Ask Steps To Protect Supply
Confusion Results Over Innoculations
Ann Arbor Back to Normal
WASHINGTON (/P)-A nationwide conference should be called
by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to choke off any "black market"
in the newly approved Salk polio vaccine, Sen. Lister Hill (D-Ala.)
said yesterday.
Meanwhile President Eisenhower, in an international gesture
of good will, decided to send latest information on the Salk polio
preventive to nations around the globe, including Russia and other
Red countries.
Sen. Hill brought forth his proposal as the government clamped
export controls on the vaccine-a step toward insuring a big enough
supply to inoculate millions of American children this year against
the crippler and killer of the young.
The Alabama senator made his suggestion to Secretary of Wel-
fare Oveta Culp Hobby. She said the idea has merit but did not
give it outright endorsement, saying she doubted a black market
would develop. The Public Health Service backed away from any
idea of government control in the distribution of the vaccine.
Sen. Hill brought up the matter while Mrs. Hobby was testifying
before the Senate Labor Committee on another subject.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announced last night he
will send polio information to other nations at the President's direc-
tion. Dulles said he also will consult with other government officials
to see how far the United States can go in making the -accine itself
available for export.
4> -_____ _________ __________ _______
As the smoke cleared on Tues-
day's historic announcement of
the success of Salk vaccine, it left
state and county health authori-
ties confused and uncertain.
Cause of the commotion was Dr.
Jonas E. Salk's recommendation
that only two shots be given in-
stead of three as originally
Basil O'Connor, president of the
National Foundation, said yester-
day no decision had been made
yet on whether Dr. Salk's sug-
gestion would be followed.
As Soon As Possible
Reached in New York, O'Connor
told The Daily an announcement
would be forthcoming as soon as
possible but he didn't know when.
Teachers in Washtenaw County
were asked yesterday to hold up
on preliminary steps in the vac-
cination program by County
Health Director Otto K. Engelke.
They had been previously asked
to send home parental consept
slips and other information with
the first and second graders who
will receive Salk vaccine free of
Further Information Needed
Dr. Engelke said the County
Health Department will have to
wait for further information from
the National Foundation before
the slips can be distributed, since
the two shot series,' if instituted,
would probably enlarge the pro-
"We may need entirely new slips
and we may need an entirely new
program of clinic inoculations,"
Dr. Engelke declared.
Original plans called for child-
ren to receive three shots spaced
over a five week period. Dr. Salk's
recommendation calls for two in the program and added, "I
shots given over a four week per- doubt that we will receive any."
iod with a third inoculation fol- Four To Receive Vaccine
lowing the first two by at least Four state health laboratories
seven months. will receive vaccine for Michigan
The Salk paper was termed children from the National Foun-
"confusing" by Dr. Albert Heustis dation. It will be flown directly to
yesterday. Dr. Heustis, Michigan the laboratories, located at Lan-I
Health Commissioner, said Michi- sing, Grand Rapids, Houghton and
gan will do nothing more until it Powers.
gets. a "full report" from the Na- County authorities will receive
tional Foundation. vaccine from those four points.
However, Dr. Heustis said the According to Western Union re-
report would be made "by the
time anybody gets the needle." ports, more than 60,000 words were
sent out by news reporters Mon-
In Lansing day and Tuesday.
In Lansing, Dr. J. K. Atland, A
director of health administration, the wires on an average football
said plans have been made in weekend when the Michigan foot-
Michigan to give the three shots ball team plays here.
within five weeks. Donald B. Adams, manager of
Dr. Antland said no directives the local Western Union office,
had been received from the Na- said 12,825 words were sent Mon-
tional Foundation urging a change day and 47,565 Tuesday.
National Foundation officials departed, newsmen closed their
typewriters and went home, and by yesterday Ann Arbor was back to
With dignified scientists, frenzied reporters and the austere Rack-
ham Lecture Hall providing an appropriate setting, Dr. Thomas Fran-
cis, Jr., had told the world "it works."
While pharmaceutical houses began speeding the vaccine to dis-
tribute points and public health officials debated how many shots
should be given, embarrassed NBC executives of the National Broad-
casting Company tried to explain why they broke the release date.
Issued Tuesday several hours after the release date was broken on
the NBC "Today" show, an unsigned statement claimed:
"Since many metropolitan dailies and wire services had carried
accurate and lengthy reports on the success of the vaccine as much
as three weeks prior to the official release day, NBC released a sum-
mary of the results as soon as the material was available."
Russ Van Dyke, president of the National Radio Television News
Directors Association sent a telegram to NBC President Weaver.
The telegram said the move "violated one of the oldest and most
useful rules of journalism and strong protests are in order."
Somebody asked University Public Relations Director Arthur L.
Brandon if there would be any reprisels against NBC,
"Only the reprisal of human conscience," Brandon replied.
See Page 4
La test Deadline in the State
I /
Beginning July
I, Senate
House Votes To Outlaw
Discriminaion in Hiring
Bill Passes' Without Vote of Clements;
Cramton Victorious After Five Year Fight
LANSING (A)-The House passed by an overwhelming 75-25 vote;
today a fair employment practice bill to outlaw racial and religious
discrimination in hiring.
The lower chamber debated the measure until 6:15 p.m., then
became involved in a lengthy snarl when Rep. Harry Phillips (R-Port
tHuron) demanded the vote of Rep.
Governor Promises Okay;
'U' Legal Action Uncertain
of Regents Expected To Discuss
Change at Meeting Here Tomorrow
-Daily,-Fred Day
IOLANTHE--Peers of the British House of Lords trooped up and
down the diagonal yesterday singing songs from the Gilbert and
Sullivan production of "Iolanthe." The operetta will be presented
at 8 p.m. today, and through Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Dance Awaits
New Sponsor
Petitions are now available for
organizations interested in spon-
soring next fall's Homecoming
Deadline for returning complet-
ed petitions to Student Govern-
ment Council Administrative Sec-
retary Ruth Callahan is 5 p.m.
Petitions may be picked up at
1020 Administration Bldg.
SGC voted March 26 to main-
tain control over disbursal of an-
nual Homecoming Dance profits.
At the same time the Council
decided to delegate direction of
the dance to a campus organiza-
tion to be chosen from petitions
submitted to the Council.
Previous to SGC, Student Legis-
lature directed the annual dance.
SL's profit from last fall's func-
tion was approximately $3,000.
SGC members thought due to
the Council's comparably smaller
size, there wouldn't be time to
run the dance effectively.
Officers Take Union Oaths
At Annual Initiation Dinner
Todd Lief, '56 and Bob Blossey, '56BAd, took the oath of office
for the Michigan Union's top position last night at the Union's
annual initiation banquet.
The oaths were administered by assistant-to-the-president Erich
A. Walter before a gathering of over 100 persons.
University President Harlan H. Hatcher addressed the group,
praising the Union's achievements and looking to "the great things
that lie in the immediate future."
Retiring president Tom Leopold,
'55, and executive secretary Dick
Pinkerton, '55, in their respective
farewell addresses both empha-
sized a need for the Union to be-
come "more socially acceptable"
to the campus.
They viewed the new addition as
the implement by which such a
goal could be attained, and sight-
ed efforts on the part of the Un-
ion to create a more pleasant at-
mosphere and services to the stu-
Awards were made to Union
staff members and executive coun-
cil members by the outgoing of-
ficers. The next executive council
will be appointed by the new of-
ficers early next week.
Many City Electors Lose
Votes in New Machines
Deans Approve
New Calendar
A new academic calendar was
unanimously approved by the
Deans' Conference yesterday.
Beginning the semester on a
Sunday, the new calendar pro-
vides for a three day combined
orientation - registration period,
with classes starting on.Thursday.
However, because of aptitude and
health examinations it might be
necessary to add a day or more to
the orientation program.
Thanksgiving and spring vaca-
tions remain the same as in the
present calendar with the Christ-
mas recess shortened to twelve
The calendar will be submitted
to the Regents at their May meet-
ing for final approval. If approved,
it will become effective in the fall
of 1956.
Preceding final examinations in
both semesters, classes will end
on a Wednesday with Thursday to
be used for a study period and
exams beginning on Friday. Com-
mencement will be moved from
Saturday to Sunday.
The new calendar partially re-
duces the "lame duck" period aft-
er Christmas and before exams.
It also provides for two full fif-
teen week semesters. The number
of Saturday class sessions will be
increased because spring and
Christmas vacations will not begin
until Saturday morning. At pres-
ent, both vacations begin Friday
Herb Clements (R-Deckerville).
Under legislative rules, bne legis-
lator can demand the vote of ano-
ther member even after the mem-
ber has left the chamber.
Clements already had left the
House and was enroute to Detroit:
by train. Rep. Phillips was asked to
withdraw his demand but refused.
Chuckling, he said, "Being the
number two man in his district, I
would like to have his guidance."
Rep. Kenneth Trucks (R-Bald-
win) accused Clements of trying to
escape voting on the controversial
The measure calls for establish-
ment of a five-man commission,
appointed by the governor to act
as a police agency in enforcing the
With headquarters in Detroit,
the commission would be empow-
ered to call witnesses, hold hear-
ings and investigate charges of
unfair employment practices.
It could also conduct a broad
educational program aimed at
combating racial discrimination.
Passage of the bill was a major
victory for Rep. Louis C. Cram-.
ton (H-Lapeer), who introduced
the measure and led the fight for
The bill had been before the
Legislature for the past five years.
It passed the Senate last year but
was defeated in the House.
--Courtesy Michigan State.News
SIGN OF THE TIMES-MSU students put the news of the name
change vote, 23-2, on the window of the Union grill. The new title
becomes effective July 1.
Athletes GtYotAwr
Sixteen University athletes received Yost Honor Awards for 1954-1
55 night at banquet in the Michigan Union.
The -awards are given yearly to junior and senior students "out-
standing for their moral character . . . scholastic .. . and physical
ability, and who show . . . promise of leadership and success."
Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak, acting chairman of the History Depart-{
ment, presented the awards. Honored were: Robert M. Appleman,
James V. Bates, John D. Cline, Donald D. Drake, H. Ronald .Geyer,
and Alexander W. Mann.
The list continues with John D. McMahon, Robert C. Mitchell,
John W. Moule, Robert E. Nederlander, Norman A. Niedermeier, Rob-
ert J. Paley, Charles A. Ritter, Junior C. Stielstra, James H. Walters,
Gerald H. Williams, and William Winkler.
All but Appleman, McMahon and Niedermeier will graduate in
June. Walters, Cline and Mann received Yost awards last year.
Athletic Director H. 0. Crisler spoke to the honored athletes after
Mrs. Fielding Yost, widow of the former Micngan athletic director,
said a few words.
Michigan State College won its two-year battle for University
status yesterday.
A bill changing the school title officially to "Michigan State Uni-
versity of Agriculture and Applied Science" was passed overwhelmingly
in the state Senate at about 2:30 p.m. as throngs of students and other
spectators crowded'the galleries.
The vote was 23 to 2, with 5 abstaining and 3 Senators missing.
Only Governor G. Mennen.Williams' signature is necessary to
make the bill law. Preparing for a 23-day trip to the Near East, Gov-
ernor Williams said yesterday he would sign the bill.
It is assumed that Lt. Gov. Philip A. Hart would sign for the gov-
ernor if the bill reaches his desk after Williams has left.
Effective July 1
Although the name change does not become effective until July
1, State officials are planning to put 'MSU' on diplomas for June grad-
University of Michigan reaction to the change was noncommital
yesterday, but it is expected that the Board of Regents will spend a
good deal of its meeting tomorrow debating the issue.
Regent Otto E. Eckert, contacted in Lansing last night, said that
he "wouldn't be surprised" if legal action is considered.
The University has contested the constitutionality of a name
change as well as what has been called "legal infringement on a cor-
porate name, since the name 'Michigan State University' is similar to
University of Michigan.'
The only two senators opposing the change were Sen. Lewis G.
Christman (R-Ann Arbor) and Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair).
Not voting were Senators Cora Brown (D-Detroit), Garland Lane
(D-Flint), Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennville), Carlton Morris (R-Kal-
amazoo) and Perry Green (R-Grand Rapids).
Surprised at Vote
Regent Charles S. Kennedy, in Detroit, said he was "somewhat
surprised" at the vote, but that he "didn't know the circumstances."
In Kalamazoo, Regent Alfred Connable, Jr., felt that "once it
was on the floor, many Senators felt they had to go along."
University President Harlan H. Hatcher wouldn't comment on the
new name, but in East Lansing MSU President John A. Hannal.
thanked the Legislature on behalf of the alumni, faculty, and student
body saying, "We will make every effort to measure up to this new
responsibility through continued improvement."
Hannah also said, "We assure our friends and colleagues at the
University of Michigan that every effort will be expended in the di-
rection of associating our new name with our location in East
Lansing so as to overcome their -
oft-expressed concern over con-
fu:netween our two fine insti- Students Using
Gov. Wiliams backed up the T ' Lots Fine
!legislature's decision saying that O J Ine
NSA Set Up After World Con gress
More than 2,000Ann Arbor electors lost their votes for municipal
post candidates in the April 4 elections.
In spite of a record 10,109 turnout, the two mayoralty candidates
received only 8,074 votes and the council president candidates col-
lected 7.982.
City Clerk Fred J. Looker attributed the differences primarily
to the change in ballot layout of the voting machines this year.
Designed to facilitate splittinge
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of three articles dealing with the
purpose, policies, and organization
of the National Student Association
of the United States.)
In 1946, the United States stood
almost alone without a represen-
tative national student group.
Returning from the 1946 World
Student Congress in Prague,
Czechoslavakia, 25 American stu-
dents kept this situation in mind.
In December of that year, they
called a conference of students in
Chicago to consider the problem.
problems in common. A clearing
house for information, service and
research is needed, and the NSA
hopes to ser've this function.
At present, more than 300 insti-
tutions including the University
are members of NSA. Any univer-
sity, college, junior college, nor-j
mal school or technical school can
join NSA. The only requirements
are ratification of NSA's consti-
tution and payment of annual
The organization is financed in
three ways. An annual assessment
is levied, based on the size of stu-
composed of one or two represen-
t tatives from each of the 20 NSA
districts, meets between Congresses
to review the program, and dis-
cuss new policies of immediate im-
A full-time Staff is elected each
Congress from among the dele-
gates. Continuity in NSA is main-
tained by coordinating the Exec-
utive Committee, the Staff, and a
National Advisory Council mem-
bers of which are elected to stag-
gered three year terms. This way
there are always at least two of
the three bodies working at one.
4 !
"the state of Michigan is certain-
ly big enough for two state-sup-
ported universities."
After much MSC campus reac-
tion to the fight for the change,
the news was taken in East Lan-
sing with little commotion.
The news spread over campus
quickly, but quietly. In the stu-
dent Union grill, the announce-
ment beamed over loudspeakers
was greeted with mild applause.
Last night, Michigan State News
reporter Bob Herman said that
joy on campus was reaching no
unusual bounds.
A $5 fine is being levied on stu-
dents holding permits who park
in University parking lots, accord-
ing to Assistant to the Dean of
Men Karl Streiff.
The fine is in addition to the
regular $1 city fifne for parking
in restricted areas. Holders of stu-
dent driving permits are not
granted permission to park in
University lots.
The lots are patrolled by city
policemen and University security
Streiff also reminded student
il uuec Reween state andi iocal
slates, city candidates were placed
at the bottom of the ballot in-
stead of beside the state candi-
dates as ordered by state election
officials, Looker said.
chairman Mary Moise placed the
blame on faulty voting machines
and poor instructions given to the
Although some machines oper-