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April 13, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-13

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a i1


Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, SHOWERS



Senate Expected
To Pass 'MSU'
Name Bill Today



'U' Okays

A two-year legislative battle of "names" is expected to come to HousingU.S
a conclusion in Lansing today.
rn wiufnntt~ rmt rwi toftpri d ote todav in the?


All indications now seem TO point to
state Senate changing the name of Michig
' State University.
The naine change bill was approve
Judiciary dommittee, reportedly by a vo
F. Hittle (R.-East Lansing), chairman of1
ed to "get this out of our hair" and hur
--------Oii ate

'U Opposes
Mlitary Jets
No decision has been reached
concerning the proposed; jet in-
terceptor operations to be based
at Willow Run, University Vice-
President Wilbur K. Pierpont said
The University is supporting
the position of the airlines that
it is undesirable to mix military
and commercial operations when
unnecessary, Pierpont continued.
Detroit Wayne Major Airport
already has military installations
and could handle jets.
Vice-President Pierpont recent-
ly made a trip to Washington to
confer with legislative, Defense
Department, Air Force and Army
officials in answer, to demands
that Wilow Run be turned com-
pletely military and that commer-
cial airlines be moved to. Detroit
Wayne Major Airport.
A letter believed composed by
Manager of the Wayne airport,
Leroy C. Smith, and signed by
Detrpit Mayor Albert Cobo was
recently spt to Secretary o De-
fens'WM#sZ Wilon.
The letter urged the transfer
of commercial operations.
In 1947 the government sold
Willow Run to the University for
the sum of one dollar ap military
The airlines pay rent to the
't University which is used for the
maintenance of Engineering. Re-
searchInstitute buildings at Wil-
low Run.
If Willow Run is completely
turned over for military opera-
tions, the question will arise con-
cerning who will finance the air-
port upkeep, Vice-President Pier-
pont said.
League Bodies
Explained and
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the see-
on dn a series dealing with wom-
en's student governnent.)
Few people on campus know the
distinction between the Women's
League and the Michigan League.
The former is an organization
of undergraduate women which
administers the undergraduate
fund and carries on student acti-
vities. The latter includes stu-
dents and alumni in its member-
ship and is governed by the League
Board of Governors.
Administration, faculty, stu-
dents and alumnae are represent-
ed on the Board of Governors, a
group which has ultimate respon-
sibility for all League activities
and control of League properties.
Student Officials Form Link
(Chief connecting link between
the Board and the all-student or-
gans of the League are the four
student officials.
The League president, who acts
as Vice-Chairman of the Board
also chairs meetings of the League
Council and the Women's Senate.
The latter groups are composed
entirely of students.
First vice-president, secretary
and treasurer also sit on the Board
of Governors.
At monthly meetings, chaired
by a member chosen from the
group, the Board hears financial,
student, and business manager's

o a speeuy vm wuy ii ~
gan State College to Michigan Pers
~d yesterday in the Senate's!
te of five to two. Sen. Harry
the committee, said he want- a4
ried the bill up for an imme- 70 I
wo Amendments Attempted Residenc
chamber discussion, two at- Reusincio
housing fo
ts were made to amend e ternal Rev
iving MSC some other name next yeartRav
Michigan State University. n year,
e, proposed by Sen. Edward nors decide
hinson (R.-Fennville), was to In an e
e the school "Michigan Agri- IRS, the
nal University." Another by agreed toc
Cora M. Brown (D-Detroit) dormitoryf
orth the title "Michigan State dents. They
ral University." semester c
ither proposal won enough Business A
ort. The first was defeated in Since th
rerecorded voice vote; the sec- started, th
in a show of hands, 17 to 9. moved tor
e debate in the Senate was IRS perso
and loud, but the arguments school yea
the familiar ring of those made by I
by both sides since the issue housing.
began. "Operati
n. Lewis G. Christman (R.- East Qt
Arbor) called the handling of Ransom" w
entire matter "an affront and Board. The
p at the University of Michi- anunused
onfusion Would Be Avoided basementi
iss Brown, speaking for her financed by
adment, said confusion would East Quad
voided, and thed'MSC' ini- The pro
would be retained. record libra
as expected, the bill is passed sepractic
y, there are indications the three new
ersity may take legal action WEQN wi
he change. area.
brief filed last week by Profs. WEQN's
G. Kauper, S. Chesterfield made into
enheim, and Dean E. Blythe Part of the
on of the law school raised total cost
legl issues-the question of from $100
ngement on a corporate name, be paid b
the question of Article XI of Council fo
state Constitution. brary as S
Report on Brief Questio
cording to the brief, the name Qtir-
h "would constitute an 11- Inter-Ho
i infringement on the name of Stan Levy
University of Michigan" a questionna
corporate which name state showed tI
protect. preferred l
condly, the Constitution re- quadrangle
to the purpose of creating The ques
state university to be gov- at determi
d by a Board of Regents. preference
torney General Thomas E. velopments
mnaugh said earlier his deci-
, which he said had the benefit Jar dtchs
an "impartial, disinterested
of career assistants." was
the name change was con- Universit
tional.Hatcher w
th University President Har- the Michig
E. Hatcher, and Dean Stason tiation ban
ned to comment yesterday on room 3K o
further action the Univer- Retiring
might take, however Dean dent Tom
on indicated the issue might president I
riven considerable discussion deliver fa
he Board of Regents meeting awards for
ay. , the past y
Phudnick? A nt
;argoyle on Sal

ds To Room
RS Students


e halls will provide
r about 70 of 100 In-
enue Service personnel
the Board of Gover-
ed yesterday.
arlier agreement with
federal government=
consider constructing a
for housing of the stu-
ay are here taking one-
ourses, in the School of
e building has not been,
e Board of Governors
make no provision for,
nnel after the 1955-56
r, unless more has been
RS officials for adequate
on Ransom" Discussed
uadrangle's "Operation
,as also discussed by the
operation, under which
1section of the Quad's'
is being converted into DR THOMA I
d music rooms, is being,
y the University and the
ject will cost $6,800. A
ary, record players, mu-
e rooms, workshops andI
rooms for radio station ? Ultra-luxurious7

Chdren To Get
Bettered Version
Discoverer Says New Vaccine .Now
Potentially 100 Per Cent Effective
Final obstacle blocking distribution of Salk' vaccine was re-
moved late yesterday when Secretary of Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby
formally licensed the vaccine for general use.
Licensing followed Dr. Francis' historic report by only a few
Vaccine which the public will start receiving within a few days is
a- new, improved model--far better than the vaccine Dr. Francis said
was between 80 and 90 per cent effective.
The 1955 version of Salf vaccine can theoretically prevent paralyt-
ic polio 100 per cent, its inventor claimed.
Both Dr. Francis and Dr. Salk received long ovations following
their reports yesterday.

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
eleSeeport Early

Rackham Lec-

ll be included in the ture Hall formed an impressive
backdrop yesterday as klieg lights
old studios have been spotlighted the most widely her-
two practice rooms. alded medical meeting in recent
$3,300 paid toward the years.

of the project will come
monthly rent which will
y Student Government
r use of the quad Ii-
cGC's office.
rnaire Report Given
use Council President
, '55, gave the Board
ire tabulations which
hat University seniors
arge capacity horizontal
es for the future.
tionnaires were directed
ining Quad dweller's
s concerning future de-
er To Speak
y president Harlan H.
ill be guest speaker at
an Union's annual ini-
quet at 6 p.m. today in
of the Union.
Union' officers, Presi-
Leopold, '55, and vice-
Dick Pinkerton, '55, will
rewell addresses and
outstanding work over
ear will be made.


Batteries of movie and television
cameras hummed softly from a
raised platform at the rear of the
hall when Dr. Francis rose to de-
liver his historic report.
But, impressive though it was,
'for most the report itself was an
News releases telling the successI


of Salk vaccine were passed out
to more than two-hundred frenz-

ied reporters at 9:15 a.m., turning glimpse of the proceedings or per-
the staid Rackham Bldg. into a haps find themselves on one of
bedlam of newsmen fighting for the several TV shows eminating
releases, phones and typewriters. from the building..
A major radio network broke The date of the meeting as well
the 10:20 a.m. deadline and an- as the setting was appropriate.
nounced success of the vaccine at The world learned about the be-
9:27 a.m., finally breaking months ginning of the end of polio on the
of tension, tenth anniversary of the death of
The Daily hit the streets with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one
an extra shortly after 10:30 of its most famous victims.
a.m., before Dr. Francis had told Writing Releases
his audience what the report con- Upstairs in a specially equipped
tained, third floor newsroom harassed re-
Onlookers crowded into Rack- porters spent the day pounding out.
ham's front hall hoping to get a releases.
Thirty phones were provided by
the University and metropolitan
papers and news agencies install-
ed about 15 more.
Western Union operators were
unable to estimate the amount of
copy sent over the wires but large
h f piles of pink and yellow ticker-
type bore mute testimony to the
reams of information filed.
Kept Show Running
Workers performed a large num-n
Iber of odd tasks to keep the show
running smoothly. One was charg-
ed with keeping people out of the
second floor bathroom because use
-f plumbing facilities caused wavy
lines on TV monitors.
M When complete copies of Dr.
Francis' report were given out,
small knots of people gathered to
discuss the statistics and their sig-
Early morning was charged with1
tension but by late afternoon the
crowds had thinned, the floor was
littered with crumpled coffee cups
.O.. hand cigarette butts and everyone
vas weary.

State Health Commissioner Al-
bert E. Heustis has ordered enough
vaccine to accommodate 430,000
first, second and third graders.
Washtenaw County has already
set up a vaccination program call-
ing for cooperation between Coun-
ty Medical Society, Health De-
partment, St. Joheph's and Uni-
versity Hospitals, physicians and
volunteer workers from ,the Na-
tional Foundation.
Announcement of the effective-
ness of Salk Vaccine was termed
"one of the greatest events in the
history of medicine" by Dr. Wright
H. Murray, chairman of the Board
of Trustees of the American Med-
ical Association.
Give Children Priority
"Give the children priority," Dr.
Murray urged, cautioning adults
against rushing to doctors' offices
immediately. Reports from phar-
maceutical companies indicated
probably 30 million three-shot sets
of inoculations will be available
before summer.
If Dr. Salk's suggestion to give
only two shots instead of three is
followed there might conceivably
be enough vaccine to' handle as
many as 45 million sets of inocu-
Dr. Francis' evaluation includ-
ed a study of two programs in-
cluded in the field trials. In one,
half the children particip'ating
were given vaccine while the othe:
half received placebo, a harmless
substitute. In the other, second
graders received vaccine and first
x and third graders were observed
as a control group.
Placebo Area

Salk Urges
Only Two:
iPoio Shots

Because children used as con-
trol (those who received placebo)
in placebo areas were more nearly
identical to those receiving vac-
cine than in the observed areas,
estimates were obtained largely
from placebo areas, Dr. Francis
In placebo areas estimate of vac-
cine effectiveness for laboratory

Dr. Jonas E. Salk urged yester-
day that only two vaccine inocu-
lations, spaced two to four weeks
apart, be given children in 1955.
. In 1954 during mass field trials,
three shots were given each parti-
cipant over a five week period.
The brilliant University of Pitts-
burgh scientist who discovered the
first effective way to prevent polio
said the third inoculation, or
booster shot, should not be given
until at least seven months had
'Grave Consideration'
Dr. Hart E. Van Riper, medical
director of NFIP, said the Na-
tional Foundation would give
"grave consideration" to Dr. Salk's
Dr. Salk claimed maximum ef-
fect of the vaccine would be ob-
tained only by delaying the third
All children who received polio
inoculations during the 1954 field
trials should be given an addi-
tional booster dose in 1955, Salk
said, because only a primary ef-
fect could be expected from the
three doses given in a five week
Time Lapse Needed
Long-term immunity, the sec-
ondary effect, can only be accom-
plished if there is a time lapse.of
several months between the last
shot and the first two.
Dr. Salk's suggestions were con-
tained in a paper he delivered yes-
terday at the scientific meeting
where success of his vaccine was
announced. He spoke after Dr.
Francis had reported the vaccine
was 80 to 90 per cent effective.
See SALK, Page 2
Scroll 'Taps
20 Members
Scroll, honorary society for af-
filiated women, tapped 20 new
members last night.
Chosen for membership were.
Barbara Backlar, Sarah Jo Brown,
Dorothy Clarkson, Ann Cordill,
Jaylee Duke, Ruth Flanders, Eli-
zabeth Garland, Carole Hackett
and Jane Howard;
Peggy Hubbard, Nancy Jacquet-
te, Peg Lane, Lois Mishelow, Don-
na Netzer, Beckie Ninness, Jan
Northway, Harriet Thorne, Deb-
orah Townsend, Martha Wallbill-
ich and Jo Ann Yates.
They can be recognized today by
the blue and gold scrolls they are
wearing around their .necks.
Phi Eps Granted
Open Rush Period
Phi Epsilon Pi was granted open
rushing privileges for the remain-
der of the spring by Interfraternity
Council's Executive Council last


i-A rts ?
le Today

As the scene opens we find1
Grace Kelly and Plato walking
across the Bridges of Toki Ri andI
sipping appertifs.
Plato: What is life.
Grace: I don't know, I'm just a;
simple country girl.
Plato: I wish there was an easy
way that I could solve my prob-
Grace: Dial M for Murder.
Plato: Don't be suggestive.
Grace: Suggestive? How can you j
call me suggestive. Everyone,
knows that I am cold, aloof and I
generally insouciant. I demand h
your Apology. h
Plato: It's on sale at all book- m
stores for $1.65 plus tax.
Grace: Say, Plato do you know
what a phudnick is? kn
Plato: How should I know" Cc
What do you think I am? A soph-
i< y :::::: S t?

Ask Medal for Salk
ven B. Derounian (R-NY) yester-
day proposed that Congress award
a medal to Dr. Jonas E. Salk who
developed the antipolio vaccine.

confirmed cases of spinal polio was
82 per cent and for bulbo-spinal
polio it was 91 per cent,
Estimates of vaccine effective-
uess in observed areas for labora-
tory confirmed cases were 83 per
cent for spinal polio andi 60 per
cent for, bulbo-spinal.
Out of a total of 440,000 chil-
dren vaccinated last summer, only
71 were paralyzed by polio. Among
the 1,400,000 children participat-
ing in the study who did not re-
ceive vaccine, 445 cases of paralyt-

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey

W vern' Takes
19 Members
Wyvern, all-campus women's
onorary society tapped 19 new

ic polio were reported.
Free of Charge
]Nes Roundup Of the 30 million vaccine inoc-
ulations expected to be available
before summer, nine million will
By The Associated Press t be given free of charge to first and
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles yester- second graders by the National
,dY n~oiAIiCa7nr f nP tnin C his nwn nriainal ideas Etinin~fi

embers yesterday. +day accused AUdl Tevenson o preseni ng as igu ounaon.
Those chosen were:. on Formosa "the very approaches which the government has been and The other 21 million will be giv-
is actively e'xploring." en commercially, mostly to chil-
Ruth Bassichis, Mary Lee Bir- * * * * *
dingham. Joan Chidester. Sandy* *r dren and pregnant women. Cost of'
nook Mary Lee Dingier, ad SINGAPORE - Red C h i n a MOSCOW - Soviet Premier Ni- commercial shots will be between
)rake, a e le a ti acharged last night the crash of an kolai Bulganin and U.S. Ambas- $4.20 to $6 plus doctors fees.
re. JSaney Foler ar baraenIndian air liner Monday with a sador Charles E. Bohlen ex-
echt. Sally Miller, Mary Nalen Chinese delegation aboard was changed toasts last night toward However, Dr. Murray s a i d
Judy Shagrin, Betty Shuptrine, "murder prearranged by se- early restoration of Austria's in- "While doctors who administer the
ndrea Snyder, Judy- Tatham'. cret agents" of the United States dependence. Both indicated be- vaccine in their own offices have
ay San TWasstiBoeell T and Nationalist China. lief an Austrian settlement would to pay for it, there is no reason
. The/official Peiping radio said be a step in the direction of world why any patient has to be denied

Grace: A phudnick isanud-
nick with a PhD.
Plato: Mary Pickford - now
there's a wench.


Grace: Oh. Plato your dialogues1

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