PAGE FOUR " TIDE MICHIGAN IDAU Y WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..WEDNESDAY..., .... RIL 11.,,.. I SALK SUCESS: A Second Look at Meaning Of Polio Vaccine DREW PEARSON: Dulles "I'll Do All The Foolish Talking Around Here" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I 3, 3 So SALK VACCINE works - now what? There's still a lot of work to do. Biggest task ahead is inoculating everyone in the country with*vaccine. Millions of peo- ple have to be educated so they'll take the shots, millions of dollars have to be spent ad- ministering them. There are still some 70,000 polio victims to be cared for-iron lungs are expensive. Always striving for perfection, scientists are even now working on new improvements in the vaccine and there will be a lot of research and more tests before they sit back and call it quits. All this takes money. DON'T PAY too much attention to the unin- formed who glibly decide March of Dimes can be crossed off the charity list. The mil- lions of dollars already donated may keep your next-door-neighbor walking instead of lying in an iron lung-more money is needed to make sure he can keep walking. One side-aspect of Dr. Francis' report de- serves mention-the attitude of the press. The great majority of newspapers and communica- tions outlets stuck to honest, accurate report- ing. A few lacked the integrity. It's too bad papers like the New York World Telegram and Sun and the Detroit Times had to sacrifice news ethics for a few fast bucks. Makes people wary of giving newsmen the co- operation they need to get news out quickly and accurately. Both papers printed advance announcements of success of Salk vaccine claiming to have got- ten their information from a news "leak." Maybe they did but they were both pretty far off. It's a fair bet the two papers did some wild guessing in an attempt to sell papers. Their circulation probably jumped-too bad it was the result of shoddy journalism. Wil- liam Lawrence of the New York Times hit it on the head when he said, "It reminds you of the old circulation fights between Hearst and McCormick but we like to think journalism has outgrown that." Despite attempts by the press and others to pressure him into hurrying his evaluation, Dr. Francis waited until he could present a statis- tically significant report. The job he was given was a gigantic one-he did it admirably. All those connected with the project well deserve the praise they will receive for helping human- ity take a big step in the march against polio. -Lee Marks Presidents and Prime Ministers: Candle, Paamas and Tire THE INTERPLAY of time, men and govern- ments can play strange tricks. Sir Winston Churchill resigned last week as her Majesty's First Minister at the age of 81. The day was ten years less one week from the death of his fellow champion of besieged dem- ocracy, Franklin Roosevelt, an old man at 63. Churchill became Prime Minister at the age of 66. Historian Arnold Toynbee has described him as enjoying that singular time of life when the vigor of youth overlaps with the wisdom. of maturity, a brief period which, Toynbee says, most men realize 20 years earlier. THE PRIME Ministry is a unique office in many ways, not the least of which is the ages of its occupants. They span as many years as most men live. Gladstone, when he left office, was a full 60 years older than Wil- liam Pitt, the younger, who became Prime Minister at 24. An Interesting contrast is the American Pre- sidency. Teddy Roosevelt at 42 was only 27 years younger when he took office than ou oldest President, James Buchanan, who left of- fice at 69. The more-than-double age range of the Bri- tish executive is undoubtedly more than acci- dent. Britain's party government lends itself to "collective leadership" wherein responsibility for the affairs of government is shared by the Cabinet and the Prime Minister. For example, when in the last days of his career Churchill. defered the question of a Formosa confer- ence to his Foreign Secretary and heir-appar- ent, it was far more politically permissable than President Eisenhower's frequent abandonments of leadership. WHILE THE British elect a Parliament which in turn produces a Prime Minister from among its majority leadership, Americans elect one man to head the Executive Branch. He and he alone is- ultimately responsible for the firing of every security risk in the Agriculture Department, the honesty of every tax collector in St. Louis, and the lease of all naval oil re- serve lands in Wyoming. Small wonder that no man so green as 41 or so aged as 70 has ever held the office. Wonder drugs and Secret Servicemen have minimized the physical hazards of the job, and Lincoln's assassination and William Hen- ry Harrison's cold caught on Inaugural Day are now old-fashioned killers. The size and complexity of American government and res- ponsibilities for guiding a troubled world have combined to make the Presidency inexorably deadly, far beyond the ameliorative powers of Georgia vacations, be they in Warm Springs or Augusta. IF HE SHOULD run and be reelected in 1956, Dwight Eisenhower would be the second- oldest man ever elected President, surpassed only by Harrison, who served one month. The next Presidential term ends in January of 19- 61. If Eisenhower holds office then, he will be the oldest man ever to do so, surpassing even Buchanan, whose single term ended almost a century ago. Eisenhower may yet prove himself a man of Churchillian youthfullness, though as 1956 draws closer it would seem that history and a farm in Gettysburg are on the side of Eisen- hower's passing the Republican banner to a, younger man. -Pete Eckstein Appeases Congress WASHINGTON - When Lady Astor was in New York last week she had a telephone conver- sation with Adlai Stevenson, whom she admires. It went like this: Stevenson: "I'm leaving in a few days for South Africa to make my fortune." Lady Astor: "I never heard of such a thing! The best way to get rich is to marry a wealthy widow. And I'm available." Stevenson: "I'll be right over!" Stevenson leaves April 18 to spend about a month. He will vis- it Kenya, Uganda, the Belgian Congo, South Africa and the Gold Coast. Dewey's Man Gets Fired THE FIRING of Ed Corsi as as- sistant to Secretary Dulles on immigration shows two significant straws-in-the-wind in Washing- ton. They are: Straw No. 1-Tom Dewey, for two years the closest man to Ike, is no longer close. Dewey put his old campaign manager, Herb Brownell in the cabinet; his press relations man, Jim Hagerty, on the White House staff; another associate, Tom Stevens, on the White House staff; and a partner in his prospective law firm, John Harlan, on the Supreme Court. But Ed Corsi, who was in Dew- ey's cabinet as Industrial Commis- sioner for ten years, got fired. Straw No..2-Dulles is still let- ting Congressmen dictate his for- eign policy. He doesn't call the tune himself. During Dulles' first two years in the State Department he listened attentively to the threats of Sena- tor McCarthy. If McCarthy even whispered, Dulles bowed. McCar- thy is hoarse today and few people are listening, but Dulles is bowing to Congressmen. In Corsi's case it was Congress- man Francis Walter, Democrat of Easton, Pa., with an indirect as- sist from Senator McCarth's pal, Scott McLeod. To appease McCar- thy, Dulles two years ago put Mc- Leod in charge of security and im- migration. Three months ago Cor- si was appointed over McLeod's head. And it was a neat double- play-a smear leak from McLeod to Walter-that got Corsi fired. Dulles Trembles CORSI IS no fly-by-night Re- publican. Coming to this coun- try at the age of 10, he served as Commissioner of Immigration un- der Herbert Hoover, ran as GOP candidate for mayor of New York, is one of New York's leading citi- zens. He does not deserve to be sacrificed. Much more important than Cor- si, however, is the principle-the Dulles policy of bowing to Con- gressmen. Every time a Congress- man crooks a little finger, Dulles puts on an appeasement somer- sault. Far more important than Corsi is the peace of the world. And what John Foster Dulles is doing is letting Congressmen dominate foreign policy in such a way as to upset the peace of the world. For when Anthony Eden propos- ed that England would guarantee us in Formosa if the U.S. would' not guarantee Quemoy-Matsu, provided a plebiscite were held on Formosa, Dulles immediately ran up to Capitol Hill to ask Sen. Wil- liam Knowland of California if he had any objections. Dulles did not decide the Eden proposal on the basis of what ws good for the American people and the peace of the world. He decided it on the basis of whether Senator Knowland would cause him trouble. Senator Knowland did threaten trouble. He told Foster Dulles that if the British plebiscite idea was adopted, he, Knowland, would make a speech on the Senate floor denouncing it. He knew, as every- one in the Far 'East knows, that Formosans hate Chiang Kai-shek, that his executives shot 60,000 of them in one of the most bloody massacres since the war; and that any plebiscite would go over- whelmingly against him. So the Eden plan, aimed at get- ting the U.S. off a hot spot which might precipitate World War III, was vetoed-all because the Eisen- hower administration bows to Congressmen who threaten trouble. Small Writers vs. Big Writers IF YOU publish a powerful ma- gazine and are a noted author, you can afford to say what you want about Joe McCarthy. If you publish a small paper and are a minor author, you can't. That's what Hank Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun and author of a column, "Where I Stand," found out when he wrote over a year ago that Senator Mc- Carthy's stormy course would lead. i 1 E - A " ./ \ AT G ... . TODAY AND TOMORROW: West Did Best it Could I Yalta Conference By WALTER LIPPMANN The Yalta Papers II HAD THE State Department handled the Yalta papers with more discrimination, it would, so I argued in the preceding article, have recognized the difference between the genuine record of agreements and of official papers on the one hand, and on the other the unverified individual jottings which belong to the domain of personal memoirs. Without falsifying the legitimate record, this critical distinction would have decontaminated this collection of Yalta papers of their worst mischief. Yet with or without the gossip and the chitchat, and in the hind- sight of ten years, the student of these papers will find that while it is easy enough to say what he wishes had happened differently in Eastern Europe and in the Far East, it is far from clear and certain even now how a different result could have been brought about. WHEN WE SIT in judgment now, we must bear in mind the overrid- ing condition which was decisive for President Roosevelt and his American advisers. This, as many have already noted, was the military situation at the time of Yalta. The Red Army was across the Oder River and within forty miles of Berlin. Eisenhower was not yet across the Rhine. Japan was in occupation of Manchuria, Korea, ti,' whole coast of China, all of Southeast Asia and of Indonesia. The Com- bined, that is to say the British and American, Chiefs of Staff had reported to Roosevelt and Churchill that they must plan for eighteen -EPARTMENT ( cM EE'Ni kt- f J L 1 r l .e RAt-©1C , W vss'7+IE WIKHKCI^ta P03T'a Gargoyle Comes Out. With 'Anti-Arts' Issue BEHIND an exceptionally attractive cover is a collection of. Gargoyle tid-bits tlat in- clude some very fine items. The Nouveau-Riche- New Yorker Gargoyle was so consistently good that we didn't recognize it. It is with a certain nostalgia that we return to the Old Garg-with all its ups and downs. This issue is entitled the "Anti-Arts Issue." The main thing is to take nothing seriously --even Gargoyle. If you jump that hurdle, you're o.k. ONE of the outstanding things about Gar- goyle has always been its art work. L. H. Scott, with the aid of a few hand-stamps, is "EK1r 1-- 41 a Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig..................... Managing Editol Dorothy Myers........................... City Editor Jon Sobeloff...................... Editorial Director Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.......,...........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......................Associate Editor Dave Livingston................... Sporots Editor Hanley Gurwin............Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz......... ........ .... . Women's Editor Janet Smith............Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel .......... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak .........................Business Manager Phil Brunskill..........Associate Business Manager Bill Wise.........................Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski................Finance Manager Telephone NO 23241 M,,i j o not only responsbile for the fine cover but. prac- tically all the illustrations inside. He wrote and drew the insert "a mad jaunt," which seems to have been just an excuse for some good draw- ings (note the Harvard sophomore), but is well worth it. Peter Stavroulaikis makes his Gar- goyle debut with the boyscout drawing accom- panying "You Lose, White Man," continuing the high standard. The general format of the issue deserves special praise. Part of it resembles a typogra- pher's holiday, but always carried out well. In- cluding a Raleigh bike among the illustrations was one of the neater touches. Writing sometimes has difficulty in coming up to the format, but there are some excellent pieces. "You Lose, White Man" is one of the best things in the issue. It seemed to have very little connection with "anti-art," but this may have been why it was such a good piece of writing. It is less self-conscious than any other article, despite certain phrases like "real good." HE OPENING announcement of the Annual Anti-Arts Festival is necessary for the title of the issue, but this seems to be the only rea- son. The arrangement of the page redeems it somewhat, but turn the page to the dada poemn which makes the same point much better. Ac- companying art is amazingly appropriate, and title meets with our immediate approval. "The Bobsey Twins Meet Ezra Pound" is a run-around by Jan Winn-Malcolm that has a few good lines such as "I like Art, its pretty." It is a combination of a lot of loose facts that look nice in print and worked nicely. The Cam- bridge vignettes by Austin Warren of the Eng- lish department may be somewhat difficult for those outside Cambridge. It is clever, that is certain, but requires a special audience. The parody of 0. Henry's old warhorse about the girl who cuts off her hair and the guy who sells his watch is a gem of its tvne. The story months of war against Japan. If Secretary Forrestal's diary is cor- rect, General MacArthur was call- ing for the intervention of sixty Red army divisions in Manchuria. There were dissenters in the Navy and the Air Force who be- lieved Japan could be defeated by sea and air power. But the con- sensus of military opinion was that Russian intervention was necessary if the enormous casu- alties of a landing in Japan were to be avoided. The paramount idea in the minds of most Americans was how to end the war quickly, cheaply, and victoriously, and not how to win the best position for a good political settlement after the war was over. As I recall the mood of Congress and of public opinion at the time, the sacrifice of Am- erican lives for the sake of a post- war settlement would have been regarded as verging on betrayal of the vital interest of the Amer- ican people in saving the lives of their sons. Churchill and Stalin came to Yalta with their eyes fix- ed on the postwar settlement, and each was prepared to take military risks and to pay a military price. Not so the Americans, beginning with Roosevelt and including al- most all the rest of us. WE KNOW now that the mili- tary leaders had overesti- mated Japan's resistance. The Japanese war could have been won, and in fact was won, with- out the assistance of the Red Ar- my. It is, therefore, true to say that Roosevelt was overanxious to buy Stalin's intervention in the Far East. He could, we now see, have gambled on a victory with- out Soviet participation. This, however, leaves open the question of what the United States would have done, had Stalin intervened anyway, seizing what he wanted. It is not easy to answer that very iffy question. In February 1945 in the Euro- pean theater, there was no mar- gin for gambling as theoretically at least might have been done in the Far East. Had the Red Army sat down, or worse still, made a de facto truce with elements of the German army, the danger to Eisenhower would have been enor- mous. THE OVERRIDING fact was that the Western democracies had become grossly dependent for their security upon the power of the Red Army. In February 1945 they had not yet become able to (Continued from Page 2) for Research, Development, Applica- tion, Construction, Sales, Service, Man- ufacturing. U.S. citizens only. Humble Oil & Reining Co., Marine Div., Houston, Texas-I levels in Na- val Arch. and Marine Engrg. for Engrg. in Conjunction with Production, Field Operations. Tues., April 19 Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., De- troit, Mich.-B.S. in all Engrg. pro- grams for applied engrg as loss pre- vention specialist. Continental Can Co., New York, N.Y. -B.S, in Civil, Elect., Ind. E., Engrg Mech., all levels in Mech., Metal., Chem. E., Physics, BusAd. for Research, Design, Development, Production, Sales, Quality Control. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va.-B.S. & M.S. in Civil, Elect., Mech., Metal, E., Engrg. Mech., Math., and Physics for Design and Development. U.S. citizens only. Alied Products Corp., Richard Bros. Punch Div., Detroit, Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in Id, and Mech. E. for Production and Plant Engrg. Wed., April 20 S. Morgan Smith Co., York, Penn.- B.S. in Mech. E. for Jr. Engrg. Training Program, Design, Manufacturing, Sides. Haven-Busch Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in Civil E. and Arch. (Structural Steel background) for Sales Representative Trainee. A.C. Spark Plugs, Gen'1. Motors Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Elect., and Mech. E., Math. and Physics, U.S.,citizens, for Field Engrg. Develop- ment, & Reserch For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement Office, 347 W. E., ext. 2182. Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Mon., Apr. 18 Royal-Liverpool Insurance Group, New York, NY.-men with any back- ground, June and August grads, for Sales Promotion, Risk Analysts, Posi- tions countrywide. Procter and Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio-Women in LS&A end BusAd for Market Research Dept. to do consumer research work involving extensive trav- eling-anywhere in U.S. Winkelman's, Detroit, Mich. - men and women, any field, for Training in Retailing and Store Operation. Tues., April 19 UARCO, Inc., Business Forms, Chica- go, -I1.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Gen'l. Business Trainee and Jr. Ac- countant positions. Argus, Ann Arbor, Mich. - men in LS&A for Sales and Administration Training. Schuster's Department Stores, Mil- waukee, Wis.-men and women in LS&A and Marketing, Econ., and Re- tailing for Jr. Executive Training Pan. Ball Bros. Co., Inc., Muncie, Ind.- men in LS&A, BusAd., and Engrg. in- terested in Sales for Sales Training, Rogers Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. (publishers of Design News)-women with a Journalism and Shorthand back- ground for a position as Secretarial As- sistant on Specil Editorial Projects. Wed., April 20 Bauer-Black Co., Div. of the Kendall Co., Chicago, 111.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales. Thurs., April 21 Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Hart- ford, Conn.-men in LS&A and BusAd for Field Representative positions any- where in U.S., also considering men for Claims, Acetg., and Underwriting. Aero Chart & Information Center, St. Louis, Mo.-men and women in Geog- raphy or Geology, for mapping. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures American Chemical society Lecture. Wed., April 13 at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Dr. William Rieman of Rut- gers University will discuss "Ion Ex- change, A New Tool for the Analytical Chemist." Undergraduate Zoology Club. "Photo- graphic Foray in Florida Wild Life," Narrated motion film by Dow V. Bax- ter, professor of natural resources. Wed., April 13, 3:00 p.m. 1139 N.S. Open to public, Sigma Xi meeting 8:00 p.m, Wed., April 13 in Rackham Amphitheater. Dr. Robert C. Elderfield, professor of Chem- istry, will speak on "Recent Develop- ments in the Control of Malaria." Pub- lic invited. Refreshments. Dr. Robert R. Shrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will give the last of a series of lectures sponsored by the Department of Geology Thurs., Apr. 14 at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium on "Patterns of Be- havior-a Special Kind of Fossil." Student Bar Association presents the special lecture, "Execution, Attachment, and Garnishment," by Miss Rosemary Scott, practicing lAwyer of Grand Rap- ids, Thurs., April 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 120, Hutchins Hall. "Employment Possibilities and Inter- ests in International Organizations," Wed., April 13, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in 2413 Mason Hall. Miss Jane Weidlund, for- mer UN assistant program officer, Office for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Technical Assistance Administration. Open to public. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for John W. Coy, Mathematics; thesis: "A Differen- ttial Calculus in a Matrix Algebra," Wed., April 13, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer. Sociology Colloquium. Wed., April 13, 4:00 p.m. in the East Conference Room, Rackham Building; Dr. Fred L. Strod- beck, University of Chicago, "An Em- pirical Study of Juror Behavior." Geometry Seminar will meet Wed., April 13, at 7:00 p.m. in 3001 A.H. Prof. J. R. Buchi will speak on "Invariant Theory in Groups." Mathematics Seminar Notice: Because of the Preliminary examinations to be held on Wednesday afternoon, April 13, the following seminars will not meet, Topology, Automorphic Func- tions. The School of Natural Resources will hold an Honors Convocation at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 14, at which Alumni awards will be presented. The coopera- tion of instructors in other schools is requested in excusing students of the School of Natural Resources for this hour. Seminar In Organic Chemstry. Thurs., April 14 at 7:30 p.m. In Room 1300 Chemistry. Mr. Kenneth L. Bur- gess will speak on "Asymmetric Induc- tion." Seminar in Analytical - Inorganic- Physical Chemistry. Thurs., April 14 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. Mr. Goji Kodama will speak on "Dipole Moments of Alkyl Phosphines." Astronomical Colloquium. Thurs. April 14, 4:15 'p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Gilbert Plass of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity will speak on "Radiation Prob- lems in the Earth's Atmosphere." 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet on Thurs., April 14, Rm. 3401 Mson Hall, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. J. Marschak (Cowles Commission, University of Chicago) will speak on "suggested Experiments on Tastes and Beliefs." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., April 14, at 4:00 in Rni. 247 West Engineering. Mr. Andrew L,. Maffett of WRRC will speak on Physi- cal optics approximations for obtaining rAdar cross-sections. Zoology Seminar: Grace Thomas, De- partment of Zoology, will speak on "Some Aspects of the Biology of a Clam of the Family Sphaeriidae," on. Wednesday, April 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium, Concerts Student Recital. Forinda Suguitan, pianist, 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 13, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Suguitan will play compositions by Purcell, Mozart, Debussy, and Bach. Open to the public. Exhibitions Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Bruguiere Photographs. A Student Collects through May 1. Hours: 9:00-5:00 p.m. weekdays. 2:00- 5:00 p.m. Sundays. The public is in- vited. Events Today Le Cercle Francals will sponsor a spe- cial full-length feature film in French, "Carnival in Flanders," Wed., April 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the League. Free for members. Bring your membership card!l Membership crds will be on sale for 75c which will include free admis- sion to the French play, "LAvare," on May 4. Near Eastern Research Club, Wed.,. April 13, in the E. Lecture Room, Rack-, ham Building, 8:00-9:30 p.m. Jahangir Amuzegar, lecturer in economics, will speak on, "Point Four In Iran." Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Wed., April 13, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Pershing Rifles. Meet at TCB at 1931 hrs. Wed., April 13 for regular com- pany drill. Wesleyan Guild. Wed., April 13. Mid- week Tea in the lounge, 4:00-5:15 p.m. Mid-week Worship in the chapel pt 5:15 p.m. Frosh Weekend. Maize team costume committee meeting tonight, 7:00 pam. in the League. Frosh Weekend. Maize team floorshow rehearsals, Wed., April 13 Group 2, 7:00 p.m.; Group 6, 8:00 p.m.; Thurs., April 14, Mass Meeting, 7:00 p.m.; Sat. April 16, Group 7a and 7b, 10:00 a.m.; Sun., April 17, Groups 8 and 9, 3:00 p.m.; Group 1, 4:00 p.m.; Mon., April 18, Group 5, 7:00 p.m. and Groups 3 and 4, 8:00 p.m. Coming Events University Day host meetings Thurs., April 14, at 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. in Room 3KLM of the Michigan Union. All Uni- versity Day Hosts are required to at- tend one of these meetings. Undergraduate Mathematics Club. Willow Run trip: Sat., April 16. If you wish to go, please sign the list in one of the offices of the mathematics depart- ment, 3012 Angell Hall or 274 West Engi. neering Building by Wed., April 13. If you will have access to a car, please sign up to drive. t Meeting of all interested in working toward eliminating discrimination in housing in Ann Arbor. Thurs., Apr. 14, 4:30 p.m. Lane Hall. La Petite Causette will meet Thurs., Apr. 14 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room of the Michigan Union cafeteri. Scrabble en francais. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Thurs., April 14, after the 7:00 Holy Communion. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Fri., Apr. 15, 8:30 p.m., Exchange Party with the Wesleyan Guild. Square dancing, games, refreshments, at the Wesley Foundation Lounge, State and Huron Streets. 35c person. Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hll. InternationalkCenter Tea. Thurs., 4:30- 6:00 p.m., Rackham Building. Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs. at 7:45 p.m. in 311 W. Eng. Mid-Week Vespers sponsored by the Westminster Student Fellowship in the sanctuary of the Presbyterian Church Thurs., April 14, 5:10-5:35 p.m. WCBN - East Quad staf meeting, Thurs., April 14, 7:15 p.m. in the Hins- dale Study hall. Attendance required. t much less against, the Red Army. This is the key to Yalta. It is true that the Western allies had be- come less dependent than they were from 1941 to 1944, and that American power, if its development had been sustained for another year or two, might have made the West independent and superior. But at Yalta, the West paid the political price for having failed to deter Hitler in the 30's, for having failed to unite and to rearm against him. The domination of the Yalta conference by Stalin was founded upon the weakness of the democratic West in the years before Yalta. From the day Hitler attacked Russia in June 1941-six months before Pearl Harbor - until the middle of 1944 the de- fense of what remained of West- ern Europe, and the prospect of mounting an invasion to liberate Western Europe and Scandinavia, depended upon the fact that Rus- sia was absorbing the force of Hit- ler's blows. No one is a good historian or a fair judge of the mistakes made at Yalta if he allows himself to forget the military weakness of the West during the first years of the war. For the errors, apart from the verbal indiscretions, of the Westeners at Yalta reflected the experience, the wishful thinking, and the rationalizations of men who during long agonizing years had had to depend so much too much upon the fighting power of the Red Army. IN THIS perspective then the mistakes are still mistakes, and the unhappy chitchat is still too bad. But those of us who point the finger today have no ground for self-righteousness. How many are there in public and private life- apart from Churchill and his few supporters-who really worked to keep the West from being too weak to take care of itself? Who de- manded massive rearmament in the '30's? Who worked for an al- liance to deter aggression, to de- fend the West? A mere handful. Yet if Stalin's commanding po- sition at Yalta is to be understood, we must remember what had hap- pened in London, Paris, and Wash- ington during the years while Hit- ler was rearming Germany and while Japan was conquering Chi- na. We must not forget that we were not ready to set foot upon the European continent until two and a half years after Hitler de- clared war against us. In those 4' i t,. I