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April 24, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-24

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SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1955

I i

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CSP - A.Noble Experiment,
But No One Noticed
A NOBLE experiment died this week, so qui- It rejected any extremists on both sides,
etly that it almost went unnoticed. and never backed enough people so that even
It was called the Common Sense party, al- if it was successful in the elections, could
though the "sense" it advocated was rather Common Sensers form any block or power in
uncommonly accepted, and it never really the government.
achieved party organization. The result was a small clique that stood for
Born only a year ago, the CSP founders be- "good," which everyone endorsed.
lieved that a party system in student govern- The institution of the Student Government
ment could combat the growing apathy, bring Council should have helped, rather than hurt
forth issues, and more capable candidates. CSP. They then would have to support even
But it entered a form of student government fewer candidates and could be more particular.
that was decaying, and that everyone preferred
to let decayo BUT NOW even CSPers were generally dis-
In this atmosphere it became impossible to B interested, and th new philosophy was that
Interest new, capable candidates, and the only SGC could cure all student government prob-
issue that seemed of any importance was es- lems itself.
tablishing a new structure for student gov- Whether it can is premature to judge. If It
can't, the desire to formulate issues and com-
MAJOR cause of defeat was something bat apathy will probably bring a revival in
that CSP was almost powerless to do any- student "party" interest.
thing about. There just was no opposition If and when it does, the Common Sense
party to stir up any interest. Party stands as a good lesson.
That CSP wasn't taken too seriously was its It was a noble experiment because it offered
own fault. Its platform tried to satisfy every- a possible revitalization to student government.
one, stood for plans that most everyone agreed But even in death, no one paid it much at-
on, and provided no ideas on how this popu- tention.
lar project could be instituted. --Murry Frymer

Associated Press News Analyst
INDIA'S NEHRU probably pointed more di-
rectly than he realized to the outcome of
the Bandung conference when he supported the
peace resolution offered by the sponsoring pow-
ers as something which nobody could oppose.
As the conference continues it becomes in-
creasingly evident that the anti-Communist
group is thoroughly alert not only to prevent
adoption of any positive position against the
West, but also put its objections to interna-
tional communism into the record.
.The Communist peace offensive is never
anything that anybody can oppose, any more
than you can oppose kindness toward your
mother, until you get around to the matter
of intent.
CEYLON WENT to the heart of the whole in-
ternational brawl when her representative
suggested that it was just as important for
Russia to abolish the Cominform, free her
satelites and stop trying to acquire more as it
was for the Western colonial powers to extend
independence to the areas they control.
This is a point over which Western diplo-
mats have stumbled all during the cold war.
They have directed their efforts toward con-
tractual relations while skirting the central

fact that there will be no peace while there is
Nehru's definition of the Balkan and cen-
tral European states as "free" because they
hold United Nations membership is, in the
first place, only partly true as a fact and, in
the second place, completely untrue in prin-
ciple. It is true that seats are held in the names
of Poland and Czechoslovakia, just as seats
are held in the names of the Ukraine and White
Russia. The resord of their complete puppetry is
too clear to be worth discussing.
CHOU EN-LAI smothered his anger at the
Ceylonese approach and said the confer-
ence ought not to get into arguments about
ideology. But subjugation by force is not an
ideology. It is a line of conduct long since re-
pudiated by the West, although the colonial
powers have not yet been able to untangleball
the coils they wound around themselves be-
fore they realized the trouble they were get-
ting into so many years ago.
Chou sat back and let Nehru carry the ball
for him, and the Indian Prime Minister made
his effort. Zut he isn't Gandhi, and his
slip is showing, and instead of enhancing his
Gandhi-like pose has failed. His pro-Communist
leadership in Asia, the conference has resulted
in direct revolts against it. For Nehru, the con-
ference is bound to be a failure.



LAST MONDAY the Chinese Ambassador, Dr.
Wellington Koo, delivered a long and in-
teresting speech on the attitude of his govern-
ment in Formosa. They will reject, indeed they
will resist, any proposal which calls for their
withdrawal from the off-shore islands. There
was much passion in the speech. For while Dr.
Koo observed the diplomatic niceties and pre-
tended that he was talking about "the well-
meaning pacifists of the free world" who are
"the sponsors of fanciful formulas," he was
quite plainly thinking about Mr. Adlai Steven-
son's speech of the week before, and he was
talking at, or over the head of, Mr. Dulles.
THE FORMULAS, of which many have been
talked about in the capital of the world
and in the corridors of the UN, are all of them,
I believe, variations on two basic themes. The
first collection of formulas are designed to
strike a balance with Peiping in which the
)ff-shore islands, plus perhaps other consider-
ations such as the UN seat, are to be given to
Peiping in return for a cease-fire; Peiping
for its part would be agreeing not to use lethal
weapons to "liberate" Formosa, and would be
assenting to a military co-existence with Chi-
ang's regime. I think it is correct to say that
this was the general idea in Washington when
when the Formosa resolution was being of-
fered to Congress.
Dr. Koo is right, it seems to me, in calling
these formulas "fanciful," and indeed in
speaking of them as an attempt to appease the
Communists. But it is hard to believe that Dr.
Koo is really worrying about formulas which
have become so unreal and so fanciful. For
they have been rejected not only by his own
government in Formosa, but even more em-
phatically by the government in Peiping. What
must really be worrying him is the second line
Df negotiations, which he did not however
refer to expressly. This is the attempt to nego-
tiate not with the Chinese Communists but
among the Allies. Here the bargain would be
an Allied guarantee of Formosa in return for a
disengagement from the off-shore islands..
A FORMULA of this sort might help the Pre-
sident and Mr. Dulles to disentangle them-
selves in Congress. But if it were a serious and
candid international agreement, it would have
to bea aranentee against the military con-

the Generalissimo would still refuse to leave
the off-shore islands. And-this is said by
Implication-if the Generalissimo refuses to
leave the islands, then the President's horrid
predicament will remain.
For the Nationalist troops are reported to be
about a third of Chiang's army. As used to be
said of the French troops which were locked
up in Dienbienphu, they are like a goat tethered
in the jungle as bait for the tiger. The Presi-
dent is being cast for the role of the hunter
with the big gun who has promised his friends
to sacrifice the goat because he will not shoot
the tiger.
THE MORAL OF all this is, I submit, that it
is an illusion to regard the off-shore is-
lands as assets in bargaining either with the
Communists or with our Allies. The truth up-
on which American policy ought to be based
is that the off-shore islands are liabilities.
Contrary to a widespread opinion, the se-
curity of Formosa is not enhanced, it is on the
-contrary jeopardized, by Chiang's stand in the
off-shore islands. They are related to the se-
curity of Formosa only because they greatly in-
crease the insecurity of Formosa.
FOR IF A general war with mainland China
were to break out-and if it were to be
fought with atomic weapons in the Carney
style-how could Formosa be defended? Sup-
pose, as is more likely than not, that the Red
Chinese have received from the Soviet Union,
or have been promised, some nuclear weapons
of their own. Only the most headstrong in their
recklessness will deny that what is so pos-
sible is also probable. Formosa is a most vul-
nerable target to atomic bombing. Being a
small island without space behind it, Formosa
is infinitely more vulnerable to atomic des-
truction than is mainland China with its vast;
space and its vast depth and its enormous
And what are we to suppose that Japan
would do in such a war? Is it reasonable to
imagine that Japan would and could permit
the United States to use her territory as a base
in an atomic war against the ally of the Soviet
Union-which has an air force and a stockpile
of nuclear weapons, and is two hours flying
time from Japan?
IT WOULD be well for Dr. Koo and his Ameri-
n nfripandnq +o enn nrptntna t ha+ nna

An Editorial00
Within a decade the present University campus
may be almost unrecognizable to the graduate of 1955.
Vast changes are in the offing. A multi-million
dollar plant expansion on the main campus is already
underway. On the rolling plains north of the Huron
River the North Campus is being developed to provide
a whole new cultural, educational and research center
for the University.
Sixty miles to the north, rapid strides plant-wise
are being made at the University's new Flint Campus.
Classes under University auspices are expected to open
there by September, 1956. A rich endowment and Leg-
islative appropriations should provide physical facilities
in keeping with the University's educational standards.
In dollars and cents this development will probably
cost the State and University more than 90 million
over the next ten years. The lion's share of this is ex-
pected to come from Legislative appropriations.
But the program of a great university will always
need much more than the Legislature can provide.
While some of the "extras" that distinguish the Univer-
sity of Michigan from the rank-and-file cannot be bought,
others require money. Housing, recreational and stu-
dent activities facilities, special research projects and li-
brary collections are among essential "extras" which must
be provided by non-State support.
Fortunately the University has sources from which
to get these badly needed extra funds. Foundations and
industry have realized the need and have been generous
in their support of many significant projects. We can
expect support from this direction to increase.
Equally important is the role of the University's
150,000 alumni as contributors to continued develop.
ment. Within the three years since the Development
Council was organized, it has achieved remarkable suc-
cess in making alumni aware of our needs and mobiliz-
ing them into an annual giving program that should
pay big dividends as enrollments and needs become much
greater in the near future.
The student body too has an important stake in the
University's future. It can make an important contribu.
tion by becoming aware of the University's needs and
the part students can later play as alumni in meeting
those needs.
Plans for the physical development of the Univer-
sity are inspiring, but they give only half the picture.
Hand-in-hand with this growth we can also expect a
corresponding expansion of educational and research
We may also expect that the University's high aca-
demic standards will be maintained. The intellectual cli-
mate of the University is to a very large extent deter-
mined by the quality of the student body. We believe
that the University is aware of the need for this quality,
and that the next ten or twenty years will not witness
exoansion merely for the sake of expansion. Rather.

GM News
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
of Drew Pearson's columns on the
news censorship in Washington.
WASHINGTON-Not since Jan.
11, 1954 has Secretary of De-
fense Wilson issued a list of the
first 100 companies getting de-
fense contracts. This was a prac-
tice followed regularly in the past,
but the last list showed Wilson's
company, General Motors, way out
in front with 7.2 per cent of all
Since then, the likable, persis-
tent ex-General Motors head has
issued no list, though urged by
subordinates to do so. Instead, he
has clamped an even tighter cen-
sorship on his department, which
spends 70 per cent of the taxpay-
ers' money. This is what concerns
newspaper editors, now meeting in
Washington, already under attack
by Harry Truman for not printing
the truth about the Ike-Adminis-
General Motors Favored- Here
is a cross-section of news which
has been censored, either during
or shortly before Wilson's regime:
In 1953, Ford and Chrysler, for-
mer producers of the Patton M-48
tank, were arbitrarily declared out
of production with General Motors
continuing production ... Stude-
baker, an independent company,
was ordered to end construction
of the 2.5-ton truck . . . Chrysler
and American' Locomotive were
ordered to stop production on the
M-47 tank. In contrast, the M-41
tank was continued at full speed
at GM's Cadillac plant . . . Gen-
eral Motors was ordered to take
over antiaircraft gun production,
cutting out American Car and
Foundry ... All these orders, di-
rect from the Pentagon, were cen-
sored . . . The Defense Depart-
ment is required by law to submit
its contracts to competitive bid-
ding. This is done in only 9 per
cent of the contracts. The law is
shockingly disobeyed, with the re-
sult that big business gets the
contracts. News regarding this is
General Motors Waste- GM's
Fisher Body division was given a
contract to make 757 vertical tur-
ret lathes at a cost of $90,600 per
lathe, though it had no experience
in this field and though the Bull-
ard Co., of Bridgeport, Conn., an
experienced firm, charged only
$38,000 . . . The contract went to
General Motors on the recommen-
dation of H. R. Boyer, a General
Motors official loaned to the gov-
ernment. His advice cost the tax-
payers $68,000,000 . . . GM also
got a free gift of 427 units of tool-
ing machinery . . . This occurred
before Charley Wilson took over
Defense, and the facts were cen-
sored-as are all facts which prove
embarrassing or involve skulldug-
gery ... The Allison Motors Divi-
sion of General Motors made Sa-
bre-jet engines for the Airi Force
in 1950-51 at a profit of 39 per
cent. They did this by charging a
10 or 12 per cent profit by one
GM subsidiary, then a profit by the
next GM subsidiary, then another
profit by the third GM subsidiary
... While lagging far behind in
Sabre-jet production, General Mo-
tors executives had time to get
houses and barns built for them-
selves at cost by a construction
company doing business for the
government-Huber, Hunt and Ni-
chols . . . Daniel Babcock, chief
engineer for GM's Allison Division,
got a $31,000 home built for $15,-

800 ... Edward B. McNeil, a GM
vice-president, got an air-condi
tioning system installed at cost--
$3,890.18 . . . GM official I. E.
Settle got a barn built at cost .. .
All these facts were censored
though later dug out and publish-
ed in this column Jan. 24, 1953.
Brass-Hat Waste - Censoring
News coincides with the views of
many brass hats, though not all.
Many officers welcome public scru-
tiny, feel the taxpayers are en-
titled to know the truth .. . Some
exceptions: Brig. Gen. Emil Kiel
who sent a special plane from
Ecuador to Panama to get his din-
ner jacket. Cost of the plane trip
-$4,000 .. . Army officers who
signed a contract to buy combat
boots for $24.65 each whereas the
Marine combat boot-almost iden-
tical-costs $16.80.
Man Behind Wilson-Press chief
who whispers in Wilson's ear on
censorship is fluttering Clarence
Herschel Schooley who, prior to
"The Great Crusade," was fervent
in his endorsement of New Deal-
ism and a frequent back-row mem-
ber of the crowds welcoming Harry
ry Truman back from whistle-
stopping ... All this changed with
Ike's election. Schooley turned up
at the Republican National Com-
mittee with scrapbooks, to prove
that: "I am a Republican and I
can prove it." Friends got the im-
pression that he expected to be-
come an Assistant Secretary of
Defense .. . Like Ike, he joined the
National Presbyterian Church, ev-


(Continued from Page 2)
ty School)-Teacher Needs: Kindergar-
ten; Third; Agriculture; Girls Physical
Laingsburg, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Industrial Arts; English (man pfd);
Chemistry-Physics (man pfd.); Vocal
Music - (elementary and high school
glee club (woman pd.).
Midland, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Elementary Special Teachers: Physical
Education; Art; Vocal Music; Early and
Later Elementary; Physical Education,
H.S. & Intermediate; Librarian-H.S.
& Intermediate; H.S. Physical Educa-
tion for boys-Swimming; Physical Edu-
cation for Girls-Swimming.
Pinconning, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: English; Home Economics;
Mathematics; Commerce.
Pontica, Michigan (Waterford Town-
ship Schools)-Teacher Needs: Home
Economics; Auto Mechanics; Assistant
Librarian; (with Social Studies minor);
-Mathematics-General Mathematics -
Geometry; Instrumental Music (or-
Port Huron, Michigan (Township
School Dist)-Teacher Needs: Seventh;
Ninth Grade; Art or Music (Jr. High
and Elementary); Home Economics;
Physical Education. The 7th and 9th
grade teachers will teach all three ba-
sic subject areas; Arithmetic, English.
and Social Studies.
Rockford, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Jr. High English; Girls Physical Edu-
cation, elementary and H.S.: vocal mu-
sic, mostly elementary-some Jr. High;
Commercial; Second grade; Fifth grade;
Home Economics; H.. Mathematics;
English, Jr. or Sr. High.
Rose City Michigan (Cumming Town-
ship School District)-Teacher Needs:
Commercial: typing, Bookkeeping, Gen-
eral Business; English; History; Band
Schoolraft, Michigan (Schoolraft
Community School) - Teacher Needs:
Science-Mathematics; Shop and Agri-
culture; English; vocal Music-Girl's
Physical Education or Art; Third Grade.
Stambaugh, Michigan (Stambaugh
Township Schools) - Teacher Needs:
H.S. Band Director and Instrumental
Music; vocal Music.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad.
ministration Building, NO 3-1511. Ext.
Greenbush Inn, Lake Huron (Green-
bush) Mich. will interview candidates
on April 25 from 1:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
In Room 3B of the Michigan Union for
the following positions: waitresses (F),
chambermaids (F), kitchen help (F),
child counselor, and general handy-mrn,
(M, gardening, etc.).
Lecture, auspices of the Geology De-
partment. "Origin sand Interpretation of
River Terraces." Prof. J. Hoover Mack-
in, University of washington. Mon.,
Apr, 25.,4:10 p.m., 2054 N.S.
University Lecture sponsored by the
Department of Slavic Languages and
Literatures. Prof. Ernest J. Simmons of
Columbia University will speak on 'The
Postwar Crisis In Soviet Literature',
Monday, April 25, 4:15 p.m. Angell Hall,
Aud. C.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Economics and the De-
partment of Near Eastern Studies."Eco-
nomic Development of Turkey." Omer
Sarc, professor of economics, University
of Istanbul, Turkey, and visiting pro-
fessor at Columbia University. Mon.,
April 25, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall.
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Mon., April 25 at 8:00 p.m. in Room
1300 Chemistry. Prof. W. H. Eberhardt
of Georgia Institute of Technology will
speak on "Valence Structure of Hy-
Department of Botany Lecture. Dr.
Kenneth Clendenning of the Ketter-
ing Foundation for Photosynthesis Re-
search will speak on, "Recent Advances
in Our Understanding of Photosynthe-
sis." Mon., April 25, 4:15 pi. Refresh-
ments at 4:00 p.m. Room 1139 Natur-
al Science, Botany Seminar Room.
Lecture, auspices of the Geology De-
partment. "Pediments and the Problem
of Slope Retreat." Prof. J. Hoover Mack-
In, University of Washington. Tues.,
Apr. 28, 4:10 p.m., 2054 N.S.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ......Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor
Nan Swineh art ...... .Associate Editor
David Livingston.......Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Associated Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights or republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan as second class mail
matter. Published daily except Monday.
Subscription during regular school

Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for
Students in Education will be held May
26, 27, and 28. Students who anticipate
taking these examinations must file
their names with the Chairman of Ad-
visers to Graduate Students, 4019 Uni-
versity High School, not later than
May 1.
To All Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Juniors and sen-
iors, and those sophomores who will
have 55 hours or more by the end of
this semester should make appoint-
ments for approval of elections for
Summer Session Or Fall Semester in
the Office of the Faculty Counselors,
1213 Angell Hall.
Students are urged to have their next
semester's elections approved early.If
elections are not approved before the
final examination period begins, stu-
dents must report during the half day
preceding the time they ar scheduled
to register. There will be no appoint-
ments during the examination period.
Meeting of Applicants and candidates
for the Ph.D. degree in History, Tues.,
April 26, at 4:30 p.m. in the Department
of History Conference Room, 3609 Ha-
ven Hall. Prof. H.M. Ehrmann will
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Mon.,
April 25 at 4:10 p.m. In Room 2308
Chemistry. Prof. W. H. Eberhardt will
discuss the chemical binding in hy-
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., April
26, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011 Angell
Hall. Prof. H. Samelson will speak "On
the Non-Commutativity of the Quater-
nions." Tea and coffee at 3:45 p.m. in
3212 A.H.
Student Recital. Ellen Sherman, stu-
dent of piano with Marian Owen, 4:15
p.m. Sun., April 24, in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. works by Beethoven,
Schumann, Hindemith, and Debussy.
Open to the public.
Student Recital. Lorraine Falberg, pi-
anist, 8:30 p.m. Sun., April 24, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil of
Helen Titus, Miss Palberg will per-
form compositions by Bach, Beetho.
ven, DeBussy, and Prokofieff. Open to
the public..
Composers' Forum, 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
April 25, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Compositions by students Wayne Slaw-
son, Elizabeth Lester, Gordon Sher-
wood, and David Tice; performed by
Carolyn Lentz and Jane Stoltz, violin,
~George Papich and Jean HOnW, viola,
Cam-ill~a Heller, cello, 'George Crumb
and David Tice, piano, hyllis McFar-
land, soprano, Sally Myers, mezzo-so-
prano, and the Madrigal Singers. Open
to the public.
Student Recital. Grady Maurice Hin-
son, pianist, will present a program in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree at 8:30
p.m. Tues., April 26, in Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Works by Bach, Franck,
Rieti, and Brahms. Open to the public.
Events Today
Bible seminars sponsored by West-
minster Student Fellowship in Room
217 of the Presbyterian Student Cen-
ter, Sun., April 24, 9:15 and 10:45 am.
Congregationai - Disciples Guild.
Sun., Apr. 24, 7:00 p.m. at the Congre-
gational Church, a fine arts program:
"Toward Jerusalem," the life of Christ
told in music, art, and drama, present-
ed by students.
Newman Club. The Panel Discussion
Society of the Newman Club presents
The Opinion. On Trial: "Federal Aid
Should be Given To The Prochial
Schools As Well As To The Public
Schools." Panelists: South Quad vs.
West Quad. Sun., April 24, at 8:00 p.m.
Westminster Student Fellowship Guild
Meeting at 6:45 p.m., Sun., April 24,
preceded by a picnic supper in the
Presbyterian Church Yard, cost 50c.
Recording of "Lost in the Stars" based
on Cry of the Beloved Country. ......
Hillel. Student Zionist Organization.
Sun., Apr. 24, 8:00 p.m. at the Hillel
Building. Yehuda Levine, director of
Midwest office of Professional and Tech-
nical Workers Aliygh (Patwa), will
speak on "Professional Opportunities in
Hmel. Sun., Apr. 24, 6:00 p.m. Supper

Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., April 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the
church to discuss the topic, "Is Reli-
gion .Outmoded?" Transportation from
Lane Hall at 7:15 p.m. Refreshments.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
April 24. "Faith of the Church" lec-
ture, 4:30 p.m., Sun., April 24, at Can-
terbury House. Canterbury Supper, 6:00
p.m., Sun., April 24, followed by His-
torical Literary Readings and Criticism
by Harold Walsh of. the Philosophy
Department. Evensong at 8:00 p.m.,
Sun., April 24, followed by Coffee Hour
at Canterbury House.
Academic Freedom Week. Featured
Speaker, Leroy Gore, leader of the "Joe
Must Go" movement. Sun. at 7:30 p.m.
in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. "Freedom
Is Not A One-Way Street."
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., April 24. 9:30
a.m. Seminar in the Pine Room, chap-
ters 3 and 4 in the Book of Acts; 5:30
p.m. Fellowship Supper; 7:15 p.m. Wor-
ship Service and Program. Dr; Glenn
Olds will talk on "The 4th R."
Sailing Club. Rides to Lake will leave
Lydia Mendelssohn, today at 8:00 and
9:00 a.m.
Coming Events
Undergraduate Math Club. Mon.,
April 25. 8:00 pm., Union, Room 3-K.
Speaker: Prof. A. H. Copeland, "The-
ory of Games."
.nulm~~r- b ~iest







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