I = ACADEMIC FREEDOM See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State i4IaiIttj U-0 e FAIR AND MILD VOL. LXV, No. 138 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1955 SIX PAGES I - _________________________________________________________ 'I Rutherford Decision Still Not Certain Defendant's Loyalty Affirmed by Seven Undecided yesterday was the suspension of Jesse Rutherford as a "security risk" from the Vet- erans Administration Hospital here. ' The closed hearing on Ruther- ford's dismissal as an aide from the hospital ended at 5 p.m. yes- terday without an announced de- cision. Decision would be given - quick" consideration the Security Board said. During yesterday's session, seven witnesses testified to Rutherford's loyalty, his lawyer, Charles Lock- wood of Detroit, said. The witnesses said Rutherford was not a Communist, as the Vet- r erans Administration security of- fice has declared. Rutherford in- sisted at the hearing his work at the hospital as an aide was rou- tine and there could be no ques- tion of security. One year ago Lockwood repre- sented 2nd Lt. Milo Radulovich, University physics student' who was suspended and then rein- stated by the Air Force. Rutherford has called charges against him "lies and half-truths," , while Dr. Morley Beckett, man- ager of the hospital, said the aide was suspended on orders of the VA's security section. Among the charges against Rutherford is that he was sup- ported by the Communist Party in his campaign for the state leg- islature on the Progressive Party ticket in 1952. Rutherford has said, "naturally, I have no idea who supported me." Rutherford has claimed he never was a member of the CP or any of its front organizations. Another charge against Ruther- ford was that he spoke at a pub- lic meeting in which Paul Robe- son was the main speaker. Ruther- ford said recently he never spoke during the 1952 event. } However, he has said he appear- ed on the platform with Robeson, along with all other local Pro- gressive Party candidates. MSU Change LANSING (MP-The bill changing the naine of Michigan State College to Michigan State University was signed into law today by Lt. Gov. Philip A.J Hart.rE The name change does not become effective until July 1. Hart signed the bill in the absence of Gov. Williams, who is touring the Near East. The signing was televised with (MSC) President Dr. John + A. Hannah and interested leg- islators attending the ceremony. Meanwhile, there has been no word as yet whether the Uni- versity of Michigan Board of Regents will ask for an injunc- tion to prevent the change. Members of the board have said they are considering such a step. Seniors at the college voted to have their diplomas issued in the name of the University in- stead of the college. Panhellenic Coners 60 Year Period, (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sev- enth in a series of interpretive arti- cles on women's student government) By PHYLLIS LIPSKY Composed of 19 sororities and representing over 1000 affiliated women on campus Panhellenic As- sociation has a history covering the past 60 years. It had its origin in the inter- sorority meetings which were first held about 190, eight years after the first sorority was formed. Panhel was formed to synchro- nize sorority rushing systems and this still remains one of its most important functions. In recent years, however, the organization has attempted to expand its scope. "Reason for Existence President Debby Townsend, 156, called coordination of rushing the organization's "reason for exist- ing" but pointed out that in re- cent years it has attempted to ex- pand its scope. "We see ourselves as a com- munity service group rather than entirely a social group," she de- Hoover Says U.S.CanNot Leave UN Believes We Must Work With Russia WASHINGTON (P) - Ex-Presi- dent Herbert Hoover said yester- day this country cannot abandon the United Nations even though the UN "has not fulfilled our hopes" as a mechanism for peace. The former President told the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee, too, he no longer favors ex- pelling Russia, from the United Nationsnbecause of that country's repeated use of the veto. Holds Out Hope "I think we've got to go on and worry with the Russians in the UN in the hope that things will get better," he said. He gave the opinion that no worthwhile revision is possible un- less there is "a grea' change in the whole Communist attitude." But he did suggest some specific changes - including a proposal that "all independent nations" should have membership in the UN. He noted that 14 such coun- tries have been barred by Soviet vetos. Revision Considered The next sesssion of the UNI General Assembly must decide whether a conference should be called to consider revising the 10- year-old UN charter. The Foreign Relations Commit- tee has held hearings in various sections of the country to get the general American reaction toward possible changes. Former President Truman appeared before the com- mittee here last Monday, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt is scheduled to testify today. First Campuis Ceylon's Berates Prime Red Minister olonialism Nationalists Await U.S. Envoy's Visit TAIPEI, Formosa (A')--Worried Nationalist officials yester-4 day guessed that a United States envoy now flying to Formosa will ask them to yield Quemoy and the Matsus without a fight. The reason for the hurry-up visit of Walter S. Robertson, as- sistant secretary of state, was not Ag known here. There were reports in Washing- ton Robertson would sound out the Nationalists on a cease-fire{ line in the middle of Formosa Strait. The Nationalists have op-C posed any cease-fire. Accompanies Robertson rts Adm. Arthur W. Radford, chair- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,y e" .r ris accompanying Robertson. Adm. Radford has opposed withdrawals AnDIE LSTENS dEN TE -n seakin on a cademic odls ns co- I from off-shore islands. Some Na-pAUDmENCEtLd SNSTadVm-Pnlrek- naaeioreenity tgt," sdco.- tionalists even guessed there was posed of left to right moderator Joyce Greenbaum, 56, Prof. Arthur Eastman of the English a United States decision to defend Department and Prof. William Palmer of the economies department. Not picturedis Prof. Edwin the islands. Moise of the m-athematics~ department. However, Robertson has fre- quently been the bearer of what C e ko a u t e a e the Nationalists consider badP o i i a Ters e llwda "coast actu- ahr" rulngwhi. chstped tN- 1"Too many people seem to 'have tionaltfrmaacing theiRedsagreed that i ar f ie- to undermine the values to which opinions of a faculty member minlandbyroseatorair.teRdaredta ti ar fauie sity's job to decide who is or is not I a university should be devoted. would be a criterion for his dis- politically acceptable," Prof. Ed- Is Test Proper nisl SNationalists f r o im President win Moise of the mathematics de- , "ph motntpiti "Academic Fr'eedom is the op- Chiang Kai-shek on down 'have' partment told an Academic Free- whether an individual passes or portunity to grow," said Prof. Ar- voted to defend both Quemoy and; dom panel last night,.al oiialts u hte thur Eastman of the English de-} +,e 'vff-4n., 1iu n. a 1 A ,",' fis p ltclts utw eh r1 .+.-, !ie Tells -Reds To Dissolve Cohinform Proposal Angers Communist Chou BANDUNG, Indonesia OP)-Cey- lon's Prime Minister Sir John Ko- telawala told the Communists yes- terday to dissolve the Cominform if they really want peaceful co- existence with the West. He singled out the Cominform as a main organ of "Communist col- onialism." Kotelawala, who has a Com- munist problem of his own at home, heads his small island coun- try's delegation to the Asian-Afri- can conference. Advance Statement Kotelawala got the jump on Red 'China's Premier Chou En-lai and India's Prime Minister Nehru, who supports the Communists' drive for coexistence. The Ceylon Prime Minister gave out his statement in advance of discussions" of East- West coexistence by the Political Committee. Chou insisted in his remarks at the conference's ple- nary session that the Communists are eager to coexist peacefully with the West. Informants said that when the 58-year-old Ceylon leader first brought up his proposal for dis- mantling the Cominform in an ad- dress to the Political Committee's closed session, Chou leaped to his -ared. n r YAs an example of service pro- Petitoning jects she pointed to Panhel's can- vassing of Ann Arbor residents for the community chest this year in ens To a conjunction with the Inter-Frater- nity Council. Petitioning for the Literary Col- Issues Come From Rushing lege Steering Committee opens to- Throughout Panhel's long ca-. dageandewingcose Mayt2. ns' -reer all of the controversies it has day and will close May 2. faced have grown out of the rush- Only students in the College of ing system. Literature, Science and the Arts In 1935 Dean of Women Alice are eligible for membership. Lloyd attacked the group for a Petitions are available in Rm. rushing system which she called 1220, Angell Hall from 10 a.m. to "superficial and nerveracking." So- 4:30 p.m. weekdays. rorities defeated, that year, a plan Members of the committee plan for two week differential rushing open student-faculty conferences in the fall. to discuss academic problems. The question of fall or spring Topics of mutual interest, such as rushing, a continuing problem "The Value of Integration Cours- since the early 1940s when spring es" and "Your Field of Concentra- rushing was instituted, was resolv- tion -- Expectations and Fulfill- ed last year when sororities vot- ment" are discussed. ed to institute the fall system. As- Three policy changes have re- sembly Association had gone on cently been considered by the com- record against the move because mittee. Four conferences may be they believed elimination in fall planned for next semester rather rushing might have an adverse thian two. All students will be in- effect on incoming freshmen. vited to attend committee meet- Orientation Problems ings and to suggest topics for con- This year a joint Panhel-Assem- ferences. bly committee has been set up to Next semester's plans may also study problems of freshman ori- include sending summaries of the entation at the University, includ- ' conferences to soi e faculty and ing rushing. administration members. At the top of the Panhellenic , i .i l i ; the Matsus, 120 and 140 miles t partment-e n.eade iet el Ub '1 * 1 from Formosa. "The methods and concepts of the political test is proper in the Ptun.edetde the security system have been ap- first place," he commented. Groth ted oay . .tBil Air.ield plied in a sphere where they are Prof. Moise added that he does Dela a r' A Nationalist official said pi-j not needed, and where they tend' not believe that "the political# "the very best" students to take Ktelawala said Ceylons Cor- Expires Quietly he was as surprised as d h -h part in extra-curricular activities munists have declared openly that Washington by the "fiendish as an example of a situation in if Ceylon were at war with Russia speed" with which the Reds are M{jwhich students are inhibited in and China, the Reds would do Five members of the Common building airfields across Formosa htheiDaily ta M em bers R eeive their intellectual growth. everything they could to help those Sense Party met yesterday in the Strait. Four fields are reported He also added the feeling on the two countries win. Union acknowledge the death nearing completion within easy Seventeen Awards at Banquet. part of faculty and students thatcor He said that i the Communist of the first student political party operational range of Formosa the large size of the University on campus.Ter official said that supply ares individual concernwanting peaceful coexistence, they Leah Marks, '55L, former chair- lines to these fields-whose com- TAMMY MORRISON first place was given to Debra about personal problems and opin- should prove it by "disbanding the man of the organization said, pletion had not been expected for Seventeen awards were present- Durchslag, '56, for her editorial ions.. Communist party in Ceylon and "CSP's death was a combination months-also were completed or ed to members of The Daily staffs on J. Robert Oppenheimer. Hon- "Dormitories and classes are indeed in every other country in of Dhercangeofisudenagoven-lnarlyfinihedthis region" and direct "the ac- of the change of student govern- nearly finished, at the All-Staff Banquet yester- orable mentions went to Jim Dy- getting too large'" he added com- tis of the d it t ment organization plans, and the Furthermore, he said Red planes day. gert, for his editorial on free menting that further expansion of ueui aefuth ncomstscive fact that students in recent years already are at both ends of the Ken Chatters, shop superintend- speech and Communism and Joel the University "may not be a good caelsd" are less inclined to be joiners and Formosa Strait or would be soon. ent, received a special award in Berger, for his editorial on The idea" channels. a supporters. Press reports yesterday said 800 recognition of his 25 years on The Daily fund for the survivors of Prof. William B. Palmer of the cuss tension over Formosa with "They fear what might result Red planes-including late model Daily, the Monroe Street fire. economics department said that Cu durin the corense Bt. from an establishecl organization Russian jet fighters and twin-jet Editorial staff awards were The Sophomore staff feature he was, for the most part, satisfied n duri g the carp attack But. during the period of its establish- bombers, have been moved along presented by Gene Hartwig, '55, writing award was presented to with the inter-cooperation of fac- C m view of his sharp dted he ment," she continued. "Neverthe- the southeast coast of Red China. Daily Managing Editor. In the Pete Eckstein, '58, for his series ulty and administration in the re- would g ver shdte tn less CSP would have been a suc- Junior staff newswriting category, on Ann Arbor housing conditions. cent faculty dismissal cases. faced Chinese leader, who told h cess in our opinion if an opposi- no first prize was awarded, but "I have discovered a willingness tion party had developed. Councild IP ans honorable mention went to four Photography first place went to listen to faculty opinions on the Red Cna cosidered Fors a "We feel that during our exist- staff membes. n shot of the Michigan-Mschi- part of the administration." He internal problem. I 6 ,9They were Gail Goldstein, '57, tionishot otthe Michige-Michi-tpar ence we did accomplish something T Thsyower on oramechanges gan State basketball game. Two admitted that it takes a lot of Blunt Criticism -not only in electing students to for her story program changes "time, effort and sweat" to get The blunt criticism by Sir John bot th!tdn eisaueadin the engineering college, Jim honorable mentions were given to "timet effort b Sr Jhn the Student Government Council, In conDygert, 56,forisg onhe Dick Gaskill for his pictures of faculty opinions reflected by the who is one of the five conference In conjunction with University , for his story on the Gov. G. Mennen Williams drink Board of Regents. sponsors, came as a surprise. but in placing parts of our plat- Day, the Engineering College will faculty fund drive for H. Chandler Gcider at a football game, andrEr-sorsthePasia sCrprie form into the list of accomplish-' Hold an open house from 9 a.m. Davis, dismissed faculty member, in e the approved resolutions to this effect Lo Sue, 57fo hr toy ntwo onlookers at teMonro prvdfeouiostjhi fet ments of student government as Ito 5 p.m. tomorrow. Lou Sauer, '57, for her story on Street fire 1. Backed the Arab stand on it now exists," she said. Sponsored by the Engineering the bucket drive for the Free Uni- Palestine and urged a peaceful "Our largest accomplishment Council, the various engineering versity of Berlin, and Joel Berger, Women's page award, presented settlement of the dispute with Is- has been in making clear students' technical societies are responsible '55, for his series on Iraan stu by Roz Shmovitz, 55, Women'sIrael. desireseningkinteac ad for the exhibits in the classrooms dent Buick Navidzadeh, Grad. Editor, went to Rose Perlberg, '58, + 1octay 2. Appealed to France to grant inter-religious housingand laboratories. Frymer Wins Feature Award for initiative and sustained excel- independence to Tunisia, Morocco One hour tours of each building First place in the Junior staff lence in writing. Prof. Howard Selsam, Director and Algeria Our remaining funds will go are arranged and guides will take feature writing category went to Sports' page award, presented of the Jefferson School of Social A3. Suppoted Indonesia's clai to the building fund of Cinema the groups to each exhibit. The Murry Frymer, '56, for his story by Dave Livingston, '55, Daily Science in New York, will give an1 3. Supot red on c Guild," concluded Miss Marks. exhibits will be explained by a on the Soc-Psy House. Honorable Sports Editor, went to Jack Hor Academic Freedom Week address ew Gutinea and urged the Nether- member of the department pre- mentions were given to David witz, '56BAd, for the best sports sponsored by the Labor Youth lands to reopen negotiations with 'FC Bail Tickets senting the display. Kaplan, '56, for his profile on cover of the year. League 7:30 p.m. today at 200 N the Indonesians. The wind tunnel for testing air- Prof. Ross Lee Finney, of the Business Staff award, presented Fourth St. 4. Approved an Indian state- Tickets for tonight's IFC Ball, plane designs, along with the actu- School of Music, and Miss Sauer by Phil Brinskill, '55, Associate Prof. Selsam was associate pro- ment condemning the racial pol- featuring the music of Claude al pouring of molten metals into for her story on the Hopwood Business Manager, went to Myki fessor of philosophy at Brooklyn icies, particularly of South Africa Thornhill, will be available at the molds in the foundry, will be open contests. Gold, '58, as the outstanding try- College from 1931 until 1941, when against people of African, Indian door. for the public to view. Junior staff editorial writing out of the year, he was suspended under charges and Pakistani origin. from the New York State Legis- lative Investigation into subver- ANN A R BO R'S S A N T A C L AUS:sive activities in schools and col-o * In 1941 he helped found and Local Club, Citizens _'o Aid W., arnofi became director of the School fornfairness' OCR 1Z l1SO 1&1'1 ODemcray wichwastheprede cessor to the Jefferson School. Jefferson School was placed on WASHINGTON (P) -- A Senate By DEBRA DURCHSLAG the Attorney General's list of sub- hearing exploded angrily yester- Keyes, would provide a 'some- Warnhoff has been accustomed to versive organizations in 1948. ThePlnarnogoninoeftthn-od"poetfrAnA-satheoyim daeyatrIscolwsbuht eoetedyihSn.WlamJnr R Plans are now going into effect thing-to-do" project for Ann Ar- ~ ''"start the toys immediately after vsivorgaiatibonsh in or t98The day, with Sen. William Jenner (R- to make Al Warnhoff's Santa bor's senior citizens. one Christmas and work steadily schols broutefore the Ind.) yelling charges of "smear Claus operations a city-wide pro- The Ann Arbor Kiwans Club through to the nxt. Suber2 Aand big hat at Enward Corsi and ject. has agreed to establish, supervise 5Warnoff To Supervise Th now awaits decision Corsi accusing Jenner of unfair- Wanf T uerieTe schoo o wit eiinesadlnug"nbcmga Kindly, hard-working Warnhoff, and financially support the pro-ess and language unbecoming a UnderinthealnewupplanheWarnhof fthe SACB under registrationseao, who smiles when he talks about gram for the balance of 1955.Unethnwpl, anf saor will act primarily as foreman. The provisions applying to Communist Each stacked his patriotism children, has been making Christ- The club has appropriated $2,000Eahsckd isptoim idasresnts forn mrektn Chalsf afothe project, andritriati- wooden horses, doll furniture and front organizations under the Mc- against the other's in the uproar. mas presents for more tyynha alf a for the project, and it is antic1- mechanical to3s that have crowd- Caran Act of 1950 "Isn't all. that is involved here cIbued to come ed Warnhoff's shelves will now be your pride? Jenner, shot at Corsi. tributed toys to handicapped come from sponsorg individualsbtVYou wanted a big hat and you children throughout the state. and groups on a city-wide scale.yw i I. -. _ . : rsidnts) wu~1fld' f ratvQ wiiith ayn Road Draws Protestingt wood to Sag largest numbe attend a leg Lansing cro chamber Wed Sen. Haske of the Highwa ed the group mittee would vice. Highway C M. Zieglek- thi wered sip que members of 1 pike Authorit posed a new same general pike Authorit structure is its Executive Council, a nine member policy making and coordinating body. The organiza- tion's legislative body is the Board Crowof Delegates, which includes one representative from each of the 19 sororities. the proposed Rock- Junior Panhellenic, a group inaw Turnpike, the consisting of all sorority pledges is er of persons ever to representated on the Council by its islative hearing in president. Its major purpose is to wded the Senate tie pledges into the Panhel struc- Inesday night. ture. Its functions consist primar- 11 Nichols, chairman ily of service projects such as re- y Committee, thank- juvenation of the University Fresh and said the com- Air Camp, which has beer carried consider their ad- on in conjunction with Junior IFC. ommissioner Charles' e first witness, ans-I stions asked him by the Michigan Turn- y. Ziegler has pro-, freeway over the route as the turn- y members favor. Perlman Sets Labor Speech "Program of American Labor" will be the subject of a talk today 11 I