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April 27, 1955 - Image 1

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Wanted: Spark To Energize
Conformist Campus
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Latest Deadline ini the State






VOL. LXV, INo. 142




Re n...ca a raa.nu ~


SGC Plans
Wing Posts Open
Student Government Council
will hold a mass meeting for pros-
pective Administrative Wing mem-
bers at 4:00 p.m. today in Rooms
K and L of the Union.
Three standing committees, Hu-
man and International Welfare,
Public Relations, and CampusAf-
fairs, will be partially staffed from
the Administrative Wing, as will

Process Told

Russia, Red China Propose Plan


'Request' Phone Call From Biiglev I 0





Cinema Guild Board, Student
Book Exchange, and the proposed
SGC office staff.
SGC will hold its regular meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the Un-
ion. Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis is expect-
ed to ask the Council to appoint
student members to the commit-
tee studying the driving ban.
To Discuss Scholarship Fund
Also scheduled are discussions
of the activities scholarship fund
set up by SL with part of its
treasury and the status of the
Book Exchange, another SL leg-
Discussing the administrative
wing meeting, Coordinator Sandy
Hoffman, '56, said "We need asj
many people as we can get." She
said she hopes 50 people will come
to today's meeting and take out
petitions, giving their preferences
for SGC work.
Next week there will be per-
sonal interviews with those who
Need Capable People
"We are desperately in need of
experienced, capable people and
also interested people who are
willing to learn," Miss Hoffman
SGC President Hank Berliner,
'56, called -the Administrative
Wing the "key to the Council's ul-
timate success."
"Its importance," he comment-
ed, "lies not only in permitting
SGC to assume a greater area of
responsibility, but also in providing
a direct link between SGC and the
student body."
Describes Projects
Bill Adams, '57, chairman of the
Public Relations committee, one
of the groups Wing members will
work on, described several proj-
ects he hopes his group will start.
One idea is to establish a line
of communication with the cam-
pus, probably in the form of
monthly reports, either in a spe-
cial newsletter or in The Daily.
Coffee hours with elected and
appointed SGC members meeting
faculty and Administration repre-
sentatives is another project Ad-
ams expects his group will under-
take. All-campus forums will also,
be under the jurisdiction of the
Public Relations Committee.
Coordinating Body
Human and International Wel-
fare Committee Chairman Bob
Leacock, '57, said yesterday he
plans to have his group serve as a
coordinating body for all organs
on campus working in the inter-
national area.
Working jointly with the Inter-
national Students Association, the
SGC group will sponsor an orien-
tation and integration program for
the 350 new foreign students ex-
pected this fall.
Educational and cultural prob-s
lems, such as faculty evaluations,
academic counseling, honor sys-,
tems, accelerated study programs
and student advisors, will be dealt
with by Leacock's committee also.F
Pilk or Pooh? t

Starts Trial Plan by Group or Court
What happens when you're called before joint judiciary?
The process begins with a phone call from Assistant to the Dean!
of Men John Bingley, 'requesting' you to confer with him about your
In the conference- he will ask you questions as to the nature of
your offense. If you're a typical fall case and have procured by means
fair or foul, two sets of football tickets, he will query as to how and
where you came by them, and if you borrowed someone's identification
card in the process.
Submits Case
He will then make arrangements for you to appear before joint
judic. He submits the facts of your case to them.
They interrogate, to supplement the facts before them, and, fol-
lowing the questioning, decide your fate.
In other instances, where Bingley learns of your offense from the
Ann Arbor police, the action is taken along different lines. Bingley
then sees you in the consulting room of the courthouse. He explains
to you the court procedure and the area of your penalty.
Legal Advice
He also informs you that you are entitled to legal advice and must
~- zdecide for yourself whether to plea

U.S. Opens Way
ToPeace TalkS
Dull es OK' sParley Without Chiang,
Seeks Cease-Fire by Auy Means


West Sets
On Cold War
Diplomats To Study
Communist Project

WASHINGTON (A)--The United States opened the door wider LONDON (P) - Russia and
yesterday for cease-fire talks with Red China-and backed away from Communist China yesterday were
its insistence that Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists must be present at reported planning to set up a wall
any meeting. of neutral states across Europe
and Asia separating the Commu-
Secretary of 'State John Foster Dulles took the position that this nist and anti-Communist worlds.
country wants a cease-fire in the Formosa area and doesn't care by This reported Communist plan
what mechanics it is attained. will be studied by United States,
He said Nationalist China would not have to be present at any British and French diplomats who
negotiations on a cease-fire. But he said the Nationalists certainly meet here today to plan an early
would be brought in as equal participants in any talks which sought conference with Russia on easing
to dispose of any territory in the area. cold war tension.
Chou Sincere. The outcome of their talks un-
Dulles said the United States intends to try to find OUwhether reoubtedly will shap future Al-
lied dealings with Red leaders.
Premier Chou En-lai of Red China is sincere in wanting a peaceful
" Formosa settlement or is "merely Proposals from the meeting will

World News
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A bill to appropriate
$300,000 to set up free clinics for
the administration of Salk polio
vaccine has been introduced in
the House.
Rep. Fred W. Zinn (R-Battle
Creek) estimated the clinics could
save Michigan parents up to $7,-
He said he based this on the
cost of $6 per child fee and esti-
mates that another measure ask-
ing for $2,000,000 to provide free
vaccine would take care of 1,250,-.
000 Michigan children.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles said yes-
terday he has not changed his
stand against the constitutional
amendment which Sen. John W.
Bricker (R-Ohio) has proposed
to limit the treaty making power.
Dulles testified against a simi-
lar proposal last year. He said
Bricker's reintroduced amendment
is substantially the same, and so
are his views against it.
BERLIN-Rudolf Hess, once the
No. 2 Nazi, recently attempted sui-
cide in Spandau Prison but was
saved by the fast action of U.S.
Army doctors, informed sources
said yesterday.
An American official at the pris-
on denied the suicide. attempt,
however, and Allied spokesmen
said they knew nothing about the
Reliable informants said Hit-
ler's old first deputy, serving life
as a war criminal, swallowed in-
YR Panel Meeti
r, i

guilty. He gives no legal advice
Once in the courtroom he stands
with you while charges are made
and sometimes will post the bond
if you are short on cash.
He will then be called into the
judge's chamber to present his own
opinion and tell the judge if you
have been in trouble before, what
action the University is planning
to take, what kind of citizen he
thinks you are, as well as his opin-
ion on the case.
After the court rules you will be
called to Bingley's office for con-
ference, at which time an appoint-
ment to appear before judic will
be made.
Judic you will find, according to
chairman H o w a r d Nemerovski,
'57L, "is not over-zealous and
harsh in treatment of students, as
some students seem to think.
"It is felt that this misconcep-
tion on the part of some students
is the result of false information."
Educational Principles
Bingley maintains that joint ju-
die works along "educational prin-
ciples." The group takes into ac-
count before ruling whether you
work your way through school,
whether you were fined by the city
court, or whether a fine would just
mean signing another check for
you. If the latter is your case, the
council could require you to work
for your fine, with the pay check
as evidence.
If you were under extreme hard-
ship, the judic will suspend the
fine, as has been done frequently
in the past. Then, finally, if you
are dissatisfied with the judic rul-
ing, you may appeal your case to
the Faculty sub-committee on dis-
cipline. Upon hearing the appeal
the sub-committee will either af-
firm the joint judic's decision or
refer it back to the judic.
ng Advocates

playing a propaganda game."
Council Cites Secretary Dulles' remarks at a
news conference contrasted in a

-Daily-Dick Gaskili
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK is currently being celebrated by
papers throughout the country. Changes in makeup, news policy
and type faces since this 1901 issue of "The Daily" show progress
made during the past 54 years of publication.
Robertson's Unexpected
Visit Aimed at Facts'

TAIPEI. Formosa (Ml)-- Walter
Robertson, assistant secretary of
state, made a surprise visit to Que-
moy yesterday.
This bolstered belief his visit is
to "get facts," not to urge further
Nationalist withdrawals.
Once back from the Nationalist
stronghold across Formosa Strait,
Robertson conferred again with
President Chiang Kai-shek.
Radford Joins Mission
Adm. Arthur W. Radford, chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
did not go toeQuemoy because of
a cold. However he joined Robert-
son, his companion on the mission
to Formosa, in his talks with
Most informed opinion was that
the two came to take another look
before turning in a report to Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower on
conditions generally, Nationalist
morale and the Communist build-
An informed Nationalist source
said the Radford-Robertson mis-
sion was "positive, not negative."
He hinted they had not flownhere
to ask Chiang to give up Quemoy
and the Matsu Islands, 120 miles
northwest of Formosa.
Nationalists Defend Islands
The Nationalists are determined
to defend the offshore islands.
There were three indicators of

continued close United States co-
1. The United States Military
Assistance Advisory Group, which
trains Chiang's armed forces, an-
nounced its strength was being
substantially increased.
2. Vice Adm. Alfred M. Pride,
whose 7th Fleet guards Formosa,
announced a center had been es-
tablished in Taipei for "liaison and
coordination between U n i t e d
States and Chinese military au-
3. United States and Nationalist
military coordinators signed an
agreement covering training, in-
telligence, communications and
logistics under the mutual defense
pact. No details were given.
Lhaw Troubles
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (/P-De-
troit police commissioner Ed-
ward S. Piggins is having a
rough time in this frontier city.
First thieves stripped the cig-
ar lighter and hub caps from
his borrowed car.
Then, while he lunched with
the mayors of Detroit and Las
Vegas, Piggins' car was tagged '
for overparking.
Piggins is here to witnes~s the
atomic bomb blast.

Student Link
With Alumni
Need for a stronger link between
students and alumni organizations
was cited at yesterday's meeting
of the Development Council Stu-
dent Relations Committee.
Holding its second meeting, the
group concluded that awareness
of alumni responsibilities and priv-
ileges must be established at the
student level.
A brochure entitled "So You're
a Michigan Alumnus," under di-
rection of Ruth Rossner, '55, com-
mittee secretary, will be mailed
this spring to all graduating sen-
iors. Similar to a pamphlet dis-
tributed last year, the booklet has
been revised and expanded.
Addresses Printeds
Addresses of all alumni clubs
are printed in the brochure, as
well as postcards which seniors
will return to the Council office,
to insure continued two-way con-
Plans have been set, according
to committee chairman Gene
Hartwig, '55, for a Development
Council radio broadcast over sta-
tion WCBN. A panel will discuss
Council problems and objectives
at 6:30 p.m. May 15.
Another committee move to pub-
licize the Council and the need
for improved student-alumni re-
lations will be a speakers' bureau,
now in formative stages. Through
the bureau committee members
will address campus organizations,
about the group's activities.
Final committee organization
will be on the May meeting agen-
da. Planned as a 13-member group,
the committee will include two
student members of the Develop-
ment Council Board of Directors,
presidents or representatives of
the five major housing groups and
two or three members-at-large.

major respect with a statement

... "Propaganda Game?"

- ..-


Kurrender of Quemoy, Matsu
Surrender of Quemoy andi mat-'_

wc%+A-,avy allU IV14l,

Gargoyle Calls
For Hopheads
Is neuro-physics a matter of
Was Winnie the Pooh a Com-
Did Inez Pilk really die? (Or was
she exorcised by L. H. Scott be-
cause of an incurable case of dope
If students can answer these
questions they will be famous, but
on the other hand, if they can
write humor, they may submit it
to the third annual Hophead con-
The al:-campus contest is de-
signed specifically for engineers,
law students who have gone to fly
a kite, and dissatisfied Hopwood
contestants who are not also on
the Gargoyle editorial staff.
Munificent prizes will be award-


su was advocated by Prof. Claude
S. Phillips, Jr. of the political
science department yesterday at
a meeting of the Young Republi-
Prof. George Kish of the geog-
raphy department joined Prof.
Phillips in a panel discussion of
the Quemoy-Matsu problem.
"'T'here is not much we can do
to stop Red China from taking
Quemoy and Matsu if they want,
short of World War III," said
Prof. Phillips. It is better to have
us lose face by graciously relin-
qjuishing these islands than to en-
ter another world war which could
result in annihilation."
Prof. Phillips added thdt relin-
quishment of Quemoy and Matsu
would not be the same as relin-
quishing Formosa, which he said
is held in high esteem by many
European countries.
"If we pull out of Formosa,"
commented Prof. Kish, "this move
will be favored by most Americans
but we will have backed down on
our promise to protect Formosa
in case of attack. We will thereby
lose the respect of other countries
who are in the same position."
Both instructors agreed that
Chiang Kai-shek's army isn't
growing more efficient as it gets
Prof. Phillips even declared that

if there is any fighting, it will be
done by United States soldiers.
Chiang Kai-shek, said Prof.
Phillips, has tried to raise the
morale of his army by promising
to bring them to their families.
The morale problem, agreed Prof.
Phillips and Prof. Kish is one of
the most important in Formosa.

_ - - - .

College Men End Ban on Bermudas by Adopting Them

put out Saturday by Undersecre-
tary of State Herbert Hoover Jr.
with the approval of Pres. Dwight
D. Eisenhower.
That statement, issued in re-
sponse to Chou's bid for talks with
the United States to "relax ten-
sions" in the Far East, said: "Of
course the United States would in-
sist on free China participating as
an equal in any discussions con-
cerning the Formosa area."
Bad Reaction
The Saturday statement was re-
ported to have met a bad reaction
among some friendly nations and
in this country.
Sen. Walter F. George (D-Ga.)
said the absence of Nationalist
China from the conference table
should not prevent American
peace talks with the Communists.
The Nationalist regime has turned
thumbs down on the idea of meet-
ing with the Reds.
Senator George, who is chair-
man of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee; said Chou had
offered to discuss other problems
in the Far East besides Formosa.
Saying that several of these, in-
cluding Viet Nam, are pressing,
George added: "I don't think we
ought to rebuff the proposals he
has made for a meeting,
If we were to turn them down
or impose unreasonable conditions,
that would have a bad effect on
our position in the Far East,
where we are not too popular as
it is."
Cancer Cure
Chances Told
Many opportunities exist for
cancer control Dr. J. R. Heller,
Director of the National Cancer
Institute, said yesterday in his lec-
ture at the School of Public
Principles of control include
education of lay and professional
people. Legal action which in-
volves reporting of cancer cases
and diagnosis is another control
"Cancer prevention is possible
in very few instances," Dr. Heller

go to Secretary CofState John
Foster Dulles, British Foreign Se-
r retary Harold MacMillan and
r French Foreign' Minister Antoine
Pinay in Paris May 8.
Ministers Plan Talks
The three foreign ministers In-
tend to decide finally on the how,
when and where of their planned
approach to Russia for talks in-
tended to guard world peace.
the allied diplomats-with West
German representatives standing
by for consultation-meet against
a backdrop of Soviet-Red Chinese
diplomatic moves which appear de-
signed to show the Communists
as peace-seekers, too.
Several European and Asian of-
ficials in this diplomatic cross-
roads suggested, however, these.
moves may signal the start of an
all-out Red drive towards their
goal of neutralizing the main areas
where East and West meet.
Cite Developments
They cited these developments
in Europe:
1. Russia's about-face regarding
an Austrian independence treaty.
The Soviets have stipulated Aus-
tria must stay out of the East-
West cold war and have tossed In
several economic concessions.
2. A flow of Russian soft words
to Yugoslavia, for years deep in
the Communist doghouse because
her leaders allegedly stepped from
the Moscow party line.
Russia Switches
3. A reported switch by Russia
over the idea of a Scandinavian
union between already-neutral
Sweden and Finland and allied
Norway and Denmark.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko was said to have
withdrawn some old Russian ob-
jections to the scheme during a
recent visit to Stockholm.
The Xremlin evidently hopes
that, in time, a belt of neutral
states will develop in Europe from
the Arctic to the Aegean that will
include the Scandinavian coun-
tries, all or part of Germany, Aus-
tria and Yugoslavia.
Russia Agrees
To Big Four
Mleet in May
MOSCOW, OP)-The Soviet Un-
ion agreed yesterday to a meeting
of the Big Four ambassadors in
Vienna May 2 to spell out final
terms for an Austrian state treaty.
This date was proposed by Brit-
ain, France and the United States.
Austrian representatives will take
In notes to the three Western
powers, the Soviet government
said it did not believe a confer-
ence on the ambassadorial level
was necessary. It took' the posi-
tion that the Big Four foreign
ministers could quickly settle the
final details and sign the long-
delayed treaty.
But it added that since the West
wanted the ambassadors to go over
the ground first, the Soviet gov-
ernment is agreeable. The ambas-
sadors will fix the date for .the

Popularity of Bermuda shorts is on the upswing.
After a controversial debut on campuses throughout the country,
the knee-length legwear can expect the increased approval of college
That's the consensus of an Associated Collegiate Press nationwide
student survey, asking people here and at other campuses what they've
thought of Bermudas.
More Women Than Men
ACP results showed a good 50 percent of students polled pass fa-
vorable judgment on the shorts, and foresee a sharp increase in their
use. Women, as might be expected, plan to adopt the fad more firmly
than do men-but a few males questioned admitted they'd be willing
to stock their closets with the shorts, too.
Chief objections to Bermudas were summarized by a male here,
who claimed "on girls they look masculine and on boys they look fem-
inine." To this his date retorted "then we can maybe expect more
A Daily poll taken last fall on the same subject netted consider-


'A. !,:xg

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