THE MICHIGAN.- DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL Z7, 1935 i!a OUWTR I PAG U'TED LE A9 GOOD OL' DAYS GONE: Wanted: Spark To Energize Conformist Campus "What Do You Hear About Malenkov?" DREW PEARSON: Bickel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN LATE-AFTERNOON sun flooded the Diag out- side Haven Hall. The carillon tolled four times, and couples munched ice cream languid- ly on the cement benches donated by long- past classes. Bobby Hatcher practiced softball. Somewhere there was probably a Daily photographer, on the lookout for weather art. But there wasn't much excitement around. Looking outside, the professor stretched back in his chair and reminisced. "You know," he decided, "there ought to be a mass meeting out there right now. Somebody ought to be up on one of those benches, talking and haranguing and gathering a crowd. Handbills should clut- ter that lawn." It didn't much matter, the professor thought, what the cause of his hypothetical mass meet- ing might be-anything to evoke ideas-and he meant real ideas-in the 20,000 of us. We are, he interjected quickly, to be com- mended for our thorough and well-outlined class notes, and for our generally gratifying academic records. We've been convinced that good grades are prerequisite to good jobs. It follows that good jobs are essential to security, and security, in the professor's thoughts, rests on conformity-the unspoken. cry, if there is one, of the present collegiate generation.I To this professor and to many of his col- leagues we seem five years older and con- siderably shallower than our counterparts of ten or fifteen years ago. He recalled, pictures- quely, that the hero of the bygone "thinking" era was the guy with the leak in his shoes- the same guy who's now ignored as he's seen by the slicker and oxford-clad populace. TOT EVERYBODY, granted, dresses or thinks uniformly. There are among us plenty of people who aren't afraid to express their ideas vociferously, even to an extreme. Biut these people seem, on the whole, to fall into specific political categories. Their tactics, once regulation behavior at the University, are eyed suspiciously by the conforming crowds-reluctant even to accept a handbill, and far too preoccupied to frequent many meetings. We hear of the productive thinking of our predecessors here only by rumor. It's more than possible that the rumors are unduly colored by nostalgia. Few of the mass-meeting advocates of the thirties are colorfully idealistic today- what value, then, remains now in their former enthusiasms? As ends in themselves, spontaneous mass meetings and smudged handbills are worth- less, and a regression to an even more mis- guided outlook. But as possible manifestations Y of ideas, which surely are not completely dor- mant, they'd be a welcome by-product. -Jane Howard J ea y 9 Yk v f %v VomD Y)' 0 r ;, . t. w . .Tt, . '' A ,' A. r ^ .- S ' .I ,.5 x i; ;:F" . %. :. x; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Strong Administrative wing Needed for Good Government STDENT GOVERNMENT Council is issuing an important call for support today. Six months ago students flocked to the polls to back SGC by a strong 3%/ to 1 ratio. The vote pushed SGC into existence. Now the new stu- dent government needs more than votes as it opens efforts today to organize a strong and effective SGC administrative wing. Under direction of new wing coordinator Sandy Hoffman, an open meeting for prospec- tive members will be held at 4 p.m. today in the Union. Necessity of .a good turnout almost goes without saying. One SGC member, experi- enced with Student Legislature commented last week that the administrative wing will make or break the, new student government. His remark was close to reality. Under SL the wing never assumed much importance. Con- sequently the wing's prestige never soared to Olympian heights on campus. The members served on SL's committees but never played an influential role in forming Legislature pol- icy. Administrative wing members will be es- sential to SGC. Their most important function will be service to the Council's three standing committees but will play a much more crucial role than SL wing members. Due to SGC's small elected membership, administrative wing people will dominate elected members in quan- tity on the committees. SGC Vice-President Donna Netzer estimates each of the three com- mittees needs 20 members to function effec- tively. This means a minimum of 15 members must be from the wing. If, like SL, wing people have voting privileges their influence in for- mulating policy cannot be under-estimated. WING MEMBERS will also take an important role in research projects and general of- fice work necessary to keep Student Govern- ment Council operating successfully. SGC is working on a two-year trial basis. Eleven elected members and seven ex-officios can't possibly do the work of an active student government. Activity with the administrative wing will provide excellent experience in stu- " dent government and can serve as a training period for students interested in running for elected SGC office. There is no reason why the administrative wing shouldn't have the same lure for students as Interfraternity Coun- cil, the Union and other campus organizations. Under SGC it should bring prestige to its mem- bers and at the same time bring the satisfac- tion of working for the benefit of the whole campus community. --Dave Baad Campus Cynicism ... To the Editor: SEVERAL discussion groups par- ticipating in Academic Free- dom Week agreed that the fear of students to express "leftist" ideas, even if their research sup- ports such views, is the major re- striction upon present student in- tellectual development. Personal experience indicates to me that the foremost intellectual restriction today is not political inhibition, but cynicism. "What's the use," "Nobody's any good," and "It's all meaningless,"' have now become stock phrases of the campus intelligentsia. The ap- plication of cynicism to the ac- quisition of knowledge for. either its intrinsic value or its power to alleviate world suffering has led these students to reject the quest for knowledge, except as a game by which to amuse themselves. The right to pursue the truth, regardless as to where it directs the student, has little value unless the student is convinced that knowledge itself has an ethical im- portance. There are now a sur- prisingly large number of students, especially among the better ones, who deny the value of everything, -Bernie Backhaut * * * Robin's Work * * To the Editor: It just takes one or two days for a. robin to build its nest and "hatch her brood." Well, it's all not that easy - actually, it took a week for her to build the nest and four days to lay her eggs, of which there are four now. We would like to congratulate Mr. Ching on his fine picture of the robin. It's too bad it wasn't taken in color. -The Proud Uncles: Fred Poposki, Dick Summerwill and 3rd Floor Adams * * * Need Limits.-. To the Editor: UPON HEARING the recent pro- posal to convert the majority of rooms in Alice Lloyd Hall to triples, we, the undersigned, are protesting. It seems selfish and unfair that we should be asked to pay more money for room and board and at the same time be forced to submit to overcrowded and uncomfortable living condi- tions. It appears as though the Uni- versity should, in all fairness to incoming freshmen and upper- classmen, limit the number of new students until proper accommo- dations could be provided instead of adding to the discomfort of all concerned. and many others who will be -Debbie Kopelov, Renee Tobias, Nancy Rappaport, Irene Lipshey and many others who will be living in Lloyd next year. Sees News Influencing (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of Drew Pearson's columns on influ- encing of the news in Washington.) WASHINGTON - Karl Bickel, former president of the United Press Association, who did more to sell unbiased American news around the world than any one man, has some pungent things to say about the way the Eisenhow- er Administration is trying to in- fluence the press. "The state department," he says, referring specifically to Dul- les' gift of the Yalta documents to the New York Times, "is resorting to the old vicious method the chanceries of Europe practiced after the Napoleonic wars and World War I when steam presses, roll paper, etc., began to make the press a great potential power. "Then every government in Eu- rope began controlling the press by controlling the news through bribery. One of the chief forms of bribery was the business of slip- ping im p o r t an t governmental news out to the favored papers, thus trying to kill off the opposi- tion press. "That was how the kept press of Europe finally workedintothe great European Press Association consortium dominated by Reuters, Havas, Wolfe's, Stefani, which largely brought about World War I and was finally smashed in 1933. "Pressure by favoritism has been a threat to American demo- cratic institutions for the past 150 years and now this sanctimo- nious gentleman in the state de- partment tries to seduce the New York Times by giving the Times the Yalta papers and about a million dollars worth of publicity." HAGERTY PRESSURES Mr. Bickel, who helped break me into the columning business, would be interested in another type of "favoritism"-in reverse -as practiced today by White House Press Secretary James Hag- erty when he summoned Ethel Payne, reporter for the widely circulating Negro newspaper, the Chicago Defender, and threatened her with loss of her White House credentials. Miss Payne had been asking questions on segregation at White House press conferences which seemed to irritate the President. Certainly, Hagerty made it clear, they irritated him. For he had done a thorough investigation of Miss Payne, which apparently in- cluded her income-tax returns. "I see here that you were paid by the CIO at the same time you were serving as an accredited news correspondent at the White House," Hagerty said, looking at a statement of Miss Payne's in- come. "We can't have that. It's against regulations. The CIO- PAC is a political organization and I'll have to report this to the Standing Committee of Corre- spondents." Miss Payne explained that she had done some temporary work editing material for the CIO-PAC during the 1952 campaign. "Absolutely not," replied the Negro correspondent. "It is cor- rect that I received a payment from the CIO on September 10, but that was the last payment I received. Furthermore I only edited campaign material. I had nothing to do with making poli- cy. Hagerty said he would look into the matter further and advise Miss Payne of his decision. (Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate) (Continued from Page 2) all available summer jobs listed with the Bureau Will be presented. INTERVIEWING REQUESTS FOR SUMMER PLACEMENT The Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, Mich. will interview candidates on April 27 for summer employment whom they have previously contacted and under- graduates in Electrical Eng. They are also Interested in interviewing graduate students for a position as Chemist in their Quality Control Laboratories. Call the Bureau of App'ts., NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614 to make an appointment to be in- terviewed. PERSONNEL REQUESTS FOR SUMMER PLACEMENT ..Four Way Lodge, Bellaire, Mich. re- quests applications from post-graduate women who are competent teachers of. tennis, Compensation for the season is $350. Contact Mrs. M. F. Eder, 5699 Bel- mont Ave., Cincinnati 24 Ohio if in- terested. B4 Range, N.E. Gate of Yellowstone National Park is interested in obtain- ing a camp nurse. This is a boys camp that operates a six week program start- ing June 30 to Aug. 10. Contact Mr. Vic Heyliger at the Athletics Bldg. (NO 2-5541) mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. Roaring Brook Inn, Harbor Springs, Mich. requests applications from candi- dates for Bell Hop positions. The salary is $75 per month, plus room and board and tips: season from June 23 to Spt. 10. It is necessary to send a picture of self if applying. Contact Mr. Fred Renker, Roaring Brook Inn, Harbor Springs, Mich. Department of Conservation, Ster- ling State Park, Monroe, Mich. requests applications from male candidates for Lifeguard Positions. This is a 90 day employment at $1.41 per hour. A senior lifesaving certificate is required to apply. Contact Mr. George Lawrentz, Mgr., Sterling State Park, Monroe, Mich. Chippewa Camp, Elk Lake at Rapid City, Mich. has an opening for a sec- retary. This would be for 10 weeks, starting June 20. Salary (with exper- ience in straight typing and dictation) is $300 with room and board for the season. Contact Marion Simpler at NO 3-8025. RESONNEL REQUESTS: City of Detroit, Mich~, Dept. of Police, 15 conducting an examniation for Po- licewomen of Saturday, May 8, 1955. Re- quirements: 2 to 30 yr., completion of at least three years of college with majors in the field of social science and some work done in a field in which public contacts are made. Ordnane Corps., Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., of- fers employment to graduating stu- dents with degrees in Physics, Chem- istry, Math., Engrg. Opportunities exist for scientists possessing a doctorate as well as those having master's and bach- elor's degrees. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: The representatives from the follow- ing will be at the Engrg. School: Mon., May 2 Wabash Railroad, Montpelier Div, Montpelier, Ohio-B.S. in Civil Engrg. for Railroad Maintenance Engrg. Mon. and Tues., May 2 and 3 Sunbeam Corp., Chicago, Il.-B.S. in Aero., Civil, Elect., ind., Mech. and Chem. E. and Engrg Mech. for Sum- mer Work for Jrs. and Regular Work In Production Control, Production Super- vision. Tues., May 3 Chicago Screw Co., Bellwood, Il.- B.S. and M.S. in Mech. E. for Man- agement Training Program. For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement Office, Ext. 2182, 347 W. Engrg. Representatives from the following wil be at the Bureau of Appointments: Mon., May 2 Shell Oil Co., Detroit Div., Detroit, Mich.-men with a minimum of 12 hrs. in Econ. or Acctg. for Accounting, men with any degree-technical (engrs., chem., etc.) or non-technical (bus. ad. or LS&A), for Sales, Advertising and Promotion. Tues., May 3 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich.-men for sales. Thurs.,. May 5 Jacobson's Stores, Jackson, Mich. Div. -men and women in any field for a career in Retailing, Purchasing, Acetg., Advertising, and Store Management. (8 stores in Mich.) For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointients, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Universtiy Lecture, auspices of the Department of Botany and the Depart- ment of Zoology. G. Ledyard Stebbins, University of California, will speak on "The Present Status of the Theory of Organic Evloution" in Auditrolum B, Angell Hall, Thurs., April 28, at 4:15 p.m. Exchange Lecture, auspices of the English Department. Prof. Kathleen Co- burn, Victoria .College, University of Toronto. "Wordsworthand Coleridge." Auditorium A, Angell Hall. 4:10 p.m., Wed., April 27. Lecture, auspices of the Geology De- partment. "Tertiary Erosional history of theRocky Mountains." Prof. J. Hoov- er Mackin, University of Washington. Thurs., Apr. 28, 8:00 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Academic Notices Zoology Seminar. Edward J. Kormon- dy will speak on "Studies in the Life History, Morphology, and Ecology of the Genus Tetragoneuria in Michigan (Odonata: Libellulidae)" and Philip S. Humphrey on "Relationships of the Sea Ducks," Wed., April 27. 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. Doctoral Examination for Theodore Cullom Denise, Philosophy thesis: "The Social Writings of the Philosopher Ber- trand Russell," Wed., April 27, 2444. Mason Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, C. L. Stevenson. Sociology Coffee Hour Wed., April 27 cussion of Chapter Eleven, Cochran's Sampling Techniques. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., April 28 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. John Cris- pin of WRRC will speak on "The Radar Cross-Section of an Infinite Cone." Doctoral Examination for Thair Lee Higgins, Chemistry; thesis: "A Ther- mochiemical Study of the NH3.nHF-HF and NaF-nF-W' Systems," Thurs., April 28, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. F. Westrum, Jr. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on'the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., April 28, Room 3401 Mason Hal from 4:00-5:30 p.m. R. Hefner will speak on "A Multi- dimensional Model for Matching Be- havior." Department Colloquium in Chemistry, Thurs., April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Orville L. McCurdy will speak on "Synthesis of Astoniine Hy- drochloride and Related Compounds." Sheldon Shore will speak on "Some Chemical Aspects of the Diammoniate of Diborane." Geometry Seminar will meet Thurs., April 28, at 7:00 p.m. in 3001 A.H. Note change of day. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will speak on "Logic and Geometry." Special Botany-Zoology Seminar. Dr. G. Ledyard Stebbins, University of Cali- fornia, will speak on "New Methods in the Study of Evolution" in Room 1139 Natural Science, Thurs., April 28, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments. Concerts Student Recital. Joanna Ball, pianist, 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 27, Rackham As- sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree. Program: Scarlatti, Beetho- ven, Brahms, and Arthur Shepherd, open to the public. Miss Ball is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman. Student Recital. Frances Horne, pan- Ust, works by Bach, Debussy, and Brahms, at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., April 28, in Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Miss Horne is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman. Open to the public. Carillon Recital 7:15 p.m. Thurs., April 28, by Percival Price, University CariQ lonneur. Compositions by Scarlatti, Price, Mozart; German folk songs, and Old German pilgrims' song. Events TodnA English Journal Club will meet at 8:00 p.m., Wed., April 27, in West Con- ference Room, Rackham. Prof. Kathleen Coburn of the University of Toronto will speak on, "Coleridge's Notebook and Some Problems in Editing Them." Discussion and refreshments. Linguistics Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed., April 27 in East Conference Room, Rackham. Louis C. Rus will speak on "A Linguistic Analysis Applied to Poetry," and Prof. Sherman M. Kuhn on "Old English Short Diphthongs Sine 1952: Everybody Gets into the Act." Officers for next year will be elected. All persons interested in the scientific study of language invited. Le Cercle Francais will meet Wed., Apr. 27 at 8:00 p.m. In the Women' League. Panel discussion on Moliere led by Profs. Denkinger and Niess. Slides and refreshments, Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Wed., April 27, after 7:00 a.m. Holy Com- munion. Christian Faclty Luncheon with Dr. Harold Titus representing the National Council of Churches, Wed., Apr. 27, 12:10 p.m. at the Union. For reservation call Lane Hall. Undergraduate Zoology Club presents "Pathologic Changes in Radiation In- jury;" an illustrated lecture by Dr. A. J. French; professor of pathology and chief of clinical laboratories at Univer- sity Hospital. Material for the lecture is taken from the U.S. Army and Navy corps in radiation experiments and in Japan. wed., April 27. 3:00 p.m., 1139 Blue Team Parade Meeting Wed., Apr. 27 in the League at 5:00 p.m. sharp. All team members who would like to par- ticipate must attend the meeting. Blue Team Finance Committee, Wed., Apr. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Judiciary Room of the League. Hillel: Israel Independence Week, April 23-30. Wed., 8:00 p.m. films of Israel: "Tomorrow Is a Better Day" and "Israel Sings." Sponsored by the Stu- dent Zionist Organization. Wesleyan Guild Wed., April 27, Mid- week Tea in the lounge, 4:15-5:15 p.m. Mid-week Worship in the chapel at 5:15 p.m. Coming Events Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Up- per Room, Lane Hall. International Center Tea. Thurs., 4:30- 6:00 p.m. Rackham Building. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Thurs. April 28, 5:00-5:30 p.m., Mid-week Medi- tation in Douglas Chapel. Hillel. Reservations for Fri. evening dinner must be made and paid for at Hillel before Thurs., any evening, 7:00- 10:00 p.m. Hillel. Petitions for positions on the Hillel Executive Committee and Hillel Administrative Council may be obtain- ed from the Hillel Secretary, 1429 Hill Street between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 m. and 1:00-5:00 p.m. any day Mon. through Fri. or by contacting Hal Josehart at NO 3-4129 any evening. Deadline for Executive Committee positions is May 4. Deadline for Administrative Council positions is May 10. Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs., 7:45 p.m., 311 W. Eng. Harry B. Benford, as- (Continued on Page 6) R Hasty Student Integration In South Could Hurt Progress REFERRING to your robin pic- ture on Saturday's front page, we think you have done a great injustice in your writing of the caption. You seem to imply that EARLY LAST October Baltimore was in the midst of a demonstration against the city's desegregation program in the schools. It di- rectly affected seven of the 170 schools in the city, and was incited by a group of adults, not schoblchildren themselves. The police department and Dr. John H. Fischer, Superintendent of Baltimore public schools, took immediate steps and effectively prevented what Fischer termed "extreme ex- aggerations" of riot from becoming realities. That was the last report of such demon- strations against the integration program. Since that time Dr. Fischer reports," school has pro- ceeded in very much the same fashion that it did in previous years." THE FACT that there have been no 'inci- dents' since October is encouraging, but should not be taken as a go-ahead signal for ay plans of complete integration, as has been encouraged, especially by many northerners and NAACP groups. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.....................Managing Editof Dorothy Myers.....................City Editor Jon Sobeloff......................... Editorial Director Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.........................Associate Editor Nan Swinehart...................Associate Editor Dave Livingston.................. Sporots Editor Hanley Gurwin.........Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz........................Women's Editor Janet Smith.............Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel..................... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Polak..........................Business Manager Phil Brunskill.............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise..... ...............Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski...............Finance Manager Telephone NO 23241 First, Dr. Fischer estimated that only 2,500 of the city's 57,000 Negro students are attend- ing mixed schools. The number of students in these schools reaches from one or two up to 50 percent in one school. But, Dr. Fischer adds, "the large majority of our schools are still predominately Negro or white in their en- rollment." A rush to enforce complete integration in the schools or as proposed .in other public fa- cilities could prove harmful. The program should be given chance to pro- gress, and to work toward integration outside the protective screen of the academic world. While in school, children are forced to mix. Once outside of that'environment they again: come under the control of the structure of a segregated society. THE GROUP now attending mixed schools will continue to integrate smoothly unless more pressure and more integration is begun on a larger scale. They integrate now because the parents feel content that the number of schools is small. If students are allowed to integrate under the present system, even allowing a slight in- crease in number, it will allow for normal change from one type of society to another within one or two generations. If not, the ef- fects of haste may remain as long as have the effects of harsh reconstruction. In addition, before a large scale integration program is undertaken, a new problem should be expected. It cannot be forgotten that the children now in mixed schools will integrate under the academic world, and it will soon spread to the ball field and possibly to movie theaters. However, when these same children reach an age where dating and social life be- comes important, a new conflict has arisen. For parents may in a few years accept inte- gration but mixed dating is a problem that will take decades to overcome. THES) CHILDREN, integrated in schools, supposedly accustomed to a mixed environ- ment, will in a few years be informed that they cannot attend social functions together. Then how. is one to avoid reverting to earlier Openings for Cartoonists, Reviewers The Michigan Daily has positions available on its staff for reviewers and cartoonists. Openings are being filled for: Editorial Cartoonists Movie reviewers Book reviewers Drama reviewers Art reviewem Music reviewers Meetings for all interested persons will be held at 4 and 7:30 p.m. today and 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Conference room of the Student Publications building. HANSCOM REPORT: Narcosis for Interrogation Discussed (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Royal was formerly a faculty assistant at the University of Minnesota. He is now a research assistant in the University of Michigan psychology department.) By DONALD C. ROYAL SOME EVENTS which may have a profound effect have been taking place on the University of Minnesota campus. C. B. Hanscom, director of that university's repartment of pro- tection and investigation, announ- ced on Feb. 17 to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences the development and use of a new technique to be used in police in- terrogation. The use of narcosis, or the ad- ministration of sodium pentothal, has until now been confined to the exploration and treatment of mental illness. Narcosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, simi- lar -to hypnosis. According to Hanscom, .."the various segments of the brain may be depressed in a known order cor- responding to their evolutionary age." "Psychiatrists generally believe ques, we can modify the person- ality functions and lead the sus- pect into known confession mech- anisms." "Narcosis has been used to cre- ate, facilitate or hasten each of the above confession mechanisms by distorting the integrative func- tions along several pathways." Questioning is varied, amounts of anesthesia are varied, according to attempts to arouse an emotional outburst, or to confuse orderly thinking of the subject." Few people are completely de- void of emotional and occasional homicidal impulses. The discovery and interpretation of these im- pulses is left to the judgment of the interrogator.-- Hanscom continues ". ,. some evidence of guilt usually escapes even the most hardened, repeti- tious offenders who feel no re- morse. (Note: The areas under Mr. Hanscom's jurisdiction consists of the University of Minnesota cam- pus, students, and staff. These men have little knowledge of the successful record of the cate complicity. This suggests that the burden of proof rests upon the subject's unconscious to prove his own innocence. The subject is con- sidered guilty until proven inno- cent. "The techniques . . . still must be manipulated by trial and error," Hanscom says. To maximize chan- ces of recovery from anesthesia, a trained anesthesiologist adminis- ters the injections. Specialists are now being trained to continue this work in other cities. Objections have been raised that the technique is an infringement of civil liberties, but Hanscom de- clares "Ethically, it is far superior to third degree methods, which employ physical or mental coer- cion." Employed together, nar- cosis plus physical coercion would make a very effective totalitarian method of extracting "confessions" from erstwhile innocent people. Even though an individual may not implicate himself by his own state- ments, he could implicate others, especially if he were in a position of trust-a minister, counselor, doctor, ets. 1