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April 14, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-14

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rau~a rata~

Women s
Excited Hush
Fills Rackham
During Event.
Lucy Landers Opens
Traditional Program;
Hazel Frank Presides >
Amidst traditional Installation
Night excitement, officers of the
League, Panhellenic, Assembly and
Women's Athletic Association were
announced for the coming year.
Filling Rackham Auditorium,
where they were seated according
to housing units, University coeds
sat in a breathless hush as re-
sults of petitioning were announc-
The program was opened by SUCCESS
outgoing League president, Lucy stallation
Landers, who spoke on the state
and change of the University. A Hazel Fr
standing ovation saluted her as
she left the stage.
Although next year's presidents Le a
of campus organizations had been
revealed before the ceremony, all NeA
other winning candidates had no VW
knowledge of their selection.
Scroll, Ethel NcCormick, Pan- Newly - e
hel, Mortarboard and Delta Delta include Al
Delta scholarships were awarded president;
to 10 women. The scholarships rice-preside
ranged from $100 to $125. secretary;
Donna Chapin received the Al- er and ME
pha Lambda Delta award, a book school pres
of poetry and a long round of ap- Chosen t
plause for her four year grade Services C
point average of 3.964. Gebhardt.
Topping the sororities in num- Chairman
ber of women installed in posi- Shirley Sil
Lions was Alpha Delta Pi. Follow- dance capt
ing were Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha will act as
Xi Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma man and P
and Alpha Chi Omega. the Public
Alice Lloyd led the dormitories Elaine B
and league houses while Stock- chairman o
well, Mosher, Prescott, Tyler and House Com
Barbour followed. Jewell, will
Outgoing chairman of the Lea- J. Crocker.
gue interviewing and nominating of the Mer
committee, Sally Lorber, com- is Mary Lot
mented that an unusually large To I
number of well qualified women Coeds on
had petitioned for positions this mittee inc
year. transfer ch
Following the program, a recep- Booths cha
tion was held for new officers, son, social
x award winners and friends. Mooney, ch







-Daily-John Hirtzel
SFUL SCHOLARS--Among scholarship winners at In-
Night were Betty Shuptrine, Alice James, Grace Ritow,
ank and, in the foreground, Ann Sterling.
ue Announces Officers,
Committee Chairmen

lected League officers
ice James, first vice-
Erika Erskine, second
ent; Margaret Lane,
Mary Slawson, treasur-
arilyn Houck, summer
o head the Community
Committee is Ursula
The Dance Committee
is Jean Underwood.
kkenga will be senior
ain. Gwynne Finkleman
Special Projects chair-
Paula Strong will head
Relations Committee.
ice has been elected
f the Social Committee.
mittee chairman, Emily
* be assisted by Mary
Elected as chairman
rit-Tutorial Committee
iu Kierdorf.
Read Orientation
the Orientation Com-
lude Gretchen Quine,
hairman; Cathy King,
airman; Alice Robert-
chairman and Pat

Next year's parliamentarian
will be Elaine Borkowski.
Central Committee for Soph
Scandals will be headed by Mary
Klauer, general chairman and
Nancy Murphy, assistant general
Other chairmen include Judy
Maxwell, floorshow; Alice Louie,
secretary; Sue Van Sturc, finance;
Ann MacDonald, costumes; Mar-
lene Crawford, dance and Barbara
Perlman, decorations.
List Continues
Continuing the list of chairmen
are Jacqueline Lefler, scenery;
Nancy Colwell, hostess; Sarah
Gullette, make-up and Kathy Wil-
son, music. Linda Goodman will
take charge of programs and Jan-
et Seider, refreshments. Barbara
Bendlin will handle publicity;
Jane Holben, posters and Carol
Vestal, stunts.
Script writing will be headed by
Nancy Willard. Jane Prindeville
will be stage manager and Sue
Bergdahl props chairman. Maryl
Klawson will take care of the tick-
ets while Margaret Wiersma will
be ushers chairman.
JGP Central Committee mem-
bers include general chairman,
Nancy MacDon'ald and assistant
general chairman, Janet Doggett.
Director of the 1956 perform-
ance will be Sue Arnold. Alicia
Tarrent has been elected secre-
tary and Jeanne Newell, treasurer.
To Direct Writing
Sally Miller will beascript chair-
man. Serving as stage manager
will be Katie O'Hara. Thelma
Kavanau will be responsible for
costumes. Chairman Mary Bloem-
endal will work on the make-up
Making arrangements for the
dancing will be Robin Arnold.
Publicity duties go to Joan Sayles,
chairman. Jane Fowler will take
charge of Daily publicity. Stunts
will be directed-by Virginia Royal.
Judy Huber has been chosen chor-
al director and Judie Shagrin, mu-
sic chairman.
Concluding the list of chairmenj
are Dee Galonska, programs;4
Mary Sue Curry, props; AbbeyI
Justice, tickets and Ann Sterling,
Names of assistant chairmen
and committee members will ap-
pear in,.tomorrow's Daily.

Panhel, WAA
Posts Filled
Panhellenic ...
Panhel last night announced its
officers for next semester.
The are: Debby Townsend,
president; Jane Germany, first
vice-president; Marcia Golman,
second vice-president; Barbara
Frey, secretary; Jean MacRae,
treasurer; Nancy Jaquette, rush-
ing chairman; Sue Stegleder, as-
sistant rushing chairman; Carol
DeBruin, rushing counselor chair-
man; Betty Powell, assistant rush-
ing counselor chairman.
Barbara Beach, Kathy Lun,
Carol Kirshner, Nan O'Tool, sec-
retarial committee; Peggy Hub-
bard, public relations chairman;
Minerva Chezak, Mary Lease, Ann
Titterington, Linda Rubinstein,
public relations committee; Mar-
garet Hammond, parliamentarian.
T h e Panhellenic Association
represents all affiliated women on
campus, and attempts to promote
better understanding between it-
self and the administration.
Sponsor of Panhellenic Ball and
Variety Show, it participates with
other campus organizations in the
Fresh Air Camp Tag Day and
Greek Week.
* * *
Those women who will handle
the administrative work of As-
sembly Association for next year
were announced last night by Ha-
zel Frank, retiring president of As-
Assembly Association is the in-
dependent women's association
representing women in the dormi-
tory and league house systems.
Jeanette Grimm will assume the
president's duties assisted by Ilene
Pavlove as first vice-president and
Jo Osmond as second vice-presi-
Taking over as secretary will be
Joan Mason.
Sharon Chynowith will be the
new Assembly treasurer.
Meredith Tigel has been ap-
pointed big.sister chairman while
Lois Cowell will be in charge of
public relations for Assembly.
New personnel chairman is Jean
Scruggs while Nancy Case will as-
sume the duties of special proj-
ects chairman.
* * *
Coeds receiving positions on the
Women's Ath1etic Association
board were Jaylee Duke, presi-
dent; Paula Strong, vice-president
in charge of special projects; Rob-
in Piatt, vice-president in charge
of student relations; Meredith Ti-
gel, secretary, and Dorothy Clark-
son, treasurer.
Other officers include Margaret
Smith, co-recreation chairman;
Mary Lou Kierdorf, American Fed-
eration of College Women repre-
sentative; Chloe Dandison, soror-
ity manager; Charlotte Haller,
dormitory manager, and Diane
Young, league house manager.
Nancy Blumberg will fill, the
post of public relations manager,
Virginia Robertson, The Daily
representative, and Carol McMack-
en will be co-recreation tourna-
ment manager.
New managers of WAA clubs
will be Gwynne Finkelman, ten-
nis; Tony Sacchetti, softball;
Margaret Davis, riding; Roberta
Gubbins, rifle; Margaret Heiz-
mann, modern dance; Marion
Charvat, Michifish; Kay Leo, golf;
Sally Lyon, field hockey; Judy
Stover, fencing; Joan Sayles, camp
counselors; Fairy Sakai, bowling;

Beth Green, ballet; Priscilla Tors-
leff, badminton and Betty Veres,
ice skating.
r -0 -
You may select your

-Daily-John Hirtzel

Awards Given
Coeds Receive Honors
For Activities, Grades
Coeds voiced their approval last
night, at the announcement of
various award and scholarship re-
cipients, a part of the annual In-
stallation Night ceremonies.
Claudia Moore Smith, Alice
James and Hazel Frank" each re-
ceived $100 Ethel McCormick
Scholarships in recognition for
leadership, participation in activi-
ties, scholarship and financial
Hailed an outstanding cast
member of the recent Cock-a-
Hoop, JGP, Lou Ann Fiber was
honored with the Marcia Babbidge
Award, a plaque which hangs per-
manently in the League. Miss Fi-
ber's name was engraved on it and
she was presented with an award
Scroll Awards
Leadership in extra curricula
activities as well as character,
service and financial need made
Betty Shuptrine worthy of the
$100 Scroll Scholarship which is
presented annually to a junior af-
filiated woman, by the senior af-
filiated women's honorary.
Each year, Delta Delta Delta
awards three $120 scholarships to
any coed who meets their require-
ments of citizenship, scholarship
and financial need. Last night,
Janet Lee Wirth, Gloria Szweda
and Harriet Eaton were proud re-
Basing their qualifications on
scholarship, leadership and serv-
ice, Mortarboard, senior women's
honorary presented Grace Rito*
with a $100 scholarship.
Scholarship Honors
Twenty-seven senior women,
members of Alpha Lambda Delta
freshman honorary, have main-
tained an average of 3.5 or higher
for four years. Having the highest
over-all average, Donna Chapin
received Alpha Lambda Delta's
award of a book. Lois Klein; Phyl-
Liss Ash, Clara Oppenheimer, Alice
Pletta, June Stone, Jessie Ander-
son, Eleanor Beebe, Lilian Bickert,
Anne Campbell, Janet Kochenny,
Sharon Gross, Barbara Hansen,
Camilla Heller, Phyllis DeSwarte,
Alice Kretzschmar, Mary Laflue,
Caroline Lentz, Joyce Rasbach,
Barbara Mattison, Linda Reck,
Patricia Tavidean, Jane Stoltz,
Charlotte Wolfe, Anne Young,
Carol Alford, Ruth Peebles were
also honored.
Catherine Campbell and Ann
Sterling were awarded $100 schol-
arships, an annual presentation
made by Panhel to outstanding

-Daily-John Hirtzel


i udic, Nominating Council Named


Members of the Women's Judi-
ciary Council, which reviews the
work of the House Judiciary Coun-
cils and the League House Judi-
ciary Council, have been chosen.
New chairman is Virginia Cook,
and the vice president, Jocelyn
Finegold. Other new members are
Nadyne Cooke, Betty Jean Kafka,
Jocelyn Watt, Mary Baker and
Kim Friebolin.
The Council encourages coop-
eration in the work of women stu-
dents' self government. Certain
disciplinary powers are delegated,
but the Council reviews cases re-
ferred to it by subordinate judici-
ary councils.
Penny Brown will head the
League house judiciary. This body

has jurisdiction over minor dis-
ciplinary problems involving stu-
dents living in League houses.
It also checks sign-out sheets
and special permission slips and
sends weekly reports to the Wom-
en's Judiciary Council.
Nominating Council
Next year's Interviewing and
Nominating Committee has been
selected. The new officers are:
Judy Jennis, chairman; Ruth
Flanders, secretary; Ruth Bassi-
chis, Joyce Reuben and Barbara
Clark, junior members; Judy
Tatham, Mary Francis Jones, and
Polly Van Schoick, sophomore
The Committee handles pets-

tions and interviews coeds trying
for League positions. They also
accept petitions and hold inter-
views for candidates of Central
Committees of Class Projects,
Projects Committees, Women's
Judiciary Council, and permanent
membership on League House Ju-
diciary Council.
Makes Recommendations
Among their other functions is
the job of making recommenda-
tions to the Women's League
This year's committee, respon-
sible for the selection of members
to all of the previously mentioned
committees consists of Sally Lor-
ber, Lois Klein, Nariy Jacquette,
Barbara Watson, Martha Walli-
billick, Carolyn Bahle, ErikaW Es-
kine and Betty Jean Kafka.


SAM, .::211
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-Daily--John Hirtzel
EXUBERANT VICTORS-Celebrating at the reception following
Installation Night are Jane Germany, Panhel vice-president;
Ilene Pavlove, Assembly vice-president; Erika Erskine, second
vice-president of the League, and Nancy MacDonald, JGP gen-
eral chairman.

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Leather Jackets
You would regularly pay much more
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