f PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDA, APRIL 1,1955 SENATE HEARING: 'U' Officials Battle MSC Name Change LOSING A LOBBY-But gaining some music practice rooms, these workmen put the planks in place in the new construction. Practice Studios To Be Built From Music School Lobby n./ By DAVID KAPLAN A lobby is disappearing. As carpenters start hammering and sawing lumber, the lobby of the music school on Maynard Street is being turned into 18 piano practice studios. "We are building the studios," Dean Earl V. Moore of the music, school said, "because it is the most economical use of space, personnel and physical plant." Original Use The lobby area originally was used primarily as a lounge and for registration. Surrounding the lob- by are additional practice studios. "Even with this additional con- struction," Dean Moore said, "we are not yet able to provide the as- signed practice hours required for a degree." The present enrollment of 556 FAITH TALKS: Baha'i Group Plans Panel Discussions The Baha'i Community of Ann Arbor will sponsor a panel discus- sion on the religions of the East. The speakers for the Muslim, Buddhist and Hindoo faiths will be University foreign students, while an Ann Arbor resident will speak on the Baha'i World Faith. Ayub Khanzada, a Pakistanian and Chemical Engineering stu- dent . will speak on the Muslim faith, while Buddha Govindaraj, of India, a student in Interna- tional affairs will talk on Budd- ism. The third student speaker will be Madhu Ramaswamy, also of India, who is studying Mechani- cal Engineering. Ramaswamy will speak on the Hindoo faith. J. N. Faily, a former Persian instructor at the University, will talk on the Baha'i World Faith. The meeting will be held at 3:00 Sunday at the Louhelen Baha'i School which is located south of Davison, Michigan. students requires 208 studios to cover the three hours of assigned work. The music school has only 91 studios, including the 18 pre- sently under construction. "We can only provide less than two hours of practice time," Dean Moore said, "but these new rooms will add about 20 per cent to our practice resources." Students will still have to make use of teacher's studios during the day and other studios at night. Regents' Appropriation The Board of Regents appropri- ated $18,000 for the studios, cover- ing construction costs and the price of upright pianos. Each pi- ano costs approximately $500. The -walls of the studios are made of Transite and are fire- proof. There will be some sound- proofing in the studios. The rooms are five feet seven inches by sev- en feet. Forced air ventilation and ex- haust systems willbe utilized and there will be no windows in the studios. Construction began Wed- nesday and is expected to be com- pleted within two weeks. "Outside the rooms there will be a terrible confusion of sound," Dean Moore said, "due to the con- glomeration of sounds from the pianos and the air vents. But in- side the rooms, the confusion of sounds will be negligible, because of the celotexceilings and the sound-proofing." The studios were built in the Maynard Street building "with an eye towards the future," Dean Moore commented. After the North Campus music is built some time in the future, "These studios can be used for additional services for Literary College students. The whole building would be turned into a large practice building." Rimsky-Korsakov Film To Be Given The Gothic Film Society will present a full length technicolor showing of Rimsky - Korsavok's "Sadko" on Monday, April 11 at the Rackham amphitheater. (Continued from Page 1) two separate independent govern- ing boards. Hannah Argues Later MSC President Hannah responded "I don't get excited about the point made that for the first time you will establish two universities in the state." President Hannah said MSC "had no desire to dilute the pres- tige of the University, borrow any- thing from it, or confuse any- body." He asked the committee to ap- prove the name change bill be- cause "only until MSC becomes a university in name, it is handi- capped and its students, the sons and daughters of the state, are handicapped." President Hatcher said the MSC governing body already is asking that its name be changed from the State Board of Agriculture. "Where will this stop?" he asked. "There is more than meets the eye in this smooth suggestion that you just change one word. "The other state colleges are just waiting for you to do this." President Hatcher offered three alternatives to adoption of the name change bill. He suggested making the change by a constitu- tional method, assigning a new name to MSC or appointment of a legislative interim committee to work out names for all state insti- tutions. Dean Stason Speaks Dean E. Blythe Stason told the committee there were two serious legal problems involved in the name change. Onelegal problem, he said, was the "pattern" set up by the con- stitution for state education in- stitutions. The other, he claimed, was the fact that if these two were private corporations an "ac- tion for infringement" would be available. Dean Stason offered to prepare a legal brief on the two problems Australian Tours Here* Touring the United States to "see other famous universities and why they're. famous," Ross A. Hohnen, registrar of the Austrian National University in Canberra remarked here recently that he has been impressed by the efficien- cy of American students. Specifically, Hohnen is making a study of the administrative set- up of various universities through- out the country. He described the Australian Na- tional University ws "of a pecul- iar character" in that it is devoted wholly to research and the train- ing of a limited number of re- search workers, accommodating only 80 doctorate candidates. "I've been moving so fast I haven't sorted out my impres- sions," he said of his tours through other American universities. How- ever, he felt that ,although uni- versity administrations may seem different, basically they have the same problems. involved should the committee de- sire one. In direct rebuttal to Dean Sta- son, MSC attorney Leland W. Carr said he assumed Dean Stason was "inferring" litigation would be started by the University if the bill were passed. Sen. Haskell L. Nichols (R- Jackson) rebuked Carr for his statement and asked Carr to apologize to Dean Stason for that comment. Carr apologized imme- diately. The young MSC attorney con- tinued by saying there was no con- stitutional ban on the Legislature changing college names and that therefore it was free to do so. To bring action for infringe- ment, he said "deceit" has to be shown. He argued there was no deceit involved in this case. Possible Court Appeal After the hearings were over, however Dean Stason told report- ers there would be "very definite grounds" for a State Supreme Court appeal if the Legislature changes MSC's name. "It's a question of policy as to 'whether we would appeal," he said. "But we could well do go if necessary. The name change bill, which passed the house 88-14 last week, will not be considered again until Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Chair- man Harry F. Hittle (R-Lansing) reported. Another committee m e m b e r said he doubted if the bill would receive definite action in commit- tee before Thursday. Before yesterday's hearing be- gan, however, it was reported that five Judiciary Committee members were in favor of changing MSC's name. Repercussions in House Repercussions of the name change controversies continued in the House of Representatives in Lansing yesterday. Debate on the Collins bill to establish a senior college branch of the University at Flint was put over until Wednesday; Rep. Richard C. VanDusen (R- Detroit) requested the delay after asking that the University pre- sent an estimate of the cost of the study which will establish the senior Flint college. The Univer- sity's original request for funds to study the Flint branch was $37,- 000. "It seems like a lot of money to me," Rep. VanDusen said. Struck from the Collins bill was the word "state" which re- ferred to the University as the "State University of Michigan." The word "state" had been at- tached to the bill in committee by Rep. Harry J. Phillips (R-Port Huron). Rep. John J. McCune (R- East Lansing) said "state" would further confuse the people. His motion to strike the word was carried 64-3. The House of Representatives also continued its, name-changing venture yesterday by passing a bill to delete "education" from the names of Central Michigan Col- lege of Education, Western Michi- gan College of Education and Northern Michigan College of Education. The bill now goes to the Sen- ate. SNOWTIME AND SPRING go together for members of the Ullr Ski Club who will Journey to Colorado this week to enjoy sights such as the one zbove. 'U' Club To Ski in Colorado * Unitarians Hold Talks The Sunday evening meetings of the Unitarian Student Group are controversial discussion groups in which members talk about sub- jects which vary from.the crisis in the Near East to segregation in Ann Arbor. The small group, which consists of about 25 members, plans talks, discussions, and forums on impor- tant social and political issues of the day. Trends in religious thought, problems of inter-cul- tural and inter-faith understand- ing are also topics of discussion for the group. Often the students invite speakers from the Univer- sity faculty and the local commu- nity to talk on a variety of topics. "Although our organization pri- marily aims to give students 4 chance to discuss current issues, we also plan social activities," Carl Mailey, co-chairman of the group said. He pointed out that the group has planned play-read- ing evenings and Hi-Fi listening parties. "We even spent one eve- ning reading Pogo," Carol Copp, the co-chairman of the group said. In addition, the group has a monthly square or social dance and in the spring and fall, outings are planned. In addition to the two co-chair- men, Mary Wells is treasurer of the organization. Bob Wilcox and Nancy Sanford are in charge of program planning for the group. Dr. M. U. Tsao of the University Hospital staff is faculty advisor. Brucker To Speak At Law School Wilber Brucker, general counsel for the United States defense de- partment, will be featured speak- er at the University Law School's Founder's Day, April 22. Law school officials also an- nounced Robert B. Olsen, 155L, is the new editor-in-chief of the Michigan Law Review, a Law School magazine. ,ADVENTURE ~' . TRAVEL to every o6rneef the globe ,.. Europe (60 days,. $650 including steamer), Latin America, the Orient, Around the World. LoW-COST TRIPS by bie cie, feltboot, motor, rail for the adventurous In spirit. STUDY TOURS with eoiteg. creditin languages, Art, Music, Social Studies, Dance, other ,subjects. Scholarships avallable. SSEE MORE-SPEND LESS YLur arvel Agent O SITA4 ts 2d Yat . tro h4 11411 Fifth, Ave.. "N. V. It a MU1.644 Fifteen University students will strike out for Aspen, Colorado to- day, where deep powdered snow provides good skiing till June. The annual westward trek, to Aspen, where skiing conditions and facilities are unsurpassed, is sponsored by the ULLR Ski Club. Heavy parkas will be left at home, while members of the ULLR Club expedition acquire sun-tans along with skiing skill in the warm April air. Organized by Mickey Rosen, '55, and Ron Hall, '57, the group Center Plans Spring Tours Two tours sponsored by the In- ternational Center are among the activities scheduled for foreign students remaining in Ann Arbor during spring vacation. On Saturday, April 2, Assist- ant Director of the Center Gas- ton Sigur and 22 students will leave for a trip to New York City and Washington, D.C. Another group of 24 students will leave with Dr. James M. Da- vis, Center director on a tour through Michigan. Leaving Ann Arbor on Monday, April 4, they will visit Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Midland and Sagi- naw 'returning to the University the following Saturday, April 9. DAC Continues Sartre's 'No Exit' Final DAC Production for the current season, "No Exit" by Jean Paul Sartre, will be presented at 8:15 p.m. today and tomorrow, and at 2:15 p.m. Sunday. The cast includes Irma Hurley, Rica Martens, Joe Gistirak and Ralph Drischell. will travel by train and car, and will stay at the Roaring Fork Inn, the established stopping place in Aspen for the ULLR Club. Other Trips The trip to Colorado is one of several sponsored yearly by the ULLR Ski Club, whose annual agenda includes trips to Boyne Mountain,, Michigan, d u r i n g Christmas vacation and over weekends. During the semesters vacation the Club travels to Mount Tremblant; Quebec and to Aspen, Colorado over spring vacation. In- ter-collegiate races are held at Boyne Mountain in February, in which any club member is eli? gible to compete. The newly elected officers for the '55-'56 season'are; Tom Brown, '57, president, Paul Newcomb, '57, vice-president; Lee Di Marco '56, secretary; and John Kennedy, '57, Health Discussion To Be Held Here Thirty people from throughout the nation will attend a discus- sion Friday and Saturday at the University School of Public Health. The topic for the discussion will be the improvement of the training of nutritionists so they will be better able to meet actual job problems. treasurer. Anyone interested in skiing, whether novice or expert, is eligible for club membership. Included in the program of the club are ski instruction, movies, organized trips, and inter-club and inter-collegiate races. Anyone interested is invited to attend the first meeting of the '55-'56 season, which will be announced. School Board Strains Aired Neal Gross, Harvard sociolo- gist, characterized the ideal school board member as "an uncanny King Solomon, who can do any- thing quickly and inexpensively, especially when he knows nothing about it." Speaking yesterday before the Conference for School Board Mem- bers, Gross discussed the strains and tensions in the school board- superintendent relationship. Lack of job definition and conflicting motivations were included as the main reasons for tension. School board members, school officials and laymen attended the conference which was sponsored by the University Bureau of School Services and the Extension Serv- ice. i MANAGEMENT JOBS! If you're graduating this year you may qualify for this unusual offer The opportunity-To join a few men in a training program which will prepare you for a place in management with a growing organization that must maintain the highest type of intelligent administration. It is an opportunity in management operations in the Home Office rather than sales or sales management. The job-If you are selected to join us, you will spend your first eight months in comprehensive training designed to qualify you as a Company management consultant. You will be trained in procedure analysis, production planning, management surveys, quality control, cost control, con- ference leadership, public relations, report writing, inter- viewing technique, and life insurance principles. The future-Immediately following completion of training you will be assigned to consulting work within our Home Office organization. There you will be expected to develop ideas for the improvement of the day-to-day organization of the Company. The salary-The starting salary compares favorably with those of other organizations. In addition, all of our per- sonnel receive regular medical and dental examinations and luncheon in the Company's lunch rooms at the Company's expense. We also maintain a well-rounded insurance and retirement program for our personnel and their dependents. The requirements-Personality, appearance, 'creative ability and initiative are essential qualities. Evidence of leadership as demonstrated in scholastic and extra-curricular activities is considered important in the selection of qualfied men. When the little Flatiron Building was the world's most famous skyscraper Budweiser led all beers in sales. And... oday r------a------------------ 1ena-faaaaaa .A Campus-to-Career Case History r I r I r r r r r r rIr" r tIr :... t I a r r r M r t r r r r t a reaj m ,ars tw.Md " aI paydosjs tat.I'mSeric r I r I a quI ikrundono f whateep mejudid ng,"ter. notes f r suo n.arostwn adI '52 dAyonda tyfrtmngmn sin n icalaldey la2t:week.etvwithhoigiopny t meatwithWconsdndaylspworkscedum-chcke..K Oneynemen w tas.I' Srince aagrt stmt csfteehn of pit.Bt ug fry utting cres abeylifting.foratce houeimoving deob I buried service wire, and I went over thet _.i. . ..+- _ nI_ -_ I ,- Drove the route he had planned andt B udwe ise z job specswithnhmtobe sure he had things straight. 8 :30-"Answered mail while my clerk checked time sheets from previous day. 9:30-"Out to supervise installation of the first aluminum Outdoor Telephone Booth in my exchange. Reviewed the assembly instructions with the installers, then arranged for special tools and bolts to be delivered to the job. worked out schedule for construction crews. 3:30-"Returned to aluminum booth in- stallation. Went over wiring specs with the electrician. 4:00-"Stopped at Central Office to pick up next day's orders. Met installers at garage as they checked in and assigned next day's work." still leads the world's beers in sales and quality because 1 i 1 A1N1IV I.0ust". tot. St. LOU S " NIWARK " LO$ A**S I i i