PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 31, x.955 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 a i EDITOR'S NOTE By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor IT IS always a pleasure to applaud an intelli- gent and mature action on the part of some University group. Tuesday's meeting of the fraternity house presidents provided the op- poytunity for the applause. At that time the presidents voted, with only one dissent, to approve a policy for Daily coverage of IFC exe- cutive committee judicial rulings. The new policy provides that following exe- cutive committee meetings, the IFC president will release the names of groups involved, the nature of the violation, the penalty or fine and any extenuating circumstances. The Daily will base its coverage of the viola- tion on the official release, adding any com- ment house presidents may choose to make. Stories resulting from executive committee judicial actions will therefore be based on factually correct information obtained from the judicial body itself. THE STORY of the policy change goes back to the IFC executive committee meeting last week, when The Daily was invited to dis- cuss the priblem with that group in an effort to come up with a workable solution. The meeting was successful, in promoting intelligent discussion of the ticklish question of releasing the names of houses disciplined by the execu- tive committee. As a result the committee voted unanimously to recommend the new policy to the house presidents, where it was adopted. The IFC action is encouraging. It is even more encouraging to note the changing atti- tude of member fraternities toward the ques- tion of releasing names when they become involved in disciplinary action. Fraternities are beginning to realize that an account based on official information and in- cluding the extenuating circumstances that go into a judicial decision is far better than rumor and hearsay. IT IS now up to Joint Judiciary Council to write the remaining chapter in this freedom of information problem. In view of the frater- nity presidents' apparent willingness to release names, the Judic position of not making names public is a trifle ridiculous. Possibly a discussion of the problem with Judic itself would produce results just as ma- ture and encouraging as the IFC policy. A New City Charter For Better City Government MONDAY Ann Arbor's voters will have a chance .to adopt a new city charter, and install more efficient city government locally. For years the city has operated under an outmoded form of government that has given them neither a clear idea of what their city government is, nor where responsibility with- in it lies. One of the most important advantages of the new charter is its establishment of a City Administrator to handle much of the busi- ness that is involved in the day-to-day opera- tion of Ann Arbor. Currently the mayor performs many of these day-to-day tasks. And for all his work, the mayor gets almost no renumieration, A city the size of Ann Arbor cannot ex- pect to have its city government strong when it must rely on individuals of independent wealth who can afford to devote almost full time to a job which pays virtually nothing in salary. Ability does not automatically lie with those who can afford to take a post in government. The best man for the post often cannot devote the time, energy and resources to a job which gives him little but civic pride in return. So the post is left open only for those who can afford it, and often to those who can even profit from the position by having an inside knowledge of city affairs. The fact that Ann Arbor has managed to muddle through under its present form of gov- ernment for years does not mean that the city government should not be drastically over- hauled and improved. Many city problems have lain entirely neglected for years. Extensive studies and consequent action has long been needed for a public housing program, recrea- tional facilities for children, and city recrea- tional programs to curb juvenile delinquency locally. Under the new form of city government, the mayor and council would be free to begin such studies since they would be relieved of many of their current administrative duties. Ann Arbor's voters will be wise to adopt the new charter and the efficient city government which comes with it. -Dorothy Myers DREW PEARSON: Ike Peace Pledge Returns WASHINGTON-President Eis- enhower finds himself in a paradoxical and difficult position as he confers with Congressional leaders on what the United States should do in the Formosa crisis. First he finds almost all of his top military-diplomatic advisers, including his Secretary of State, in favor of defending Quemoy and Matsu even at the risk of precipi- tating World War III. On the other hand, in addition to his own deep personal views against war, the President cannot get away from the politicaltfact that he was elected on a platform to keep the nation out of war. There may come a time in the life of any President when he has to make a fateful decision to re- treat no further, a decision which may take the nation into war. Eisenhower advisers are telling him that that time has now come and that the United States must de- fend China's tiny offshore islands of Quemoy and Matsu. Such de- fense almost certainly means the atom-bombing of the Chinese mainland with all that goes with it-war, On the other hand, Ike's political advisers remember all too well the hitherto untold circumstances of a key political decision made dur- ing the 1952 Presidential cam- paign. It was a decision which vi- tally affects the talks now going on at the White House. Mrs. Smith Says No DURING THAT campaign, Re- publican polls showed that the women's vote was slipping away from Ike. So, at a top strategy meeting, attended by Eisenhower, Sherman 'Adams, Henry Luce of Life, Time, and Fortune, C. D. Jackson an associate of Luce's who later became White House psy- chological adviser, and others, it was proposed that General Eisen- hower move to settle the Korean war and bring the boys home. Sherman Adams then phoned Sen. Margaret Chase Smith in Maine, told her about the slipping women's vote and asked her to make a major speech promising women that a vote for Ike would be a vote for bringing their sons and husbands home. Mrs. Smith refused. She said this was playing dangerous poli- tics with peace; that Eisenhower might not be able to settle the Korean war, in which case the pro- mising would boomerang. L a t e r, Eisenhower himself phoned Senator Smith, pleaded ;hat he might lose the election un- less the Republicans dramatized the "peace in Korea" issue. Mrs. Smith still refused. So the GOP high command switched strategy and had the General himself make the speech promising to go to Korea per- sonallyand settle the war. Public Remembered Promises REPUBLICAN strategists have since credited their 1952 vic- tory to the women's vote and the campaign for peace. In fact, they have considered it such a potent issue that time after time they have urged that the White House and State Department not reverse it. Early in 1954, for instance, Sec- retary of State Dulles threatened "massive retaliation" against the Reds if they continued their ag- gression in Indo-China. Vice-Pre- sident Nixon also stated that the United States was ready to use U.S. land troops in Indo-China. All this was part of a campaign to prepare the public for any eventu- ality in Indo-Cina. Later in the same year, GOP strategists pounded home the peace theme during the fall elec- tion. Waiting until just before elec- tions, Republican speakers were instructed to harp on the idea that the Democrats had got the United States into three wars and that only Republicans could be trust- ed to keep the peace. All over the United States iden- tical advertisements a p p e a r e d reading in part: 'Lest we forget 3 great wars! Three great wars with the horror, the heartaches, the cruelly maim- ed bodies, and widows and orphans and sorrowing mothers. Three great wars in our generation dur- ing terms of three Democratic Pesidents. Here is the gruesome score." Then followed the casualties of World War I, World War II, and the Korean war. "In less than two years Presi- dent Eisenhower and the Repub- lican statesmen," continued the ads, "have opened a new vista of peace on earth goodwill to men! Republican leadership has pointed the way. The Republican party has proved that this great nation can have prosperity in peace. So when you cast your ballot on Tuesday think- "The son you save may be your New Panhellenic Clause Blow to Independence "I'm Not Sure I Know How to Come Down" LETTER"S TO THE EDITOR IN THE month of discussion last week's final approval Association's new constitution, rather interesting new clause spicuously absent. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN that preceeded of Panhellenic mention of one has been con- Although similar to an amendment which caused heated debate when recently brought before Assembly Association, the more subtly worded Panhel clause has hardly provoked a murmur. . - It reads: "All changes or additions in rules, regulations, and policies shall be in accord- ance with University of Michigan policy and must therefore be received by the Dean of Women or deputies thereof." THE most Interesting part of the statement is phrase "received by the Dean of Wom- en" for it can easily be argued (and has been so interpreted to this writer privately by more than one member of Panhel's Executive Board) that to "receive" a policy implies no external control. However, it is not difficult to pre- dict that when a more powerful organ "re- ceives" the policies of a less powerful group the influence of the former on these policies will be exceedingly strong. It is easy to argue, of course, that Panhel has seldom been a source of innovation or even of original thinking on campus. It seems unnecessary, however, for an organization to commit itself to an equally. uninspiring future. Yet to state in its constitution, "We intend never to propose any policy without first dis- cussing it with the Dean of Women or her deputy" in -effect removes the probability that any spark of unconventional thinking will get far.. PANHEL is turning its back on the issue. Its executive board has refused to make any public statement. They were unconcerned, per- haps even relieved, that the issue received no comment when the constitution was sent to the sororities for approval. The clause relating to the Dean's office was not mentioned on the list of important changes to which sorority members were asked to give special attention. Discussion has revolved instead around, how officers should be nominated and whether house presidents ought to sit on the Board of Dele- gates. The question of who should hold rep- resentative posts seems of little importance in an organization which never does anything of more than routine interest. Even recent elevation to Student Govern- ment Council status has not opened Panhel's eyes to the fact that a student group with any initiative must have a reasonable degree of independence. -Phyllis Lipsky Bureaucracy.. . To the Editor: AS MOST students know, the League Iias three very nicely furnished rooms for the use of stu- dents who want to relax and listen to music. For obvious reasons these rooms are called "listening rooms." Of course ,those who are able to do their studying there also, and the rooms are generally quitehfilled. Now suppose that during the day something goes wrong with the phonograph equipment, and it is no longer possible to listen in a listening room. You guessed it- everybody out! ! ! ! It seems that the chief bureau- crat in charge of listening does not like the thought of someone in, one of the listening rooms and not listening. This view is entirely un- derstandable when the equipment is functioning. I fail to see why people who are perfectly willing to listen .to music must be evacu- ated during a period of technical difficulty - especially since the other rooms are filled (with lis- teners, naturally). The League presents as their reason for this that it is "League Policy." In my opinion the party (s) responsible for the formulation of this policy ought to be able to pre- sent a more plausible reason for this rule to avoid making the League in general appear ridicu- lous, --Burt Imber * * * Teapot Tempest . To the Editor; IN A RECENT Daily editorial there were statements made about "uniformly thinking par- ents," "un-radical university," and a country which "smells of fear." These statements may pro- duce a strong emotive affect for some students but to me they bor- der slightly on the ridiculous side. Again certain members of this campus are off on a tangent mak- ing the conservatives feel about the size of Tom Thumb and mak- ing the so-called "liberals" look like martyrs. One might think that a greater degree of understanding could be reached if these liberals and con- servatives got together and ex- changed their opinions so this con- fusion of what all the fuss is about would be cleared up. I'm sure that the students and certainly their parents are interested in learning opposite views and maintaining such educational ideals as "free discussion." If some of our univer- sities would grant this freedom ----l and some of our professors like Nickerson and Davis would explain their actions when called upon to do so, maybe there would never be any cause for fear. Ranting about uniformly think- ing parents and academic freedom won't help much unless there are men and women who are willing to calmly searclh for the truth and then teach others to find it. This game of name-calling and the slandering letters which occasion- ally appear in The Daily from both factions are making us all look slightly . ridiculous. It seems that some of us are becoming rather impatient in this crucial changing point of human history. Until we are willing to sit down side by side and search for the truth together in a dignified manner we will all look like a bunch of children who don't want to give in. This country doesn't really smell of fear. More rightly it appears as if the United States is a tempest in its own teapot. -K. Thomas, '56 Ban Ability... To the Editor: W E WANT TO compliment the University administration for its mature enforcement of the driving ban. The appointment of Mr. Swoverland is an outstanding example of the extreme interest of the University for student wel- fare. We may even like to nomi- nate him for the next vacancy on the Board of Regents. We hope Ft. Lauderdale willco- operate with the University and welcome Mr. Swoverland in his efforts to enforce the ban through- out spring vacation. Happy hunt- ing! -Andy Kaul * * * Library Policy.. . To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL about noisy li- brarians confuses me since for years the complaint has been that it is impossible to enter a library without feeling as if you are en- tering a place where only dead books and dead people may come. We in the library profession for many years have been trying to make the library a less frightening place; it would be most unfortu- nate if we were to go back to the old practices of going around the room at intervals saying 's'hhh." I think that if we go back to this we certainly ought to go back to the chained book system which seems to be needed more than silence. In all fairness though; I suggest that if the librarian is talking too loud- ly that you tell him so, chances are he or she doesn't really realize it. -Philip Rappaport XT11*n*.* (Cotinued from Page 2) March 28, in Room 1437 U.E.S. The of- fice is open from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 m. and 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. The Teacher's Oath is a requirement for the teacher's cer- tifica te. Student OrgAnizations planning to submit constitutional revisions for re- view by the Student Government Coun- cil must do so no later than April 30. Five copies of the proposed revision are required and may be submitted to Mrs. Callahan, 1020 Administration Building. Veterans under Public Law 550 must turn in to Dean's office instructors' sig- natures for the month of March on or before April 4. VA Form 7-1996a, Monthly certification, must be signed in the Office of veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, before 5:00 p.m. April 6. DURING SPRING VACATION Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, Ill. extends an invitation to senior men and women in BusAd and LS&A to visit the store during spring vacation. This invitation is also extended to jun- iors who would like to know more about the opportunities in this busi- ness, looking ahead to 1956. A representative from Prentice-Hall, Inc., N.Y., N.Y., will be in Detroit on April 7 and 8 to interview men be- tween the ages of 25-50 for Sales. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS- Representatives from the followng will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Trues., April 12- The Travelers Co., Hartford, Conn. --The Travelers Insurance Co.,CThe Travelers Indemnity Co., and The Travelers Fire Insurance Co.-LS&A and BusAd women interested in work- ing in the Hartford area and men for Production, Lnderwriting Claim, Ad- ministration, and Actuarial for Math. majors. There Is also a summer train- ing program in actuarial science for men and women, open to juniors and sophomores, especially those majoring in Math. or Econ. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appoitments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. The above is the list of inter- views for the week after vacation. If any additional plans are made, it will be included in the weekly notices which axe mailed out and will be in the DOB on Tues., April 12. Students who are registered with the Bureau and plan to do job hunting dur- ing the vacation are invited to make use of the contacts which the Bureau has with employers. Names and addresses are available in the office, as are intro- duction cards. The following compnies are booked for interviews beginning April 18: Royal Liverpool Insurance Co., N.Y., N.Y. Ball Brothers, Muncie, Ind. Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio- for women only Schusters Dept. Store, Milwaukee, Wis. Uarco Business Forms, Chicago, Ill. Rogers Publishing Co. Argus Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich. Wurzburg Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Bauer & Black Co., Chicago, Ill. Aetna Casualty & surety Co., Hart- ford, Conn. Aeronautical Chart & Map Co., St. Louis, Mo, Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson, Mich. and other locations Women's Army Corps Michigan Bell-for women only Given Co, Los Angeles, Calif. Complete details and schedules will be published at the usual times. Lectures The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- livered by Dean George Granger Brown, Wed., May 4, at 415 p.m., in the Am- phitheater of the Rackarn Building. Dr. J. W. Mitchell, from Bristol, Eng- land, will give the second of two lec- tures on "Photographic Sensitivity," Thurs., Mar. 31 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 1300, Chemistry Building, on "The For- mation and Development of the Photo- graphic Latent Image." Academic Notices English 32, combined classes, Thurs., Mar. 31 at 4:10 p.m., in Ad. A., Angell Hall. Prof. Frank Huntley will play the "Old Vic" recording of T. S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral." Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Thurs., March 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. M. Eugene Rowley will speak on "Raney Nickel Desulfuriztion. Seminar in Analytical - Inorganic - Physical Chemistry. Thurs., March 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3005 Chemistry. George E. Grenier will speak on "The Effect of Particle Size on Low Temper- ature Thermodynamic Properties." Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd will speak on "vi- bration Instruments" at 3:45 p.m. Thurs., March 31, in Room 101, West Engineering Bldg. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social. Science. Thurs., March 31, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. C. H. Coombs and R. C. Kao will speak on "Non-Metric Factor Analysis." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., March 31, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on "Some Summation Techniques for Green's Fufiction Exter- ior to a Cylinder." Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet Thurs., March 31, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Jack Meagher will conclude discussion of chapter ten and Miss Irene Hess will begin discussion of chapter eleven of Cochran's Sampling Techniques. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., April 1, 2:00 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. W. J. Luyten of the University of Minnesota will speak about his work on white dwarf stars. Preliminary Ph.D. Examination in Ec- onomics: Theory examinations will be given Thurs. and Fri., April 28 and 29. The examinations in other subjects will be given beginning Mon., May 2. Each student planning to take these exami- nations should leave with the Secretary' of the Department not later than Anril iors and seniors to x acuty Counselors for Juniors and Seniors, 1213 Angell Hall. Students not registered in this Col- lege but who elected L and A courses should be reported to the school or col- lege in which they 'are registered. Additional cards may be obtained in 1210 or 1213 Angell Hall, The Logic Seminar which meets Fri- days at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3010 Angell Hall will be dismissed Fri., April 1, be- cause of the Spring recess. Doctoral Examination for Mx Martin Weinlander, Educatin; thesis: "Differ- ential Rates of Mental Development in Children," Fri., April 1, 2536 University Elementary School, at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, B. O. Hughes. Concerts May Festival Tickets. A limited num- ber of tickets for single concerts are still available at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 each, at the offices of the Univer- sity Musical Society in Burton Tower. The Philadelphia Orchestra will par- ticipate in all six concerts, Thurs. through Sun., May 5 to 8, as follows. THURS., MAY 5, 8:30 p.m.-Rudolf Serkin, soloist, in Brahms' Concerto No. 2. Orchestra will perform Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor, and the Prelude and Fugue in C minor by Bach. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. FRI., MAY 6, 8:30 p.m. University Choral Union in Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis"-with soloists Lois Marshall, Neil Rankin, Leslie Chabay and Mor- ley Meredith. Thor Johnson, Conduc- tor. SAT., May 7, 2:30 p.m. Soloist: Jeanne Mitchell, violinist, in Mozart Concerto No. 5 in A major. Schubert Unfinished Symphony; Mozart Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat mjor; and Rez- nicek's Overture "Donna Diana" Eu- gene Ormandy, conductor. Festival Youth Chorus in Viennese Folk and Art Songs; Marguerite Hood, Conductor. SAT., May 7, 8:30 p.m. William War- field, soloist, in Two songs from Brahms' "Vier Ernste Gesange"; "Thy Glorious Deeds" from "Samson" and Five Old American Songs arranged by Aaron Cop- land. Overture and Allegro from "La Sultane" by Couperin; Dello Joo's Epi- graph and the Bartok Concerto for Or- chestra. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. SUN., May 8, 2:30 p.m. University Choral Union in Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana," with soloists Lois Mrshall, Leslie Chabay and Morley Meredith, Grant Johannesen, Pianist, in Proko- fleff Concerto No. 3 in A major. Thor Johnson, Conductor. SUN., May 8, 8:30 p.m. Rise Stevens, soloist, in operatic arias, Including "Gods of Eternal Night" from Gluck's "Aceste" "Adieu, forets".from Tschai- kowsky's "Jeanne d'Arc"; "Mon coeur" from "Samson et Dailia" (Saint-Saens); and the Habanera and Seguidilla from Bizet's "Carmen." Bloch Concerto Grosso No. 2 for String Orchestra, and Tschaikowsky, Symphony No. 4 in F ihinor Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Events Today Third Laboratory Playbill will be pre- sented by the Department of Speech and the Department of Physical Educa- tion for Women tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Pirandel- lo's SICILIAN LIMES, a dance inter- pretation of Prof. Marvin Feheim's poem, "They Who Wait," a dance ver- sion of the Chinese legend, "Why Chi- nese Boys Have Short Nmes," and Moeller's historical comedy, HELENA'S HUSBAND. All seats are reserved at 30o each. The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office is open continuously from 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Deutscher Verein, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Mar. 31 in the Glee Club of the Union. Scrabble in German, a skit, a film on thesBerlin Phi lhrmonic under Furt- wangler, special German refreshments and folk music. Holy Communion will be celebrated especially for students at the Presbyter- ian Student Center vnder the sponsor- ship of the Westminster Student Fel- lowship Thurs., March 31 at 7:15 p.m. Pre-Communion supper at 6:00 p.m. Thurs., March 31 in the Student Cen- ter, cost 50c. Call NO 2-3580 by 12:0m. Wed., March 30 for reservations. Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall, International Center Tea. Thurs, 4:30- 6:00 p.m., Rackham 3uilding. Sailing Club. Meeting Thurs. at 7:45 p.m. in 311 W. Eng. Congregational - Disciples Guild. Thurs., Mar. 31, 9:00-5:00 p.m., Com- munion will be offered In the Guild House Chapel, 438 Maynard Street. Stu- dents are asked to serve themselves. La Petite Causette meets Thurs., Mar. 31 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room of the Union cafeteria. Scrabble en francais. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent and Faculty-conducted Evensong- Thurs., March 31, at 5:15 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. Holy Communion Rt 7:30 p.m. Thurs., March 31, followed at 8:15 p.m. by the last seminar of the series dealing with various aspects of "Everyday Christian- ity," in the Parish House. Mid-Week Lenten Vespers in the Sanctuary of the Presbyterian Church, 5:10-5:35 p.m., Thurs., March 31. Medi- tation from Mark, "In Remembrance." This is the lgst in the Lenten series of vespers sponsored by Westminster Stu- dent Fellowship and is a preparatory service for Holy Communion which will be celebrated especially for students at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., March 31. Generation fiction staff meets today at 4:00 p.m. Russian dance group will meet in rec- reation room of Madelon Pound House at 7:00 p.m. Senior Society meeting this noon in the Student Lounge at the back of the Music School. Arts Chorale will meet Thurs. in Aud. D, Angell Hall at 7:00 p.m. Public wel- come. Russian coffee hour will be held 3:00- 5:00 p.m. in Michigan Union cafeteria. ?I *4 INTERPRETING THE NEWS By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE FOG of words which encloses American policy, or lack of policy, toward Quemoy and Matsu Islands grows denser all the time, but one little suggestion of what the United States may be working toward has slipped through the murk of conflicting opinions. That is the idea, which may have reached Ppiping through one channel or another, that Nationalist China would be required to give up the small offshore islands in return for guar- antees against an armed attack on Formosa. After that, some think the Chinese Reds could bring their claims on Formosa before the world in peaceful fashion, either through the United Nations or in direct negotiations with the interested powers. There seemed to be little chance they would get more than a hearing. WHETHER ANYONE has gone very far even on these lines of thought is unclear. As for the possibility that the Reds are de- THE CHINESE Nationalist commander of Matsu is less optimistic and more fatalistic about the prospects than the President. He says it looks as though the Reds "intend to come pretty soon, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, or it might be next year. You can't tell." Out of the conflict of opinions in Washing- ton, with Carney, Adm. Radford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a number of Re- publican congressional leaders wishing the Pre- sident would take a tough stand which he isn't yet ready to do, one thing seemed likely to emerge. THE business of "Anonymous" spokesmen for the government seemed ripe for review. On March 8 such a spokesman in Tokyo, who can hardly have been any other than com- manding Gen. Hull, said the Reds were ready. That's what Carney pinpointed one of those "You can safely say but don't quote me" din- ners with reporters. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by .students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor Dorothy Myers.............City Editor Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs....... Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart ..,....Associate Editor David Livingston.........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz......-Women's Editor Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ..... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak .........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise ......... Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member i ovoteI . . . To the Editor:. THE Student Government Coun- cil is making a fatal mistake in handing over the operation of the Homecoming Dance to a cam- pus organization. We must come to the realization of the relatively small job that a student govern- ment can do for this campus as a whole because of apathy and out- right lack of power. It is import- ant for SGC to be able to give specific examples of functions and policy that they have carried out with every person on the campus in mind. The Homecoming Dance is such an example, The SGC should not be so narrow that it doles out service projects because of the responsibility that it would impose on such a small body. These responsibilities prove inval- uable for answers to such questions as-"What have you done for me?" --Ronald Shorr, '58