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April 21, 1955 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-21

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Prof. Brownell Reveals Atomic Method

A process for preserving pota-
toes by means of atomic radia-
tion may be ready for commer-
zcial use within a year, according
to Prof. Lloyd E. Brownell, of the
chemical and metallurgical engi-
neering department.
The experiment, developed at
the Fission Products Laboratory
next door to Victor Vaughn House
has been studied for more than a
year. Prof. Brownell, head of the
laboratory, has been aided by J.
V. Nehemias and J. J. Bulmer.
The researchers found that gam-
ma radiation prevents northern
grown potatoes from sprouting for
18 months. The radiation does this
by killing the germinal cells that
give rise to sprouts.
Controls Sugar Content
Besides controlling sprouting,
Irradiation reduces the sugar con-
tent which usually increases as
potatoes begin to sprout. This
tends to reduce the possibility of
poor frying qualities.
Before the process can be used
commercially, three steps must
take place:
1) The Food and Drug Admin-
istration must agree that the food
is wholesome. This fact is not yet
2) Radiation sources belonging
to the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion must be made available to
3) Industry and the consumer
must accept the product.
Will Affect Industry
If Prof. Brownell's radiation
process is used on potatoes, the
potato industry will be noticeably
affected. Between 300 and 500 mil-
lion bushels of potatoes are har-
vested every fall.
However, by April many of the
stored, northern grown potatoes
begin to spoil and it is necessary
to import potatoes from states
such as Florida. These cost more
and a shipping expense is also
Irradiation of northern grown

New, But
Polio Isn't
Polio is an old disease but1
epidemics are comparatively

Students Run Engine Honor System




potatoes followed by proper stor-
age would make them available
until the next crop is grown in
the fall and save importing ex-
pense. The farmer could sell them
for a longer period and would
have a larger income.
"This would hurt the Florida
potato growers, but they could
grow other products in a warm
climate, whereas northern grow-
ers in Idaho, Maine, Michigan,
Long Island and Minnesota, are
much more limited in the crops
that they could grow," Prof.
Brownell commented.
Experiments on Meat
Prof. Brownell has also been
experimenting with meat, milk and
other foods. He has found that
while some types can be radiated
successfully, other foods lose taste,.
vitamins or both.
He cautions against too opti-
mistic an attitude regarding food
preservation for radiation. "It is
not going to be a cure-all for food

To test the wholesomeness of
radiated food, Prof. Brownell, with
Prof. Henry C. Eckstein of the De-
partment of Biochemistry of the
Medical School, has been perform-
ing what he calls a "long-term
feeding and breeding experiment"
with 124 rats. This study has been
supported by Michigan Memorial
Phoenix Project No. 41. In the ex-
periment some of the rats are fed
irradiated food while others live
on the same diet of non-irradiated
The experiment has reached the
third generation of rats and thus
far no important differences in
size, health or breeding habits have
been found. In December, if the
fourth generation reaches matur-
ity in good health, the experiment
will be concluded.
Panel To . Talk
On- Automation
Problems of overhead alloca-
tion will be the subject of a panel
discussion at the meeting of the
National Association of Cost Ac-
countants today, at the Ann Ar-
bor Elk's Club.
, A social period will be held at
6 p.m., with dinner at 6:45 p.m.
and a technical session at 7:45
Discussion emphasis will be
placed on special problems coming
with automation. Royal will cite
his foundry experience connected
with the swing to automation.
Munn will discuss the build-up of
standard costs for products by
tabulating means.
Moderator James Handy, Jr. will
explain the problems faced as the
amount of automation increases
in a plant.

Researchers have discovered
from ancient Egyptian murals and
skeletons over five thousand years
old that polio has an ancient his-
The first real polio epidemic took
place in New York City in 1916.
Thousands of children were sent
away from the crowded city to
avoid the dread disease.
Polio itself is quite common. It is
estimated nearly 80 per cent of
the United States total popula-
tioon has had it at some time.
After a few days of headache,
fever or nausea the infection dis-
appears. In this way immunities
are built up.
Paralytic polio, the type feared
in epidemics, is not present in pov-
erty stricken or primitive areas.
Apparently this type of polio is
connected with sanitation, clean-
liness and privacy.
t~i " 4

Formulated and maintained by
students, the Honor System of the
Engineering College was inaugur-
ated in 1916.
"The Honor System is based on
the principle that it is dishonor-
able for any man to receive credit
for work which is not the result
of his own work," says the booklet
on the system which is given to
each freshman in the Engineering
Principles Given
The original declaration of prin-
ciples which was submitted by the
students to the faculty for its ap-
proval stated that it was not fair
for a student to receive aid in a
written examination of any type.
Also the prevention of dishon-
esty should be in the hands of the
students rather than of the facul-
ty. It concluded stating that it is'
the duty of all students to uphold
these principles in word and act.
These first principles have been
widened and extended and now
include not only honesty in exam-
inations and written quizzes, but
also in all other work.
To handle cases that arise from
this system, an Honor Council has

been established which consists of
nine members. Eight of these stu-
dents are selected by the Council
from petitions submitted each se-
mester and one student is an ex-'
officio member representing Vul-
cans, engineering honor society.
These members represent as many
of the departments of the college
as possible.
Has Obligation +
Beside their administrative du-
ties, the committee also has an
educational obligation. One of the
members of the group speaks to
the freshmen in one of their week-
ly assemblies at the beginning of
the year and explains to them the
principles and rules of the Honor
System. Similar talks are repeated
during the year to insure complete
If a student violates the honor
code, he is brought before this
committee for trial. There his case
is investigated and the committee
decides ,the guilt or innocence of
the individual.
"We are more anxious to help
prove the innocence of any stu-
dent as to find him guilty," said
Robert Dlgenfritz, '56E; president

of the Council. "Our main job i
to do what we can to help the stu-
dent who is in difficulty."
Punishment Told
Punishment may be anything up
to and including expulsion from
the University. The sentence is
sent to the Faculty Discipline
Committee in the form of a re-
commendation. This committee re-
views the case and handles it with
power delegated to it by the En-
gineering College faculty.
Any student disciplined by this
committee may file an appeal with
the Secretary of the College within
ten days of the committee's action.
Before final action takes place
the Dean of the College is consult-
"In the thirty-eight years of the
existence of this system," stated
Ilgenfritz, "the faculty has never
reversed any action of the Honor
Ilgenfritz describes the code as
more of a philosophy than just a
system. "In this way, the diploma
also stands for a definite achieve-
nent of personal honor as well as
graduation from studies."


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Robert _genfrtz, '56 presdentJgrduatio from sudies.




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Arlen J. Kuklin
University of Nebraska
Burt Griffin
Wake Forest

WHAT'S THIS? For solution see paragraph below.
ARE YOU LOOKING for a completely enjoy-
able cigarette? Then get a clue from the
Droodle above, titled: Smoke rings blown
by riveter enjoying Luckies. Fasten on to

Joseph Bex
U. C. L. A.

Could you pass a 6th-grade exam?
What is the tallest mountain in the
United States? Which American colony
did Roger Williams establish? Who
discovered the Pacific Ocean? ... If
you think your kids have it easy at
school, here's a chance to test yourself
on 10 questions they have to answer.
2 20-page book condensation: "Tiger
of the Snows." "It has been a long
road to the top of Everest," says the
Asian nativewho conquered theworld's
highest summit. "From a ragged coolie
to a wearer of medals who rides in
planes and worries about income tax."
Thrilling story of Sherpa Tenzing, and
how he climbed to the top of the world.
3 Lure that hooks fishermen. Why on
earth do folks stand in ice-cold water
for hours just to catch a few panfish,
when chances are they'll only catch a
cold? Philip Wylie shows what 40 mil-
lion Americans are really after when
they fish: the happiness that comes
from being alone with one's inner self.
4 Beware of hitchhikers! One hiker wore
a GI uniform-but he was really a
madman who stabbed the driver, stole
his car. Another looked like a college
boy-but he killed the driver, tried to
hack off his head. Here's a warning
against picking up "harmless" hitch-
hikers-who may rob, shoot, kill you.
5 You CAN be a stockholder. It used to
be that almost all investors in common
stocks were wealthy. But today thou-
sands of wage earners are buying stocks
on time, same as autos and refrigerators.
Story of the Monthly Investment Plan:
new way to own a share of American
industry-for as little as $3 a week.
6 They're inventing the drudgery out of
farm life. One machine milks a hun-
dred cows in 212 hours flat. Another
scoops up eggs the minute hens lay'em.
There's even one that doles out feed to
cattle, blows a horn to tell the critters
to come and get it! Amazing peek at
new labor savers down on the farm.
7 Don't drown! Do you know the safest
time of day to swim? ... what to do if
you get a sudden leg cramp? ... how
to stay afloat even if you can't swim a
stroke?...how to give the new mbthod
of artificial respiration that the Red
Cross recommends? Here are eight
simple rules that can save your life.
8 Do European women make better
wives? Why are our servicemen mar-
rying them at the rate of 500 a month?
Why do these marriages outlast those
to U. S. girls by 3 to one? Here, in their
own words, are the reasons why so
many of our GIs are picking European.
brides instead of the girls at home.
9 My most unforgettable character.
Princeton's Dean Gauss would berate
a boy in class, then spend all night solv-
ing his troubles. He'd end a riot with
a word, brave a hurricane to watch
football ... and, best of all, he taught
you to think. Here's the prof who gave
his students hell-and made'em love it.
10 Are A-bombs poisoning our atmos-
phere? You've heard that radioactive
clouds from A-bomb tests are contami-
nating people, upsetting the weather,
possibly deforming unborn children.
But evidence shows these reports have no
basis in truth. Here are reassuring facts
behind the sensational scare stories.

11 The Poles among us. They landed here
12 years before the Mayflower; they
saved our first colony from collapse.
They've given us musicians like Sto-
kowski, patriots like Pulaski, sports
champs like Musial. Story of 6 million
Americans with a capacity for hard
work-and a flaming love of freedom.
12 I took off 150 pounds! "A year ago,I'
weighed 337 pounds. I couldn't cross
my legs; I needed help getting my
shoelaces tied. But today I weigh only
187-and almost anyone can accomplish
the same thing." Here, to inspire anyone
who's overweight, is Mac Tarnoff's
own story of how he shed 150 pounds.
13 My adopted Japanese brother. It be-
gan when Yashichiro wrote the Wm.
Jennings Bryans: "I come to America,
be your son?" The Bryans declined-
but one night he stood bowing at the
door: "My parents, I am come to your
feet." Poignant story of how the lad
won a place in their home-and hearts.
14 Red pipeline into our uranium supply.
If you saw raw material for A-bombs
being dug at the biggest mine on the
continent, you'd feel protected from
our enemies-till you learned the men
who dig it are Communist-led. How
Reds seized a key union thru which
they can cripple our defense.
15 Drama in real life. Suppose you had a
3-year-old daughter. Then suppose you
discovered that the hospital had given
you the wrong baby-and she wasn't
yours. Could you bring yourself to give
her up in exchange for your real child?
True story of a couple who faced just
such a shattering.choice.
16 Golden rogue: Benvenuto Ceilini. The
touchiest swordsman in 16th-century
Italy, he made enemies pay with their
lives; took women as he pleased-and
battle only brought laughter to his lips.
Yet this swaggerer created some of our
most exquisite gold treasures. Adven-
tures of the world's greatest goldsmith.
17 Artificial Insemination. Today, thou-
sands of women with sterile husbands
have babies this way. What is the tech-
nique? Does a woman feel guilty, bear--
ing the child of a man she has never
seen, can never know? Does a father
accept a child not his own? Revealing
report on a hotly debated procedure.
18 Private enterprise for public pur-
poses. Most of us expect rivers to be
controlled and "improved" by public
authority. But Wisconsin has turned
one over to a private company. Here's
how it controls floods, gives free trees
to farmers, teaches soil conservation
-without charging taxpayers a cent.
19 Angel of the madhouse. From the day
in 1841 when she saw four insane
people chained in a frozen, filthy cell,
this Boston spinster vowed she'd have
the mentally ill treated as human be-
ings. Story of Dorothea Dix, one of
the most distinguished (and forgotten)
women America has ever produced.
20 Radio City Music Hall. Did you know
that GIs, mothers-to-be are whisked in-
side when lines are long? That each
Rockette gets a week off a month?That
an operatic film-which the manager
feared would be a bore-proved an all-
time money maker? Behind the scenes
at the world's most fabulous theater.

21 Ike's narrow escape. In'44 a hundred
Nazis sneaked across enemy lines into
France. Their mission: to trap Eisen-
hower on the road to Paris and kill
him. Exciting story of hbw Ike sped
closer and closer to death-and how a
strange and wonderful act of Provi-
dence saved him in the nick of time.
22 Do-it-Yourself? Not me! Build your
own boat? Fix your own drainpipes?
Why not? It's fun! It's easy! And it's
cheap-just 25ยข for plans. (Of course,
you'll have to mortgage the baby for
tools, materials, plus the doctor's fee
for that mashed thumb.) Corey Ford
rebels against the Do-It-Yourself craze.
23 Are you a delinquent parent? "The
main cause of juvenile delinquency,"
says Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, "is delin-
quent parents." The spiritual leader
shows why your child's behavior de-
pends greatly on the way you behaye;
names3types of parents who are a bad
influence on their children.
24 What organized labor wants. Says
the president of the AFL: "Years ago,
when union leader Samuel Gompers
was asked what labor wanted, he merely
said, 'More.' The answer is the same to-
day." George Meany (leader of 10 mil-
lion workers) tells what labor means
by "more," and how it plans to get it.
25 How to grow old and like it. Your
chances of living to a happy old age
depend not only on your state of health,
but also on your state of mind. A noted
medical authority poses 7 searching
questions to help you judge your men-
tal outlook ... and suggests definite
ways you can add years to your life.
26 What is'a Mormon? He believes the
Second Cominghas already taken place.
But he's not a "Mormon" (it's just a
nickname for members of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)-
and he doesn't practice polygamy. An-
swers to the questions most asked about
a faith that's over a million strong.
27 The sun: tomorrow's power plant?
Sunlight has already been harnessed to
light electric bulbs, run broadcasting
sets-and the day may come when it
will heat our homes, cook our meals,
run our factories. Here's how this
boundless source of power works, and
why it may revolutionize our future.
28 Bringing the antibiotics up to date.
Today, penicillin and other antibiotics
have saved more lives than all other
remedies put together. But their helter-
skelter use has led to disappointments
and disasters. Paul de Kruif tells of
hopeful new possibilities-and dangers
-of so-called "miracle drugs."
29 It pays to increase your word power.
Does "glutted" mean glued together,
lascivious, disemboweled, or filled to
excess? Adding new words to your vo-
cabulary increases yourself-confidence,
your prestige-even your earning pow-
er. Here's a word quiz that's fun to
do, and may pay you dividends,
301 like pigs. Dirty? You never have to
housebreak 'em. Greedy? Feed 'em
right, and they'll eat only what they
need. Stupid? One porker, maddened by
fever, meekly gulped magnesia 'cause
she knew it'd do her good! Alice Haines
tells why she's hog-wild over the barn-
yard citizen who supplies half our meat.


Luckies yourself. Luckies are such great
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First of all, Lucky Strike means fine
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taste even better . . . cleaner, fresher,
smoother. So, whenever it'-s light-up time,
eniov vourself fully. Eniov the better-

David Russell Watson
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