PARTY'S OVER See Page 4 Iowa woiz S i c ig Ar :43 a t t 0/ r Latest Deadline in the State POSSIBLE SHOWERS 6 VOL. LXV, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1955' Six PAGES Diem Asks South'M' Baseball To rn 1wXI;,- Viet Nam Polling Premier To Call Poll Within Week; Voters To Answer Four Questions SAIGON, South Viet Nam (/P)--Bowing to political pressure Premier Ngo Dinh Diem asked South Viet Nam's 11 million inhab- itants yesterday to say whether they want general elections within the next few months. The embattled Premier promised that if the elections lead to formation of a permanent legislature, he would accept its decision on whether he should continue in office.! In a broadcast tb the nation, he said a poll would be held within e1. 5Am, V nr Double I3dll Tops Wisconsin As Eaddy Stars By DAVE RORABACHER Michigan's baseball squad final- I ly got its hitting power organized to slug out a twin victory over Wisconsin's Badgers yesterday aft- ernoon at Ferry Field. A masterful pitching job by Marv Wisniewski helped the Wol- verines to a 3-1 win in the first game while, in the second en- counter, a sixth-inning fiasco of seven hits, including a home run and a double, enabled the Maize and Blue to record an overwhelm- ing 11-4 triumph. ooTalks jays Xny Formosan Admit Chiang 1answer Red Conference Chou Willing' To Negotiate On Problems Statement Issued At Bandung Meet, World News Roundup By The Associated Press No Danger. .. LAS VEGAS, Nev. - There is no need to worry about radioac- tive fallout from atomic tests in Nevada, experts said yesterday. "Fallout, even in communities f near the test site, has never ap- proached a level that is a health hazard," declared Dr. John Von Neuman, a member of the United 1 tates Atomic Energy Commission. 'Shortsighted' . . . k.WASHINGTON -- CIO Presi- dent Walter P. Reuther said yes- terday critics of the residential kbuilding boom are "shortsighted," and he urged continuance of the present high construction rate. "Only a handful of shortsighted individuals who cannot be per- suaded that a constantly expand- ing and prospering America is possible fear rising production and look upon a decline in various seg- ments of our economy as healthy," Reuther said. Corrupt Practices . . . WASHINGTON-C h a i r m a n Olin E. Teague (D-Tex) said yes- terday the House Veterans Affairs Committee has found a wide- spread "vicious, illegal practice" involving the buying and selling of veterans' housing rights. Guards Released , . . BERLIN -- The Communist East German government announced last night the release of four Ger- man custom guards kidnaped with their speed boat from West Berlin two days ago. Their release was announced by the Ministry of the Interior a few hours after publication of a vig- orous protest by the Western com- mandants of the city to Soviet au- thorities, demanding the immedi- ate return of both craft and crew. The announcement was carried by the official East German news service. Bricker Amendment.. . WASHINGTON - Sen. Thomas C. Hennings (D-Mo) called yes- terday for a clear-cut statement from President Dwight D. Eisen- hower in opposition to the treaty- curbing Bricker Amendment. With a new chapter in the hot Senate dispute about to open, Hennings said the defend-Formosa resolution adopted by Congress in January has created "serious doubt and uncertainty" about President Eisenhower's p r e s e n t position on the constitutional amendment proposed by Sen. John W. Bricker (R-O). -a week. The voters will be asked to write him and give yes or no answers to these questions: Four Questions 1. Are you in favor of general elections? 2. Are you for unification of the armies? f 3. Do you want the reconquest of our total sovereignty and final consolidation of our independence? 4. Do you wish a program of so- cihl reform including agrarian re- form, public works enlargement, freedom of the press and develop- ment of the country's economy? Unification Needed In ordering the referendum Diem gave in to the insistence of the various political parties, reli- gious sects and members of his own cabinet on the need for gen- eral elections to unify the coun- try. For weeks the premier has been under pressure by politico-religious groups to resign. His Nationalist army has engaged in street bamt- tles with the private army of the Binh Xuyen society, a political organization of ex-river pirates. U.S. Support But he still has the support of the United States, which has un- dertaken a multimillion-dollar military and land reform program in South Viet Nam. Shaky as his position may be, American sources here say, the United States still rates him as The sweeping of the double BANDUNG, Indonesia ('P)-Red header helped the Wolverines to China's Premier Chou En-lai said post a perfect Big Ten record and yesterday his country is willing to, placed them in a tie for first in negotiate with the United States the Western Conference standings. Wisniewski Goes Route Wisniewski's steady pitching performance was a gratifying sight as he managed to go all the way, the first time that any hurler has done so during the regular season. He was able to garner seven strike- outs while issuing only four passes. He never allowed more than two men to get on base in any one inning. During this time WisniewskiI was ably backed up at the plate as his teammates scored three runs on ten hits. The initial Wolverine run came when Howie Tommelein singled to open the second inning and thenI advanced to third when a throw, to prevent him from stealing sec- ond went wild. He scored on catch- er Gene Snider's base hit. Benedict Starts Rally Singles by Moby Benedict and{ Bruce Fox plus passes issued to Wisniewski and Captain Dan Cline I the only man now in sight withland Badger shortstop Dick Hrle- the stature and integrity to save vich's bobble of Don Eaddy's the country from Communist grounder combined to'give Michi- domination. gan its two other runs in the fifth. d.Wisconsin's lone counter came " - in the second when catcher Carl USSR Prm e Wagner, who had been issued a walk, advanced to third on a sip- gle by Jerry Mattson, then crossed [ ntsfte's the plate on an infield out. " AA genuine old-fashioned thriller Big M ee ing developed in the second contest: The Badgers started the excite- MOSCOW () -- Prime Minister ment in the top of the initial inn- MoSCO l -aPimeaMin ing Starting Michigan hurler Dick Nikoi uht ni said atPreside t Peterjohn allowed the first three Dwight D. Eisenhower and British batters to face him to get on base Prime Minister Anthony Eden to via two singles and a walk. He was set a date for a Big Four meeting immediately relieved by Don Po- at the highest level loskey who managed to set down Bulganin was asked by a West- the side, but not. until he had is- Bugsern correspondent if a BigFo ued another pass and allowed foreign ministers' conference on three runs to score. Antria mi ht be followed by a See WOLVERINE, Page 3 on the question of relaxing ten- sion in the Formosa area. "The Chinese people are friend- ly to the American people," Chou told the 29-nation Asian-African conference. "The Chinese people do not want war with the Unitedl States of America. Willing to Discuss "The Chinese government is wil- ling," Chou continued, "to sit down and enter into negotiations with the United States to discuss the question of relaxing tensions in the Far East, especially the ques- tion of relaxing tension in the Tai- wan (Formosa) area." There was little elaboration3 from the Communist side. Colombo Powers Chou's statement was issued by! his press representative following an informal luncheon attended by representatives of India, Indo- nesia, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, Thailand, the Philippines and Red China, where the subject of For- mosa was discussed. The first five nations named arej the Colombo powers who sponsored the Asian-African conference. Premier U Nu of Burma, who has assumed the role of an East- West negotiator, was among those who received Chou's statement fa-, vorably.I Asked whether he thought the United States would accept Chou's offer of negotiations, U Nu re- plied : "Yes, I think so. That is also the opinion of all five Colombo states. I feel very strongly that direct1 talks between the two states will be helpful.'' Indonesian Premier Ali Sastroa- midjojo expressed hope also the United States would accept. There was no immediate com- ment from India's Prime Ministerr Jawaharlal Nehru.r A spokesman for the Peiping" delegation, asked if Chou would have anything to add to the state- ment, replied "we will now awaitt a response." A reporter asked if the statement meant Red Chinat wished a 10-power conference suchE as Russia had once proposed. Thei spokesman answered sharply: "We { want direct negotiations," Earlier in the day Chou had ap- peared before a closed session of. the Conference's No. 1 Political Committee.r 'Joe Must Go' Founder Gore To Talk Today i Leroy Gore, famed originator of Wisconsin's "Joe Must Go" cam- paign will speak at 7 p.m. today in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. t Concluding University Academic' Freedom Week activities, Gore willt talk on the topic "Freedom is Not t a One-Way Street." .,Suggestion Say Chou Should Show Sincerity By The Associated Press Nationalist Chinese must sit in at any Formosa peace talks, the State Department told Red China yesterday. CGn Formosa, an adviser of Pre- sident Chiang Kai-shek called Red China's offer to negotiate directly with the United States over For- Azmosa a move "to divide the free = 3tworld." The Communist offer came at the very time when a high United DAVE BAAD RICHARD ALSTROM States mission is arriving in the ... Managing Editor . . Business Manager Far East to deal with the Formo- san crisis. ~- Y:.> y n ..."-:.Welcome Peace Efforts 8 a:"TheDUnitt eStates always wel- comes any efforts, If sincere, to bring peace to the world," the State Department said in a public statement cleared with President .Dwight D. Eisenhower. "In the Formosa area we have an ally in the Free Republic of China (Chaing Kai-shek's Nation- alists) and of course the United States would insist on Free China's h. participation as an equal in any discussion concerning the area." la">The statement suggested Red China could "give evidence before the world of its good intentions" in three ways: Terms Established 1. Agree to an immediate cease- fire in the narrow strait separating China's Communist-held mainland and the Nationalist-held island of -Photos by Lynn Wallas Formosa. JIM DYGERT MURRY FRYMER KENNETH ROGAT 2. Release at once the 15 Amerl- City Editor ... Editorial Director . ..Advertising Manager can airmen and others, including 41 United States civilians, held by 1 ) 1 Ji) J Ythe Peiping regime. PublL~tott ? CBoad A poits B ad . Acept the standing invita- PubliCations toara Appoints naaa, I ;$%; l r iti /tion of the United Nations Secur- a .ity Council to appear before it and Al ro toTwo Top Daily Positiotake part in a debate aimedat O1 WO 1nOSiEOtts than three months ago Red China . ___pacifying the Formosa area. Less By DONNA HANSON rejected this U. N. bid. outstanding student on the Mich- to be City Editor. The 20-year-old In Taipei, Formosa, Chiang's David Baad, '56, and Richard igan Daily. Baad is also the vice- junior is a member of the Sphinx adviser, Tao Hsi-Sheng, said the Alstrom, '56, were appointed president elect of the Literary and served as manager of this offer by Red Premier Chou En-lai Daily Managing Editor and Busi- College. ' year's SL book exchange. The at Bandung was intended to pla- ness Manager respectively last Ann Arbor Native Detroiter was also president of cate worried Asian-African confer- night by the Board in Control of, Alstrom, 20 years old, a native I Evans Scholars. ence delegates but that Chou Student Publications. of Ann Arbor, is in the School of Named as Editorial Director was knows the United States is on re- Baad, a history major. is plan- Business Administration. He is Murry Frymer, '56. Frymer, 20 cord as saying any such talks must ning to enter Law School. A na- also a member of Sphinx. years old, from Cleveland, was the I include the Natidbalists. tive of Dearborn, Baad is a mem- Appointed as Sports Editor was author of last year's Union Opera 'A Peace Offensive' ber of Delta Upsilon, social fra- Phil Douglis, '56. Jack Horowitz, and a member of Mimes honorary Tao labeled Chou's offer "a ternity and Sphinx, junior honor- '56 BAd, and Alan Eisenberg, '56, society. peace offensive and a well-timed ary society. Baad, 20 years old, were -elected as Sports Associate . Magazine Editor bit of propaganda," geared to the is also the recipient of the Wendy Editors.'Debra Durchslag,'56 will serve arrival on Formosa of Adm. Ar- Owen Award, given annually to an Jim Dygert, '56BAd, was chosen as The Daily's Magazine Editor thur W. Radford. ea Aor Are A native of Chicago, Miss Durch- United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, slag is in English Honors and a and Walter S. Robertson, Assist- Oberlin Students Request .member of Wyvern, junior honor- ant Secretary of State. ary. The 19 year old is also aThe purpose of their mission has V meeting of the heads of govern- ment. 'Ask Eisenhower' "Ask Eisenhower and Eden about the date," Bulganin replied. "I have made my position clear." "Do you mean by your state- ment you are of a positive attitude toward a Big Four meeting?" Bul- ganin was asked. The Soviet premier nodded in assent. In Washington, State Depart- ment officials were inclined, in- formally, to treat Bulganin's re- mark as an offhand one. They said the trend of events points to- ward a Big Four meeting on the highest level but added it is pre- mature to talk about a date now. The White House and State De- partment had no formal comment. State To Keep Present EST DETROIT 0P) - Michigan will go right along on Eastern Stan- dard Time today, but it will not be entirely unaffected by nine states and most of major cities switching to Daylight Savings Time. Michigan will receive some net- work radio and television programs an hour earlier than in the past and schedules of many of its rail- roads and airlines have been al- tered, some of them a matter of minutes and some as much as an hour. Waiver of Red Fingerprints Oberlin College Student Council has sent a letter to top United States officials urging waiver of fingerprint provisions for the 11 So- viet editors who cancelled their visit to this country. A copy of the letter has been sent to other colleges and univer- sities with a request that they take similar action to make the Red editors' visit a reality. 'A Positive Move' 'REALLY IMPRESSED': ,I High School Students Visit University Approximately 1,500 high school students heard lectures, asked questions and prowled about theX i campus yesterday during the an- nual University Day program. Typical of the visitors' com- ments was one by a lanky senior ' from Saginaw, Arthur Hill high school: "I'm really impressed." The program, arranged by the5 Michigan Union student staff and the Admissions Office, opened at 9 a.m. in Hill Auditorium with a welcome address by James A. Lewis, vice-president in charge of student affairs. Demonstration lectures by Uni- versity professors and campus The letter was sent to Secretary torney General Herbert J. Browne Swing, Commissioner of Immigrati the Department of Justice; and tone the editor of the New York Times. Obeilin's letter said waiving of y of State John Foster Dulles; At- ll; J. Scott McLeod; Gen. J. M. on and Naturalization Service of NOT SENTATIONAL: member of Mortarboard, senior been a subject of much specula- womens' honorary. tion. Appointed to the position of Sen. Walter F. George (D-Ga), atureEditoeas David Kap- chairman of the Senate Foreign Feature Editor a sDavjduKap- Relations Committee, commented: lan, '56. Kaplan 20, is a journal- "I think we should accept the ism major from Brooklyn. statement of Chou En-lai and ex- Named Associate Editor was amine it on its merits." Jane Howard, '56, a member of Sen. William F. Knowland (R- Alpha Omicron Pi. Miss Howard, Calif), minority leader, declared majoring in English, comesfrom the United States is not going to Winnetka, Ill. The 19 year old use other people's freedoms "in is a member of Mortarboard, sen- an international poker game." He ior honorary. denounced the Red Chinese move Also appointed to the position as an invitation to another Mun- See NEW, Page 6 ich." ckmarket Limits Credit Use ulators, and keep them from go- "but Wall Streeters are confident ing in too deep," Prof. Stevenson it will swing up again in a few said. days." Prof. J. Phillip Wernette, of the Earlier this month, the Reserve business administration school, Board took a more general step in also thought the move insignifi- quelling over-rapid expansion of cant. credit. Ten of eleven Federal Re- Present Condition serve banks have raised discount "It won't have much effect on rates from 11 to 134 per cent. the whole market." he said. "There Discount rate is the rate at isn't much marginal buying any- ;which Federal Reserve Banks lend ._---1) 3 to m ,mh- yr n,. mml.rlrial ho nkr., v ..... :.aa .,s iv .. ... ,.,..,. .... ,. ...., ,a ! . Although attendance at the the provisions "would be a positive other Acamedic Freedom Week move toward breaking down the Curb on Sto functions has been scanty, Chair- barriers between the United States man of the University's activities and the Soviet Union." - Joan Levin, '57, hopes for a good Referrin to the editors' refusal'By BOB JONES turnout tonight Called "Worthwhile." to be fingerprinted, the letter con- A government curb on the Recalling Gore's fight against ceded that the government "may climbing stock market which went, Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) not see any valid grounds" for the into effect yesterday has been t she called Gore a speaker "worth- refusal. But it quoted the New called "not very significant" by! while to the academic community." York Times of April 16 as saying, University economists. "He has an intimate knowlede "Russians tend to regard finger- Federal Reserve Board ruling', of the present struggle for main- printing as a treatment reserved raised margin requirements for tenance of political freedoms for criminals. Forign visitors to buying stocks or selling them short which are interwoven with aca- the Soviet Union are not finger- from 60 to 70 per cent. The move demic freedom." Miss Levin said. - printed. -is aimed at limiting excessive use ,_-1 nl nn Prnnnl of Irxf n'n