m $tTNDAY, APRIL 17, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIME SUNDAY, APRiL 17, 1955 TilE MICHIGAN i)AIIV PA4~K TIIRVK L 4"WAX" JLA-Yiii71 w at YKg. ...i we-f ¢reamit M M I IWl" a4 ..flower-lig k cream it's mac too! Lipstick Pyxie Pink, C powder. with L milk-enriched that smooth-a }' MILK' f ischers ill help you face the Spring: f ' -4 reater beauty e-up as fresh as the milk and sweet . . good for you and picture-pretty, cy-robin shades like Cherry Pink, pple, Pyxie Plum . . . fluffy fac'e on to match . .. all the delightful cs in this dainty line are yours for look. Come in and see! ~S THE DIFFERENCE ~MAID cosmetics ..c sticks . . . $1.50 ce powder. 2.00 ucndtIon . 2.00* undaion 2.0 Y:4 Alumnus Harvey Sees Play Rehearsed by Group Here By HARRY STRAUSS v In Ann Arbor for a few days, James Harvey has revisited his alma mater to watch rehearsals of his play. Written for his master's degree, "The Clugstone Inheritence" will be given by the speech department April 28-30. Harvey, who left Michigan in 1953, says he has been revising and cutting it since the play was chosen for production last year. "Questions and changes and that sort of thing," has kept the young playwright busy with Prof. Hugh Norton who is directing his play. This was not the first play of his produced. While an undergraduate at Loyola, he had one of his plays done in an experimental produc- tion. A short time after he gradu- ated, another of his works re- ceived a full-scale production. Harvey added that Loyola will do yet another of his plays next month. While on campus, he was in an advanced writing class under Prof. Kenneth Rowe of the Eng- lish department, and said he got a good deal out of the help given him by Prof. Rowe. Hopwood Winner The serious playwright said he had won a Hopwood Prize in the essay for a group of literary crit- icisms of the Victorian period in literature. Since leaving last year, he has been teaching freshman English at Notre Dame. .Ie added that al- though Notre Dame has no drama department, or anything similar to the combined English-speech Hi Russ Paper, thousands of pieces ofpaper. That's what Russ Holland, '58, found when he walked into his room in Scott House late Wednesday evening. His "friends" had piled shred- ded newspapers up to the ceil- ing at the back of the room, with the papers tapering down to two feet in depth at the doorway. Holland's desk, chairs and bed were completely buried un- der the newspapers, which rep- resented much of the past sev- eral day's reading matter of South Quadders. Radio Show Given Award A University speech department production "Down Story Book Lane" received first award as a children-youth program. Announcement of the award was made this week by the 19th Amer- ican Exhibition of Educational Ra- dio and TV Programs. WUOM programs awarded: a first place award to "Red Man In Michigan" for school use by pupils in grades 7-12; honorable mention in the field of special interests to "A Gallery of Women"; honorable mentions to "Eclipse," a special one-time broadcast on the eclipse last sumnier; and to "Finger Prints In Music." (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- end of three interpretive articles dealing with the National Student As- sociation; this article emphasizing NSA programs and policies.) By BOB JONES Three levels of activity are fol- lowed by the National Student As- sociation: national, regional, and campus. An administrative agency, the National Commission, h a n d 1 e s programs relegated to it by the NSA Congress, the Executive Com- mittee, or, rarely, the national of- ficers, or staff. National Commissions are bro- ken down into various subcommis- sions throughout the nation. Sub- commissions are developed accord- ing to the pattern of extracurric- ular activity on campuses. Four National Commissions National Commissions number four: Student Affairs, Educational Affairs, International Affairs, and Student Government. Concerned primarily with extra- curricular activity, the Student Affairs commission distributes in- formation on cultural projects. Among these projects are a sym- phony forum, exchange shows, campus film programs, and speak- ers bureaus. The commission also deals with orientation a n d intercollegiate athletics. Numerous publications are delivered out of this informa- tion bureau, dealing mainly with . FOUR NATIONAL COMMISSIONS: NSA Activity Planned on Three Levels academic freedom and the Stu- dent Bill of Rights. Course evaluations, student-fac- ulty relations and curriculum de- velopment are the main concern of the Educational Affairs body. The commission fosters such projects as book-exchange programs, Stu- dent Discount Service, and relief efforts. Problems Considered Information is provided by the Scholarship, and Human Relations Subcommittees. A Legislative Ac- t i v i t y Subcommission considers such problems as 18 year-old vote, Universal Military Training, and Federal Aid to Education. Dealing primarily with the ex- change student situation is the In- ternational Affairs Commission. In this country, it handles a for- eign Hospitality program. An increase in the number of scholarships available for study abroad is another concern of the educational group. It also pro- motes international understanding and cultural exchange. The commission maintains re- lations with student organizations in most other nations of the world, and is working to estab- lish contacts where none present- ly exist. Summer Study NSA's Travel Department ad- ministers programs of summer study and work abroad. In the year 1952-53, the department sent more than 800 students abroad, most of them to Europe. Resource material is made available to student legislatures by the Student Government Com- mission. Policy-wise, NSA puts itself above no student government, but rather attempt to stimulate demo- cratic self-regulation. The organ- ization strives to maintain high standards of academic freedom within its member institutions. Character, Qualities NSA believes that the ability of a man to teach and the qualifica- tion of a student to learn should be based primarily on the char- acter and qualities of the indi- vidual. "Eventual elimination of all forms of discriminatory educa- tional systems anywhere in the United States," is the ultimate goal of NSA. The organization seeks to influence, rather than co- erce, communities on the question of discrimination. It has been the policy of the as- sociation to seek cooperation with international student groups in the carrying out of its exchange programs. It has never been a member of the International Un- ion of Students. The partisan po- litical activity of that organiza- tion makes an affiliation impos- sible, the NSA says. ID w th gi ght mak de with . ks in sau Candy A foundati d cosmeti as-cream MAKE PLAYWRIGHT HARVEY .. "Clugstone Inheritance" department as here, it does have theater facilities. Harvey plans to continue work- ing on plays, but notes he will stay in the teaching field, specif- ically English Literature. COORDINATES COED AFFAIRS: Duties of League Council Reviewed EF51 1 j (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of interpretive ar- ticles on women's student govern- ment. Today's article deals with inter- nal organs of the League.) By PHYLLIS LIPSKY Coordination of a wide variety of women's activities is the pri- mary function of the League's chiief governing body, the 28 mem- ber League Council. Council is aided in certain as- SPECIAL SELLING COTTON BLOUSES pects of its work by the Interview- ing and Nominating committee and the Buro-cats, the league sec- retariat. Sitting on the Council are elev- en committee chairmen, represent- ing such League activities as the dance class, the tutuial service and the class projects. Heads of other League organs like Women's Judiciary and the in MIL lip fa( fol *plus tax DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 6! (Continued from Page 2) Named Roger Wilkins to the Board in Review as the second student mem- ber. Endorsed the proposed modification of the membership of the Interviewing Bord for Joint Judiciary Council as presented by the chairman of Joint Judiciary Council. The proposed modi- fication includes the seating of the president, vice-president and treasur- er of SGC on the Interviewing Board together with the vice-chairman and secretary of Joint Judiciary Council, with retiring chairman of Joint Ju- diciary acting pas. chairman. In case none of the three ranking members of SGC is a woman, the SGC will select a woman to replace the treasurer. Adopted a statement of endorsement of Academic Freedom Week scheduled April 17-24. The meeting adjourned at 6 p.m. Lectures University Lecture in Journalism.' Walt Kelly, creator of POGO, will speak on "From Here On Down Is All Uphill" in Rackham Amphitheatre at 3:00 p.m. Mon., April 18. Public in- vited. University Lecture in Journalism. Mrs. Agnes Meyer, writer for the washington (D.C.) Post and Times-Herald and wife of the Chairman of the Board of the Post and Times-Herald, will speak on "~The Press as Servant of Light and Progress" in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Tues., April 19, at 3:00 p.m. Coffee hour will follow in Journalism Department Conference Room, 1443 Mason Hall. Open to public. Academic Notices Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Pub- lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Building. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registra- tion and Records window number 1, 1513 Administration Building. Faculty, College of Engineering: Meeting Tues., Apri 19, 4:15 p.m., Room 34a West Engineering Building. To All Students, College Literature, Science and the Arts: Juniors and sen- iors, and those sophomores who will I and N Committee, and the pres- idents of Panhellenic, Assembly and Women's Athletic Associa- tions, as well as the Women's Ed- itor of The Daily. Constitution Revised Problems arising form the func- tioning of any of these groups as well as questions affecting the overall organization of the League are handled at weekly council meetings. Biggest project this year has been revision of the League constitution. The personnel filling League committees and the candidates for 14 elective positions are chosen by the Interviewing and Nominating Committee. I and N Duties Fourteen posts for which the committee does not actually choose personnel, (its own eight members, League president and four other League executive posts, and the chairman of Women's Ju- dic) are elected in the Women's Senate from two or more candi- dates chosen by I and N commit- tee. Much of the secretarial work necessary to keep League activi- ties running is handled by the newly created Buro-cats. Chaired by the second vice-pres- ident of the League, and consist- ing primarily of freshmen Buro- cats first year of operations have been pronounced a success by League officials. More cargo tonnage passes through Michigan's Soo Locks in an eight-month Great Lakes navi- gation season than the Panama and Suez canals handle together in a full year. $2 LONG or LENGTH SLEEVES Timely sale for wear with Shorts- Bermuda's Toreador's or Slax. 00 $7400 Were to 7.95 White or colors. Prints, plaids or plains, SIZES 30 to 38. COLLINS Were to 3.95 . . cIi~teI4 at Maynard You're a NEW WOMAN v III -0-1 /__ Colors ! Blue " Blaci SPan<: : n gn u. , n beguiling Patent T -- ~ f 0 ; 4"'.N ..a I ama 9p/ ~1 N7 '.7, Wedding IChapel t (~j ~ #Wedding ' ::ts wlig Think of it . . a whole collection of bridal fashions designed and selected to make you the most beautiful bride in the world ... at such moderate prices you'll be simply amazed! And not only do we have styles for the bride but also for bridesmaids, mother of the bride and bridegroom and guests plus honeymoon suits, dresses and trousseau treasures. tQ 2A OAtnd" k Y %0' od osicepl for the dressy occasion - it 9 %. I the little evening.. cocktais .. . HANDBAGS to match g gowns Ballerina >or length from rains from 59.95 i veils from 10.95 Bridesmaids' dresses c other dressy dresses fr 2.x5 Sizes from 7 to 15, 10 44, 12 to 241/ ,nd t "' / trb\ Cno~q IL in 9.9