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April 01, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-01

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See Page 4

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Latest Deadline in the State WARMER.SHOWERS

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Daily City Editor
Special to The Daily
LANSING - The University's top officials rolled up their sleeves
yesterday in a fight to prevent Michigan State Cpllege from becoming
Michigan State University.
At a closed hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in
Lansing, University President Harlan H. Hatcher claimed the pro-
posed name Michigan State University "would be an ethical and legal
infringement on the name of the University of Michigan."
President Hatcher emphasized that while neither he nor the Re-
gents oppose a university name for MSC, "they would be derelict in
their constitutional duty if they did not vigorously oppose House Bill
156 (which proposes changing MSC's name to Michigan State Uni-
vertsity), the name it proposes, and the manner in which it has so
far been rushed toward passage."
MSC officials quickly denied that the name change would cause
confusion or that it was unconstitutional.
Present at the hearing in addition to President Hatcher were

Regents Vera B. Baits, Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Otto E. Eckert and Charles
S. Kennedy.
University Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss, University Relations
Director Arthur L. Brandon, Assistant to the President Robert N. Cross
and Dean E. Blythe Stason and Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law
School also sat in during the two-hour session.
Representing the opposing side were MSC President John A. Han-
nah, Frederick H. Mueller who is a member of the State Board of Agri-
culture, MSC's governing body, and MSC attorney Leland W. Carr.
Mueller Speaks for Bill
Mueller, first to speak before the committee, told MSC's reason-
ing behind the name change bill. He reviewed the history of the Col-
lege and previous names which the College had used.
"The Michigan Legislature 100 years ago created MSC after over-
whelming demand by the people of Michigan," he said. Seven years
later, in 1863, the College of East Lansing was enrolled under provisions
of the Morrill Act as Michigan's land grant college.
Later the College adopted the name Michigan State Agricultural

College, and still later adopted the name Michigan
Agriculture and Applied Science, he reported.
"The framers of the constitution," he asserted,
part of the Michigan Constitution designate any p
the school."
"MSC is now the eighth largest school in the I
has a total of nine schools and gives PhD. degrees. I
in all but name," Mueller continued.
"Eighty per cent of its more than 15,000 students
gan homes and represent the common people of Mi
MSC would still be called Michigan State, and
would be no confusion with the University's name, he
Hatcher Replies
In reply, President Hatcher said the University t
the friendliest of feelings toward our sister institution
change involves a serious consideration of the vyhole p
er education in Michigan, he asserted.

State College of President Hatcher said he objected to "this strange blitz which
has struck the State and created the impression of the greatest crisis
"did not in any since Pearl Harbor."
recise name for "The people of the state established the University of Michigan
as its state university. Now the University has been made world fa-
United States. It mous. It is not fair," Hatcher claimed, "to take that name and give it
It is a university to another institution."
f- A tense moment during committee session occurred when President
are from Michl-
ichigan," Mueller Hatcher referred to Mueller's phrase that MSC was an institution
which represented the common people of Michigan. Glancing sharply
in the direction of Mueller and President Hannah, President Hatcher
maintained, bristled. "You don't differentiate our institutions by a matter of
nclientele, sir."
has "nothing but The University executive told Judiciary committee members if
." But the name the Michigan Legislature passed the name change bill it would be the
rogram of high- first legislature to set up two independent state universities under
See 'U' OFFICIALS, Page 6

Reuther Calls
NAM Drive
People, He Says
CLEVELAND () - President
Walter P. Reuther of the CIO
United Auto Workers charged yes-
terday that the National Assn. of
Manufacturers is attempting to
"lay down a propaganda tear gas
barrage" against the union's guar-
anteed annual wage demand.
It is doing so, Reuther said, by
seeking to raise a "30 million dol-
lar war chest" through contribu-
tions by employers.
In a letter to NAM President
Henry G. Riter, the UAW and CIO
president called the fund-raising
"an attempt to buy public opin-
ion without regard todthe public
welfare." And he added:
Consistent Reord
"I should like to remind you
that this campaign is consistent
with the NAN's undistinguished
record of working against the
T' best interests of the American
The UAW is holding its conven-
tion here and is putting final
touches to the guaranteed wage
program it hopes to win in forth-
coming negotiations with the auto
* industry.
Employers Contriute
The NAM fund-raising cam-
paign is being conducted through
the organization's United Business
Committee. Employers have been
asked to contribute according to
the number of employes they
have. The NAM has not mentioned
the size of the fund it expects to
Reuther said the NAM "propa-
ganda" campaign was aimed at
keeping the public from making
up its mind impartially about the
"moral and economic merits" of
the guaranteed wage.
Francis Silent
Y'on Reported
Salk 'Leaks'
Te Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evalu-
ation Center will reveal its find-
ings on the study of the vaccine
against poliomyelitis at a closed
scientific meeting April 12 at the
Dr. Thomas Francis' staff at the
center have not released any re-
sults concerning the study because
the accuracy of the evaluation de-
pended upon a completely con-
trolled situation.
Cannot Answer Inquiries
At a press conference last July,
Dr. Francis said that although the
Center sympathized with the na-
tional anxiety which hangs on the
announcement of the study, they
must excuse themselves from an-
swering inquiries concerning their
At the same press conference,
the question arose whether, in
view of the commercial aspects
of the development of the vaccine,
the public would have some pos-
sible reason to suspect bias or
prejudice in the study.
Expect 'Inside Leaks"
University officials, though ex-
pecting "dope" stories and "inside
leaks" have continually refused to
* make any statement in response to

Bretton Hits
At Mayor's
Anti-Charter Stand
Of Brown Criticized
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the
political science department yes-
terday accused Mayor William
Brown of waging "a campaign
against the new city charter."
Referring to the mayor's "con-
tempt for democratic procedures,"
Prof. Bretton criticized him for
not going along with the Repub-
lican Party platform.
Meanwhile, the telephone cam-
paign against the new charter ap-
pears to have been directed only
against persons connected with
the charter. Reports of anti-char-
ter calls have been generally lim-
ited to that group.
City Attorney William Laird an-
nounced that a simple majority of
the voters is required to pass the
new charter. There had been some
question raised as to the number
In a radio broadcast yesterday,
SMayor Brown referred to "bally-
hoo" over the charter issue. He
again failed to take a stand on
jthe document as a whole, while
criticizing several parts of it.
Prof. Bretton, in a statement
concerning the mayor, said "the
Republican platform was passed
and the party went on record as
urginga yes vote for the new
"If the mayor wishes to run his
own campaign, this is his own
business, but he should not seek
to parade as a leader or 'even a
member of the Republican Party.
MANILA VP)--A mighty un-
dersea earthquake rocked the
southern Philippines today
forcing thousands to flee from
their homes in the predawn
darkness. At least 16 persons
were killed. A series of after-
shocks lasting seven hours.
Hundreds were reported in-
jured by falling debris.

Sen iate



Of Yalta Disclosures

Military Pay
Increase Bill
OK'd by Ike
'WASHING'TON O/P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
signed legislation giving a raise in
pay to all members of the armed
servicesawho havecompleted their
first "hitches."
The new pay scales go into ef-
fect today.
More Attractive Career
They affect nearly 1,700,000 of-
ficers and enlisted men and are
designed to make military service
more attractive as a career.
Not including allowances for
food and quarters, the pay in
creases average out to 13 per cent
for officers with three years serv-
ice and 11.7 per cent for enlisted
men. Warrant officers and enlisted
men must have two years service
to qualify.
Will Cost $750 Million
The average increase over-all,
for career service personnel is 12
per cent, and will cost an esti-
mated 750 million dollars a year.
With some few exceptions, the
measure provides increases in
base pay only, plus a boost in
bonuses for hazardous duty such
as is paid to submariners, divers,
demolition experts, paratroopers
and other specialists.

To Questionl
h See. Dulles
< Ask Wly In formal
Remarks Released
Foreign Relations Committee yes-
- rterday moved into the center of
y the politically explosive question
over release of the Yalta papers.
Without objection, the commit-
tee voted to "request" Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles to ex-
'~plain behind closed doors all the
{ controversial circumstances sur-
rounding the March 16 release of
the papers.
. Question Informal Remarks
Sen. Walter F. George (D-Ga).
committee chairman, said a major
~~' ~ i .. point of inquiry is why informal
(. ..memoranda and off-the-cuff re-
-Daily-Dick Gaskill marks by the Big Three wartime
APRIL FOOLS-And enjoying it, are coeds at Newberry House leaders -Roosevelt, Stalin and
who celebrated yesterday with a "turnabout" masquerade party, formal documents published by
From the looks of things, everyone lived up to the significance the State Department.
of the day. One such comment was Roose-
velt's expression of hope that
SStalin would propose a toast to
Aprit F0 'U F eedthe idea of executing 50,000 Ger-
man officers. Another was Church-
ill's comment that he did not care
W ith 'Turnabout DinerImuch for Poles himself, but that
theHouse of Commons would
scrutinize his handling of the Po-
By DONNA HANSON lish question.

-Daily-John Hirtzel
SO LONG FOR A WHILE-Two Michiganders disappear into the
Ann Arbor railroad station, heading for more pleasant (for the
time being) pastures. To Florida, Colorado, New York, or just plain
home, most everybody will leave today, to be back April 11.
Stwudent, Faculty-Views
On Counseling Polled,
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of four articles reporting
the findings in surveys of the literary college counseling facilities by James
D. Shortt, Jr., which were done in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.)
Comparisons between student and counselor repines in the recent
poll of literary school people indicates that there is much difference
between the groups' opinions on available facilities.
while both rouns recognize the need for academic counseling

Here are some sample increases 'April Fools' eve was celebrated traditionally. at Helen Newberry
in monthly base pay: last night.
Privates, from $91 to $98.80. 2nd Gisn pne.n
lieutenants, f r o m $237.12 to Given permission to dress in any way they pleased for dinner, the
$296.40. Newberryites took advantage of this unique opportunity and attended
Majors and lieutenant com- the meal as leopards, can-can dancers, Greek goddesses and kittens.
manders, from $400.14 to $429. Swarming into dinner, the girls were greeted by the bus boys who
---- ------------ -----------had donned grey uniforms and,
mops in a vain attempt to resem-

students prefer to get to know ones
counsleor well, while counselors
advocate continuance, of the pres-
ent system of changing counselors.
Counselors considered them-
selves better informed than the
students believed they were.
Students felt that counselors
were more interested in their jobs
than the counselors, themselves,
Suggest Alternatives
On the matter of courses, stu-
dents believe that they may take
any subject they wish, while coun-
selors said that requirements de-
termine the students' usual selec-
tion of courses, or that the counse-
lors suggest alternatives.
Students seemed to think coun-
selors need specialized training
and background for their job. But
counselors feel that teaching ex-
perience and the right kind of
personality are the two basic re-
quirements for counseling.
Half of the counselors stated
they often referred their counsel-
ees to other University counseling
services, but the students disagree.
Grounds of Agreement
On grounds of agreement, the
following points emerge:
Both groups feel there that a
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City Voters To Go to Polls Monday

ble waitresses. The masqueraders
were delighted to discover their
housemother, Mrs. Merrill, dieti-
cian, nurse and dorm counselors
were also at their disposal as wait-
Newspapers For Tablecloths
Sitting at tables spread with

Ann Arbor voters will elect a
mayor, a council president, seven
councilmen and seven county su-
pervisors in Monday's elections.
Republican incumbent Mayor
William E. Brown is trying for his
sixth consecutive victory in the
mayoralty race against Democrat-
Dr. Albert J. Logan.
Attorney John W. Conlin, a3
Democrat, is running for the city
council presidency. His opponent
is Republican Prof. A. D. Moore
of the engineering college.
Vacated By Sallade
The council presidency was va-
cated when Rep. George W. Sal-
lade (R-Ann Arbor) was elected
to the State Legislature. If the
proposed charter revision is ap-
proved by voters Monday, the po-
sition will- go out of existence in
April, 1956.
Conlin has stressed the need for
developing the city's Fairground


dall and Democrat Prof. George newspapers as tablecloths, the
Herman of the speech department women attempted to eat salads
are vying for the council seat. and desserts with only one eating
For supervisor, it's Fitch D. For- utensil: butter knives.
sythe, Republican incumbent, Trying to make eating as un-
against Democrat Jane O. Wil- comfortable as possible for the
liams. masqueraders, the "waitresses"
In the race for the Second Ward served milk in saucers and meat
Council seat are Republican Bruce "t in bowls. Casting all inhibitions
J. Maslin and Democrat Ruth Bor- aside, the coeds ate caveman style,
din. Incumbent John W. Rae, Re- a la fingers.
publican, opposes Democrat James Mid-meal, the women were en-
W. McFall for the supervisor post tertained by coeds doing various
Third Ward Contestants satires on dorm rules and staff
Third Ward contestants for the 'AF
council are Republican incumbent
Charles C. Menefee and Democrat Adding to the confusion, the
Mrs. Jack Garris. For supervisor, fire alarm "accidentlly" sounded
Republican Bent F. Nielsen is run- announcing a fire drill. The coeds
ning against Democratic incum- trooped out of the dorm, some sus-
bent Jack J. Garris.upiciously carrying their food with
- arris.them
Republican incumbent Russell The festivities finally concluded,
H. Howard opposes Democrat W JOHN W. CONLIN many of the women, with stom-
Orval Bunton for the Fourth War d mn ftewmewt tm
council position. C. Ludwig Schnei ... Democrat achs growling, troo'ped to local
S -. . . -. -rNrestaurants to eat in conventional;


Sen. Homer E. Capehart (R-
Ind), a committee member who
was absent when the committee
adopted the motion by Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore), said he could see
no good reason for asking Dulles
to testify.
The committee's decision came
just one day after the State De-
partment, breaking an official si-
lence of two weeks, defended its
decision to release the documents.
It was apparent that senior com-
mittee Democrats were unsatisfied
with the explanation.
Morse said: "I think the com-
mittee has a definite responsibili-
ty to discuss the entire Yalta re-
lease situation. We must see if
we can prevent a similar blunder
in the future."
World News
By The Associated Press
Barbara Found Dead
DETROIT-Tiny Barbara Gaga
was found stabbed and bludgeon-
ed to death far from her home
Police, fearing a madman re-
sponsible, presseda widespread
search for the killer.
Barbara's body was found bund-
led in an army blanket and lying
face-up in a garbage dump 15
miles north of the city limits.
*, * *

.. . Republican


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