PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1955 TH MCIGN-AL TvUEs..DrA.. &7APRYL 19. 1951 Einstein Stood for Peace, Freedom and Faith "THEY didn't understand me in the begin- ning, and they won't understand me in the end," Albert Einstein once said. Yesterday, at 76, and fifty years after achiev- ing world acclaim for his theory of relativity, the end came to the shy, white-haired scientist. Few men understood his mathematical con- cepts that added a new dimension, time, to the length, width, and depth used to measure the universe. Yet, there seemed to be a tie between him and the common folk, those that under- stood him least. It was often told how he took great pleasure in answering problems sent to him by ama- teurs, or high schoolemath classes that were "stuck" over a problem. And the masses re- verred him, as someone who stood for know- ledge and advancement in a very muddled world. EINSTEIN'S thought embodied more than mathematical and physical theories, which as one result opened the power of the atom to the uses of man, for war or peace. After the explosion of the atom bomb, he expressed fear that it was a menace, not boon to mankind. He urged supranational organiza- tion over atomic energy and looked forward to its peacetime uses. In his latter years he often departed from his world of theories and problems to defend fellow scientists and educators who were being called before congressional investigations. Many who loved him' wished that he would stay out of what they felt was unfamiliar territory for the scientist. But Einstein was not naive about what he felt were undemocratic methods and ideas. In 1933 he had voluntarily left Nazi Ger- many where he had been called an enemy of the state. He wanted a country where men could peacefully follow their pursuits, whether science or anything else, and he added his voice to this cause wherever he thought he could help. HIS humanitarianism carried him in various directions. A staunch Zionist, he worked for a free entry of Jews into Palestine and the es- tablishment of a democratic Israel. He entered his voice in asking clemency for the Rosenbergs, and although many people felt that he was letting his feelings carry him too far in this respect, he was still loved for having the feel- ingsl What Einstein left unsolved, or partially solved in his brilliant mind may never be known. But the hope for freedom and peace which lay in his heart will be a guidepost for scientists and all men who remember him. Of his own faith, Einstein once said that it helped him "through my whole life-not to become hopeless in the great difficulties of in- vestigation." And although his mathematical and scien- tific work has come to an end, it is this faith that remains. -Murry Frymer U.S. Should Heed Advice Of 'Lesser Nations' A N UNPRECEDENTED conference opened in the town of Bandung, Indonesia yesterday. Gathered together were some 1,000 delegates from countries that contain more than half of the world's population. It is an Asian-African conference with the world's major powers no- ticeably absent. This is the first time that the "lesser" na- tions of the world have banded together in apparent unity to voice their ideas on the political scene of today. It is obvious that they don't like the looks of things. There are at least three strong bonds that tie the nations together. First, all have at some time in the past been under the control or domination of a Western power. Second, al- most all the peoples are non-white. And third, each has felt the wave of nationalism and inde- pendence in the last few years. There is yet another unifying tie. Most of the small nations have cultures radically dif- ferent from those of the World Powers. What they see of the culture of these Powers they do not admire, for war, to them, seems an integral part of such cultures. THESE NATIONS have been ruled "by for- eigners" for long stretches of their history. But even the simple farmers and peasants of these "quaint" lands know tthe meaning of "Asia for the Asians" and "Africa for the Africans." The 29 nations at the meetings are aware of the armed camps of the West and East. They tion to these two powers. Indeed, the two pow- ers want these nations to take a stand, though of course, favorable to one of them. But the general tenor of the meeting is an attempt by these nations to form a strong neutral bloc that could play the balancer in the battle of the power scale. N EHRU is expected to proffer some rules or principles for co-existence. Nehru is re- spected by these nations and can be thought of as the leading figure in the conference (though Chou En-lai can certainly not be counted out). The chance that Nehru's sugges- tions will be adopted by the conference is a good one. The sponsoring countries - India, Ceylon, Pakistan, Burma and Indonesia - have not given or presented an agenda. They have mere- ly called the meeting of general interest to Asian and African countries to seek to "pro- mote world peace and cooperation." And among the problems to be considered are those per- taining to "national sovereignty, racialism and colonialsim." It is thus to be expected that the Western nations will be censured. (Some nations will probably condemn Russia.) ENGLAND and France will be criticised be- cause of their colonial policies. The United States will be attacked because of its vacillat- ing stand on the question of colonialism and rights of nationalism. But behind these criticisms, will be those aimed at the economic aid disbursement poli- cies of the United States. Few will deny that the U.S. has been generous to many of the nations at the conference. But it is not difficult to escape the fact that this aid has been given in a very paternalistic fashion. True we want to preserve our interests in these lands (and get thanks as well), and to see that the aid given is put to good use. But we often control exactly how aid is to be used. WE DESIGNATE how much goes to what industry, to further a specific kind of in. dustrialization. This does not permit the na- tions to build up the industries they feel they are best suited for-if they did, they would receive'no aid. The U.S. does so much more by sending professionals to these lands and let. ting them, first hand, show the natives how to build, or plant, or cultivate than by any mil- lions that are designated to be used only in heavy industry. Our economic ai4 policy needs revision. That a conference of receiving-aid nations is to tell our government so is unfortunate. But the U.S. should be prepared to accept the criticisms for their value and not as a stab-in-the-back act by these nations. The U.S. has sent observers to the confer- ence. It is hoped that .the best wishes sent by , our State Department to the Conference mem- bers are sincere. We would like tt see the conference arrive at a positive and sttong solu- tion to some of their problems and come to a strong stand on the world scene. -harry Strauss DREW PEARSON: Navy's costly Oysters WASHINGTON-If you like oys- v ters, join the Navy. But don't enlist. Get a commission and have yourself assigned to the Cheatham Annex Depot of the Naval Supply Center between Yorktown and Norfolk, Va. For years oysters have been dug and shucked on government time at Cheatham Annex by civilian workers of the Navy Department destinetl exclusively for the di- gestive tracts of Navy brass. They were eaten at the officers' mess at Cheatham Annex. They were shipped via Navy mail facil- ities, at the rate of six to eight quarts a week, to the officers' mess at the Norfolk Supply Center. And, prior to his retirement on Aug. 1, 1953, they were also ex- pressed regularly to Washington for the personal use of Vice Adm. Charles W. Fox. Admiral Fox, known to his men as "Oyster Forks Charley," was the Navy's Paymaster-General from 1949 to 1951 and was Chief of Navy Ma- teriel from 1951 to 1953. Now on the carpet over this and other shocking revelations at Cheatham Annex are Comdr. F. L. Chapman, who commanded the depot from 1948 to 1953; Lt. Comdr. L. W. Race, who was in charge from Jan. 4, 1954, until his replacement by Rear Adm. A. A. Antrim on April 1, 1954. Toy Train Parts A GENERAL Accounting Office investigation also discloses that officers at Cheatham Annex used government money and gov- ernment personnel to make toys for their children and to build a virtual country club for their priv- ate off-duty enjoyment. Moreover, due either to sheer incompetence or negligence, addi- tional thousands of dollars in pub- lic funds were lost to the govern- ment through faulty administra- tion. Lt. Comdr. Race was found to have bought parts for a toy loco- motive for his own personal use, and paid for them with a check written on government funds. The parts comprised 30 small wheels andaxles for an electric train set. "An expensive locomotive crane is kept but used only a few hours a year. In emergencies a crane could be rented from the Chesa- peake and Ohio Railway and would be available on two to three hours notice." The crane was used only 49 hours in a total of two years, yet it cost $1,030.22 to serv- ice. A civilian cafeteria operated at Cheatham Annex owed the govern- ment $10,723.77 for electricity, wa- ter, and various other utilities. It was also found that government employees using the cafeteria ow- ed $4,469.90. Fancy Mahogany Bar IT WAS also discovered that the Navy had installed a fancy ma- hogany bar in the commanding officer's residence, equipped with running water, sink, and electric refrigeration. The bar cost Uncle Sarti a whopping $1,316.82. The officers' mess at Cheatham Annex had a total membership of only seven officers. To accommo- date them, the kitchen in the of- ficers' mess was redecorated at a cost of $1,285.89. Wood cabinets, apparently in good condition, were replaced with steel cabinets. Two new kitchen ranges were purchas- ed, though the old ranges appear to have been in satisfactory con- dition. "Equipment purchased for the officers' mess was charged to other activities," stated the confidential government report. (copyright 1955, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............City Editor Jon Sobeloff......... Editorial Director Pat Roelofs. ......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor David Livingston.......,.Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin .,.Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ....s......Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz ....... Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak .........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill wise .........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 "There Must Be Something We Can Do About It" - V } C T CURRENT ,.JoESr C URREAN T MO VIES At the Michigan. THE BIG COMBO AN INTERESTING sidelight on the current rash of cops and robbers movies is the implication that policemen would like to abol- ish much of the Constitution they are paid to uphold. In Dragnet, for instance, Joe Friday apparent- ly found the Fifth Amendment a great inconvenience. In The Big Combo detective Cornel Wilde is irked at the idea that a person must be considered innocent un- til he is proven guilty. This un- reasonable restriction does not, however, greatly cramp his style. Like most metropolitan shoot- em-ups, The Big Combo opens with an aerial view of a big city at dusk, accompanied by big-city- at-dusk music rendered hauntingly on asaxophone. This note of cozy familiarity continues throughout. In plot, character, and message, the picture is indistinguishable from others of the type. Cornel Wilde is an underpaid civic servant who persists in his attempts to crack open a criminal ring in spite of the spirited op- position of that group. His cru- sade gets little support from the police commissioner, who sends the captain in from time to time to pound on Wilde's desk and thunder "The case is closed, un- derstand?" WILDE nevertheless perseveres, spending his own money when the city declines to provide him with further funds. It is hinted that his devotion to duty is mo- tivated in part by his love for the mistress of the chief of the syndi- cate. Her role is played by a blonde actress who looks starting- ly like Grace Kelly, but isn't. The film's only real contribu- tion to the cops-and-robbers genre is a new and ingenious torture. This consists of equipping the vic- tim with a hearing aid, turning the volume to the maximum, and then shouting at him. It hurts his ears. At one point in the proceedings, a character hiding out in an in- sane asylum makes the interest- ing assertion that she would rath- er be "insane and alive, than sane and dead." I became so engrossed in the implications of this line of thought that I absently left the theater to smoke a cigarette and mull it over. Consequently I miss- ed the remainder of the picture but I am reasonably sure every- thing came out all right for Cornel Wilde. -D. F. Malcolm At the Orpheum AIDA, with Renata Tebaldi, Ebe Stignani, Giuseppe Campora, Gina Bechi . .. Sophia Loren, Lois Maxwell, Luciano Della Marra, and Afro Poll. THE secret of an opera and an opera addict is the realization of the expressive power of the hu- man voice. It is the determining element of any opera, and the reason why every lover of the medium accept middle-aged six foot heroines, half hearted duels, etc. However, many attempts have been made to make the whole busi- ness more acceptable to the man in the American street, who is so admirably equipped for his battle against the Imagination. This isn't a bad idea at all, so long as the thing that makes an opera tick. the vocal style, is not destroyed or bungled. With a cast of great vocal artists ENRICO Formichi, who plays the Pharoah lyis the only person who is actually making the sounds he pretends to-and he looks as well as he sounds-disgusting. Of course the makers of this film might have included him just to prove their point. There were also effective mo- ments visually, chiefly the arias that utilized dramatic closeups, and the ballet scenes. But the strong points of a film are not the same as those of an opera. How- ever, the attempt to make opera good to look at is respectable, and the singing overcomes the short- comings, as it always has. -Jim Backas * * * At Architecture Aud. . . An Almanac of Freedom - Studio One adaptation of the Williamn O. Douglas book. RECOGNIZING the impossibility of dramatizing a socio-politi- cal study, Studio One wisely saw fit to distill and not dramatize the essence of the Douglas book. The success of their attempt is ques- tionable but worth debating. A cross-section of small-towners are summoned to their shabby, ill-used town hall, for no seeming purpose except to announce the "100% American Patriots Day box lunch picnic." Suddenly, a storm breaks, and time stands still. In the horror of the moment, the group pours its venomous fear on a "radical" stranger, who had been mugged the night before for his views. He becomes, in sym- bolic and familiar succession, un- desirable, heretical, traitorous, and demonic. The newsman who de- fends "respect" is threatened. The child who preaches school-book "rights" should be "whipped." CLIMACTICALLY, as Arch-Am- ericanist Sweet slaps the stran- ger, the clocks all skp back one minute. Now the already obvious is made painfully clear, Each as- sault on the stranger is a step backward into pre-civilized bes- tiality. The date .of all this Brou- haha is December 15, which is revealed to us non-history majors as the date of the Bill of Rights. After a dramatic recital of these rights, the storm clouds clear; and everyone leaves, richer and wiser, the audience not wholly excepted. WHAT DOES all this add up to? To the Studio One folk, it means Tagore-"When the mind is without fear, And the head is held high, Into that heaven of freedom let my country awake." To your reviewer, I'm afraid it meant something far more omi- nous and less sympathique. Dis- regarding the stilted acting and the melodrama, I still had the un- easy feeling that the vulgar spo- liation of every civil right came too readily andseasily to these typical Americans. The glib, con- trived turnabout to renewed dem- ocratic action was strained, incre- dible. Given these reactions, I fear that Tagore goes out the window of every-day practice as easily as the Bill of Rights; and what is left is fear, barbarism, and the iron boot. Despite its failure, the film pro- voked thought. For that alone it deserves to be shown during Aca- demic Freedom Week. -Steve Jelin LETTERS T n thb0 i jw;n (Continued from Page 2) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN for an interview call NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614. Postlonk open for male counselors are in riding & horsemnship, arts & crafts, sailing, tennis, riflery, archery and music. The season lasts for eight weeks. Candidates will be chosen on the basis of previous experience and on their availability for more than one summer. Petoskey Play House, Pet., Michigan will interview male & female candidates at. the Bureau of Appointments on April 23 from 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. Positions open for actors, technical personnel, artist and public relations press man. This is a second year company that presents a show a week at the residence Co. in Pet. Season runs from June 27-Sept. 6. The artist candidate should be familiar with silk-screen work, be capable of handling a program layout, newspaper lay-out and theatre decor. Call NO 3- 1511, Ext. 2614 for an appointment to be interviewed. SUMMER PLACEMENT PERSONNEL REQUESTS City of Detroit Civil Service Commis- sion will accept applications for the fol- lowing positions for summer employ- ment: Lifeguard, age 19%-35 yrs., pay- ing a salary $1.45-1.82 per hour; Swim- ming instructor age 19-35 yrs., paying $1.45-2.10 per hour. Candidates must be residents of Detroit. If interested contact City of Detroit, Civil Service Commission, 6th floor, City-County Bldg., 400 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Thurs. & Fri., April 21 & 22 E.J. Brach & Sons, Chicago, II- B.S. & M.S. in Ind., Mech., Chem. E., and Chemistry for Research, Develop- ment, Administration. Fri., April 22 Danly Machine Specialties, Chicago, III.-B.S. & M.S. in Elect., Ind., and Mech. E, for Regular Work, Jrs., Sophs., and Freshmen for Summer, for Re- search, Sales, Design, Methods & Shop Supervision. U.S. citizens. Standard Oil Co., Esso Labs., Louisi- ana Div., Baton Rouge, La.-all levels in Chem. E. for Research and Develop- ment. Massey-Harris-Ferguson, Inc., Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in Mech. E. for Research, Development, Pesgn. For appointments contact the Engrg Placement, Ext. 2182, 347 W.E. Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Hart- ford, Conn.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Field Representative positions any- where in U.S., also considering men for Claims, Acctg., and Underwriting. Aero Chart & Information Center, St. Louis, Mo.-men and women in Geog- raphy or Geology, for mapping. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners for the V.A. Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. -exam for Kitchen Helper-restricted by law to persons entitled to veterans preference as long as such persons are available, Laundry Worker-men only. U.S. citizens only. Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., has a vacancy for a young woman with a B.S. or M.S. degree, science background and registered or trained in Medical Tech., for a position in the Endocrinol- ogy Dept. Miniature Precision Bearing, Inc., Keene, N.H., needs a man to work from broad assignments involving ap- plication of engrg. and statistical qual- ity control principles. Should have engrg. degree preferably having concen- trated in the electro-mechanical areas. Should have some experience in the field of quality control and testing equipment development and mainte- nance. The Texas Co., N.Y., N.Y., offers op- portunities to technical graduates with B.S. & M.S. degrees in Civil, Mech., Elect., and Chem. E. for office and field work, process design, and petroleum re- finery development and processing. Lectures University Lecture in Journalism. Mrs. Agnes Meyer, writer for the Washington (D.C.) Past and Times-Herald and wife of the Chairman of the Board of the Post and Times-Herald, will speak on "The Press as Servant of Light and Progress" in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Tues., April 19, at 3:00 p.. Coffee hour will follow in Journlism Department Conference Room, 1443 Mason Hall. Open to public. Dr James Carrell, Director of the Speech and Hearing Clinic at the Uni- versity of Washington and Vice-Presi. dent and President-Elect of the Ameri- can Speech and Hearing Association, will present a series of original X-ray movies of palato-pharyngeal action at the Kellogg Auditorium, Tues., April'19, at 8:00 p.m. Students and faculty are invited to attend. Dr. Carrell's lecture will provide commentary for the films. Botanical Seminar. Hubert W. Vogel- mann, Department of Botany, will speak on, "Biosystematic Studies on Primula inistassinica in North Amer- ica." Wed., April 20, 4:00 p.m. Refresh- ments. 1139 N.S. University Lecture under the auspices of the Department of Chemistry. Wed., April 20 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Dr. C. E. Nordman of the Institute for Cancer Research of Phila- along with Professors Moise and Palmer. Three other events are also scheduled: 1) A "Studio One" movie presen- tation of Justice Douglas' new book, "Almanac of Liberty" for which there will be no admission charge. (Architecture Aud., 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. Tuesday). 2) A town meeting on, "Is Aca- demic Freedom Synonymous With Political Freedom?", featuring four students sponsored by the W e s 1 e y a n Guild. (Wednesday, Wesleyan Guild Lounge, 8 p.m.) 3) A talk hy TrovGore .lear delphia. will speak on, "Crystal Struc- ture Studies of Citrc Acid and the Citrate Ion," Academic Notices English 150 (Playwriting) will meet promptly at 6:55 p.m. Tues., April 19, and will continue to meet at that time unless otherwise announced, School of Business Administration: Students seeking admission to this School as graduate degree candidates in the summer session or fall semes- ter, 1955, must take the Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business May 14. Students currently enrolled who have not yet taken the test must also take it May 14. Each individual must make his own application to the Edua- tional Testing Office,Princeton, New Jersey, to be received in that office not later than April 30 ,1955. Applica- tions for the test and test general in- formation 'bulletins are available in Room 150, School of Business Admin- istration Building. Mathematics Colloquium. Tes., April 19, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Dr. Jun-ichi Igusa, of Harvard Uni- versity, will speak: "On the Theory of Kronecker-Castelnueve." Geometry Seminar will meet Tues., April 19, at 7:00 p.m. in 3001 A.H. Note change of day for this week. Dr. J. R. Buchi will continue his talk on "In- variant Theory in Groups." Doctoral Examination for John Mar- tin Clegg, Chemistry; thesis: "L The Preparation and Reaction of Some O-Azidoblaryls. II. A New Method for the Preparation of Alkyl Azides," Tues., April 19, 2024 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A. S. Smith. Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for Students in Education will be held May 26, 27, and 28. Students who anticipate taking these examinations must file their names with the Chairman of Ad- visers to Graduate Students, 4019 UnI- versity High School, not' later than May 1. Seminar in Complex Variables will meet Tues., April 19, at 2:00 p.m. in 247 West Engr. Joseph Stampfli will speak on "Subharmonic Functions." Doctoral Examination for Joseph Ev- erett Rowe, Electrical Engineering; the- sis: "A Large-Signal Analysis of the Traveling-Wave Amplifier," Tues., April 19, 2518 East Engineering Bldg., at 10:00 a.m, Chairman, W. G. Dow. Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues., April 19 at 4:10 p.m. In Room 2308 Chemistry. Dr. L. . Brockway will speak on "Single Crystal Electron Dif- fraction." Sociology Coffee Hour in the Sociology Lounge at 4:00 p.m. Wed., April 20. Concerts Student Recital. Helen Stob, pianist, will play compositions by * Mozart, Brahms, and Beethoven, at 8:30 p.m. Tues., April 19, in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Miss Stob is a pupil of John Kollen, and her program will be open to the public. Men's Glee Club annual Spring Con cert date has been changed from Sat., May 21 to Fri., May 20. Events Today Deutscher Verein. Tues., Apr. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Room. 3KLM of the Union. First of the new series of meetings em- phasizing modern Germany, her prob- lems and institutions. Dr. Ida Hakemey- er and Karl Roskamp, Fullbright schol- ars from Germany, will speak on "Edu- cational Institutions in Germany." Dr. Hakemeyer will also comment on a film, Drei Meister Schneiden in Holz, which shows the works of three contemporary German woodcarvers. German games and refreshments. Frosh Weekend. Floorshow Rehearsal Schedule: Tues., 7:00 p.m., Mass Meet- ing. Wed., 7:00 p.m., Group 2; Thurs- day, 7:00 p.m., Groups 7a and 7b; Sat., 2:00 p.m., Groups 6, 8, 9; 3:00 p.m., Group 1 Sun., 3:00 p.m., Group 5, Hilel. University of Michigan United Jewish Appeal Drive Is on. Please be generous when contacted by a repre- sentative. Academic Freedom Week - "Studio One" movie presentation of Justice Douglas' book, Almanc of Liberty for which . there will be no admission charge. Architecture Aud. 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., Tues. Coming Events Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House. Wed., April 20, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Hispanic Fiesta. Exhibit of Hispanic Arts and Crafts, Oriental Gallery, Alum- ni Hall. Open to theapublic. Wed., April 20, 1:00-5:00 p.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m. Thurs., April 21, 1:00-5:00 p.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m. Fri., April 22, 1:00-5:00 Carillon Concert of Hispanic Music, by Dr. Percival Price, Burton Memorial Tower. Wed., April 20, 3:00-3:10 pm. Thurs., April 21, 3:00-3:10 p.m. variety Show (Hispanic music, songs and daAces), Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Wed., April 20, 4:00-4:45 p.m. Thurs., April 21, 6:00-6:45 p.m. General meeting of Sigma Alpha Eta Wed., April 20, at 7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall. Elections of new offices. Dr. Harry Towsley will speak on, "Speech Cor- rection and Pediatrics." All members requested to attend. Frosh Weekend. Mass meeting of the Blue Team Wed., Apr. 20 at 5:00 p.m. in the League ballroom. Everyone must at- tend. Frosh Weekend., Maize Team Mass Meeting, Thurs., April 21, 5:00 p.m. in the League. Every member of any com- mittee or participant in the floorshow I b i '1 1I .4 CITY EDITOR'S SCRATCH PAD I By DOROTHY H. MYERS Daily City Editor THE STATE DEPARTMENT made a serious error in refusing to let 11 Soviet student editors into the country without being finger- printed. When three American college editors visited Russia last year, they found the Communist propaganda barrage had left their Soviet coun- terparts with many strange conceptions about the United States and college newspapers here. At one point the three American editors from Oberlin, Colorado University and the Univesity of Michigan-were asked to what degree their college newspapers were censored by govern- ment and college authorities. All of them, after brief discussion, concluded that The Daily was probably the most out- standingly free college newspaper in the coun- try. The Daily, they explained, has no faculty adviser, no University day-to-day supervision and no pre-censorship of news or editorials. The two edi'ors from Colorado and Oberlin complained of college supervision of their pa- pers-both had a greater degree of official University domination. The Russian editors could hardly believe what they said. They looked embarrassed. For less believe, the degree of freedom Y at The Daily. The Russian editors had many other miscon- ceptions about America too. They didn't believe the average student had more than one thread- bare suit; or that the average working family had their own washing machine, radio, tele- vision sets and automobile. NOW the Russian editors may never know that all this is true. Perhaps, as has been suggested by some com- mentators, the Russian goxernment did snap at the opportunity to keep the college editors out of the country. Perhaps Soviet officials did merely make an issue of fingerprinting so that Russian farmers who were to visit America later this year would also be kept from seeing our country's rich private-enterprise farms. But our State Department backed down too. Instead of taking the initiative in breaking through the Iron Curtain, they insisted upon regular red-tape procedures. It's about time the State Department woke up and realized the advantages gained by letting Russian students and other citizens into our country. For only by seeing how we live here can doubts be put in Russian minds as to the "truth" of Communist propaganda. And