OAGE &OUR 'A'"k Ajklt;"16AA "v*&ijL k & L4i, 11, sa I LAL V ke a, && Li, a I A" 'Li - at r a' La1 L .Lz-nUU;1x, kELWR5UAKIX10, 11)5 I AN EAR FOR AN EAR: T hree-Century-Old Poem Poses Urgent Problem for Today A CENTURIES-OLD news item of pressing current interest was recently uncovered by this writer while thumbing through a bundle of yellowed and tattered fragile sheets of a small Spanish provincial newspaper published in Burgos in 1656. Appearing on the front of an issue dated in that year is an account of a local feud that had developed into an affair of disquieting propor- tions in the village. According to the descrip- tion of the situation offered by the anonymous journalist-obviously a man not lacking in lit- erary ability-the matter had gotten complete- ly out of hand. It appears that a rivalry had developed between the members of the local literary group and the troops of a military commission located during this period in Bur- gos. The original cause of the prolonged conflict had evidently been long forgotten; but this much was clear: the soldiers were grouped in scornful opposition to the writers, and the lat- ter group was fervently united in principle against the professional troops. This was a division of camps which outlined a renewal of the classic rivalry for ultimate supremacy. AT ANY RATE, the report continues, the an- tagonism between the two elements had reached such a fever pitch through the ex- change of words (now barbed, now heated) that the inevitable, violence at last occurred. As a form of permanent insult to a literary gentle- man whom he had been unable to match in eloquence or wit, one of the soldiers had flash- ed out his sword and had lopped off one of his adversary's ears. Word of the outrage spread immediately among the writer's society and within the space of the evening there was retaliation-in the form of a severed military's ear. It was a mat- ter of only a few hours before the battle was joined by all members of the opposing factions. Rather than considering any discussion among the parties as the reasonable step, the rivals were seeking ears on every street corner and in the shadow of every darkened doorway. The desperately high toll of these mementoes claimed by both sides was what had prompted the author of the article in question to dedi- cate himself to a long, rhymed "editorial" on the subject. It is evident in his lines that to him the end of the world was clearly visible in the insane outbreak of blind, senseless re- taliation and counter-retaliation. It was his sincere wish to effect an immediate end to the brutalities; and to this end are dedicated the verses in which he makes a calm appeal to logic. THE FINAL quatrain was what struck at the present writer's heart with its ageless wis- dom-a wisdom, incidentally, which seems to be universally overlooked at this moment of history in which we live. There is a parallel. Our writers are still armed solely with the pen today; but the awesome weapons of the world's military have terrifying dwarfed the meagre power it possessed centuries ago. In view of the potentially disasterous conse- quences of a decisive victory by the force that represents the strength of the military today in a world of obsolete atom-, present hydro- gen-, and future cobalt bombs, these final four lines, in translation, have an urgency to their restrained appeal that we dare not ignore. "Across the ages has continued This polemic of the pen against the sword. The point to keep in mind is: 'Will there be an ear intact to catch the final word?'" -Donald A. Yates "Ever Listen To The Radio, Comrade?" f4', LETERS TO THE EDITOR (Continued from Page 2) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - -n r n o M w r~ Successful Book Exchange Deserves a New Sponsor TF SALES VOLUME means anything, the amount of business done by this semester's book exchange would seem to indicate that stu- dents are becoming more aware of the ad- vantages of a non-profit used textbook service. Sales this semester were approximately $1,- 200 more than they ever were previously. More students are taking advantage of the Student Legislature sponsored Exchange. But just as students are beginning to patron- ize the Exchange, its sponsor is counting off its last days. What will happen to the Book Ex- change? Will there be one next semester? If there is, who will sponsor it? This semester's results virtually demand that the Book Ex- change be continued. HE BOOK EXCHANGE is no doubt the most worthwhile project in SL's dubious history, as can be substantiated by a talk with any of the students who save money by utilizing it. University officials have recognized its value with their cooperation in operating the Ex- change each semester. For the last two Book Exchange sales, the University assumed the ex- pense of setting up the shelving, which it lent to the Exchange, in a location that the Uni- versity provided. In short, it would be impossible to operate a Book Exchange without the University's co- operation. So far, that cooperation has been there when'needed, and now it is needed again, this time to help provide a future for the Ex- change. RESIDES A sponsor. the Exchange needs a location. Last fall, it was in the quonset hut, only to be chased out by SL, its own spon- sor. This semester it shared the Alumni Me- morial Hall with identification card red tape, which was possible only because of the small number who need ID cards at spring registra- tion. At some indefinite time in the future, the Ex- change will be housed in the Student Activities Building. But not a spade has been lifted yet for that venture. In the meantime, the Book Exchange retains the subtitle of The Happy Wanderer. Only the University can alleviate this travel problem, especially when the Ex- change is about to lose its sponsor. Usually the problem of location comes up about the 'time that Book Exchange workers have collected a few books and desperately need a place to put them. Then a hurried confer- ence with University officials produces a new, different and almost satisfactory location with new, different and unexpected piroblems. Al- though an adequate set-up is usually possible under the conditions, students are a semester behind in knowing where the Exchange is. IF THE Exchange is blessed with a permanent residence, it should be able to attract and handle a volume of business that would make this semester's $8,900 look like a roll of pen- nies. That is, if improvements in methods of collecting books and the willingness of the sponsoring organization to spend money to make money were present in sufficient amounts. Yet the immediate problem is one of smaller scope. It is to find a future for the Book Ex- change. And it seems that students must look to the University for the solution, unless some student organization offers to take it over and can show evidence that it will develop the Book Exchange's potentialities. It may be possible that the new Student Gov- ernment Council can handle the task. The Book Exchange seems to be but a slight strain on the -members of its present sponsor. But the University has been of more help in operating the Exchange than, has SL. Maybe the Univer- sity should sponsor the book exchange. -Jim Dygert For Efficacy .. . To the Editor: IN REPLY to Miss Connie Sher- man's letter, some careless typesetter swept us off the bottom of a column like so many Paul Bunyans. Nevertheless, since we hate waste. we are still in favor of sending the base of the statue to East Lansing. A good solid block of oak like that can always find use around a farmyard, perhaps as a paltform for political speech- es or as a chopping block for los- ing coaches. Anyway, the stump does not belong in Ann Arbor; dust is a tradition at Michigan while Paul Bunyan is not. -The Fourteen Others Slot Consulting ... To the Editor: AFTER SPENDING the greater part of two days last week try- ing to see advisors and advisors of advisors, we have concluded that something certainly should be done about the counselling sys- tem here at Michigan. We think that academic coun- selling ought to be more than a "well, what do you want to take this time?" affair sandwiched into a fifteen minute slot. We feel that more men and time should be al- lowed for this very important as- pect of the University's overall program - more men who have taken the time to learn about the courses offered and know some- thing more than the very scant outline of each that appears in the college catalog, and more time in which to work with the indi- vidual student to see that he has made the proper selection of courses,tand that these courses are in the direction of his academic or .vocational interest. For more than two weeks prior to registration it has been im- possible to make an appointment to see your academic counsellor. Moreover in the two hour period set aside for counselling right be- fore registratioon the counsellors have been so swamped with stu- dents that the extent of their counselling has been limited to little more than signing election cards. Under the existing set up if you know what you want to take then there is no need to con- sult the advisors-they simply act as rubber stamps. And if you don't know what you want to take, there isn't too much sense in consulting them either, since they haven't time enough to work out a pro- gram with you. Why should this be? Aren't we entitled to have aca- demic counselors who have the time and resources for this very important job. We think so. It is for these reasons that we would like to make some sugges- tions on how to improve the coun- selling program: 1.) Have more academic advis- ors. 2.) Extend the office hours of these advisors. 3.) Institute some sort of pro- gram for training counsellors so that they know more about the different courses and programs of- fered here at the University. -Jay S. Colen The Facts *** To the Editor: IDISAGREED with what Mr. Ha- ber said in his letter of January the eighth. It sounded like the impressions of a freshman man who had seen a women's dormitory for the first time, and then gone home to his own. I believe that the women's hours are satisfactory from most men's point of view. However there may be a few stu- dents who don't realize that the main reason for college is to learn things that either cannot be learn- ed in later life, or if they can, only with great dififculty. A per- son who shares the views of Mr. Haber has lost his perspective of college life, and must have a poor philosophy to guide his own. It would be nice, Mr. Haber, if all people were as good as you and your friends. Unfortunately, they are not. As a result we have rules, like the one you criticized, per- taining to women's dormitory hours. It would be interesting to have some comments from one of Haber's "slaves." --John E. Buckmaister * * * Stag . . . To the Editor: ='M SURE Marilyn and Joe en- joyed themselves at J-Hop, but what about this Harold Johnson? Going to J-Hop stag! Has he no regard for tradition or is he mere- ly the possessor of a vivid imagi- nation? -Wendy Warbasse Chi Psi Delta Sigma Delta Delta Sigma Theta Delta Tau Delta Delt Theta Phi Freshman Dental Class Gomberg House Nu Sigma Nu Phi Delta Phi Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Tau Phi Rho Sigma Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chii Sigma Nu Feb. 13- Phi Delta Phi Williams-Jordan PERSONNEL REQUESTS: General Electric Co., Aircraft Gas Tur- bine Div., Cincinnati, Ohio, is interested in women with Math majors or minors to work in engineering positions. If several women are interested a repre- sentative will come to campus for inter- views. Positions are in Cincinnati, Ohio; Schenectady, New York; Fort Wayne, Indiana; and Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Descriptive material is available at the Bureau. Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., has openings for women with degrees in Chem.-pharmdcology or biochemistry, to work in the Pharmacology and Bio- chemistry Depts., handling pathological and clinical biochemical work. Barrett Dv., Allied Chemcal and Dye Corp., Toledo, Ohio,needs a man with a B.S. in Organic Chemistry for an open- ing in the Technical Service Group, re- sponsible for development and appli- cation work with polyester resins. New York State Civil Service an- nounces exams for the following open to residents of N.Y. state: Associate Training Tech., Sr. Training Tech., Training Tech., Assist, in Adult Civic Education, Assist. in Americanization and Adult Elementary Educ., Assist, in Educ. for the Aged, Institution Educ. Supervisor, Sr. Library Supervisor, Sr. Publicity Agent (Radio), Probation Ex- aminer. Dentist, Safety Field Rep. (Fire), Motor Equipment Maintenance Foreman, Horticulture, Hearing Report- er, and Hearing Stenographer. Applica- tions for these accepte up to March 18. 1955, The following are open to al qualified citizens of the U.S., and ap- plications for the first two will be ac- cepted up to March 18, 1955: Medical Records Librarian, Wyoming Co.; As- sistant Principal, School of Nursing; and Superintendent of Recreation, Westchester Co., (application will be accepted for this one up to April 1, 1955). The following positions exist in all counties except Bronx, Kings, New York. Queens, and Richmond, and ap- plications will be accepted up to March 18, 1955: Highway General Maintenance Foreman, and Highway Light Mainte- nance Foreman. Guarantee Mutual Life Co., Detroit, Mich., is looking for young men inter- ested in selling life insurance through- out the state. Navy Overseas Employment Office has openings for an Administrative Assist- ant with experience in real estate or law, and a Supervisory Attorney Advi- sor with some knowledg of legal real estate activity-GS-13. Both positions are in Guam, Marianas Island. New York State Civil Service an- nounces exams for Account Clerk, Sta- tistics Clerk, Clerk and File Clerk. Fi- nal filing date Feb. 14, 1955. U.S. Civil Service Commission an- nounces exams for Communications Coding Clerk, Sttstical Clerk, Supply Clerk, and Traffic Clerk. Applicants must have had at least two years of appropriate experience including one year in one of the specialized fields of work appropriate to the positions above. For information about any of the above or other job opportunities con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will interview at the Bureau of Appoint- ment: Thurs., Feb. 17- Elgin Nat'l. Watch Co., Elgin, I1.- (a.m. only)-B.A. men in BusAd, Lit., or Science for Sales Training Program and Supervisory and Engrg. Training Program. Thurs. and Fri., Feb. 17 & 18- General Electric will interview men for a Business Training Program forepo- sitions in plants throughout country. Fri., Feb. 18-- Gen'l Elect., Employee Rel. Service Section-At the Bureau-Men with backgrounds in Indus. Rel., Personnel Admin., Psych., and Law for positions in various plants throughout country for Employee and Plant Community Re- lations. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School. Mon., Feb. 14- Naval Air, Material Center-Phila., Pa., Turbine Test Station - Trenton, N.J., Development Center - Johnsville, Pa.--B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Elect., Mech. E., and Engrg. Physics, for Research, Devel., and Design. Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich.- All levels of Elect., Maintenance, & Chem. E. for Product Engrg., Construc- tion, Maintenance, Product Develop- ment & Technical Services, Pilot Plant, Etc. Mechanical Handling Systems, Inc.- Detroit, Mch.-B.S. In Ind. & Mech. E. for Sales Engrg., Design, Research and Production Engrg. U.S. Govt., Army Ordnance, Detroit Arsenal, Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in Mech., Elect., Metal., and Chem. E. for Sum- mer and Regular Research & Devel. Gulf Oil Co., Gulf Research & Devel. Co., Pittsburgh, Penn.-All levels of Elect., Mech., Chem. E., E. Physics, Chem., Physics, Geological majors and Geophysics majors for Summer and Regular Research & Devel. Calif. Institute of Tech., Jet Propul- sion Lab., Pasadena, Calif.-All levels of Aero., Elect., and Mech. E. for Re- search & Devel. Nat'l Steel Corp., Great Lakes Steel -Detroit, Mich., Weirton Steel Co. -. Weirton, W. Va.-B.S. in Mech., Metal., Elect., & Chem. E. for Production and Devel. Standard Oil Co., Creole Petroleum Co., New York and Venezuela, S. A.--- B.S. & M.S. in Elect., Mech., Chem. E., and Physics for Oil Production and Re- fining. Single men only. Tues., Feb. 15- Dayton Power & Light Co., Dayton, Ohio-B.S. in Civil, Elect., Mech. E. for Engrg. Training Plan. Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh Penn-All levels of Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., Metal., Chem. E., Engrg. Physics, Engrg. Mech. for Production, Devel., Re- search, and Sales. The Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., Co- lumbus, Oho-B.S. & M.S. in Mech. E., and BusAd majors for Sales, Engrg for Production, Research Engrg. U.S. Govt., Naval Research Lab., Washington 25, D.C.-Al levels of Elect., Mech., Metal., and Nuclear E., Physics, & Engrg. Mechanics, for Research. United Aircraft Corp., Research Dept., East Hartford, Conn.-B.S. & M.S. in Chem. E. and all levels of Aero, and Mech. E. for Research. Farnworth Electronics Co. (Div. of I.T.&.T.), Fort Wayne, Ind.-All levels in Elect., Mech., Ind., Physics, Chemis- try, and Math. for Research, Devel., Design, Manufacturing. Pillsbury Mills, Inc. - Minneapolis, Minn.-B.S. & M.S. in Ind., Mech., and Chem. E. for Research and Devel., Pro- duction Training, and Ind. Engrg, Tues. & Wed., Feb. 15 & 16- Trane Co., LaCrosse, Wisc.-B.S, & M.S in Aero., Civil, Elect., Chem. E., Engrg. Mechanics, a id all levels in Mech. E. for Sales Management, Sales Engrg., Research, Product Design, & Devel., Ind. Engrg. Wed., Feb. 16- The Fluor Corporation Ltd., Los An- geles, Calif.-B.S. & M.S. degrees in Mech., Elec., Chem., & Civil (Structural) for Engineering, Construction, & Manu- facturing. B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio -B.S. &* M.S. degrees in Chem., Mech., Elec., Civil, & Ind E.;also Chemists and Physicists for Production, Research General Engineering. B.F. Goodrich Chemical Company, Avon Lake, Oho-B.S. & MS. degrees primarily in Chem. E., but also Chem- ists & Mech. E. for Production, Chemical Development, Sales Dev. Beech Aircraft Corporation, Wichita, Kansas-B.S. & M.S. degrees in Aero. & Mech. E. for Design, Aerodynamic, Structural, Mechanical & Weight Engi- neering. Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor Works, East Chicago, Ind.-8 11levels of Metal, and Chem. E., B.S. & M.S in Math., Physics, Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., Engrg. Mechanics for Research & Devel., Quality Control, Production, Technical Services, Project & Design, Plant & Maintenance Engrg. Bendix Aviation Corp., Bendix Prod- ucts Div., South Bend, Ind.-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Elect., r d Mech. E. for Sum- mer and Regular Product Design, Devel. & Research. Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester, N.Y.-B.S. in Elect., Mech., Chem. E., Engrg. Mech., and Engrg Physics for Re- search, Design, ,Manufacturing and Sales. Norden Lab., White Plains, N.Y.-All levels in Elect. E. and Engrg. Physics for Research, Design, Devel. Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Wal- tham, Mass.-AlI levels in Elect., Mech., Metal. E., Engrg. Math., and Engrg. Physics for Research, Devel., Applica- tion & Field Engrg. For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement Office, 248 W. Engrg., Ext. 2182. Academic Notices History 172 has been moved from 2401 Mason Hall to 411 Mason Hal. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Feb. 10, at 4:00 p.m. In Room 247 West Engineering. Discussion of the program for the semester. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thurs., Feb. 10 at 12:0m. Organiza- tional meeting in Room 3020 A.H School of Business Administration. Faculty Meeting Thurs., Feb. 10, 4:00 p.m. Room 146. Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs., Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Orville L. McCurdy will speak o "Fulvenes." A Seminar in Analytical- Inorganic - Physical Chemistry. Thurs., Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Dr. James D. O'Rourke will speak on "Par- ticle Size Measurements by Photo-Ex- tinction Meth4.°s." 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., Feb. 10, Room 3401 Mason Hall, 4:00-5:30 p.m. C. H. Coombs and R. C. Kao will speak on "Non-Metric Factor Analysis." Schools of Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health. Students, who received mark of I, X, or 'no re- ports' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attendance, will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses, unless this work is made up by March 7 in the Schools of Education, Music and Public Health. In the School of Natural Resources the date is March 4. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work, should file a petition, ad- dressed to the appropriate official of their school, with Room 1513 Admini- stration Building, where it will be transmitted. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Feb. 11, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Free- man D. Miller will speak on "Surveys for the Mass Discovery of Faint Blue Stars." Logic Seminar: Fri., Feb. 11, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 3010 A.H. Dr. Buchi will speak on " Tarski's Definition of Defin- ability." The Extension Service announces the following classes to be held in Ann Ar- bor beginning Thurs., Feb. 10: American Decorative Arts and Their Cultural Background-7:30 p.m. 4 Tap- pan Hall. 8 weeks. $10.00. Gerald G. Gibson, Instructor. Motion and Time Study (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 136)-7:00- 10:00 p.m. 102 Industrial Mechanics Lab- oratory, West Engineering Building. 16 weeks. Registration fee, $27.00. Labora- tory fee, $3.00. Prof. Quentin C. vines, Instructor. Painting. Advanced Course-7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building. 16 weeks. $18.00. Prof. Richard Wilt, Instructor.' Elementary Engineering D r a w i n g. Laboratory - 7:00 n.m. (Engineering Doctoral Examination for James Da- vis Shortt, Jr., Education; thesis: "Ap- praisal of the Counseling Facilities in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Michigan," Fri., Feb. 11, 4019 University High School, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,. H. C. Koch. Doctoral .Examination for Richard Frederick Berendt, Bacteriology; thesis: "Resistance-Lowering Properties of Na- sal Secretions," Fri., Feb. 11, 1566 East Medical Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester. Biological Chemistry Seminar: F. S. K. Mac Millan, a graduate student in the Department of Biological Chemistry, will discuss some phases of the research work contained in his doctoral disserta- tion. The topic is: "The Formation of Glucuronlc Acid and its Role in the Metabolism of Foreign Organic Com- pounds." oom 31, West Medical Building, Sat., Feb.312, at 10:00 a.m. Concerts Isaac Stern, Violinist, will give the fourth concert in the Extra Series, Thurs., Feb. 10, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Au- ditorium. He will be assisted by Alexan- der Zakin, pianist, in the following pro- gram: La Folia (Corelli); Franck's Son- ata In A major; Mozart's Concerto No a in G major; Rhapsody (Dinastera); La Fontaine d'Arethuse (Szymnowski); and La Campanella (Paganini). Tickets are available daily at the of- fices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower; and will be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7:00 p.m. tonight. Faculty Concert: Frances Greer, so- prano, will appear in her first Ann Ar- bor recital at 8:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 11, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, when she will sing compositions by Arnold, Pur- cell, Pergolesi, Ravel, Poulenc, Hahn, Gaubert, Weill, Carpenter, Bliss, Gibbs, and Hagemann. Miss Greer will be me- c'ompanied by Eugene Bossart, lecturer in vocal literature and accompanying In the School of Music. Open to the gen- eral public. Events Today The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Thurs., Feb. 10, 5:00-5:30 pr., Mid- Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel of the Congregational Church. 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class at Guild House, 438 Maynard Street. "Great Ideas of the Bible." International Center Tea. Thurs, Feb. 10, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Build- ing. La p'tite causette will meet Thurs., Feb. 10 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room of the Michigan Union Cafeteria. French' 1 through French 201.-Every. one welcome. li On Pars Francais, Alpha Phi Omega-Business meeting Thurs., Feb. 10, in the Union. All ac- tives are requested to attend. Dues will be collected. Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall. The Annual French Play: First meet- ing of the cast for "L'Avare" will take place Thurs., Feb. 10 at 7:00 p.m. In Room 200 of the Romance Language Building. Sailing Club-Meeting Thurs, Feb. 10 for all past members. Plans for the coming semester will be discussed. Dues will be collected. Mid-Week Vespers sponsored by the Westminster Student Fellowship in the third floor chapel of the Presbyterian Student Center. Meeting of the Senior Board. Thurs., Feb. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the League. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. Please be prompt as there is a great deal of work to cover, ie., Senior Ball and Graduation committees. First meeting of Arts Chorale in Aud. D Angell Hall Thurs. at 7:00 p.m. Open to campus. Modern dance club will meet Thurs.. Feb. 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the dance studio of Barbour Gym. Beginners as well as more advanced students are encour- aged to come to this meeting prepared for a regular lesson. There will also be an organizational meeting of all old and new members. This is a coeduca- tional club which will meet every Thurs. evening this semester. Meeting of all those Interested in tak- ing part in the Hillelzopoppin 'Inde- pendent Co-Ed Skit, Hillel Building, 7:15 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 10. First Baptist Church. Thurs., Feb. 10. 7:00 p.m. Yoke Fellowship in Prayer Room. Ice Skating Club--7:30 p.nr. today at the Women's Athletic Building. Any men or women who are interested are welcome to attend. The Student Zionist Organization will hold its first meeting of the semester Thurs., Feb. 10, 8:00 p.m., at the B'nal Brith Hillel Foundation. The meetijng will be followed by Israeli singing and dancing. Coming Events Westminster Student Fellowship Val- entine Party will be held in the Social Hall of the Presbyterian Church at 8:15 p.m. Fri., Feb. 11. Square dancing, games, and refreshments. Cost to cover refreshments will be 10c. Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hall this and every Fri. afternoon at 4:30 p.m. Hillel: Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m. Sixth Annual Institute on Advocacy, Feb. 11 and 12, presented by the Law School. "Problems of Trial Evidence." Rackham Bldg. Fri. sessions at 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 and 8:00 p.m.; Sat. sessions at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Of special interest will be the talk by Joseph N. Welch of the Boston Bar on "Advocacy Before Senate Committees, 8:00 p.m. Fri. Registration Fee: $7.50. Students and faculty are welcome tn at -1 .k I MUSIC 4, Lydia Mendelssohn . .. UNIVERSITY WOODWIND QUINTET. Nel- son Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe; Albert Luconi, clarinet; Clyde Car- penter, horn; Lewis Cooper, bassoon. Mar- ian Owen, pianist. LAST night's concert by the University Wood- wind Quintet was a well attended and, on the whole, thoroughly enjoyable evening. There is a strong sense of adventure in the hearing of such an ensemble; unlike a string quartet, the wind group relies for its effectiveness upon the strong contrasts in color which the dif- ferent instruments present. The handling of five dissimilar voices is no easy problem for a composer; and the first work on the program, Berezowsky's Suite No. 2, was largely a dis- appointment in this and other respects. The horn functioned as a sort of second bassoon, while Mr. Luconi's many solos in the "throat" register of the clarinet had to be unpleasantly forced in order to be heard. Musically, the work was disjointed and diffuse, and Mr. Bere- zowsky missed several good opportunities to bring it to a close. Ropartz' Deux Pieces, while strongly reflect- ing the influence of his teacher, Franck, were pleasant listening and were sympathetically performed. A sharp contrast was provided by Arnold's Three Shanties, in which the com- poser missed no opportunity to utilize the hu- morous effects of which the quintet is capable. An academic, but mercifully brief set of varia- tions by Tomasi concluded the first half of CURRENT MOVIES t &!21f Ifil aiZ~ lziltj At Architecture Auditorium . Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......................Managing Editor Dorothy M yer ............_..City Editor Jon Sobeloff..........................Editorial Director Pat Roeofs................ ..Associate bity Editor Becky Conrad., . .......A..... Associate Editor Nan Swinehart. . ..... .... . Associate Editor Dave Livingston ...................Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ,.............Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor Roz Sbimovtz.*... .. . Women's Editor Janet Smith..............Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton......................Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.......,.................Business Manager Phil Brunskill..............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise......................Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski.....,......... - Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member Tl_ A c-;nFD Vve YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU with Jean Arthur, Lionel Barry- more and James Stewart. TIME somehow has a way of changing films. Screen efforts that were once considered the "best of the year" often appear rather trite, and at most passe, when viewed after a decade or two. This is mtach the case with You Can't Take It With You, 1938's Academy Award-winning film. The political and philosophical doctrine it presents is that nasty rich men make the world a nasty place, that poor folks are regular, nice guys. Taken from the Pulitzer Prize play by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, You Can't Take It With You was adapted for the screen +, by Robert Riskin and filmed by These men are all top profes- sionals; and any merit which the film still displays is largely the result of their widely recognized talents. The Kaufman-Moss lines are funny, the Riskin adaptation faithful, and the Capra direction tight and well controlled. T HE story concerns a young man, Tony Kirby (James Stewart), who is the son of rich banking parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- thony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold and Mary Forbes), social snobs{ in the best tradition. Tony falls in Producer-Director Frank Capra. is a Southern ex-football player who prints Communist literature for distribution with candy bars. Of course, the chief problem is to reconcile rich parents to poor parents, a tast which obviously proves trying. But in so doing, the Kirby's become "regular guys," the poor are fed, and everybody is happy. ASLONG as it remains a com- edy, You Can't Take It With You is great fun. But like other comedies of the thirties, it soon begins preaching, without subtlety I