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April 27, 1955 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-27

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Turn Back Spartans, 2l'2=l4-/

Put on Trial
CHICAGO (P')-The University
of Oklahoma was placed on two
years' probation yesterday by the
National Collegiate Athletic Assn.
for violations of the NCAA code.
The report by the Committee
on Infractions to the Council
found that Oklahoma staff mem-
bers offered prospective student-
athletes cost-free education be-
yond the athletes' normal period
of eligibility.
Oklahoma also was accused of
'following the practice of paying
medical expenses for the immed-
iate families of student-athletes,
specifically the wives and child-
ren of such athletes.
Walter Byers, NCAA executive
director, said Oklahoma's proba-
tion is a notice to the Unive'rsity
that its athletic policies are under
surveillance and "one more mis-
take implies serious trouble."
Byers explained that probation.
is a penalty in that no school
wants the publicity of being put
on probation and all that have
been put on probation fight to get

Michigan Is Unimpressive
In Victory at East Lansing

Tracksters To Compete at Penn, Drake

Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING - For the sec-
ond time within a week the Wol-
verine golf squad found it neces-
sary to battle the elements as well
as the Michigan State linksters,
but went on to repeat its win of
last week, this time 21%/ to 14% /.
The .match, played under cold
and blustery skies, was termed by
Coach Bert Katzenmeyer as "very
Katzenmeyer, commenting on
the score as compared to last
week's, said that he felt that our
team was slipping instead of gain-
ing ground. In the afternoon the
team fell apart, as State actually
outscored the Wolverine contin-
gent, 10%-72, but it was not
enough to overcome the 14-4£lead
built up by Michigan in the morn-
Eight Play For Michigan
Once again Katzenmeyer jug-
gled his lineup during the match,
with all eight men playing at least
eighteen holes. Fred Micklow and
Ken Myers, who played I n the
number one and two spots respec-
tively during the morning round

were replaced by Bob McMasters
and John Schubeck in the after-
Micklow, Myers, and Schubeck
were the only men who were able
to turn in respectableuscores on the
narrow Spartan course. Micklow,
with a 73, and Myers, with a 74,
kept pace with each other most of
the way. Both hit eleven of their
eighteen greens, but the greens
proved to be a little tough for
them. With a little luck on the
close ones, both would have been
able to turn in much lower scores.
Schubeck Hot and Cold
Schubeck, who was medalist for
the day last Saturday at Colum-
bus, couldn't quite repeat today as
he was alternately hot and cold
and wound up with a 75. One un-
der par after two holes, he imme-
diately blew it as he scored bogies
on the next two.
Four over par at the end of nine,
he bogied the tenth, then settled
down on the last eight holes to
finish with a one-under-par 35 for
the back nine.
Usually more effective, Bob Mc-
Masters turned in a comparatively
poor 78 for his afternoon effort.
Unable to do a thing on the first
nine, he finished with a five over
par 41, but settled down on the
back nine and flashed through
with a 37.
MacMichaels Shoots 154
Skip MacMichaels, Andy An-
drews, Henry Loeb and Steve Uze-
lac all played the completeeigh-
teen holes, and although there
were bright spots, the closest any
of them could come to par was
MacMichaels, with a steady 77-77-
State's. inexperienced t e a m
fared no better than the hapless
Wolverines. Marty Hurd was low
man for State with a 151. Hurd is
one of Coach Ben Van Alstyne's
top prospects. Another sophomore,
Jim Sullivan was next in line with
a 157.

Track and field athletes repre-
senting Michigan will depart in
opposite directions this weekend,
one group heading for Des Moines,
Iowa, and the Drake Relays, the
other contingent travelling east-
ward to Philadelphia and the
Penn Relays.
As far as Des Moines is con-
cerned, Assistant Coach Elmer
Swanson is entering seven men
in all. The four-mile relay team,
composed of Al Lubina, Pete Gray,
Hobe Jones and John Moule, and
the two-mile quartet, consisting
of Gray, Jones, Moule and Dan
Walter, will handle the relay end
of the matter.
Kramer May Compete
In addition, John Johnson will
compete in the 100-yard dash, and,
if he makes the trip, Ron Kramer
will go in his three events-the
high jump, shot put and discus.
As for the prospects for Drake,
Swanson pointed out the tremen-
dous competition in the relay,

which habitually attract the na-
tion's top college foursomes. Es-
pecially tough will be the Okla-
homa Aggies in the four-mile duel,
and the Aggies, UCLA, and Notre
Dame in the two-mile clash. "You
M' Club
At last night's elections, the
following officers were chosen
to lead the 'M' Club next year:
John O'Reilly, president; Grant
Scruggs, vice-president; Tom
Jorgenson, secretary; and Mary
Wisniewski, treasurer,
have to have a real good team to
even come close in competition like
that," Swanson asserted.
As far as the 100 is concerned,
Johnson will probably be facing

some of the top sprinters in the
country, since most of the speed
merchants from the Southwestern
part of the U.S. will be entered, in
addition to Jim Golliday, North-
western's flashy sprinter.
Six Go to Penn
Swanson is sending six to the
Penn Relays, including Dave Hess-
ler, Laird Sloan, Dick Flodin, and
Grant Scruggs, the four who will
compete in both the mile and
half-mile relays. In addition to
these four, Dave Owen will see
action in the weight events and
Mark Booth will high jump. Mor-
gan State, Cornell, Princeton, and
Pittsburgh will all prove trouble-
some in both relay events, accord-
ing to Swanson, with Penn State
also a threat in the half-mile re-

... low man

... ready for Relays

A i Delts, Lambda Chli
Alipha Whin on No-Hitters'

Pace Excels in Grid Practice
As Squad Holds Scrimmage

' Led by several sparkling plays'
by back Jim Pace, the Michigan
football squad scrimmaged yester-
day at Ferry Field.
The scrimmage, which consum-
ed the last hour and a half of
practice, featured both running
and passing plays. Pace, running
through the line and around end,
demonstrated his flashing speed
and elusiveness as he gained yard-
age everytime he carried the call
before being brought down by sev-
eral tacklers.
George Corey also contributed

much to the activities of the prac-
tice as he made sizeable gains on
the ground and highlighted the
scrimmage in snaring a touchdown
pass thrown by Terry Barr. The
play covered approximately forty
yards. In addition t, the pass,
Barr demonstrated kis versatility
by breaking through the defen-
sive line for gains on the ground.
Though he did not participate
in the actual scrimmage, letter-
man Ed Shannon worked out to-
day for the first time this spring.

No run-no hit was the order of
the day in the Social Fraternities
softball games yesterday at South
Ferry Field.
Alpha Delta Phi's Bob Schleh
led his team to a 2-0 victory over
Theta Chi by pitching a no run-
no hit game, striking out twelve
opposing batters and tallying two
of the three hits recorded by his
In the other no hit-no run game
played yesterday, Richard Hensel
of Lambda Chi Alpha pitched an
easy 8-0 decision over Chi Psi.
Twelve Chi Psi batters were left
at the plate, unable to connect,
with Hensel's pitches.
In a game highlighted by a very
strong offense Zeta Beta Tau de-
feated Delta Kappa Epsilon, 23-3.
Responsible for most of ZBT's 22
runs were Morton Siegel with 3
home runs, and Lester Salans and
Harvey Freed with 3 hits each.
This game qualifies ZBT for the
first place play-offs in the Social
Fraternity division.
Phi Delts Win
A big first inning won for Phi
Delta Theta over Delta Upsilon.
Six runs and five hits gave the
Phi Delts a lead they never lost.
Frank Haag opened the game with
his first of four hits and was fol-
lowed by a Richard Little two bag-
ger, and Richard Courtney and
Phillip Mitchell singles. The final
score was Phi Delta Theta 7, Del-
ta Upsilon 4.
Phi Sigma Kappa's last inning
four-run rally broke a 5-5 tie withI

Sigma Chi, giving the Phi Sigs a
9-5 decision.
Delts Nip Sigma Nu
Playing overtime, Delta Tau
Delta defeated Sigma Nu, 6-5, in
a close and rugged game noted
for the extraordinarily good pitch-
ing exhibited by both teams.
In the other games played, Del-
ta Sigma Phi defeated Chi Phi 7-2
and Sigma Phi edged Alpha Sigma
Phi 8-7. Tau Delta Phi obtained a
14-3 decision over Zeta Psi, Tri-
angles defeated Acacia 7-1, and
Psi Upsilon took a very close 11-10
decision over Delta Chi.
The game between SAE and Phi
Kappa Psi was forfeited when both
teams were absent at game time.
Raschi Sins
With Athletics
chi, one-time ace of the New York
Yankees who was waived out of
both leagues and unconditionally
released by the St. Louis Cardinals
last week, was signed yesterday by
the Kansas City Athletics.
Terms of Raschi's contract were
not announced.
President Arnold Johnson said
Raschi will report to Kansas City
Details of the contract were
worked out by telephone between
Johnson and Raschi who is still
in St. Louis.

New York ...... 8
Chicago........ 6
Cleveland .......7
Washington .., 5
Kansas City ... 4
Baltimore .. ...3

L Pet.
4 .667
4 .600
5 .583
5 .583
5 .545
6 .455
7 .364
10 .231


New York 5, Chicago 0
Detroit 3, Baltimore 2
Cleveland 3, Washington 2
Kansas City 8, Boston 7 (11 innings,
New York at Chicago
Washington at Cleveland
Baltimore at Detroit
Boston at Kansas City



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w L Pet.
Brooklyn .......11 2 .846
Milwaukee,......7 4 .636
St. Louis.......6 4 .600
Chicago.....7 5 .583
Philadelphia ... 6 6 .500
New York ..... 5 6 .455
Cincinnati .... 2 10 .161
Pittsburgh ..... 1 8 .111
New York 3, Milwaukee 2
Milwaukee at New York
Chicago at Pittsburgh
St. Louis at Philadelphia (night)
Cincinnati at Brooklyn (night)


Eaddy Stars for 'M' Diamond Squad
In His Final Season of Competition

711 N. University - Harold S. Trick - 902 South State

"He's been a really good ball
player, and I'd be glad to have an-
other one just like him,"' was
Coach Ray Fisher's comment about
Don Eaddy, the veteran third base-
man for the Wolverine nine.
This year Eaddy is completing
his fourth and final season of
play at the hot corner spot. Besides
his activity on the diamond, Ead-
dy has also starred on the bas-
ketball court for the past several
The Grand Rapids, Michigan
senior began his athletic career
in high school where besides star-
ring in baseball and basketball, he
made quite a name for himself on
the gridiron. In his freshman year
he played varsity football but gave
this up to devote more time to his
other two sports.
Slow Start
Launching his current season on
the diamond, Eaddy got off to a
rather slow start in both the hit-
ting and fielding departments,
chalking up only one hit for extra
bases in his first 14 hits. He atrib-
utes his early season difficulties to
the lack of warm weather. With

the coming of the warmth and
sunshine, E addy's performance
both at the plate and at the third
sack took a turn for the better. His
overall batting average for 15
games is an impressive .397, and
for the three Big Ten encounters
played thus far he has pounded
out eight hits in 12 appearances
for a .667 average.
Eaddy began his playing career
not at third base, but at shortstop.
However, when he came to Michi-
gan, this position was already
filled by the team's captain.
Switching to his present position
was not very difficult for the ver-
satile Eaddy, who caught on very
well at third and ended the cam-
paign showing continuous im-
Bounded Back
Having a rather poor season in
1953, Eaddy bounded back in last
year's diamond warfare. The
right-handed hitting and throwing
mainstay had a great year and led
the league in both runs-batted 'in
and stolen bases, besides showing
real skill in handling his third base

An especially memorable game
for Eaddy is the final game of the
NCAA playoffs in 1953 at Omaha.
His performance in this game re-
portedly impressed certain major
league scouts.
Comments on Team Prospects
Commenting on Michigan's pros-
pect for capturing the Big Ten
crown in this, his final year of
play, Eaddy says "all our confer-
ence games will be tough, but if
we can get good pitching and
some improvement in hitting, we're
on our way."
Judging by the games played
thus far, it looks as if this im-
provement is rapidly getting un-
derway. Eaddy, too, seems on his
way to another good season.


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