PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1935 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. APRIL 16. 1935 v..s +. .i asa awsr av* avVn Yf NAME CHANGE SEMANTICS: Legal Action by Regents? Confusion Indeed NOW THAT the Legislature's role in the Bat- tle of Semantics is over, and printers of Michigan State stationery are hurriedly reset- ting their type, what is to be done? The Board of Regents considered this ques- tion at its meeting yesterday, and came up with nothing more exciting than a promise to study the legal aspects of the name theft. Whether the Board will carry through its announced threat of pressing charges against the new uni- versity in the State Supreme Court is a ques- tion they deferred until later. From the beginning, the University's main objection to State's titular progress has been the confusion it would cause. But the only confusion noticeable from here is that which the Regents have caused, and which they seem to be in now. The University has not objected to State's being designated a university, but only to the combining of other words with 'university' so as to confuse the East Lansing institution with the pride of Ann Arbor. Since confusion already existed in this regard in places outside Michi- gan, the University must have been referring to the increased confusion that would result. tIUITHTHIS CHARGE of confusion began the confusion, and the bickering. Yet, both schools hastened to emphasize that cool heads should prevail. They agreed to argue like gen- tlemen an issue that no gentleman would argue. A recent editorial in the Detroit Free Press cautiously advanced the suggestion that legal action against the name change by the Uni- versity would be a "serious mistake." What they no doubt meant to say, but what they did not say probably because their public relations man was looking over their shoulder, was that the Regents are leaning slightly toward foolishness on the matter. Similar opinions have come from other sour- ces, and seem to have made some impression on the Regents, who have hesitated themselves into a confused uncertainty as to whether they should take action in the courts. The name change has indeed caused confusion. It's con- fusing the Regents. The Regents would be wise, as the Free Press suggests, to let the whole thing blow over and let the post office take care of the confusion. And it seems that this is what the Regents are in fact intending to do. Their study of possible legal action will probably conclude that none is possible, or feasible. This would be as it should be. MICHIGAN STATE'S full name is now Mich- igan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, or will be as soon as the Gover- nor takes his pen to the matter. There is not much to be gained by attempting to change it back again, or even in actually changing it back. The Regents can gain much more by concen- trating their efforts on continuously raising University of Michigan standards so that they cannot possibly be confused with those of any other. The way to keep the gap open is to keep moving ahead, not to keep pushing the other fellow behind. Besides, to admit that the gap can be closed by a name change is to admit a shallow and superficial superiority. Sure, people will confuse the two universi- ties. They do now. But, as it is now, one quar- ter at State clears up the confusion. Such will continue to be the case unless the University lets its standards slip by arguing the wrong issues. We would also like to observe that it was not considerate of Michigan State to cause all this confusion over a misleading thing like a name. -Jim Dygert New England Spirit Not Seen In Burning of Comics rfilE PURITAN SPIRIT lingers yet in the quaint hamlets of Yankee New England. The vigilant citizens in two New England townships have decided to replace the witches which their ancestors burned at the stake with comic books. The comic book, in the minds of these folks a great contributor to the deterioration of con- ventional morality, is being eliminated as rap- idly as possible by the determined American Legion Auxiliary. That organization, in an attempt to further its national "clean" book campaign, has urged children in Norwich, Conn. to swap ten "bad" books for one "good" book. Of course, this raises the basic question of whether condemnation of certain publications is a divorce from democratic ideals, formulated by the ancestors of the very townspeople who are propagating the "bad" book campaign. rl'fE AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union has violently opposed the bookburning, claiming it "an imitation of totalitarian dictatorships." Now, certainly the burning of comic books still supposedly on a voluntary basis, is hardly the way a vicious dictatorship would begin any coup. But the fact remains even if the bonfires would not lead to blazes analogous to the Reichstag fire of the late Nazi regime, book- burning and outlaw of publications is a dan- gerous situation, and has glaring weaknesses as, a cure for morality. To begin with, there is no concrete proof that comic books lead to immoral behavior or that the April issue of "Bloody Crime" will result in a plague of petty larcenies. "Tarzan" is undeniably the bravest of men, but how New Englanders have been frightened by little mon- sters instigated by "bad" books, swinging from the next door apple tree? If "Frankenstein" and his friendly ghouls have stirred the imag- ination of anyone, the Klu Klux Klan would be the only white-sheeted imitations which have bothered anyone-and these poor, in- fested minds were the clear-thinking Ameri- can adults. W HO COULD find any serious reason for sending Mickey Mouse to the stake? The comic book, as yet, has not been proved a notorious evil, so until it has been, wouldn't it be a right fair idea to let them exist, and request publishers to control their editions, or to encourage mothers of these book-incited monsters to confine the reading matter of the household to the "clean" kind which the Legion advocates. Of course, then we would run into difficulty discovering which are the "cleanest" books, and if "Vampire Illustrated" is really a bad influ- ence, or whether it is just things from outer space or Jekyll-Hyde writings. THERE IS certainly no need for establishing any criteria, for in the process of so ve- hemently defending the morals of the society and eliminating threats to its preservation, these New Englanders are probably establish- ing a precedent which if followed up, could destroy an equal amount of freedom. And, lest we forget, the ancestors of the present-day Boston book-banners came to this country to escape a similar, but more severe loss of liberty, and established therfree press to which the comic book publishers belong. Donald Duck, nor "Scarface" can destroy the ideals of these folks as easily as the re- sults which mild bookburning festivities might bring. .--Lew Hamburger DREW PEARSON: Suggests Ambassador Truman WASHINGTON - Ex-President Harry Truman has never said anything about it, but the first time he came back to Wash- ington after he retired two years ago he felt a little hurt that Gen- eral Eisenhower didn't invite him to call at the White House. '6 He himself had invited Herbert Hoover to the White House as one of his first acts after becoming President. Hoover hadn't been back in Washington for years, had never been in the White House from the day he left on March 4, 1933. So Truman asked him to call. "I want you to know," Truman told him, "That any time you are in Washington this is your home. I'll feel hurt if you don't come by.' On top of this, Truman ap- pointed Hoover to make a food survey of Europe and also made him a co-chairman with Dean Acheson of a committee to reor- ganize the government, a commit- tee which he heads today. Hoover, extremely grateful for this recognition, paid glowing tribute to Truman at a Gridiron Club dinner. Later, in the 1952 campaign, Hoover refused to crit- icize the Truman Administration, though urged to do so by GOP strategists. Truman, however, has never been invited to theWhite House since he left, and though back in town, he doesn't expect to be in- vited today. Ambassador Truman? HERE'S a suggestion President Eisenhower might want to consider. It's made only because he's badly in 'need of bipartisan support for his foreign policy at home and in even worse need for friendly support from our allies in Europe. The suggestion is: send Harry Truman to the capitals of west- ern Europe on a good-will tour. Send him with Ike's personal blessing but as an unofficial en- voy just to visit some of the places he knew as an artillery Captain during World War I. Truman is extremely popular in Europe. To Europeans he is the little man who put across the Marshall Plan, helped build up Europe after the war, is a symbol of European-American coopera- tion. If he went very simply, as a tourist, to the Vosges Mountains in Eastern France to look over the place where he commanded Battery D of the Field Artillery, he would be a symbol of unity and friendship at a time when west- ern unity needs those reminders. They need a reminder not only of past ties with the United States, but they need reminders that unity between France and Germany is all-important. Harry Truman could be a trav- eling salesman of American good will as no other man in the Unit- ed States today. A Bombs to Orient T. SHOULD come as no surprise after Eisenhower's and Dulles' public statements regarding the use of A-bombs that live atomic bombs have now been shipped to the Far East in case the Quemoy- Matsu crisis explodes into war. They are described as small, tac- tical bombs that could be used to break up troop concentrations on the Chinese mainland. This is the second time since World War II that Uncle Sam has held the atomic bomb up his sleeve. The first occasion, never before disclosed, took place dur- ing the black days of our Korean retreat. General MacArthur c a b l e d frantically that his troops were being driven into the sea and asked whether he should evacuate or fight to the death. He offered to join his troops on the battle- field and go down fighting with them. Alarmed, President Truman or- dered atomic bombs flown to a secret carrier off the Korean coast. If the situation became desperate enough, Truman in- tended to use the A-bombs to stop the Red onslaught and save our troops. During all the time that A- bombs were abroad, the ship ra- dioed her location every half hour. The operation was kept so secret, however, that the British government never knew of Tru- man's emergency plan. Now, once again, atomic bombs are ready for action off the Chi- nese coast-if they're needed. Note: A leading Soviet atomic scientist, accompanied by two lesser scientists, arrived in Red China on April 3 to consult with Chinese Communist leaders, pre- sumably on the use of atomic weapons. At the Orpheum . . . THERE'S a lot of fun in an un- pretentious little Italian com- edy, "Bread, Love and Dreams," that is now at the Orphewhi and that stars the pretentious Gina Lollobrigida. As the prettiest and most excit- able lirl in a small mountain vil- lage, Gina plays her part to the hilt. Shouting, screeming, running, pouting or just looking beautiful, the bounteous Gina is really some- thing to watch, and everyone will watch. Frisky, as she is nicknamed in the film, loves a young soldier who is too shy to openly show his love for her. On the scene comes the middle-aged Marshall, Vittorio De Sica, who finds himself lonely and, naturally, attracted to the poor heroine. But true love runs its course and Frisky gets her man and the Marshall finds someone nearer his age. THE LAUGHS in "Bread" are many. The villagers comment on Frisky ("She's not a loose woman, just independent") as well as onthe Marshall the min- ute he talks to a woman ("The Marshall's madly in love"). Ashthe still-somewhat-dashing Marshall, De Sico gives an excel- lent performance. His painful re- alization that the young Frisky can prefer someone else is well portrayed, as is his shock at the innocence of Frisky's young sol- dier. As usual with foreign films, a good deal is not translated, but this movie's subtitles are among the best. In a few well-chosen words, the whole scene and mean- ing becomes obvious. Gina is probably Marilyn's Ital- ian counterpart. The difference is Gina is beautiful, can act, and is in a good film. --Harry Strauss CURRENT MOVIES At the State .. . UNTAMED is a rootin', tootin' Hollywood western with the lo- cale transposed to Africa and Zu- lus replacing Indians. As such, it is probably the most ridiculous bit of corn and nonsense yet seen this year. Katya (Susan Hayward) and Paul (Tyrone Power) meet in Ire- land but fate intervenes and they are separated. Paul goes to Africa to establish a Dutch Free State. Katya marries, has a baby, follows Paul to Africa, fights Zulus, loses her husband, takes Paul as a lover, has another child, loses Paul, be- comes poverty stricken, gains wealth, gets Paul again, loses Paul, becomes poverty stricken again, and finally regains Paul once more,, this time with a wedding ring. In between these melodra- matic doings there are acres of African scenery on view. The process photography is so poor that in one sequence the scene, which takes place iri a single aft- ernoon, continually switches from night to morning shots. The Zulus are quieted in the first 45 minutes, which leaves an hour for some of the most melodramatic, trite, and cliched dialogue on record. Some of the better scenes: (1) Paul to Katya while they are surrounded by Zulus: "You, Katya, here in Africa, fighting the Zulus?" Katya: "It's me." (2) Katya to Paul, bloody hav- ing fought with whips over her attentions: "Paul, I'm sorry." (3) Paul to Katya, after she has dug fields, sown wheat, been driv- en from the land by wind storms and floods, amputated a man's leg, tricked the natives into giv- ing her gold and diamonds: "Are you lonely?" Katya: "Sometimes." (4) Paul, upon seeing his son for the first time: "What's your name?" Son: "Paul." Paul to Kat- ya: "You didn't tell me." -Ernest Theodossin The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 pss. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of lectures, concerts and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1955 Vol. LXV, No. 133 Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open fron April 11 to April 22 for new applications and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to enroll, or change their coverage to include sur- gical and medical services, should make such changes at the Personnel Office, Room 3012 Administration Building. New applications and changes will be- come effective June 5, with the first payroll deduction on May 31. Resident Directors' Seminar original- ly scheduled for Tues., April 19 at 2:30 p.m. has been postponed until Wed., May 4, at 2:30 p.m. in the Michigan League. Late permission fcr women students who attended the Gilbert and Sullivan performance of "Iolanthe" either Wed. April 13, or Thurs., April 14, will be no later than 11:35 p.m. The following representatives will not be at the Bureau of Appointments for interviews but have the following va- cancies: Owosso, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Early Elementary; Jr. High Social Sci- ence; H.S. Coach-wrestling (Math); El- ementary Supervisor. Romeo, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Elementary; Special Education; 7th Grade; 8th Grade; Home Economics; English-French; English-Social Stud- ies; Mathematics; Speech-Social Stud- ies; Science-Mathematics. Rose City, Michigan (Cumming Town- ship School District)-Teacher Needs: Band Director-History; English-Library. Saginaw, Michigan (Buena vista School District No. 1)-Teacher Needs: Man-Instrumental and vocal Music, Jr. High; Women-English Social Stud- ies, Jr. High; Art, Jr. High (some Eng- lish); Home Economics-English-Social Studies; Woman-Fifth or Sixth; Wom- an-Second or Third. Saint Clair Shores, Michigan (South Lake Schools)-Teacher Needs: Jr. High Wood Shop; English-Social Science; Sr. High-Librarian; General Shop; Art; Chemistry-Physics; English-Speech. Saint Ignace, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Grades 1 and 2; World History- English; Basketball Coach-other sub- jects will fit major and minors. Indus- trial Arts minor would be useful; Com- mercial - Typewriting - bookkeeping; Mathematics-General Science; Industri- al Arts; Home Economics. Springport, M i c h I g a n (Springport Rural Agricult'ral Schools) - Teacher Needs: Coach-Science (would consider a Social Science and Coaching combina- tion). Traverse City, Michigan - Teacher Needs: H.S. Chemistry; Primary; Later Elementary. Vulcan, Michigan (Norway Township School - Teacher Needs: English- Speech. Walled Lake, Michigan - (Walled Lake Consolidated Schools) - Teacher Needs: Early and Later Elementary. White Pigeon, Michigan (White Pig- eon Community School) - Teacher Needs: Science-Health-Chemistry; So- cial Science-possible assist in football if desired; Woman-6th Grade; Woman -3rd Grade; Woman-H.S. & Jr. High Girl's Physical Education - (2) 7th Grade classes; Art, H.S.; Art-Jr. High- Elementary, might teach in his or her field. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Buildin, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Representatives from the following school systems will be at the Bureau of Appointments for Interviews: Tues., April 19 Chicago, Illinois. Teacher Needs: Ele- mentary; Secondary-all fields. Dexter, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Commercial-Shorthand; Industrial Arts; Librarian (Elementary & Secondary) with.English-Spish IrEnglish-Spanish. Dundee, Michigan. Teacher Needs: H.S. Librarian; Girl's Physical Educa- tion-Health Physics - Cemistry-Biolo- gy; Girl's Physical Education-Health (Elementary); First; Second; Third. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Elementary; Secondary - all fields. Van Dyke, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Elementary. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig .Managing Editor Dorothy Myers ........City Editor Jon Sobeloft ........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor David Livingston....... Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .......Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz .......Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise .........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Wed., April 20 Flint, Michigan (Atherton Agricultur- al School). Teacher Needs: First Grade; Fourth; combination Fifth- Sixth (man) pd.; Jr. High English- History (woman); H.S. English (wom- an); with science, if possible; Driver Training (man) and coach Assistant; Physical Education (Woman); Home Ec- onomics. Wayne, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Ele- mentary. Thurs., April 21 Algonac, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Later Elementary; commercial; Librar- ian; Asst. Football-Basketball Coach; Jr. High-7th, 8th & 9th Grade subjects. Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Elementary; Secondary - all fields. Thurs., April 21 Jackson, Michigan. Teacher Needs: English-Social Science; Mathematics- Science (Core); Early and Later Elemen- tary; Boy's Physical Education with the Core position; Girl's Physical Education. Lincoln Park, Michigan. Teacher Needs: Elementary; Jr. High Seventh; Eighth; Mathematics; English; Sr. High English; Physical Education (Woman); English (Remedial) possibly; Social Science; Industrial Arts; Mathematic; Science (man); Commercial (man); El- ementary Music (vocal) woman; Sr. High Music (vocal) man; Visiting Teacher. For appointments or additional in- formation contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners for the V.A. Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. --exam for Kitchen Helper-restricted by law to persons entitled to veterans preference as long as such persons are available, Laundry Worker-men only, U.S. citizens only. Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., has. vacancy for a young woman with a B.S. or M.S. degree, science background and registered or trained in Medical Tech., for a position in the Endocrinol- ogy Dept. Miniature Precision Bearings, Inc., Keene, N.H., needs a man to work from broad assignments involving applica- tion of engrg. and statistical quality control principles. Should hav& engrg. degree preferably having concentrated in the electro-mechanical areas. Should have some experience in the field of quality control and testing equipment development and maintenance. The Texas Co., N.Y., N.Y., offers op- portunities to technical graduates with B.S. & M.S. degrees in Civil, Mech., Elect,, and Chem. E. for office and field work, process design, and petroleum re- finery development and processing. United Metalcraft Co., Ypsilanti, Mich., has an opening for a man or woman with an Engrg.-Math. back- ground to work with an Ind. Engr. on a new product. For details on requirements as to edu- cation and experience contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371, Lectures The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- livered by Dean George Granger Brown, Wed., May 4, at 415 p.m., in the Am- phitheater of the Rackhar Building. University Lecture in Journalism. Walt Kelly, creator of POGO, will speak on "From Here On Down Is All Uphill" in Rackham Amphitheatre at 3:00 p.m. Mon., April 18. Public i- vited. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar: "Some Effects of Dietary Lipids," under the direction of H. C. Eckstein; Room 319 West Medical Building, Sat., April 16 at 10:00 a.m. Mathematics 196 will not meet sat., April 16. Doctoral Examination for Forrest Ralph Pitts, Geography; thesis: "Com- parative Land Fertility and Potential in the Inland Sea and Peripheral Areas of Japan," Sat., April 16, 212 Angell Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. B. Hall. Zoology Seminar. Prof. Alexander Sandow of the Laboratory of Psysiology and Biophysics, New York University, will speak on "Effects of Bromide, Ni- trate and Iodide on Responses of Skel- etal Muscle" Mon., April 18, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditor- ium. English 150 (Plywriting) will meet promptly at 6:55 p.m. Tues., April 19, and will continue to meet at that time unless otherwise announced. Faculty Concert. Robert Courte, vio- list, and Lydia Courte, pianist, in Au- ditorium A, Angell Hall, at 8:30 p.m. Sat., April 16. Telemann's Suite in D, Brahms' Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 120, and Hindemith's Sonate Op. 11, No. 4. Public invited. Events Today Hillel. Sat., Apr. 16, 9:00 a.m. Com- munity services. Hawaii Club Splash Party at the Women's Swimming Pool (by special permission of Dr. Bell) Sat, April 16 from 7:15-9:15 p.m. Meet in the lobby of the Women's Swimming Pool to be admitted as a group. Square Dance .tonight. Lane Hall. 8:00-12:00 p.m. Free. "The Sound of a Stone," a 20 minute movie depicting dangers of guilt by as- sociation. SRA Saturday Lunch. 12:15 p.m. Lane Hell. Reservations. Stump Speaker's Society of Sigma Rho Tau will have its first debate prac- tice at 10:00 a.m. today in Room 2084 East Engineering in preparation for the affirmative. "Resolved: The automobile manuffacturers should adopt a guaran- teed annual wage." All interested engi- neers, architects, and technologists in- vited. Russian dance group will meet in Room 30 of Michigan Union at 3:00 p.m. 1 ti "Now If You Could Just Control Your Inventions, Huhn'" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR DANCE REVIEW At Dramatic Arts Center . .., THE GOLDEN DEER by Donald Harris THE FIRST presentation of a dance program 'at the Masonic Temple was programmed, it seems, as most of the dance concerts in Ann Arbor, with a desire to please. Among a variety of themes and dance forms there should be enough to appeal to the audience so that they might feel that dance is something they can understand and not alien to their "aesthetic appreciation." However, some of the dances did not intend to entertain, but presented Dance as an Art Form. Supplication, choreographed by Robin Squire andL danced against the background of Handel's music, expressed the irreconciliation between the individual and a moral-physical world. I'll Be You, a comment on our schizo- phrenic age, was danced by Geraldine and Ro- bin Squire with an intensity of movement which was not shown in the other dances in the pro- gram. A glimpse of what Indian dancing is was shown by two Classical Dances. The perform- er, Louis I'JcKush, did justice to the precision which is necessary to the Indian dance form. Don Harris' music to The Golden Deer caught ed by the large area in which the dancers had to move, because the intensity of the composi- tion was lost. Doris Taylor's movements as the "deer" were precise and well executed. -John Kazmiarowski New Books at the Library Swados, Harvey-Out Went the Candle: New York, The Viking Press, 1955 White, T. H.-The Book of the Beasts: Lon- don, Jonathan Cape, 1955 Anderson, Erica - The World of Albert Schweitzer. New York, Harper, 1955. Bemelmans, Ludwig-To the one I love the best. New York, Viking, 1955. Fry, Christopher-The dark is light enough. New York, Oxford University Press, 1954. Enright, Elizabeth-The moment before the rain. New York, Harcourt Brace, 1955. Mauriac, Francois-The unknown sea. New York, Holt, 1955. Taylor, Telford-Grand inquest. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1955. McCully, Ethel Walbridge--Grandma Rais- nA Mn Rn. Ma.wr , hnmac Vrs.mrP Beknighted .. . To the Editor: MAY I BE permitted to correct a misunderstanding which might arise from the remarks of your critic Mr. H. Strauss on the sub- ject of W. S. Gilbert's failure to obtain a knighthood from Queen Victoria? In the first place, a knighthood was conferred upon him after her death. (See McSpaddon, "Operas and Musical Comedies," New York, 1947). In the second place, it is well known in England, where all the operas of Gilbert and Sullivan have enjoyed phenominal popu- larity ever since they were written, that they all poke fun at the Eng- lish constitutional and social sys- tem from top to bottom. We are used to this, both from within and from without, and claim it as characteristic of our (perhaps pe- culiar) British sense of humour. What gave offence to the Sov- ereign was not "Iolanthe", which laughs at the Lord Chancellor's of- fice, but "The Mikado", which pokes fun, not at Britain, but at Japan. Published in 1885 at a critical moment in the history of the conferences between various Western powers and Japan for the revision of their Treaties, it ser- iously embarrassed British rela- tions with an Emperor whose whole reign had been marked by rnnr a-r r-nirrht nn o th Ungrasped ... To the Editor: WE HAVE recently, grovelling students as we may, by some aspiring tripe peddlers, be con- sidered, though we sincerely at- tempted to avert the inevitable, experienced a fraud on the con- stituents of the Big U's student body, this being, although they will deny it vociferously, the so- called campus humor, and this is questionable, magazine, "Gar- goyle." Perhaps, although this we, the uneducated, will deny, we have failed to grasp the meaning of the material presented, but more likely, and this we shall firmly defend, there was nothing present to grasp. We say this with tongue in cheek, to use one of those de- nounced cliches, and thus forming and constituting another black, mark, very black, against us, for we have missed the point of a good Greek limerick only because we, the peons, do not comprehend either a reading, speaking, or understanding knowledge of this classical language. Perhaps it was not even, though it did seem such to us, Greek. We also believe that, and we are supported we understand by other members of our low class, a quick check of other campus humor magazines, we shall not herein enumerate, will reveal great vol- umes of more humorous, or at least interesting spare time diver- ai n r