY at Bandung Premier Chou En-
lai proposed that "China and the United
States should sit down and enter into negotia-
tions to settle the question of rela'xing and eli-
minating the tension in the Taiwan (Formosa)
area. However, this should nokin the slightest
degree affect the just demand of the Chinese
\ people to exercise their sovereign rights in
liberating Taiwan."
This statement may be read in the light of
what Secretary Dulles said in his press confer-
ence on March 15: "If there were a renuncia-
tion of the use of force, that would meet the
immediate requirements of the situation, and
there would be no necessity that I can see for
anybody, either on the Republic of China's
side, or the Communist side, to renounce what
they might call their legal pretentions, their
legal claims."
These two statements of positions are so
close together that there may be no difference
between them.
FIVE WEEKS have elapsed between the Dulles
statement and Chou's statement. It is rea-
sonable to suppose that in that interval there
was very considerable diplomatic activity in
which, presumably, London and Moscow, New
Delhi and Karachi, had a hand.
The renunciation of force without renouncing
claims was first proposed publicly by Sir An-
thony Eden on March 8 in a statement to the
House of Commons. As a matter of fact, Secre-
tary Dulles's statement was in reply to a ques-
tion as to whether he agreed with Sir Anthony
Presumably, Secretary Dulles made his state-
nent in order to give Great Britain and the
other governments, which have been playing
a role of intermediary, a proposal to work with
in Peiping.
And presumably also, the mediators had
achieved their first success in Peiping some,
time before the Bandung conference met. For
the Chinese Ambassador in Washington, Dr.
Koo, spoke out the night before the Bandung
conference met and made an elaborate re-
jection of any kind of modus vivendi.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig..................... Managing Editoy
Dorothy Myers....... ..............city Editor
Jon Sobeloff.......................Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.................. Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart...................Associate Editor
Dave Livingston....-.....................Sports Editor
Hlanley Gurwin ..,......Associate Sports Editor.
Warren Wertheimer.... .... Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......... ............ Women's Editor
Janet Smith..............Associate Women's Editor
John irtzel. .........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak .... .. . ........ ...Business Manager
Phil Brunskill .....Associate Business Manager
Bill Wise.. .................. ..Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski........ ......Finance Manager
re ephone NO 23241

The government of Formosa must have
known what was in the wind. And if we guess
a little more, we may guess that Chou's ac-
ceptance of the formula, rather than the build-
up of Red Chinese air power on the coast, was
what took Secretary Dulles - down to see the
President in Augusta just as Admiral Radford
was cancelling his trip to Europe in order to
rush off to Formosa . . . Or is it sheer coin-
cidence that these pieces in the jigsaw puzzle
fit together?
AS A MATTER of fact, the main novelty of
Chou's statement at Bandung was that he
made it publicly. For in spite of the Communist
propaganda, diplomatic contact with Chou has
not been broken since the Hammarskjold mis-
The choice of the Bandung conference as the
place to make public Chou's acceptance of the
formula is a most favorable development. For
it means that under Eden's leadership there has
been found a formula which is acceptable to
Peiping and to Washington, and has the ap-
proval of the uncommitted nations of Asia and
of Africa.
The Bandung conference was, of course, over-
whelmingly opposed to a war by Chiang, backed
by the United States, to overthrow the Red re-
gime. But it was no less opposed to Red China's
"liberation" of Formosa by force. What it
wanted was what first Eden, then Dulles, and
finally Chou were able to propose: an arrange-
ment which would avoid a war that might en-
gulf the greater part of Asia.
IF THE State Department knows what it is
doing, and if the makers of our policy can
manage to collect themselves in one place long
enough to act with deliberation, Chou's ac-
ceptance of the Eden formula in the presence
of the Bandung conference is, at a minimum, a
public commitment not to use force in the
Formosa Straits until the diplomatic exchanges
which have already begun have been carried
Let us hope that the State Department will
not go on fumbling as it did on Saturday morn-
ing after Chou's first statement. Let us hope
that the department will not turn what can
be a diplomatic success into a diplomatic de-
Chou took five weeks to make his reply to
the Dulles statement of March 15. There is no
reason why with the President in Gettysburg
and the Secretary of State on an island in up-
per New York, the State Department needed to
form an opinion and to express it publicly a
few hours after Chou's statement was received.
What do these people think they are doing?
Trying to make a deadline for the next edition
of the newspapers or conducting the foreign
policy of the United States?
NOR IS IT necessary, or desirable and wise to
hump to the conclusion that the next steps
should be concessions by Peiping in order that
we make then agree to participate in a formal
conference. The last thing we ought to want
now is a formal conference.
There is no hope in a formal conference. For
at a formal conference there would arise, like
a swarm of angry hornets, issues that are really
seripus only if the negotiations have to be done
in public.
Who, for example, shall attend the confer-
ence? Chiang says he will not attend it, and we

(continued from Page 2)
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night. Fri., April 29, 8:00 p.m., Room
2003 Angell Hall. Dr. Freeman D. Mil-
ler will speak on "Meteor Craters." Fol-
lowing the iliustrated talk the observa-
tory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall
will be open until 10:00 p.m. for ob-
servations of the Moon and Jupiter.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for
Students in Education will be held May
26, 27, and 28. Students who anticipate
taking these examinations must file
their names with the Chairman of Ad-
visers to Graduate Students, 4019 Uni-
versity High School, not later than
May 1.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics,
Thurs., April 28, in Room 3010 A.H.
Miss Irene Hess will conclude her dis-
cussion of Chapter Eleven, Cochran's
Sampling Techniques.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., April 28 at 4:00 p.m. In
Room 247 west Engineering. John Cris-
pin of WRRC will speak on "The Radar
Cross-Section of an Infinite Cone."
Doctoral Examination for Thair Lee
Higgins, Chemistry; thesis: "A Ther-
mochiemical Study of the NH3.nHF-HF
and NaF-nHF-HF Systems," Thurs.,
April 28, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, E. F. Westrum, Jr.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to social
Science will meet Thurs., April 28,
Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30
p.m. R. Hefner will speak on "A Multi-
dimensional Model for Matching Be-
Department Colloquium in Chemistry.
Thurs., April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in Room
1300 Chemistry. Orville L. McCurdy will
speak on "Synthesis of Alstoniline Hy-
drochloride and Related Compounds."
Sheldon Shore will speak on "Some
Chemical Aspects of the Diammoniate
of Diborane."
Geometry Seminar will meet Thurs.,
April 28, at 7:00 p.m. In 3001 AH. Note
change of day. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will
speak on "Logic and Geometry."
Special Botany-Zoology Seminar. Dr. G.
Ledyard Stebbins, University of Cali-
fornia, will speak on "New Methods in
the Study of Evolution" in Room 1139
Natural Science, Thurs., April 28, 7:30
p.m. Refreshments.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Colloquium. Fri., April 29. Dr. Louis J.
Cutrona, Willow Run Research Center,
will speak on, "A Wide-Band Integra-
tor and Cross Correlator." Coffee-4:00
p.m., Room 2500 E.E. Talk-4:30 p.m.,
Room 2084 E.E. Open to public.
Logic seminar will meet Fri., April
29 at 4:00 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. Mr.
Addison will speak on "Definability and
Quantifier Hierarchies."
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., April
29, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Edward
A. Spiegel will speak on "Vitenses The-
ory of the Hydrogen Convection Zone
of the Sun."
Doctoral Examination for Fred Wil-
bur Lott, Jr., Mathematics; thesis: "The
Use of a Certain Linear Order Statistic,
Related to the Mean Difference, as an
Unbiased Estimte of the Standard De-
viation in Finite and Infinite Popula-
tions," Fri., April 29, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:15 P.M
Chairman, P. S. Dwyer.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Henry Boll, Chemical Engineering; the-
sis: "A Rapid Technique for Determin-
ing Specific Surface in Liquid-Liquid
Sprays," Fri., April 29, 3201 East Engi-
neering Vdg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
C. M. Sliepcevich.
Biological Chemistry Seminar. "Some
Problems on Vitamin D and the Mech-
anism of Calcification," under the di-
rection of Dr. A. A. Christman, ,Room
319, West Medical Building, Sat., Apr.
30, 10:00 a.m.
Student Recital. Frances Horne, pian-
ist, works by Bach, Debussy, and
Brahms, at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., April 28,
in Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. Miss Horne
is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman. Open
to the public.

Carillon Recital 7:15 p.m. Thurs., April
28, by Percival Price, University Caril-
lonneur. Compositions by Scarlatti,
Price, Mozart; German folk songs, and
Old German pilgrims, song.
Lincoln University Concert Choir, 0.
Anderson Fuller, Conductor, will per-
form at 11:00 a.m., Fri,, April 29, in
Lydia Mendeissohn Theater, for a
School of Music student assembly.
Works by Williams, Paladilhe, Gretch-
aninoff, Kalinnikoff, Tchaikovsky, Har-
ris, Brahms, Boito, and a group of spir-
ituals and folk songs. Students from
other units of the University #re in-
Student Recital. Priscilla Bickford, so.
prano;~ 8:30 p.m. Fri., April 29, Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall; in partial fulfill.
ment of the requirements for the Bach-
elor of Music degree. Works by Mozart,
Vivaldi, Rosa, Veracin i, Reger, Mahler,
Marx, Strauss, Massenet, Graham Peel,
and Richard' Hageman. Open to the
public. Miss Bickfordl studies voice with
Chase Baromeo.
Events Today
Christian Science Organization Testi-
nonial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Up-
per Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., 4:30-
6:00 p.m. Rackham Building.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Thurs.
April 28, 5:00-5:30 p.m., Mid-week Medi.
tation in Douglas Chapel.-

Duck Frustration
4eads to Amendment

TON-Just how Sen-
hn Bricker of Ohio hap-
troduce his famous con-
amendment limiting
i-making powers of the
has now become clear.
ginal cause of it all was

Editorials printed in The Mich-
igan Daily are written by mem-
bers of The Daily staff and rep.
resent the views of the writer
only. This must be noted in all

Its .
able e
in flamboya
prominent figures in
the Pentagon are saying ir
If retreat from Quemo,
Matsu is appeasement and 'un-
righteous," what is the alterna-
tive? To defend, against the opin-
ion of Asia and the advice of our
allies, a decrepit regime in two ob-
scure and ' worthless islands to
which we have no claim; to em-
bark, if the Reds attack us there,
on what is sure to be a major war
and may well become the catas-
trophe of a world war. Is this
righteousness? Is this the cause
for which we are to assume that
God will be on our side?
"For frantic boast and foolish
Thy mercy on thy people, Lord!"
-William B. Willcox

icker Amendment, which
the Senate for several
debate last year and will
gain this year, was born
"enator's avid passion, for
ooting and his vehement
for federal game wardens
slice the plush duck marshes
shed by his friends along
ores of Lake Erie.
.iese have been developed at a
of around $100,000 per marsh,
a id Sen. Bricker just sees red
when, after all this investment,
his friends from Cleveland and
Toledo can't enjoy their shooting
without interference from federal
game wardens.
HOWEVER, game wardens oper-
ate under a treaty-in this
case, the Migratory Bird Treaty
between the United States and
Canada. And this, it develops, is
what got the Senator fighting mad
against the treaty-making powers
of the President and tied up the
Senate in so many weeks of de-
For, under the Constitution as
written by the founding fathers, a

treaty supersedes any state law;
thus the treaty on migratory birds
supersedes any law of duck-shoot-
ing passed by the state of Ohio.
Sen. Bricker used to be Governor
of Ohio, and feels that his state
has some rights regarding ducks;
also that his business friends have
a right to shoot ducks-even if a
little bait is found in the vicinity
-after they spent over $100,000 to
fix duck marshes.
Therefore, he wants to set aside
the treaty-making powers of the
President. His amendment would
permit each of the 48 different
states to have 48 different laws on
duck-shooting. Thus, near Toledo
where Sen. Bricker, likes to sit be-
hind a duck blind in knee boots
and leather jacket, state law might
permit him to entice ducks within
gunshot with bait, while in Michi-
gan a few miles away, bait might
be vetoed-all according to how
the duck-shooting lobbies persu-
aded state legislatures to vote.
OF LATE, Sen. Bricker has been
having a hard time. The law,
and the judges, and the game war-
dens have been going against him.
One of his friends, Maurice Koch-
er of Toledo, was just given one of
the stiffest penalties in duck-
shooting history by U.S. Judge
Ralph W. Freeman-a $500 fine
and six months suspended sen-
tence, plus probation for two years.
Sen. Bricker doesn't like this.
That's one reason why he sum-
moned John L. Farley, head of
the Fish and Wildlife Division of
the Interior Department, to his
office and bawled him out the oth-
er day.
Previously Sen. Bricker had suc-
ceeded in getting the civil servant
who headed the Wildlife Division,
Albert Day, fired. But now he feels
that the new Republican appoin-
tee, Farley, isn't doing any better.
Or rather, that he's just as strict
as the Democratic holdover.
Meanwhile, Fred Jacobson, the
young game warden who is so re-
lentless in arresting. Sen. Bricker's

Why Not Gamble for Football Seats?

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The problem of
seating for students in college foot-
ball stadiums comes up for annual de-
bate on most college campuses, in-
cluding the University of Michigan.
At the University of Minnesota, a
new scheme is here discussed in the
Minnesota daily newspaper.)
SEATING at athletic events is a
topic that always produces a
tnrrn$-of ori.4nn ctri.e. A .ni,

eliminate many of the causes for
present ticket irregularities, for
example, the plan:
(1) Allows no chance for cleri-
cal errors in classification.
(2) Provides no temptation for
students to falsify fee statements.
(3) Stops inequities sometimes
present in classification. (Now

Memorial stadium, they find they
are assigned to poorer seats as up-
perclassmen than they had before.
The reason for this, according to
the dean of admissions and rec-
ords, is that more than half of all
University students are in the ad-
vanced levels, and the number is
getting greater each year.

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