PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 26, MS WAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1955 Gore Relates Recall Move, Blasts Bigots By LOU SAUER Leroy Gore leveled a blow at "apostles of bigotry" Sunday night and said that Communism is feared only because those who fear it are unsure of democracy's strength. Founder of the "Joe Must Go" movement, the diminutive country editor said, "The bigot is activated by fear. He fears his enemies and those who do not share his fears." Gore said that he himself is afraid only that .our democracy may be gradually dissipated and dissolved by compromise of its ba- sic principles advocated by these "apostles of bigotry." By imposing restrictions on Communism and communists and prying into the lives of citizens, the United States is deviating from the democratic theory of freedom of thought, he said. Cites Fifth Amendment He referred to the common crit- icism of the Fifth Amendment and polished off the topic by say- sng softly, "If people object to this amendment so violently, why don't they vote its repeal?" Gore read a pamphlet passed out by "Wisconsin ultra-conserva- tives" titled "Know Your Ene- mies" to the audience. The intro- duction stated that the people listed were dangerous to the Unit- ed States, either subversive. or sympathetic to subversives. It contained 250 names among which were Estes Kefauver, Walter lippman, G. Mennen Williams, Ad- lai Stevenson and Harry S. Tru- man. Gore interrupted his reading for a moment to say, "I had lunch with Harry a couple of weeks ago, and if he's subversive, Liberace suffers from an inferiority com- plex." Press Mentioned He continued to quote names from the pamphlet. The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press were mentioned along with most of the New York papers (including the Times). Justice William O. Douglas was included as well as Thomas E. Dewey and Gore him- self. "I have been insulted before," he said, "but never in such dis- tinguished company." As a result of the "Joe Must Go" efforts to recall Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.), Gore found it advisable to sell his paper, The Sauk City Star. Pressure from townspeople who threatened his wife and daughter led to his decision. He concluded by saying that the "Joe" petition netted more than 335,000 signatures, and called it "the largest petition effort in the history of mankind." Levine States Israel's Need For Workers Yehuda Levine, director of PA- TWA mid-western offices spoke at the Hillel Foundation Sunday. Levine explained in an inter- view that the work of the Profes- sional and Technical Workers Ali- jah is to place Americans in jobs in Israel. Levine explained that college trained people with at least a year of experience are needed. "There is a decided lack of professional people in Israel," Levine said. Need Professional Men Immigration ofr many barely civilized people to Israel increases the need for professional people. The need for development of nat- ural resources makes the demand for agricultural engineers very great. Social workers, medical workers, engineers and teachers are re- quired to raise the standard of living of the country. "Actual paychecks are not as large as one would expect in the U.S." Levine said. He explained that high positions at an early age and satisfaction in one's job are compensations for the worker e in Israel. Collegiate Styles -to Please! -12 ARTISTS- -NO WAITING- TODAY !! The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theatre CAMPUS CALENDAR A faculty panel discussion on "Quemoy and Matsu - War or Peace?" will highlight a meeting of the Young Republicans tonight at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3G of the Union. Prof. George Kish of the geog- raphy department, Prof. Claude S. Phillips, Jr. of the political sci- ence department will be members of the panel. An announcement of this year's annual National YR Convention will be made. The convention will be held in Detroit. The Club will also make ar- rangements for Legislation Day which will be held May 12 at Michigan State College, East Lan- sing. Leaders from both of the state's major parties will highlight the program. Student Relations Committee of the Development Council will meet at 7:30 a.m., today in the Confer- ence Room of the Student Publi- cations Bldg.' Chairmen of student housing groups and outgoing committee members will discuss plans for a prospective alumni brochure, a Council radio program and a speakers' bureau. Next year's committee will also be set up at the meeting. Tony Spina, chief photographer for the Detroit Free Press, will be guest speaker at a rushing meeting of Sigma Delta Chi at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow in the journalism depart- ment conference room, second floor Mason Hall. All men of second semester sophomore standing or higher in- terested in journalism as a pro- fession are invited to attend. * * * Dr. J. R. Heller, director of the National Cancer Institute, will dis- cuss the "Activities of the Public Health Service in Cancer Pro- grams" at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the School of Public Health Auditor- ium Dr. Heller is affiliated with the Public Health Service in the De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare. "The Present Status of the The- ory or Organic Evolution," will be discussed by Prof. G. Ledyard Stebbins, Chairman of the depart- ment of genetics, University of California, 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union. 'MG) To 1Hrost Tig Ten' Talk . Jointly sponsored by Inter- House Council and Assembly Asso- ciation the Annual Big Ten Resi- dence Halls conference will take place here this weekend. The three day affair will include workshops Friday night and all day Saturday, a banquet at 7 p.m. Saturday, and a summary session Sunday morning. Assistant Director of the Phoe- nix Project Roger L. Leatherman, will speak on "Peacetime Atomic Energy, Applications and Implica- tions" Saturday. More than 150 people are expected to attend. Navy personnel and the Navy's contractors produce more than 1,- 000 inventions for patent each year. MOLDED MUSEUM LIONS: Varied Works of Michigan Artist Become Landmarks on .U' Campus By HANK FINNEY IM, "I never had any doubt that I would bea sculptor," artist Carle- ton W. Angell commented in his studio. Most kinds of work he has done just could not hold his interest. The two friezes on the side of the new Ann Arbor Court House, the busts in the rotunda of the University Museum, the two great lions at the entrance of the build- ing, the bust of former Michigan Governor Chase S. Osborne and the Michigamua memorial in the Union are some of Angell's prin- ciple Ann Arbor productions. Studied Under Taft He was born in Belding, Mich. in 1887. In 1907 he enrolled in the Chicago Art Institute and studied under sculptors Lorado Taft and Charles Mulligan, "You musn't get the idea that all I do is bust portraits and pla- ques," interjected Angell. His large Museums studio, which is filled with statutes and drawings is divided into an office and a work- shop. The short, robust artist, clad in a long, plaster-smeared workcoat, uses his time studying his subjects until he is ready either to draw POWER AND MERCY in modern life are represented by artist Angell on new court house. a terracotta and ceramics com- pany. He remembered walking downtown in Sidney, 0., and see- ing a familiar frieze on a bank which was designed by architect Louis Sullivan. "I'll be darned if it wasn't one I had made for the company," he said. During the War he managed a grocery business in Ilian, N. Y. In 1922 he joined the School of Arch- itecture and Design facultyjas an instructor. He worked nearly ten years in the school, instituting the first modeling practices in it's pro- gram, before he joined the Mu- seums staff in 1926. Angell enjoys the variety of his work. He has made several honor- ary gold medals, one of which is awarded annually for scholarships at Ann Arbor High School. In 1928 he won a competition by making a statue commemorating the death of 40 school children in Bath, Mich. Angell's largest production is a grand marble memorial in Arbor Crest Cemetery in honor of the Four Chaplains who died in the Atlantic in 1948. In his spare time, Angell gar- dens in his large yard and fash- ions furniture in his woodwork- ing shop. He has three children -Jennett, Douglas and Donald- all of whom are married. Some other campus works by Angell are the Washington Bicen- tennary Memorial on the corner of Hill and Washtenaw and the plaque in the Engineering Arch commemorating Joseph Baker Davis, past Assistant Dean of the engineering college. The bust of Dean Mortimer Cooley, at the door of the En- gineering Library and the relief heads of seven early American scientists decorating the sides of the museum were also done by Angell. More Beer! NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (A)- Even in this old-time textile and whaling city, where yarn spinning is nothing new, people sat up Monday when they heard the story brought in by the crew of the scalloper Sea Hawk. They were 50 miles south- east of Point Pleasant, N.J., the crew said, when something hap- pened that couldn't have been pleasanter: They began haul- ing in cans of cold beer-160 of them. But a stranger angle of the story was to come: The beer was brewed in St. Paul's brew- ery, Bremen, Germany, in 1939. Sun Glasses Worn Indoors To Cut Glare "Sun glasses" for classroom and other areas where critical seeing is necessary was recommended Monday to Michigan's school plan- ners, health authorities and light- ing engineers as the long-sought answer to visual comfort and ef- ficiency problems. This recommendation, which would drastically reduce the glare from daylight entering the work- ing area, was offered by Charles D. Gibson, head of the California Department of School Planning at Los Angeles. Gibson spoke at a University conference on visual environment in school rooms with emphasis on "daylighting." Gibson said that by reducing the light transmission in the vision strip to 12.5, the daylight bright- ness is brought into balance with the interior brightness to elimi- nate all elements of glare. The vis- ion strip is that part of the win- dow area a person normally would look through from either a stand- ing or sitting position. "The goal we have long been striving for," Gibson commented, "is a high level of well-distributed illumination without glare in a complete 360-degrete visual field." Gibson stated that the problem of daylight brightness has been ov- ercome by use of a neutral gray glass with 12.5 per cent light trans- mission, "This glass," Gibson explained, "offers no color distortion, per- mits unrestricted viewing of the outside, "It has the same effect as sun- glasses worn on a bright day," he declared. "Geographical locations or cli- matic conditions have little in- fluence on this fixed 12.5 trans- mission rate," Gibson added, "as test installations have been made and thoroughly checked from coast to coast." By PHYLLIS LIPSKY Assembly Association's housing committee has announced that it has chosen 372 dormitory rooms for conversion to house the sur- plus of women students expected on campus next semester. Decisions were made after the committee, working with Assistant Dean of Women Elsie R. Fuller, had surveyed rooms in dormitoro- ies all over the campus. In addition to the 372 conver- sions of double rooms into triples and singles to doubles, the com- mittee has "recommended that 50 women be housed in council rooms, libraries and. recreation rooms in some of the dorms. Temporary, Temporary These areas classified as "tem- porary temporary" housing will be used for only the first part of the semester if the expected drop in enrollment occurs. Other rooms will revert to their original status for the second se- mester in as many cases as pos- sible, according to Mary Jo Park, '56, Assembly first vice-president who has chaired the housing com- mittee. Second semester enroll- ment is usually considerably below first semester. The housing committee was for- med in February after the Dean of Women's office asked Assembly to help find spaces for an estimated 425 women above present dormi- tory capacity expected next year. Consisting of representatives from every women's dormitory the committee was called "Assembly's biggest and most successful pro- ject this year" by Miss Park. Immediately after it was set up the housing committee formulated psychological and physical criter- ia by which to judge the capacity of rooms. Draw Floor Plans After the rooms to be converted were chosen floor plans for each dormitory were drawn up indicat- ing the changes. Room drawings by residents who plan to remin in the dorms next year have been help up until final lists are given to each house. Recommendations included in many cases the furniture which students thought certain rooms colud best accommodate. In some houses conversions will involve making a suite for three from two single rooms. SURPLUS WOMEN: Plan Room Conversions To House New Students i4 1 .. Government Assures Nation Equal Distribution of Vaccine PU'RINTING'4 KING SIZE SERVICE Z4 Card to a Catalog by a Push Button I, LOWER. PRICES a a I QVULTY PRINTING a , IPHONE --NO 2-1013 m'AAA£~ ~AAAAAA£A ~ AA ~ i t CARLTON W. ANGELL ... local sculptor them or cast them in plaster or bronze. Many of the animal reproduc- tions and landscape backgrounds which fill the Museums' display cases are his. "Every sculptor does some paint- ing, and every painter does a bit of sculpture," he explained, point- ing to some diagrams and back- drops he had painted. He is even called upon occasionally to re- produce the missing pieces of pre- historic skeletons. Worked With Terracotta Angell worked for several years before the First World War with Russians To Write To further a cultural exchange program, students may do their share in penetrating the iron cur- tain by corresponding with young people in the Soviet Union. Letters concerning one's aca- demic or social interests may be written in English or Russian. Students should write first to the Antifascist Committee of So- viet Youth, Ulitsa Kropotkina 10, Moscow, USSR. The government is taking steps to assure equal distribution of Salk polio vaccine until Septem- ber 1 when the supply is expect- ed to meet demand. A national advisory committee will be set up "early next week" to supervise state allocation of Salk vaccine. "By the peak of polio season, enough material should have been produced'to permit vaccination of all children from ages 1 through 9 and 75 per cent of those up to 20, Welfare Secretary Hobby said. A top level polio vaccine con- ference of more than 100 medical and drug experts was termed suc- cessful by Mrs. Hobby. The con- ference suggested establishment of the advisory group composed of polio, pharmaceutical, p u b l i c health and public representatives to collect supply and demand in- formation from manufacturers and states. Most Already Committed Secretary Hobby said all but one per cent of the Salk vaccine is committed to the National Foun- dation for Infantile Paralysis for the purpose of immunizing 30 per v I, cent of the most susceptible age group, children ages 1 through 9. By July 1 it will be possible to immunize 29,600,000 children, Mrs. Hobby announced. It is expected that each state will set up its own system. The suggestion was made that each governor designate an advisory group composed of state medical, drug and health officials to make the distribution. Child population will be considered when making priorities. I === === === =====I A Curious About Co-ops? Take advantage of your opportunity to attend CO-OP OPEN HOUSE Inspect co-ops to your heart's delight. Discuss co-ops with current members. r Dedicated to the discerning ear Ouality Strings Expert Repairs %mal A s 0 sm$aim uwlw Women's Houses Men's Houses I |I fl 1 . ----''- - U..- - -- - 1U.----. _ E._ U1 "I! -U " ~~ . ° .,'L. ., :2 - < MEW t.vilgLI I- ~~~-~