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New Administrative Wing
Will Need Many Members
STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council's new ad-
ministrative structure appears on the sure
face little different from that existing under
Student Legislature. Only the addition of a
special administrative secretary and tightening
of lines of responsibility and function in a
few places differentiate the two structures.
However despite surface evidence of iden-
tity one department under SGC will be taking
added responsibility in University student gov-
,ernment. It's failure. to meet the responsibility
might prove a great weakness in SGC's early
grappling with campus problems. We refer to
the administrative wing under direction of the
administrative coordinator.
ADMINISTRATIVE wing originated
three years ago under SL. Members served
actively on standing committees and helped
with the secretarial work. Approximately half
of the membership on SL's standing commit-
tees was taken from the administrative wing.
Although the number varied from time to time
an estimated 40 students worked regularly with
the wing, with an average of from 10 to 12
serving on SL's four standing committees.
Under SGC need for an increase in both
quality and quantity of students becomes imme-
diately evident.,Because of SGC's small elect-
ed membership a maximum of three SGC mem-
bers can serve on any of the student govern-
ment's three standing committees. At least
eight elected members served on SL commit-
SGC Vice-President Donna Netzer estimates
each of the three committees needs 20 mem-
bers to function effectively, so the wing should
furnish at least 17-a number definitely in ex-
cess of that needed under SL.
The wing was never an influential force une-
der SL. It needs to be under SGC. If SGC op-
erated like SK wing members will have a vote
on committees and will be able to exert strong
influence in the formulation of measures to
be brought before the Council. Since they will
do an abundance of the research elected SGC
members will want to know their conclusions
and opinions on various campus problems. The
Council will have extreme difficulty operat-
ing without both a strong administrative wing
both qualitatively and quantitatively.
T IS UP to the Council to produce the neces-
sary strong administrative wing. Although it
may be too late $o start this spring, SGC should
immediately campaign next fall to build this
segment of their organization. Emphasizing
the increased responsibility of the wing as well
as the opportunity for experience toward pos-
sibl future membership on the elected body,
the Council should stage a vigorous all-cam-
pus drive for wing workers. Failure to build the
wing could cause collapse of the whole new ad-
ministrative structure. Three elected members
per committee is a far cry from the number
necessary to do the research for solutions to
the University's problems.
--Dave Baad
Recent Censorship of College
Papers: Who Should Decide?
CONTRARY to the recognized "freedom off
the press," some college publications have
recently felt the axe of censorship and accu-
At Cornell University, three editors of the
college humor magazine were officially repri-
manded by the Faculty Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct because one issue contained an
article lampooning sororities. In the midwest,
five editors of the Illinois Technology News
received disciplinary probation, also handed
down by a faculty committee. Tech editors
were charged with publishing a cartoon and
an article that the committee considered
Both penalties were incurred because the
publications were in "extremely poor taste"
-at least *as far as both committees were
As a result, the Technology News was dis-
banded until the Board of Publications de-
cides otherwise. The Cornell committee gra-
ciously permitted their magazine to continue
publication-with stipulations.-
HOWEVER, criticism isn't exclusively a fac-
ulty committee, prerogative. Student legis-
lators at the University of North Carolina
charged that The Daily Tar Heel is a "second
Daily Worker" managed by "lazy" editors. Irate
legislators accused the editor of imposing his
liberal views on the students and giving "poor
coverage" to student activities. To further jus-
tify their complaints, the legislature appointed
a committee to investigate "the circulation and
quality problems" of the paper.
CENSORSHIP Is a valuable tool when used
constructively except when harshly con-
fined to the decisions of a few. Undoubtedly,
a college publication has some responsibility
to the school, but primarily to the readers-
the students. Unless something is clearly in
poor taste, the line separating good and bad
becomes a matter of opinion. But whose
opihion?-this is the controversial point.
At the University of North Carolina, stu-
dent legislators decided that an investigating
committee was the best solution. In the case
of Cornell and Illinois Tech, the question
of who has the final word was decisively set-
tled by a faculty committee. The legislators
represent the students; the faculty represents
the school. Each- has the concern of a differ-
ent group in mind. Who, then, has the exclu-
sive right to censure? Neither.
First of all, while the publication must
realize some responsibility to the school, it is
unfair that a faculty committee should issue
such harsh decisions because of conflicting
ideas. Such a group doesn't adequately repre-
sent student opinion.
SECONDLY, an investigating committee op-
erating under the charge that the paper
is "a second Daily Worker" isn't the answer
to the problem, either. Unless a publication is
radically at odds with student opinion, such a
committee will only stifle the paper instead of
helping it.
If censorship is needed, compromise is a
feasible alternative. The student legislature
and the faculty committee should decide to-
gether whether or not the publication is "abus-
ing its privileges." With both sides expressing
an opinion and discussing them with the edi-
tors of the publication, regulatory measures
can then be reached, to the satisfaction of all
At present, future issues at Cornell and Illi-
nois, Tech will undoubtedly be regulated by
conservatism and a threat of permanent dis-
banding. Such rigid management, of both the
magazine and newspaper, certainly places their,
respective staffs in an unenviable position.
-Betty Schomer
Left Void
WASHINGTON-A lot of things
have happened since that
day ten years ago when FDR
passed away. It was an April day.
full of hope and sunshine. A great
war was about to be won Every-
one could feel it. Peace was just
around the corner. The big things
he had fought for were almost
within reach . . . And then his
body came home-came back on
a flag-draped caisson from Geor-
gia, came slowly down Pennsyl-
vania Avenue up which he had
driven four times to take the oath
as President . . . The town seemed
empty after that. And a little
numb. Actually, FDR hadn't been
around much that winter. He was
in Warm Springs after his elec-
tion, in Hyde Park for Christmas.
then to Yalta, then back to Hyde
Park, then to Warm Springs again
-then back to Washington to lie
in the east room of the White
House-silent and alone . . . But
even though he had been away,
people always felt that l1e was
here, that he had his hands on
things, and so the town was emp-
ty. Even the guards around the
public buildings, the folks who sit
on park benches, the elevator op-
erators, the taxi drivers, seemed a
little lost. For Roosevelt was their
President. They felt he was work-
ing for them. And they knew they
had lost a friend.
The little man who took his
place, a humble man, was in Sam
Rayburn's office late in the after-
noon when he got a phone call to
come to the White House imme-
diately. White-faced and grim, he
left. He knew what the call meant
.. At the White House later Har-
ry Truman took the oath of office
as President of the United States.
The cabinet stood by shocked and
shaken. Miss Perkins, who had
known FDR since their early re-
form days in Albany, broke down
and wept. Henry L. Stimson, a
Republican who had served in
three cabinets and who once had
battled against young FDR in New
York State, also wept-unabashed
Times Change
THE FUNERAL train that car-
ried FDR to Hyde Park was
crowded with cabinet members
and old friends. They stayed
awake most of the night. Outside
as the train passed were bonfires,
people standing, waiting to pay
homage to the last visible remains
of their dead leader. All night
through Philadelphia, Trenton,
Newark, New York, people stood
along the tracks . . . At Hyde
Park the cabinet and the Supreme
Court stood on one side of the
rose garden, opposite the grave.
The new President stood on the
other side. With him were Mike
Riley of the Secret Service, Mrs.
Truman - and Jimmie Byrnes.
Jimmie, who had left Washington,
supposedly for good, just two
weeks before, had hastily flown
back toboard thebfuneral train
*. Taps were blown. A West
Point cadet handed Mrs. Roose-
velt the flag which had been drap-
ed over her husband's bier. She
bore up well . . . The dead Presi-
dent was lowered into his grave.
That night as the special train
rolled back to Washington, Harry
Truman spent most of his time
with three men-Jimmie Byrnes,
Ed Pauley, George Allen. Of these,
only Pauley, the California oil
man, continues close to him.
Byrnes, whom Truman appointed
to the highest Cabinet post, has
fought him bitterly, tried to carry
South Carolina for Eisenhower.. .
George Allen, who was given high
honor by Truman and a lush job
in the RFC, is now Eisenhower's
partner in the farm at Gettysburg
and in a Howard Johnson restau-
Churchill Erred, at Yalta
SO TIMES have changed. The
man who succeeded Roosevelt
is now out of office, the man.
whom Roosevelt made command-
ing general in Europe is in of-
fice; and when the Yalta records
were released, few people whom
he had befriended, few' he pro-
moted, to high office, rose to de-
fend his good name . . . In con-
trast, Winston Churchill, who
was equally, perhaps more to
blame for the mistakes at Yalta,
retired last week in a blaze of
glory. He lived to defend himself
Some years ago, before he
carne back as Prime Minister,
Churchill confided to a friend that
he wished he had passed on as
Roosevelt did at the height of vic-
tory, at the glorious climax of the
war . . . However, he lived to en-
joy other glories, lived to defend
himself, and I for one am glad he
did .. No one attacked Church-
ill for the mistakes he made at
Yalta. They attacked the dead man
who could not defend himself.
FDR did not promote me to high
office, did me no favors. He fired
my father, a Republican appointed
governor of the Virgin Islands
by Hoover, and once in the heat
Tug Of War And Peace
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Yalta Release Misuses
'Open Diplomiacy'
The Yalta Papers I
THOUGH IT IS rather late to write about the publication of the
Yalta papers, I conclude that I have been sunning myself in a
pleasant California valley where time moves slowly. And there, reading
in the papers that Mr. Dulles thinks Yalta will be discussed for ages,
I felt unhurried and that what I had to say could wait.
Across the ages there will, no doubt, be things to discuss which
have not yet entered our minds. But before the ages overtake us, there
are things to discuss now, and one of them is a question which matters
much in practical negotiation and in the conduct of foreign policy. In
publishing this miscellaneous collection of papers has Mr. Dulles ap-
plied correctly and wisely the sound principle of open diplomacy? Or
has he misapplied the principle and done injury to the practice of
diplomacy? I venture to think the principle of open diplomacy has
been misapplied, that this has done considerable damage to our inter-
national credit, and has set a precedent which, if it becomes fixed, will
plague him and all his successors.
FOR THIS particular publication'does something which is, I believe,
radically new. It treats the informal conversation of public men,
and an abbreviated and unverified version of it at that, as if it were
part of the official diplomatic record. This is as if the official records
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At the State ..
MOVINS may not be better than ever, but they
certainly are bigger than ever, as evidenced
by MGM's "21-gun-salute musical," Hit the
Hit the Deck is longer (112 minutes) and
wider (CinemaScope) than any musical of re-
cent appearance. It has gaudier color (East-
man, Print by Technicolor), more musical se-
lections (13 and a finale), more stars (seven
musical, seven suporting, and the Jubalaires),
an illustrious story (written by Sonya Levien
and William Ludwig, based on the musical play
by Herbert Fields as presented on the stage by
Vincent Youmans from Shore Leave by Hubert
Osborne), songs by Vincent Youmans (nine
old, one recently discovered), and new and old
lyrics (by Leo Robins, Clifford Grey, and Ir-
ving Caesar).
MOREOVER, the musical numbers contain
"something for everyone": a tender num-
ber, "I Know That You Know"; a spritely num-
ber, "Loo Loo"; a marching number, "Join the
Navy"; a blues number, "Why, Oh Why"; a
patter number, "A Kiss or Two"; an Italian
street song number, "Ciribiribin"; a romantic
ballad ' number, "More Than You Know"; a
gay-miserable, manic - depressive n u m b e r,
"Sometimes I'm Happy"; a rousing, stand-up-
and - sout, give - it - all - you've - got - because-
we're-so-happy number, "Hallelujah"; and a
sexy production number with chorus boys in
torn T-shirts, "Lady From the Bayou."
SANDWICHED in between musical offerings,
At the Michigan...
THE GLASS SLIPPER, with Leslie Caron &
Michael Wilding.
THIS IS, as might be expected, a ballet-ori-
ented Cinderella; with Leslie Caron as the
dirty little urchin and Mike Wilding as the
It is a rather imaginative interpretation of
cinderella, with two suitably beautiful sisters;
one cold as a cobra, the other poisonous as a
toadstool. Elsa Lancaster was the cruel step-
Best of all was Mary Rudolph's aunt, as the
fairy godmother; who went about talking of
pickle-relish, window-sills, and apple dump-
lings; with flowers in her hair.
Madame Geneva, our ballet expert, pronounc-
ed the dancing, which formed a rather large
portion of the production, well executed but
for the most part unimaginative.
Leslie Caron was an argumentive Cinderalla,
sensitive but thoroughly disagreeable, who ap-
peared to deserve much of the ill treatment she
received. Going about as she did, covered with
cinders and ashes, it is no surprise that the
good townspeople locked up their white sheets
when she came past; encompassed as she was
by an aura of filth. But she got cleaned up lat-
The Prince and his retinue were unspeakably
royal. Everyone danced well at the ball. Even
the fat old Duke.
The glass slipper incident was de-empha-
sized, as though the film writers thought use of
the name as the title was sufficient. Like-
of the Chicago conventions of 1952
were made to include excerpts of
telephone conversations among the
political managers, and bits and
pieces on what politicians said to
one another in the lobbies. It is
like publishing excerpts of the
talks which Mr. Dulles had with
Sen. Taft and with Gen. Eisen-
hower before the Dulles plank on
foreign affairs was adopted for
the Republican platform.,
The publication of the official
agreements entered into at Yalta,
and of the American memoranda
bearing on American policy and
action, is one thing, The dialogue,
the chit-chat, the table talk be-
fore and after the liquor, are a
quite different affair. Yet these
jottings which form part of no
verified record-and not the agree-
ments and the official documents
themselves-have done the dam-
age, have sewn the suspicion and
the ill will, and have shaken con-
fidence inside the Atlantic alli-
If open diplomacy required the
publication of such stuff, then Mr.
Knowland ought to introduce a
new law. In the future every dip-
lomat should be required to travel
around with a tape recorder at-
tached to him. This law should ap-
ply also to Senators when they
talk to the representatives of for-
'eign powers. Nothing should be
unpublished except the dreams
that statesmen cannot remember
when they wake up the next morn-
MR. DULLES has been quoted as
saying at a press conference
in Ottawa that the Yalta papers
were put out in the normal course
of procedure in accord 'with the
State Department's policy of pub-
lishing periodically papers of his-
toric interest. I wonder whether
in his busy life Mr. Dulles has had
the time to check the accuracy of
that statement.
I have not, of course, examined
all the many volumes on foreign
relations published by the State
Department. But I have often
worked in these volumes, and my
impression is that it.is a new de-
parture to publish unverified and
ex parte notes like these on the
conversations of diplomats. If any
other Secretary of State has ever
made such a publication, it would
be interesting to know who he
was and when he did it.
THERE IS no simple and auto-
matic solution for the prob-
lem of open diplomacy. The prob-
lem is how to keep diplomacy op-
en enough so that the Legislature
can know enough to hold the exe-
cutive responsible and accountable
_-and s hesametime ot t
collection of the Yalta papers --
three main types of documentary
material which are left over from
international negotiations. The
first consists of the agreements
which bind the governments, or
the executive branch of the gov-
ernments to do certain things.
There can be no question that
they must be published, and ex-
cept possibly in the crisis of a
war, international agreements
should not even be considered as
valid until they have been pub-
lished, and until there has been a
public accounting. This collection
of Yalta papers discloses no agree-
ments or commitments which
have not already been published.
THE SECOND type of document
might be described as concern-
ed with the terms of the bargains
on which the agreements rest. The
democracies need to know what
was given for what, and why:-for
example, the concessions to the
Soviet Union in the Far East in
return for the pledge to go to war
against Japan, and with them the
contemporary military and politc
cal estimates on which the nego-
tiators acted.
But there is a third type of ma-
terial which, unless there has been
an agreement to make a steno-
graphic record, is not a legitimate
part of the official record. It con-
sists of reports of what men said,
believing they were speaking off
the record. This material is norm-
ally reserved for personal diaries
and memoirs, which do not have
official authority behind them.
What, for example, Churchill was
heard to say onehday about the
Poles was not on the record and it
should not have been put into the
record. It does not belong in a
contemporary official publication,
and to put it there is not to make
diplomacy more open. It was in
this case to misrepresent the atti-
tude of Churchill towards Poland.
Its publication is a warning to his
successor to be more furtive an,..
secretive, and to say nothing
which their public relations ad-
visers do not think will look well
in print a few years later. But
where would we be if every uttered
word of public men were public?
Back in the caves brunting at one
IT IS ONLY fair to say that the
trouble could have been avert-
ed if the three great men at Yalta
had provided a precise and system-
atic record of their own, if after'
their personal talks they had ex-
changed memoranda of what was
said. But they were in a hurry,
and they were casual in the man-
(Continued from Page 2)
entire company)-B.S. In Elect., Ind.,
Mech., Chem. E., Engrg. ,Mech. and
Chemistry for Research, Development,
Production, Plant Engrg.
Fri., April 15
Brush Electronics Co., Clevite Corp.,
Cleveland, Ohio-B.S. in Elect., Mech.,
and Ind. E. for Design and Production.
Koehring Co., Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S.
In Civil, Ind., and Mech. E. for Training
Program for Design, Mnufacturing
For appointments' contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, Ext. 2182, 248 W.E.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., April 12
Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford,
Conn.-men and women, Sr. for regular,
Jrs. and Sophs. for summer, for Produc-
tion, Underwriting, Actuarial, Claims
nd Admin. The Summer Program wil
be in the Actuarial Dept. Both majors
are particularly desired.
Thurs., April 14
Prudential Insurance Co., various 10-
eations-mnen in LS&A and BusAd for
Management Training for offices in var-
ious locations throughout the U.S.
Mich. Civil Service-men and women
in any field for any department in any
part of the state. Among the fields
needed are Accounting, Chemistry,
Psych., vocational School Teachers,
Econ. Research, Nursing, Medicine, Sta-
tistics, Home Ec., BusAd., Pol. Sci.,
Spec. Educ., Soc. Work, Phys. Educ.,
Law and Engrg.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 371, Room 3528
Admin. Bldg.
Navy Area Office, San Diego, Crlif -
employment opportunities for Audi-
tors, GS-9, requiring experience in ac-
counting and auditing.
Sheboygan Local Council of Girl
Scouts, Inc., Sheboygan, Wis., Is seek-
ing an Executive Dir., 23 yrs. old, hav-
ing had some experience in teaching
and social organization, and a Field
Dir., 21 yrs., college grad but needs no
previous professional experience.
General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis,
Minn., has openings in the Gen'l. Mills
Mechanical Div. for Tech., Scientific
and Professional personnel, including
Mech. E., Electronics, Engrg. Physics,
and Chemistry.
Bendix Computer, Div. of Bendix Avi-
ation Corp., Los Angeles, Calif., has v-
cancies for Design Engrs., Mathemati-
clans, Field Service Engrs., Sales Engrs.
Opportunities exist for E.E., M.E., and
City of Hamilton, Ohio, has an open-
ing for Engrg. Aide IV. Qualifications:
registered Civil Engr. or Graduate Civil
Engr., 25-55 yrs. of age. Deadline for ap-
plications is April 22, 1955.
New York State Civil Service an-
nounces exam for Jr. Sanitary Engr.,
open to all qualified citizens of the U.S.
B.S.E. with experience and/or speciali-
zation in Sanitary or Public Health
Mich. State Civil Service announces
exams for vision Consultant III, Con-
servation Worker C, Conservation I-
lustrator III, Child Guidance Psychia-
trist V, Child Guidance Psych. VI,
Child Guidance Psych. VI A, Pediatri-
cian VI A, Physician IV A, Physician
VPhysician VI, Psychiatric Resident
III, Psych. Nv A, Psych. V A, Psych,
Clinic Dir. VI, Pub. Health Epidemiolo-
gist VI, Pub. Health Epidem. VI A, Pub.
HealthuMaternal & Ch. Health Phys.
VA, Pub. Health Maternal & Ch. Health
Phys. VI A, Pub. Health Phys. VI, San-
atorium Phys.V, Sanatorium Phys. V A,
Sanatorium Phys. VI, Sanatorium Phys.
VI A, Dentist IV, and Dentist V.
The Electric Controller & Mfg. Co,
Cleveland, Ohio, needs Field Engrs, for
SalesWork-recent BSEE grads., and
Development Engrs. - Research and
Devel. Engrs. with 3 or more yrs. of ex-
perience, must have degree in E.E.
Hdq. Warner Robins Air Materiel
Area, Robins Air Force Base, Ga., has a
vacancy for a Systems Development An-
alyst-GS-12, 13-to study all phases of
the USAF logistical system. Requires
minimum of six years of experience
with knowledge of acquisition, compila-
tion, analysis and evaluation of volume
data in areas of supply, maintenance,
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Pan American World Airways repre-
sentative will interview applicants for
Steward and Stewardess positions on
flights to Europe, Asia and Africa. In-
terview will be held in Detroit, Tues.,
April 12. Qualifications: stewardesses
age 21-27, stewards 21-35; must be con-
versationally fluent in French, German,
Italian, Portugese or a Scandinavian
Inguage and English.
For information contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Ad.
Dr. Robert R. Shrock, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, will give the
second of three lectures sponsored by
the Department of Geology Tues., Apr.
12 at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science
Auditorium on "Where are Unusual
Fossils to be Found?"
Phi Sigma Society. "Natural and
Man-Made Itndscapes in the Ivory
Coast." Pierre Dansereau, associate pro-
fessor of botany. Illustrated. Rackham
Amphitheatre at' 8:00 p.m., Tues., April
12. Open to the Public. Refreshments
after meeting for members and guests;
business meeting 7:30 p.m. to install of-
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Wed., April 13 at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry. Dr. William Rieman of Rut-
gers University will discuss "Ion Ex-
change, A New Tool for the Analytical
Undergraduate Zoology Club. "Photo-
graphic Foray in Florida Wild Life,"
Narrated motion film by Dow V. Bax-
ter, professor of natural resources. Wed.,
April 13, 3:00 p.m. 1139 N.S. Open to
Academic Notices
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education; Music, and Pub-
lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors
for June graduation have been posted
on the bulletin board in the first floor
lobby, Administration Building. Any
changes therefrom should be requested
of the Recorder at Office of Registra-
tion and Records window ,number 1,
113 Admistaion Riiili'.
College of LSA Students who plan to
attend summer sessions elsewhere and
wish this credit approved for transfer,
should call for sumnmer session approval
blanks at the Admission Office, 1524
Administration Bldg., before May 13.
No approval blarnks will be issued after
this date.
Actuarial Review Class will meet
T'ues., April 12 at 4:10 p.m. in Room
3010 Angell Hall.
Lit. School Steering Comm. will meet
in Dean Robertson's office at 4:00 p.m.
English 150 (Playwriting) will meet at
6:55 p.m. Tues., April 12.
Doctoral Examination for John W.
Coy, Mathematics; thesis: "A Differen-
tial Calculus in a Matrix Algebra,"
Wed., April 13, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 pm. Chairman,
P. S. Dwyer.
Sociology Colloquium. Wed., April 13,
4:00 p.m. in the East Conference Room,
Rackham Building; Dr. Fred L. Strod-
beck, University of Chicago, "'An Em-
pirical Study of Juror Behavior."
Geometry Seminar will meet Wed.,
April 13, at 7:00 p.m. in 3001 A.H. Prof.
J. R. Buchi will speak on "Invariant
Theory in Groups."
Political Science Round Table meet-
ing Thurs., April 14 at 7:45 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. Eric Voe-
gelin, Department of Government, Lou-
isiana State University, will speak on,
"The Quest for Principles In Politcal
Science." Open to public.
Student Recital. Florinda Suguitan,
pianist, 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 13, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. Recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music. A pupil
of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Suguitan will
play compositions by Purcell, Mozart,
Debussy, and Bach. Open to the public.
Men's Glee Club annual Spring Con-
cert date has been changed from Sat.,
May 21 to Fri., May 20.
Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni
Memorial Hall. Bruguiere Photographs,
A Student Collects through May 1.
Hours: 9:00-5:00 p.m. weekdays, 2:00-
5:00 p.m. Sundays. The public is in.
Events Today
Mathematics Club. Tues., April 12, at
8:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Prof. C. J. Coe will
speak on "The Varied Motions in The-
oreticai Mechanics."
Frosh Weekend. Maize Team Poster
Committee meeting tonight, 8:00 p.m.
In the PublicityFRoom of the League.
Maize Team Floorshow Rehearsals
Tues., April 12, Group 5, 7:00 p.m.;
Groups 3 and 4 8:00 p.m. Wed., ;April 13,
Group 2, 7':00 p.m. and Group 6, 8:00
p.m. Maize Team Skits and Stunts
Committee meeting, Tues., April 12,
7:30 p.m. in the League.
Square Dancing tonight. Instruction
for every dnce. Grey Austin, caller.
Lane Hall. 7:30-10:00' p.m.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. 4:30-
5:45 p.m., Tea at the Guild House.
Coming Events
Le Cercle Francais will sponsor a spe.
cial full-length feature film in French,
"Carnival in Flanders," Wed., April 13
at 7:30 p.m. In the League. Free for
members, Bring your membership
card! Membership cards will be on sale
for 75c which will include free admis-
sion to the French play, "L'Avare," on
May 4.
Near Eastern Research Club, Wed.,
April 13, in the E. Lecture Room, Rack-
ham Building, 8:00-9:30 p.m. 4Jahangir
Amuzegar, lecturer in economics, will
speak on, "Point Four in Iran."
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Brekfast at Canterbury House,'
Wed., April 13, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
"Employment Possibilities and Inter.
ests in international Organizations,"
Wed., April 13, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in 2413
Mason Hall. Miss Jane ,Weidund, for.
mer UN assistant program officer, Office
for Europe, Africa and the Middle East,
Technical Assistnce Administration.
Open to public.
Undergraduate Mathematics Club.
Willow Run trip: Sat., April 16. If you
the offices of the mathematics depart-
ment, 3012 Angell Hall or 274 West Engi-
neering Building by Wed., April 13. If
you will have access to a car, please
sign up to drive.
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers...........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor
David Livingston ........Sports- Editor >
Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
. .Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise..........Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
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