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April 01, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-01

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FUA y C A iL A IA 704

No Sentimentality
Academy Award Rule

Adams Is
In Power

"I'd Like To Talk To Dr. Jekyll, Please"

T HOSE who expected sentimentality to rule
the Academy Award voters' selections were
in for a shock when the winners were an-
nounced Wednesday.
With the possible exception of the Greta
Garbo award, the selections showed admirable
restraint in recognizing talent and ability above
emotional preference. Miss Garbo's award, a
long-overdue tribute to her many fine perform-
ances, was a nicely sentimental gesture in an
evening of objective, rational relectivity.
Many times in the past, the Academy has
become overwhelmed with a fresh, new per-
sonality In a first movie role (as evidenced by
Judy Holliday and Audrey Hepburn) who has
turned out to be only a personality. Then there
have been the continuing delight in off-beat
roles: Donna Reed (ingenue to prostitute),
Frank Sinatra (singer to dying soldier), Gin-
ger Rogers (dancer to soap-opera heroine). By
dismissing singers-turned-thespians Judy Gar-
land and Bing Crosby, the Academy indicated
that it might possibly be over this phase for a
T7HERE HAVE ALSO been instances where
performers were awarded for standard in-
terpretations to compensate for previously
slighted superior performances. Last year's
winner William Holden was such a case. The
selection of Edmund O'Brien as best-support-
ing actor for The Barefoot Contessa seemed to
be a further continuation of this policy. His
sweaty, wheezy interpretation was like any one
of his many sweaty, wheezy interpretations.
But the selection of best actress Grace Kelly
(The Country Girl) and best-actor Marlon
Brando (On the Waterfront) was an extremely
wise, prestige-adding move for the Academy.
Rumors that Judy Garland would commit sui-
cide if she did not receive an award and that
Its Securit
FROM THE way UAW President Walter A
Reuther talks, the guaranteed annual wage
for auto workers is a guaranteed eventuality.
The union merely has to negotiate its way
through a few of management's remaining res-
ervations, although it stands ready to strike if
Even automobile executives have accepted
the principle of the guaranteed annual wage,
objecting only to its practical implications on
their cost curves. All the union has to do is
convince them that they can afford to pay an
annual wage.
There is a multitude of economic arguments
'that could be brought to bear on this issue,
but most of them emphasize the rigidity the
annual way would introduce into the economy
and security for the workingman.
BU' WHAT is security? A worker is promised
an annual wage, given seniority in his
job, and provided with protection by the union.
What does this secure him? If times are bad,
he will be without a job regardless of these
arrangements, because no business can long
operate at a loss. If times are good, he does not
need these arrangements. If times are in be-
tween layoff times, his feelings of security are
false, and may lead him to a laxity that would
soon bring times that are bad.
In short, the workingman is looking for a
security that does not exist. No kind of job
security is secure against a host of contingen-
cies, only one of which is a depression. In a
deflation, his very security and the rigidity it
embodies contributes to the downward spiral,
His security contributes to his insecurity.
SECURITY IS A misleading word. It makes
one think he is safe when he is not. The
only real security is the ability and prepared-
ness to meet any contingencies that may arise.
Security is an ignoring of possible contingen-

Bing Crosby was contemplating retiremer
made the entire affair seem like a farce. ThL
Kelly-Brando choice quelled the rumors, an(
brought recognition to two of Hollywood
younger and highly talented performers.
THIS YEAR'S song winner, "Three Coins i
the Fountain," was a concession to juke
box trade, something which Hollywood ca
hardly afford to ignore; and the slighting o
the superior "Man That Got Away" was ver
understandable in this light. But nothing seem
to explain Dmiitri Tiomkin's award for Thy
High and the Mighty background music -
something designed to engulf film goers in
net of stereophonic sound.
As for Walt Disney-one might just as we
supply him, with a shovel each March. H
awards now total 24-a tribute to both h
imagination and his artistry. The Vanishin
Prairie received an Oscar for best documen
tary and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea fo
special effects, both will deserved, especiall
"Sea," where underwater photography over
shadowed a trite story and mediocre acting t
make the film highly enjoyable.
When Magoo Flew, the best cartoon of th
year, was another in a series of now-stereotype
stories of the near-sighted little man.
On theWaterfront, winner of seven award
took first place in this year's Hollywood outpu
with little effort. Eva Marie Saint (best-sup
porting actress), Director Elia Kazan, an
Writer Budd Schulberg, along with Brand
took top honors.
If there is one major camplaint about the
awarding, it is that for an academy devoted ti
motion picture artistry, the little attention giv
en such foreign efforts as Ugetsu, Earringso
Madame de... ,Mr. Hulot's Holiday, Beautie
of the Night, The Little Kidnappers, and Ro
meo and Juliet seemed difficult to accept.
--Ernest Theodossin

!nnua1 Wage:

An important part of being able to meet at
contingencies (in fact, the important part)i
the freedom to take any action so that the pro
per action, which is unknown beforehand, ma
be taken. It follows that if security is prepared
ness to meet contingencies and freedom is ne
cessary for preparedness, there is more rea
security in freedom than in what we have al
ways called security.
THE WORKINGMAN is willing to give u
unconsciously a part of his freedom for a
annual wage, which means, actually, either a
annual wage or no job. The possibility of n
job is not much security. The loss of freedon
is in assuming a dependence on a guarantee
wage which, through a psychological process
prevents an incentive to improve one's positiox
It is true that a worker would get paid dur
ing a layoff, which is the union's main poin
In this respect, he is provided with a measur
of security against being without wages. Bu
more should be done about preventing invol
untary unemployment than on preventing o
alleviating its effects. The annual wage migh
contribute to the very phenomena whose ef
fects it is attempting to cure by making i
harder forbusiness to prosper.
HlOWEVER, it might not have this effect. A
annual wage might put enough sense o
security into a workingman's mind and enoug
cash into his hands, that he might spend mor
of his income and save less. This might hav
the effect of raising business activity by in
creasing demand, and business' increased cost
are made up by increased revenues.
Even if this happens, which would be eco
nomically beneficial to all, it would not remov
the change in outlook from freedom to secur
ity, which change might prove disastrous a
soon as one of those inevitable business cycle
gets us to a downturn.
-Jim Dygert

's WASHINGTON - Two revealing
events have taken place be-
hind the scenes at the White
n House which throw some light on
- the President's present and future.
n b1. Sherman Adamshthe ice-
nblooded little Yankee who sits at
A Ike's right hand as Assistant Pre-
y sident, has emerged as second
s most powerful man in America.
te This is because Ike is away a lot
- and delegates authority a lot. Ad-
a ams is such a. quiet operator the
public has heard little of him, yet
11 he has replaced New York's ex-
is Governor Tom Dewey as the power
is behind the President.
ig 2. Foreign Aid boss Harold Stas-
.. sen was almost fired instead of
r appointed Secretary of Peace. Pre-
y sident Eisenhower was so provoked
he acted like a man who intended
t o run and wanted no rival nudg-
o ing his elbow.
le Here are the backstage details:
d When 'Eisenhower moved into
dthe White House, Tom Dewey's
ghost moved in with him. For the
s, first two years, Dewey's men dom-
t inated the White House. Most in-
- fluential was Tom Stephens, the
d appointment secretary, who work-
o, ed at the President's elbow and de-
cided who got past the inner por-
e tal. Another influential Dewey
o man was Press Secretary Jim Ha-.
- gerty who guides the President's
of public relations,
es Tip-off that the Dewey influ-
ence was declining was Stephens'
unexpected resignation. It was gen-
erally assumed Stephens wanted to
go back to his law firm and share
in its new-found prosperity. Ever
since Stephens' rise to the White
House, his former law firm has
been unusually prosperous.
Adams Arranged Exit
NSIDE STORY, however, is that
Stephens didn't want to quit
at all. He was squeezed out. Sher-
y man Adams complained about all
the "politicians" Stephens was let-
is ting in to see the President, fin-
ally maneuvered him completely
y out of the White House.
- Adams also has been draining
- Jim Hagerty's authority over pub-
l lic relations. Once a power behind
l- the scenes, Jim has become less a
policy maker, more a front man
with the press. Real responsibility
p for public relations has been trans-
ferred quietly to Arizona's ex-
n Governor Howard Pyle, an astute
n radio and TV station owner.
o All White House operations are
ml now firmly under Adams' thumb.
d Those close to him swear he has
s, not accumulated all this power for
a, his own sake, but is almost fana-
. tically loyal to President Eisen-
t. hower.
.e Another straw in the wind is the
t untold story of Harold Stassen's
.- close political shave. He spoke too
*freely of his own Presidential
r prospects in case Ikedecided not
r$to run again. Stassen let it be
- known that he would make a good
t candidate to succeed Ike.
When word of this got back to
the President, he became so furi-
n ous that he fired Stassen on the
f spot. White House aides, however,
h finally talked Ike out of it before
e the firing became effective. When
he cooled down, he appointed Stas-
e sen to be a special Secretary of
s Peace instead.
Democratic Vacuum
,e Congress convened last Janu-
ary you heard a lot of Democratic
s talk about what would happen
when that party took the helm.
s Among other things, the Dixon-
Yates power contract was going to
be thoroughly investigated - and
killed. There was to be a penetra-
ting probe of monopoly, and of
GOP handling of so-called secur-
ity risks.
Since then exactly three months
have passed and the net result is
one large and silent zero.
The Dixon-Yates investigation

has run up a dead-end street. Dur-
d ing the Republican-controlled
r Congress, a GOP Senator from
- North Dakota named Langer re-
d ally stirred up Dixon-Yates. Out of
dhis own pocket he paid a smart
young lawyer from New York, Sid-
d ney Davis, who, singlehanded,
- showed up the way in which the
- power trust had been able to get
e amazing concessions from the gov-
s, ermnent. In contrast, since the
e Democrats have taken over, noth-
ing has happened.
Sen. Joe O'Mahoney of Wyom-
e ing, a veteran trust-buster, has
e been put back on the Judiciary
- Committee which, is supposed to
d investigate monopoly. Here also
r nothing has happened.
e . Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennes-
e see, another seasoned trustbuster,
e is on the subcommittee supposed
to probe monopoly. Again nothing
'e has happened.
Sen. Harley Kilgore of West Vir-.
g ginia, a fine public servant when
t he's on the job, is Chairman of
y the Subcommittee on Monopoly.
But he just doen't seem to hbe

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Associated Press News Analyst.
THERE ARE several things that Secretary Dulles could say when
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee questions him about
publication of the Yalta papers and why side remarks were included.
He could say that the informal remarks were a part of the only
records available, and that if you start cutting out too much material
you imperil the authority of the whole compilation.
He could say that these informal remarks actually are important
evidence as they relate to the attitudes and intent of the conference
participants, and therefore necessary to a full view of what was
aking place.
He could say the papers have been widely used by the Voice of
America to remind the world of the futility of negotiations with a
Russia which breaks and perverts her agreements right and left, and
to prevent the rise of hopes for future negotiations only to have them
dashed. He might not be able to say that this was a factor in the
decision to publish.
ONE CONTENTION of the State Department is that publication of
the papers boosted the majorities given to ratification of the Paris
accords by France and Germany. Whether the secretary will make
that claim is not known.
The main thing the secretary can say is a delicate one. Some ex-
pert observers think he will do so in one fashion or another. It is that
Congress instructed the department to prepare and publish the papers,
appropriated the money for them, and that Republican congressional
pressure overcame department reluctance at the end.
Harder to explain will be the department's first attempt to show
the papers only to a limited number of congressional leaders-under
circumstances which invited widespread leakage and why there was a
decision not to publish, and another to publish, after Democrats had
refused to accept the documents in confidence.


AS THE AD said (for a change), The Raid is one of the "surprise
hits" of the year.
The story deals with the attempt of a band of escaped Confederate
prisoners, led by Major Neil Swayze (Van Heflin), to successfully com-
plete their mission of crossing into the country over the Canadian bor-
der, ransacking the town of St. Albans, Vermont, and fleeing safely
back over the border again. This obviously isn't very easy, and to com-
plicate the project further, one of the group gets a little trigger-happy
and almost foils the whole plan. Various other obstacles confront the
Southern soldiers also, not the least of which is the unexpected arrival
of a Union contingent on the day the raid is to take place.
The details of the plot are ingenious, and as a whole it is carried
through realistically and consistently, largely because it manages to
avoid the melodramatic devices upon which a war movie often depends.


It does not pretend to be any more
than the isolated event in the Civ-
il War which it is, and the audi-
ence is not expected to walk out
of the theater with a Message.
The chief reason why The Raid
is successful, however, is because
of its sensitive but unsentimental
portrayal of the effect of the mis-
sion on the various characters.
Swayze, who precedes his men
to St. Albans in order to "case the
joint," is hard-pressed as it is to
maintain his role of a neutral Ca-
nadian business man in the North-
ern community; but he is placed
in a truly ironical position when
he is proclaimed the town hero
for killing the trigger-happy
Lieut. Keating. Another com-
plexity is added by the Major's
affection toward Katie Bishop,
the landlady of the boarding
house where he is staying. How-
ever, potential melodrama is
avoided here because the relation-

ship between the two is kept in
its proper 'perspective, and only
goes as far as the fulfillment of
his desire that she understand the
revenge motive behind the raid.
Another well-rounded character
is that of Capt. Foster, played by
Richard Boone. Foster, who sup-
posedly lost an arm in valiant com-
bat for the Union, actually sustain-
ed his injury by deliberately throw-
ing himself under a caisson in or-
der to avoid fighting, but he be-
comes a hero in fact as well as
name during the film's climax.
The other characters, both major
and minor, are generally handled
well, and stereotyping is resisted
in an admirable fashion,
The various short subjects
provide an excellent contrast to
the feature-they are unbelievably
-Ruth Rossner



Counseling Facilities
Can Be Improved


THE ENTIRE counseling problem, as viewed
from the results of James D. Shortt's sur-
vey of the literary college counseling facilities,
seems like a confused portrait of University
red tape.
Years pass, while counselors sit, firmly en-
trenched in their Angell Hall offices, inter-
preting the literary college catalogue for be-
wildered students. That their function has ever
been anything more than an interpretive one
appears rather remote.
WHAT SHORTT has achieved in his survey
is to put previously expressed and ac-
cepted attitudes of students and counselors
into the cold black and white statistics of sci-
entific research. The findings which he has
unearthed are hardly startling or unprecedent-
ed; they are just a bit more concrete now.
The entire counseling problem, if it is view-
ed broadly, appears as a bureaucratic mon-
strocity, a kind of necessary evil about which
nothing can be done at present. There must
be some system whereby students are advised
about elections. Everyone cannot 'have a per-
sonal "faculty friend." Everyone cannot be

The counselor must be extremely intereste
in his work for there are few advantages othe
than personal satisfaction in such work. Uni
versity teaching employees are promoted an
given pay raises on the basis of tenure, per
formance in teaching, published writing, an
research. Counseling provides little opportun
ity for advancement up the University hier
archal ladder. If the counseling work wer
valued more among the University top brass
there would probably be many more capabl
people attracted to the job.
Second, it is now possible for a student to se
his counselor only once a semester-when h
needs his election card signed. Periodic meet
ings between counselors and counselees woul
enable counselors to learn more about thei
students and correspondingly advise them mor
accurately. Such meetings are now possible
but few counselors or students promote th
possibility. More counselors would facilitat
additional interviews to a greater degree,
Third, there would be better understandin
if one counselor were assigned to a studen
for hig undergraduate years. A student ma
h QC"' Q T *t** . .;

To the Editor:
OH! CEMENT Mixer .. Putty
You're driving us completely nutty.
Though beef birds raised a mighty
You're really something to beef
Intentions are good-we must
That Couzens needs a bigger
But while Couzens builds, Lloyd
babes weep
'Cause we're not getting our
beauty sleep.
It's bad enough all through the
When the racket's so loud we can't
hear what we say.
And during the day we try not to
But at one A.M. you're just too
And the accompaniments we listen
"Shake, Rattle and Roll" by your
working crew
When appropriate we never mind,
At two A.M. may prove unkind.
So Cement Mixer please heed
our plea
At least let us sleep 'till a quarter
of three.,
-Harriette Cohn
Lee Shlensky
Elly Shur
Teddy Shapiro
* * *
Exchunge Column...
To the Editor:
eleven editors of student and
youth publications from the So-
Editorials printed in The Mich-
i-an Daily are written by nzemn-
hers of The Daily staff and rep-
resent the 'views of the writer

viet Union should greatly reward
the desires and efforts of Ameri-
can and Soviet students for friend-
ly, considerate relations between
our two countries.
The common interest for peace
of the" American and Soviet peo-
ple is served by such visits because
they can create mutual under-
standing, respect and ties of
.friendship. It would be a healthy
boost for the cause of peace if the
exchange trips of student editors
were the beginning of exchanges
on a grand scale: of teachers, far-
mers, trade unionists, businessmen,
artists, political leaders and oth-
ers. In an atmosphere created by
such friendly ties, war inciting
would be looked upon as a form
of insanity.
When the Soviet editors are in
Ann Arbor, it would be fruitful for
one or several gatherings to be
arranged, in which students could
meet the Soviet editors, and ask
them questions about Soviet life.
Would it not be a good idea,
also, while the Soviet editors are
here, for The Daily to arrange an
exchange column with, say, the
University of Moscow, in which
Soviet students could reply in the
columns of the Michigan Daily to
our questions and U. of M. stu-
dents could reply in the columns
of the student newspaper of the
University of Moscow to the ques-
tions of Soviet students?
-Mike Sharpe, Chairman
Labor Youth League
To the Editor:
WOULD like to voice my seri-
ous objection to the heading of
an article appearing on the front
page of The Daily, March 26, 1955,
which read, "Kenneth Speaks 'on
Race Relations," referring to a
talk by Professor Kenneth Clark
of City College of New York. I ob-
ject to the familiarity you use in
referring to Professor Clark as

The Daily Official Bulleti is an
official publication of the University
of Michign for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 .a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 128
Regents' Meeting. Fri., April 15. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than April 7.
Scholarship to the Free University of
Berlin: Petitioning for an exchange stu-
dent to the Free University of Berlin
is now opened. Petitions can be picked
up at Miss Callahan's office in the Office
of Student Affairs In the Administration
Building. Petitioning closes April 1. The
exchange is for the school year, 19552
1956. The only expense incurred is that
of transportation. Room, food, and ex-
penses are paid for by the Free Uniersi-
ty of Berlin. Undergraduate and gradu-
ate student alike are eligible for the
program. For further information call
Joel Tauber at NO 2-4419.
Veterans under Public taw 550 must
turn in to Den's office instructors' sig-
natures for the month of March on or
before April 4. VA Form 7-1996a,
Monthly Certification, must be signed
in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555
Administration Building, before 5:01
p.m. April 6.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of proceedings of the meeting
of March 30, held in the Michigan Un-
ion at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of the previous meeting were
Officers were elected as follows: Pres-
ident, Hank Berliner, Vice President,
Donna Netzer. Treasurer, Dick. Good.
The plan for administrative organi-
zation as presented by Miss Netzer
was accepted
A change in the calendaring of the
Men's Glee Club spring concert from
May 21 to May 20 was authorized.
Interfraternity Council and Pan-
hellenic Association were authorized to
sponsor a retreat on April 20 at the
Fresh Air Camp as a part of Greek Week
Parking Restrictions. Beginning April
12 the Ann Arbor Police will enforce the
regulation which prohibits the parking
of automobiles in certain lots designat-
ing no parking between 2:00 a.m. and
6:00 a.m. The intent of this regulation
is to prevent the use of these lots for
storage purposes and to- reserve them
for the use of those who must drive
every day.
Guests of the Michigan Union when
registered, will be entitled to guest
parking permits for obvious reasons.
Sheboygan Local Council of Girl
Scouts, Inc., Sheboygan, Wis., is seek-
ing an Executive Dir., 23 yrs. old, hav-
ing had some experience in teaching
and social organization, and a Field
Dir., 21 yrs., college grad. but needs no
previous professionalgexperience.
General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis,
Minn., has opening in the Gen'l Mills
Mechanical Div. for Tech., Scientific
and Professional Personal, including
Mech. E., Electronics, Engrg. Physics,
and Chemistry.
Bendix Computer, Div. of Bendix
AviationCorp., Los Angeles, Calif., has
vacancies for Design Engrs, Mathe-
maticians, Field Service Engrs., Sales
Engrs. Opportunities exist for E.E.,
M.E., and Math.
The Electric Controller & Mfg. Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio, needs Field Engrs. for
Sales Work-recent BSEE grads., and
Development Engrs .- Research and
Devel. Engrs. with 3 or more yrs. of
experience, must have degree in E.E.
Hdq. Warner Robins Air Materiel
Area, Robins Air Force Base, Ga., has
a vacancy for a Systems Development
Analyst-GS-12, 13-to study all phases
of the USAF logistical system. Requires
minimum of six years of experience
with knowledge of acquisition, com-
pilation, analysis and evaluation of
volumeedata in areas of supply, main-
tenance, etc.
For fu rther informnationlnn t r t ha

1. A course may be dropped only with
the permission of the cltssfier after
conference with the instructor. The fi-
nal day--for REMOVAL OF INCOM-
PLETES will be Fri., April 1. Petitions
for extension of time must be on file
in the Secretary's Office on or before
Fri., April 1.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri. April
1L 2:00 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. W. J.
Luyten of the University of Minnesota
will speak about his work on white
dwarf stars.
Preliminary Ph.D. Examination in Ec-
onomics: Theory exaninations will be
given Thurs. and Fri., April 28 and 29.
The examinations in other subjects will
be given beginning Mon., May 2. Each
student planning to take these exami-
nations should leave with the Secretary
of the Department not later than April
11, his name, the three fields in which
he desires to be examined, and his field
of specialization.
The Logic Seminar which meets Fri-
days at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3010 Angell
Hall will be dismissed Fri., April 1, be-
eause of the Spring recess.
Doctoral Examination for Mx Martin
Weinlander, Education; thesis: "Differ-
ential Rates of Mental Development in
Children," Fri., April 1, 2536 University
Elementary. School, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, B. O. Hughes.
The Kingdom of God In Retrospect
and Prospect in the Bible, a University
Extension class, beginning Mon., April
11, 7:30 p.m. in Room 131 School of
Business Administration. Prof. Emeri-
tus, Leroy Waterman, instructor. Reg.
istration for the class may be made in
Room 4501 of the Administration Build-
ing on State Street during University
office hours or in the half hour preced-
ing the class in the class room.
Coming Events
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet
Mon., April 4 and Mon., April 11 as
usual, 7:30-10:00 p.m. in the recreation
room. Instruction for every dance, and
beginners are welcome.
Frosh Weekend-Schedule for 3 weeks
after vacation. Introduction-Sundays,
6:30 p.m.; Act 1-Sundays, 6:30 p.m.,
Thursdays, 6:45 p.m.; Act 2-Thursdays,
6:45 p.m., Saturdays, 1:00 p.m.; Act 3-
Thursdays, 6:45 p.m., Saturdays, 12:30;
Act 4-Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., Satur-
days, 1:00 p.m.; Mass Rehearsal-Tues-
days, 6:45 p.m.
Undergraduate Mathematics Club.
Trip to Willow Run Sat., April 16 at
10:00 a.m. There will be lists in both
the Angell Hall and the West Engineer-
ing Building mathematics offices.
Those planning to go must sign one
of these lists by Wed., April 13. Those
who will have access to a car that day,
please sign up to drive.
Generation poetry staff will have fi-
nal meeting Mon., April 11, at 7;30
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..........City Editor
Jon Sobeloff........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs...Associate City Editor
Becky'Conrad.......Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
David Livingston ........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ..Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
........Associate Sports Editor
Ro Shlimovitz......Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........Business Manager
Phil Brunskil, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise ... .....Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1





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