i PAGE SI THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1955 _ r _ __ _ r_ __, . _ _ Local Voters Approve City Charter, 3-1 (Continued from Page 1) Second Ward winners were Bruce J. Maslin (R) for city coun- cil and John W. Rae (R) as coun- ty supervisor. In the Third Ward, Charles C. Menefee (R) won the council seat and Nielson the su- pervising post. Fifth Ward supervisor race was won by Mrs. Carl Rehberg (R) on a margin of only eight votes. In the Sixth Ward, Margaret Tows- ley (R) gained the council seat and Ruth M. Dana (R) the super- visor position. Prof. Charles W. Joiner (R) of the/Law School was elected to the city council from the Seventh Ward. which named Alvah A. Heald (R) its representative to the Board of Supervisors. Record Number Vote A record 10,109 voters turned out for the spring elections, and gave the Democrats surprisingly, increased support. Mayor Brown, who defeated his Democratic op- ponent by a two to one margin two years ago, was re-elected by only a 690-vote margin, giving him an approximate eight to seven ratio of votes. Prof. Moore won the city council presidency from Democrat Conlin by even a smaller margin, 572 votes. Two years ago, Republican George W. Sallade won the city council presidency by a two to one edge. Reaction to the vote in favor of the new charter was generally one of satisfaction over the convincing victory for the charter, which will replace the present 66-year-old document next April. Mayor Brown, who had declined to endorse the charter and was openly opposed to several of its provisions, said he plans to start immediately to rut it into effect. Promising "to work as hard as I possibly can to make it work." he said, "I am going to try to get a top man to fill the pcst of admini- strator or none at all." Democratic a n d Republican Party officials, Charter Study Commission members and sup- porters of the Charter said they were "very pleased" with the re- sults of the balloting. We Are Pleasd To Announce MICHAEL MICKLEA is now with 715 North University Iolanthe' Rehearsal Two Seats on Regents May Go to Democrats 0 -Daily-Esther Goudsmlt IOLANTHE CAST-Rehearses for the coming Gilbert & Sulli- van operetta. "Iolanthe" will be presented Wednesday through Saturday. This comic operetta is about a half-mortal, half-fairy shepherd who disrupts the British House of Lords. Costumes, backgrounds and voices blend to make the operetta very color- ful. Directed by Jerry Bilik and Claence Stephenson, "Iolanthe" is the 15th Gilbert & Sullivan production, SIXTY-FIVE YEARS: Women's Government Originfis, Growth Trace (Continued from Page 1) In spite of possible recount, Democrats appear certain to have won two seats on the University Board of Regents and two seats on the State Board of Agriculture. Leading by substantial margins in the Regents election are Eu- gene B. Power, of Ann Arbor, and Paul L. Adams, of Sault Ste. Marie. Two Local Residents Election of Power makes Ann Arbor the residence of two of the University Regents. The other is Republican Roscoe 0. Bonisteel. It is the first time in three years that a Democrat has been named to the Board of Regents. Murry D. Van Wagoner was appointed to fill an unexpired term of office of Regent Hayward on the latter's death. Apparently elected to the Board of Agriculture-governing body of Michigan State College - were Democrats William E. Baker, of Mesick, and incumbent Dr. Con- nor D. Smith, of Standish. Possible Recounts Recounts may be in order for the ballots within the next three Anti-Arts Issue "Life in these," said Jim Bor- licks, "United States certainly has its moments." "I well remember," Borlicks continued, "the day our high school put on Hamlet, the fa- mous play. I had the leading roleand, needlessto say, I was pretty nervous when the cur- tain went up on opening night. "To make matters worse, just as I was saying, "Ohhhhh what a rogue and peasant slave am I," someone in the audience rudely interrupted me and said, "No, no, my boy. That should go 'Oh what a roooooggggue and peasant slave am I.' "Needless to say," Borlicks said quite needlessly, "I was angry at this interruption and my temper wasn't improved by continual interruptions from this heckler. Between acts I rushed over to the director and demanded to know why the man had not been thrown out of the theater. The director looked at me in- credulously. "Don't you know who that was?" "Why no," I confessed. "Who was it?" "That man," he said, "was none other than Roddy Mc- Dowell!" "The Gargoyle Anti-Arts Is- sue is coming out Wednesday," Borlicks added, also needlessly, weeks and may result in changes in the present standings of other state offices. Dr. Clair L. Taylor, Republican incumbent superintendent of pub- lic instruction, now has a slim lead over Dr. Lynn M. Bartlett, Grosse Pointe Democrat. Leading in the race for election to the State Board of Education is Republican Stephen S. Nisbet, of Fremont, over his Democratic ri- val, John M. Veale, of St. Clair Shores. In the Supreme Court judge election, one judge nominated by each party was elected. Circuit Judge Eugene F. Black--a Dem- ocratic nominee - was elected along with Chief Justice Leland W. Carr, a Republican nominee. An unusually heavy vote of more than a million was recorded. Faculty Invited To Consider Parking Plan An open meeting on the Univer- sity's proposal for parking meters will be held for all interested members of the faculty at 4 p.m. April 21 in the Rackham Amphi- theater. Time and place of the meeting was previously announced as April 14 in Auditorium A of Angell Hall. University Vice-President Wil- bur K. Pierpont has notified deans, directors and department chairman of the time change. He also sent them copies of his report on the University's perplexing parking problem. RENT-A-CAR Standard Rates include: GAS and OIL and INSURANCE. Phone NO 3-4156 t.tcaNSUU NO 8-9757 Nye Motor Sales Inc. Michigan Bell has these openingss * . 'K Plant Operations Planning and construction of outside wire and cable lines, installation of customers telephone equipment andmaintenance of all communication facilities. .S Engineering Design and construction of buildings, equipment and transmission systems. I : College engineering students can learn about the telephone business during their vacation months and get a head start on an interesting career in the constantly growing communications industry. Come in and discuss these jobs with our representa- tive, who will be here for personal interviews Engineering Placement Office April 13 There are interesting, well-paid, permanent jobs for all kinds of engineers in the MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY A z ' a center for women's indoor sports and as League headquarters. In 1907 the League expanded wom- en's athletic facilities with the purchase of Palmer Field. Four Dormitories Open By 1921 League activities in- cluded a Judiciary Council and co- ordination of women's living units. There were four dormitories on campus: Helen Newberry, Betsy Barbour, Martha Cook, and Adelia Cheever House, in addition to many privately owned residences housing only women students. Judic's job was to "work out simple, uniform rules for all houses where five or more Univer- sity women lived." League mem- bership was by this time automat- ic. Representing the 125 organ- ized women's houses the Board of Representatives was m e e t i n g monthly in the 1920's. Campaign for a Michigan League Building had begun in 1921 and resulted in 1929 in the opening of the present structure. The League became embroiled in a major controversy over women's hours in 1935, when a movement started to change Friday night closing hours from 1:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Earlier hours were backed by Jean Seely, '36, presi-' dent of the League,' and Dean of Women Alice Lloyd. A poll showed campus opinion was against the change. Coordinating Center By the 1940s Assembly and Pan- hellenic Associations and the Women's Editor of The Daily were represented on the League Council. The League had thus be- come a coordinating center for all women's activities. During the war years most of the League's energies were devoted to helping the war effort and en- tertaining service men who far outnumbered civilian males on campus. The last major change in League organization came in 1953 when the Board of Representa- tives was abolished and replaced by th Wmn's mpn+-~w + Use Daily Classifieds + NEW America's mis~t adianried Finmoint"I 1 , i i iGV V i/&Ai..&A ski clullutJ. I I4I i NEU1 1* 11 S'/ i2EE-T/P PAPER MATE Perf~tedratysarrresetchI Acompletely new standard forall "fine" wrItng ., ±i , " ' a P, Ift. I Faemout API6MAT CAPR1. AI PAPER-MATT Q, LUX9 in sparkling i1 in 7 colors . Jewelry finish. - and harmonizing d Choice of "fine" "jcap. "Fine" or "medium" } or "medium"U Silvered-Tip.: I Silvered-Tip. 1 let! --- w* - t~f - - - -tM.mam E t s F Fdr Tmd4 Fair , Traded Paper-Mate's new "Fine-Point" Silvered-Tip is a complete revelation in "fine" writing. You write neat, clean, hair-line words with never a skip ... put down fine lines that almost double your writing mileage ... This is the "Fine-Point" version of the famous and exclusive Paper-Mate Silvered-Tip approved by bankers, educators, secretaries. It is the result of 5 years of intensive research. Fully guaranteed. Ink can't transfer, N .1' V~ AB 00IL as l_ t REUNE RUE U ERE U U U ED ~ ~ t' A -. ~u u~ limam I