THE Mll:fil1=A .N DA ILT
F AY, A. UtL 22, 1955
Teachers Don't Need Freedom
If They're Nursemaids
Foster, You Haven't Been Doing Much Traveling
is' at
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(EDITOR'S NOTE: In connection with Academi
Freedom Week, The Daily reprints the following
condensation of remarks of Robert M. Hutchins,
president of the Fund for the Republic,, before the
American Academy of Political and Social Science,
April 2 in Philadelphia.)
N A DEMOCRACY what the public needs to
know about the teachers in the educa-
tional system is that they are competent. The
competent teacher knows the subject he is
teaching and how to communicate it to his
pupils. Unlike the teacher in a totalitarian
state, he is not supposed to purvey the pre-
vailing dogma. He is supposed to encourage
his students to use their own intelligence and
to reach their own conclusions.
The definition.of competence does not shift
with every wind of prejudice, religious, poli-
tical, racial or economic. If competence had
been the issue at Brown University during the
Free Silver controversy, the President would
,not have been asked to resign because of his
premature distaste for the Gold Standard. The
modern note was struck there. What was re-
quested of the. President was "not a renuncia-
tion of his views, but a forebearance to pro-
mulgate them." And the reason was that these
views were "injurious to the pecuniary in-
terests of the University."
WE HAVE been stifling education in this
country because we have been asking the
wrong questions. If you are asking the right
questions, you ask about a subject of discus-
sion whether it is important. You don't forbid
students to discuss a subject, like the entry of
Red China into the UN, on the ground that
it is too important. The right question about
a subject of research and the methods of in-
vestigation is whether competent scholars be-
lieve that the subject should be investigated
and that this is the way to investigate it.
You don't permit the Post Office Depart-
ment to protect the Johns Hopkins School of
Advanced International Studies from Izvestia.
and Pravda. The right question about a text-
book is whether competent people think it can
make a contribution to education. You don't
ask whether incompetent people are going to
be offended by passages taken out of context.
The right question about a research man on
unclassified work is whether he is competent
to do it. You don't act like a United States
Public Health Service and weaken the country
by withdrawing contracts from research work-
ers on unstated, grounds that can only be
grounds of loyalty.
As I have said, the right question about a
teacher is whether he is competent. If we had
been asking about competence we would have
had quite a different atmosphere in the case
of teachers who were Communists, or ex-
Communists, who refused to testify about
themselves, or declined to discuss the political
affiliations of others. We have been so busy
being sophisticated anti-Communists, detect-
ing the shifts and devices of Communist in-
filtration, that we have failed to observe that
our educational responsibility is to have a
good educational system.
We do not discharge that responsibility
by invading civil liberties, reducing the num-
ber of qualified teachers available, elimi-
nating good textbooks, and intimidating the
the teaching staff. The standard of competence
means that there must be some relation be-
tween the charges against a teacher and the
quality of his teaching. The standard of com-
petence would have protected us against teach-
ers following a party line or conducting pro-
paganda. If a teacher sought to indoctrinate
his pupils, which is the only circumstance under
which he could be dangerous as a teacher, he
would be incompetent, and should be removed
as such.
SINCE our guilty conscience tells us that
there ought to be some connection between
what a man does and the punishment visited
upon him, we often try to pretend that this
is the rule we are following. The Attorney-Gen-
Gen'al of the United States, speaking in New
York three weeks ago, said that schools should
not be sanctuaries or proving grounds "for
subversives shaping the minds of innocent
This picture of subversives shaping the
minds of innocent children has nothing to do
with the case. The teachers who have lost
their jobs in the campaign against subversives
have not been charged with doing anything
to the minds of any children. The case of
Goldie Watson here in Philadelphia is typical:
testimony about the good she had done the
minds of the children in her classes was re-
jected as impertinent. The only evidence al.
lowed was as to whether she had declined to
answer questions about her political affilia-
tions. She had, and she was fired. The same
procedure seems to be followed everywhere,
even at Harvard. When a professor there is
called on the carpet, the issue is whether he
is a member of something or other, or whether
he has lied or refused to answer questions
about such membership. The matter of his
competence in his field or what he has done
to the innocent minds of the Harvard students
is never referred to.
We are getting so afraid of ideas that we
are afraid' of people who associate with people
who are said to have ideas, even if they them-
selves have not expressed them. We regard
what a man says as irrelevant in determining
whether we will listen to him. What a man
does in his job is irrelevant in determining
whether he should continue in it. This amounts
to a decision that people whose ideas or whose
associates' ideas we regard as dangerous can-
not be permitted to earn a living or to make
tion to make the effort to establish the charges
Amendment means is: prove it: Injury is
that it has brought against him? All the Fifth
added to insult if there is no pretence that
the questions asked must be relevant or proper.
In some public school systems refusal to answer
any questions by the Board of Education or
any other public body is insubordination; in-
subordination justifies dismissal.
Surely the issue is whether the questions are
legitimate. It cannot be insubordination to
refuse to answer illegitimate questions. We
have gone very far under the influence of one
of the rollicking dicta of Mr. Justice Holmes,
that there is no constitutional right to be a
policeman; but not so far that public employ-
ment can be denied on a ground that has
nothing to do with the duties to be performed.
If the President were to refuse to employ bald-
headed men in the Federal establishment, the
Supreme Court would find, I believe, that thi
bald had been deprived of their constitutional
yOU MAY SAY that the issue I am discussing
is academic in every sense; there is no use
now in talking about the right of Communists,
ex-Communists, or persons who decline to
answer questions about their political affilia-
tions to teach in the United States. Milton
Mayer in his forthcoming book, They Thought
They Were Free, tells the story of the way his-
tory passed Martin Niemoeller by. When the
Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little
uneasy, but he was not a Communist, and
he did nothing. When they attacked the So-
cialists, he was uneasy, but he was not a
Socialist, and he did nothing. They went after
the schools, the press, and the Jews, but he
was not directly affected, and he did nothing.
Then they attacked the Church. Pastor Nie-
moeller was a churchman. He tried to do some-
thing, but it was too late.
I hope it is not too late to point out where
our preoccupation with public relations and our
failure of courage and intelligence may take
us. The New York Times on March 17 and
The New York Herald Tribune on March 19
published editorials on the question whether
teachers who decline to testify about others
should be dismissed. The significant thing
about the editorials is this: they both, perhaps
unconsciously, extend the limits of the pre-
vailing boycott. The Times condemns "adher-
ence to Communist doctrine," thus adding
theoretical Marxists to those automatically
disqualified. The Herald-Tribune comes out
against Communists "or any other brands of
subversives," thus opening vast new unmapped
areas of investigation, recrimination, and con-
BY REPETITION the Reece Committee is
obtaining unconscious acceptance of an-
other proposition, which, coupled with the
proposition that politicians may declare a doc-
trine and its adherents subversive, still further
imperils freedom of teaching and inquiry. This
is the proposition that tax-exempt money is
public money and that a tax-exempt institu-
tion is therefore subject to a special variety of
public surveillance. An extension of this propo-
sition is found in the California statute r-
quiring all claimants of tax-exemption to take
a non-disloyalty oath. If carried to the logical.
limits hinted at in the Reece Report, this no-
tion of the public control of private, tax-
exempt corporations could deprive the inde-
pendent educational institutions of this coun-
try of their autonomy, that characteristic which
has given them their value in the development
of the American educational system.
Tax-eemption is conferred for the purpose
of facilitating the performance of a public task
by a private agency. A corporation that car-
ries on education and research to that extent
relieves the taxpayers of their obligation to
finance such work in state-supported institu-
tions. Tax-exemption imposes no duty on col-
leges and universities except that of conduct-
ing teaching and research according to their
best judgment of what good teaching and re-
search are. It does not impose the duty of
making sure that the teaching and research
conform to the views of the majority of a
legislative committee.
IF THE people believe that independent
thought and criticism are essential to the
progress of society, if they think that univer-
sities are centers of such criticism and that
the rest of the educational system is intended
primarily to prepare the citizen to think for
himself, then academic freedom will not be a
problem, it will be a fact. Under these circum-
stances teachers would not be second-class
citizens subject to limitations of expression and
behavior that show the public thinks the
teacher of today is the nursemaid of yester-
day. A teacher would be appointed because he
was capable of independent thought and criti-
cism and because he.could help the rising gen-
eration learn to think for itself. He would be
removed only if those who appointed him prov-
ed to be mistaken in these matters. The proof
of their error would have to be made to per-
sons who could understand the issue-and
out-of-hand administrative removal approved
by a board of laymen without participation by
academic experts is a denial of academic free-
THE PEOPLE of this country think that
education is a perfectly splendid thing and
have not the faintest idea of what it is about,
The reason that they are in this condition is
that educators have had no time and little in-
At Architecture .A.d.... At the State .
DINNER with Bette Davis, Ann
Sheridan, and Monte Woolley.
THOUGH more than a dozen
years have passed since this
film was first released, The Man
Who Came to Dinner is still a
highly entertaining film comedy.
Some of the jokes are rather ar-
chaic, but Monte Woolley's por-
trait of Sheridan Whiteside, ego-
centric playwright and drama
critic, retains all of its punch and
sharp biting satire.
The Man in the title, Mr. White-
side, comes to dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stanley
(Grant Mitchell and Billie Burke),
breaks a leg on the front steps,
and stays for a month. The film is
long and the business of a plot
extremely complicated, revolving
about the romance of Whiteside's
secretary (Bette Davis) and a
corn - fed newspaper reporter
(Richard Travis).
IT IS Whiteside who acts as a
unifying force, drawing together
the many diverse characters and
situations which form the pic-
ture's foundation. Miss Davis has
a rather unappealing role which
she handles well and Travis seems
appropriately cast as the reporter,
right down to the Mid-Western
drawl. In addition, there are nu-
merous other "characters" who
stroll through the Stanley living
room, where most of the action
takes place. These include: a gold-
digging actress (Ann Sheridan)
who comments upon her latest
bracelet, "Cyril gave it to me on
his mother's birthday. She was
simply furious."; Jimmy Durante
as a Hollywood comedian in one
of his funniest performances;
Ruth Vivian as a sweet little old
lady with malice in her heart; and
Mary Wickes as Whiteside's nurse,
Miss Preen, a frightened, butter-
fly type.
All of the performers play their
roles broadly, accentuating the
many little idiosyncrasies they
possess. Naturally, they are all
caricatures; but The Man Who
Came to Dinner is poking fun at
caricatures, and in a most biting,
sarcastic manner.
Those who have only been ex-
posed to the witticisms of Clifton
Webb may be rather shocked by
Mr. Woolley's performance; but
the shock, as everything else about
this film, should be extremely
--Ernest Theodossin
recent years about academic free-
dom has been the result of the
Cold War and our panic about it.
As Professor Chafee has said,
"Freedom of speech belongs to a
people which is free from fear."
But the basic issue is public un-
derstanding. If public understand-
ing were serious and complete, the
Cold War could not have thrown
us off our balance.
I DO NOT deny that many elo-
quent statements of the purpose
of American education have been
made. They cannot offset the im-
pression created by the official
propaganda of educational institu-
tions, by their fatuous. efforts to
please everybody, and by their em-
phasis on the non-intellectual and
even anti-intellectual activities as-
sociated with education in this
country. Freedom of teaching and
research will not survive unless the
people understand why it should.
They will not understand if there
is no relthion hetixen the freedomn
THOUGH somewhat long on talk
East of Eden stands out among
the recent films to come out of
Hollywood. The Elia Kazan pro-
duction is superbly-paced and its
cast of leading players raise the
script to a high artistic level.
Taken by Paul Osborn from
John Steinbeck's long novel, the
picture depicts only the last part
of the narrative dealing mainly
with the father-son conflict and
Analagous to the Bible, farmer
Adam Trask has two sons, the
"good" Aron and the "bad" Cal.
Their mother, Cal discovers, is a
madam in a nearby town and
when he reveals this to the inno-
cent Aron, drives him from home.
Throughout, the antagonism be-
tween Adam and Cal is shown
centering on- attempts by Cal to
please his father.
IN THE leading role of Cal,
James Dean gives an out-
standing performance. As he fal-
teringly tries to do what his father
wants him to, as' he tries to gain
love and even respect, as his
brooding, far-away makes the
viewer aware of Cal's wants, Dean
is perfect. It is only the times,'
when exasperated, that the Mar-
lon Brando mannerisms are vis-
ible, and these are distracting.
As his brother's girl who falls in
love with him, Julie Harris
achieves rare moments of beauty
as she finds herself drawn from
the "good" which she has always
Raymond Massey as Adam, Jo
Van Fleet as the madam, Rich-
ard Davalos as Aron, and Burl
Ives in a few scenes as the Sheriff
all give very effective portrayals.
Elia Kazan has herein repeated
his past superlative directing abil-
ity. He has achieved the maximum
in scene effect and acting. His use
of the CinemaScope camera, by
often tilting it for contrast is a
show in itself.
It is difficult to compare the
film with the book as the latter
was so much more detailed. The
movie in its own is well presented
by a top-flight cast. James Dean
and Elia Kazan make it exciting.
-Harry Strauss ,
To the Editor
LYL Meeting Place ...
THIS being academic freedom
week, I would like to com-
ment on the refusal of academic
freedom to the Labor Youth
League. It is obvious that Marx-
ism is an important philosophy in
the world today. It represents the
philosophy by which live a sig-
nificant portion of the people in
the world. Therefore, it should be
heard and discussed, so that in-
dividual opinions can be arrived
at. However, the University, the
churches, and the townspeople are
refusing the LYL any voice. It is
denied the facilities of the cam-
pus by the University, and refused
meeting places by churches and
townsmen. It was ionly after a
great deal of difficulty that the
LYL was able to obtain a hall
for this Friday night's talk by
Dr. Selsam. Denying ,the LYL a
fair chance to be heard is in ac-
tuality denying academic freedom.
Since the University students are
supposed to be rational beings, and
not dupes, they would all benefit
greatly by LYL discussions. In
short, why shouldn't the Univer-
(Continued fromPage 2)
Needs: General Shop-Arts & Crafts-
General Mathematics; English (wom-
an); Algebra-General Shop (man); Lat-
in-English (woman); English-French
Harvey, Illinois-Teacher Needs: Ear-
ly and Later Elementary Mathematics;
Science; vocal Music.
Mendota, Illinois - Teacher Needs:
Speech Correctionist; Home Economics;
teacher for the mentally retarded.
Rochelle, Illinois - Teacher Needs:
Home Economics Librarian; Industrial
Arts Biology-General Science.
Skokie, Illinois-Teacher Needs: Eng-
lish; General Science; Mathematics; So-
cial Studies; Business Education; Girl's
Physical Education; Foreign Language
(French-German); Industrial Arts; Ad-
viser (class counselor).
Davenport, Iowa-Teacher Needs: In-
dustrial Arts.
Lemars, Iowa-Teacher Needs: Third
Marengo, Iowa-Teacher Needs: Eng-
lish-Librarian; Girl's Physical Educa-
tion; Seventh and Eighth combination
room; Fourth Grade; Third Grade.
North Plainfield, New Jersey-Teach-
er Needs: Early and Later Elementary;
Industrial Arts; Mathematics.
Lake Ronkonkoma, New York-Teach-
er Needs: Early Elementary; English.
Foreign Language; Vocal Music; Art;
Home Economics; Physical Education
Mamaroneck, New York - Teacher
Needs: Sr. High-Mathematics; French-
Spanish; Jr. High Core (preferably with
a minor in Social Studies); Jr. & Sr.
High Special Reading Teacher; Fourth
Grade (man); Librarian-Elementary;
Art-Elementary; Music Consultant (el-
New York, New York-Teacher Needs:
Physical Education (woman).
Pembroke, N.C.-Teacher Needs: Mu-
sic; English-Spanish.
Montpelier, Ohio - Teacher Needs:
Mathematics-Physical Science.
Perrysburg, Ohio - Teacher Needs:
Early and Later Elementary,
Sandusky, Ohio-Teacher Needs: H.S.
Home Economics; Jr. Hi. & Sr. High
English-Spanish; Jr. High-7th Grade;
Third Grade; Fifth Grade; Girls Phys-
ical Education; English (H.S.); Fourth
Springfield, Ohio - Teacher Needs:
Speech and Hearing therapy.
Cottage Grove, Oregon - Teacher
Needs: First Grade; Second Grade; Art
-Grades 6, 7, 8; Girl's Physical Educa-
tion-Grades 6, 7, 8.
Dallas, Texas-Teacher Needs: Direc-
tor of Reading (all grade levels from
grades 1-12); English; History.
Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Needs;
Early and Later Elementary; Home Eco-
nomics; Secondary-all fields.
Fort Eustis, Virginia-Teacher Needs:
Guidance Instructor-educational psy-
chology leadning process; effective
speaking; methods of instruction, cur-
riculum, etc.; Remedial Reading; Su-
pervisor-Examinations section; Techni-
cal Instructors-Marine Trnsportation;
Marine Stevedore Operations; Aircraft
Maintenance, etc.
Greybull, Wyoming-Teacher Needs:
Early and Later Elementary; H.S. Eng-
lish-Library; Business Education (Typ-
ing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping).
For additiong information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Tues., April 26
Andrew Corp., Chicago, II.-all lev-
els of Elect., Mech. E. for Research, De-
sign, Development, Sales.
Detroit Civil Service Commission, De-
troit, Mich.-all levels of Civil, Elect.,
Mech. E., Chemistry, Public Health, and
Architecture for Summer and Regular.
The following representatives will not
be at the Bureau of Appointments for
interviews but have the following va.
Alpena, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Elementary Art; Elementary Girl's Phys.
ical Eduction; Home Economics; Com-
mercial-Shorthand, typewriting, etc.;
Industrial Arts; English-dramatics or
speech; History; Mathematics - Coach
basketball (Community College); Com--
munity College--Science (Biology, Phys-
iology-Hygiene); Education (Elemen-
tary)-Suprv.; Librarian (Assistant) -
combined college, H.S. and Public Li-
brary; School Nurse.
Bear Lake, Michigan (Bear Lake Rur-,
al Agricultural School)-Teacher Needs:
Band; Science-Chemistry-Biology; 7th
Grade teacher.
Bessemer, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
English-Latin; Girls' Physical Educa-
tion; Mathematics-Biology; Social Stud-
les; English-World History.
Northland, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
2 Rural teachers.
Erie, Michigan (Mason Consolidated
Schools)-Teacher Needs: Home Eco-
nomics; Social Science-Jr. High (Wom-
an); Recreation and athletics (man),
Fenton, Michigan - Teacher Needs
Early Elementary; Jr. High English;
Shop; American History; Sr. High Com-
mercial (Typing-Bookkeeping; Home-
making; Biology-General Science; 9th
Grade General Mathematics; Vocal Mu-
sic (Jr. & Sr. High); H.S. Head track
coach and assistant in football, with a
minor in biology.
Grant, Michigan -- Teacher Needs:
Third; 4th; 6th; 7th; 8th; H.S. Chem-
Hesperia, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Shop-Industrial Arts; Commercial -
with shorthand pfd.; Home Economics;
First Grade; Second Grade.
Homer, Michigan (Homer Communi-
ty School)-Teacher Needs: Kindergar-
ten; Third; Agridulture; Girls Physical
Laingsburg, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Industrial Arts; English (man pfd);
Chemistry-Physics (man pfd.); vocal
Music - (elementary and high school
glee club (woman pfd.).
Midland, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Elementary Special Teachers: Physical
Education; Art; vocal Music; Early and
Later Elementary; Physical Education,
H.S. & Intermediate; Librarian-H.S.
& Intermediate; H.S. Physical Educa-
tion for boys-Swimming; Physical Edu-
cation for Girls-Swimming.
Pinconning, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: English; Home Economics;
Mathematics; Commerce.
Pontica, Michigan (Waterford Town.
ship Schools)-Teacher Needs: Home
Economics; Auto Mechanics; Assistant
Librarian; (with Social Studies minor);
--Mathematics-General Mathematics -
Geometry; Instrumental Music (or-
Port Huron, Michigan (Township
School Dist)-Teacher Needs: Seventh;
Ninth Grade; Art or Music (Jr. High
and Elementary); Home Economics;
Physical Education. The 7th and 9th
Science-Mathematis; Shop and Agri-
culture; English; Voal Music-Girl's
Physical Education or Art; Third Grade.
Stambaugh, Michigan (Stambaugh
Township Schools) -- Teacher Needs:
H.S. Band Director and Instrumental
Music; Vocal Music.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
Mon., April 25-
Bank of America, Hdq. In Los An-
geles, Calif:-men in LS&A and BusAd
for a Special Accelerated Training Pro-
gram leading to positions in Lending,
Operations, Trust, International Bank-
ing, Standards and Methods, Account-
ing, Personnel Relations, Escrow, and
Tues., April 26-
Women's Army Corps-women in any
field for Officer Training,
Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson,
Michigan-LS&A and BusAd men for
Wed., April 27-
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago,
Ill. (The Lakeside Press) - men in
LS&A, BusAd., and Engrg. for Produc-
tion, Sales, & Office Administration.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Admin.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School;
Fri., April 22
Danly Machine Specialties, Chicago,
111.-B.S. & M.S. in Elect., Ind., and
Mech. E., U.S. citizens only, summer
work-Freshmen, Sophomores, and Jun-
iors, for Regular, Summer and Coop.,
Research, Sales, Design, Methods &
Shop Supervision.
Standard Oil Co., Esso Labs., Louisi-
ana Div., Baton Rouge, La.-all, levels
in Chem. E. for Research and Develop-
Massey-Harris-Ferguson, Inc., Detroit,
Mich.-B.S. in Mech. E. for Research,
Developments and Design.
Tues., April 26
Andrew Corp., Chicago, 111.-all levels
of Elect., Mech. E. for Research, De-
sign, Development, Sales.
Detroit Civil Service Commission, De-
troit, Mich.-all levels of Civil, Elect.,
Mech. E., Chemistry, Public Health, and
Architecture for Summer and Regular.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., Ext.
A state office in Ann Arbor is looking
for a Stenographer-Clerk A.
Mich. Children's Aid Society, Pontiac,
Mich., has a vacancy for a Social Work-
er. Would like a person with a Master's
degree, but would accept a B.A. in the
Social Sciences.
Mich. State Civil Service announces
exams for the following positions:
Steam Electric Operating Engineer 11 A,
Photographer 1, Recreation Instructor
A, Recreation Director 1, Teacher for
School for Blind, Teacher for School
for Deaf, Special Educ. Teacher, Eco-
nomic Research Assist, 1.
Univ. of the State of N.Y., Vocation-
al Educ. and Ext. Board of the County
of Putnam, Carmel, N.Y.-opening on
Clinic staff for a Psychiatric Social
Case Worker. Experience desired but
not necessary.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night. Fri., April 22, 8:00 p.m., Room
2003 Angell Hall; John H. Waddell III
will speak on "The Sun." Following the
illustrated talk the observatory on the
fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open
until 10:00 p.m. for observations of
Jupiter and a double star. Children
welcomed, but must be accompanied
by adults.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Economics. "The Devel-
opment of the American Labor Pro-
gram." Professor Selig Perlman, Univer.
sity of Wisconsin, Fri., April 22, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Department of Botany Lecture. Dr.
Kenneth Clendenning of the Ketter-
ing Foundation for Photosynthesis Re-
search will speak on, "Recent Advances
in Our Understanding of Photosynthe-
sis." Mon., April 25, 4:15 p.m. Refresh-
ments at 4:00 p.m. Room 1139 Natur-
al Science, Botany Seminar Room.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for
Students in Education will be held May
26, 27, and 28. Students who anticipate
taking these examinations must file
their names with the Chairman of Ad-
visers to Graduate Students, 4019 Uni-
versity High School, not later than
May 1.
- To All Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Juniors and serf-
iors, and those sophomores who will
have 55 hours or more by the end of
this semester. should make appoint-
ments for approval of elections for
Summer Session or Fall Semester in
the Office of the Faculty Counselors,
1213 Angell Hall.
Students are urged to have their next
semester's elections approved early. If
elections are not approved before the
final examination period begins, stu-
dents must report during the half day,
preceding the time they are scheduled
to register. There will be no appoint-
ments during the examination period.
Psychology Colloquium. Dr. Samuel
J. Beck, University of Chicago, will
speak on 'N'ew Concepts of Schizophre-
nia: Findings from Projective Test Re-
search." Fri., April z at 4:15 p.m. in
429 Mason Hall.
Biological Chemistry Seminar. Prof.
Alfred S. Sussman, botany, will speak
on "Metabolic Changes during Asco-
spore Germination in Neurospora."
Room 319, West Medical Building, Sat.,
April 23, at 10:00 a.m.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Colloquium. Fri., April 22. Charles Jan-
off, Staff Engineer, Servomechanisms
Laboratory, Bell Aircraft Corporation.
"Techniques and Problems in Autopilot
Design." Coffee-4:00 p.m., Room 2500
Student Recital cancelled. Recital of
Thomas Tipton, baritone, previously
announced for Fri., April 22, has been
Student Recital. William Doppmann,
pianist, 8:30 p.m. Sat., April 23, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Partita in
G major by Bach, Sonata in B-flat mi-
nor by Chopin, Sonatine by Ravel, and
Sonata No. 7 by Prokofieff. Mr. Dopp-
mann is a pupil of Benning Dexter, and
his recital will be open to the public.
Student Recital. Ellen Sherman, stu-
dent of piano with Marian Owen, 4:15
p.m. Sun., April 24, in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. Works by Beethoven,
Schumann, Hindemith, and Debussy.
Open to the public,
Student Recital. Lorraine Falberg, pi-
anist, 8:30 p.m. Sun., April 24, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil of
Helen Titus, Miss Falberg will per-
form compositions by Bach, Beetho-
ven, DeBussy, and Prokofieff. Open to
the public.
Composers' Forum, 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
April 25, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Compositions by students Wayne Slaw-
son, Elizabeth Lester, Gordon Sher-
wood, and David Tice; performed by
Carolyn Lents and Jane Stoltz, violin,
George Papich and Jean Hon, viola,
Camilla Helier, cello, George Crumb
and David Tice, piano, hylls McFar-
land, soprano, Sally Myers, mezzo-so-
prano, and the Madrigal Singers. Open
to the public.
Events Today
International Center Informal Discus-
sion Series. "The Significance of Ban-
dung" (Afro-Asian Conference). Dis-
cussion at the International Center
Fri., April 22 at 8:00 p.m., led by Prof.
Srinivasan from India, visiting lecturer,
Department of Political Science. Open
to the public.
Westminster Student Fellowship will
attend the Interguild party at the
Methodist Church, 8:00-12:00 p.m., Fri.,
April 22.
Hillel. Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m.
conducted by Ohio State University.
Theme address to be given by Rabbi
Harry Kaplan, Hillel director of OSU
and regional director of Midwest Hillel
Foundations. Oneg Shabbat to follow.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee Catch from 4:00-6:00
p.m., Fri., April 22, at Canterbury
House. Canterbury Campus Series: Prof.
Clark Hopkins, Department of Classical
Studies, will discuss and show slides on
"Early Christian Art," 7:30 p.m. Fri.,
April 22, at Canterbury House,
Newman Club will sponsor a square
dance Fri., April 22, from 8:00-12:00
p.m. A professional caller will be pres-
ent. Refreshments.
Hispanic Fiesta. Exhibit of Hispanic
Arts and Crafts, Oriental Gallery, Alum-
ni Hall. Open to the public. Fri., Apr.
22, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Congregational - Disciples Guild. 6:00
p.m., Indian Dinner cooked by Indian
students at the Guild House. After the
dinner the group will attend the Inter-
Guild International Party at the Meth-
odist Church. Those not at the dinner
at Guild House should come later and
join the group going to the party.
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., April 22. Inter-
guild Party in the Social Hall at 8:00
(Continued on Page 6)
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
David Livingston.......Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ..Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
.... .........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
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