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April 12, 1955 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-12

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Thornhill To Play for IFC Ball

League Assembly Leader
Praises Campus Activities


Taking a "Venetian Holiday,"
Claude Thornhill and his orches-
tra will provide music for the 19-
55 Interfraternity Council Ball
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April
22 in the League Ballroom.
Thornhill's spectacular musical
career began at the age of four in
Terre Haute, Indiana. By the time
he was six, he had given his first
recital and was acclaimed a child
prodigy. With an eye to the fu-
ture, he organized his first orches-
tra, an eight piece (afair to play
at ice cream socials and oyster
'Continuing his musical studies,
Thornhill enrolled in the Conserv-
atory of Music in Cincinnati to
study concert piano. Later, study-
ing at the Curtis Institute of Mu-
sic, his arranging came into prom-
Arranged for Orchestras
Thornhill then joined Austin
Wylie's Orchestra and began work


on radio shows. He became ar-
ranger for Hal Kemp and follow-
ed this with arranging for Benny
Goodan, Charlie Spivak, Bing
Crosby and the late Glenn Miller.
He formed his own band in Jan-
uary, 1940 and began touring the
In 1942, at the height of his ca-
reer, Thornhill enlisted in the
IFC Tickets
Tickets for "Venetian Holi-
day," the 1955 Interfraternity
Council Ball, to be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday, April
22 in the League Ballroom may
be purchased from presidents
of the individual fraternities.
navy. When the navy discovered
his talents he was handed a ba-
ton and told to take over the navy's
musical aggregation, the Rangers.

Union To Sponsor Open House

With Dennis Day, the Claude
Thornhill All-Star Show was
formed and toured the Pacific
area, entertaining troups..
Returning to civilian life to con-
tinue his career, Thornhill was se-
lected by "Look" magazine as the
"The Band of the Year" in 1948.
Recording for both RCA Victor
and Columbia, recent, Thornhill
.eleases include two albums, "In-
vitation to the Dance" and "George
Gershwin Songs."
Composed Theme
Also available is "Snowfall," his
theme, composed and arranged by
Thornhill, which has become a
modern classic.
Having the advantage of being
able to combine a classical back-
ground with the current trend of
popular music, Thornhill is noted
for his performances at the piano.
Other evidence of his fine train-
ing is heard in his unusual use of
a French horn in the brass sec-
tion of the aggregation. Besides
the six brass, the setup includes
five reeds and three rhythms, pac-
ed by the piano of the leader.
Vocalist Featured
Patti Ryan is the featured vo-
IFC Ball will be a return en-
gagement on campus - for Thorn-
hill who played for the Homecom-
ng Dance in 1953.

Sparkling brown eyes and an in-
fectious laugh are the trademarks
of Mary Jo Park, first vice-presi-
dent of Assembly and parlimentar-
ian of the League.
Commenting on her impression
of University activities and or-
ganizations after three years ex-
perience, Miss Park said,"Acti-
vities here are tops and student
governing bodies are very well or-
ganized. Concerning student inter-
est there's no such thing as an
apathetic student. Everyone is in-
terested in something."
"Activities cease to fulfill their
function when they cease to be-
come activities and become a busi-
ness," Miss Park added.
Started As A Freshman
Telling of her start in campus
activities, she explained that as a
freshman she was placed in Pres-
cott House which previously was
an all freshmen house. "Those who
had been active in high school
seemed to be the natural ones to
take over and organize house gov-
ernment. We were working by our-
selves and not competing with up-
per class campus leaders and in
that way we had full responsibil-
Jo, as Miss Park is known to

Displays ranging from foreign'
sports cars to cameras and micro-
scopes will be featured exhibits in
the Union Open House to be held
from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday.
A new custom-built car, sporting
the largest engine on the road,
the "Chrysler 300" will be on dis-
The Ford "Thunderbird," will
also be shown with a special side
exhibition of the motor in plastic
so that observers may see the en-
gine working.
To Display Sports Cars
Sports cars on exhibition will be
the Jaquar, the Volks-Wagon, a
large sports car seating four pas-
sengers; the Porsche, one of the

least well-known of the sports
cars, according to Union officials
and the M.G.


,4c/'o'44 Catpu4

GOLF CLUB-There will be an
organizational meeting of the Golf
Club at 5 p.m. today at WAB.
Those wishing to join must have
had previous experience and their
own set of clubs.
are asked to bring names of their
rushing chairmen today to the
Panhellenic Office.

Camera displays, featuring a
complete line of Argus cameras
and photography equipment, will
show the latest developments in
cameras and developing techni-
A display of the latest devices
and developments in microscopes
and lenses will also be on exhibit
by the American Optical Com-
To Exhibit Wood, Glueing
The University wood technology
department is setting up a display
showing wood stress and strain.
A glueing machine, featured at
the National Association of Furni-
ture Manufactures Convention
will also be shown.






her friends, has served as a repre-
sentative on Assembly Dormitory
Council, East Quad Council, Inter
House Council and the Prescott
House council.
One of the great satisfactions
derived from her work in activi-
ties is that of knowing and work-
ing with people. Mary Jo com-
pares working in activities to
washing dishes. "It gives one the
same type of satisfaction in see-
ing things done as it does in mak-
ing dishes sparkle."
Choose Michigan
The taffy haired junior from
Benzonia, Mich., says she chose to
come here because she wanted a
large school where she would re-
ceive a good background in pre-
legal studies and the University
seemed to fill the bill.
Mary Jo's formula for getting
things done consists of writing in-
numerable notes to herself. This
method works fine as long as she
doesn't lose the notes which hap-
pens quite frequently.
The vivacious coed admits to
me secret ambition, that of be-
coming the world's best tennis
player. "It was quite a blow when
I learned I never would be," she
An English major in the honors
program, Miss Parks hopes to con-
tinue with graduate work here
and eventually teach on the col-
lege level.
Installation Night
Ushers Officers
Into New Posts
Announcement of next year's
officers will be made to coeds
gathered at Installation Night at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, in Rackham
New officers of Assembly, Pan-
hellenic Association, Women's Ath-
letic Association, and the League
will be revealed.
Three Ethel McCormick Schol-
arships will be presented to wo-
men for outstanding work in acti-
vities, leadership and scholarship.
Delta Delta Delta, Scroll and Mor-
tarboard scholarships will also be
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
honorary, will present an award to
the senior woman with the high-
est academic average maintained
through the four years of college.
Lucy Landers, present League
president, will speak at the event.
After the installation ceremony,
a reception will be held in the
League for old and new officers
and guests.
For a JOB with a FUTURE
Well-educated, alert, ambitious girls who sup-
plement their college education with Gibbs
secretarial training are preferred candidates
for responsible jobs in every field. Write
College Dean forGBs S GIRLsAT WORK.
Special course for college Women
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Print-Lined Pima Cotton Traveler...


Our Waer-Repellent
All-Weather Coat


The science that we take up today is called astronomy, from the
Greek words astro meaning "sore" and nomy meaning "back."
Sore backs were the occupational disease of the early Greek
astronomers, and no wonder! They used to spend every blessed
night lying on the damp ground and looking up at the sky, and
if there's a better way to get a sore back, I'd like to hear about it.
Especially in the moist Mediterranean area, where Greece is
generally considered to be.
Lumbago and related disorders kept astronomy from becom-
ing very popular until Galileo, a disbarred flenser of Perth,
fashioned a home made telescope in 1924 out of three Social
Security cards and an ordinary ice cube. What schoolboy does
not know that stirring story -how Galileo stepped up to his
telescope, how he looked heavenward, how his face filled with
wonder, how he stepped back and whispered the words heard
round the world: "'etat, c'est moi!"
Well air, you can imagine what happened then! William
Jennings Bryan snatched Nell Gwynne from the shadow of the
guillotine at Oslo; Chancellor Bismarck brought in four gushers
in a single afternoon; Hal Newhouser was signed by the
Hanseatic League; Crete was declared off limits to Wellington's
entire army; and William Faulkner won the Davis Cup for his
immortal Penrod and Sam.
But after a while things calmed down, and astronomers began
the staggering task of naming all the heavenly bodies. First
man to name a star was Sigafoos of Mt. Wilson, and the name
he chose was Betelgeuse, after his wife Betelgeuse Sigafoos,
prom queen at Michigan State College from 1919 to 1931.
Not to be outdone, Formfig of Yerkes Observatory named a
whole constellation after his wife, Big Dipper Formfig, the
famed dirt track racer. This started the custom of astronomers
naming constellations after their wives - Capricorn, Cygni,
Orion, Ursa Major, Canis Major, and so forth. (The Major girls,
Ursa and Canis, both married astronomers, though Canis subse-
quently ran off with a drydock broker named Thwaite Daphnis.)
After naming all the heavenly bodies, the astronomers had a
good long rest. Then, refreshed and brown as berries, they
undertook the gigantic project of charting the heavens. Space is
so vast that it is measured in units called "light-years." These
are different from ordinary years in that they weigh a good
deal less. This, of course, is only relative, since space is curved.

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Other SMART NEW BAGS too, i
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VERY NEW BAGS in "Powdered
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