I- . .. MIR, EXTRA U', Latest Deadline in the State ~Iai41 EXTRA VOL. LXV, No. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1955 SIX PAGES i i i i ini u r l c I Adlai Rap -Daily-Esther Goudsmit --Daily-Esther Goudsmit TODD LEIF BOB BLOSSEY .. top Union officer ... executive secretary Union o Be Led By Leif, Blossey The Michigan Union will enter its second half centu thm lpa~ i of 'Todd Leif '56 andiBob Biosey, 56BA ury under Ld, it was~ -e ernp o LVU d1 ulluAO JW announced last night. Leif will take over from retiring Union president, Tom Leopold, '5Z, and Blossey replaces Dick Pinkerton, 55, as executive secretary. Appointment of Leif as the organization's 51st president cli- maxes a period of three years of work on the student staff for the A dlai Raps Ike's Policy On Quemoy Force Censure In Straits Asked CHICAGO (M)-Adlai Stevenson said last night the Eisenhower ad- ministration's Far Eastern policy has gotten the United States into a position where it faces "either another damaging and humiliat- ing retreat, or else the hazard of war." He said he has "the greatest mis- givings about risking a third world war in defense of" Quemoy and the Matsu Islands, Chiang Kaishek's Nationalist outposts off the Red China coast. 'Dead-End Policy Stevenson said in a broadcast on two nationwide radio networks that the Eisenhower administra- tion is "pursuing a dead-end pol- icy in Asia," whichdhe said was dictated by political expedience at home. The 1952 Democratic presiden- tial candidate said dissension with America's allies over our policy in regard to the two islands-"the weakening of the grand alliance of free nations pledged to stand to- gether to defend themselves, is in my judgement a greater peril to enduring peace than the islands themselves." He said the United States should enlist other nations in "an open declaration condemning the use of force in Formosa Strait." Ask USSR He said Soviet Russia should be invited "to declare its position," to indicate whether it prefers the possibility of ultimate settlement by agreement to an unpredictable, perhaps limitless conflict." He said the United Nations Gen- eral Assembly also should seek a solution to the Formosa conflict. Speaking in response to what he said were requests for his views on the Administration's Far East pol- icy, Stevenson said he believes it is "based more on political diffi- culties here at home than the re- alities of our situation in Asia." Late Per Women working on the cur- rent Gilbert and Sullivan pro- duction have been granted a 12:30 late permission for last night and tonight by the Dean of Women's Office. Aid to Asia WASHINGTON UP)}-Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower an- nounced yesterday he will sub- mit to Congress next week a foreign aid program "includ- ing economic aid to the free nations of south and east Asia." The President issued a state- ment stressing this country's intention to help Free Asia. His statement coincided with the gathering of delegates to the LEGAL QUESTION: i Committee To Consider Report It Works . . 8-9 Times in 10 Vaccine Conpletely Safe-Francis; Polio Fight Enters Final Stage By LEE MARKS Salk vaccine works. After months of anticipation, an anxious world today heard Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. report that the vaccine is between 80 and. 90 per cent effective. It is . absolutely safe. Speaking at a meeting of more than 500 scientists and physicians, Dr. Francis claimed the vaccine had produced "an extremely successful effect" among bulbar patients in areas where vaccine and a harmless substitute had been used in- terchangeably. There is now no doubt that the fight against polio is nearing an end. Children can definitely be; inoculated su& cessfully against the crippling effects of paralytic polio, Dr. DR. THOMAS FRANCIS JR. (left) AND DR. JONAS E. SALK (right)-Dr. Francis reported suc- cess of Salk vaccine to scientists and newsmen today after months of intensive statistical analysis. Dr. Slk made medical history by discovering the first effective means of preventing paralytic polio. MSC Name Change Bill Another round in the Michigan State name change battle will be fought in the state legislature today. Delayed since last Wednesday when the University introduced a 26 page legal brief protesting a change, the issue will now be debated within the Senate's Judiciary Committee. There were two developments inO f Tribune Chesser Campbell, '21, a for- mer Daily editor, has been named to head the vast empire of the Chicago Tribune, succeeding the late Col. Robert R. McCormick. A Tribune employee for 34 years, Campbell served as both news and city editor on The Daily. Last week he was elected presi- dent of the Tribune Company, which controls both the Chicago newspaper and the New York Dai- ly News, as well as lumber and pa- per interests in Canada. Recalls Daily Experienc ICampbell rose in the Tribune's advertising department, thoughi his experience at The Daily was on the editorial staff. Contacted in Chicago, he said yesterday his Daily work, covering most of a very active college career, was "very valuable." "It was just hard work. We were often up late at night, but it was one of the best experiences I've had," he commented. Beginning on The Daily as a cub reporter, the 57-year-old Sault Ste. Marie native interrupted his days at the University with a year- and-a-half in +he Navy. Varied Activities His other activities at Michigan included Union Opera and Michi- gan Athletic Association publicity for two years, Michigamua sen- ior honor society, Sigma Delta Chi journalistic fraternity. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate, Campbell also participated in jun- ior varsity football. "I think The Daily is one of the outstanding college papers," the new Tribune chief added. As for his plans, he said, "We're just go- ing on the way we have been go- ing." State Ponders Alternate Plan' To Turnpike Michigan's Highway Department is considering an alternative to the previously proposed Flat Rock-Saginaw Turnpike. Running from Detroit to Bay City, the road is expected to cost less, while serving the same traf- fic. State Highway Commissioner Charles M. Ziegler recently an- 20-year-old Glencoe, Ill. English major. Blossey, a 21-year-old Business Administration major from ,De- troit, has worked for a slightly longer period. Late Announcement The announcement of ap oint- ments'was made slightly after 11 p.m. last night after a period of several hours of interviewing and deliberation by the Selections Sub- committee of the Union Board of Directors. The new officers will be offi- cially initiated at the annual Union banquet, to be held at the Union Wednesday night. The for- mal oath of office will be admin- istered by Assistant to the Pres- ident Erich A. Walters, University President Harlan H. Hatcher will address the gathering. Sphinx Member Leif's work in student activities and appointment to the Union's executivepcouncil earned him membership in Sphinx, junior men's honorary, last spring.. A member of Zeta Beta Tau fra- ternity, henhas served this year as chairman of the Public Rela- tions committee. Blossey this year has been ac- tive as chairman of the Union's campus affairs committee, in ad- dition to his service on the execu- tive council. Hie is a resident of Scott House in South Quadrangle. forthcoming Afro-Asian confer- the legal questions concerning the ence at Bandung. name change bill last week.C First, State Attorney General Thomas M. Kavanaugh ruled that Plane Lost a switch in MSC's name from Col- OK Charter lege to University was constitu-Er Iart m 12 - Elect Browni 'U' Legal Views " Last Tuesday the University pre- R ed Chi e e sented its own legal views on the Ann Arbor voters gave th i_ -,overwhelming approval to the ne eir ew SINGAPORE, M) - Ships and planes searched a wide area of the South China Sea today for a miss- ing Indian airliner with 19 per- sons aboard. The 12 passengers were reported to be a Red Chinese delegation, in- cluding lesser officials and news-I men, to next week's African-Asian conference in Bandung, Indonesia. The plane, a four-engined Con- stellation, belonged to Air India International, is owned by the Indian government. It was be- lieved to have crashed last night near the Great Natuna Islands, 250 miles northeast of Singapore. The airliner was chartered to the Red Chinese and piloted by Capt. Jatar, senior officer of the Indian line. One report in more general terms said the plane was believed to have crashed 100 miles off Sar- awak, British crown colony on the island of Borneo. The airliner took off yesterday morning from Hong Kong for Ja- karta, Indonesia. Shortly after making radio contact with Jakarta the plane began sending distress' signals. It was already hours over- due at its first stop, Kuching, in northwestern Sarawak. matter signed by Professors P. G.c hth Kauper, S. C. Oppenheim, and ty Dean Blythe Stason of the lawb school. Adopted by slight The brief said that a name three to one margi switch would "constitute an ille- proposal carried all1 precincts by wide m gal infringement on the name of I Atec hecsb metm the University of Michigan." At the same time liam E. Brown, Jr., "The proposed name MSU would his sixth term as be so similar to the name U-M as I mayor. Prof. A. D. to cause confusion and result in engineering college infringement" the brief said. It council presidency. ddedPr that the state laws nrotect April 4 elec- ly less than a n. the charter 15 of the city's argins. e, Mayor Wil- was elected to Ann Arbor's Moore of the won the city Expansion of Women's Government at 'U' Told (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is first in a series of interpretive articles on women's student government. Today's article deals with the history of the League.) By PHYLLIS LIPSKY Women's student government had its beginning at the University in 1890, when a small group of students and Ann Arbor women got together to form the Women's League. Expansion since that time has resulted in the creation of three the right and interest in a corpo-. rate name. Single University? As to "the spirit and purpose of Article XI of the Constitution" the brief stated that it was the consti-I tutional purpose "to create for this state but a single university-one which is seven times referred to in the Constitution as the 'univer- sity', the governing body of which is designated as a 'body corporate' called the Regents of the Universi- ty of Michigan." Sen. Harry Hittle (R.E. Lan- sing), chairman of the Judiciary committee, postponed action on the bill until today to give the legalj brief further consideration. If approved by committee, the bill then must still be passed byl the Senate as a whole. Gain One, Lose One In races for council seats, the Democrats had to settle for trad- ing their Fifth.Ward seat for one in the, Fourth Ward. W. Orval Bunton (D) defeated incumbent Russell H. Howard (R) in the Fourth Ward while Dean W. Cos- ton (D) lost his bid for re-election to Dr. David G. Dickinson (R). The same kinti of thing hap- pened in the county Board of Su- p e r v i s o r s elections. Incumbent Jack J. Garris (D) lost his Third Ward seat to Bent F. Nielson (R), but Donald C. Pelz (D) upset C. Ludwig Schneider (R) in the Fourth Ward. Republicans took the balance of council and supervisor posts. Nor- man J. Randall (R) was re-elected to his First Ward council seat, while Fitch D. Forsythe (R) won the First Ward supervisor contest. See LOCAL, Page 6 Francis' report proved. Dr. Francis delivered his his- toric 113 page report at a meeting at Rackham Lecture Hall, spon- sored jointly by the National Foundation for Infantile Paraly- sis and the University of Michi- gan. Financed by close to one million dollars in March of Dimes funds, Dr. Francis' report brought to an end months of speculation and an- xiety. 'Incredibly Safe' One fear voiced by some scien- tists turned out to be unfounded. The vaccine was termed "incredi- bly safe." Reactions were nearly negligible with only 0.4 per cent of the vac- cinated children suffering minor reactions. A amazingly small per cent (0.004-0.006) suffered major reactions. A second concern, persistence; of protection, also appeared un- founded. Dr. Francis' report de- clared, "The effect was maintained with but moderate decline after five months," when good antibody responses were obtained from vac- cination. Other Findings The report showed several sig- nificant auxiliary findings. The vaccine's effectiveness was more clearly seen w h e n measured against the more severe cases of the disease. Findings. in Canada and Fin- land support the report, although data was limited. Only one out 233 innoculated' children developed the disease while eight out of 244 children re- ceiving placebo (a harmless sub- stitute) contracted the disease from family contact, showing that the vaccinations protected against family exposure. A total of 101'3 cases of polio de- veloped during the study period out of a test group of 1,829,916 children. Control Results Where vaccine was interchanged with an inert substance, in place- bo control areas, 428 out of 749,- 236 children contracted the disease. In observed control areas where only second graders were inocu- lated, 585 out of 1,080,680 children developed polio. Only 33 inoculated children re- ceiving the complete vaccination series became paralysed in place- bo areas as opposed to 15 chil- dren who had not received inocu- lations. Statistics were similar in ob- served areas where 38 cases of polio developed among inoculated chil- dren as against 330 cases of paral- ysis in uninoculated children. Only one child who had been in- oculated with vaccine died of polio. This death followed a ton- sillectomy two days after the sec- ond injection of the vaccine in an area where polio was already prev- alent. Trial areas selected for testing vaccine turned out to be the best possible. It was found that there En dof Fight Against Polio Seen Distant The report given today by Dr. Thomas Francis Jr. does not, as many people think, mark the end of the long fight against paralytic polio. Rather, medical men including Dr. John Enders of Harvard Uni- versity, contend that the struggle is now only entering the terminal stage--the end may be in sight but it is yet a long way off. First problem is getting the vac- cine licensed by the National In- stitute of Health. Quick approval, is expected. Stockpiling Vaccine Although pharmaceutical com- panies have been producing and stockpiling vaccine for months, it will be some time,-estimates range as high as 15 years before everyone can be innoculated. Public health officials through- out the country have been making plans to institute speedy innocu- lation programs. Engleke Tells Plans According to Washtenaw Coun- ty Health Director Otto Engleke, plans have been set up to innocu- late all first and second grade school children in the county. Vaccinations will be adminis- tered without charge starting the last week in April or the first week in May, depending upon when vac- cine is available. The Washtenaw County plan calls for cooperation between many medical units. Physicians to Give Shots Practicing physicians with pos- sible help from resident physicians at University Hosptial will admin- ister the shots. Volunteer workers will be pro- vided by the local chapter of the National Foundation for Infan- tile Paralysis while St. Josephs Hospital will sterilize equipment. County Medical Society will sponsor the vaccination program and organization will be taken over by the Health Department. Completed by June Dr. Engleke has predicted the vaccination program can be com- pleted by early June. Salk vaccine calls for three sep- arlte innoculation shots.-The sec- ond follows the first by one week with the last shot coming one month after the second. It is not known yet whether a booster shot is required or how long the first innoculation will provide protection. Father Finds ,. Ar oa separate organizations, with legis-< lative and judicial branches. In addition to the League, to which every co-ed oiA campus now belongs automatically, Panhellen- ic and Assembly Associations form separate organizations of affili- ated and independent women. Women's Judiciary supervises the work of numerous house judic groups and every house council sends representatives to the Wom- en's Senate. First Woman Admitted in 1870 Women were first admitted to the University in 1870 when one coed. Madelon Stockwell, attended. When the League was formed 20 years later there was still no such thing as approved housing for women. By 1894 there were 800 women on campus, 352 of whom were A> SPONSORED BY NFIP- Key Figures Who Participated in Polio Fight I y is r WE"