Sunday, April Poge Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Twelve 17, 19551t VL~l"1I I. For Education Thomas Wolfe: Literary Word Painter of the Southern Scene 17, 1955 , (Continued from Page 7) sitting in a submerged jazz cellar are bestowed upon the daughters Story of a Novel" in praise of Per- tongiht, drowned out from the din of Eve. Esther Jack, at the very kins, at the same time rejects his of the city's streets by the blaring least, was a little more than Tom ! /}' N;.44old'friend and editor forever. trumpet of Silas the Shepherd, the Wolfe could comprehend. For, in It is Just more than significant, writer knows that were he to be learning to know and love the however, that in the last two here again tomorrow night-or woman, he never came to under- girl'snovels of the tetralogy the writer any other night to come-the stand the person that she was. baa lost identity with the too long dame of the candle, the aroma aHer background and upbringing, arms of Eugene Gant, and evolves of the wine, and the touch of the and her channeled and disciplined into the character "Monk" Web- girl's lips would never be quite talent; all of these things appealed ber with the shortened legs. Tom the same again, to the artist in Tom Wolfe, and Wolfe, in letting sneers deprive And in the early creeping hours all of them repelled the man prim- ?m of his best friend, may have as dawn pushes back the darkness itive in him. For the first time gained self respect as an artist. and the grimy reality of the ele- an his life he had found someone & But he certainly lost stature as vated is silhouetted against the who loved him and, in so doing, a man. majesty of the rising sun there is had gained a certain measure of the stale, whiskey taste in the comprehension of the many facets t *'E CRAFT of writing is a lone- mouth, and the journey home. Her of understanding, compassion and ly thing: something that is hand brushes his arm as her eyes, being wanted that are a part of neither easy to leain, nor to live counter-reflecting the sea of blue romantic attachment. But in com- with. It is four blank walls; twen- morning sky, glance eagerly and ing face to face with the tender, g aPty cups of coffee, two packs of cig- hopefully beyond the twisted risen steel bonds of that mysterious and 6 ,arettes and a sandwich, maybe, rails of the yawning, cinder-beat- baffling something which love is through the long and cold and en city into the horizon of clear the writer had learned what the empty hours of the night. Human untrammeled beauty that is the lonely man from the hills had warmth-if such a thing exists on eternity of tomorrows. And as the never known-that no man is ever such nights for such people-is to fingers touch wistfully, at first, quite small enough or big enough be gleaned from the collected re- before a clasped embrace the writ- to walk alone. membrances of things past. There er knows, too, that these things- In leaving Esther to continue his y are the hardly seen faces, some like memories and the petals of last few lonely steps Wolfe went . ...brightly touched with smiles and rosebuds-will someday wither, to Brooklyn. en here, there were S ...r others streaked with parting tears fade away, and be no more. the first faint and enticing whis- -from the vaguely buried mo- THESE are the lessons that most pers of the Grim Reaper; ments of the yesterdays. The col- A lected places and scenes that mr- young writers, indeed, most "To lose the earth you know, for sos the memory flit like minis- young people, learn at a nearly greater knowing; to lose the life ture movie projections before the tender age. Thomas Wolfe learned you have, for greater life; to leave eyes. And near the morning, as them just before his death in his the friends you loved, for greater the pencils become blunted and first and last involvement with the loving; to find a land more kind . . . . . . . . ..the e n s bo me b nted a nd m ystery of rom antic love. He was than hom e, m ore large than teerasers worn, the ghosts walk taught them by Esther Jc hoerh. and in the empty room the silent Jack who earth -Daily-John Hirtzel tonight, drowned out from the din was the second person he really And Tom Wolfe, the son of a came to know in life, man who had cut monuments for UNIQUE USE of wire sculpture school children ranging from pa- But these, the things of the She was a woman whose up- other people, found eternity. But, is achieved by a student in an per cutouts to pottery. This se- past, are the constant factors in bringing had been both urbane in building the biggest monument Art Education course mester, the teachers-to-be have a never very stable existence. Only and varied, and her background of all, he had forgotten to allow been experimenting with clay and yesterday is forever. Later today was steeped in the intricate and himself even the blessed privacy The mobile sculpture shows a elementary sculpture in addition and tomorrow; these are the mosaic lines of Hebraic tapestry, of the grave. His books live and girl jumping rope, complete with to the wire figures. breathing, sweating and some- She was, added to this, an artist grow in the minds of people And wind-blown skirt and pigtails. The Jewelry work will also form part times bleeding squares of cross- possessing adtalent tht was both the man who wrote them the work was 'done in the second of their curriculum. The course word puzzles that tend to formu- finely channeled and disciplined, artist who was the most provincial semester of Art Education in the includes students who will be late the bittersweet mysteries of And more than all of these, of yet literate, scribe of hs day still Elementary Schools course, now teaching art as well as regular ele- life. course, she was quite simply a dwells in the pages of the books. being taught for the first time. mentary school teachers and is For the world evolves, and both woman with all the elusive traits He imprisoned himself between the Students learn techniques for conducted through the Art school. people and things do change. And and incomprehensible gifts that hard covers. OR IS IT YOU? 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