N PAGE FOUR THfE 1 Cli1(iANIDAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1955 'i TUESDAY, APRiL £6, 1955 NEW STALEMATE: Is U.S. Interested In Formosa Talks? "Look - Why Not Take A Penalty Stroke And Get Back On The Fairway?" E FORTS to find a peaceful solution to the Formosan problem have been stalemated again, this time by a Communist rejection o? American terms for a conference on the crisis. It seems as if the Reds are not really inter- ested in a peaceful solution, which is hardly a surprising thought. The Chinese Reds are no doubt quite con- fident that they will start no world-wide strug- gle by making a military bid for Quemoy and Matsu, or even Formosa. The United States has already shown enough readiness to aban- don notions of defense in that area for the Reds to have this feeling. At the same time, it seems as if the United States is not really interested in a peaceful solution either. Her indicating a disposition to stay out of the Formosan trouble is a kind of invitation to the Reds to walk in unmolested. In short, it is asking for trouble, "and puts the Chinese Reds in a position of not having tot worry whether there is ever a Formosan conference. IT IS easy for them to call American terms "unacceptable." Furthermore, having al- ready made any terms easily unacceptable, the United States comes up with some that are hard to accept. Washington must have been aware that the Reds would not accept them before they were made. It seems as if Wash- ington does not really want a Formosan con- ference either. We need not insist that Chiang Kai-shek be present at the conference, especially since we already know he wapts no part of a peaceful solution. Nor need we demand an immediate ceasefire in the Formosa Strait which Chiang is more likely than the Reds to break anyway. If we really wanted to hold a Formosan con- ference to reach a peaceful solution, we would make it somewhat easier for the Reds to accept. There need not be too much worry, because they probably would not accept anyway. At least we could tell the world we had tried our best, which we can hardly do now. --Jim Dygert Not One Square Inch For Appeasement LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ALTHOUGH some people may doubt it, Amer- ca is still a land of courageous people. It just takes the more serious things to bring out their courage. Such as the war with Red China which is expected in the next several weeks or so. Some people want to stay out of it at all costs. Most people do not want to start it. But the chances are quite high that it's coming just the same. The question arises "Should we be willing to fight over Quemoy and Matsu Islands?" Certainly not, if we desire peace at all costs. But if we desire peace at all costs, we should not be willing to fight over Formosa either. Nor over the Philippines for that matter. Nor Ha- waii, nor Texas nor the city of Detroit. BUT, if we have any courage or honor left in our American blood at all, we should be willing to fight over Quemoy and Matsu Is- lands. Not because of its doubtful physical val- ue, nor primarily because of its military impor. tance although the United States military ex- perts overwhelmingly agree that it is strategic- ally important to the defense of Formosa. But rather because we have already given the Com- munists too much and too often. Not one more square inch should they be given. Not one more advance should they be allowed to make. It's time we stopped appeasing the pirates of athe- istic, communistic totalitarianism. It's time we acted like Americans. Peace by appeasement is unrighteous. I'M PROUD to be an American. I want it to be a country of which I can be proud. A coun- try where appeasement of such vicious cut- throats as the rulers of Red China is not toler- ated. A country where peace is not bought at the price of honor and liberty. "Not one cent for tribute, nor one square inch for appeasement" should be our battlecry. And if it is necessary to fight, as it likely will be, with God on our side we will be victorious. And when we win, the back of atheistic, communistic totalitarianism will be broken. Our victory willhave restored the honor, the glory and the courage to our country by which it has been known in the past and by which it should be known today. That is something that ap- peasement can never accomplish. SOME MAY CALL THIS warmongering, but they are wrong. Rather than a desire to fight, per se, it shows a willingness to fight when honor and freedom are physically attacked by totalitarianism. A truthful definition would be "Putting back the backbone of courage and honor into the American way of life from which it has been stolen by the selfish cancer of ap- peasement." -William Brumm TrlODA Y AND TOMORROW' Mouse Burning... To the Editor: THE LIGHT-HEARTED manner in which Lew Hamburger pokes fun at 'the New England demonstration against horror com- ics as a retention of the old Puri- tan spirit may be good in its in- tention: to preserve the democrat- ic ideal of a free press; but the facetious picture presented leaves many harmfully b 1 a n k areas which detract from the whole clear view, and seems to whitewash the role of the comics and their pub- lishers a little too much. In my attempt to fill in these areas and present another facet to the."why send Mickey Mouse to the stake" question, I shall quote facts as presented by Dr. Freder- ick Wertham in the April 9 issue of "The Saturday Review." While Dr. Wertham may seem too much the vigilante for some of us in his campaign for government legislation, the problems he pre- sents cannot be cast off with a combination of a wink and an edi- torial. First, Mr. Hamburger, your de- nial of concrete proof that comic books lead to immoral behavior appears to be a denial of any cor- relation between the frequent newspaper accounts of unique and highly imaginative method by which children have been doing in their playmates, parents, and casual acquaintances, and the sub- ject matter of those comics (other than Mickey Mouse) in which "the ingredients spelled out, pictured, and glorified are violence, cruelty, sadism, crime, beating, promiscu- ity, sexual perversion, race hatred, contempt for human beings, des- criptions of every conceivable crime, evry method of concealing evidence, and every way to avoid detection." Then too, an argument frequent- ly heard is the claim that only un- stable children who are insecure, or otherwise predestined or pre- conditioned, are adversely affected by comics. This is insidious and untrue because you cannot cate- gorically classify children as "sta- ble" or "unstable." Every normal child is immature, growing, and to that extent unstable and vulner'- able. As to depending on the ethics of comic publishers in keeping their books "clean," a quote from a newsletter of Feb. 10, 1955, dis- tributed to communications media, states: "It is of no consequence whether crime comics. are harmful or not." And the same newsletter goes on to pinpoint all that's wrong: "The immediate enemy is Frederic Wertham, not some other publisher. He cannot be reasoned with. He must be discredited and rendered ineffective. This is a job for the bomb-disposal squad, and comic-book publishers should sit down and decide what to do about him. Will be go away? Probably not. He must be knocked out." Are those the publishers we are to "request to control their edi- tions," Mr. Hamburger? Doesn't it seem doubtful that the comic czars can be relied upon to exert a con- trol which will be detrimental to their own incomes? It would seem that it is not an inoffensive little mouse, but rath- er a big, sharp-fanged rat, quite capable of defending itself. It would also seem that one's crying for free expression should rest on a fuller knowledge of existing con- ditions. Now, could it not possibly be that the book burning was not so much the work of a Fascist front organization, bent on de- stroying free speech, as the effort of a group of righteously indig- nant citizens attempting to shat. ter public complacency and indif- ference to this threat to the minds of children? --Jack Jacobs Positions Openings on The Michigan Daily are being filled for the following positions: \ Editorial cartoonists Movie reviewers Drama reviewers Music reviewers Book reviewers Art reviewers The positions are available for the remainder of this semes- ter, the summer session, and next semester. Meeting for all interested persons will be held at 4 and 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, and 4 p.m. Thursday, in the Conference room at the Student Publica- tions Building. DREW PEARSON: Barldey Learns From Boss WASHINGTON -Ex-Vice-Presi- dent Alben Barkley told his old friend, Ex-President Harry Truman, a story at a dinner last week in Washington-a story with a moral to it-about Westbrook Pegler. Barkley told about a column Pegler had written which was very unfair and which made him furi- ous. So he sat down and wrote Pegler a letter. "It was quite a stinging letter," Barkley said. "I began it with 'Dear Peggie,' and ended it with 'If your syndicate gets what your columns are worth, you'd be a pauper.' "But," continued Barkley, look- ing at his old friend Truman, "I never mailed it. Unlike you, Mr. President, I never mail my letters.' THE AMERICAN public may not know it, but the power pendu- lum is swinging over toward So- viet Russia as far as air strength is concerned. Last May Day the Russians flew a giant Jet Bomber, the size of a B-36 over Moscow. It was their first and only long-range Jet bomber, known as type 37. This May Day the Russians will have 15 of these type 37 giant jets. In contrast, we had two B-52 Jet Bombers of the same size a year ago. Today we have only three, In other words, the Rus- sians are outproducing us 14 to one! WHITE HOUSE Foreman Sher- man Adams has come up with a counterfeit Democrat to replace Securities and Exchange Commis- sioner Paul Rowen who made the mistake, in Adams' eyes, of op- posing the bitterly controversial Dixon-Yates contract. By law, Rowen's post must go to a Democrat. The SEC is re- quired to have two Democrats and three Republicans-while the GOP is in power. However, Adams has picked a synthetic Democrat, Connecticut's ex-Congressman Johnny McGuire who made a deal to support GOP Governor John Lodge for re-elec- tion. McGuire's reward was to be a juicy job in Lodge's administra- tion. Unhappily for McGuire, however, Democrat Abe Ribicoff defeated Lodge for the governorship. And McGuire became a lobbyist in Washington. He represents Fran- co Spain and the big natural gas interests which are trying to over- rule the Supreme Court and pre- vent price regulation by the pow- er commission. An independent quasi-judicial agency, the SEC is no more sup- posed to be run by the White House than is the Supreme Court. Yet Sherman Adams put pressure on the Commissioners to approve the Dixon-Yates contract, award- ed without competitive bid to a private power combine to supply power for Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Paducah, Ky., atomic plants. However, Commissioner Rowen defied the White House and, for voting his convictions, will lose his job. (Copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate) Editorials printed in The Mich- igan Daily are written by mem-- hers of The Daily staff and rep- resent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. DEBRA DURCHSLAG NIGHT EDITOR (Continued from Page 2) eral Business; English; History; Band Director. Schoocraft, Michigan Schooeraft Community School) - Teacher Needs; Science-Mathematics; Shop and Agri- culture; English; Vocal Music-Girl's Physical Education or Art; Third Grade. Stambaugh, Michigan (Stambaugh Township Schools) - Teacher Needs: H.S. Band Director and Instrumental Music; Vocal Music. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Wed., April 27 Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., Mus- kegon 82, Mich. - B.S. & MS. Ind., Mech.; and Chem. E., U.S. citizens only, for Research, Development, Testing Present and New Products, Processing and Standards. Eaton Manufacturing Co., Foundry Div., Vassr, Mich.-B.. & M.S. in Mech. & Ind. E. plus at least one course in Foundry for Foundry, Indus- trial & Supervisory Training. Thurs., April 28 Kearney & Treeker Corp., Milwaukee, Fis.-all levels of Elect., & Mech. E for Design, Development, and Sales. Osborn Manufacturing Co., Cleveland. Ohio-B.S. in Engrg. Mech, and Mech. E. for Design and Sales. National Aluminate Corp., Ann Ar- bor, Mch.-B.S. or M.S. in Chem. E. or Chem. for Sales Engrg., U.S. citi- zens only. Jervis B. Webb Co., Detroit, Mich.- B.S. or M.S. in Mech. or Ind. E. for Sales. Kalamazoo Veg. Parchment Co., Kal- amazoo, Mich.-B.S. or M.. in Mech. & Chem. E. for Research, Process Engrg., Quality Control. Fri., April 29 Brookhaven National Labs., Upton, N.Y.-all levels in Nuclear, Metal., Mech., Chem. E., & Physical Chem., U.S. citizens, for Research & Develop- ment. Gen'. Elect. Co., Transformer Div., Pittsfield, Mass. - PhD's only in all Engrg. programs, Chem., and Physics receiving degrees in August or Feb. for Fundamental and Applied Research and Development. For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext. 2182. The following will be at the Bureau of Appointments': Wed., April 27 Lincoln Nat'I. Life Ins. Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.-men in LS&A and BusAd. for Un- derwriting, Accounting, Auditing, Pol- icyholders Service and other positions. For appointments and additional in- formation contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. Thurs., April 28- Mich. Bell Telephone-women in any field for Management Training. Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales and Management Training Program. Given Mfg. Co., Hdq. in Los Angeles, Calif.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales. (company manufactures Waste- King garbage disposers) Moorman Mfg. Co., Quincy, I1.-men with any degree for Sales covering Midwest area. (company manufactures supplemental feeds for livestock and poultry) Fri., April 29- Wurzburg's Department store, Grand Rapids, Michigan-men and women for Managament Training Program and Ac- counting. For appointments and additional in- formation contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. POSSIBLE INTERVIEWS: New England Mutual Life Insurance interested in men for actuarial, group insurance sales, and claim adjustment work. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: United States Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service has vacgncies for Assistant Refugee Managers, GS-5, men with BS in Forestry or MS in Wildlife. This call is from region 4 serving the states of N.C., S.C., Ga., Fla., Ky., Tenn., Ala., Miss., Ark., La., and Va. Upjohn Co, Kalamazoo, Mich., has a vacancy in the Endocrinology Dept. for a woman with a B.S. or M.S. with a sci- ence background and registered or trained in Medical Tech. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Lecture, auspices of the Geology De- partment. "Origin and Interpretation of River Terraces." Prof. J. Hoover Mack- in, University of washington. Mon., Apr. 25, 4:10 p.m., 2054 N.S. Exchange Lecture, Vuspices' of the English Department. Prof. Kathleen Co- burn, Victoria College, University of Toronto. "wordsworth and Coleridge." Auditorium A, Angell Hall. 4:10 p.m., wed., April 27. Academic Notices Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for Students in Education will be held May 26, 27, and 28. Students who anticipate taking these examinations must file their names with the Chairman of Ad- visers to Graduate Students, 4019 Uni- versity High School, not later than May 1. Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., April 26, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. H. Samelson will speak "On the Non-Commutativity of the Quater- nions." Tea and coffee at 3:45 p.m. in 3212 A.H. Seminar in Complex Variables will meet Tues., April 26, at 2:00 p.m. in 247 West Engr. W. V. Caldwell will speak on "The Subordination Principle," Zoology Seminar. Dr. Allen Keast, Curator of Birds and Reptiles, Sydney, Australia, will speak on "Bird Specia- tion on the Australian Continent," Tues., April 26, at 4:15 p.m., in the Museum Seminar Room. Zoology Seminar. Edward J. Kormon- dy will speak on "Studies in the Life History, Morphology', and Ecology of the Genus Tetragoneuria in Michigan (Odonata: Libellulidae)" and Philip S. Humphrey on "Relationships of the Sea DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Apr126. to 1408 Mason Hal. Time: 8:45 p.m. Concerts Student Recital. Grady Maurice Hin- son, pianist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m. Tues., April 26, in Rackham As- sembly Hall. Works by Bach, Franck, Rieti, and Brahms. Open to the public. Student Recital, Joanna Bail, pianist, 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 27, Rackham As- sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree. Program: Scarlatti, Beetho- ven, Brahm, and Arthur Shepherd, open to the public. Miss Ball is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman. Events Today "Quemoy and Matsu-War or Peace?" A faculty panel discussion with George Kish, associate professor of geography, and Claude S. Phillips, Jr., instructor in political science. Tues., May 26, 8:00 p.m. Union, Room 3-G. Sponsored by the Young Republican Club, and open to the public, Ind. Re. Club meeting Tues. at 7:30 p.m. in Bus. Ad. student lounge. Win. -C. Thompson, Mgr. of Methods and Stds., Argus, Inc. will discuss the im- pact of Methods-Time Measurement on Ilbor relations in his talk, "A New Look at Labor Stds." Russian dance group will meet to room 3B of Michigan Union at 7:00 p.m. sigma Rho Tau required meeting to- night from 7:00-8:15 p.m. in Room 3K of the Union to choose speakers for the National Contests. Also, Raconteuring, Project, and Impromptu speeches. Faculty Christian Fellowship-Consul- tation with Dr. Harold Titus discussing "The Christian Stake in Academic Free- dom" and "The Role of the Christian Professor in the State University." Din- ner requires reservation. 5:00-8:00 p.m. at First Congregational Church. Open to Faculty, Coming Events English Journal Club will meet at 8:00 p.m., Wed., April 27, in West Con- ference Room, Rackham. Prof. Kathleen Coburn of the University of Toronto will speak on, "Coleridge's Notebooks and Some Problems in Editing Them." Discussion and refreshments. Linguistics Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed., April 27 in FEst Conference Room, Rackham. Louis C. Rus will speak on "A Linguistic Analysis Applied to Poetry," and Prof. Sherman M. Kuhn on "old English Short Diphthongs Since 1952: Everybody Gets into the Act." Officers for next year will be elected. All persons interested in the scientific study of language invited. Le Cercle Francais willmeet Wed., Apr. 27 at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's League. Panel discussion on Moliere led by Profs. Denkinger and Niess. Slides and refreshments. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Wed., April 27, after 7:00 a.m. Holy Com- munion. Christian Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Harold Titus representing the National Council of Churches, Wed., Apr. 27, 12:10 p.m. at the Union. For reservation call Lane Hall. Undergraduate Zoology Club presents "Pathologic Changes in Radiation In- jury;" an illustrated lecture by Dr. A. J. French, professor of pathology and chief of clinical laboratories at Univer- sity Hospital. Material for the lecture is taken from the U.S. Army and Nvy corps in radiation experiments and inf Japan. Wed., April 27. 3:00 p.m., 1139 N.S. Blue Team Parade Meeting Wed., Apr. 27 in the League at 5:00 p.m. sharp. All team members who would like to par- ticipate must attend the meeting. Blue Team Finance Committee, Wed., Apr. 27 ath7:30 p.m. in the Judiciary Room of the League. Agenda, Student Government Council, April 27, 1955, Union, 7:30 p.m. Student Housing Committee. Committee to study driving regula- tions. Student Activities Building Report-- Mr. Khoury. Activities Scholarship Board. University of Free Berlin, Report. Administrative Wing. Book Exchange. Recognition of student organizations in support of candidates for offices be- lo wthat of President of the United States. £idigjan &ziIl[ Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor Dorothy Myers..........City Editor Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs ..... .Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor David Livingston........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer A........Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz...... Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ...,. Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskinl, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........ Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 I B' WALTER LIPPMANN S INCE THE Soviet government announces its decisions but does not explain them, the motives and purposes of a change of position are usually mysterious and always suspect. We do nqt know why the Kremlin decided to do when the four Foreign Ministers met in Ber- this year what it refused to do a year ago lin-namely to agree to an Austrian treaty before there is a German settlement. We are left to guess. WHERE SHALL we begin? Assuming that the agreement reached in Moscow is what the Austrians believe it is, the question is whether the Soviet government has made a big concession. If it is giving up something substantial, then what is it expecting to gek tn return? Now the concession is a big one. In agree- Ing to withdraw its troops from Eastern Aus- tria, the Soviet Union gives up also its legal right, agreed to by the Allied and associated powers in the two peace treaties, to station troops in Hungary and Romania. Under Articl 22 of the Hungarian treaty and Article 21 of the Romanian "all Allied forces" must be "with- drawn" subject to the right of the Soviet Union to keep Soviet armed forces on the ter- ritory of the two states "as it may need for the maintenance of the line of communications of. the Soviet army with the Soviet zone of occu- pation in Austria." The evacuation of Austria carries with it an international treaty obligation to evacuate Hungary and Romania as well. The parties to these treaties are the Allied and associated powers, including India, and the obligation could not be circumvented by new bi-lateral Soviet-Romanian and Soviet-Hungarian pacts, IN COMING to its agreement with Austria, the Soviet Union must surely have known what was involved, and that assurances will be asked about the withdrawal of the forces, We are entitled, therefore, to look upon the Soviet action, if it is implemented, as a big act of appeasement in Europe. Hungary will for the first time have a fron- tier with non-Communist Europe, and Czecho- slovakia will have a much longer frontier.Vi. enna, which will be an unoccupied city, is made up of people of whom a very large num- ber have family or other personal connections with the peoples of all the Danubian nations which once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire. An iron curtain will, of course, still be there. But it will not be maintained by the alien forces of the Red army .,.i.f justify so big an act of appeasement, which could justify the taking of such big risks by the Soviet Union in the orbit of its satellites. The two biggest developments of the year, which are relevant, are the ratification of the European agreements to rearm Germany and to admit ther to NATO and, then, the growing danger of war breaking out in the area of the Formosa Strait. My guess is that the Austrian decision is related to both of these develop- ments but that the trigger-so to speak-which set it off now is fear of war in East Asia. I do not doubt, as the Soviet press has it- self pointed out, that the Austrian agreement is intended as a model for the Germans to imi- tate. But I find it hard to believe that the Kremlin would be givingup the bird it has in its hand-namely thA Danube Valley-for the sake of charming the two German birds which are still in the bush. THE EFFECT in Germany was no doubt an important reason for the decision. But was it a sufficient reason? Ever since the Paris accords were ratified, the West Germans hava been making it plain to all and sundry that they are not going to rearm in a hurry, that they will spend several years doing it, and that they wish to negotiate with the Soviet Union before they are rearmed. The German tied is running strongly toward making German re- armament and German membership in the Western military system negotiable with the Russians-and especially after Dr. Adenauer retires. So I am not convinced that the Krem- lin is taking such political risks in Eastern Europe for the sole purpose of encouraging the Germans in Bonn to go where they are already starting to go. It may be a wild guess, though I do not think it is, that the Kremlin has decided for appeasement in Europe in order to secure the Soviet rear in case of war in East Asia. There are some very silly and reckless men in Wash-. ington who think that the Soviet Union could and would stand by while we destroyed the Chinese war potential with "precise" atom bombs. In the Kremlin the choice of abandon- ing China and becoming isolated on the one hand, of a general war on the other, must seem a deadly choice. VENTURE to guess that we are witnessing once again the classic Russian strategical ac- tion-which is at all costs to avoid being in- volved at the same time in a war both in Eur-' ope and in East Asia. The threat of American FACULTY INTERVIEW : Hutt Answers Mental Illness Queries (EDITOR'S NOTE: To answer some common current questions about mental disturbance and its treat- ment, The Daily asked Prof. Max L. Hutt of the psychology department to express his ideas.) 1. Has the number of disturbed people recently risen or fallen? AS A conservative estimate, I would say 25 per cent of the population is losing considerable efficiency, or has behavior pat- terns which lead to difficulty with families, friends or colleagues. Psy- chotherapy could help very much to aid in solving their problems. 2. How many people now in the United States are so seriously disturbed that they need psy- chiatric treatment? THERE'S BEEN a relative in- crease in the past century-- but not much of a significant in- crease in the past 25 years. Bet- ter communication has made such MUCH OF this results from ig- norance: although the gen- eral attitude is now much more rational than it used to be, the anxiety people have about them- selves prevents psychotherapists from being as helpful as they will someday be. 5. What per cent of the dis- turbed people are getting the treatment they need? ABOUT 75 per cent of those who need hospitalization for seri- ous conditions, especiallytpsycho- tics, are getting it, but this isn't the case with others. Less than half of those who need hospital- ization for less serious conditions get it. An even larger number who want private psychotherapy are probably unable to obtain it. 6. What relationship is there IES-we need much more gov- ernmental assistance at the national, state and local levels, and also many more privately sup- ported agencies and clinics. There's room now for much more effort, energy and funds to be .directed for help for the mentally disturb- ed. Government will have to spend much more money for public men- tal health-I hope more will be made available for research on causes and methods of treatment, and for subsidization of training. 8. What kinds of institutions provide most beneficial help? PROBLEMS ARE much simpli- fied without hospitalization, which should be used as a last resort. The vast majority of men- tally-disturbed people would bene- fit from outpatient or private therapy. Psychotherapy shouldn't, generally, be conducted in hospi- tals, unless the condition is so