SPRING, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE M7M SPRING, 1955 FilE MICHiGAN DAILY PAGE I~TVN EXPANDING NEEDS: Dentistry School Completes Study By PAUL H. JESERICH Dean of The School of Dentistry During the last three years a thorough study of most of the den- tal educational facilities in the United States and Canada has been made preliminary to the de- velopment of plans to provide mod- ern facilities to meet the present undergraduate dental student and dental hygienist enrollment and the expanding needs for dental manpower to serve the rapidly in- creasing population of the State of Michigan for the next twenty-five years or more. A careful study of the manpower needs justifies an increase from the present capacityenrollment of 97 freshmen to 150 plus an increase in the dental hygienist freshman enrollment from 40 to 80. Planned Changes In this planning, full considera-Y tion has been given to those facili- ties necessary not only to permitk increased enrollment, but also to f make possible additions to and improvements in the undergradu-f ate curriculum, research programs, and for the use of new teaching methods long felt necessary by thet faculty to keep the School a lead- er in dental education and to pro- vide the highest standards of serv- ice to the people of Michigan. The greatest need of the School of Dentistry, in order to achieve these objectives, is for additional1 space and equipmen for under- graduate instructional and re- search facilities for the present enrollment and that which must be anticipated in the immediate fu- ture. The faculty of the School is rec- ognized as one of the most out- standing in the world from the point of view of the objectives of instruction and research. It has the capabilities, the desire and the necessary vision to'initiate changes in dental education which will be of great significance to the pro- fession and the public it serves when the facilities provided in 1908 and added to in 1923 are modern- ized, enlarged and equipped to meet the expanded needs of den- tal education for the present and the future. History of Changest Undergraduate facilities hve not kept abreast with those re- quired for the many and rapidi changes which have taken places in dental education in recent years.1 In 1908 dental education consisted of instruction in seven fields of d e n t a l procedures pertaining largely to technical and clinical skills. Since that time dentistry has become a fully recognized health] service profession and dental edu- cation has included instruction in1 the biological and physical sciences] and their correlation with numer-l ous advances in technical and clin- ical procedures requiring special- ized skills. At present there are twenty-two1 major fields of study in the under-1 graduate dental curriculum in con- trast to the seven of 1908. The staff has been increased from 17 peo-1 ple in 1908 to 139 in 1955, to meet the increased instructional load, but the undergraduate facilities have notubeen increasedcother than some added clinical and lab- DEAN JESERICH oratory space in 1923 and some' new clinical equipment in 1949. Other factors which h a v e; brought about a serious shortage of facilities are the following: The change from a three to a four year program in 1935; The requirement of two years of clinical instruction starting in 1938 as a result of the four year course which necessitated clinical space and equipment for juniors as well as seniors; The initiating of the two year course for dental hygienists in 1921 with each class requiring lecture, laboratory and clinical facilities; The increased requirements for clinical instruction in dentistry for children, periodontia, endodontia, orthodontia and partial denture prosthesis; The more than doubled enroll- ment of undergraduate students since 1947; 1 And the tripled enrollment of dental hygienists since 1948. Recent Enrollment Boom Because of a low enrollment from 1933 to 1947 the facilities of the School were fairly satisfactory at that time as far as technical and clinical instruction were con- cerned. Since 1947 it has been necessary to use the facilities of the W. K. K e 11 o g g Foundation Institute; Graduate and -Postgraduate Den- tistry for undergraduate instruc- tion in four clinical fields of den- tistry. This his necessitated a decrease in the number of postgraduate courses and in the enrollment of the Institute. Such improvising was intended to be a temporary measure with no intent to inter- fere permanently with the ob- jectives of the Institute. Admission Boom In 1947 and 1948 the School of Dentistry began to have heavy de- mands for admission. This was thought to be a temporary prob- lem caused by the G.I. Bill of Rights and the returning veterans. Such has not proved to be the case. Applications from well-qualified residents of Michigan continue to be two to three times the num- ber the present facilities justify accepting. To relieve this situation and at the same time meet -the dental manpower needs of the increasing population of Michigan additional facilities for undergraduate den- tal education should be provided as soon as possible. More Dental Units Slated By ARLIS GARON A request for $628,000 has been made to the Legislature to finance plans for the dental school build- ing program. Planning will concern the build- ing of a School of Dentistry, a den- tal building, and remodeling and additions to the present dentistry building. University Vice-Presi- dent Wilbur K. Pierpont said they hope to start construction next spring. Probable location of the new buildings will be northeast of the present dental building. It will ex- tend into the rear parking lot and lawn of the ROTC building. The present dental building on North University was first occu- pied in 1908. It was built at a cost of $90,259.82. The lowest estimate for the new buildings is $6,600,000. Currently the planning commit- tee estimates the cost will be $30 to $35 per square foot not includ- ing dental equipment. One esti- mate for the total cost of new buildings was $8,100,000. Planning began last October when the Regents approved funds for the employment of Lewis J. Sarvis, an architect from Battle Creek. Sarvis also planned the K e l1 o g g Foundation Institute, Health Service, rnd the Public Health Bldg. Director of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute, William R. Mann, is chairman of the building committee. Paul H. Jeserich, Dean of the dental school, Robert E. Doerr of the dental school, Sarvis and representatives from the plant department are also on the com- Mittee. New additions will allow expan- sion of the Dental library and more space for offices, research and clinical practice. Space Needs High on List An additional 50,000 square feet of space for classrooms, office and laboratory space is listed as a top priority requirement by Dean Thomas D. Rowe of the pharmacy school. Although the pharmacy school is "on the list" for a new build- ing, the dean doesn't expect one to be completed "for at least five years and maybe more.'"' Currently the school shares one building with the chemistry de- partment. Although the pharmacy school can handle present under- graduate enrollment and a few graduate students, the space for graduate students is not sufficient. A new building for the phar- macy school is planned to accom- modate twice the number of stu- dents currently enrolled. The building will cost about two mil- lion dollars. Public Health Mlay' Double Capacity Expanding the School of Public Health to more than double its present size is the hope of Dean Henry F. Vaughan. Costing from four to five mil- lion dollars, constrution of an extension on the present E-shaped building has not yet received Uni- versity backing. Plans already drawn up call :or an addition to 100,000 square feet to the school's present 70,000 square feet. DEAN VAUGHAN: SLATED FOR completion this summer, the new Medical Li- brary will have a capacity of 160,- 000 volumes, according to Director of Libraries Frederick Wagman. A gift of $600,000 from the Kres- ge Foundation will provide funds for the library, built as a replace- ment for the present medical li-, brary, nursing library and hospi- tal library. With dimensions of 105 feet by 119 feet, the new library will have four stack levels, a reading room 54 feet by 102 feet, conference room and a rare book room. Five group study rooms and 601 carells will provide study space in the stacks. Air-conditioned throughout, the library has been "carefully decor- ated to make it pleasant and rest- ful to the eye," Prof. Wagman said. Above low book cases, the entire north wall is glass. --Daily-John Hirtzei EIGHTY-SEVEN YEAR TRADITION: Pharmacy-College Sets Pace Outlines Needs For Public Health By HENRY F. VAUGHAN Dean of the School of Public Health Formal instruction in hygiene and health began at Michigan in 1889 with the opening of the Hy- gienic Laboratory, a building which now stands on the old campus, funds for which were made avail- 'able by the State Legislature in 1887. For many years this laboratory was used jointly by the University and the Michigan State Board of Health to investigate and control epidemic diseases and to instruct students in the art and science of preventive medicine. The first Master's Degree given in the health field was bestowed, uponthe late Dr. Edna Day in 1897. History of Scohol In 1921 the Division of Hygiene and Public Health was created by the Board of Regents at the re- quest of Presidept Burton. In 1941 President Ruthven recommended to the Board of Regents that a School of Public Health be estab- lished with authority to maintain its own faculty and recommend degrees in public health. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation provided funds for a building and a modest sum with which to in- troduce the new program. The modern health movement requires the ingredients of men, money, and material which can be best found among the groups whom it is intended to serve. Te latent resources of the sev- eral professions including medi- cine, dentistry, engineering, and education must be activated to- gether with the resources of the lay public. It is through such a system of coordination that im- provement in environmental and personal health may be brought to pass. The School of Public Health serves to provide graduate educa- tion for those who are already basically trained in the several disciplines which play a part in volves (1) the improvement of the technical competence of special- ists in the various phases of ap- plied public health work, and (2) education in the skills of the pub- lic health profession. Those who come into this profession already have a professional orientation in medicine, dentistry, engineering, nursing, etc. Needs of School The School of Public Health building was designed fifteen years ago for a maximum uf 180 to 200 students. The exigencies of World War II precluded the construction of a building of adequate size. By TOM D. ROWE Dean of Pharmacy College DEAN VAUGHAN The nationwide pattern{ or pres- ent-day pharmaceutical education originated at the University of Michigan eighty-seven years ago. At that time, a course of study in pharmacy was set up within the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the first state Uni- versity to offer pharmacy. Stan- dard courses in chemistry and re- lated fields were part of the de- gree requirements. This too was the first time that courses other than pharmacy were required of students in this field. These requirements were resisted at first by pharmaceutical educa- tors outside the University but slowly became accepted and wide-I ly adapted. The Department of Pharmacy became the School of Pharmacy in 1876. Through the years, able ad- ministration and a strong faculty developed a school which became and continues to be a leader in American pharmaceutical educa- tion. University Ranks High We believe our college today, both on the undergraduate and graduate -levels, is equal in quality of training to any in the country. Our staff has a number of in- dividuals who are generally recog- nized as the nation's outstanding men in their specialties. Our grad- uates are practicing successfully in and are sought after by all Ibranches of the profession. Varied Programs We have a number of distinct and outstanding programs. Among these are: A graduate program in hospital pharmacy which was one of the first in this field and is now the largest. We are the only College of Phar- macy to offer within our own unit courses designed to prepare teach- ers of pharmacy. More pharma- ceutical chemists specializing in synthetic medicinalc.h e mi isgt r y have studied at Michigan than in fled applicants because of shortage of research facilities. Further ex- pansion is impossible without ad- d i t i o n a l laboratory facilities. While we can handle the current undergraduate enrollment, we will within the next decade exceed our present capacity. Future Changes During the next decade major changes are to be made in phar- maceutical education in all Ameri- can colleges of pharmacy. The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy has voted to extend the program in member colleges toV a total of five years beginning in 1960. The pattern to be followed will be either one pre-pharmacy year plus four in pharmacy (1-4) or two pre-pharmacy years plus three in pharmacy (2-3). The extension of the program will enable us to make additional improvements. In particular, to: (1) provide more courses in general education; (2) cut down the present overloaded student schedule; and (3) teach our professional courses at a high- er level. Addition of courses in general education will enable us to gradu- ate pharmacists with a broader training, and we hope a better un- derstanding of their responsibili- ties as citizens. At present there is need of ad- ditional physical plant and facili- ties of 100,000 square feet, and an annual University implementing budget of about $200,000 for teacing and research. Such additional physical and staff facilities would be concerned with human biology in relation to the nature and promotion of health; the development of knowl- edge and utilization of the ways by which fundamental manipula- tion of the environment can be used to promote health. New Understanding Environmental health work in the past has concerned itself most- ly with the elimination of group hazards to human health. There is need for new information, tech- niques, and understanding as an approach to the basic improve- ment of the environment, as a means of health promotion. Additional space for workshop i and laboratory teaching methods necessary for instruction in the unified application of multi-pro- fessional knowledge and tech- niques to the solution of commu- nity health problems is required. Michigan's Status Michigan must keep abreast or in advance of the nine other uni- versities which maintain accred- ited schoo s of public health, three of which ave facilities more mod- ern than those now available at Michigan. The State of Michigan and its University have been pio- neers in health promotion, in- struction, and research and this status should be maintained. The demands upon the School for building space and teaching facilities will probably be doubled during the next ten to fifteen years. DEAN ROWE any other American college of Pharmacy. The undergraduate curriculum has undergone extensive changes in recent years, and we now offer three options for under-graduates, instead of the customary one. We have a curriculum for stu- dents planning to enter retail pharmacy; one for those expect- ing to engage in manufacturing pharmacy or hospital pharmacy; and one for students planning to do graduate work leading to a ca- reer in research. Expanding Grad Program Our graduate program is ex- panding, with several fields of study now available. In addition to hospital pharmacy and synthet- ic pharmaceutical chemistry, we have programs in analytical phar- maceutical chemistry, and in man- ufacturing pharmacy. It is our plan to offer graduate work in pharmacognosy and pharmaceuti- cal administration within the next few years. Lack of Space Unfortunately, we are ham- pered in expansion of the gradu- ate program by lack of space. During the past few years, we have had to refuse admission to about four out of every five quali- I fill IF We are pleased to have supplied the millwork on the following University of Michigan projects that have been completed on or are under construction: JOB ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR Couzens Hall Ralph J. Calder Spence Brothers Children's Hospital (Psychiatric Unit) Swanson & Associates Jeffress-Dyer, Inc. Kresge Medical Research Bldg. Giffels & Vallet Jeffress-Dyer, Inc. (Library Addition) Angell Hall Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Bryant & Detwiler Mortimer E. Cooley Bldg. C. L. T. Gabler Jeffress-Dyer, Inc. Medical Research Bldg. Giffels & Vallet Jeffress-Dyer, Inc. Woman's Physical Education Lee & Kenneth C. Black Jeffress-Dyer, Inc. Chemistry Bldg. Louis Kingscott Bryant & Detwiler General Service Bldg. Harley, Ellington & Day Bryant & Detwiler Men's Dormitory Andrew R. Morrison Bryant & Detwiler Women's Dormitory Clair W. Ditchy George A. Fuller Co. In order to facilitate the ever-expanding athletic program at the University the new athletic administration building has been constructed. We are pleased to have supplied I the lumber for this building. I Gill Lumber Co. 11 111 II r-t tr^ A re.r !r f-r.rEVT'r P A I I I I tt tI l 1r-A kill