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April 21, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-21

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Vote Shows Students Oppose
Calendar Committee Plan


FAIMURE to recognize student opinion on the
part of the University administration was
demonstrated once again last Friday with the
announcement of tentative approval of the
modified, but still odious, Dwyer calendar plan.
Proclaiming it as the "satisfactory merger of
student, faculty and administrative interests,"
the University now threatens us with the modi-
fied version of a plan which finished sixth out
of seven in last year's campus referendum.
The Crary Plan, which 53 per cent of all
students then favored, has been rejected as
"impractical," and a plan for which few voted
has received the almost exclusive attention of
the Calendar Committee.
THE only * feature embodied in the new
scheme which was also included in the
student-supported Crary Plan is an early re-
turn to classes in the fall. But this has now
been divorced from the desirable feature of
early dismissal in the middle of May before
the Ann Arbor heat reaches its worst inten-
The Crary Plan promised to eliminate the
"lame duck" period between Christmas and
finals by having exams before a prolonged
Christmas vacation. This idea has now been
replaced by retaining the "lame duck" period
with a shorter Christmas layoff.
Even the never-opposed present policy of a

week for orientation at the beginning of each
semester has been destroyed by the Calendar
Committee, now proposing a more grueling
shorter period for registration and orienta-
THE desirable features of the Crary Plan
were all accomplished without shortening
the number of class days per semester. But
the proponents of the present proposal con-
tend that this wasn't enough. We must have
more class days in the semester.
Certainly the two or three days lost from
the 15-week semester through holidays should-
n't disrupt a well-planned course. Other highly
respected schools allow their students a
Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, or Friday-begin'
ning Spring Vacation without damage to their
academic reputations.
The trend at Michigan has been consistently
away from consideration for the students.
While other schools have liberalized in the
past 30 years, we have instituted a driving ban,
earlier curfew for women, further restrictions
on living away from dorms, and now an un-
asked-for calendar revision.
The student body admits it is not qualified
to control a University with its diverse com-
ponents, but it does demand the right, as one
of the most important of these components, to
be heard with consideration.
-Richard Cramer

Information Often Available
To Answer Student Gripes

DEAR GOD-Please give me the wisdom to
keep my mouth shut when1 I don't know
what I'm talking about.
So reads a rather unpoetic but oft-quoted
prayer, perhaps so often repeated because it
needs to be. It certainly isn't surprising that
a generation steeped in the greatness of free-
dom of speech should take advantage of this
privilege. But if the youth of today wants to
live down the accusation of its elders that it
criticizes irrationally, it is essential for every-
one to accept the responsibility that goes with
the right, to speak one's mind-the responsi-
bility of knowing the facts.
We need only look back a few months and
recall the insults heaped upon our Student
Legislature to see an outstanding example of
this. While it is no doubt true that S.L. had
its faults, those who took the time to attend
the well-publicized open meetings found out
that it was not true that the organization "ac-
}complished nothing," as students said. The op-
eration of the Architecture Auditorium movies,
which allowed campus organizations needing
money to earn it and the student book ex-
change were not "nothing."
A MORE RECENT example: Freshmen par-
ticularly have been bellowing long and

loud against the detailed science courses most
of them are required to take. Many have been
pleading for an integrated course covering the
principles of several different sciences. Few of,
these complainers came to the open student-
faculty conference planned by the Literary Col-
lege steering committee to discuss the value
of integrated courses. Had they come they would
have realized that a course such as this had
been considered by the faculty and the idea
was discarded because: a) there isn't anyone
qualified to teach a course with such a wide
scope, b) a course designed to teach scientific
principles so broadly would either be on too
low a level to be worthwhile or would be too
difficult to be comprehensible, c) a "cafeteria
style" course could not get enough of each sci-
ence across to the students to be worthwhile.
It seems a pity that at a digcussion as in-
teresting and informative as the other night's
more faculty than students were present. Per-
haps the low attendance was due to lack of
publicizing. Events such as this meeting should
be publicized and should be attended. They
help cure those students susceptible to the di-
sease of criticizing without enough informa-
--Ethel Kovitz

ICC Likes
Who Ike
WASHINGTON- Some peculiar
political influence peddling has
been going on inside the Interstate
Commerce Commission, the first
regulatory body ever established
and which has been fairly free of
politics in the past.
It involves failure to investigate
the taking over of the New York
Central by a group of Ike's Texas
friends, which Ike's friends didn't
want investigated; and on the oth-
er hand the ICC determination to
investigate the taking over of the
Boston and Maine which other
Ike-friends do want investigated.
In both cases, Sherman Adams,
who really runs the White House,
both while Eisenhower is golfing
and while he's in Washington, was
th power behind the scenes.
In the case of the New York
Central, Mr. Adams wanted no ICC
probe. He wanted Bob Young, with.
Texas oil millionaires, Clint Mur-
chison and Sid Richardson, to take
over. There was no probe.
In the case of the Boston and
Maine, Adams did want an ICC
probe. His riend, Senator Salton-
stall of Massachusetts, plus friends
in New Hampshire and Boston, did
not want Pat McGinnis, bright
brash operator of the New Haven
Railroad to take over. In this case,
Mr. Adams also had his way. There
was an ICC probe.
Political Finger-Poking
IN BOTH CASES the inside man
who did the job for the White
House has been fingered as young-
ish Owen Clark, political ambitious
new ICC Commissioner from
Washington State. Clark denies
that he got any instructions from
the White House. But he does ad-
mit that he goes over to the White
House frequently to confer with
Sherman Adams and his alter ego,
Charley Willis, another expert on
poking the political finger into
Commissioner Clark also han-
dles j o b s- f o r- Republicans in
Washington State-a peculiar and
highly unusual duty for a quasi-
judicial commissioner supposed to
be absorbed solely with regulating
railroads and trucking lines for
the public good.
Regardless of Commissioner
Clark's denials, Senator Magnuson,
Chairman of the Senate Interstate
Commerce Committee, plans to get
to the bottom of things and see
just who is telling the truth.
Here are the complicated but
suspicious facts which the public
aoesn't know about:
In the red hot battle for control
of the New York Central between
Bob Young and the old NYC in-
terests, the crucial question was
who would vote 800,000 shares of
NYC'stock once held by the Chesa-
peake and Ohio railway, of which
Young had been president. Origi-
nally, the stock was deposited with
the Chase Bank and it looked as if
it would not be voted at all. In this
case, Bob Youngwas sure to lose
and the old New York Central
crowd would win.
Ike's Texas Friends
THEREFORE, Bob Young, him-
self a Texan, got hold of Ike's
close friends, Murchison and Rich-
ardson, who can get to the White
House day or night, and arranged
for them to borrow the money to
buy this huge block of New York
Central stock. The manner in
which they borrowed the money is
extremely significant. Young's

friend, Allen Kirby, head of the
Allegheny Corp., put up $7,500,000.
Another $12,500,000 came in large
part through Cleveland b a n k s
where Young's friend, Cyrus Eat-
on, is influential.
The two Texans also got a "put"
-in other words, a guarantee that
they could sell the stock back to
the C and O RR at a stipulated
price with no loss to them.
The New York Central claimed
this was not an arm's-length deal,
that Bob Young really kept strings
on the New York Central stock,
and that the entire deal should be
In all other cases where a for-
mal request has been received the
ICC has investigated. But in this
case, Commissioner Clark, politi-
cally minded friend of Sherman
Adams and the White House con-
tact inside the ICC, got busy.
Two votes were taken. Each
time the vote was9 to 2 for Ike's
friends, with the two votes against
Ike's Texas friends being cast by
Charles Mahaffie, Democrat, and
James Knudson, a Republican ap-
pointed by Truman.
After they voted against Ike's
friends, both ien were dropped by
Ike from the ICC. Knudson's term
expired and, though a Republican,
he was not reappointed. Mahaffie
reached the age of 70, and despite
a distinguished career and despite
the fact that his term had not ex-



THE PREVALENCF, OF PEOPLE by Marston Bates; Charles Srib-
ner's Sons
PROF. BATES has written a book about population, and he admits
quite frankly that it is written to be readable, and that he doesn't
mind if the scientific pundits criticise him for it. The result has been
a happy one, for his style is a highly readable mixture of the conver-
sational, and philosophical and the erudite.
The Prevalence of People is not designed as a book which is to
give any slick answers. In fact Prof. Bates stresses that he is not
trying to forecast but only to bring his readers up to date on the


present situation. At the same time
he does give some pointers as to
what might be done, and indeed
what almost certainly will have to
be done if the alarmists about in-
creasing population are not to be
proven correct. The most disap-
pointing thing in the book is that
the author gives the impression,
by a few outspoken comments in-
terpolated here and there, that
predictions and suggestions by
him would be worth reading, yet
he refrains from elaborating on
these hints.
THE MAJOR thesis of the book
is that the prevalence of people
can best be understood in cultur-
al terms rather than simply in
biological terms, which think ex-
clusively in the facts of reproduc-
tion and death. With this as a
basis Prof. Bates gives as his
opinion that with the rapid ex-
pansion of population which has
been achieved in the Western
world in the past century, it is now
almost imperative that some steps
be taken to place a limit on this
He points out that this expan-
sion has been made possible, not
through any change in the biologi-
cal process, but through the cul-
tural achievement in the limita-
tion of the causes of death and the
increase in the upper age limits,
and therefore the curtailment of
population must come from sim-
ilar achievements. Biologically
people have not changed their re-
productive habits or capabilities.
Prof. Bates does not see this as
any alarmingly immediate neces-
sity in the western civilization al-
though he does claim that there
is need for serious thought. In a
chapter on the control of repro-
duction he makes quite clear a

view which is likely to raise a lot
of opposition when he says:
"Control of the agencies of
death has become an accepted part
of our culture, and we have made
extraordinaryprogress in lower-
ing the hazards of life during in-
fancy and through the years when
the adult is reproducing. It seems
to me perfectly plain that this in-
terference with mortality must be
balanced by interference with na-
tality, lest we endanger all of the
varied social, cultural and techni-
cal gains that have been associat-
ed with our control of mortality."
AMONG less culturally advanced
people who have been intro-
duced to the sciences which lead
to an increase in the span of life,
Prof. Bates claims that the spread
of the knowledge to limit repro,
duction is essential. It is the debt
which is owed to these people to
help them maintain a reasonable
population balance.
The major part of Prof. Bate's
book is an analysis of the various
factors which have influenced
population trends through man's
development, and his findings and
illustrations leave his conclusions
as convincing arguments.
The Prevalence. of People is an
important book, because it offers
a vast fund of provocative mater-
ial in an attractive and accessible
manner. It's conversational ease
of style at times makes the reader
overlook the seriousness of what
the author has to say, for although
this is not a studiously profound
book it is a profound subject. It is
also a subject which is of imme-
diate and everyday importance to
every person, no matter what his
or her ethical views on population
may be. Read it.
--George Holmes

(Continued from Page 2)
WPAG-TV, Ann Arbor, Mich.-man to
sell time or space on WPAG-TV.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces exams for the following: open
to any qualified citizens of U.S., appli-
cation accepted up to May 13, 1955-
Assoc. Landscape Architect, Jr. Land-
scape Architect. Sr. Hardware Specifica-
tions writer; open to any qualified citi-
zens of U.S., applicationsaccepted up
to May 27, 1955-Sr. Landscape Archi-
tect, Social worker (medical), Interme-
diate Psychiatric Social Worker; exam
to be held inAlbany only, applicstion
accepted up to May 6, 1955 - Deputy
Clerk also acting as court Stenograph-
er; open to residents of N.Y., applica-
tions accepted up to May 13, 1955 -
Landscape Architect, Chief-Bureau of
vocational Curriculum Development
and industrial Teacher Training, Pro-
fessional Educ. Aide, Aquatic Biologist.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 352
Admin. Bldg.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night. Fri., April 22, 8:00 p.m., Room
2003 Angell Hall. John H. Waddell III
will speak on "The Sun." Following the
illustrated talk the observatory on the
fifth floor of Angell He1 will be open
until 10:00 p.m. for observations of
Jupiter and a double star. Children
welcomed, but must be accompanied
by adults.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs.,
April 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Miss Patricia A. McVeigh
will speak on "Hydrogen Isotope Ef-
Seminar in Analytical - Inorganic
Physical Chemistry. Thurs., April 21 at
7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Rog-
er F. Klemm will speak on "The Deter-
mination of Bond Dissociation Energies
from Chemical Kinetics Data."
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., April 21, Room
3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
C. H. Coombs and R. C. Kao will speak
on "Non-Metric Factor Anysis."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
rhurs., April 21, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Room
3010 A.H. Miss Irene Hess will discuss
Chapter 11 in Cochran's Sampling Tech-
Application for English Honors Cur-
riculum: Meeting for students interest-
ed in entering the English Honors
Curriculum that begins next Fal,
Thurs., April 21 at 4:00 p.m. in 2402
Mason Hall. The nature of the program
will be discussed and students will be
invited to raise questions. Sophomore
students are particularly invited, but
Freshmen who are interested in the
program are also welcome.
Doctoral Examination for Charles De-
pew verNooy, III, Chemistry; thesis:
"The Stereochemistry of the Diels-A-
der Reaction between Cyclopentadiene
and Substituted trans-Cinnamic Acid
Derivatives. The Formation of Nortri-
cyclene Derivatives in Brominations of
exo-2, 5-Methylene-1, 2, 5, 6-Tetrahy-
drobenzoic Acids," Thurs., April 21,
3003 Chemistry Building, at 1:15 p.m.
Chairman, C. S. Rondestvedt.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., April 21, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. John Cris-
pin of Willow Run will speak on "The
Radar Cross-Section of an Infinite
Psychology Colloquium. Dr. Samuel
J. Beck, University of Chicago, will
speak on 'N'ew Concepts of Schizophre-
nia: Findings from Projective Test Re-
search." Fri., April 22 at 4:15 p.m. in
429 Mason Hall.
Biological Chemistry Seminar. Prof.
Alfred S. Sussman, botany, will speak
on "Metabolic Changes during Asco-
spore Germination in Neurospora."
Room 319, West Medical Building, Sat.,
April 23, at 10:00 a.m.
Department of Electrical Engineering


Colloquium. Fri., April 22, Charles Jan-
off, Staff Engineer, Servomechansms
Laboratory, Bell Aircraft Corporation.
"Techniques and Problems in Autopilot
Design." Coffee-4:00 p.m.. Room 2500
E.E. Talk-4:30 p.m. Room 2084, E.E.
Advance Notice. Collequla are also
scheduled for most of the remaining
Fri. afternoons during the semester.
The next one 11lbe by D. Louis J.
Cutrona of WRRC Fri, April 29, Sub-
ject: "A Wide-Band Integrator and
Student Recital. Joan St. Denis Dudd,
soprano, recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, at 8:30 p.m. Thurs.,
April 21, in Rackham Assembly Hall.
Mrs. Dudd studies voice with Frances
Greer. 'Compositions by Mozart, Schu-
bert. Schumann, Debuss, Ravel, Gliere.
Tchaikovsky, Kountz, and Rimsky-Kor-
sakov, and will be open to the public.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m.
Thurs, April 21; works by Martini, Gor-
don, Schubert, Tchaikovsky; group of
Arab melodies.
Student Recital cancelled. Recital of
Thomas Tipton, baritone, previously
announced for Fri., April 22, has been
Events Today
Frosh Weekend. Maize Team Mass
Meeting, Thurs., April 21, 5:00 p.m. in
the League. Every member of any com-
mittee or participant in the floorshow
must attend.
"Law and Christian Ethics," joint
Presbyterian - Lutheran discussion,
Thurs., April 21, at 9:15 p.m., in the
Lutheran Studen+ Center. Paul G.
Kauper, professor of law; John W.
Reed, professor of law; and Ray Klaa-
sen, Ann Arbor lawyer, will lead the
discussion. Refreshments.
Congregational - Disciples Build.
Thurs., Apr. 24, 7:00 a.m., Breakfast
meditation group at Guild House Chap-
el. 5:00-5:30 p.m., Mid-Week Meditation
In Douglas Chapel.
Hillel. Reservation for Fri. evening
dinner must be made and paid for by
Thurs, Apr. 21 at t1e Hillel Building
between 7:00 and 1000 p.m.
La Petite Causette meets Thurs., Apr.
21 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room
of the Union cafeteria. Scrabble en
A Social Seminar will be held t 7:45
p.m. Thurs., April 21 in the West Con
ference Room, Rackham Building.
James C. MacDonald, assistant profes-
sor of journalism, will discuss, "The
Administrator and The Press." Refresh-
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Up-
.per Room, Lane Hll.
International Center Tea. Thurs., 4:30-
6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs at 7:45
p.m. in 311 W, Eng.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dentsBreakfast at Canterbury House,
Thurs., April 21, ater the 7:00 a.m.
Holy Communion.
Arts Chorale will meet at 7:00 p.m.
Thurs., Apr. 21 in Aud. D Angell Hall.
Open to public.
Young Democrats will sponsor a pan-
el discussion on the topic: "Is a Trend
towards Conformity Threatening Aca-
demic Freedom?" Speakers will be Ed-
win E. Moise, associate professor of
mathematics; William B. Palmer, asso-
ciate professor of economics; and Ar-
thur M. Eastman, assistant professor of
English. Thurs., April 21 in Auditorium
B, Angell Hall at 7:45 p.m. Open to
Hispanic Fiesta. Exhibit of Hispanic
Arts and Crafts, Oriental Gallery, Alum-
ni Hal. Open to the public. Thurs.,
April 21, 1:00-5:00 p.m. and 7:00-9:00
p.m. Fri., Apr. 22, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Carillon Concert of Hispanic Music,
by Dr. Percivl Price, Burton Memorial
Tower. Thurs., April 21, 3:00-3:10 p.m.
variety Sh1ow (Hispanic music, songs
and dances), Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Thurs., April 21, 6:00-6:45 p.m.
+MidWeek Vespers sponsored by the
Westminster Student Fellowship in the
sanctuary of the Presbyterian Church,
Thurm, April 21, 5:10-5:35 p.m.
Baha'l Student Group will sponsor
discussion: "Is a Baha'i a Christin?"'at
8:30 p.m. in the League. Open to public.
Hillel. University of Michigan United
Jewish Appeal Drive Is on. Please be

generous when contacted by a repre-
Russian dance group wa1l meet in
Room 3A of Michigan Union at 7:00
Russian coffee hour will meet in cafe-
terig of Michigan Union from 3:00-
5:00 p.m.
Coming Events
A conference on school building
lighting will be held in the Schorling
Auditorium, University High School
Building, at 10:30 a.m. Mon., April 25.
Emphasis will be on the principles ba-
sic to providing a good visual environ-
ment. Charles Gibson of the California
Department of Education will be the
Westminster Student Fellowship will
attend the Interguild party at the
Methodist Church, 8:00-12:00 p.m., Fri.,
April 22,
Hillel. Fri. evening services 7:15 p.m.
conducted by Ohio State University.
Theme address to be given by Rabbi
Harry Kaplan, Hillel director of OSU
and regional director of Midwest Hillel
Foundations. Oneg Shabbat to follow.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Coffee Clatch from 4:00-6:00
p.m., Fri., April 22, at Canterbury
House. Canterbury Campus Series: Prof.
Clark Hopkins, Department of Classical
Studies, will discuss and show slides on
"Early Christian Art," 7:30 p.m. Fri.,
Anril 22. at Canterbury Hnouse


World Poets' Convention Lapses
Into Plain Talk on Bomb

1.T WILL strike the average reader as sur-
prising that one of the best-communicated
expressions of alarm voiced from the wash of
the crazy course that this floundering world is
following toward its Crucial Moment should be
put on the record by a poet. The basis for sur-
prise is evident; for'"has it not long been the
distinguishing mark of the versifier to shun
direct contact with reality, preferring to com-
ment in a manner of "the more oblique, the
better" on the lyrically inspiring aspects of
An added fillip is the fact that this poetic
manifesto is not the work merely of a single-
poet, but rather the product of the collabora-
tion of all the poets in the world!
This unique document was recently framed
at the last meeting of the World Poets' Con-
vention in East Boston. The only public state-
ment tendered by the W.P.C. is embodied in
one sobering sonnet-the verses in question.
IN THE age of the Hydrogen Explosion, when
the poets are panicking, it is time to listen.

Especially when .the style of their message evi-
dences a striking reversal: the espousal of a
painfully basic, direct language. This is perhaps
the most significant sign that something is
desperately wrong with the world.
The text of the Convention's secretary's "Re-
port to the Non-Poet World" is as follows:
"Our last reunion was a sombre thing;
,The anxious stare was there on every face.
The cause: not equal flights of soaring mind;
Sore fact had robbed imagination's place.
We were, quite understandably, appalled.
The end of us and all is snugly near.
But we together reached this last accord:
To spend these numbered days in hope,
not fear.
We feel perhaps you don't know what's at
We do; our dedication will not cease:
To orient you on your present course
And question termination of this lease.
We like life. (We would not be without it.)
If you do, too, kindly think about it.
-Donald A. Yates


ul 4r



THIS YEAR'S Spanish Club play, "Una Viuda
Dificil" ("The Difficult Widow"), is excel-
The play takes place in the last years of
Buenos' Aires' colonial period, about 1805. It
concerns the strange circumstances surround-
ing the marriage of an attractive and person-
able young widow, Isabel (played by Barbara
Bandler, '58) and Mariano, a man convicted
of seven murders-(played by John Hatgis, '57).
Isabel is troubled by the attitude toward wid-
ows, which considers them fair game for every
philanderer in the city. In her anger, she deter-
mines to marry the first man who presents
himself. The 'first man' happens to be Mariano.
Humorous situations which arise from the
circumstances give the play its comic touches.
Miss Bandler's characterization of Isabel is
well-handled. She shows stage presence, a
'nynvnn a.ar,4n t rOrl ..-,nll + n a-la-n a c

and rhythm left much to be desired, although
he is only a third semester Spanish student.
als are worthy of mention are Ann Bandler
as Justina (a friend of Isabel's), George Choy-
ke, '58, playing Alcalde, Nieves (the maid),
played by Delores Evans, '57, and Sylvere
Houques-Fourcade, '57, as the Sereno (night
watchman). Herman Hudson, a teaching fellow
in the Spanish department, provided excellent
guitar music in the background, and briefily,
in the play.
Prof. Anthony Pasquariello's superb direction
of the play certainly cannot be overlooked. It
shone through every character's portrayal,
from stage business to facial expression.
"Una Viuda Dificil" will prove to be an enjoy-
able experience to anyone with a minimal
number of senses, whether he possesses a
7-. .-_ . . . _ L V._ __1- - T. __..._- ...._ .. ._.- 4

'Marxism Talk...
To the Editor:
AS PART of its Academic Free-
dom Week program, the Labor
Youth League is privileged to be
able to present Dr. Howard Sel-
sam, who will speak on "Marxism
and Academic Freedom." Dr. Sel-
sam is Director of the Jefferson
School of Social Science, New
York; the author of "Socialism
and Ethics" and "What Is Phil-
osophy"; and an outstanding na-
tional authority on Marxism. All
who have studied under Dr. Sel-
sam have been greatly impressed
with his ability and knowledge. It
is not too often these days that
the campus has the opportunity
to hear such a noted and gifted
exponent of Marxism as Dr. Sel-
sam. Therefore we want to extend
an especially cordial invitation to
the campus to attend this, our
main program of the semester.
(Friday, April 22, 7:30 p.m.; 200
North Fourth Avenue, Corner of
Ann and Fourth.)
At the same time, we are pleased
to announce the formation of a
"Speakers Bureau" s e r v i c e,
through whichnationally promi-
nent Marxist authorities in various
fields will be available to student
groups throughout the country.
In announcing the "Speakers
Bureau," Alita Letwin, National
Student Secretary of the Labor
Youth League wrote: "The Labor
'X-,,T T - . _ - n _ ,+- 4f

bringing directly to the campus
the challenge of Marxism present-
ed by Marxists."
Please contact me if your group
wants further information.
-Mike Sharpe
Duped ,-..
To the Editor:
versity of Michigan complain
bitterly of the high prices in Ann
Arbor. To those who dispute the
validity of this statement, let me
give an example.
The West Quadrangle's annual
Holly Hop required the purchase
of 300 dance programs. Inquiries
brought a range of prices from
$56 to $60 from four printing es-
tablishments in Ann Arbor. Fur-
ther inquiries led to the purchase
of the dance programs from Ypsi-
lanti for $30 ($18 for the pro-
grams and $12 for the tassels). The
cost of 350 tickets range in price
from $7 to $14. The same tickets
can be purchased in Ypsilanti for
How many dances have lost
money by just this difference? I
doubt very much if this example is
limited to printing alone. The stu-
dent in part is to be blamed for
this and simila, conditions in Ann
Arbor. We allow ourselves to be
extorted by our indifference and
certain Ann Arbor merchants are
accommodating us in every way.
Officers in student organizations
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Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig.....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers ...........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
David Livingston.......Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
..............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz......Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise........ Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
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