PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 SPOTLIGHT ON HOPE: Dr. Francis and Dr. Salk: Men of the Year OUR NOMINATIONS for Men of the Year are Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., and Dr. Jonas Salk. Their historic report on the success of Salk vaccine against poilio deserves the inter- est and gratitude of the entire country. For the first time in history a huge victory over the crippling disease has been won; although the war is not completely over, the end is in sight. For'this we can all be thankful. We nominate these two men for two main reasons: Dr. Salk. should be chosen Man of the Year for his persistent study on the prob- lem of finding a vaccine to make children im- mune from polio. The scientist's optimism while working to find the right formula was important for maintaining spirit needed in the exhausting study. Had he not had confidence that he would find the right solution he might have given up his study long ago. His persis- tence is our victory. DR. FRANCIS should be chosen Man of the Year because of his very thorough, sys- tematic study of how the vaccine works. Em- ploying every scientific insurance of an un- biased study, he never allowed the American public to build up false hopes on the success of the vaccine. For this we can all be grate- ful; our knowledge of its success is now well founded; we are not in for big disappointments. But there is another important reason for choosing these two men for whatever honors we intend to bestow on 20th century human beings. They stole the spotlight from the ugli- ness of war, bickerings of nations, studies on new weapons of death, or Academy Awards. They reported a disease-preventing, life-sav- ing medical discovery, and turned our atten- tion to something giving new hope to the world. The Far East, the Soviet Union and Ne- vada atom blasts were dwarfed in our thoughts for a moment-and we were given the thrill a peacetime discovery alone can give us. WE THANK these two medical geniuses for making life instead of death important to the world. Parents throughout the nation will be anx- ious to have their children inoculated with Salk vaccine. There is not an abundance of the vaccine yet. Our hope is that the need to pro- tect children does not become so overbearing that illegal purchase and inoculation of Salk vaccine begins. The good of a peacetime dis- covery could have some ugly effects. --Pat Roelofs I WHAT'S TEN MILES? Battle of the Airports: The Greatest Good IN THE smoldering controversy over govern- ment plans to base jets at the Willow Run Airport, the University has become a victim of some clever political maneuvers by Detroit and Wayne County officials. It all began when Detroit Mayor Albert Cobo penned a letter to officials of the eight major airlines operating from Willow Run inviting them to a May 24 meeting to discuss possi- bilities of their moving to Detroit-Wayne Ma- jor Airport. The suggestion had been made before, and the airlines had expressed a liking for the sta- tus quo, which they still prefer. They have a good deal at Willow Run. They pay, through an Intermediary corpo ation, a small rent for use of the airport and have the responsibility of maintaining the airport to the tune of about half a million dollars a year. Their advantage is the small rent, which is only enough to fi- nance the University's Engineering Research Institute at the airport. THE UNIVERSITY bought the airport in 19- 47 for $1 as military surplus. One of the conditions of the sale was that the University provide for the airport's public operations. This was done by renting to the airlines. Even if the airlines had conceived the pro- ject, convinced the University it should own an airport, and thereby obtained, in effect, a, government subsidy, there is no reason for ex- citement about shady dealings. Subsidization of commercial airlines has long been an es- tablished and necessary fact. Regardless of the way it came about, the airlines now have an enviable asset in their Willow Run contract with the University. Mov- MOVIE REVIEW ing to Detroit-Wayne Major Airport would no doubt increase their expenses, since the rent paid to Detroit and Wayne would include both the cost of maintaining the airport plus a pro- fit for the government agencies, no matter how the details of a rental contract were ar- ranged It is this possible profit that is no doubt motivating Detroit and Wayne officials, al- though the proclaimed merit in the move is that the Detroit-Wayne is ten miles closer to Detroit. This official reason certainly adds to Mayor Cobo's reputation for concern for the public interest, but does not seem strong enough to explain his persistence and cunning as shown in his most recent manuever. FIRST, paving the way for Mayor Cobo's move, was an announcement from Wash- ington that the Army planned to base some jets at Willow Run beginning this summer. The University objected to this because it would interfere with a research project. But Mayor Cobo took the cue and hastened to the nation's capital with a proposal that Willow Run be converted entirely into a mili- tary base. Such would, of course, force the commercial airlines to find another airport; and Detroit-Wayne Major is the only possi- bility in the area. The military has the privilege of changing Willow Run to i military base, because anoth- er condition of the $1 sale in 1947 was that the Army could again take over the airport for military purposes in an emergency. Emer- gency is to be defined by the Army, so that it means anytime the Army feels like it. THE REAL issue has been clouded by the hot tempers on both sides, although the University has proceeded rather calmly. Gov- ernmental bodies in the Ypsilanti area have become quite upset about the whole thing, and resolutions are flying back and forth like sauc- ers. The real issue is not that the airlines are getting a supposedly undeserved advantage, or that Detroit and Wayne County is trying to make some extra cash, or that the University does not need an airport. The real issue is what is the set-up most beneficial to all. Airport revenue allows the University to carry on vital research, which the government would otherwise have to fi- nance. The military does not really need, nor has it claimed a need, for a military base at, Willow Run. Admittedly, Willow Run facilities are somewhat better than those at Detroit- Wayne Major, and the airlines, in general, can operate more efficiently from Willow Run, if only because of the lower expenses. THE TEN MILE difference in closeness to Detroit is not a sufficient deficiency to warrant a change. The need of Detroit and Wayne for increased revenue does not offset the advantages of the airlines' remaining at Willow Run. If Willow Run were made a military base, the University, presumably, would no longer own the airport and research there would become an added burden on the government's budget or be discontinued, the latter of which is not to be desired. The effect of this, then, would be a federal government subsidy of Detroit and Wayne, and probably some red ink for the airlines which would also have to be made up by the government in some way. If the airlines left Willow Run without its becoming a military base, the University would indeed be in a sad plight, since it would be required to bear the cost of maintaining the airport as well as its research there without any revenue, unless the federal government forked over some money, which would again be, in effect, a subsidy of Detroit and Wayne County. DETROIT and Wayne County do not need subsidizing by the federal government. But the University does need Willow Run airport DREW PEARSON: GOP Has Squirrel Trouble WASHINGTON - With some parts of the world looking pretty bleak and the U.S.A. sitting on the edge of possible war around Formosa, there's one area close to home which the American people can feel happy about-our goo'd neighbors in the western hemis- phere. It was just 65 years ago that the first Pan American Conference formed the Pan American Union. Since then, it has worked quietly with little fanfare to build up a new code of behavior among states. Every so often the Pan Ameri- can Union gets into the headlines when some crisis takes place, such as the threat of war between Cos- ta Rica and Nicaragua. But most of the time its work is an un- spectacular but important labor in the vineyard of good neighbor- liness. Most people don't realize it, but the Pan American Union is the oldest of all international organi- zations, and the only one that ep- erates on a true democratib basis. It survived where the League of Nations failed. It has no votes that count more than other votes. It has no veto, no permanent seats for powerful nations. It operates on a completely democratic basis and the vote of Haiti, which is 300 times smaller than the U.S.A., counts just as much as the vote of the U.S.A. So, while most of the world has seen increasing wars, the Western hemisphere owes its decreasing wars to the patient good neigh- borless of the Pan American Un- ion. Nuts for Neuberger RIDING IN a capitol elevator the other day, two young men were discussing Washington's fav- orite recent topic of conversation --squirrels. Said one of them "You know, this squirrel thing has really caught on. It's done more harm to the Eisenhower Ad- ministration than anything else so far." "Wouldn't you like to come in and sample some of our nuts" said a young lady who was in the elevator and couldn't help over- hearing the conversation. "People from all over Oregon have been sending Senator Neu- berger nuts to help him feed the squirrels banished from the White House lawn," invited the young lady. "Come in and take a look at them." By this time the young man be- gan to realize that he had said the wrong thing. Blushing, he identi- fied himself as Art Burgess, a member of the Republican Policy Committee staff. The young lady was Miss Helen Nickum, who works for Democratic Senator Neuberger of Oregon. FDR's Old Sloop AFTER I reported that Secretary of the Navy Thomas had turned down a gift of FDR's old sailing sloop because it would cost too much to repair, I received a suggestion from Joe De Silva, head of the retail clerks union of Los Angeles, that admirers of FDR might want to contribute to the repair of his sailing sloop on the 10th anniversary of his death. De Silva started the ball rolling by sending his own check. The sloop is the one which Roosevelt used when he was As- sistant Secretary of the Navy and before he became crippled with polio. His son, Congressman James Roosevelt, offered it to the Naval Academy at Annapolis as a gift, thinking the midshipmen might use it on Chesapeake Bay as part of their training and that it might have some sentimental value to the Navy which reached its great- est strength under his father. Secretary of the Navy Thomas, however, replied that it would cost $600 to repair the sloop and the Eisenhower Administration was trying to balance the budget. NOTE: Anyone wanting to act on Mr. De Silva's suggestion can write Secretary of the Navy Char- les Thomas, the Navy Department, Washington, D.C. Liquor Taxes Law TAX BOSS T. Coleman Andrews has been concentrating so hard on catching small tax vio- lators that millions have slipped through his fingers from certain . big corporations. For example, he has put the giant liquor industry on its own tax stamps. Result: A drop in tax collections; also a sharp increase in the num- ber of tax stamps reported lost or mutilated. The sudden rise in disappearing tax stamps, of course, means the government is getting gyped out of millions in alcohol tax revenue. For the stamps don't disappear at t~ti S I f' *s# i pOLICiES Gilbert & Sullivan '"HE Gilbert and Sullivan Society is now offering two Savoyard bills which together add up to a very funny evening at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Admirers of G&S are sure to enjoy themselves; but a high recom- mendation goes out to those who have never seen one of their operet- tas. The spirited group performing makes "Iolanthe" a perfect in- troduction to the genius of W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan. As a curtain raiser, Sullivan and Burnand's "Cox and Box," a bit of nonsensical farce, was ably done by Jerry Bilik, Clarence Steph- enson and Albert Senter. Though, some of the jokes in this bit are strictly second-rate vaudeville, it's brought broad humor by exces- sive mannerisms to his role. "Iolanthe" was undoubtedly one of the reasons Gilbert was never knighted: the play's second act abounds with sarcastic comments on the English Parliament. The story is concerned with Fairyland and specifically, the son of a fairy who is now half-mortal and half-fairy. By the play's end, the Peers have married the fairies and gone off to Fairyland, "leaving the House of Lords to be replenished according to intelligence rather than birth." THIS production is a very fine one; from the moment the fairies come lightly tripping across the stage until the usual dancing finale-the result is sheer enjoy- ment. As the Queen of the Fairies, Marion Mercer must be singled out for her excellent performance. Stealing about all the scenes she is in, Miss Mercer seems to have a good idea of the comic sense and her timing is nigh perfect. By the flutter of eyelashes or the pursing of lips, she manages to add a "Oh - Oh" not at all dull. Bilik especially great deal of hilarity to the comic operetta. Bob Brandzel's Lord Chancellor is another good bit of perform- ing, as he prances back 'and forth doing some of the best and more popular of the songs: "The Law Is the True Embodiment" and "When I Went to the Bar as a Very Young Man." John Geralt, the eventual House of Lords disrupter and Joan Holm- berg as his true love are an ap- pealing pair. Yet more comedy is provided by robust Alan Crofoot and Arnulf Esterer playing two "intelligent" Lords. Director Stephenson has made this a production that, while still Gilbert and Sullivan, is played for laughs. He has the female and male chorus espeially go through some intricate stage maneuvers. Notably well done is the Peers number "Loudly Let the Trumpet Bray" ("Bow, bow, you lower mid- dle classes . ."). A small but enthusiastic aud- ience had a good time last night, but the production rates a full :louse for the rest of its run. .-Harry Strauss (Continued from Pae 2) ed that requests for approval for social events ate due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12:00m. on the Mon. prior to the event: April 15- Alpha Omicron Pt Couzens Hal Delta Theta Phi Kapp, Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Alice Lloyd Hall Tyler Phi Gamma Delta Prescott House Tau Kappa Epsilon April 6- Acacia Alpha Epsilon Phi Apha Kappa Kappa Alpha Sigma Phi Anderson House Beta Theta Pi Delta Chi Delta Phi Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Delta Theta Phi Hawaii Club Henderson House Hinsdale House Kappa Sigma Kleinstueck "M" Club Msher Hall Phi Delta Phi Phi Delta Theta Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Delta Allen Rumsey Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Tau Delta Phi Tau Kappa Epsilon Theta Xi Alpha Delt Phi April 17- Alpha Chi Sigma Betsy Barbour Phi Delta Phi Phi Omega, Sigma Delta Tau The Bureau of Appointments will hold its weekly SUMMER PLACEMENT MEETING in room 3B of the Michigan Union April 14 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. At this time all available summer job op- portunities listed with the Bureau willl be presented. REQUEST FOR INTERVIEWS FOR SUMMER PLACEMENT H. J. Heinz Company will interview candidates for summer employment Wed., April 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Room 3A of the Michigan Un- ion. Positions deal with the procure- ment of fresh cucumbers from farm- ers, their shipping and salting. Candi- dates would be bonded as farmers pay by check. Location in Michigan (east- ern, central or western area) or Indi- ana. Job lasts from July 15 to Sept. 15 with a salary beginning at $60 per week for a six day week, Prefer some- one with a rural background and/or ability to negotiate with farmers, If in- terested call Bureau of Appointments, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614 for an appointment to be interviewed. Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio will interview candidates for summer employment at the Business Admin. School on April 18 for students in In- dustrial Management & Engineering Undergraduates. On April 20 they will interview Juniors for sales program. Sales calls will be on retailers, chain stores, wholesalers. Call NO 3-1511, Ext. 694 for appointment for an interview. Beliefaire, Clevelnd, Ohio. Mr. Lew- is Schwartz will interview Graduate students in Education, Psychology or Social Work to work with emotionally disturbed children at their residential treatment home. Openings for group counselors, an arts & crafts specialiast and a swimming instructor. Program begins June 17 and lasts until Labor Day. Salary range is from $125 to $150 pervmonth, plus full maintenance. In- terviews will be in room 2K of the Michigan Union from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Camp Conestoga, Leonidas, Michigan will interview male camp staff Wed. aft- ernoon, April 13 and Thursday morn- ing, April 14. Staff openings for cabin counselors, one riding instructor and onecounselor to instruct in arts & crafts. If interested in being inter- viewed call the Bureau of Appoint- ments to make an appointment, REQUESTS FOR PERSONNEL FOR SUMMER PLACEMENT Camp Henry Horner, Round Lake, Ill. requests applications from candidates for the following positions: village Head, salary $500-$600; Waterfront Dir., salary, $300-$450; Cabin Counselors, sal- ary $150-$300. Camp Henry Horner is non-sectarian and inter-racil both as to its camper population and its camp intake. If interested contact Mr. Ned Goldberg, Ex, Dir., Young Men's Jewish Council, 7 South Dearborn Street, Chi- cago 3, I.' The Kendall Cotton Mills, North Car- olinarequests applications from can- didates for a position as a research man. Preferably a young man with a B.S. degree who is planning to work on a Master's. Desire an industrious, po- tentijl scientist whom the faculty rec- ommends for graduate work. Candi- date will be put on specific assignments which will be primarily short projects or portions of more comprehensive proj- ects. Salary of $70 or $75 per week. If qualified contact the Personnel Office, The Kendall Cotton Mills, Charlotte, North Carolina, General Motors Corp. will accept ap- plications from students who have com- pleted their Junior year in engineering. Candidates assignments could be in al- most any phase of engineering with Di- visions located either in the Midwest or the Northeast. If qualified, ask for an application form at the Summer Place- ment meeting on April 14 in room 3B of the Michigan Union from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Stivers Office Service, Chicago, 111. will accept applications from women students who live in, or plan to be in, the Chicago area during the summer months. This office provides companies with office help on a temporary basis and it is free placement to the candi- dates. For further information attend the Summer Placement meeting on April 14 in room 3B of the Michigan Union from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming requests applications from candidates for positions as seasonal park rangers (general). Season from about June 15 to Sept. 15. For further information in- quire at the Summer Placement meet- ing at the Mich. Union on April 14 in room 3B from 1:00-5:00 p.m. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. Schol: Thurs., April 14 Flint, Michigan (Utley School) - Teacher Needs: H.S. English-Librarian; Mathem.tics-Chemstry Homemaking; Third Grade: Fifth Grade; Kindergar- ten. Flat Rock, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Elementary; Industrial Arts; Commer- cial; Social Science-English; English- Latin-French;kMathematics. Battle Creek, Michigan - Springfield School - Teacher Needs: Elementary; English-Social Studies (Core); H.S. Mathematics; Mathematics - Science; Art-Arts and Crafts & Elementary Coor- dinator. Charlotte, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Art; Elementary; Girls Physical Educa- tion & Swimming; World History; Com- mercial; English; Mathematics- Me- chanical Drawing; U.S. History. St. Clair Shores, Michigan-(Lakeview Schools) - Teacher Needs: Science- Chemistry, Physics & Senior Science; Commercial-Business Machines, Short- hand & Typing; Combination Typing- English 10; Girl's Physical Education; Home Economics; English-10 and 11. Fri., April 15 Pontiac, Michigan -Teacher Needs: Early Elementary; Jr. High English; History. Will send other vacancies for Secondary positions. Muskegon, Michigan (Lincoln School District No. 4)-Teacher Needs: Inter- mural athletics-6tl Grade (ll sub- jects); Vocal & Instrumental Music (1- 8th Grade). For appointments or additional infor- mation contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. The following representatives will not be at the Bureau of Appointments for interviews but have the following va- cancies; Alma, Michigan - Techer Needs: Mathematics, English, Social Studies- English; Social Studies-7th & 8th Grade Shop. Arcadia, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Coach - Shop; Science - Mathematics; Commercial; Elementary. Bellevue, Michigan - Bellevue Rurg Agricultural School - Teacher Needs: Librarian; H.S. English; Later Elemen- tary; Basketball Coach. Central Lake, Michigan (Central Lake Rural Agricultural Schools) - Teacher Needs: General Shop; Coach-Biology- 8th Grade Mathematics or 8th Grade General Science; Band and Grade School Music. Escanaba, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Girl's Physicl Education; Library; Mathematics; Industrial Arts; Social Studies; Mentally Retarded-Ungraded Room; English; Physics. Evart, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Band-H.S. Glee Club (Man); Librarian- Spanish II-English. Frankfort, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Head Coach; Assistant Coach- Shop; Instrumental Music; Jr. High; 5th or 6th Grade, Gaines, Michigan-(Gaines Consoli- datedsSchool)-Teacher Needs: Mathe- matics; Industrial Arts (Man); Instru- mental-Vocal Music (Man); Home Eco- nomics; Later Elementary (Women); Early Elementary. Greenville, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Girl's Physical Education; Speech Cor- rectionist. Hale, Michigan (Plainfield Township Rural Agricultural School); Teacher Needs: Commercial-Social Science; So- cial Science-Girl's Coach; Science- Mathematics. Grand Rapids, Michigan (Hamilton Public Schools)-Teacher Needs: in dergarten; Second; Third, Hart, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Li- brarian-English; General Science-Math- ematics; English-Journalism. National Mine, Michigan - Tilden Township Schools: Teacher Needs: Chemistry or Physics; H.S. Mathematics or English. Norway, Michigan --Teacher Needs: Girls' Physical Education-English; Lat- in-English. Olivet,sMichigan-Elementary Vocal Music-Elementary Art. For atdditional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Thurs. & Fri., Apri 1 & 22 E. J. Brach & Sons, Chicago, Il.- B.S. & M.S. in Ind., Mech., Chem. E., and Chemistry for Research, Develop- ment, Administration" Fri., April 22 Danly Machine Specialties, Chicago, II.-B.S. & M.S. in Elect., Ind., and Mech. E. for Regular Work, Jrs., Sophs.b and Freshmen for Su: mer, for Re- search, Sales, Design, Methods & Shop Supervision. U.S. citizens. Standard Oil Co., Esso Labs., Louisi- ana Div., Baton Rouge, La.-all- levels in Chem. E. for Research and Develop- ment. Massey-Harris-Ferguson, Inc., Detroit, Mich.-B.S. in Mech. E. for Research, Development, Design. For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement, Ext. 2182, 347 W.E. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Mich. State Civil Service announces exams for Training School Counsellor I, Personnel Officer II, Engrg. Clerk A, Engrg. Clerk I, Forestry Aide A, Sur- plus Property Field Agent I, Psycho- metrist I,Psychologist II, Psychologist II A, Psychologist III, Prison Printing Shop Supt. II, Stamp Factory Supt. II A. For details on requirements as to education and experience contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Dr. Robert R. Shrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will give the last of a series of lectures sponsored by the Department of Geology Thurs., Apr. 14 at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium on "Patterns of Be- havior-a Special Kind of Fossil." Student Bar Association presents the special lecture, "Execution, Attachment, and Garnishment," by Miss Rosemary Scott, practicing liwyer of Grand Rap- ids, Thurs., April 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 120, Hutchins Hall. University Lecture under the auspices of the Department of Chemistry. Fri., April 15, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Dr. George J. Young of Le- high University, Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vanij, will speak on "Heats of Immer- sional Wetting of Solid Surfaces." Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night. Fri., April 15, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003, Angell Hall. Dr. Dean B. McLaugh- lin will speak on "The Planet Mars." It A, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR At Architecture Aud..... THE BROWNING VERSION with Michael Redgrave AS ONE of the characters in The Browning Version observes, this story is no Mr. Chips sort of thing; the film's schoolmaster protagon- ist is decidedly another spot of tea-not a very chipper one at that. Crocker-Harris, as the gentleman in question is legally named, is more commonly referred to as "The Crock" or better still "The Himmler of the lower fifth." He teaches the Classics. He is the quintessense of all that "progressive" ed- ucators wring their hands about: he is not in the least bit interested in the "feelings" of his small charges. His sole concern is to see to it they learn to write decent latin verse. Horrors. I happen to think that a few schoolmasters of the "unfeeling" Crocker-Harris type wouldn't be at all a bad thing here or anywhere; so, un- fortunately some of the point of the film is lost on me-this "point" being that the teach- er in order to do his job with any measure of success needs be a nice guy. As if plumbers had to be charming, witty and delicious to do their jobs. BUT to take the film on its own terms. The story traces the events of the last two days of Crocker-Harris' seventeen year term at one of England's "better" public schools. Because of an ironic heart condition ("Ha, he," a cruel student remarks, "how jolly! He has, you see, no heart!") he is being forced to take a "less strenuous" position elsewhere: at a school for backward boys. That sounds pretty strenuous. "The Crock's" trouble, we soon learn, in no small part is his wife, a sort of polite version of Molly Bloom. "You're killing that man!" her lover (a handsome science teacher) says at one point; but she doesn't appear to care, or Just Deserts To the Editor: WRITE this little opus with a high degree of objectivity and fairness as I have attended both the University of Michigan and Michigan State and I have been a Sports Night Editor on both papers. I deeply admire both schools DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I and their respective daily publi- cations, but I firmly believe that The Daily editorial writers are far off base in their recent tirades against the "MSU" case. When I worked on The Daily staff, the editors displayed a great deal of restraint in their public remarks about State. Sure, some of them didn't appreciate State too much, but they didn't say so in print. Always they were fair, printing both sides of the picture. In re- cent months this restraint has ap- parently gone out the window as The Daily editors seem content with themselves to hurl aspira- tions at the fine name of Michi- gan State. On the other hand, the State News writers have been sound in their arguments showing just why Michigan State should officially be called "University." Their rea- sons have been strong and fair in comparison to the arguments ad- vanced by The Daily. Such writ- ing produced in Ann Arbor is shedding a bad light on The Daily and the University of Michigan, Nothing but the smallest of argu- ments is being printed against the "MSU" proposal. To The Daily writers and U of M students and alumni I say, be fair and allow Michigan State its just dues. -Keith A. Miller A Daily staffer in 1950 and 1951 Hit It, Jackson.,. To the Editor: THIS WILL probably look silly amidst the great "Battle of the Words" between Palestine and Is- rael, but may I suggest that the University carillonneur learn some new tunes. His continuous repeti- tion of the 'same old thing' is get- ting quite monotonous. How about some mambo? -Jose N. Correa I A' Sixty-Fifftb Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor Dorothy Myers ............ City Editor Jon Sobeloff ,.... ..Editorial Director Pat Roelofs.. .... Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor David Livingston........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz ....... Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel s.... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak..........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1I