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April 19, 1955 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS, MILD


VOL. LXV, No. 135






Problem Aired
(EDITOR'S NOTE; This is an interpretive article concerning problerho
of segregation in the public schools of the South.)
Last spring the Supreme Court handed down a unanimous deci-
sion that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,"
thus dealing another blow to a hard-dying social system.
The ruling had far reaching consequences.
The University of Virginia "Cavalier Daily" summed up the
feeling of many Southerners, declaring the decision was "contrary to
a way of life."
The ruling itself was based on test cases from Kansas, South
Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware, but is effected 10.7 million white1

TV Program'
On Freedom
Starts Week
NSA Sponsored
Activities Underway
Academic Freedom Week activi-
ties get under way at the Universi-
ty today with a showing of the
Studio One television program
"Almanac of Freedom"
A dramatization of ideas from
Justice William O. Douglas' book
of the same title, the movie will be
shown at 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. in
the Architecture Auditorium.
The movie portrays citizens of
a model American town as they
face problems Hof political and in-
tellectual freedom.
Sponsored By NSA
Sponsored by National Students
Association, Academic Freedom
Week is being observed by student
across the country this week, in
the interest of "maintaining aca-
demic freedom and students
Under direction of a special ad-
hoc committee set up by Studen
Affairs Committee in March, th
University program will continu
with events scheduled tomorrow
Thursday and Sunday.
Special Town Meeting
At 8 p.m. tomorrow the Wesley
an Guild will sponsor a specia
torn meeting to discuss "Is Aca
demic Freedom Synonymous wit
Political Freedom?"
Young Democrats will holda
panel discussion Thursday with
Prof. Edwin E. Moise of the math
ematics department, Prof. William
E. Palmer of the economics de
partment and Prof. Karl H. Reich-
enback of the history departmen
Leroy Gore, head of Wisconsin'
"Joe Must Go" campaign will pre
sent the main speech, concluding
the week's festivities Sunday wit
a speech "Freedom Is Not a One
Way Street."
UN Praised
By Ferguson
"Admitting Red China to th
United Nations and surrenderin
national sovereignty in a limite
degree is the only way the Unite
Nations can be used to promot
peace through world brotherhood,
John Ferguson said yesterday.
{ Ferguson, chairman of the Brit
ish Fellowship of Reconciliatio
and a member of the UN Associa
tion Executive Committee, cite
the UN as the "greatest instru
ment nations of the world have t
gain peace."
Speaking on, "The Political Ap
plications of Peace Making," h
pointed to techniques used in Pal
estine and Kashmir to obtai
peace as much more effective an
satisfactory in the long run tha
Ferguson, in the talk sponsore
by Lane Hall and The Fellowshi
of Reconciliation of Ann Arbo
pointed out that divorcement C
religion and politics isn't. possible
He stated "the morality of publi
and private political interests can
be divided."
Kempf Picked

and Negro school children in the
21 states that permitted segrega-
Court Reflective
The court proved extremely re-
flective, however, softening the
decision in footnote 13 which sug-
gests that they (the court) may
"permit an effective gradual ad-
justment from existing segregated
systems . . ." It did not rule at
once on implementation.
Instead, the Court requested the
"assistance of the parties" in for-
mulating, decrees. The result was.
that the border and southern
states, Negro organizations, and
the Eisenhower Administration,
filed briefs last December.
Arguments Heard
Last week arguments were
brought before the Court. The old
1passions, new proposals, and vio-
lent emotions of the old debate
were dragged out and put on dis-
"Wait and see" was the general
attitude in the South.
All states involved opposed im-
mediate end to segregation. The
border states favor allowing local
authorities to finish the program,
insisting that intervention by a
judicial authority might create
s "manifold difficulties."
Local Authorities
- The rest of the South strongly
advises leaving desegregation to
local authorities, without the aid
*of court action.
t In border areas, Maryland and
e Washington, D.C., where desegre-
e gation has been carried on for the
,past academic year, legislators are
working with some progress.
Maryland's Montgomery County
- became the first to issue a detailed
l statement of its plans to integrate
- public schools. In Washington the
h Board of Education touched on the
ticklish problem of integrating
a top personnel without discrimi-
- nating against incumbents.
Opposition Violent
- Opposition in Georgia was vio-
- lent from the outset, little or no
* change being noted. Lately, how-
ever plans to raise funds for a
combined CIO-AFL drive to wipe
s out segregation in Southern
- schools were announced by dele-
h gates to a meeting of United
- Packing House Workers in At-
In.Alabama, as in other states,
the "private school bill" to provide
for segregated private schools with
public funds, has been under at-
tack by prominent attorneys.
The oral arguments ended
Thursday, but it was not known
when the court would hand down
its ruling.

-Daily-John Hirtzel
New International House
Set for Sorority Annex

A new international house will
be established on campus next fall1
in the present Alpha Phi annex.
Winifred Wildman of Wilming-
ton, Ohio, signed a sales agree-
ment late yesterday with the local
Theta chapter of the sorority for
purchase of the structure located1
at 1809 Hill.
Starting next semester the
building will house 12 women
graduate students of both Ameri-
can and foreign nationalities.
Begin Co-op
Buying Trial
Twenty-five fraternities are par-
ticipating in the second co-opera-
tive food buying trial period.
Purchasing agent Mike Barber,
'57, said yesterday the board of di-
rectors administering the new plan
has been chosen. Members of the
board include University Invest-
ment Director Graham Conger,
Food Service Manager Hal Wag-
ner and University Food Buyer
Tom Thompson..
Students on the board are David
Goldstein, '56BAd., Hank Aughey,
'56NR, Jack Ryan, '56, Interfra-
ternity Council Executive Vice-
President Bob Knutson, '56, Bar-
ber and Assistant to the Dean of
Men William S. Zerman.
Bids on canned goods for the
second trial period, which begins
May 1, have been accepted by the
board, Barber reported.
During the board's third meet-
ing Thursday, a proposed consti-
tution for the plan will be studied
and prepared. It will go to the
fraternity stewards council for
consideration next week.

Alpha Phi is giving up occupan-
cy of the annex with the comple-
tion of an addition, now under
construction, to their main chap-
ter house at 1830 Hill.
MisssWildman, a former resi-
dent of Ann Arbor, is a member of
The Society of Friends and has
been associated with similar proj-
ects at Earlham College in Indi-
ana and Wilmington College in
Supervised by Miss Wildman
The new dwelling, which will be
under the supervision of Miss
Wildman, will be associated with
the Council for International Liv-
The Council is presently spon-
soring J. Raleigh Nelson House
for graduate and undergraduate
men regardless of nationality.
Purpose of the new international
house, according to DeWitt C.
Baldwin, Co-ordinator of Religious
Affairs at Lane Hall and an ex-of-
ficio member of the Council, is to
develop intercultural understand-
ing among American and foreign
Deals With Discrimination
"Because graduate students are
not allowed to live in the dorms
and because of apparent discrimi-
nation against students of foreign
nationality on the part of local
landlords," Baldwin said, "we be-
lieve that this is one way-though
admittedly a small way-to deal
with the problem.
"Our hope is that out of this ini-
tial movement, more such houses
will spring up on campus and
eventually eliminate these situa-
tions of discrimination and lack
of adequate housing," he contin-
The new international living
quarters will work on a co-opera-
tive basis, with the residents shar-
ing in the work. Room-and-board
rates will approximate those of the

Reveal Reds
Blasted Isle
Last Week
Madame Chiang Tells
Of Fresh Danger
TAIPEI, Formosa () - Matsu
Island was shelled heavily last
week for the first time from the
mainland, where huge Russian-
made coastal guns have been re-
ported emplaced.
This was disclosed yesterday by
Madameehiang Kai-shek. She
told for the first time of a visit
she and President Chiang made to
the island 120 miles northwest of
Formosa last Thursday.
Nationalists To Defend
Thus a new peril has been posed
for this offshore island which the
Nationalists declare they will de-
fend with or without U.S. help.
Matsu, main island in the Matsu
group, is nine and one-half miles
south of the nearest mainland
point. It has been hitherto im-
mune from shelling. However, in-
telligence reports have said the
Reds were bringing down big
coastal guns to get Matsu within
In an exclusive interview, Ma-
dame Chiang declined to go into
detail about the shelling. She
would not even say what day the ALB
shelling took place. But she said no
the shelling was "quite heavy" and
that Nationalist guns returned the'
China Buildup P 1
The Matsus also are menaced
by a big Communist air buildup
in south China. Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles said in Augus-
ta, Ga., Sunday the buildup has Sev
"grave implications." Stein
The Matsu garrison is believedsin
to have been more than doubled scienti
recently to 11,000 or more men. yester
day iil]
Coed Rules stein1
but in
Coordinated xartery
of the
to the
By Judiciary Eve
to fu
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the searc
fifth in a series of interpretative ar- witho
tiles on women's student govern-1
ment.) Pre
Holding a pivotal position be- man
tween Women's Panel and the sessio
house judiciaries under it, Wom- edge'
en's Judiciary Council is also an Sy
arm of the League. throu
Its operations have been de- the 1
scribed as akin to social case work Unive
by Dean of Women Deborah Ba- haire
con. sion.
Judic's primary responsibilities He
are to hear many of the cases clas- Princ
sified as major disciplinary prob- math
lems, and to coordinate and re- conti
view the work of the League emeri
House Judiciary and the individ-
ual house judics working under it. On
It is also a committee for revising Einst
women's regulations. thorc
A superior court to Women's and a
Judic the three member Women's clear

Panel handles cases of a more se- discov
rious nature, and t
Composed of the Dean of wom- sible.
en, Women's Judic chairman and Ei
the highest ranking member of nown
Joint Judiciary Council, Panel dis- old as
poses of all major disciplinary ory o
problems which come to the Dean Thi
of Women's office. It has the op- could
tion of handling a case itself or was p
referring it to Women's Judic or atomi
Joint Judic. Hiros
Like other campus judiciary
groups, Panel holds meetings in Shc
secret, since all information dropp
brought before it is considered violer
confidential. "If there was ever energ
the slightest leak from Women's but a
Panel, it would cease to exist," In
Dean Bacon said, "I will not have Gene
an individual girl's reputation whicl
spread around." ton's
Judic Work Called Educational Wh
The work of Women's Judic was bel P
described by Miss Stahl as hayw- mode
ing an educational purpose. "We man'
do not review cases just to see andr
that everyone does what they are W1
sunosed to. but to explain why Du

BERT EINSTEIN . .. Shocked world mourns death of re-
wned physicist and mathematician.
hysicist Einstein Dies
fter Four Day Illness
enty-six year old Albert Ein-
acclaimed as the greatest' Einstein's recent work was an
ific mind of his -time, died attempt to describe under one
day at 1:15 a.m. after a four cover all the forces of the universe
ness. in a set of equations. "Perhaps if
extremely shy person, Ein- he had lived ten years longer he
kept his entrance into the might have accomplished it,"
al Friday a secret from all Prof. E. F. Barker, chairman of
itimate friends. His death the physics department, remarked.
a ruptured aorta-the main,
of the body-andhardening'*
arteries came as a surprise
n in death Einstein sought
rther science by leaving hisS
and major organs to re-
h. His body was cremated
ut funeral services. For May 2
Eisenhower Conunents .
sident Dwight D. Eisenhower
in a statement, "No other Polio vaccine shot will begin in
was more modest in the pos- Ann Arbor on May 2, Dr. Otto
)n of the power that is knowl- K. Engelke, Washtenaw County
Health Director announced yester-
mpathetic messages f r m day after he received word from
ghout the world poured into Lansing that vaccine for Michi-
ittle house near Princeton gan school children had arrived
rsity where the quiet gray-
d man lived in semi-seclu- Second shots will be given thre
weeks later, in accordance with
retired from active duty on the two-shot plan recommended
eton's Institute school of by Dr. Jonas E. Salk.
ematics 11 years ago but has Inoculations in Ypsilanti school
nued his work as professor will start May 3 with some out-
tus there. lying Washtenaw schools begin-
Won Acclaim ning their program as early as
e of history's mental giants, April 29.
ein won acclaim as the au- According to Engelke, the entir
of the Theory of Relativity program will be completed in al
s a leader in the fields of nu- county schools by May 27.
fission and electronics. His - An estimated 7,000 first an
veries made the atom bomb second graders in Washtena
the, electronics industry pas-County will receive vaccine pro
vided without charge by the Na
swen hedas ol dyers-tional Foundation for Infantile
when he was only 26 years .
s a result of his Special The- Paralysis.
f Relativity revealed in 1905. Vaccine was brought back from
is theory said that matter Lansing yesterday by Kay Dohn o
be turned into energy and the County Health "Departmen
proved 40 years later when an and Mrs. James A. Nichols, Na
ic bomb was dropped' on tional Foundation volunteer work
hima. er.
Abhorred Violence, Parental consent slips will b
ortly after this bomb was distributed later this week, Print
ped, Einstein, who abhorred ed materials will be assembled b
nce, said, "At present atomic 65 volunteer workers under th
gy is not a boon to mankind, direction of Mrs. Nichols at'
menace." p.m. Wednesday at Tappan Jun
1915 Einstein completed his ior High School cafeteria.
ral Theory of Relativity, Cooperation between 100 coun
h expanded and revised New- ty physicians, a similar numbe
theory of gravitation of volunteer nurses, Nationa
hen Einstein received the No- Foundation workers and member
Prize for physics in 1921 his of the Junior Chamber of Com
st comment was, "Let every merce Auxiliary will speed th
be respected as an individual program.
no man idolized."
orked on Quantum Theory
ring the early part of his life BeReu e s Given


st: Asia

4Jainali Raps


krmid Cheers
Iraq Minister Says
Reds 'Breed Hatred'
BANDUNG, Indonesia (P)-Pro-
Aestern statesmen seized the
potlight from Red China's Chou
En-lai yesterday in the opening
peeches at the Asian-African con-
Foreign Minister Fadhil Jamali
of Iraq led the way. He called
ommunism a new fori of col-
ialism that breeds hatred among
Amid the cheers and applause
'or Jamali's statement there was
tony-faced silence on the part of
.ommunists and neutralists in the
East-West controversy.
Premier Chou and India's neu-
ralist Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru were among those who sat
n their hands. They sat stern-
aced as Prime Minister Moham-
ned Ali of Pakistan walked across
the conference room and wrung
Jamali's hand after the speech.
Chou had been the darling of
the huge crowds thronging Ban-
rung's streets as the conference
opened with a speech by Indone-
sia's President Soekarno.
May Be Back
Chou passed up an opportunity
to speak at Monday's session. But
he may be back later.
A decision to forego speechesby
delegation heads was voted Sunday
by a majority of the 29 conference
nations. But Turkey and Iran, late
n reaching Bandung, demanded
the right to speak. At a secret ses
ion Monday the conference re-
versed itself and decided to permit
the speeches.
Nehru Favors Silence
One of the leaders favoring si-
lence was Nehru. He was reported
hopeful of leading Egyptian Pre-
mier Gamal Abdel Nasser into the
neutralist camp at the conference.
But the young Egyptian leaders
avoided taking any sides in his
first appearance at an interna-
tional meeting of this sort.
Nasser said Egypt and the Arab
countries "still have unshaken
faith in the United Nations." But
he added:
"The Arab countries were among
those most disillusioned in the
failure of this organization to act
in accordance with human rights,
especially with regard to the coun-
tries of North Africa and Pales-
Two Submift
Dance Bids
Two petitions for sponsoring
next fall's Homecoming Dance
were submitted to Student Gov-
ernment Council by deadline time
5 p.m. yesterday.
Both the Union and League and
Interfraternity Council and Inter-
House Council are petitioning
jointly for the dance which netted
$3,000 for Student Legislature
last fall.
SGC is maintaining financial
control over the dance, Discussion
at the SGC meeting concerning
disposition of the dance indicat-
ed outside organizations would
run the dance as a service func-
Although the agenda has not
been prepared, SGC will probably
discuss the dance petitions at to-
morrow's meeting SGC Admini-
strative Secretary Ruth Callahan
said yesterday.

Brody Gives
Able Award
Dr Theodore M. Brody of the
pharmacology department w a s
awarded the John Jacob Able
award in Pharmacology yesterday.
Given annually by the American
Society of Pharmacology and Ex-
perimental Therapeutics, t h e

Kelly Talks to Journalists, A ffiliates

Whimsical, wise-cracking Walt
Kelly, creator of Pogo, kicked off
Greek Week last night in Yost
Field House before 3,000 swamp-
land sympathizers.
Kelly's speech followed a mass
Panhellenic-IFC picnic in the
field house. Sorority and frater-
nity members queued up behind
tables of sandwiches and potato-
salad, or else deployed themselves
on blankets while waiting for the
cartoonist to begin.
Brought to town by the jounal-
ism department Kelly delivered a
lecture earlier yesterday in the
Rackham Auditorium. He deliv-
ered an address titled: "From
Here on Down, It's All Uphill."

Kelly, named "Cartoonist of theE
Year" in 1954, began his career
on the Bridgeport (Conn.) Postz
and Telegraph. After six years in
Hollywood as an animator forl
Walt Disney, Kelly returned tot
New York.1
"Disney slapped me over the1
head with a salami, and sent me
East," Kelly cracked. "After starv-
ing for a while, I decided to draw
for comic-books. I wanted to tell
a story in the wholesome, clean-t
cut Americantradition, pulsingt
with the heart-beat of America,"
he said, sarcastically.
Drew Political Cartoons
After the comic-book flopped.
Kelly went to work on the short-'
lived New York Star. He drew1
political cartoons, touched up
front-page art, and even set a line
or two of type.
"Finally an editor agreed to run
my daily strip, "Pogo," Kelly said.
"The editor was I, and the paper,
The New York Star."
Thus Pogo got started.
"Pogo Is a Possum"

grinned. Albert was political ad-
vistor to Pogo when the possum
ran for president.
"Albert makes a good politician.
He has a thick skin, and a head
to match." Kelly said Pogo would
have made a good president, had
he won. "Then we would have had
someone who could hang by his
Kelly remarked that another of
his characters, Howland Owl, has
the wise, benevolent expression of
a faculty advisor.
"He knows what's good for sou,
even if it kills you," laughed Kelly.
"And furthermore, he has the
answer to everything. Except ques-



As Alderman
Paul Kempf was appointed aid-
erman from the sixth ward by

Mayor William Brown at yest



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